Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func MergeApiConfig(args[string]*base.ApiInfo) (map[string]*base.ApiInfo, error)
- type AIAnalysisResponse
- type AITemplate
- type AITemplateItem
- type AIoT
- func (p *AIoT) AddGroupTreeNode(request *AddGroupTreeNodeRequest) (*AddGroupTreeNodeResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) AddRequestInterceptor(interceptor QueryInterceptorFunc)
- func (p *AIoT) AddSpaceDomain(request *AddSpaceDomainRequest) (*SpaceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) AiotPlayBackControl(request *AiotPlayBackControlRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) AiotPlayBackStart(request *PlayBackStartRequest) (*PlayBackStartResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) AiotPlayBackStop(request *StreamRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) BatchDeleteCascadePlatform(request *BatchDeleteCascadePlatformRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) BatchDeleteCascadeTask(request *BatchDeleteCascadeTaskRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) BatchDeleteSlowLive(request *BatchDeleteSlowLiveRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) BindCert(request *BindCertRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) BindDeviceToGroupTreeNode(request *UpdateGroupTreeNodeRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CancelBindTemplate(request *CancelBindTemplateRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CertDetail(chainID string) (*CertDetailResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CheckBindTemplate(request *CheckBindTemplateRequest) (*ListSpacesResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CloudControl(request *CloudControlRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CloudControlV3(request *CloudControlRequestV3) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CloudRecordPlay(request *CloudRecordPlayRequest) (*CloudRecordPlayResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CloudRecordPlayV3(request *CloudRecordPlayRequestV3) (*CloudRecordPlayResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateAITemplate(request *CreateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateCascadePlatform(request *CreateCascadePlatformRequest) (*CreateCascadePlatformResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateCascadeTask(request *CreateCascadeTaskRequest) (*CreateCascadeTaskResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateDevice(request *CreateDeviceRequest) (*CreateDeviceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateRecordPlan(req *CreateRecordPlanRequest) (*RecordPlanResultResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateRecordTemplate(request *CreateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateScreenshotTemplate(request *CreateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateSlowLive(request *CreateSlowLiveRequest) (*SlowLiveResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateSpace(request *CreateSpaceRequest) (*SpaceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateStream(request *CreateStreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateStructuredView(request *CreateStructuredViewRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateStructuredViewCascadeJob(request *CreateStructuredViewCascadeJobRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateStructuredViewCascadePlatform(request *CreateStructuredViewCascadePlatformRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateStructuredViewCode(viewType string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateStructuredViewSpace(request *CreateStructuredViewSpaceRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CreateTransTemplate(request *CreateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CruiseControl(request *CruiseControlRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) CruiseControlV3(request *CruiseControlRequestV3) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteAITemplate(request *DeleteTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteAlarmNotify(alarmNotifyID string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteAlarmNotifyAll(spaceID, deviceID string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteCascadePlatform(platformID string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteCascadeTask(taskID string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteCert(request *DeleteCertRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteCruiseTrack(args *DeleteCruiseTrackArgs) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteCruiseTrackV3(args *DeleteCruiseTrackArgsV3) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteDevice(request *DeviceRequest) (*DeviceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteGroupTreeNodes(request *DeleteGroupTreeNodesRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteLocalDownload(spaceID, id string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteRecordPlan(planID string) (*RecordPlanResultResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteRecordTemplate(request *DeleteTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteScreenshotTemplate(request *DeleteTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteSlowLive(slowLiveID string) (*SlowLiveResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteSpace(request *SpaceRequest) (*SpaceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteSpaceDomain(spaceID, domain string) (*DeleteSpaceDomainResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteSpaceV3(request *SpaceRequest) (*SpaceResponseV3, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteStream(request *StreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteStructuredView(viewID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteStructuredViewCascadeJob(jobID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteStructuredViewCascadePlatform(platformID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteStructuredViewSpace(spaceID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DeleteTransTemplate(request *DeleteTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DisableAuthInSpace(spaceID, domain string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DisableStructuredView(viewID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DisableStructuredViewCascadeJob(jobID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DisableStructuredViewCascadePlatform(platformID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) DisableStructuredViewSpace(spaceID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) EdgeBye(streamID