Overview ¶
Package vm implements the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
The vm package implements two EVMs, a byte code VM and a JIT VM. The BC (Byte Code) VM loops over a set of bytes and executes them according to the set of rules defined in the Ethereum yellow paper. When the BC VM is invoked it invokes the JIT VM in a separate goroutine and compiles the byte code in JIT instructions.
The JIT VM, when invoked, loops around a set of pre-defined instructions until it either runs of gas, causes an internal error, returns or stops.
The JIT optimiser attempts to pre-compile instructions in to chunks or segments such as multiple PUSH operations and static JUMPs. It does this by analysing the opcodes and attempts to match certain regions to known sets. Whenever the optimiser finds said segments it creates a new instruction and replaces the first occurrence in the sequence.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddOTAIfNotExist(statedb StateDB, balance *big.Int, otaWanAddr []byte) (bool, error)
- func AddOTAImage(statedb StateDB, otaImage []byte, value []byte) error
- func BatCheckOTAExist(statedb StateDB, otaLongAddrs [][]byte) (exist bool, balance *big.Int, unexistOta []byte, err error)
- func ByteSliceToUInt(bs []byte) uint64
- func ByteSliceToUInt32(bs []byte) uint32
- func BytesToCij(d *[][]byte) ([]*bn256.G2, error)
- func BytesToEncryptShare(d *[][]byte) ([]*bn256.G1, error)
- func CalLocktimeWeight(lockEpoch uint64) uint64
- func CheckOTAAXExist(statedb StateDB, otaAX []byte) (exist bool, balance *big.Int, err error)
- func CheckOTAImageExist(statedb StateDB, otaImage []byte) (bool, []byte, error)
- func CheckOTALongAddrExist(statedb StateDB, otaLongAddr []byte) (exist bool, balance *big.Int, err error)
- func DecodeRingSignOut(s string) (error, []*ecdsa.PublicKey, *ecdsa.PublicKey, []*big.Int, []*big.Int)
- func GetAXFromWanAddr(otaWanAddr []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func GetCji(db StateDB, epochId uint64, proposerId uint32) ([]*bn256.G2, error)
- func GetDkg1Id() []byte
- func GetDkg2Id() []byte
- func GetEncryptShare(db StateDB, epochId uint64, proposerId uint32) ([]*bn256.G1, error)
- func GetInfo(statedb StateDB, listAddr common.Address, pubHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
- func GetOTAInfoFromAX(statedb StateDB, otaAX []byte) (otaWanAddr []byte, balance *big.Int, err error)
- func GetOTASet(statedb StateDB, otaAX []byte, setNum int) (otaWanAddrs [][]byte, balance *big.Int, err error)
- func GetOtaBalanceFromAX(statedb StateDB, otaAX []byte) (*big.Int, error)
- func GetPolynomialX(pk *bn256.G1, proposerId uint32) []byte
- func GetR(db StateDB, epochId uint64) *big.Int
- func GetRBAddress() common.Address
- func GetRBKeyHash(kind []byte, epochId uint64, proposerId uint32) *common.Hash
- func GetRBM(db StateDB, epochId uint64) ([]byte, error)
- func GetRBRKeyHash(epochId uint64) *common.Hash
- func GetRBStage(slotId uint64) (int, int, int)
- func GetSigShareId() []byte
- func GetSlStage(slotId uint64) uint64
- func GetSlotLeaderSCAddress() common.Address
- func GetSlotLeaderScAbiString() string
- func GetSlotLeaderStage1KeyHash(epochID, selfIndex []byte) common.Hash
- func GetSlotLeaderStage2IndexesKeyHash(epochID []byte) common.Hash
- func GetSlotLeaderStage2KeyHash(epochID, selfIndex []byte) common.Hash
- func GetSlotScCallTimes(epochID uint64) uint64
- func GetStage1FunctionID(abiString string) ([4]byte, error)
- func GetStage2FunctionID(abiString string) ([4]byte, error)
- func GetStage2TxAlphaPki(stateDb StateDB, epochID uint64, selfIndex uint64) (alphaPkis []*ecdsa.PublicKey, proofs []*big.Int, err error)
- func GetStakeInKeyHash(address common.Address) common.Hash
- func GetStateR(db StateDB, epochId uint64) *big.Int
- func GetStg1StateDbInfo(stateDb StateDB, epochID uint64, index uint64) (mi []byte, err error)
- func GetSupportStampOTABalances() []*big.Int
- func GetSupportWanCoinOTABalances() []*big.Int
- func GetUnspendOTATotalBalance(statedb StateDB) (*big.Int, error)
- func GetValidDkg1Cnt(db StateDB, epochId uint64) uint64
- func GetValidDkg2Cnt(db StateDB, epochId uint64) uint64
- func GetValidSMA1Cnt(db StateDB, epochId uint64) uint64
- func GetValidSMA2Cnt(db StateDB, epochId uint64) uint64
- func GetValidSigCnt(db StateDB, epochId uint64) uint64
- func InEpochLeadersOrNotByAddress(epochID uint64, selfIndex uint64, senderAddress common.Address) bool
- func IsAXPointToWanAddr(AX []byte, otaWanAddr []byte) bool
- func IsJoinDKG2(db StateDB, epochId uint64, proposerId uint32) bool
- func IsPosPrecompiledAddr(addr *common.Address) bool
- func IsRBActive(db StateDB, epochId uint64, proposerId uint32) bool
- func NewByzantiumInstructionSet() [256]operation
- func NewFrontierInstructionSet() [256]operation
- func NewHomesteadInstructionSet() [256]operation
- func NoopCanTransfer(db StateDB, from common.Address, balance *big.Int) bool
- func NoopTransfer(db StateDB, from, to common.Address, amount *big.Int)
- func OTABalance2ContractAddr(balance *big.Int) common.Address
- func PackStage1Data(input []byte, abiString string) ([]byte, error)
- func RlpGetStage1IDFromTx(input []byte) (epochIDBuf []byte, selfIndexBuf []byte, err error)
- func RlpGetStage2IDFromTx(input []byte) (epochIDBuf []byte, selfIndexBuf []byte, err error)
- func RlpPackStage1DataForTx(epochID uint64, selfIndex uint64, mi *ecdsa.PublicKey, abiString string) ([]byte, error)
- func RlpPackStage2DataForTx(epochID uint64, selfIndex uint64, selfPK *ecdsa.PublicKey, ...) ([]byte, error)
- func RlpUnpackStage1DataForTx(input []byte) (epochID uint64, selfIndex uint64, mi *ecdsa.PublicKey, err error)
- func RlpUnpackStage2DataForTx(input []byte) (epochID uint64, selfIndex uint64, selfPK *ecdsa.PublicKey, ...)
