Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type AddFriendReq
- type AlipayNotifyReq
- type AuditMetaInfo
- type AuditStyle
- type BaseInfo
- type BasePageReq
- type ChangeAvatarReq
- type ChangeNicknameReq
- type ChangePasswordReq
- type ChangeUserStatusReq
- type CheckCookieReq
- type CollectionTweetReq
- type CollectionTweetResp
- type CommentStyleType
- type CreateCommentReplyReq
- type CreateCommentReplyResp
- type CreateCommentReq
- type CreateCommentResp
- type CreateCommunityReq
- type CreateCommunityResp
- type CreateTweetReq
- type CreateTweetResp
- type DeleteCommentReplyReq
- type DeleteCommentReq
- type DeleteFriendReq
- type DeleteReportReq
- type DeleteTweetReq
- type DownloadAttachmentPrecheckReq
- type DownloadAttachmentPrecheckResp
- type DownloadAttachmentReq
- type DownloadAttachmentResp
- type FollowTopicReq
- type FollowUserReq
- type GetCaptchaResp
- type GetCollectionsReq
- type GetCollectionsResp
- type GetCommunityPostReq
- type GetCommunityPostResp
- type GetCommunityReq
- type GetCommunityResp
- type GetContactsReq
- type GetContactsResp
- type GetIndexTrendsReq
- type GetIndexTrendsResp
- type GetMessagesReq
- type GetMessagesResp
- type GetStarsReq
- type GetStarsResp
- type GetUnreadMsgCountReq
- type GetUnreadMsgCountResp
- type GetUserProfileReq
- type GetUserProfileResp
- type GetUserTweetsReq
- type GetUserTweetsResp
- type HighlightCommentReq
- type HighlightCommentResp
- type HighlightTweetReq
- type HighlightTweetResp
- type JoinLeaveCommunityReq
- type ListCommunitiesReq
- type ListCommunitiesResp
- type ListCommunityMembersReq
- type ListCommunityMembersResp
- type ListFollowingsReq
- type ListFollowingsResp
- type ListFollowsReq
- type ListFollowsResp
- type ListReportResp
- type LockTweetReq
- type LockTweetResp
- type LoginReq
- type LoginResp
- type MessageStyle
- type PatchReportReq
- type PostContentItem
- type ReadAllMessageReq
- type ReadMessageReq
- type RegisterReq
- type RegisterResp
- type RejectFriendReq
- type ReportReq
- type ReportResp
- type ReportType
- type RequestingFriendReq
- type SendCaptchaReq
- type SendWhisperReq
- type SimpleInfo
- type SiteInfoReq
- type SiteInfoResp
- type SiteProfileResp
- type StarTweetReq
- type StarTweetResp
- type StickTopicReq
- type StickTopicResp
- type StickTweetReq
- type StickTweetResp
- type SuggestTagsReq
- type SuggestTagsResp
- type SuggestUsersReq
- type SuggestUsersResp
- type SyncSearchIndexReq
- type TagType
- type TimelineReq
- type TimelineResp
- type TopicListReq
- type TopicListResp
- type TweetCollectionStatusReq
- type TweetCollectionStatusResp
- type TweetCommentThumbsReq
- type TweetCommentsReq
- type TweetCommentsResp
- type TweetDetailReq
- type TweetDetailResp
- type TweetReplyThumbsReq
- type TweetStarStatusReq
- type TweetStarStatusResp
- type TweetVisibleType
- type UnfollowTopicReq
- type UnfollowUserReq
- type UploadAttachmentReq
- type UploadAttachmentResp
- type UserInfoReq
- type UserInfoResp
- type UserPhoneBindReq
- type UserRechargeLinkReq
- type UserRechargeLinkResp
- type UserRechargeResultReq
- type UserRechargeResultResp
- type UserWalletBillsReq
- type UserWalletBillsResp
- type VersionResp
- type VisibleTweetReq
- type VisibleTweetResp
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( AuditHookCtxKey = "audit_ctx_key" OnlineUserCtxKey = "online_user_ctx_key" )
View Source
const ( TagTypeHot = cs.TagTypeHot TagTypeNew = cs.TagTypeNew TagTypeFollow = cs.TagTypeFollow TagTypeHotExtral = cs.TagTypeHotExtral )
View Source
