A tool to analyze all available RPM packages inside a given container image.
For each package, it will create a Dockerfile to dnf -y install --allowerasing
the specific package.
To create the Dockerfiles run:
go run main.go
Found 6842 RPM packages
Writing Dockerfile for each package [==============================================================]
Wrote 6832 Dockerfiles to /tmp/RPM-Dockerfiles3159832664
Some of the intial 6842 packages are duplicates which are filtered before writing Dockerfiles.
Each Dockerfile is writtin in a specific directory indicating the package name, version and repository, for instance /tmp/RPM-Dockerfiles3159832664/zstd.x86_64-1.5.1-2.el9-System
To build the Dockerfiles, run go main.go -dir /tmp/RPM-Dockerfiles3159832664
It will first create a shared DNF cache to speed up builds and run 4 builds in parallel.
You can use the -j N
flag to change the number of parallel builds.
At the moment, the default image to analyze is registry.redhat.io/rhel9/rhel-bootc:latest
You can use the -image
flag to use another one.
The build logs will be placed in the specific directory next to the Dockerfile.