- func RunPrecompiledContract(p PrecompiledContract, input []byte, contract *Contract, evm *EVM) (ret []byte, err error)
- func SetDKGData(epochId uint64, proposerId uint, data *DKG) error
- func SetOtaBalanceToAX(statedb StateDB, otaAX []byte, balance *big.Int) error
- func SetSIGData(epochId uint64, proposerId uint, data *SIG) error
- func StakeoutIsFinished(stateDb *state.StateDB, epochID uint64) bool
- func StakeoutSetEpoch(stateDb *state.StateDB, epochID uint64)
- func StoreInfo(statedb StateDB, listAddr common.Address, pubHash common.Hash, info []byte) error
- func UInt32ToByteSlice(num uint32) []byte
- func UIntToByteSlice(num uint64) []byte
- func UpdateInfo(statedb StateDB, listAddr common.Address, pubHash common.Hash, info []byte) error
- func ValidPosELTx(stateDB StateDB, from common.Address, payload []byte) error
- func ValidPosRBTx(stateDB StateDB, from common.Address, payload []byte) error
- func WriteLogs(writer io.Writer, logs []*types.Log)
- func WriteTrace(writer io.Writer, logs []StructLog)
- type AccountRef
- type CallContext
- type CanTransferFunc
- type ClientIncentive
- type ClientInfo
- type ClientProbability
- type Config
- type Context
- type Contract
- func (c *Contract) Address() common.Address
- func (c *Contract) AsDelegate() *Contract
- func (c *Contract) Caller() common.Address
- func (c *Contract) GetByte(n uint64) byte
- func (c *Contract) GetOp(n uint64) OpCode
- func (self *Contract) SetCallCode(addr *common.Address, hash common.Hash, code []byte)
- func (self *Contract) SetCode(hash common.Hash, code []byte)
- func (c *Contract) UseGas(gas uint64) (ok bool)
- func (c *Contract) Value() *big.Int
- type ContractRef
- type DKG
- type DelegateParam
- type EVM
- func (evm *EVM) Call(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64, ...) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error)
- func (evm *EVM) CallCode(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64, ...) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error)
- func (evm *EVM) Cancel()
- func (evm *EVM) ChainConfig() *params.ChainConfig
- func (evm *EVM) Create(caller ContractRef, code []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) (ret []byte, contractAddr common.Address, leftOverGas uint64, err error)
- func (evm *EVM) DelegateCall(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error)
- func (evm *EVM) Interpreter() *Interpreter
- func (evm *EVM) StaticCall(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error)
- type GetHashFunc
- type GetOTASetEnv
- type Interpreter
- type Leader
- type LogConfig
- type Memory
- type NoopEVMCallContext
- func (NoopEVMCallContext) Call(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, data []byte, gas, value *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
- func (NoopEVMCallContext) CallCode(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, data []byte, gas, value *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
- func (NoopEVMCallContext) Create(caller ContractRef, data []byte, gas, value *big.Int) ([]byte, common.Address, error)
- func (NoopEVMCallContext) DelegateCall(me ContractRef, addr common.Address, data []byte, gas *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
- type NoopStateDB
- func (NoopStateDB) AddBalance(common.Address, *big.Int)
- func (NoopStateDB) AddLog(*types.Log)
- func (NoopStateDB) AddPreimage(common.Hash, []byte)
- func (NoopStateDB) AddRefund(*big.Int)
- func (NoopStateDB) CreateAccount(common.Address)
- func (NoopStateDB) Empty(common.Address) bool
- func (NoopStateDB) Exist(common.Address) bool
- func (NoopStateDB) ForEachStorage(common.Address, func(common.Hash, common.Hash) bool)
- func (NoopStateDB) ForEachStorageByteArray(common.Address, func(common.Hash, []byte) bool)
- func (NoopStateDB) GetBalance(common.Address) *big.Int
- func (NoopStateDB) GetCode(common.Address) []byte
- func (NoopStateDB) GetCodeHash(common.Address) common.Hash
- func (NoopStateDB) GetCodeSize(common.Address) int
- func (NoopStateDB) GetNonce(common.Address) uint64
- func (NoopStateDB) GetRefund() *big.Int
- func (NoopStateDB) GetState(common.Address, common.Hash) common.Hash
- func (NoopStateDB) GetStateByteArray(addr common.Address, hs common.Hash) []byte
- func (NoopStateDB) HasSuicided(common.Address) bool
- func (NoopStateDB) RevertToSnapshot(int)
- func (NoopStateDB) SetCode(common.Address, []byte)
- func (NoopStateDB) SetNonce(common.Address, uint64)
- func (NoopStateDB) SetState(common.Address, common.Hash, common.Hash)
- func (NoopStateDB) SetStateByteArray(common.Address, common.Hash, []byte)
- func (NoopStateDB) Snapshot() int
- func (NoopStateDB) SubBalance(common.Address, *big.Int)
- func (NoopStateDB) Suicide(common.Address) bool
- type OpCode
- type PartnerInParam
- type PartnerInfo
- type PosControl
- type PosStaking
- func (p *PosStaking) DelegateIn(payload []byte, contract *Contract, evm *EVM) ([]byte, error)
- func (p *PosStaking) DelegateOut(payload []byte, contract *Contract, evm *EVM) ([]byte, error)
- func (p *PosStaking) PartnerIn(payload []byte, contract *Contract, evm *EVM) ([]byte, error)
- func (p *PosStaking) RequiredGas(input []byte) uint64
- func (p *PosStaking) Run(input []byte, contract *Contract, evm *EVM) ([]byte, error)
- func (p *PosStaking) StakeAppend(payload []byte, contract *Contract, evm *EVM) ([]byte, error)
- func (p *PosStaking) StakeIn(payload []byte, contract *Contract, evm *EVM) ([]byte, error)
- func (p *PosStaking) StakeRegister(payload []byte, contract *Contract, evm *EVM) ([]byte, error)
- func (p *PosStaking) StakeUpdate(payload []byte, contract *Contract, evm *EVM) ([]byte, error)
- func (p *PosStaking) StakeUpdateFeeRate(payload []byte, contract *Contract, evm *EVM) ([]byte, error)
- func (p *PosStaking) ValidTx(stateDB StateDB, signer types.Signer, tx *types.Transaction) error