const ( UserPostsStylePost = "post" UserPostsStyleComment = "comment" UserPostsStyleHighlight = "highlight" UserPostsStyleMedia = "media" UserPostsStyleStar = "star" StyleTweetsNewest = "newest" StyleTweetsHots = "hots" StyleTweetsFollowing = "following" )
Variables ¶
View Source
var ( ErrUsernameHasExisted = xerror.NewError(20001, "用户名已存在") ErrUsernameLengthLimit = xerror.NewError(20002, "用户名长度3~12") ErrUsernameCharLimit = xerror.NewError(20003, "用户名只能包含字母、数字") ErrPasswordLengthLimit = xerror.NewError(20004, "密码长度6~16") ErrUserRegisterFailed = xerror.NewError(20005, "用户注册失败") ErrUserHasBeenBanned = xerror.NewError(20006, "该账户已被封停") ErrNoPermission = xerror.NewError(20007, "无权限执行该请求") ErrUserHasBindOTP = xerror.NewError(20008, "当前用户已绑定二次验证") ErrUserOTPInvalid = xerror.NewError(20009, "二次验证码验证失败") ErrUserNoBindOTP = xerror.NewError(20010, "当前用户未绑定二次验证") ErrErrorOldPassword = xerror.NewError(20011, "当前用户密码验证失败") ErrErrorCaptchaPassword = xerror.NewError(20012, "图形验证码验证失败") ErrAccountNoPhoneBind = xerror.NewError(20013, "拒绝操作: 账户未绑定手机号") ErrTooManyLoginError = xerror.NewError(20014, "登录失败次数过多,请稍后再试") ErrGetPhoneCaptchaError = xerror.NewError(20015, "短信验证码获取失败") ErrTooManyPhoneCaptchaSend = xerror.NewError(20016, "短信验证码获取次数已达今日上限") ErrExistedUserPhone = xerror.NewError(20017, "该手机号已被绑定") ErrErrorPhoneCaptcha = xerror.NewError(20018, "手机验证码不正确") ErrMaxPhoneCaptchaUseTimes = xerror.NewError(20019, "手机验证码已达最大使用次数") ErrNicknameLengthLimit = xerror.NewError(20020, "昵称长度2~12") ErrNoExistUsername = xerror.NewError(20021, "用户不存在") ErrNoAdminPermission = xerror.NewError(20022, "无管理权限") ErrDisallowUserRegister = xerror.NewError(20023, "系统不允许注册用户") ErrGetPostsFailed = xerror.NewError(30001, "获取动态列表失败") ErrCreatePostFailed = xerror.NewError(30002, "动态发布失败") ErrGetPostFailed = xerror.NewError(30003, "获取动态详情失败") ErrDeletePostFailed = xerror.NewError(30004, "动态删除失败") ErrLockPostFailed = xerror.NewError(30005, "动态锁定失败") ErrGetPostTagsFailed = xerror.NewError(30006, "获取话题列表失败") ErrInvalidDownloadReq = xerror.NewError(30007, "附件下载请求不合法") ErrDownloadReqError = xerror.NewError(30008, "附件下载请求失败") ErrInsuffientDownloadMoney = xerror.NewError(30009, "附件下载失败:账户资金不足") ErrDownloadExecFail = xerror.NewError(30010, "附件下载失败:扣费失败") ErrStickPostFailed = xerror.NewError(30011, "动态置顶失败") ErrVisblePostFailed = xerror.NewError(30012, "更新可见性失败") ErrHighlightPostFailed = xerror.NewError(30013, "动态设为亮点失败") ErrGetPostsUnknowStyle = xerror.NewError(30014, "使用未知样式参数获取动态列表") ErrGetPostsNilUser = xerror.NewError(30015, "使用游客账户获取动态详情失败") ErrGetCommentsFailed = xerror.NewError(40001, "获取评论列表失败") ErrCreateCommentFailed = xerror.NewError(40002, "评论发布失败") ErrGetCommentFailed = xerror.NewError(40003, "获取评论详情失败") ErrDeleteCommentFailed = xerror.NewError(40004, "评论删除失败") ErrCreateReplyFailed = xerror.NewError(40005, "评论回复失败") ErrGetReplyFailed = xerror.NewError(40006, "获取评论详情失败") ErrMaxCommentCount = xerror.NewError(40007, "评论数已达最大限制") ErrGetCommentThumbs = xerror.NewError(40008, "获取评论点赞信息失败") ErrHighlightCommentFailed = xerror.NewError(40009, "设置精选评论失败") ErrGetMessagesFailed = xerror.NewError(50001, "获取消息列表失败") ErrReadMessageFailed = xerror.NewError(50002, "标记消息已读失败") ErrSendWhisperFailed = xerror.NewError(50003, "私信发送失败") ErrNoWhisperToSelf = xerror.NewError(50004, "不允许给自己发送私信") ErrTooManyWhisperNum = xerror.NewError(50005, "今日私信次数已达上限") ErrGetCollectionsFailed = xerror.NewError(60001, "获取收藏列表失败") ErrGetStarsFailed = xerror.NewError(60002, "获取点赞列表失败") ErrRechargeReqFail = xerror.NewError(70001, "充值请求失败") ErrRechargeNotifyError = xerror.NewError(70002, "充值回调失败") ErrGetRechargeFailed = xerror.NewError(70003, "充值详情获取失败") ErrUserWalletBillsFailed = xerror.NewError(70004, "用户钱包账单获取失败") ErrNoRequestingFriendToSelf = xerror.NewError(80001, "不允许添加自己为好友") ErrNotExistFriendId = xerror.NewError(80002, "好友id不存在") ErrSendRequestingFriendFailed = xerror.NewError(80003, "申请添加朋友请求发送失败") ErrAddFriendFailed = xerror.NewError(80004, "添加好友失败") ErrRejectFriendFailed = xerror.NewError(80005, "拒绝好友失败") ErrDeleteFriendFailed = xerror.NewError(80006, "删除好友失败") ErrGetContactsFailed = xerror.NewError(80007, "获取联系人列表失败") ErrNoActionToSelf = xerror.NewError(80008, "不允许对自己操作") ErrFolloUserFailed = xerror.NewError(80100, "关注失败") ErrUnfollowUserFailed = xerror.NewError(80101, "取消关注失败") ErrListFollowsFailed = xerror.NewError(80102, "获取关注列表失败") ErrListFollowingsFailed = xerror.NewError(80103, "获取粉丝列表列表失败") ErrGetFollowCountFailed = xerror.NewError(80104, "获取关注计数信息失败") ErrNotAllowFollowSelf = xerror.NewError(80105, "不能关注自己") ErrNotAllowUnfollowSelf = xerror.NewError(80106, "不能取消关注自己") ErrGetIndexTrendsFailed = xerror.NewError(802001, "获取动态条栏信息失败") ErrFollowTopicFailed = xerror.NewError(90001, "关注话题失败") ErrUnfollowTopicFailed = xerror.NewError(90002, "取消关注话题失败") ErrStickTopicFailed = xerror.NewError(90003, "更行话题置顶状态失败") ErrThumbsUpTweetComment = xerror.NewError(90101, "评论点赞失败") ErrThumbsDownTweetComment = xerror.NewError(90102, "评论点踩失败") ErrThumbsUpTweetReply = xerror.NewError(90103, "评论回复点赞失败") ErrThumbsDownTweetReply = xerror.NewError(90104, "评论回复点踩失败") ErrFileUploadFailed = xerror.NewError(10200, "文件上传失败") ErrFileInvalidExt = xerror.NewError(10201, "文件类型不合法") ErrFileInvalidSize = xerror.NewError(10202, "文件大小超限") ErrListCommunity = xerror.NewError(11000, "獲取列表失敗") ErrLeaveCommunity = xerror.NewError(11011, "無法離開社群") ErrJoinCommunity = xerror.NewError(11012, "無法加入社群") ErrGetCommunity = xerror.NewError(11020, "社群不存在") ErrCreateCommunity = xerror.NewError(11030, "社群創建失敗") ErrFetchReport = xerror.NewError(12000, "Failed to fetch reports") ErrDeleteReport = xerror.NewError(12001, "Failed to delete reports") ErrSendReport = xerror.NewError(12002, "Failed to send reports") ErrUpdateReport = xerror.NewError(12003, "Failed to update reports") ErrNotImplemented = xerror.NewError(10501, "功能未实现") )
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AddFriendReq ¶
type AlipayNotifyReq ¶
type AlipayNotifyReq struct { Ctx context.Context ID int64 TradeNo string TradeStatus alipay.TradeStatus }
func (*AlipayNotifyReq) Bind ¶
func (r *AlipayNotifyReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type AuditMetaInfo ¶
type AuditMetaInfo struct { Style AuditStyle Id int64 }
type AuditStyle ¶
type AuditStyle uint8
const ( AuditStyleUnknown AuditStyle = iota AuditStyleUserTweet AuditStyleUserTweetComment AuditStyleUserTweetReply )
func (AuditStyle) String ¶
func (s AuditStyle) String() (res string)
type BasePageReq ¶
func BasePageReqFrom ¶
func BasePageReqFrom(c *gin.Context) (*BasePageReq, mir.Error)
func (*BasePageReq) Bind ¶
func (r *BasePageReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type ChangeAvatarReq ¶
type ChangeNicknameReq ¶
type ChangePasswordReq ¶
type ChangeUserStatusReq ¶
type CheckCookieReq ¶
type CheckCookieReq struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
type CollectionTweetReq ¶
type CollectionTweetReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` ID int64 `json:"id" binding:"required"` }
type CollectionTweetResp ¶
type CollectionTweetResp struct {
Status bool `json:"status"`
type CommentStyleType ¶
type CommentStyleType string
func (CommentStyleType) String ¶
func (s CommentStyleType) String() (res string)
func (CommentStyleType) ToInnerValue ¶
