
v0.0.6 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Sep 12, 2018 License: BSD-3-Clause


Dev Environment

You'll need:

  • Minishift or Minikube
  • golang installed :) (everything is tested with 1.10.1)
  • dep installed
  • Your favorite IDE (with a golang plugin)
  • docker
  • make

Generate kubernetes code

If you make changes to the CRD struct you'll need to run code generation. This can be done with make:

cd /project/root
make generate

This creates the client folder and deepcopy functions for the structs. This needs to be run on a local docker instance so it can mount the code to the container.

Run the operator in dev mode

cd /to/go/project
minishift start
oc login -u system:admin # default developer account doesn't have the rights to create a crd
#The operator has the be run at least once before to create the CRD
go run cmd/operator/*.go -development
#Add a demo backupworker (adjust the variables to your liking first)
kubectl apply -f manifest-examples/baas.yaml
#Add a demo PVC if necessary
kubectl apply -f manifest-examples/pvc.yaml

Build and push the Restic container

The container has to exist on the registry in order for the operator to find the correct one.

minishift start
oc login -u developer
eval $(minishift docker-env)
docker login -u developer -p $(oc whoami -t) $(minishift openshift registry)
docker build -t $(minishift openshift registry)/myproject/baas:0.0.1 .
docker push $(minishift openshift registry)/myproject/baas:0.0.1

Example resource

apiVersion: appuio.ch/v1alpha1
kind: Backup
  namespace: baas-test
  name: baas-test
  dryRun: true # Not used yet
  schedule: "* * * * *" #every minute
  checkSchedule: "* * * * *" # When the checks should run default once a week
  keepJobs: 4 # How many job objects should be kept to check logs
    s3: # Self explaining
      bucket: baas
  promURL: # Prometheus pushgateway url
  retention: # Default 14 days
    keepLast: 2 # Absolute amount of snapshots to keep overwrites all other settings
    keepDaily: 0
    # Available retention settings:
    # keepLast
    # keepHourly
    # keepDaily
    # keepWeekly
    # keepMonthly
    # keepYearly
    # keepTags # Not yet implemented

The Restic repository password and the credentials for S3 need to be saved to OpenShift secrets:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: backup-credentials
  namespace: myproject
type: Opaque
  password: aXAzY2Rya1hjSG1INFM3aWY3ZXJLUE5veERuMjdWMHZyZzZDSEhlbQ==


apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: backup-repo
  namespace: myproject
type: Opaque
  password: YXNkZg==

The values of the secrets need to be in base64. To convert a string to base64 use:

echo -n "p@ssw0rd" | base64

Make consistent backups

The Operator also supports setting commands that ensure consistency, you just need to set the appuio.ch/backupcommand annotation on the pods.

        app: mariadb
        appuio.ch/backupcommand: mysqldump -uroot -psecure --all-databases
        - env:
            - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD

Deploy and Configure the Operator

To deploy the operator you'll need to adjust some config in the manifest folder. The contents of that folder:

  • baas-example.yaml an example backup
  • operator.yaml the actual operator
  • pv-example.yaml example for a pv
  • pvc-example.yaml example for a pvc
  • role-bindings.yaml cluster wide permissions necessary
  • service-account.yaml the service account for the permissions


Various things can be configured via environment variables:

  • BACKUP_IMAGE URL for the restic image, default:
  • BACKUP_ANNOTATION the annotation to be used for filtering, default: appuio.ch/backup
  • BACKUP_CHECKSCHEDULE the default check schedule, default: 0 0 * * 0
  • BACKUP_PODFILTER the filter used to find the backup pods, default: backupPod=true
  • BACKUP_DATAPATH where the PVCs should get mounted in the container, default /data
  • BACKUP_JOBNAME names for the backup job objects in OpenShift, default: backupjob
  • BACKUP_PODNAME names for the backup pod objects in OpenShift, default: backupjob-pod
  • BACKUP_RESTARTPOLICY set the RestartPolicy for the backup jobs. According to the docs this should be OnFailure for jobs that terminate, default: OnFailure
  • BACKUP_METRICBIND set the bind address for the prometheus endpoint, default: :8080
  • BACKUP_PROMURL set the operator wide default prometheus push gateway, default
  • BACKUP_BACKUPCOMMANDANNOTATION set the annotation name where the backup commands are stored, default appuio.ch/backupcommand
  • BACKUP_PODEXECROLENAME set the rolename that should be used for pod command execution, default pod-executor
  • BACKUP_PODEXECACCOUNTNAME set the service account name that should be used for the pod command execution, default: pod-executor
  • BACKUP_GLOBALACCESSKEYID set the S3 access key id to be used globaly
  • BACKUP_GLOBALSECRETACCESSKEY set the S3 secret access key to be used globaly

You only need to adjust BACKUP_IMAGE everything else can be left default.


All required definitions for the installation are located at manifest/install/:

kubectl apply -f manifest/install/

You may need to adjust the namespaces in the manifests. There are various other examples under manifest/examples/.

Please see the example resource here in the readme for an explanation of the various settings.

Installation changes
  • Since v0.0.5 - Rolebindings for the operator have changed. This is because of two reasons:

    • The operator now manages the the pod command execution service account per namespace. Thus it needs roles, rolebindings and serviceaccount permissions
    • In addition to that the operator needs at least the same permissions as it is allow to grant. Thus it also needs the pods/exec permissions

    See manifest/install/role-bindings.yaml for more details.

  • Since v0.0.4 - Because v0.0.5 supports consistent backups via stdout/stdin streaming the wrestic container needs a service account. This is currently hardcoded to pod-executor. This needs another cluster role and a service account per namespace. See manifest/prereqs/pod-exec.yaml for an example.

Manual restore

To manually restore you'll need:

Let's take the backend part of the above example resource:

  password: asdf # The restic encryption password
  s3: # Self explaining
      bucket: baas
      username: 8U0UDNYPNUDTUS1LIAF3
      password: ip3cdrkXcHmH4S7if7erKPNoxDn27V0vrg6CHHem

Note: future versions may move the credentials to the Kubernetes/OpenShift secrets store.

You can use these key/value pairs to configure restic:

export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=ip3cdrkXcHmH4S7if7erKPNoxDn27V0vrg6CHHem

Now you can use Restic to browse and restore snapshots:

# List snapshots
restic snapshots
repository dec6d66c opened successfully, password is correct
ID        Date                 Host                Tags        Directory
5ed64a2d  2018-06-08 09:18:34  macbook-vshn.local              /Users/simonbeck/go/src/git.vshn.net/vshn/baas/vendor
1 snapshots

# Or mount the repository for convenient restores
restic mount ~/Desktop/mount
repository dec6d66c opened successfully, password is correct
Now serving the repository at /Users/simonbeck/Desktop/mount/
Dont forget to umount after quitting!

ll ~/Desktop/mount
total 0
dr-xr-xr-x  1 simonbeck  staff    0 Jun  8 09:21 .
drwx------+ 6 simonbeck  staff  192 Jun  8 09:15 ..
dr-xr-xr-x  1 simonbeck  staff    0 Jun  8 09:21 hosts
dr-xr-xr-x  1 simonbeck  staff    0 Jun  8 09:21 ids
dr-xr-xr-x  1 simonbeck  staff    0 Jun  8 09:21 snapshots
dr-xr-xr-x  1 simonbeck  staff    0 Jun  8 09:21 tags


Path Synopsis
Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API.
Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API.
This package has the automatically generated clientset.
This package has the automatically generated clientset.
This package has the automatically generated fake clientset.
This package has the automatically generated fake clientset.
This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset.
This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset.
This package has the automatically generated typed clients.
This package has the automatically generated typed clients.
Package fake has the automatically generated clients.
Package fake has the automatically generated clients.

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