
v0.12.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 15, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 1 Imported by: 0



Code below generated from ebml_matroska.xml



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const (
	RootID                        = ebml.RootID
	EBMLMaxIDLengthID             = 0x42f2
	EBMLMaxSizeLengthID           = 0x42f3
	SegmentID                     = 0x18538067
	SeekHeadID                    = 0x114d9b74
	SeekID                        = 0x4dbb
	SeekIDID                      = 0x53ab
	SeekPositionID                = 0x53ac
	InfoID                        = 0x1549a966
	SegmentUUIDID                 = 0x73a4
	SegmentFilenameID             = 0x7384
	PrevUUIDID                    = 0x3cb923
	PrevFilenameID                = 0x3c83ab
	NextUUIDID                    = 0x3eb923
	NextFilenameID                = 0x3e83bb
	SegmentFamilyID               = 0x4444
	ChapterTranslateID            = 0x6924
	ChapterTranslateIDID          = 0x69a5
	ChapterTranslateCodecID       = 0x69bf
	ChapterTranslateEditionUIDID  = 0x69fc
	TimestampScaleID              = 0x2ad7b1
	DurationID                    = 0x4489
	DateUTCID                     = 0x4461
	TitleID                       = 0x7ba9
	MuxingAppID                   = 0x4d80
	WritingAppID                  = 0x5741
	ClusterID                     = 0x1f43b675
	TimestampID                   = 0xe7
	SilentTracksID                = 0x5854
	SilentTrackNumberID           = 0x58d7
	PositionID                    = 0xa7
	PrevSizeID                    = 0xab
	SimpleBlockID                 = 0xa3
	BlockGroupID                  = 0xa0
	BlockID                       = 0xa1
	BlockVirtualID                = 0xa2
	BlockAdditionsID              = 0x75a1
	BlockMoreID                   = 0xa6
	BlockAdditionalID             = 0xa5
	BlockAddIDID                  = 0xee
	BlockDurationID               = 0x9b
	ReferencePriorityID           = 0xfa
	ReferenceBlockID              = 0xfb
	ReferenceVirtualID            = 0xfd
	CodecStateID                  = 0xa4
	DiscardPaddingID              = 0x75a2
	SlicesID                      = 0x8e
	TimeSliceID                   = 0xe8
	LaceNumberID                  = 0xcc
	FrameNumberID                 = 0xcd
	BlockAdditionIDID             = 0xcb
	DelayID                       = 0xce
	SliceDurationID               = 0xcf
	ReferenceFrameID              = 0xc8
	ReferenceOffsetID             = 0xc9
	ReferenceTimestampID          = 0xca
	EncryptedBlockID              = 0xaf
	TracksID                      = 0x1654ae6b
	TrackEntryID                  = 0xae
	TrackNumberID                 = 0xd7
	TrackUIDID                    = 0x73c5
	TrackTypeID                   = 0x83
	FlagEnabledID                 = 0xb9
	FlagDefaultID                 = 0x88
	FlagForcedID                  = 0x55aa
	FlagHearingImpairedID         = 0x55ab
	FlagVisualImpairedID          = 0x55ac
	FlagTextDescriptionsID        = 0x55ad
	FlagOriginalID                = 0x55ae
	FlagCommentaryID              = 0x55af
	FlagLacingID                  = 0x9c
	MinCacheID                    = 0x6de7
	MaxCacheID                    = 0x6df8
	DefaultDurationID             = 0x23e383
	DefaultDecodedFieldDurationID = 0x234e7a
	TrackTimestampScaleID         = 0x23314f
	TrackOffsetID                 = 0x537f
	MaxBlockAdditionIDID          = 0x55ee
	BlockAdditionMappingID        = 0x41e4
	BlockAddIDValueID             = 0x41f0
	BlockAddIDNameID              = 0x41a4
	BlockAddIDTypeID              = 0x41e7
	BlockAddIDExtraDataID         = 0x41ed
	NameID                        = 0x536e
	LanguageID                    = 0x22b59c
	LanguageBCP47ID               = 0x22b59d
	CodecIDID                     = 0x86
	CodecPrivateID                = 0x63a2
	CodecNameID                   = 0x258688
	AttachmentLinkID              = 0x7446
	CodecSettingsID               = 0x3a9697
	CodecInfoURLID                = 0x3b4040
	CodecDownloadURLID            = 0x26b240
	CodecDecodeAllID              = 0xaa
	TrackOverlayID                = 0x6fab
	CodecDelayID                  = 0x56aa
	SeekPreRollID                 = 0x56bb
	TrackTranslateID              = 0x6624
	TrackTranslateTrackIDID       = 0x66a5
	TrackTranslateCodecID         = 0x66bf
	TrackTranslateEditionUIDID    = 0x66fc
	VideoID                       = 0xe0
	FlagInterlacedID              = 0x9a
	FieldOrderID                  = 0x9d
	StereoModeID                  = 0x53b8
	AlphaModeID                   = 0x53c0
	OldStereoModeID               = 0x53b9
	PixelWidthID                  = 0xb0
	PixelHeightID                 = 0xba
	PixelCropBottomID             = 0x54aa
	PixelCropTopID                = 0x54bb
	PixelCropLeftID               = 0x54cc
	PixelCropRightID              = 0x54dd
	DisplayWidthID                = 0x54b0
	DisplayHeightID               = 0x54ba
	DisplayUnitID                 = 0x54b2
	AspectRatioTypeID             = 0x54b3
	UncompressedFourCCID          = 0x2eb524
	GammaValueID                  = 0x2fb523
	FrameRateID                   = 0x2383e3
	ColourID                      = 0x55b0
	MatrixCoefficientsID          = 0x55b1
	BitsPerChannelID              = 0x55b2
	ChromaSubsamplingHorzID       = 0x55b3
	ChromaSubsamplingVertID       = 0x55b4
	CbSubsamplingHorzID           = 0x55b5
	CbSubsamplingVertID           = 0x55b6
	ChromaSitingHorzID            = 0x55b7
	ChromaSitingVertID            = 0x55b8
	RangeID                       = 0x55b9
	TransferCharacteristicsID     = 0x55ba
	PrimariesID                   = 0x55bb
	MaxCLLID                      = 0x55bc
	MaxFALLID                     = 0x55bd
	MasteringMetadataID           = 0x55d0
	PrimaryRChromaticityXID       = 0x55d1
	PrimaryRChromaticityYID       = 0x55d2
	PrimaryGChromaticityXID       = 0x55d3
	PrimaryGChromaticityYID       = 0x55d4
	PrimaryBChromaticityXID       = 0x55d5
	PrimaryBChromaticityYID       = 0x55d6
	WhitePointChromaticityXID     = 0x55d7
	WhitePointChromaticityYID     = 0x55d8
	LuminanceMaxID                = 0x55d9
	LuminanceMinID                = 0x55da
	ProjectionID                  = 0x7670
	ProjectionTypeID              = 0x7671
	ProjectionPrivateID           = 0x7672
	ProjectionPoseYawID           = 0x7673
	ProjectionPosePitchID         = 0x7674
	ProjectionPoseRollID          = 0x7675
	AudioID                       = 0xe1
	SamplingFrequencyID           = 0xb5
	OutputSamplingFrequencyID     = 0x78b5
	ChannelsID                    = 0x9f
	ChannelPositionsID            = 0x7d7b
	BitDepthID                    = 0x6264
	EmphasisID                    = 0x52f1
	TrackOperationID              = 0xe2
	TrackCombinePlanesID          = 0xe3
	TrackPlaneID                  = 0xe4
	TrackPlaneUIDID               = 0xe5
	TrackPlaneTypeID              = 0xe6
	TrackJoinBlocksID             = 0xe9
	TrackJoinUIDID                = 0xed
	TrickTrackUIDID               = 0xc0
	TrickTrackSegmentUIDID        = 0xc1
	TrickTrackFlagID              = 0xc6
	TrickMasterTrackUIDID         = 0xc7
	TrickMasterTrackSegmentUIDID  = 0xc4
	ContentEncodingsID            = 0x6d80
	ContentEncodingID             = 0x6240
	ContentEncodingOrderID        = 0x5031
	ContentEncodingScopeID        = 0x5032
	ContentEncodingTypeID         = 0x5033
	ContentCompressionID          = 0x5034
	ContentCompAlgoID             = 0x4254
	ContentCompSettingsID         = 0x4255
	ContentEncryptionID           = 0x5035
	ContentEncAlgoID              = 0x47e1
	ContentEncKeyIDID             = 0x47e2
	ContentEncAESSettingsID       = 0x47e7
	AESSettingsCipherModeID       = 0x47e8
	ContentSignatureID            = 0x47e3
	ContentSigKeyIDID             = 0x47e4
	ContentSigAlgoID              = 0x47e5
	ContentSigHashAlgoID          = 0x47e6
	CuesID                        = 0x1c53bb6b
	CuePointID                    = 0xbb
	CueTimeID                     = 0xb3
	CueTrackPositionsID           = 0xb7
	CueTrackID                    = 0xf7
	CueClusterPositionID          = 0xf1
	CueRelativePositionID         = 0xf0
	CueDurationID                 = 0xb2
	CueBlockNumberID              = 0x5378
	CueCodecStateID               = 0xea
	CueReferenceID                = 0xdb
	CueRefTimeID                  = 0x96
	CueRefClusterID               = 0x97
	CueRefNumberID                = 0x535f
	CueRefCodecStateID            = 0xeb
	AttachmentsID                 = 0x1941a469
	AttachedFileID                = 0x61a7
	FileDescriptionID             = 0x467e
	FileNameID                    = 0x466e
	FileMediaTypeID               = 0x4660
	FileDataID                    = 0x465c
	FileUIDID                     = 0x46ae
	FileReferralID                = 0x4675
	FileUsedStartTimeID           = 0x4661
	FileUsedEndTimeID             = 0x4662
	ChaptersID                    = 0x1043a770
	EditionEntryID                = 0x45b9
	EditionUIDID                  = 0x45bc
	EditionFlagHiddenID           = 0x45bd
	EditionFlagDefaultID          = 0x45db
	EditionFlagOrderedID          = 0x45dd
	EditionDisplayID              = 0x4520
	EditionStringID               = 0x4521
	EditionLanguageIETFID         = 0x45e4
	ChapterAtomID                 = 0xb6
	ChapterUIDID                  = 0x73c4
	ChapterStringUIDID            = 0x5654
	ChapterTimeStartID            = 0x91
	ChapterTimeEndID              = 0x92
	ChapterFlagHiddenID           = 0x98
	ChapterFlagEnabledID          = 0x4598
	ChapterSegmentUUIDID          = 0x6e67
	ChapterSkipTypeID             = 0x4588
	ChapterSegmentEditionUIDID    = 0x6ebc
	ChapterPhysicalEquivID        = 0x63c3
	ChapterTrackID                = 0x8f
	ChapterTrackUIDID             = 0x89
	ChapterDisplayID              = 0x80
	ChapStringID                  = 0x85
	ChapLanguageID                = 0x437c
	ChapLanguageBCP47ID           = 0x437d
	ChapCountryID                 = 0x437e
	ChapProcessID                 = 0x6944
	ChapProcessCodecIDID          = 0x6955
	ChapProcessPrivateID          = 0x450d
	ChapProcessCommandID          = 0x6911
	ChapProcessTimeID             = 0x6922
	ChapProcessDataID             = 0x6933
	TagsID                        = 0x1254c367
	TagID                         = 0x7373
	TargetsID                     = 0x63c0
	TargetTypeValueID             = 0x68ca
	TargetTypeID                  = 0x63ca
	TagTrackUIDID                 = 0x63c5
	TagEditionUIDID               = 0x63c9
	TagChapterUIDID               = 0x63c4
	TagAttachmentUIDID            = 0x63c6
	SimpleTagID                   = 0x67c8
	TagNameID                     = 0x45a3
	TagLanguageID                 = 0x447a
	TagLanguageBCP47ID            = 0x447b
	TagDefaultID                  = 0x4484
	TagDefaultBogusID             = 0x44b4
	TagStringID                   = 0x4487
	TagBinaryID                   = 0x4485


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var AESSettingsCipherModeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         AESSettingsCipherModeID,
		ParentID:   ContentEncAESSettingsID,
		Name:       "aessettings_cipher_mode",
		Definition: "The AES cipher mode used in the encryption",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		1: {Name: "aes_ctr", Description: "Counter SP"},
		2: {Name: "aes_cbc", Description: "Cipher Block Chaining SP"},
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var AlphaModeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         AlphaModeID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "alpha_mode",
		Definition: "Indicate whether the BlockAdditional Element with BlockAddID of \"1\" contains Alpha data",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "none", Description: "The BlockAdditional Element with BlockAddID of \"1\" does not exist or **SHOULD NOT** be considered as containing such data"},