- type PrecompiledContract
- type RandomBeaconContract
- type RbCijDataCollector
- type RbDKG1FlatTxPayload
- type RbDKG1TxPayload
- type RbDKG2FlatTxPayload
- type RbDKG2TxPayload
- type RbDKGTxPayloadPure
- type RbSIGDataCollector
- type RbSIGTxPayload
- type RingSignInfo
- type SIG
- type Stack
- type StakeInParam
- type StakeRegisterParam
- type StakeUpdateParam
- type StakerInfo
- type StateDB
- type Storage
- type StructLog
- type StructLogger
- type Tracer
- type TransferFunc
- type UpdateFeeRate
- type UpdateFeeRateParam
- type UpgradeWhiteEpochLeaderParam
- type ValidatorInfo
- type WhiteInfos
Constants ¶
const ( Wancoin10 = "10000000000000000000" //10 Wancoin20 = "20000000000000000000" //20 Wancoin50 = "50000000000000000000" //50 Wancoin100 = "100000000000000000000" //100 Wancoin200 = "200000000000000000000" //200 Wancoin500 = "500000000000000000000" //500 Wancoin1000 = "1000000000000000000000" //1000 Wancoin5000 = "5000000000000000000000" //5000 Wancoin50000 = "50000000000000000000000" //50000 WanStampdot001 = "1000000000000000" //0.001 WanStampdot002 = "2000000000000000" //0.002 WanStampdot005 = "5000000000000000" //0.005 WanStampdot003 = "3000000000000000" //0.003 WanStampdot006 = "6000000000000000" //0.006 WanStampdot009 = "9000000000000000" //0.009 WanStampdot03 = "30000000000000000" //0.03 WanStampdot06 = "60000000000000000" //0.06 WanStampdot09 = "90000000000000000" //0.09 WanStampdot2 = "200000000000000000" //0.2 WanStampdot3 = "300000000000000000" //0.3 WanStampdot5 = "500000000000000000" //0.5 )
const ( GasQuickStep uint64 = 2 GasFastestStep uint64 = 3 GasFastStep uint64 = 5 GasMidStep uint64 = 8 GasSlowStep uint64 = 10 GasExtStep uint64 = 20 GasReturn uint64 = 0 GasStop uint64 = 0 GasContractByte uint64 = 200 )
const ( // 0xf0 range - closures CREATE OpCode = 0xf0 + iota CALL CALLCODE RETURN DELEGATECALL STATICCALL = 0xfa REVERT = 0xfd SELFDESTRUCT = 0xff )
const ( PSMinEpochNum = 7 PSMaxEpochNum = 90 PSMaxStake = 10500000 PSMinStakeholderStake = 10000 PSMinValidatorStake = 50000 PSMinDelegatorStake = 100 PSMinFeeRate = 0 PSMaxFeeRate = 10000 PSFeeRateStep = 100 PSNodeleFeeRate = 10000 PSMinPartnerIn = 10000 MaxTimeDelegate = 10 UpdateDelay = 3 QuitDelay = 3 JoinDelay = 2 PSOutKeyHash = 700 )
the contract interface described by solidity.
contract stake { function stakeIn(bytes memory secPk, bytes memory bn256Pk, uint256 lockEpochs, uint256 feeRate) public payable {} function stakeUpdate(address addr, uint256 lockEpochs) public {} function stakeUpdateFeeRate(address addr, uint256 feeRate) public {} function stakeAppend(address addr) public payable {} function partnerIn(address addr, bool renewal) public payable {} function delegateIn(address delegateAddress) public payable {} function delegateOut(address delegateAddress) public {} event stakeIn(address indexed sender, address indexed posAddress, uint indexed value, uint256 feeRate, uint256 lockEpoch); event stakeAppend(address indexed sender, address indexed posAddress, uint indexed value); event stakeUpdate(address indexed sender, address indexed posAddress, uint indexed lockEpoch); event delegateIn(address indexed sender, address indexed posAddress, uint indexed value); event delegateOut(address indexed sender, address indexed posAddress); event stakeUpdateFeeRate(address indexed sender, address indexed posAddress, uint indexed feeRate); event partnerIn(address indexed sender, address indexed posAddress, uint indexed value, bool renewal); }
const ( RbDkg1Stage int RbDkg1ConfirmStage RbDkg2Stage RbDkg2ConfirmStage RbSignStage RbSignConfirmStage )
const ( SlotLeaderStag1 = "slotLeaderStag1" SlotLeaderStag2 = "slotLeaderStag2" SlotLeaderStag1Indexes = "slotLeaderStag1Indexes" SlotLeaderStag2Indexes = "slotLeaderStag2Indexes" )
Variables ¶
var ( ErrMismatchedValue = errors.New("mismatched wancoin value") ErrInvalidOTASet = errors.New("invalid OTA mix set") ErrOTAReused = errors.New("OTA is reused") StampValueSet = make(map[string]string, 5) WanCoinValueSet = make(map[string]string, 10) )
var ( ErrOutOfGas = errors.New("out of gas") ErrCodeStoreOutOfGas = errors.New("contract creation code storage out of gas") ErrDepth = errors.New("max call depth exceeded") ErrTraceLimitReached = errors.New("the number of logs reached the specified limit") ErrInsufficientBalance = errors.New("insufficient balance for transfer") ErrContractAddressCollision = errors.New("contract address collision") ErrInvalidGasPrice = errors.New("invalid gas price") ErrInvalidPrivacyValue = errors.New("invalid privacy transaction value") ErrInvalidPosValue = errors.New("invalid pos transaction value") )
var ( ErrUnknown = errors.New("unknown error") ErrInvalidOTAAddr = errors.New("invalid OTA addrss") ErrInvalidOTAAX = errors.New("invalid OTA AX") ErrOTAExistAlready = errors.New("OTA exist already") ErrOTABalanceIsZero = errors.New("OTA balance is 0") )
var ( MinValidatorStake = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(PSMinValidatorStake), ether) StakersInfoStakeOutKeyHash = common.BytesToHash(big.NewInt(PSOutKeyHash).Bytes()) )
var ( WanCscPrecompileAddr = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{218}) StakersInfoAddr = common.BytesToAddress(big.NewInt(400).Bytes()) StakingCommonAddr = common.BytesToAddress(big.NewInt(401).Bytes()) StakersFeeAddr = common.BytesToAddress(big.NewInt(402).Bytes()) StakersMaxFeeAddr = common.BytesToAddress(big.NewInt(403).Bytes()) IncentivePrecompileAddr = common.BytesToAddress(big.NewInt(606).Bytes()) //0x25E PosControlPrecompileAddr = common.BytesToAddress(big.NewInt(612).Bytes()) // TODO: remove one? RandomBeaconPrecompileAddr = randomBeaconPrecompileAddr SlotLeaderPrecompileAddr = slotLeaderPrecompileAddr )
Precompiled contracts address or Reserved contracts address. Should prevent overwriting to them.