func (s CommentStyleType) ToInnerValue() (res cs.StyleCommentType)
type CreateCommentReplyReq ¶
type CreateCommentReplyReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` CommentID int64 `json:"comment_id" binding:"required"` Content string `json:"content" binding:"required"` AtUserID int64 `json:"at_user_id"` ClientIP string `json:"-" binding:"-"` }
func (*CreateCommentReplyReq) Bind ¶
func (r *CreateCommentReplyReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type CreateCommentReplyResp ¶
type CreateCommentReplyResp ms.CommentReply
type CreateCommentReq ¶
type CreateCommentReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` PostID int64 `json:"post_id" binding:"required"` Contents []*PostContentItem `json:"contents" binding:"required"` Users []string `json:"users" binding:"required"` ClientIP string `json:"-" binding:"-"` }
func (*CreateCommentReq) Bind ¶
func (r *CreateCommentReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type CreateCommentResp ¶
type CreateCommunityReq ¶
type CreateCommunityResp ¶
type CreateTweetReq ¶
type CreateTweetReq struct { BaseInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` Contents []*PostContentItem `json:"contents" binding:"required"` Tags []string `json:"tags" binding:"required"` Users []string `json:"users" binding:"required"` AttachmentPrice int64 `json:"attachment_price"` Visibility TweetVisibleType `json:"visibility"` ClientIP string `json:"-" binding:"-"` CommunityID uint `json:"community_id"` }
func (*CreateTweetReq) Bind ¶
func (r *CreateTweetReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type CreateTweetResp ¶
type CreateTweetResp ms.PostFormated
func (*CreateTweetResp) Render ¶
func (r *CreateTweetResp) Render(c *gin.Context)
type DeleteCommentReplyReq ¶
type DeleteCommentReq ¶
type DeleteFriendReq ¶
type DeleteReportReq ¶
type DeleteReportReq struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" binding:"required"`
type DeleteTweetReq ¶
type DownloadAttachmentPrecheckReq ¶
type DownloadAttachmentPrecheckReq struct { BaseInfo `form:"-" binding:"-"` ContentID int64 `form:"id"` }
func (*DownloadAttachmentPrecheckReq) Bind ¶
func (r *DownloadAttachmentPrecheckReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type DownloadAttachmentPrecheckResp ¶
type DownloadAttachmentPrecheckResp struct {
Paid bool `json:"paid"`
type DownloadAttachmentReq ¶
func (*DownloadAttachmentReq) Bind ¶
func (r *DownloadAttachmentReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type DownloadAttachmentResp ¶
type DownloadAttachmentResp struct {
SignedURL string `json:"signed_url"`
type FollowTopicReq ¶
type FollowTopicReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` TopicId int64 `json:"topic_id" binding:"required"` }
type FollowUserReq ¶
type GetCaptchaResp ¶
type GetCollectionsReq ¶
type GetCollectionsReq BasePageReq
func (*GetCollectionsReq) Bind ¶
func (r *GetCollectionsReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type GetCollectionsResp ¶
type GetCommunityPostReq ¶
type GetCommunityPostResp ¶
type GetCommunityPostResp struct {
Posts *ms.IndexTweetList `json:"posts"`
type GetCommunityReq ¶
type GetCommunityReq struct {
CommunityId int64 `form:"community_id" binding:"required"`
type GetCommunityResp ¶
type GetContactsReq ¶
type GetContactsReq struct { BaseInfo `form:"-" binding:"-"` Page int `form:"-" binding:"-"` PageSize int `form:"-" binding:"-"` }
func (*GetContactsReq) SetPageInfo ¶
func (r *GetContactsReq) SetPageInfo(page int, pageSize int)
type GetContactsResp ¶
type GetIndexTrendsReq ¶
type GetIndexTrendsReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` joint.BasePageInfo }