		1: {Name: "present", Description: "The BlockAdditional Element with BlockAddID of \"1\" contains alpha channel data"},
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var AspectRatioTypeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         AspectRatioTypeID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "aspect_ratio_type",
		Definition: "Specify the possible modifications to the aspect ratio",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "free_resizing"},
		1: {Name: "keep_aspect_ratio"},
		2: {Name: "fixed"},
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var AttachmentLinkElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         AttachmentLinkID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "attachment_link",
		Definition: "The UID of an attachment that is used by this codec",
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var AttachmentsElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         AttachmentsID,
		ParentID:   SegmentID,
		Name:       "attachments",
		Definition: "Contain attached files",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		AttachedFileID: AttachedFileElement,
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var BitDepthElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         BitDepthID,
		ParentID:   AudioID,
		Name:       "bit_depth",
		Definition: "Bits per sample",
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var BitsPerChannelElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         BitsPerChannelID,
		ParentID:   ColourID,
		Name:       "bits_per_channel",
		Definition: "Number of decoded bits per channel",
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var BlockAddIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         BlockAddIDID,
		ParentID:   BlockMoreID,
		Name:       "block_add_id",
		Definition: "An ID to identify how to interpret the BlockAdditional data",
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var BlockAddIDExtraDataElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         BlockAddIDExtraDataID,
		ParentID:   BlockAdditionMappingID,
		Name:       "block_add_idextra_data",
		Definition: "Extra binary data that the BlockAddIDType can use to interpret the BlockAdditional data",
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var BlockAddIDNameElement = &ebml.String{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         BlockAddIDNameID,
		ParentID:   BlockAdditionMappingID,
		Name:       "block_add_idname",
		Definition: "A human-friendly name describing the type of BlockAdditional data",
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var BlockAddIDTypeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         BlockAddIDTypeID,
		ParentID:   BlockAdditionMappingID,
		Name:       "block_add_idtype",
		Definition: "Stores the registered identifier of the Block Additional Mapping to define how the BlockAdditional data should be handled",
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var BlockAddIDValueElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         BlockAddIDValueID,
		ParentID:   BlockAdditionMappingID,
		Name:       "block_add_idvalue",
		Definition: "If the track format extension needs content beside frames",
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var BlockAdditionIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         BlockAdditionIDID,
		ParentID:   TimeSliceID,
		Name:       "block_addition_id",
		Definition: "The ID of the BlockAdditional Element (0 is the main Block)",
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var BlockAdditionMappingElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         BlockAdditionMappingID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "block_addition_mapping",
		Definition: "Contains elements that extend the track format",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		BlockAddIDValueID:     BlockAddIDValueElement,
		BlockAddIDNameID:      BlockAddIDNameElement,
		BlockAddIDTypeID:      BlockAddIDTypeElement,
		BlockAddIDExtraDataID: BlockAddIDExtraDataElement,
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var BlockAdditionalElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         BlockAdditionalID,
		ParentID:   BlockMoreID,
		Name:       "block_additional",
		Definition: "Interpreted by the codec as it wishes",
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var BlockAdditionsElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         BlockAdditionsID,
		ParentID:   BlockGroupID,
		Name:       "block_additions",
		Definition: "Contain additional binary data to complete the main one",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		BlockMoreID: BlockMoreElement,
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var BlockDurationElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         BlockDurationID,
		ParentID:   BlockGroupID,
		Name:       "block_duration",
		Definition: "The duration of the Block",
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var BlockElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         BlockID,
		ParentID:   BlockGroupID,
		Name:       "block",
		Definition: "Block containing the actual data to be rendered and a timestamp relative to the Cluster Timestamp",
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var BlockMoreElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         BlockMoreID,
		ParentID:   BlockAdditionsID,
		Name:       "block_more",
		Definition: "Contain the BlockAdditional and some parameters",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		BlockAdditionalID: BlockAdditionalElement,
		BlockAddIDID:      BlockAddIDElement,
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var BlockVirtualElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         BlockVirtualID,
		ParentID:   BlockGroupID,
		Name:       "block_virtual",
		Definition: "A Block with no data",
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var CbSubsamplingHorzElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CbSubsamplingHorzID,
		ParentID:   ColourID,
		Name:       "cb_subsampling_horz",
		Definition: "The amount of pixels to remove in the Cb channel for every pixel not removed horizontally",
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var CbSubsamplingVertElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CbSubsamplingVertID,
		ParentID:   ColourID,
		Name:       "cb_subsampling_vert",
		Definition: "The amount of pixels to remove in the Cb channel for every pixel not removed vertically",
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var ChannelPositionsElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChannelPositionsID,
		ParentID:   AudioID,
		Name:       "channel_positions",
		Definition: "Table of horizontal angles for each successive channel",
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var ChannelsElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChannelsID,
		ParentID:   AudioID,
		Name:       "channels",
		Definition: "Numbers of channels in the track",
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var ChapCountryElement = &ebml.String{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapCountryID,
		ParentID:   ChapterDisplayID,
		Name:       "chap_country",
		Definition: "A country corresponding to the string",
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var ChapLanguageBCP47Element = &ebml.String{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapLanguageBCP47ID,
		ParentID:   ChapterDisplayID,
		Name:       "chap_language_bcp47",
		Definition: "A language corresponding to the ChapString",
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var ChapLanguageElement = &ebml.String{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapLanguageID,
		ParentID:   ChapterDisplayID,
		Name:       "chap_language",
		Definition: "A language corresponding to the string",
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var ChapProcessCodecIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapProcessCodecIDID,
		ParentID:   ChapProcessID,
		Name:       "chap_process_codec_id",
		Definition: "Contains the type of the codec used for the processing",
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var ChapProcessCommandElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapProcessCommandID,
		ParentID:   ChapProcessID,
		Name:       "chap_process_command",
		Definition: "Contains all the commands associated to the Atom",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		ChapProcessTimeID: ChapProcessTimeElement,
		ChapProcessDataID: ChapProcessDataElement,
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var ChapProcessDataElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapProcessDataID,
		ParentID:   ChapProcessCommandID,
		Name:       "chap_process_data",
		Definition: "Contains the command information",
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var ChapProcessElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapProcessID,
		ParentID:   ChapterAtomID,
		Name:       "chap_process",
		Definition: "Contains all the commands associated to the Atom",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		ChapProcessCodecIDID: ChapProcessCodecIDElement,
		ChapProcessPrivateID: ChapProcessPrivateElement,
		ChapProcessCommandID: ChapProcessCommandElement,
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var ChapProcessPrivateElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapProcessPrivateID,
		ParentID:   ChapProcessID,
		Name:       "chap_process_private",
		Definition: "Some optional data attached to the ChapProcessCodecID information",
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var ChapProcessTimeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapProcessTimeID,
		ParentID:   ChapProcessCommandID,
		Name:       "chap_process_time",
		Definition: "Defines when the process command **SHOULD** be handled",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "during_the_whole_chapter"},
		1: {Name: "before_starting_playback"},
		2: {Name: "after_playback_of_the_chapter"},
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var ChapStringElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapStringID,
		ParentID:   ChapterDisplayID,
		Name:       "chap_string",
		Definition: "Contains the string to use as the chapter atom",
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var ChapterDisplayElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterDisplayID,
		ParentID:   ChapterAtomID,
		Name:       "chapter_display",
		Definition: "Contains all possible strings to use for the chapter display",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		ChapStringID:        ChapStringElement,
		ChapLanguageID:      ChapLanguageElement,
		ChapLanguageBCP47ID: ChapLanguageBCP47Element,
		ChapCountryID:       ChapCountryElement,
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var ChapterFlagEnabledElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterFlagEnabledID,
		ParentID:   ChapterAtomID,
		Name:       "chapter_flag_enabled",
		Definition: "Set to 1 if the chapter is enabled",
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var ChapterFlagHiddenElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterFlagHiddenID,
		ParentID:   ChapterAtomID,
		Name:       "chapter_flag_hidden",
		Definition: "Set to 1 if a chapter is hidden",
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var ChapterPhysicalEquivElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterPhysicalEquivID,
		ParentID:   ChapterAtomID,
		Name:       "chapter_physical_equiv",
		Definition: "Specify the physical equivalent of this ChapterAtom like \"DVD\" (60) or \"SIDE\" (50)",
