You can use --github_token command line option instead
$ go run main.go --help
usage: main --name=NAME [<flags>] <input_path>
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
GitHub token for GitHub endpoint request.
GitHub event data json path.
--owner=OWNER name of repository owner. default value is from GITHUB_EVENT_PATH.repository.owner.login .
--name=NAME name of repository.
--base_branch="master" name of base branch.
--commit_message="auto generated commit"
commit message text.
--timezone="UTC" timezone for blog post date
--post_path=POST_PATH blog post markdown path in repository. default value is source/_posts/
--image_path=IMAGE_PATH blog post image path in repository. default value is source/images/YYYY-MM-DD-BranchName
base image url in blog site. default value is /images/YYYY-MM-DD-BranchName
--pr_branch=PR_BRANCH name of pull request branch. default value is from-pr-PRNumber
--pr_title=PR_TITLE title of pull request. default value is 'blog post from 'PRTitle”
--pr_body=PR_BODY body of pull request. default value is 'from PRURL'
<input_path> input markdown path