
This is a simple Go web server that allows users to upload files and view a list of the uploaded files. The server can be run locally or deployed to a remote server.
This project tries to replace all file servers that use python, since there are always problems with libraries. Sometimes we want it to be on a remote pc and go gives you the possibility of cross-platform compilation and to work anywhere...

- Users can upload files by selecting a file and clicking the "Upload" button
- Uploaded files are stored in the "uploads" directory by default, but the directory can be changed using the -dir flag
- Users can view a list of the uploaded files by visiting the root URL
- Basic authentication is available to restrict access to the server. To use it, set the -user and -pass flags with the desired username and password.
- Traffic via HTTPS.
- Generate a self-signed certificate by setting the -ssl flag.
- Possibility to browse through folders and upload files...
Just run this command in your terminal with go installed.
go install github.com/wanetty/upgopher@latest
Go to the releases section and get the one you need.
Just build it yourself
git clone https://github.com/wanetty/upgopher.git
cd upgopher
go build
docker build . -t upgopher
docker run --name upgopher -p 9090:9090 upgopher
Help Output:
./upgopher -h
Usage of ./upgopher:
-cert string
HTTPS certificate
-dir string
directory path (default "./uploads")
-key string
private key for HTTPS
-pass string
password for authentication
-port int
port number (default 9090)
use HTTPS on port 443 by default. (If you don't put cert and key, it will generate a self-signed certificate)
-user string
username for authentication
-q quite mode
-disable-hidden-files disable showing hidden files
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
## Info
For more information, you can find me on Twitter as @gm_eduard.