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var ChapterSegmentEditionUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterSegmentEditionUIDID,
		ParentID:   ChapterAtomID,
		Name:       "chapter_segment_edition_uid",
		Definition: "The EditionUID to play from the Segment linked in ChapterSegmentUUID",
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var ChapterSegmentUUIDElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterSegmentUUIDID,
		ParentID:   ChapterAtomID,
		Name:       "chapter_segment_uuid",
		Definition: "The SegmentUUID of another Segment to play during this chapter",
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var ChapterSkipTypeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterSkipTypeID,
		ParentID:   ChapterAtomID,
		Name:       "chapter_skip_type",
		Definition: "Indicate what type of content the ChapterAtom contains and might be skipped",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "no_skipping", Description: "Content which should not be skipped"},
		1: {Name: "opening_credits", Description: "Credits usually found at the beginning of the content"},
		2: {Name: "end_credits", Description: "Credits usually found at the end of the content"},
		3: {Name: "recap", Description: "Recap of previous episodes of the content"},
		4: {Name: "next_preview", Description: "Preview of the next episode of the content"},
		5: {Name: "preview", Description: "Preview of the current episode of the content"},
		6: {Name: "advertisement", Description: "Advertisement within the content"},
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var ChapterStringUIDElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterStringUIDID,
		ParentID:   ChapterAtomID,
		Name:       "chapter_string_uid",
		Definition: "A unique string ID to identify the Chapter",
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var ChapterTimeEndElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterTimeEndID,
		ParentID:   ChapterAtomID,
		Name:       "chapter_time_end",
		Definition: "Timestamp of the end of Chapter timestamp excluded",
View Source
var ChapterTimeStartElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterTimeStartID,
		ParentID:   ChapterAtomID,
		Name:       "chapter_time_start",
		Definition: "Timestamp of the start of Chapter",
View Source
var ChapterTrackElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterTrackID,
		ParentID:   ChapterAtomID,
		Name:       "chapter_track",
		Definition: "List of tracks on which the chapter applies",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		ChapterTrackUIDID: ChapterTrackUIDElement,
View Source
var ChapterTrackUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterTrackUIDID,
		ParentID:   ChapterTrackID,
		Name:       "chapter_track_uid",
		Definition: "UID of the Track to apply this chapter to",
View Source
var ChapterTranslateCodecElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterTranslateCodecID,
		ParentID:   ChapterTranslateID,
		Name:       "chapter_translate_codec",
		Definition: "This ChapterTranslate applies to this chapter codec of the given chapter edition",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "matroska_script", Description: "Chapter commands using the Matroska Script codec"},
		1: {Name: "dvd_menu", Description: "Chapter commands using the DVD-like codec"},
View Source
var ChapterTranslateEditionUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterTranslateEditionUIDID,
		ParentID:   ChapterTranslateID,
		Name:       "chapter_translate_edition_uid",
		Definition: "Specify a chapter edition UID on which this ChapterTranslate applies",
View Source
var ChapterTranslateElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterTranslateID,
		ParentID:   InfoID,
		Name:       "chapter_translate",
		Definition: "The mapping between this Segment and a segment value in the given Chapter Codec",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		ChapterTranslateIDID:         ChapterTranslateIDElement,
		ChapterTranslateCodecID:      ChapterTranslateCodecElement,
		ChapterTranslateEditionUIDID: ChapterTranslateEditionUIDElement,
View Source
var ChapterTranslateIDElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterTranslateIDID,
		ParentID:   ChapterTranslateID,
		Name:       "chapter_translate_id",
		Definition: "The binary value used to represent this Segment in the chapter codec data",
View Source
var ChapterUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChapterUIDID,
		ParentID:   ChapterAtomID,
		Name:       "chapter_uid",
		Definition: "A unique ID to identify the Chapter",
View Source
var ChaptersElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChaptersID,
		ParentID:   SegmentID,
		Name:       "chapters",
		Definition: "A system to define basic menus and partition data",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		EditionEntryID: EditionEntryElement,
View Source
var ChromaSitingHorzElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChromaSitingHorzID,
		ParentID:   ColourID,
		Name:       "chroma_siting_horz",
		Definition: "How chroma is subsampled horizontally",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "unspecified"},
		1: {Name: "left_collocated"},
		2: {Name: "half"},
View Source
var ChromaSitingVertElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChromaSitingVertID,
		ParentID:   ColourID,
		Name:       "chroma_siting_vert",
		Definition: "How chroma is subsampled vertically",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "unspecified"},
		1: {Name: "top_collocated"},
		2: {Name: "half"},
View Source
var ChromaSubsamplingHorzElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChromaSubsamplingHorzID,
		ParentID:   ColourID,
		Name:       "chroma_subsampling_horz",
		Definition: "The amount of pixels to remove in the Cr and Cb channels for every pixel not removed horizontally",
View Source
var ChromaSubsamplingVertElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ChromaSubsamplingVertID,
		ParentID:   ColourID,
		Name:       "chroma_subsampling_vert",
		Definition: "The amount of pixels to remove in the Cr and Cb channels for every pixel not removed vertically",
View Source
var ClusterElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ClusterID,
		ParentID:   SegmentID,
		Name:       "cluster",
		Definition: "The Top-Level Element containing the (monolithic) Block structure",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		TimestampID:      TimestampElement,
		SilentTracksID:   SilentTracksElement,
		PositionID:       PositionElement,
		PrevSizeID:       PrevSizeElement,
		SimpleBlockID:    SimpleBlockElement,
		BlockGroupID:     BlockGroupElement,
		EncryptedBlockID: EncryptedBlockElement,
View Source
var CodecDecodeAllElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CodecDecodeAllID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "codec_decode_all",
		Definition: "Set to 1 if the codec can decode potentially damaged data",
View Source
var CodecDelayElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CodecDelayID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "codec_delay",
		Definition: "CodecDelay is The codec-built-in delay",
View Source
var CodecDownloadURLElement = &ebml.String{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CodecDownloadURLID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "codec_download_url",
		Definition: "A URL to download about the codec used",
View Source
var CodecIDElement = &ebml.String{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CodecIDID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "codec_id",
		Definition: "An ID corresponding to the codec",
View Source
var CodecInfoURLElement = &ebml.String{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CodecInfoURLID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "codec_info_url",
		Definition: "A URL to find information about the codec used",
View Source
var CodecNameElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CodecNameID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "codec_name",
		Definition: "A human-readable string specifying the codec",
View Source
var CodecPrivateElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CodecPrivateID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "codec_private",
		Definition: "Private data only known to the codec",
View Source
var CodecSettingsElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CodecSettingsID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "codec_settings",
		Definition: "A string describing the encoding setting used",
View Source
var CodecStateElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CodecStateID,
		ParentID:   BlockGroupID,
		Name:       "codec_state",
		Definition: "The new codec state to use",
View Source
var ContentCompAlgoElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ContentCompAlgoID,
		ParentID:   ContentCompressionID,
		Name:       "content_comp_algo",
		Definition: "The compression algorithm used",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "zlib", Description: "zlib compression RFC1950"},
		1: {Name: "bzlib", Description: "bzip2 compression BZIP2"},
		2: {Name: "lzo1x", Description: "Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer compression LZO"},
		3: {Name: "header_stripping", Description: "Octets in ContentCompSettings have been stripped from each frame"},
View Source
var ContentCompSettingsElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ContentCompSettingsID,
		ParentID:   ContentCompressionID,
		Name:       "content_comp_settings",
		Definition: "Settings that might be needed by the decompressor",
View Source
var ContentCompressionElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ContentCompressionID,
		ParentID:   ContentEncodingID,
		Name:       "content_compression",
		Definition: "Settings describing the compression used",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		ContentCompAlgoID:     ContentCompAlgoElement,
		ContentCompSettingsID: ContentCompSettingsElement,
View Source
var ContentEncAESSettingsElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ContentEncAESSettingsID,
		ParentID:   ContentEncryptionID,
		Name:       "content_enc_aessettings",
		Definition: "Settings describing the encryption algorithm used",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		AESSettingsCipherModeID: AESSettingsCipherModeElement,
View Source
var ContentEncAlgoElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ContentEncAlgoID,
		ParentID:   ContentEncryptionID,
		Name:       "content_enc_algo",
		Definition: "The encryption algorithm used",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "not_encrypted", Description: "The data are not encrypted"},
		1: {Name: "des", Description: "Data Encryption Standard (DES) FIPS"},
		2: {Name: "3des", Description: "Triple Data Encryption Algorithm SP"},
		3: {Name: "twofish", Description: "Twofish Encryption Algorithm Twofish"},
		4: {Name: "blowfish", Description: "Blowfish Encryption Algorithm Blowfish"},
		5: {Name: "aes", Description: "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) FIPS"},
View Source
var ContentEncKeyIDElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ContentEncKeyIDID,
		ParentID:   ContentEncryptionID,
		Name:       "content_enc_key_id",
		Definition: "For public key algorithms this is the ID of the public key the data was encrypted with",
View Source
var ContentEncodingElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ContentEncodingID,
		ParentID:   ContentEncodingsID,
		Name:       "content_encoding",