var ( ErrEpochID = errors.New("EpochID is not valid") ErrIllegalSender = errors.New("sender is not in epoch leaders ") ErrInvalidLocalPublicKey = errors.New("getLocalPublicKey error, do not found unlock address") ErrInvalidPreEpochLeaders = errors.New("can not found pre epoch leaders return epoch 0") ErrInvalidGenesisPk = errors.New("invalid GenesisPK hex string") ErrSlotLeaderGroupNotReady = errors.New("slot leaders group not ready") ErrSlotIDOutOfRange = errors.New("slot id index out of range") ErrPkNotInCurrentEpochLeadersGroup = errors.New("local public key is not in current Epoch leaders") ErrInvalidRandom = errors.New("get random message error") ErrNotOnCurve = errors.New("not on curve") ErrTx1AndTx2NotConsistent = errors.New("stageOneMi is not equal sageTwoAlphaPki") ErrEpochLeaderNotReady = errors.New("epoch leaders are not ready") ErrNoTx2TransInDB = errors.New("tx2 is not in db") ErrCollectTxData = errors.New("collect tx data error") ErrRlpUnpackErr = errors.New("RlpUnpackDataForTx error") ErrNoTx1TransInDB = errors.New("GetStg1StateDbInfo: Found not data of key") ErrVerifyStg1Data = errors.New("stg1 data get from StateDb verified failed") ErrDleqProof = errors.New("VerifyDleqProof false") ErrInvalidTxLen = errors.New("len(mi)==0 or len(alphaPkis) is not right") ErrInvalidTx1Range = errors.New("slot leader tx1 is not in invalid range") ErrInvalidTx2Range = errors.New("slot leader tx2 is not in invalid range") ErrInvalidProof = errors.New("proof is bigZero") ErrPowRcvPosTrans = errors.New("pow phase receive pos protocol trans") ErrDuplicateStg1 = errors.New("stage one transaction exists") ErrDuplicateStg2 = errors.New("stage two transaction exists") )
var ( // invalid ring signed info ErrInvalidRingSigned = errors.New("invalid ring signed info") )
var PrecompiledContractsByzantium = map[common.Address]PrecompiledContract{ WanCscPrecompileAddr: &PosStaking{}, PosControlPrecompileAddr: &PosControl{}, // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PrecompiledContractsByzantium contains the default set of pre-compiled Ethereum contracts used in the Byzantium release.
var PrecompiledContractsHomestead = map[common.Address]PrecompiledContract{ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PrecompiledContractsHomestead contains the default set of pre-compiled Ethereum contracts used in the Frontier and Homestead releases.
var UpgradeWhiteEpochLeaderDefault = UpgradeWhiteEpochLeaderParam{ EpochId: big.NewInt(0), WlIndex: big.NewInt(0), WlCount: big.NewInt(26), }
Functions ¶
func AddOTAIfNotExist ¶
AddOTAIfNotExist storage ota info if doesn't exist already.
func AddOTAImage ¶
AddOTAImage storage ota image key. Overwrite if exist already.
func BatCheckOTAExist ¶
func ByteSliceToUInt ¶
func ByteSliceToUInt32 ¶
func BytesToEncryptShare ¶
func CalLocktimeWeight ¶
the weight of 7 epoch: a + 7*b ~= 1000 the weight of 90 epoch: a + 90*b ~= 1500 the time of maxEpoch/minEpoch is 1.5 so the a=960, b=6. thus, weight of 7 epoch is 960+7*6=1002 the weight of 90 epoch is 960+90*6 = 1500 the time is 1500/1002, about 1.5
func CheckOTAAXExist ¶ added in v1.0.3
ChechOTAExist checks the OTA exist or not.
In order to avoid additional ota have conflict with existing, even if AX exist in balance storage already, will return true.
func CheckOTAImageExist ¶
CheckOTAImageExist checks ota image key exist already or not
func CheckOTALongAddrExist ¶ added in v1.0.3
func DecodeRingSignOut ¶
func GetAXFromWanAddr ¶
GetAXFromWanAddr retrieve ota AX from ota WanAddr
func GetEncryptShare ¶
get encrypt share
func GetOTAInfoFromAX ¶
func GetOTAInfoFromAX(statedb StateDB, otaAX []byte) (otaWanAddr []byte, balance *big.Int, err error)
GetOTAInfoFromAX retrieve ota info, include balance and WanAddr
func GetOTASet ¶
func GetOTASet(statedb StateDB, otaAX []byte, setNum int) (otaWanAddrs [][]byte, balance *big.Int, err error)
GetOTASet retrieve the setNum of same balance OTA address of the input OTA setting by otaAX, and ota balance. Rules:
1: The result can't contain otaAX self; 2: The result can't contain duplicate items; 3: No ota exist in the mpt, return error; 4: OTA total count in the mpt less or equal to the setNum, return error(returned set must can't contain otaAX self, so need more exist ota in mpt); 5: If find invalid ota wanaddr, return error; 6: Travel the ota mpt.Record loop exist ota cumulative times as loopTimes. Generate a random number as rnd. If loopTimes%rnd == 0, collect current exist ota to result set and update the rnd. Loop checking exist ota and loop traveling ota mpt, untile collect enough ota or find error.
