The k8s-used-api-versions
Operator collects the API versions used by different components such as operators, controllers, etc., and export these API versions in a Prometheus metrics format. These metrics include the status of the used API versions such as whether the API version is deprecated, removed, etc. It also provides the same result via kubectl
According to the Kubernetes deprecation policy, Kubernetes might deprecate or remove API versions when launching a new release. The deprecated API versions should be upgraded to the new supported API versions before they became "removed", otherwise the component will be in a broken state.
When maintaining a lot of custom components such as Controllers, Operators, etc., you might forget to check and upgrade the hardcoded API versions. This is why this operator is developed, it allows you to expose the used (hardcoded) API versions via custom resource UsedApiVersions and the operator will check the status of these API versions and export them via Prometheus metrics format. You can integrate it with Prometheus and Alertmanager to receive notifications before upgrading the cluster and break these components.
The Operator can be run as a deployment in the cluster. See deployment.yaml for an example.
After deploying the operator, you just need to create the custom resource with the used API versions.
wf_operator_used_api_versions{api_version="apps/v1beta2",deprecated="false",deprecated_in_version="n/a",kind="ReplicaSet",name="ingress-operator",removed="true",removed_in_next_2_releases="true",removed_in_next_release="true",removed_in_version="v1.16.0",replacement_api="apps/v1"} 1
wf_operator_used_api_versions{api_version="extensions/v1beta1",deprecated="true",deprecated_in_version="v1.14.0",kind="Ingress",name="ingress-operator",removed="false",removed_in_next_2_releases="false",removed_in_next_release="false",removed_in_version="v1.22.0",replacement_api="networking.k8s.io/v1"} 1
The operator will update the status of the custom resource, so you can get the same result via kubectl
$ kubectl get UsedApiVersions -n ingress ingress-operator -oyaml
- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
deprecated: true
deprecatedInVersion: v1.14.0
kind: Ingress
removed: false
removedInNextRelease: false
removedInNextTwoReleases: false
removedInVersion: v1.22.0
replacementApi: networking.k8s.io/v1
Also, you can get a quick overview of all the deployed components
$ kubectl get UsedApiVersions
example-operator UsedApiVersions 27h 3 1
ns-controller UsedApiVersions 27h 1 0
ingress-operator UsedApiVersions 137m 1 0
These command line arguments are available
The address the metric endpoint binds to (Default: :8080
The address the probe endpoint binds to (Default: :8081
Enable leader election for controller manager (Default: false
Enabling this will ensure there is only one active controller manager
The versions file used to check deprecations (Default: config/versions.yaml
This Operator was developed using Kubebuilder, so it's highly recommended not to update the CRD manually. You can use the kubebuilder markers to do the changes, then run
make install
make run
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated. For detailed contributing guidelines, please see CONTRIBUTING.md
Distributed under the MIT
License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Ahmed ElBakry - @ahmed43068401
Project Link: https://github.com/wayfair-incubator/k8s-used-api-versions
This template was adapted from