		Definition: "Settings for one content encoding like compression or encryption",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		ContentEncodingOrderID: ContentEncodingOrderElement,
		ContentEncodingScopeID: ContentEncodingScopeElement,
		ContentEncodingTypeID:  ContentEncodingTypeElement,
		ContentCompressionID:   ContentCompressionElement,
		ContentEncryptionID:    ContentEncryptionElement,
View Source
var ContentEncodingOrderElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ContentEncodingOrderID,
		ParentID:   ContentEncodingID,
		Name:       "content_encoding_order",
		Definition: "Tell in which order to apply each ContentEncoding of the ContentEncodings",
View Source
var ContentEncodingScopeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ContentEncodingScopeID,
		ParentID:   ContentEncodingID,
		Name:       "content_encoding_scope",
		Definition: "A bit field that describes which Elements have been modified in this way",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		1: {Name: "block", Description: "All frame contents"},
		2: {Name: "private", Description: "The track's CodecPrivate data"},
		4: {Name: "next", Description: "The next ContentEncoding"},
View Source
var ContentEncodingTypeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ContentEncodingTypeID,
		ParentID:   ContentEncodingID,
		Name:       "content_encoding_type",
		Definition: "A value describing what kind of transformation is applied",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "compression"},
		1: {Name: "encryption"},
View Source
var ContentEncodingsElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ContentEncodingsID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "content_encodings",
		Definition: "Settings for several content encoding mechanisms like compression or encryption",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		ContentEncodingID: ContentEncodingElement,
View Source
var ContentSigAlgoElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ContentSigAlgoID,
		ParentID:   ContentEncryptionID,
		Name:       "content_sig_algo",
		Definition: "The algorithm used for the signature",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "not_signed"},
		1: {Name: "rsa"},
View Source
var ContentSigHashAlgoElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ContentSigHashAlgoID,
		ParentID:   ContentEncryptionID,
		Name:       "content_sig_hash_algo",
		Definition: "The hash algorithm used for the signature",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "not_signed"},
		1: {Name: "sha1_160"},
		2: {Name: "md5"},
View Source
var ContentSigKeyIDElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ContentSigKeyIDID,
		ParentID:   ContentEncryptionID,
		Name:       "content_sig_key_id",
		Definition: "This is the ID of the private key the data was signed with",
View Source
var ContentSignatureElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ContentSignatureID,
		ParentID:   ContentEncryptionID,
		Name:       "content_signature",
		Definition: "A cryptographic signature of the contents",
View Source
var CueBlockNumberElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CueBlockNumberID,
		ParentID:   CueTrackPositionsID,
		Name:       "cue_block_number",
		Definition: "Number of the Block in the specified Cluster",
View Source
var CueClusterPositionElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CueClusterPositionID,
		ParentID:   CueTrackPositionsID,
		Name:       "cue_cluster_position",
		Definition: "The Segment Position of the Cluster containing the associated Block",
View Source
var CueCodecStateElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CueCodecStateID,
		ParentID:   CueTrackPositionsID,
		Name:       "cue_codec_state",
		Definition: "The Segment Position of the Codec State corresponding to this Cue Element",
View Source
var CueDurationElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CueDurationID,
		ParentID:   CueTrackPositionsID,
		Name:       "cue_duration",
		Definition: "The duration of the block",
View Source
var CuePointElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CuePointID,
		ParentID:   CuesID,
		Name:       "cue_point",
		Definition: "Contains all information relative to a seek point in the Segment",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		CueTimeID:           CueTimeElement,
		CueTrackPositionsID: CueTrackPositionsElement,
View Source
var CueRefClusterElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CueRefClusterID,
		ParentID:   CueReferenceID,
		Name:       "cue_ref_cluster",
		Definition: "The Segment Position of the Cluster containing the referenced Block",
View Source
var CueRefCodecStateElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CueRefCodecStateID,
		ParentID:   CueReferenceID,
		Name:       "cue_ref_codec_state",
		Definition: "The Segment Position of the Codec State corresponding to this referenced Element",
View Source
var CueRefNumberElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CueRefNumberID,
		ParentID:   CueReferenceID,
		Name:       "cue_ref_number",
		Definition: "Number of the referenced Block of Track X in the specified Cluster",
View Source
var CueRefTimeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CueRefTimeID,
		ParentID:   CueReferenceID,
		Name:       "cue_ref_time",
		Definition: "Timestamp of the referenced Block",
View Source
var CueReferenceElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CueReferenceID,
		ParentID:   CueTrackPositionsID,
		Name:       "cue_reference",
		Definition: "The Clusters containing the referenced Blocks",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		CueRefTimeID:       CueRefTimeElement,
		CueRefClusterID:    CueRefClusterElement,
		CueRefNumberID:     CueRefNumberElement,
		CueRefCodecStateID: CueRefCodecStateElement,
View Source
var CueRelativePositionElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CueRelativePositionID,
		ParentID:   CueTrackPositionsID,
		Name:       "cue_relative_position",
		Definition: "The relative position inside the Cluster of the referenced SimpleBlock or BlockGroup with 0 being the first possible position for an Element inside that Cluster",
View Source
var CueTimeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CueTimeID,
		ParentID:   CuePointID,
		Name:       "cue_time",
		Definition: "Absolute timestamp of the seek point",
View Source
var CueTrackElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CueTrackID,
		ParentID:   CueTrackPositionsID,
		Name:       "cue_track",
		Definition: "The track for which a position is given",
View Source
var CueTrackPositionsElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CueTrackPositionsID,
		ParentID:   CuePointID,
		Name:       "cue_track_positions",
		Definition: "Contain positions for different tracks corresponding to the timestamp",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		CueTrackID:            CueTrackElement,
		CueClusterPositionID:  CueClusterPositionElement,
		CueRelativePositionID: CueRelativePositionElement,
		CueDurationID:         CueDurationElement,
		CueBlockNumberID:      CueBlockNumberElement,
		CueCodecStateID:       CueCodecStateElement,
		CueReferenceID:        CueReferenceElement,
View Source
var CuesElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         CuesID,
		ParentID:   SegmentID,
		Name:       "cues",
		Definition: "A Top-Level Element to speed seeking access",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		CuePointID: CuePointElement,
View Source
var DateUTCElement = &ebml.Date{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         DateUTCID,
		ParentID:   InfoID,
		Name:       "date_utc",
		Definition: "The date and time that the Segment was created by the muxing application or library",
View Source
var DefaultDecodedFieldDurationElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         DefaultDecodedFieldDurationID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "default_decoded_field_duration",
		Definition: "The period between two successive fields at the output of the decoding process",
View Source
var DefaultDurationElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         DefaultDurationID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "default_duration",
		Definition: "Number of nanoseconds per frame",
View Source
var DelayElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         DelayID,
		ParentID:   TimeSliceID,
		Name:       "delay",
		Definition: "The delay to apply to the Element",
View Source
var DiscardPaddingElement = &ebml.Integer{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         DiscardPaddingID,
		ParentID:   BlockGroupID,
		Name:       "discard_padding",
		Definition: "Duration of the silent data added to the Block",
View Source
var DisplayHeightElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         DisplayHeightID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "display_height",
		Definition: "Height of the video frames to display",
View Source
var DisplayUnitElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         DisplayUnitID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "display_unit",
		Definition: "How DisplayWidth & DisplayHeight are interpreted",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "pixels"},
		1: {Name: "centimeters"},
		2: {Name: "inches"},
		3: {Name: "display_aspect_ratio"},
		4: {Name: "unknown"},
View Source
var DisplayWidthElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         DisplayWidthID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "display_width",
		Definition: "Width of the video frames to display",
View Source
var DurationElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         DurationID,
		ParentID:   InfoID,
		Name:       "duration",
		Definition: "Duration of the Segment",
View Source
var EditionDisplayElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         EditionDisplayID,
		ParentID:   EditionEntryID,
		Name:       "edition_display",
		Definition: "Contains a possible string to use for the edition display for the given languages",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		EditionStringID:       EditionStringElement,
		EditionLanguageIETFID: EditionLanguageIETFElement,
View Source
var EditionFlagDefaultElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         EditionFlagDefaultID,
		ParentID:   EditionEntryID,
		Name:       "edition_flag_default",
		Definition: "Set to 1 if the edition **SHOULD** be used as the default one",
View Source
var EditionFlagHiddenElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         EditionFlagHiddenID,
		ParentID:   EditionEntryID,
		Name:       "edition_flag_hidden",
		Definition: "Set to 1 if an edition is hidden",
View Source
var EditionFlagOrderedElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         EditionFlagOrderedID,
		ParentID:   EditionEntryID,
		Name:       "edition_flag_ordered",
		Definition: "Set to 1 if the chapters can be defined multiple times and the order to play them is enforced",
View Source
var EditionLanguageIETFElement = &ebml.String{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         EditionLanguageIETFID,
		ParentID:   EditionDisplayID,
		Name:       "edition_language_ietf",
		Definition: "One language corresponding to the EditionString",
View Source
var EditionStringElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         EditionStringID,
		ParentID:   EditionDisplayID,
		Name:       "edition_string",
		Definition: "Contains the string to use as the edition name",
View Source
var EditionUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         EditionUIDID,