func GetOtaBalanceFromAX ¶
GetOtaBalanceFromAX retrieve ota balance from ota AX
func GetPolynomialX ¶
func GetRBAddress ¶
func GetRBKeyHash ¶
get key hash
func GetRBStage ¶
current stage index; elapsed slots number of current stage; left slots number of current stage;
func GetSigShareId ¶
func GetSigShareId() []byte
func GetSlStage ¶
func GetSlotLeaderSCAddress ¶
GetSlotLeaderSCAddress can get the precompile contract address
func GetSlotLeaderScAbiString ¶
func GetSlotLeaderScAbiString() string
GetSlotLeaderScAbiString can get the precompile contract Define string
func GetSlotLeaderStage2KeyHash ¶
GetSlotLeaderStage2KeyHash use to get SlotLeader Stage 1 KeyHash by epochid and selfindex
func GetSlotScCallTimes ¶
GetSlotScCallTimes can get this precompile contract called times
func GetStage1FunctionID ¶
func GetStage2FunctionID ¶
func GetStage2TxAlphaPki ¶
func GetStg1StateDbInfo ¶
func GetUnspendOTATotalBalance ¶ added in v1.0.3
func GetValidDkg1Cnt ¶
func GetValidDkg2Cnt ¶
func GetValidSMA1Cnt ¶
func GetValidSMA2Cnt ¶
func GetValidSigCnt ¶
func IsAXPointToWanAddr ¶
IsAXPointToWanAddr check whether AX point to otaWanAddr or not
func IsPosPrecompiledAddr ¶
func NewByzantiumInstructionSet ¶
func NewByzantiumInstructionSet() [256]operation
NewByzantiumInstructionSet returns the frontier, homestead and byzantium instructions.
func NewFrontierInstructionSet ¶
func NewFrontierInstructionSet() [256]operation
NewFrontierInstructionSet returns the frontier instructions that can be executed during the frontier phase.
func NewHomesteadInstructionSet ¶
func NewHomesteadInstructionSet() [256]operation
NewHomesteadInstructionSet returns the frontier and homestead instructions that can be executed during the homestead phase.
func OTABalance2ContractAddr ¶
OTABalance2ContractAddr convert ota balance to ota storage address
1 wancoin --> (bigint)1000000000000000000 --> "0x0000000000000000000001000000000000000000"
func PackStage1Data ¶
PackStage1Data can pack stage1 data into abi []byte for tx payload
func RlpGetStage1IDFromTx ¶
func RlpGetStage2IDFromTx ¶
func RlpPackStage1DataForTx ¶
func RlpPackStage1DataForTx(epochID uint64, selfIndex uint64, mi *ecdsa.PublicKey, abiString string) ([]byte, error)
func RlpPackStage2DataForTx ¶
func RlpUnpackStage1DataForTx ¶
func RlpUnpackStage1DataForTx(input []byte) (epochID uint64, selfIndex uint64, mi *ecdsa.PublicKey, err error)
func RunPrecompiledContract ¶
func RunPrecompiledContract(p PrecompiledContract, input []byte, contract *Contract, evm *EVM) (ret []byte, err error)
RunPrecompiledContract runs and evaluates the output of a precompiled contract.
func SetOtaBalanceToAX ¶
SetOtaBalanceToAX set ota balance as 'balance'. Overwrite if ota balance exist already.
func StakeoutSetEpoch ¶
func UInt32ToByteSlice ¶
func UpdateInfo ¶
store information to the list
func ValidPosELTx ¶
valid common data
func ValidPosRBTx ¶
params or gas check functions
func WriteTrace ¶
WriteTrace writes a formatted trace to the given writer
Types ¶
type AccountRef ¶
AccountRef implements ContractRef.
Account references are used during EVM initialisation and it's primary use is to fetch addresses. Removing this object proves difficult because of the cached jump destinations which are fetched from the parent contract (i.e. the caller), which is a ContractRef.
func (AccountRef) Address ¶
func (ar AccountRef) Address() common.Address
Address casts AccountRef to a Address
type CallContext ¶
type CallContext interface { // Call another contract Call(env *EVM, me ContractRef, addr common.Address, data []byte, gas, value *big.Int) ([]byte, error) // Take another's contract code and execute within our own context CallCode(env *EVM, me ContractRef, addr common.Address, data []byte, gas, value *big.Int) ([]byte, error) // Same as CallCode except sender and value is propagated from parent to child scope DelegateCall(env *EVM, me ContractRef, addr common.Address, data []byte, gas *big.Int) ([]byte, error) // Create a new contract Create(env *EVM, me ContractRef, data []byte, gas, value *big.Int) ([]byte, common.Address, error) }
CallContext provides a basic interface for the EVM calling conventions. The EVM EVM depends on this context being implemented for doing subcalls and initialising new EVM contracts.
type ClientIncentive ¶
type ClientInfo ¶
type ClientProbability ¶
type Config ¶
type Config struct { // Debug enabled debugging Interpreter options Debug bool // EnableJit enabled the JIT VM EnableJit bool // ForceJit forces the JIT VM ForceJit bool // Tracer is the op code logger Tracer Tracer // NoRecursion disabled Interpreter call, callcode, // delegate call and create. NoRecursion bool // Disable gas metering DisableGasMetering bool // Enable recording of SHA3/keccak preimages EnablePreimageRecording bool // JumpTable contains the EVM instruction table. This // may be left uninitialised and will be set to the default // table. JumpTable [256]operation }
Config are the configuration options for the Interpreter
type Context ¶
type Context struct { // CanTransfer returns whether the account contains // sufficient ether to transfer the value CanTransfer CanTransferFunc // Transfer transfers ether from one account to the other Transfer TransferFunc // GetHash returns the hash corresponding to n GetHash GetHashFunc // Message information Origin common.Address // Provides information for ORIGIN GasPrice *big.Int // Provides information for GASPRICE // Block information Coinbase common.Address // Provides information for COINBASE GasLimit *big.Int // Provides information for GASLIMIT BlockNumber *big.Int // Provides information for NUMBER Time *big.Int // Provides information for TIME Difficulty *big.Int // Provides information for DIFFICULTY }
Context provides the EVM with auxiliary information. Once provided it shouldn't be modified.
