an opinionated tool for swapping / updating container images in AWS ECS task definitions.
this tool speeds up the process of updating container images in ECS task definitions.
After specifying the target service and container, the tool will update the task definition and optionally deploy the new revision to the service.
image-shift -h
update container image(s) in given service
image-shift [flags]
image-shift --cluster-name my-cluster --service api --container app=new-image-test:latest --container proxy=:bump-only-version
-r, --region string region of your ECS cluster
-n, --cluster-name string name of your ECS cluster
-s, --service string select service in ECS cluster
-c, --container strings name and version of the container
-x, --secret strings secret names to be included in the container(s), json key values
-d, --deploy update & deploy service to new task definition
-h, --help help for image-shift
# get container image from task definition using aws cli
$ aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition my-task-definition --query 'taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0].image'
# update `app` image container to `:v1.2.3` form task definition that is deployed in ECS cluster `ecs-fargate-cluster` under service `api`
$ image-shift -n ecs-fargate-cluster -s api -r eu-central-1 -c app=:v1.2.3
level=INFO msg="updating container image" container=app old=...backend:v1.2.0 new=...backend:v1.2.3
level=INFO msg="new task revision created" revision=arn:aws:ecs:...:task-definition/task-example:42
level=INFO msg="task update / deployment skipped"
# get container image from task definition using aws cli
$ aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition my-task-definition --query 'taskDefinition.containerDefinitions[0].image'