		ParentID:   EditionEntryID,
		Name:       "edition_uid",
		Definition: "A unique ID to identify the edition",
View Source
var EmphasisElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         EmphasisID,
		ParentID:   AudioID,
		Name:       "emphasis",
		Definition: "Audio emphasis applied on audio samples",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0:  {Name: "no_emphasis"},
		1:  {Name: "cd_audio", Description: "First order filter with zero point at 50 microseconds and a pole at 15 microseconds"},
		2:  {Name: "reserved"},
		3:  {Name: "ccit_j_17", Description: "Defined in ITU-J"},
		4:  {Name: "fm_50", Description: "FM Radio in Europe"},
		5:  {Name: "fm_75", Description: "FM Radio in the USA"},
		10: {Name: "phono_riaa", Description: "Phono filter with time constants of t1=3180"},
		11: {Name: "phono_iec_n78", Description: "Phono filter with time constants of t1=3180"},
		12: {Name: "phono_teldec", Description: "Phono filter with time constants of t1=3180"},
		13: {Name: "phono_emi", Description: "Phono filter with time constants of t1=2500"},
		14: {Name: "phono_columbia_lp", Description: "Phono filter with time constants of t1=1590"},
		15: {Name: "phono_london", Description: "Phono filter with time constants of t1=1590"},
		16: {Name: "phono_nartb", Description: "Phono filter with time constants of t1=3180"},
View Source
var EncryptedBlockElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         EncryptedBlockID,
		ParentID:   ClusterID,
		Name:       "encrypted_block",
		Definition: "Similar to SimpleBlock",
View Source
var FieldOrderElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FieldOrderID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "field_order",
		Definition: "Specify the field ordering of video frames in this track",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0:  {Name: "progressive", Description: "Interlaced frames"},
		1:  {Name: "tff", Description: "Top field displayed first"},
		2:  {Name: "undetermined", Description: "Unknown field order"},
		6:  {Name: "bff", Description: "Bottom field displayed first"},
		9:  {Description: "Top field displayed first"},
		14: {Description: "Bottom field displayed first"},
View Source
var FileDataElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FileDataID,
		ParentID:   AttachedFileID,
		Name:       "file_data",
		Definition: "The data of the file",
View Source
var FileDescriptionElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FileDescriptionID,
		ParentID:   AttachedFileID,
		Name:       "file_description",
		Definition: "A human-friendly name for the attached file",
View Source
var FileMediaTypeElement = &ebml.String{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FileMediaTypeID,
		ParentID:   AttachedFileID,
		Name:       "file_media_type",
		Definition: "Media type of the file following the RFC6838 format",
View Source
var FileNameElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FileNameID,
		ParentID:   AttachedFileID,
		Name:       "file_name",
		Definition: "Filename of the attached file",
View Source
var FileReferralElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FileReferralID,
		ParentID:   AttachedFileID,
		Name:       "file_referral",
		Definition: "A binary value that a track/codec can refer to when the attachment is needed",
View Source
var FileUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FileUIDID,
		ParentID:   AttachedFileID,
		Name:       "file_uid",
		Definition: "Unique ID representing the file",
View Source
var FileUsedEndTimeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FileUsedEndTimeID,
		ParentID:   AttachedFileID,
		Name:       "file_used_end_time",
		Definition: "The timestamp at which this optimized font attachment goes out of context",
View Source
var FileUsedStartTimeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FileUsedStartTimeID,
		ParentID:   AttachedFileID,
		Name:       "file_used_start_time",
		Definition: "The timestamp at which this optimized font attachment comes into context",
View Source
var FlagCommentaryElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FlagCommentaryID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "flag_commentary",
		Definition: "Set to 1 if and only if that track contains commentary",
View Source
var FlagDefaultElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FlagDefaultID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "flag_default",
		Definition: "Set if that track is eligible for automatic selection by the player",
View Source
var FlagEnabledElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FlagEnabledID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "flag_enabled",
		Definition: "Set to 1 if the track is usable",
View Source
var FlagForcedElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FlagForcedID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "flag_forced",
		Definition: "Applies only to subtitles",
View Source
var FlagHearingImpairedElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FlagHearingImpairedID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "flag_hearing_impaired",
		Definition: "Set to 1 if and only if that track is suitable for users with hearing impairments",
View Source
var FlagInterlacedElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FlagInterlacedID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "flag_interlaced",
		Definition: "Specify whether the video frames in this track are interlaced",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "undetermined", Description: "Unknown status"},
		1: {Name: "interlaced", Description: "Interlaced frames"},
		2: {Name: "progressive", Description: "No interlacing"},
View Source
var FlagLacingElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FlagLacingID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "flag_lacing",
		Definition: "Set to 1 if the track **MAY** contain blocks using lacing",
View Source
var FlagOriginalElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FlagOriginalID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "flag_original",
		Definition: "Set to 1 if and only if that track is in the content's original language",
View Source
var FlagTextDescriptionsElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FlagTextDescriptionsID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "flag_text_descriptions",
		Definition: "Set to 1 if and only if that track contains textual descriptions of video content",
View Source
var FlagVisualImpairedElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FlagVisualImpairedID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "flag_visual_impaired",
		Definition: "Set to 1 if and only if that track is suitable for users with visual impairments",
View Source
var FrameNumberElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FrameNumberID,
		ParentID:   TimeSliceID,
		Name:       "frame_number",
		Definition: "The number of the frame to generate from this lace with this delay",
View Source
var FrameRateElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         FrameRateID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "frame_rate",
		Definition: "Number of frames per second",
View Source
var GammaValueElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         GammaValueID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "gamma_value",
		Definition: "Gamma Value",
View Source
var IDToElement = map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{}/* 260 elements not displayed */
View Source
var LaceNumberElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         LaceNumberID,
		ParentID:   TimeSliceID,
		Name:       "lace_number",
		Definition: "The reverse number of the frame in the lace ",
View Source
var LanguageBCP47Element = &ebml.String{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         LanguageBCP47ID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "language_bcp47",
		Definition: "The language of the track",
View Source
var LanguageElement = &ebml.String{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         LanguageID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "language",
		Definition: "The language of the track",
View Source
var LuminanceMaxElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         LuminanceMaxID,
		ParentID:   MasteringMetadataID,
		Name:       "luminance_max",
		Definition: "Maximum luminance",
View Source
var LuminanceMinElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         LuminanceMinID,
		ParentID:   MasteringMetadataID,
		Name:       "luminance_min",
		Definition: "Minimum luminance",
View Source
var MatrixCoefficientsElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         MatrixCoefficientsID,
		ParentID:   ColourID,
		Name:       "matrix_coefficients",
		Definition: "The Matrix Coefficients of the video used to derive luma and chroma values from red",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0:  {Name: "identity"},
		1:  {Name: "itu_r_bt_709"},
		2:  {Name: "unspecified"},
		3:  {Name: "reserved"},
		4:  {Name: "us_fcc_73_682"},
		5:  {Name: "itu_r_bt_470bg"},
		6:  {Name: "smpte_170m"},
		7:  {Name: "smpte_240m"},
		8:  {Name: "ycocg"},
		9:  {Name: "bt2020_non_constant_luminance"},
		10: {Name: "bt2020_constant_luminance"},
		11: {Name: "smpte_st_2085"},
		12: {Name: "chroma_derived_non_constant_luminance"},
		13: {Name: "chroma_derived_constant_luminance"},
		14: {Name: "itu_r_bt_2100_0"},
View Source
var MaxBlockAdditionIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         MaxBlockAdditionIDID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "max_block_addition_id",
		Definition: "The maximum value of BlockAddID ",
View Source
var MaxCLLElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         MaxCLLID,
		ParentID:   ColourID,
		Name:       "max_cll",
		Definition: "Maximum brightness of a single pixel in candelas per square meter (cd/m^2^)",
View Source
var MaxCacheElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         MaxCacheID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "max_cache",
		Definition: "The maximum cache size necessary to store referenced frames in and the current frame",
View Source
var MaxFALLElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         MaxFALLID,
		ParentID:   ColourID,
		Name:       "max_fall",
		Definition: "Maximum brightness of a single full frame in candelas per square meter (cd/m^2^)",
View Source
var MinCacheElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         MinCacheID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "min_cache",
		Definition: "The minimum number of frames a player should be able to cache during playback",
View Source
var MuxingAppElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         MuxingAppID,
		ParentID:   InfoID,
		Name:       "muxing_app",
		Definition: "Muxing application or library",
View Source
var NameElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         NameID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "name",
		Definition: "A human-readable track name",
View Source
var NextFilenameElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         NextFilenameID,
		ParentID:   InfoID,
		Name:       "next_filename",
		Definition: "A filename corresponding to the file of the next Linked Segment",
View Source
var NextUUIDElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         NextUUIDID,
		ParentID:   InfoID,
		Name:       "next_uuid",
		Definition: "An ID to identify the next Segment of a Linked Segment",
View Source
var OldStereoModeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         OldStereoModeID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "old_stereo_mode",
		Definition: "Bogus StereoMode value used in old versions of libmatroska",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "mono"},
		1: {Name: "right_eye"},
		2: {Name: "left_eye"},
		3: {Name: "both_eyes"},
View Source
var OutputSamplingFrequencyElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         OutputSamplingFrequencyID,
		ParentID:   AudioID,
		Name:       "output_sampling_frequency",
		Definition: "Real output sampling frequency in Hz",
View Source
var PixelCropBottomElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PixelCropBottomID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "pixel_crop_bottom",
		Definition: "The number of video pixels to remove at the bottom of the image",
View Source
var PixelCropLeftElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PixelCropLeftID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "pixel_crop_left",
		Definition: "The number of video pixels to remove on the left of the image",
View Source
var PixelCropRightElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PixelCropRightID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "pixel_crop_right",
		Definition: "The number of video pixels to remove on the right of the image",
View Source
var PixelCropTopElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PixelCropTopID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "pixel_crop_top",
		Definition: "The number of video pixels to remove at the top of the image",
View Source
var PixelHeightElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PixelHeightID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "pixel_height",
		Definition: "Height of the encoded video frames in pixels",
View Source
var PixelWidthElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PixelWidthID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "pixel_width",
		Definition: "Width of the encoded video frames in pixels",
View Source
var PositionElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PositionID,
		ParentID:   ClusterID,
		Name:       "position",
		Definition: "The Segment Position of the Cluster in the Segment (0 in live streams)",
View Source
var PrevFilenameElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PrevFilenameID,
		ParentID:   InfoID,
		Name:       "prev_filename",
		Definition: "A filename corresponding to the file of the previous Linked Segment",
View Source
var PrevSizeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PrevSizeID,
		ParentID:   ClusterID,
		Name:       "prev_size",
		Definition: "Size of the previous Cluster",
View Source
var PrevUUIDElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PrevUUIDID,
		ParentID:   InfoID,
		Name:       "prev_uuid",
		Definition: "An ID to identify the previous Segment of a Linked Segment",
View Source
var PrimariesElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PrimariesID,
		ParentID:   ColourID,
		Name:       "primaries",
		Definition: "The colour primaries of the video",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0:  {Name: "reserved"},
		1:  {Name: "itu_r_bt_709"},
		2:  {Name: "unspecified"},
		3:  {Name: "reserved2"},
		4:  {Name: "itu_r_bt_470m"},
		5:  {Name: "itu_r_bt_470bg_bt_601_625"},
		6:  {Name: "itu_r_bt_601_525_smpte_170m"},
		7:  {Name: "smpte_240m"},
		8:  {Name: "film"},
		9:  {Name: "itu_r_bt_2020"},
		10: {Name: "smpte_st_428_1"},
		11: {Name: "smpte_rp_432_2"},
		12: {Name: "smpte_eg_432_2"},
		22: {Name: "ebu_tech_3213_e_jedec_p22_phosphors"},
View Source
var PrimaryBChromaticityXElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PrimaryBChromaticityXID,
		ParentID:   MasteringMetadataID,
		Name:       "primary_bchromaticity_x",
		Definition: "Blue X chromaticity coordinate",
View Source
var PrimaryBChromaticityYElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PrimaryBChromaticityYID,
		ParentID:   MasteringMetadataID,
		Name:       "primary_bchromaticity_y",
		Definition: "Blue Y chromaticity coordinate",
View Source
var PrimaryGChromaticityXElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PrimaryGChromaticityXID,
		ParentID:   MasteringMetadataID,
		Name:       "primary_gchromaticity_x",
		Definition: "Green X chromaticity coordinate",
View Source
var PrimaryGChromaticityYElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PrimaryGChromaticityYID,
		ParentID:   MasteringMetadataID,
		Name:       "primary_gchromaticity_y",
		Definition: "Green Y chromaticity coordinate",
View Source
var PrimaryRChromaticityXElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PrimaryRChromaticityXID,
		ParentID:   MasteringMetadataID,
		Name:       "primary_rchromaticity_x",
		Definition: "Red X chromaticity coordinate",
View Source
var PrimaryRChromaticityYElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         PrimaryRChromaticityYID,
		ParentID:   MasteringMetadataID,
		Name:       "primary_rchromaticity_y",
		Definition: "Red Y chromaticity coordinate",
View Source
var ProjectionPosePitchElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ProjectionPosePitchID,
		ParentID:   ProjectionID,
		Name:       "projection_pose_pitch",
		Definition: "Specifies a pitch rotation to the projection",
View Source
var ProjectionPoseRollElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ProjectionPoseRollID,
		ParentID:   ProjectionID,
		Name:       "projection_pose_roll",
		Definition: "Specifies a roll rotation to the projection",
View Source
var ProjectionPoseYawElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ProjectionPoseYawID,
		ParentID:   ProjectionID,
		Name:       "projection_pose_yaw",
		Definition: "Specifies a yaw rotation to the projection",
View Source
var ProjectionPrivateElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ProjectionPrivateID,
		ParentID:   ProjectionID,
		Name:       "projection_private",
		Definition: "Private data that only applies to a specific projection",
View Source
var ProjectionTypeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ProjectionTypeID,
		ParentID:   ProjectionID,
		Name:       "projection_type",
		Definition: "Describes the projection used for this video track",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "rectangular"},
		1: {Name: "equirectangular"},
		2: {Name: "cubemap"},
		3: {Name: "mesh"},
View Source
var RangeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         RangeID,
		ParentID:   ColourID,
		Name:       "range",
		Definition: "Clipping of the color ranges",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "unspecified"},
		1: {Name: "broadcast_range"},
		2: {Description: "full range (no clipping)"},
		3: {Name: "defined_by_matrixcoefficients_transfercharacteristics"},
View Source
var ReferenceBlockElement = &ebml.Integer{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ReferenceBlockID,
		ParentID:   BlockGroupID,
		Name:       "reference_block",
		Definition: "A timestamp value",
View Source
var ReferenceFrameElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ReferenceFrameID,
		ParentID:   BlockGroupID,
		Name:       "reference_frame",
		Definition: "Contains information about the last reference frame",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		ReferenceOffsetID:    ReferenceOffsetElement,
		ReferenceTimestampID: ReferenceTimestampElement,
View Source
var ReferenceOffsetElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ReferenceOffsetID,
		ParentID:   ReferenceFrameID,
		Name:       "reference_offset",
		Definition: "The relative offset",
View Source
var ReferencePriorityElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ReferencePriorityID,
		ParentID:   BlockGroupID,
		Name:       "reference_priority",
		Definition: "This frame is referenced and has the specified cache priority",
View Source
var ReferenceTimestampElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ReferenceTimestampID,
		ParentID:   ReferenceFrameID,
		Name:       "reference_timestamp",
		Definition: "The timestamp of the BlockGroup pointed to by ReferenceOffset",
View Source
var ReferenceVirtualElement = &ebml.Integer{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         ReferenceVirtualID,
		ParentID:   BlockGroupID,
		Name:       "reference_virtual",
		Definition: "The Segment Position of the data that would otherwise be in position of the virtual block",
View Source
var RootElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:       RootID,
		ParentID: -1,
		Name:     "",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		ebml.HeaderID: ebml.Header,
		SegmentID:     SegmentElement,
View Source
var SamplingFrequencyElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SamplingFrequencyID,
		ParentID:   AudioID,
		Name:       "sampling_frequency",
		Definition: "Sampling frequency in Hz",
View Source
var SeekElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SeekID,
		ParentID:   SeekHeadID,
		Name:       "seek",
		Definition: "Contains a single seek entry to an EBML Element",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		SeekIDID:       SeekIDElement,
		SeekPositionID: SeekPositionElement,
View Source
var SeekHeadElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SeekHeadID,
		ParentID:   SegmentID,
		Name:       "seek_head",
		Definition: "Contains seeking information of Top-Level Elements",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		SeekID: SeekElement,
View Source
var SeekIDElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SeekIDID,
		ParentID:   SeekID,
		Name:       "seek_id",
		Definition: "The binary EBML ID of a Top-Level Element",
View Source
var SeekPositionElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SeekPositionID,
		ParentID:   SeekID,
		Name:       "seek_position",
		Definition: "The Segment Position of a Top-Level Element",
View Source
var SeekPreRollElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SeekPreRollID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "seek_pre_roll",
		Definition: "After a discontinuity",
View Source
var SegmentElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SegmentID,
		ParentID:   RootID,
		Name:       "segment",
		Definition: "The Root Element that contains all other Top-Level Elements",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		SeekHeadID:    SeekHeadElement,
		InfoID:        InfoElement,
		ClusterID:     ClusterElement,
		TracksID:      TracksElement,
		CuesID:        CuesElement,
		AttachmentsID: AttachmentsElement,
		ChaptersID:    ChaptersElement,
		TagsID:        TagsElement,
View Source
var SegmentFamilyElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SegmentFamilyID,
		ParentID:   InfoID,
		Name:       "segment_family",
		Definition: "A unique ID that all Segments of a Linked Segment **MUST** share chosen",
View Source
var SegmentFilenameElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SegmentFilenameID,
		ParentID:   InfoID,
		Name:       "segment_filename",
		Definition: "A filename corresponding to this Segment",
View Source
var SegmentUUIDElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SegmentUUIDID,
		ParentID:   InfoID,
		Name:       "segment_uuid",
		Definition: "A randomly generated unique ID to identify the Segment amongst many others chosen",
View Source
var SilentTrackNumberElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SilentTrackNumberID,
		ParentID:   SilentTracksID,
		Name:       "silent_track_number",
		Definition: "One of the track number that are not used from now on in the stream",
View Source
var SilentTracksElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SilentTracksID,