type Contract ¶
type Contract struct { // CallerAddress is the result of the caller which initialised this // contract. However when the "call method" is delegated this value // needs to be initialised to that of the caller's caller. CallerAddress common.Address Code []byte CodeHash common.Hash CodeAddr *common.Address Input []byte Gas uint64 Args []byte DelegateCall bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Contract represents an ethereum contract in the state database. It contains the the contract code, calling arguments. Contract implements ContractRef
func NewContract ¶
func NewContract(caller ContractRef, object ContractRef, value *big.Int, gas uint64) *Contract
NewContract returns a new contract environment for the execution of EVM.
func (*Contract) AsDelegate ¶
AsDelegate sets the contract to be a delegate call and returns the current contract (for chaining calls)
func (*Contract) Caller ¶
Caller returns the caller of the contract.
Caller will recursively call caller when the contract is a delegate call, including that of caller's caller.
func (*Contract) SetCallCode ¶
SetCallCode sets the code of the contract and address of the backing data object
type ContractRef ¶
ContractRef is a reference to the contract's backing object
type DelegateParam ¶
type EVM ¶
type EVM struct { // Context provides auxiliary blockchain related information Context // StateDB gives access to the underlying state StateDB StateDB // contains filtered or unexported fields }
EVM is the Ethereum Virtual Machine base object and provides the necessary tools to run a contract on the given state with the provided context. It should be noted that any error generated through any of the calls should be considered a revert-state-and-consume-all-gas operation, no checks on specific errors should ever be performed. The interpreter makes sure that any errors generated are to be considered faulty code.
The EVM should never be reused and is not thread safe.
func NewEVM ¶
NewEVM retutrns a new EVM . The returned EVM is not thread safe and should only ever be used *once*.
func (*EVM) Call ¶
func (evm *EVM) Call(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error)
Call executes the contract associated with the addr with the given input as parameters. It also handles any necessary value transfer required and takes the necessary steps to create accounts and reverses the state in case of an execution error or failed value transfer.
func (*EVM) CallCode ¶
func (evm *EVM) CallCode(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error)
CallCode executes the contract associated with the addr with the given input as parameters. It also handles any necessary value transfer required and takes the necessary steps to create accounts and reverses the state in case of an execution error or failed value transfer.
CallCode differs from Call in the sense that it executes the given address' code with the caller as context.
func (*EVM) Cancel ¶
func (evm *EVM) Cancel()
Cancel cancels any running EVM operation. This may be called concurrently and it's safe to be called multiple times.
func (*EVM) ChainConfig ¶
func (evm *EVM) ChainConfig() *params.ChainConfig
ChainConfig returns the evmironment's chain configuration
func (*EVM) Create ¶
func (evm *EVM) Create(caller ContractRef, code []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) (ret []byte, contractAddr common.Address, leftOverGas uint64, err error)
Create creates a new contract using code as deployment code.
func (*EVM) DelegateCall ¶
func (evm *EVM) DelegateCall(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error)
DelegateCall executes the contract associated with the addr with the given input as parameters. It reverses the state in case of an execution error.
DelegateCall differs from CallCode in the sense that it executes the given address' code with the caller as context and the caller is set to the caller of the caller.
func (*EVM) Interpreter ¶
func (evm *EVM) Interpreter() *Interpreter
Interpreter returns the EVM interpreter
func (*EVM) StaticCall ¶
func (evm *EVM) StaticCall(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64) (ret []byte, leftOverGas uint64, err error)
StaticCall executes the contract associated with the addr with the given input as parameters while disallowing any modifications to the state during the call. Opcodes that attempt to perform such modifications will result in exceptions instead of performing the modifications.
type GetHashFunc ¶
GetHashFunc returns the nth block hash in the blockchain and is used by the BLOCKHASH EVM op code.
type GetOTASetEnv ¶
type GetOTASetEnv struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GetOTASetEnv) IsSetFull ¶
func (env *GetOTASetEnv) IsSetFull() bool
func (*GetOTASetEnv) OTAInSet ¶
func (env *GetOTASetEnv) OTAInSet(ota []byte) bool
func (*GetOTASetEnv) RandomSelOTA ¶
func (env *GetOTASetEnv) RandomSelOTA(value []byte) bool
func (*GetOTASetEnv) UpdateRnd ¶
func (env *GetOTASetEnv) UpdateRnd()
type Interpreter ¶
type Interpreter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Interpreter is used to run Ethereum based contracts and will utilise the passed evmironment to query external sources for state information. The Interpreter will run the byte code VM or JIT VM based on the passed configuration.
func NewInterpreter ¶
func NewInterpreter(evm *EVM, cfg Config) *Interpreter
NewInterpreter returns a new instance of the Interpreter.
func (*Interpreter) Run ¶
Run loops and evaluates the contract's code with the given input data and returns the return byte-slice and an error if one occurred.
It's important to note that any errors returned by the interpreter should be considered a revert-and-consume-all-gas operation. No error specific checks should be handled to reduce complexity and errors further down the in.
type Leader ¶
type Leader struct { Type uint8 `json:"type"` SecAddr common.Address `json:"secAddr"` PubSec256 []byte `json:"pubSec256"` PubBn256 []byte `json:"pubBn256"` }
public helper structures
type LogConfig ¶
type LogConfig struct { DisableMemory bool // disable memory capture DisableStack bool // disable stack capture DisableStorage bool // disable storage capture FullStorage bool // show full storage (slow) Limit int // maximum length of output, but zero means unlimited }
LogConfig are the configuration options for structured logger the EVM
type Memory ¶
type Memory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Memory implements a simple memory model for the ethereum virtual machine.