type GetIndexTrendsResp ¶
type GetIndexTrendsResp struct {
type GetMessagesReq ¶
type GetMessagesReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` joint.BasePageInfo Style MessageStyle `form:"style" binding:"required"` }
type GetMessagesResp ¶
type GetMessagesResp struct {
type GetStarsReq ¶
type GetStarsReq BasePageReq
func (*GetStarsReq) Bind ¶
func (r *GetStarsReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type GetStarsResp ¶
type GetUnreadMsgCountReq ¶
type GetUnreadMsgCountReq struct {
SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"`
type GetUnreadMsgCountResp ¶
type GetUnreadMsgCountResp struct { Count int64 `json:"count"` JsonResp json.RawMessage `json:"-"` }
func (*GetUnreadMsgCountResp) Render ¶
func (r *GetUnreadMsgCountResp) Render(c *gin.Context)
type GetUserProfileReq ¶
type GetUserProfileResp ¶
type GetUserProfileResp struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Nickname string `json:"nickname"` Username string `json:"username"` Status int `json:"status"` Avatar string `json:"avatar"` IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin"` IsFriend bool `json:"is_friend"` IsFollowing bool `json:"is_following"` CreatedOn int64 `json:"created_on"` Follows int64 `json:"follows"` Followings int64 `json:"followings"` TweetsCount int `json:"tweets_count"` }
type GetUserTweetsReq ¶
type GetUserTweetsReq struct { BaseInfo `form:"-" binding:"-"` Username string `form:"username" binding:"required"` Style string `form:"style"` Page int `form:"-" binding:"-"` PageSize int `form:"-" binding:"-"` }
func (*GetUserTweetsReq) SetPageInfo ¶
func (r *GetUserTweetsReq) SetPageInfo(page int, pageSize int)
type GetUserTweetsResp ¶
type GetUserTweetsResp struct {
type HighlightCommentReq ¶
type HighlightCommentReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` CommentId int64 `json:"id" binding:"required"` }
type HighlightCommentResp ¶
type HighlightCommentResp struct {
HighlightStatus int8 `json:"highlight_status"`
type HighlightTweetReq ¶
type HighlightTweetResp ¶
type HighlightTweetResp struct {
HighlightStatus int `json:"highlight_status"`
type JoinLeaveCommunityReq ¶
type JoinLeaveCommunityReq struct {
CommunityId int64 `json:"community_id" binding:"required"`
type ListCommunitiesReq ¶
type ListCommunitiesResp ¶
type ListCommunityMembersReq ¶
type ListFollowingsReq ¶
type ListFollowingsReq struct { BaseInfo `form:"-" binding:"-"` joint.BasePageInfo Username string `form:"username" binding:"required"` }
type ListFollowingsResp ¶
type ListFollowsReq ¶
type ListFollowsReq struct { BaseInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` joint.BasePageInfo Username string `form:"username" binding:"required"` }
type ListFollowsResp ¶
type ListReportResp ¶
type LockTweetReq ¶
type LockTweetResp ¶
type LockTweetResp struct {
LockStatus int `json:"lock_status"`
type MessageStyle ¶
type MessageStyle = cs.MessageStyle
type PatchReportReq ¶
type PostContentItem ¶
type PostContentItem struct { Content string `json:"content" binding:"required"` Type ms.PostContentT `json:"type" binding:"required"` Sort int64 `json:"sort" binding:"required"` }
func (*PostContentItem) Check ¶
func (p *PostContentItem) Check(acs core.AttachmentCheckService) error
Check 检查PostContentItem属性
type ReadAllMessageReq ¶
type ReadAllMessageReq struct {
SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"`
type ReadMessageReq ¶
type ReadMessageReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` ID int64 `json:"id" binding:"required"` }
type RegisterReq ¶
type RegisterResp ¶
type RejectFriendReq ¶
