
Repository structure
├── docs
├── functions
│ ├── vshn-common-func
│ ├── vshn-postgres-func
│ └── vshn-redis-func
├── kind
├── runtime
└── test
contains relevant documentation in regard to this repository
contains the actual logic for each function-io. Each function-io can have multiple transformation go functions
contains a library with helper methods which helps with adding new functions.
contains relevant files for local dev cluster
contains test files
Check out the docs to understand how functions from this repository work.
Add a new function-io
The framework is designed to easily add new composition functions to any AppCat service.
A function-io corresponds to one and only one composition thus multiple transformation go functions
can be added to a function-io.
For instance, in vshn-postgres-func
there are multiple transformation go functions such as url
or alerting
To add a new function to PostgreSQL by VSHN:
- Create a new package under
- Create a go file and add a new transform go function to the list in
- Implement the actual
go function by using the helper functions from runtime/desired.go
and runtime/observed.go
- Register the transform go function in the
- Create a new app.go under
and define a new AppInfo
This architecture allows us to run all the functions with a single command. But for debugging and development purpose it's possible to run each function separately, by using the --function
Manually testing a function
To test a function you can leverage the FunctionIO file in the ./test
cat test/function-io.yaml | go run cmd/vshn-postgres-func/main.go --function myfunction > test.yaml
Usage of gRPC server - local development + kind cluster
entrypoint to start working with gRPC server is to run:
go run main.go -socket default.sock
it will create a socket file in Your local directory which is easier for development - no need to set permissions and directory structure.
It's also possible to trigger fake request to gRPC server by client (to imitate Crossplane):
cd test/grpc-client
go run main.go
if You want to run gRPC server in local kind cluster, please use:
- kindev. In makefile replace target:
$(crossplane_sentinel): export KUBECONFIG = $(KIND_KUBECONFIG)
$(crossplane_sentinel): kind-setup local-pv-setup
# below line loads image to kind
kind load docker-image --name kindev
helm repo add crossplane
helm upgrade --install crossplane --create-namespace --namespace syn-crossplane crossplane/crossplane \
--set "args[0]='--debug'" \
--set "args[1]='--enable-composition-functions'" \
--set "args[2]='--enable-environment-configs'" \
--set "xfn.enabled=true" \
--set "xfn.args={--debug}" \
--set "" \
--set "xfn.image.tag=latest" \
@touch $@
- component-appcat please append file with:
kind: XVSHNPostgreSQL
# we have to add functions declaration to postgresql
- container:
image: postgresql
endpoint: unix-abstract:crossplane/fn/default.sock
name: pgsql-func
type: Container
- base:
That's all - You can now run Your claims. This documentation and above workaround is just temporary solution, it should disappear once we actually implement composition functions.