		ParentID:   ClusterID,
		Name:       "silent_tracks",
		Definition: "The list of tracks that are not used in that part of the stream",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		SilentTrackNumberID: SilentTrackNumberElement,
View Source
var SimpleBlockElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SimpleBlockID,
		ParentID:   ClusterID,
		Name:       "simple_block",
		Definition: "Similar to Block",
View Source
var SimpleTagElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SimpleTagID,
		ParentID:   TagID,
		Name:       "simple_tag",
		Definition: "Contains general information about the target",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		TagNameID:          TagNameElement,
		TagLanguageID:      TagLanguageElement,
		TagLanguageBCP47ID: TagLanguageBCP47Element,
		TagDefaultID:       TagDefaultElement,
		TagDefaultBogusID:  TagDefaultBogusElement,
		TagStringID:        TagStringElement,
		TagBinaryID:        TagBinaryElement,
View Source
var SliceDurationElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SliceDurationID,
		ParentID:   TimeSliceID,
		Name:       "slice_duration",
		Definition: "The duration to apply to the Element",
View Source
var SlicesElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         SlicesID,
		ParentID:   BlockGroupID,
		Name:       "slices",
		Definition: "Contains slices description",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		TimeSliceID: TimeSliceElement,
View Source
var StereoModeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         StereoModeID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "stereo_mode",
		Definition: "Stereo-3D video mode",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0:  {Name: "mono"},
		1:  {Description: "side by side (left eye first)"},
		2:  {Description: "top - bottom (right eye is first)"},
		3:  {Description: "top - bottom (left eye is first)"},
		4:  {Description: "checkboard (right eye is first)"},
		5:  {Description: "checkboard (left eye is first)"},
		6:  {Description: "row interleaved (right eye is first)"},
		7:  {Description: "row interleaved (left eye is first)"},
		8:  {Description: "column interleaved (right eye is first)"},
		9:  {Description: "column interleaved (left eye is first)"},
		10: {Description: "anaglyph (cyan/red)"},
		11: {Description: "side by side (right eye first)"},
		12: {Description: "anaglyph (green/magenta)"},
		13: {Description: "both eyes laced in one Block (left eye is first)"},
		14: {Description: "both eyes laced in one Block (right eye is first)"},
View Source
var TagAttachmentUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TagAttachmentUIDID,
		ParentID:   TargetsID,
		Name:       "tag_attachment_uid",
		Definition: "A unique ID to identify the Attachment(s) the tags belong to",
View Source
var TagBinaryElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TagBinaryID,
		ParentID:   SimpleTagID,
		Name:       "tag_binary",
		Definition: "The values of the Tag",
View Source
var TagChapterUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TagChapterUIDID,
		ParentID:   TargetsID,
		Name:       "tag_chapter_uid",
		Definition: "A unique ID to identify the Chapter(s) the tags belong to",
View Source
var TagDefaultBogusElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TagDefaultBogusID,
		ParentID:   SimpleTagID,
		Name:       "tag_default_bogus",
		Definition: "A variant of the TagDefault element with a bogus Element ID",
View Source
var TagDefaultElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TagDefaultID,
		ParentID:   SimpleTagID,
		Name:       "tag_default",
		Definition: "A boolean value to indicate if this is the default/original language to use for the given tag",
View Source
var TagEditionUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TagEditionUIDID,
		ParentID:   TargetsID,
		Name:       "tag_edition_uid",
		Definition: "A unique ID to identify the EditionEntry(s) the tags belong to",
View Source
var TagElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TagID,
		ParentID:   TagsID,
		Name:       "tag",
		Definition: "A single metadata descriptor",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		TargetsID:   TargetsElement,
		SimpleTagID: SimpleTagElement,
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var TagLanguageBCP47Element = &ebml.String{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TagLanguageBCP47ID,
		ParentID:   SimpleTagID,
		Name:       "tag_language_bcp47",
		Definition: "The language used in the TagString",
View Source
var TagLanguageElement = &ebml.String{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TagLanguageID,
		ParentID:   SimpleTagID,
		Name:       "tag_language",
		Definition: "Specifies the language of the tag specified",
View Source
var TagNameElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TagNameID,
		ParentID:   SimpleTagID,
		Name:       "tag_name",
		Definition: "The name of the Tag that is going to be stored",
View Source
var TagStringElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TagStringID,
		ParentID:   SimpleTagID,
		Name:       "tag_string",
		Definition: "The value of the Tag",
View Source
var TagTrackUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TagTrackUIDID,
		ParentID:   TargetsID,
		Name:       "tag_track_uid",
		Definition: "A unique ID to identify the Track(s) the tags belong to",
View Source
var TagsElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TagsID,
		ParentID:   SegmentID,
		Name:       "tags",
		Definition: "Element containing metadata describing Tracks",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		TagID: TagElement,
View Source
var TargetTypeElement = &ebml.String{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TargetTypeID,
		ParentID:   TargetsID,
		Name:       "target_type",
		Definition: "An informational string that can be used to display the logical level of the target like \"ALBUM\"",
	Enums: map[string]ebml.Enum{
		"COLLECTION": {Name: "targettypevalue_70"},
		"EDITION":    {Name: "targettypevalue_60"},
		"ISSUE":      {Name: "targettypevalue_60"},
		"VOLUME":     {Name: "targettypevalue_60"},
		"OPUS":       {Name: "targettypevalue_60"},
		"SEASON":     {Name: "targettypevalue_60"},
		"SEQUEL":     {Name: "targettypevalue_60"},
		"ALBUM":      {Name: "targettypevalue_50"},
		"OPERA":      {Name: "targettypevalue_50"},
		"CONCERT":    {Name: "targettypevalue_50"},
		"MOVIE":      {Name: "targettypevalue_50"},
		"EPISODE":    {Name: "targettypevalue_50"},
		"PART":       {Name: "targettypevalue_40"},
		"SESSION":    {Name: "targettypevalue_40"},
		"TRACK":      {Name: "targettypevalue_30"},
		"SONG":       {Name: "targettypevalue_30"},
		"CHAPTER":    {Name: "targettypevalue_30"},
		"SUBTRACK":   {Name: "targettypevalue_20"},
		"MOVEMENT":   {Name: "targettypevalue_20"},
		"SCENE":      {Name: "targettypevalue_20"},
		"SHOT":       {Name: "targettypevalue_10"},
View Source
var TargetTypeValueElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TargetTypeValueID,
		ParentID:   TargetsID,
		Name:       "target_type_value",
		Definition: "A number to indicate the logical level of the target",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		70: {Name: "collection", Description: "The highest hierarchical level that tags can describe"},
		60: {Name: "edition_issue_volume_opus_season_sequel", Description: "A list of lower levels grouped together"},
		50: {Name: "album_opera_concert_movie_episode", Description: "The most common grouping level of music and video"},
		40: {Name: "part_session", Description: "When an album or episode has different logical parts"},
		30: {Name: "track_song_chapter", Description: "The common parts of an album or movie"},
		20: {Name: "subtrack_movement_scene", Description: "Corresponds to parts of a track for audio like a movement"},
		10: {Name: "shot", Description: "The lowest hierarchy found in music or movies"},
View Source
var TargetsElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TargetsID,
		ParentID:   TagID,
		Name:       "targets",
		Definition: "Specifies which other elements the metadata represented by the Tag applies to",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		TargetTypeValueID:  TargetTypeValueElement,
		TargetTypeID:       TargetTypeElement,
		TagTrackUIDID:      TagTrackUIDElement,
		TagEditionUIDID:    TagEditionUIDElement,
		TagChapterUIDID:    TagChapterUIDElement,
		TagAttachmentUIDID: TagAttachmentUIDElement,
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var TimeSliceElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TimeSliceID,
		ParentID:   SlicesID,
		Name:       "time_slice",
		Definition: "Contains extra time information about the data contained in the Block",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		LaceNumberID:      LaceNumberElement,
		FrameNumberID:     FrameNumberElement,
		BlockAdditionIDID: BlockAdditionIDElement,
		DelayID:           DelayElement,
		SliceDurationID:   SliceDurationElement,
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var TimestampElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TimestampID,
		ParentID:   ClusterID,
		Name:       "timestamp",
		Definition: "Absolute timestamp of the cluster",
View Source
var TimestampScaleElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TimestampScaleID,
		ParentID:   InfoID,
		Name:       "timestamp_scale",
		Definition: "Base unit for Segment Ticks and Track Ticks",
View Source
var TitleElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TitleID,
		ParentID:   InfoID,
		Name:       "title",
		Definition: "General name of the Segment",
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var TrackCombinePlanesElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackCombinePlanesID,
		ParentID:   TrackOperationID,
		Name:       "track_combine_planes",
		Definition: "Contains the list of all video plane tracks that need to be combined to create this 3D track",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		TrackPlaneID: TrackPlaneElement,
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var TrackEntryElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackEntryID,
		ParentID:   TracksID,
		Name:       "track_entry",
		Definition: "Describes a track with all Elements",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		TrackNumberID:                 TrackNumberElement,
		TrackUIDID:                    TrackUIDElement,
		TrackTypeID:                   TrackTypeElement,
		FlagEnabledID:                 FlagEnabledElement,
		FlagDefaultID:                 FlagDefaultElement,
		FlagForcedID:                  FlagForcedElement,
		FlagHearingImpairedID:         FlagHearingImpairedElement,
		FlagVisualImpairedID:          FlagVisualImpairedElement,
		FlagTextDescriptionsID:        FlagTextDescriptionsElement,
		FlagOriginalID:                FlagOriginalElement,
		FlagCommentaryID:              FlagCommentaryElement,
		FlagLacingID:                  FlagLacingElement,
		MinCacheID:                    MinCacheElement,
		MaxCacheID:                    MaxCacheElement,
		DefaultDurationID:             DefaultDurationElement,
		DefaultDecodedFieldDurationID: DefaultDecodedFieldDurationElement,
		TrackTimestampScaleID:         TrackTimestampScaleElement,
		TrackOffsetID:                 TrackOffsetElement,
		MaxBlockAdditionIDID:          MaxBlockAdditionIDElement,
		BlockAdditionMappingID:        BlockAdditionMappingElement,
		NameID:                        NameElement,
		LanguageID:                    LanguageElement,
		LanguageBCP47ID:               LanguageBCP47Element,
		CodecIDID:                     CodecIDElement,
