This is a multiplayer variant of snake game, written in Go on top of the SDL library.
- configurable settings (see below)
- keyboard support
- controller support
- supports obstacles on the game error
Getting started:
You need to have golang compiler and SDK to be installed.
Also following dependencies are required (Ubuntu):
$ sudo apt-get install libsdl2{,-image,-mixer,-ttf,-gfx}-dev
Checkout this project and run
$ go build
and the compiled executable ./multisnake config.json
The game can be configured by a JSON file, which is backed up the structure:
"Width": 800, // the width in pixels of the game area
"Height": 800, // the height in pixels of the game area
"Players": [ //settings for each player
"Name": "me", //player name
"Color": 620691711, //color of the snake
"KeyUp": "UP", //key for going up
"KeyDown": "DOWN", //key for going down
"KeyLeft": "LEFT", //key for going left
"KeyRight": "RIGHT" //key for going right
"Name": "me",
"Color": 6000017,
"KeyUp": "w",
"KeyDown": "s",
"KeyLeft": "a",
"KeyRight": "d"
//if a snake leaves the arena, it will appear on the opposite side
"CycleBorder": true,
"Food": 5, //number of foods on the arena
//Size of a cell in the raster. Used to make snake and objects bigger
"FieldSize": 10,
//Color of the food
"FoodColor": 4278190335,
//Background color of the game arena
"BackgroundColor": 3435973887,
//List of b/w PNG images, which describes the obstacle in the game arena
//The of the images need to be Width/FieldSize x Height/FieldSize.
//In this example the PNG is 80x80 pixels.
//Obstacles are randomly chosen at game start.
"Obstacles": [
"ObstaclesColor": 0 //Color of the obstacles