type NoopEVMCallContext ¶
type NoopEVMCallContext struct{}
func (NoopEVMCallContext) Call ¶
func (NoopEVMCallContext) Call(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, data []byte, gas, value *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
func (NoopEVMCallContext) CallCode ¶
func (NoopEVMCallContext) CallCode(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, data []byte, gas, value *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
func (NoopEVMCallContext) Create ¶
func (NoopEVMCallContext) Create(caller ContractRef, data []byte, gas, value *big.Int) ([]byte, common.Address, error)
func (NoopEVMCallContext) DelegateCall ¶
func (NoopEVMCallContext) DelegateCall(me ContractRef, addr common.Address, data []byte, gas *big.Int) ([]byte, error)
type NoopStateDB ¶
type NoopStateDB struct{}
func (NoopStateDB) AddBalance ¶
func (NoopStateDB) AddBalance(common.Address, *big.Int)
func (NoopStateDB) AddLog ¶
func (NoopStateDB) AddLog(*types.Log)
func (NoopStateDB) AddPreimage ¶
func (NoopStateDB) AddPreimage(common.Hash, []byte)
func (NoopStateDB) AddRefund ¶
func (NoopStateDB) AddRefund(*big.Int)
func (NoopStateDB) CreateAccount ¶
func (NoopStateDB) CreateAccount(common.Address)
func (NoopStateDB) ForEachStorage ¶
func (NoopStateDB) ForEachStorageByteArray ¶
func (NoopStateDB) GetBalance ¶
func (NoopStateDB) GetBalance(common.Address) *big.Int
func (NoopStateDB) GetCodeHash ¶
func (NoopStateDB) GetCodeHash(common.Address) common.Hash
func (NoopStateDB) GetCodeSize ¶
func (NoopStateDB) GetCodeSize(common.Address) int
func (NoopStateDB) GetRefund ¶
func (NoopStateDB) GetRefund() *big.Int
func (NoopStateDB) GetStateByteArray ¶
func (NoopStateDB) HasSuicided ¶
func (NoopStateDB) HasSuicided(common.Address) bool
func (NoopStateDB) RevertToSnapshot ¶
func (NoopStateDB) RevertToSnapshot(int)
func (NoopStateDB) SetStateByteArray ¶
func (NoopStateDB) Snapshot ¶
func (NoopStateDB) Snapshot() int
func (NoopStateDB) SubBalance ¶
func (NoopStateDB) SubBalance(common.Address, *big.Int)
type OpCode ¶
type OpCode byte
OpCode is an EVM opcode
func StringToOp ¶
func (OpCode) IsStaticJump ¶
type PartnerInParam ¶
type PartnerInfo ¶
type PosControl ¶
type PosControl struct { }
func (*PosControl) RequiredGas ¶
func (p *PosControl) RequiredGas(input []byte) uint64
contract interfaces
func (*PosControl) ValidTx ¶
func (p *PosControl) ValidTx(stateDB StateDB, signer types.Signer, tx *types.Transaction) error
type PosStaking ¶
type PosStaking struct { }
pos staking contract
func (*PosStaking) DelegateIn ¶
one wants to choose a delegation to join the pos
func (*PosStaking) DelegateOut ¶
func (*PosStaking) RequiredGas ¶
func (p *PosStaking) RequiredGas(input []byte) uint64
contract interfaces
func (*PosStaking) StakeAppend ¶
func (*PosStaking) StakeRegister ¶
func (*PosStaking) StakeUpdate ¶
func (*PosStaking) StakeUpdateFeeRate ¶
func (*PosStaking) ValidTx ¶
func (p *PosStaking) ValidTx(stateDB StateDB, signer types.Signer, tx *types.Transaction) error
type PrecompiledContract ¶
type PrecompiledContract interface { RequiredGas(input []byte) uint64 // RequiredPrice calculates the contract gas use Run(input []byte, contract *Contract, evm *EVM) ([]byte, error) // Run runs the precompiled contract ValidTx(stateDB StateDB, signer types.Signer, tx *types.Transaction) error }
PrecompiledContract is the basic interface for native Go contracts. The implementation requires a deterministic gas count based on the input size of the Run method of the contract.
type RandomBeaconContract ¶
type RandomBeaconContract struct { }
One Epoch has 12k slots, random beacon protocol is used to generate a random r, which will be used to generate next epoch leaders and slot leaders. Random beacon protocol has 3 stages --- dkg1 (in 1k,2k slots), dkg2 (in 4k,5k slots), sigShare (in 8k, 9k slots)
func (*RandomBeaconContract) RequiredGas ¶
func (c *RandomBeaconContract) RequiredGas(input []byte) uint64
contract interface
func (*RandomBeaconContract) ValidTx ¶
func (c *RandomBeaconContract) ValidTx(stateDB StateDB, signer types.Signer, tx *types.Transaction) error
type RbCijDataCollector ¶
type RbCijDataCollector struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type RbDKG1FlatTxPayload ¶
structures for params
func Dkg1ToDkg1Flat ¶
func Dkg1ToDkg1Flat(d *RbDKG1TxPayload) *RbDKG1FlatTxPayload
type RbDKG1TxPayload ¶
params bytes fields to object
func Dkg1FlatToDkg1 ¶
func Dkg1FlatToDkg1(d *RbDKG1FlatTxPayload) (*RbDKG1TxPayload, error)
params bytes fields convert functions
type RbDKG2FlatTxPayload ¶
type RbDKG2FlatTxPayload struct { EpochId uint64 ProposerId uint32 // encrypt share Proof []rbselection.DLEQproofFlat }
func Dkg2ToDkg2Flat ¶
func Dkg2ToDkg2Flat(d *RbDKG2TxPayload) *RbDKG2FlatTxPayload
type RbDKG2TxPayload ¶
type RbDKG2TxPayload struct { EpochId uint64 ProposerId uint32 // encrypt share Proof []rbselection.DLEQproof }
func Dkg2FlatToDkg2 ¶
func Dkg2FlatToDkg2(d *RbDKG2FlatTxPayload) (*RbDKG2TxPayload, error)
type RbDKGTxPayloadPure ¶
storage structures
type RbSIGDataCollector ¶
type RbSIGDataCollector struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type RbSIGTxPayload ¶
type RingSignInfo ¶
type RingSignInfo struct { PublicKeys []*ecdsa.PublicKey KeyImage *ecdsa.PublicKey W_Random []*big.Int Q_Random []*big.Int OTABalance *big.Int }
func FetchRingSignInfo ¶
func FetchRingSignInfo(stateDB StateDB, hashInput []byte, ringSignedStr string) (info *RingSignInfo, err error)
type Stack ¶
type Stack struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
stack is an object for basic stack operations. Items popped to the stack are expected to be changed and modified. stack does not take care of adding newly initialised objects.