type ReportResp ¶
type ReportResp struct {
ReportId string `json:"report_id"`
type ReportType ¶
type ReportType string
const ( Tweet ReportType = "tweet" Comment ReportType = "comment" )
type RequestingFriendReq ¶
type SendCaptchaReq ¶
type SendWhisperReq ¶
type SendWhisperReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` UserID int64 `json:"user_id" binding:"required"` Content string `json:"content" binding:"required"` }
type SimpleInfo ¶
type SimpleInfo struct {
Uid int64
func (*SimpleInfo) SetUserId ¶
func (s *SimpleInfo) SetUserId(id int64)
type SiteInfoReq ¶
type SiteInfoReq struct {
SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"`
type SiteInfoResp ¶
type SiteProfileResp ¶
type SiteProfileResp = conf.WebProfileConf
type StarTweetReq ¶
type StarTweetReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` ID int64 `json:"id" binding:"required"` }
type StarTweetResp ¶
type StarTweetResp struct {
Status bool `json:"status"`
type StickTopicReq ¶
type StickTopicReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` TopicId int64 `json:"topic_id" binding:"required"` }
type StickTopicResp ¶
type StickTopicResp struct {
StickStatus int8 `json:"top_status"`
type StickTweetReq ¶
type StickTweetResp ¶
type StickTweetResp struct {
StickStatus int `json:"top_status"`
type SuggestTagsReq ¶
type SuggestTagsReq struct {
Keyword string
func (*SuggestTagsReq) Bind ¶
func (r *SuggestTagsReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type SuggestTagsResp ¶
type SuggestTagsResp struct {
Suggests []string `json:"suggest"`
type SuggestUsersReq ¶
type SuggestUsersReq struct {
Keyword string
func (*SuggestUsersReq) Bind ¶
func (r *SuggestUsersReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type SuggestUsersResp ¶
type SuggestUsersResp struct {
Suggests []string `json:"suggest"`
type SyncSearchIndexReq ¶
type SyncSearchIndexReq struct {
BaseInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"`
type TimelineReq ¶
type TimelineReq struct { BaseInfo `form:"-" binding:"-"` Query string `form:"query"` Visibility []core.PostVisibleT `form:"query"` Type string `form:"type"` Style string `form:"style"` Page int `form:"-" binding:"-"` PageSize int `form:"-" binding:"-"` }
func (*TimelineReq) Bind ¶
func (r *TimelineReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type TimelineResp ¶
type TimelineResp struct {
type TopicListReq ¶
type TopicListReq struct { SimpleInfo `form:"-" binding:"-"` Type TagType `json:"type" form:"type" binding:"required"` Num int `json:"num" form:"num" binding:"required"` ExtralNum int `json:"extral_num" form:"extral_num"` }
type TopicListResp ¶
type TopicListResp struct { Topics cs.TagList `json:"topics"` ExtralTopics cs.TagList `json:"extral_topics,omitempty"` }
TopicListResp 主题返回值 TODO: 优化内容定义
type TweetCollectionStatusReq ¶
type TweetCollectionStatusReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` TweetId int64 `form:"id"` }
func (*TweetCollectionStatusReq) Bind ¶
func (r *TweetCollectionStatusReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type TweetCollectionStatusResp ¶
type TweetCollectionStatusResp struct {
Status bool `json:"status"`
type TweetCommentThumbsReq ¶
type TweetCommentThumbsReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` TweetId int64 `json:"tweet_id" binding:"required"` CommentId int64 `json:"comment_id" binding:"required"` }
type TweetCommentsReq ¶
type TweetCommentsReq struct { SimpleInfo `form:"-" binding:"-"` TweetId int64 `form:"id" binding:"required"` Style CommentStyleType `form:"style"` Page int `form:"-" binding:"-"` PageSize int `form:"-" binding:"-"` }