		CodecPrivateID:                CodecPrivateElement,
		CodecNameID:                   CodecNameElement,
		AttachmentLinkID:              AttachmentLinkElement,
		CodecSettingsID:               CodecSettingsElement,
		CodecInfoURLID:                CodecInfoURLElement,
		CodecDownloadURLID:            CodecDownloadURLElement,
		CodecDecodeAllID:              CodecDecodeAllElement,
		TrackOverlayID:                TrackOverlayElement,
		CodecDelayID:                  CodecDelayElement,
		SeekPreRollID:                 SeekPreRollElement,
		TrackTranslateID:              TrackTranslateElement,
		VideoID:                       VideoElement,
		AudioID:                       AudioElement,
		TrackOperationID:              TrackOperationElement,
		TrickTrackUIDID:               TrickTrackUIDElement,
		TrickTrackSegmentUIDID:        TrickTrackSegmentUIDElement,
		TrickTrackFlagID:              TrickTrackFlagElement,
		TrickMasterTrackUIDID:         TrickMasterTrackUIDElement,
		TrickMasterTrackSegmentUIDID:  TrickMasterTrackSegmentUIDElement,
		ContentEncodingsID:            ContentEncodingsElement,
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var TrackJoinBlocksElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackJoinBlocksID,
		ParentID:   TrackOperationID,
		Name:       "track_join_blocks",
		Definition: "Contains the list of all tracks whose Blocks need to be combined to create this virtual track",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		TrackJoinUIDID: TrackJoinUIDElement,
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var TrackJoinUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackJoinUIDID,
		ParentID:   TrackJoinBlocksID,
		Name:       "track_join_uid",
		Definition: "The trackUID number of a track whose blocks are used to create this virtual track",
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var TrackNumberElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackNumberID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "track_number",
		Definition: "The track number as used in the Block Header",
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var TrackOffsetElement = &ebml.Integer{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackOffsetID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "track_offset",
		Definition: "A value to add to the Block's Timestamp",
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var TrackOperationElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackOperationID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "track_operation",
		Definition: "Operation that needs to be applied on tracks to create this virtual track",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		TrackCombinePlanesID: TrackCombinePlanesElement,
		TrackJoinBlocksID:    TrackJoinBlocksElement,
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var TrackOverlayElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackOverlayID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "track_overlay",
		Definition: "Specify that this track is an overlay track for the Track specified (in the u-integer)",
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var TrackPlaneElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackPlaneID,
		ParentID:   TrackCombinePlanesID,
		Name:       "track_plane",
		Definition: "Contains a video plane track that need to be combined to create this 3D track",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		TrackPlaneUIDID:  TrackPlaneUIDElement,
		TrackPlaneTypeID: TrackPlaneTypeElement,
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var TrackPlaneTypeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackPlaneTypeID,
		ParentID:   TrackPlaneID,
		Name:       "track_plane_type",
		Definition: "The kind of plane this track corresponds to",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "left_eye"},
		1: {Name: "right_eye"},
		2: {Name: "background"},
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var TrackPlaneUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackPlaneUIDID,
		ParentID:   TrackPlaneID,
		Name:       "track_plane_uid",
		Definition: "The trackUID number of the track representing the plane",
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var TrackTimestampScaleElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackTimestampScaleID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "track_timestamp_scale",
		Definition: "The scale to apply on this track to work at normal speed in relation with other tracks",
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var TrackTranslateCodecElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackTranslateCodecID,
		ParentID:   TrackTranslateID,
		Name:       "track_translate_codec",
		Definition: "This TrackTranslate applies to this chapter codec of the given chapter edition",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0: {Name: "matroska_script", Description: "Chapter commands using the Matroska Script codec"},
		1: {Name: "dvd_menu", Description: "Chapter commands using the DVD-like codec"},
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var TrackTranslateEditionUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackTranslateEditionUIDID,
		ParentID:   TrackTranslateID,
		Name:       "track_translate_edition_uid",
		Definition: "Specify a chapter edition UID on which this TrackTranslate applies",
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var TrackTranslateElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackTranslateID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "track_translate",
		Definition: "The mapping between this TrackEntry and a track value in the given Chapter Codec",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		TrackTranslateTrackIDID:    TrackTranslateTrackIDElement,
		TrackTranslateCodecID:      TrackTranslateCodecElement,
		TrackTranslateEditionUIDID: TrackTranslateEditionUIDElement,
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var TrackTranslateTrackIDElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackTranslateTrackIDID,
		ParentID:   TrackTranslateID,
		Name:       "track_translate_track_id",
		Definition: "The binary value used to represent this TrackEntry in the chapter codec data",
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var TrackTypeElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackTypeID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "track_type",
		Definition: "The TrackType defines the type of each frame found in the Track",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		1:  {Name: "video", Description: "An image"},
		2:  {Name: "audio", Description: "Audio samples"},
		3:  {Name: "complex", Description: "A mix of different other TrackType"},
		16: {Name: "logo", Description: "An image to be rendered over the video track(s)"},
		17: {Name: "subtitle", Description: "Subtitle or closed caption data to be rendered over the video track(s)"},
		18: {Name: "buttons", Description: "Interactive button"},
		32: {Name: "control", Description: "Metadata used to control the player of the Matroska Player"},
		33: {Name: "metadata", Description: "Timed metadata that can be passed on to the Matroska Player"},
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var TrackUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrackUIDID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "track_uid",
		Definition: "A unique ID to identify the Track",
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var TracksElement = &ebml.Master{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TracksID,
		ParentID:   SegmentID,
		Name:       "tracks",
		Definition: "A Top-Level Element of information with many tracks described",
	Master: map[ebml.ID]ebml.Element{
		TrackEntryID: TrackEntryElement,
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var TransferCharacteristicsElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TransferCharacteristicsID,
		ParentID:   ColourID,
		Name:       "transfer_characteristics",
		Definition: "The transfer characteristics of the video",
	Enums: map[uint64]ebml.Enum{
		0:  {Name: "reserved"},
		1:  {Name: "itu_r_bt_709"},
		2:  {Name: "unspecified"},
		3:  {Name: "reserved2"},
		4:  {Name: "gamma_2_2_curve_bt_470m"},
		5:  {Name: "gamma_2_8_curve_bt_470bg"},
		6:  {Name: "smpte_170m"},
		7:  {Name: "smpte_240m"},
		8:  {Name: "linear"},
		9:  {Name: "log"},
		10: {Name: "log_sqrt"},
		11: {Name: "iec_61966_2_4"},
		12: {Name: "itu_r_bt_1361_extended_colour_gamut"},
		13: {Name: "iec_61966_2_1"},
		14: {Name: "itu_r_bt_2020_10_bit"},
		15: {Name: "itu_r_bt_2020_12_bit"},
		16: {Name: "itu_r_bt_2100_perceptual_quantization"},
		17: {Name: "smpte_st_428_1"},
		18: {Description: "ARIB STD-B67 (HLG)"},
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var TrickMasterTrackSegmentUIDElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrickMasterTrackSegmentUIDID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "trick_master_track_segment_uid",
		Definition: "The SegmentUID of the Segment containing the track identified by MasterTrackUID",
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var TrickMasterTrackUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrickMasterTrackUIDID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "trick_master_track_uid",
		Definition: "The TrackUID of the video track in the paired EBML structure that corresponds to this Smooth FF/RW track",
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var TrickTrackFlagElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrickTrackFlagID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "trick_track_flag",
		Definition: "Set to 1 if this video track is a Smooth FF/RW track",
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var TrickTrackSegmentUIDElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrickTrackSegmentUIDID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "trick_track_segment_uid",
		Definition: "The SegmentUID of the Segment containing the track identified by TrickTrackUID",
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var TrickTrackUIDElement = &ebml.Uinteger{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         TrickTrackUIDID,
		ParentID:   TrackEntryID,
		Name:       "trick_track_uid",
		Definition: "The TrackUID of the Smooth FF/RW video in the paired EBML structure corresponding to this video track",
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var UncompressedFourCCElement = &ebml.Binary{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         UncompressedFourCCID,
		ParentID:   VideoID,
		Name:       "uncompressed_four_cc",
		Definition: "Specify the uncompressed pixel format used for the Track's data as a FourCC",
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var WhitePointChromaticityXElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         WhitePointChromaticityXID,
		ParentID:   MasteringMetadataID,
		Name:       "white_point_chromaticity_x",
		Definition: "White X chromaticity coordinate",
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var WhitePointChromaticityYElement = &ebml.Float{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         WhitePointChromaticityYID,
		ParentID:   MasteringMetadataID,
		Name:       "white_point_chromaticity_y",
		Definition: "White Y chromaticity coordinate",
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var WritingAppElement = &ebml.UTF8{
	ElementType: ebml.ElementType{
		ID:         WritingAppID,
		ParentID:   InfoID,
		Name:       "writing_app",
		Definition: "Writing application",


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