type StakeInParam ¶
type StakeInParam struct { SecPk []byte //stakeholder’s original public key Bn256Pk []byte //stakeholder’s bn256 pairing public key LockEpochs *big.Int //lock time which is input by user FeeRate *big.Int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
param structures
type StakeRegisterParam ¶
type StakeRegisterParam struct { StakeInParam MaxFeeRate *big.Int }
type StakeUpdateParam ¶
type StakerInfo ¶
type StakerInfo struct { Address common.Address PubSec256 []byte //stakeholder’s wan public key PubBn256 []byte //stakeholder’s bn256 public key Amount *big.Int //staking wan value StakeAmount *big.Int //staking wan value LockEpochs uint64 //lock time which is input by user. 0 means unexpired. NextLockEpochs uint64 //lock time which is input by user. 0 means unexpired. From common.Address StakingEpoch uint64 //the first epoch in which stakerHolder might be selected. FeeRate uint64 //NextFeeRate uint64 Clients []ClientInfo Partners []PartnerInfo }
storage structures
func GetStakersSnap ¶
func GetStakersSnap(stateDb *state.StateDB) []StakerInfo
type StateDB ¶
type StateDB interface { CreateAccount(common.Address) SubBalance(common.Address, *big.Int) AddBalance(common.Address, *big.Int) GetBalance(common.Address) *big.Int GetNonce(common.Address) uint64 SetNonce(common.Address, uint64) GetCodeHash(common.Address) common.Hash GetCode(common.Address) []byte SetCode(common.Address, []byte) GetCodeSize(common.Address) int AddRefund(*big.Int) GetRefund() *big.Int GetState(common.Address, common.Hash) common.Hash SetState(common.Address, common.Hash, common.Hash) GetStateByteArray(common.Address, common.Hash) []byte SetStateByteArray(common.Address, common.Hash, []byte) Suicide(common.Address) bool HasSuicided(common.Address) bool // Exist reports whether the given account exists in state. // Notably this should also return true for suicided accounts. Exist(common.Address) bool // Empty returns whether the given account is empty. Empty // is defined according to EIP161 (balance = nonce = code = data.root = dirtyStorage = 0). Empty(common.Address) bool RevertToSnapshot(int) Snapshot() int AddLog(*types.Log) AddPreimage(common.Hash, []byte) ForEachStorage(common.Address, func(common.Hash, common.Hash) bool) ForEachStorageByteArray(common.Address, func(common.Hash, []byte) bool) }
StateDB is an EVM database for full state querying.
type StructLog ¶
type StructLog struct { Pc uint64 `json:"pc"` Op OpCode `json:"op"` Gas uint64 `json:"gas"` GasCost uint64 `json:"gasCost"` Memory []byte `json:"memory"` MemorySize int `json:"memSize"` Stack []*big.Int `json:"stack"` Storage map[common.Hash]common.Hash `json:"-"` Depth int `json:"depth"` Err error `json:"error"` }
StructLog is emitted to the EVM each cycle and lists information about the current internal state prior to the execution of the statement.
func (StructLog) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*StructLog) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type StructLogger ¶
type StructLogger struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StructLogger is an EVM state logger and implements Tracer.
StructLogger can capture state based on the given Log configuration and also keeps a track record of modified storage which is used in reporting snapshots of the contract their storage.
func NewStructLogger ¶
func NewStructLogger(cfg *LogConfig) *StructLogger
NewStructLogger returns a new logger
func (*StructLogger) CaptureEnd ¶
func (*StructLogger) CaptureState ¶
func (l *StructLogger) CaptureState(env *EVM, pc uint64, op OpCode, gas, cost uint64, memory *Memory, stack *Stack, contract *Contract, depth int, err error) error
CaptureState logs a new structured log message and pushes it out to the environment
CaptureState also tracks SSTORE ops to track dirty values.
func (*StructLogger) StructLogs ¶
func (l *StructLogger) StructLogs() []StructLog
StructLogs returns a list of captured log entries
type Tracer ¶
type Tracer interface { CaptureState(env *EVM, pc uint64, op OpCode, gas, cost uint64, memory *Memory, stack *Stack, contract *Contract, depth int, err error) error CaptureEnd(output []byte, gasUsed uint64, t time.Duration, err error) error }
Tracer is used to collect execution traces from an EVM transaction execution. CaptureState is called for each step of the VM with the current VM state. Note that reference types are actual VM data structures; make copies if you need to retain them beyond the current call.
type UpdateFeeRate ¶
type UpgradeWhiteEpochLeaderParam ¶
func GetEpochWLInfo ¶
func GetEpochWLInfo(stateDb StateDB, epochId uint64) *UpgradeWhiteEpochLeaderParam
type ValidatorInfo ¶
type WhiteInfos ¶
type WhiteInfos []UpgradeWhiteEpochLeaderParam
func GetWlConfig ¶
func GetWlConfig(stateDb StateDB) WhiteInfos
func (WhiteInfos) Len ¶
func (s WhiteInfos) Len() int
func (WhiteInfos) Less ¶
func (s WhiteInfos) Less(i, j int) bool
func (WhiteInfos) Swap ¶
func (s WhiteInfos) Swap(i, j int)
Source Files
- analysis.go
- common.go
- contract.go
- contracts.go
- contracts_event.go
- doc.go
- errors.go
- evm.go
- gas.go
- gas_table.go
- gen_structlog.go
- instructions.go
- int_pool_verifier_empty.go
- interface.go
- interpreter.go
- intpool.go
- jump_table.go
- logger.go
- memory.go
- memory_table.go
- noop.go
- opcodes.go
- ota_storage.go
- pos_control_contracts.go
- pos_staking_contracts.go
- pos_storage.go
- precompiled_contracts_addr.go
- random_beacon_contract.go
- random_beacon_storage.go
- slot_leader_select_contracts.go
- stack.go
- stack_table.go
- vm_jit_fake.go