func (*TweetCommentsReq) SetPageInfo ¶
func (r *TweetCommentsReq) SetPageInfo(page int, pageSize int)
type TweetCommentsResp ¶
type TweetCommentsResp struct {
type TweetDetailReq ¶
type TweetDetailReq struct { SimpleInfo `form:"-" binding:"-"` TweetId int64 `form:"id"` }
type TweetDetailResp ¶
type TweetDetailResp ms.PostFormated
type TweetReplyThumbsReq ¶
type TweetReplyThumbsReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` TweetId int64 `json:"tweet_id" binding:"required"` CommentId int64 `json:"comment_id" binding:"required"` ReplyId int64 `json:"reply_id" binding:"required"` }
type TweetStarStatusReq ¶
type TweetStarStatusReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` TweetId int64 `form:"id"` }
func (*TweetStarStatusReq) Bind ¶
func (r *TweetStarStatusReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type TweetStarStatusResp ¶
type TweetStarStatusResp struct {
Status bool `json:"status"`
type TweetVisibleType ¶
type TweetVisibleType cs.TweetVisibleType
const ( // 推文可见性 TweetVisitPublic TweetVisibleType = iota TweetVisitPrivate TweetVisitFriend TweetVisitFollowing TweetVisitInvalid )
func (TweetVisibleType) ToVisibleValue ¶
func (t TweetVisibleType) ToVisibleValue() (res cs.TweetVisibleType)
type UnfollowTopicReq ¶
type UnfollowTopicReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` TopicId int64 `json:"topic_id" binding:"required"` }
type UnfollowUserReq ¶
type UploadAttachmentReq ¶
type UploadAttachmentReq struct { SimpleInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` UploadType string ContentType string File multipart.File FileSize int64 FileExt string }
func (*UploadAttachmentReq) Bind ¶
func (r *UploadAttachmentReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) (xerr mir.Error)
type UploadAttachmentResp ¶
type UserInfoReq ¶
type UserInfoReq struct { BaseInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` Username string `json:"username" form:"username" binding:"required"` }
func (*UserInfoReq) Bind ¶
func (r *UserInfoReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type UserInfoResp ¶
type UserInfoResp struct { Id int64 `json:"id"` Nickname string `json:"nickname"` Username string `json:"username"` Status int `json:"status"` Avatar string `json:"avatar"` Balance int64 `json:"balance"` Phone string `json:"phone"` IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin"` CreatedOn int64 `json:"created_on"` Follows int64 `json:"follows"` Followings int64 `json:"followings"` TweetsCount int `json:"tweets_count"` }
type UserPhoneBindReq ¶
type UserRechargeLinkReq ¶
type UserRechargeLinkReq struct { Ctx context.Context BaseInfo `json:"-" form:"-" binding:"-"` Host string `json:"-" form:"-" binding:"-"` Amount int64 `json:"amount" form:"amount" binding:"required"` }
func (*UserRechargeLinkReq) Bind ¶
func (r *UserRechargeLinkReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type UserRechargeLinkResp ¶
type UserRechargeResultReq ¶
func (*UserRechargeResultReq) Bind ¶
func (r *UserRechargeResultReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type UserRechargeResultResp ¶
type UserWalletBillsReq ¶
func (*UserWalletBillsReq) Bind ¶
func (r *UserWalletBillsReq) Bind(c *gin.Context) mir.Error
type UserWalletBillsResp ¶
type VersionResp ¶
type VisibleTweetReq ¶
type VisibleTweetReq struct { BaseInfo `json:"-" binding:"-"` ID int64 `json:"id"` Visibility TweetVisibleType `json:"visibility"` }
type VisibleTweetResp ¶
type VisibleTweetResp struct {
Visibility TweetVisibleType `json:"visibility"`
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