string) (*EdgeResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) EdgeInvite(streamID string, req *EdgeInviteRequest) (*EdgeResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) EdgeStatus(streamID string, req *EdgeStatusRequest) (*EdgeResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) EnableStructuredView(viewID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) EnableStructuredViewCascadeJob(jobID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) EnableStructuredViewCascadePlatform(platformID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) EnableStructuredViewSpace(spaceID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ForbidStream(request *StreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) FreshDevice(request *FreshDeviceRequest) (*DeviceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GenSipID(request *GenSipIDRequest) (*DeviceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetAIAnalysisResult(req *GetAIAnalysisResultRequest) (*GetAIAnalysisResultResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetAITemplate(request *TemplateRequest) (*GetTemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetAPIInfo(api string) *base.ApiInfo
- func (p *AIoT) GetCascadePlatform(platformID string) (*GetCascadePlatformResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetCascadeTask(taskID string) (*GetCascadeTaskResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetCruiseTrack(deviceNSID, channelID string, trackID uint8) (*GetCruiseTrackResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetCruiseTrackV3(streamID string, trackID uint8) (*GetCruiseTrackResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetDataProjectWithBindWidthAndFlow(request *GetDataProjectWithBindWidthAndFlowRequest) (*GetDataProjectWithBindWidthAndFlowResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetDevice(request *GetDeviceRequest) (*GetDeviceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetDeviceChannels(request *DeviceRequest, options ...GetDeviceChannelsOption) (*GetDeviceChannelsResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetDevicesByGroupTreeNode(request *GetDevicesByGroupTreeNodeRequest) (*GetDevicesByGroupTreeNodeResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetGroupNodesByCascadeTask(taskID string) (*GetGroupTreeNodeResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetGroupTreeNode(groupNodeID string) (*GetGroupTreeNodeResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetMediaDownload(request *GetLocalMediaDownloadRequest) (*ListGBMediaResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetNssInfoList() (*NssInfoListResp, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetPushStreamCnt(request *GetPushStreamCntRequest) (*GetPushStreamCntResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetRecordList(request *GetRecordListRequest) (*GetRecordListResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetRecordListV3(request *GetRecordListRequestV3) (*GetRecordListResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetRecordPlan(planID string) (*RecordPlanResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetRecordTemplate(request *TemplateRequest) (*GetTemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetScreenshotTemplate(request *TemplateRequest) (*GetTemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetServiceInfo() *base.ServiceInfo
- func (p *AIoT) GetSlowLive(slowLiveID string) (*GetSlowLiveResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetSpace(request *SpaceRequest) (*GetSpaceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetSpaceDomain(spaceID, domain string) (*GetSpaceDomainResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetSpaceGroupTreeRoot(spaceID string) (*GroupTreeNode, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetSpaceTemplate(request *SpaceRequest) (*GetSpaceTemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetStream(request *StreamRequest) (*GetStreamResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetStreamData(request *GetStreamDataRequest) (*GetStreamDataResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetStructuredView(viewID string) (*GetStructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetStructuredViewCascadeJob(jobID string) (*GetStructuredViewCascadeJobResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetStructuredViewCascadePlatform(platformID string) (*GetStructuredViewCascadePlatformResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetStructuredViewDataInfo(dataID, viewID string) (*GetStructuredViewDataInfoResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetStructuredViewSpace(spaceID string) (*GetStructuredViewSpaceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetTotalData(t string) (*GetTotalDataResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) GetTransTemplate(request *TemplateRequest) (*GetTemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListAITemplates(request *ListTemplateRequest) (*ListTemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListAlarmNotify(request *ListAlarmNotifyRequest) (*ListAlarmNotifyResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListCascadePlatforms(request *ListCascadePlatformRequest) (*ListCascadePlatformResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListCascadeTask(request *ListCascadeTaskRequest) (*ListCascadeTaskResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListCertificates(request *ListCertificatesRequest) (*ListCertificatesResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListCruiseTracks(deviceNSID, channelID string) (*ListCruiseTracksResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListCruiseTracksV3(streamID string) (*ListCruiseTracksResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListDeviceRecords(request *ListHistoryRequest) (*ListHistoryResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListDeviceScreenshots(request *ListHistoryRequest) (*ListHistoryResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListDevices(request *ListDevicesRequest) (*ListDevicesResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListGroupTreeNodes(spaceID string) (*ListGroupTreeNodesResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListRecordPlanChannels(planID string, pageNumber, pageSize int) (*ListRecordPlanChannelResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListRecordPlans(pageNumber, pageSize int) (*ListRecordPlanResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListRecordTemplates(request *ListTemplateRequest) (*ListTemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListScreenshotTemplates(request *ListTemplateRequest) (*ListTemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListSlowLive(request *SlowLiveRequest) (*ListSlowLiveResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListSpaceDomains(spaceID string) (*ListSpaceDomainsResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListSpaces(request *ListSpacesRequest) (*ListSpacesResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListStreamRecordsV3(request *ListHistoryRequestV3) (*ListHistoryResponseV3, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListStreamScreenshotsV3(request *ListHistoryRequestV3) (*ListHistoryResponseV3, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListStreams(request *ListStreamsRequest) (*ListStreamsResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListStructuredViewCascadeJob(request *ListStructuredViewCascadeJobRequest) (*ListStructuredViewCascadeJobResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListStructuredViewCascadePlatform(request *ListStructuredViewCascadePlatformRequest) (*ListStructuredViewCascadePlatformResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListStructuredViewData(request *ListStructuredViewDataRequest) (*ListStructuredViewDataResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListStructuredViewSpaces(request ListStructuredViewSpacesRequest) (*ListStructuredViewSpacesResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListStructuredViews(request *ListStructuredViewsRequest) (*ListStructuredViewsResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ListTransTemplates(request *ListTemplateRequest) (*ListTemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) LocalMediaDownload(request *LocalMediaDownloadRequest) (*LocalMediaDownloadResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) LocalMediaDownloadV3(request *LocalMediaDownloadRequestV3) (*LocalMediaDownloadResponseV3, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) PlayBackControl(request *PlayBackControlRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) PlayBackStart(request *PlayBackStartRequest) (*PlayBackStartResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) PlayBackStartV3(request *PlayBackStartRequestV3) (*PlayBackStartResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) PlayBackStop(request *StreamRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) QueryPresetInfo(request *QueryPresetInfoRequest) (*QueryPresetInfoResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) QueryPresetInfoV3(request *QueryPresetInfoRequestV3) (*QueryPresetInfoResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ResetAlarm(request *ResetAlarmRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) SetAlarmGuard(request *SetAlarmGuardRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) SetCruiseTrack(args *SetCruiseTrackArgs) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) SetCruiseTrackV3(args *SetCruiseTrackArgsV3) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) SetHost(host string)
- func (p *AIoT) SetRegion(region string)
- func (p *AIoT) SetSchema(schema string)
- func (p *AIoT) SetSpaceTemplate(request *SetSpaceTemplateRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) ShareGroupNodesToCascadeTask(arg *ShareGroupNodesRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) SignSlowliveWsToken(request *SignSlowliveWsTokenRequest) (*SignSlowliveWsTokenResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StartCascadeTask(taskID string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StartCruiseTrack(args *StartCruiseTrackArgs) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StartCruiseTrackV3(args *StartCruiseTrackArgsV3) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StartDevice(request *DeviceRequest) (*DeviceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StartSlowLive(slowLiveID string) (*SlowLiveResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StartSpace(request *SpaceRequest) (*SpaceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StartStream(request *StreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StartStreamWithParameters(request *StartStreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StartVoiceTalk(request *StartVoiceTalkRequest) (*StartVoiceTalkResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StopCascadeTask(taskID string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StopCruiseTrack(args *StopCruiseTrackArgs) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StopCruiseTrackV3(args *StopCruiseTrackArgsV3) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StopDevice(request *DeviceRequest) (*DeviceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StopSlowLive(slowLiveID string) (*SlowLiveResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StopSpace(request *SpaceRequest) (*SpaceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StopStream(request *StreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StopVoiceTalk(request *StopVoiceTalkRequest) (*StopVoiceTalkResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) StreamLogs(request *StreamLogsRequest) (*StreamLogsResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UnbindCert(request *UnbindCertRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UnforbidStream(request *StreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateAITemplate(request *UpdateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateAuthInSpace(request *UpdateAuthInSpaceRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateCascadePlatform(request *UpdateCascadePlatformRequest) (*UpdateCascadePlatformResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateCascadeTask(taskID string, arg *UpdateCascadeTaskArg) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateCert(request *UpdateCertRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateDevice(request *UpdateDeviceRequest) (*DeviceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateDomainHTTPS(request *UpdateDomainHTTPSRequest) (*SpaceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateGroupTreeNode(request *UpdateGroupTreeNodeRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateRecordPlan(req *UpdateRecordPlanRequest) (*RecordPlanResultResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateRecordTemplate(request *UpdateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateScreenshotTemplate(request *UpdateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateSlowLive(request *UpdateSlowLiveRequest) (*SlowLiveResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateSpace(request *UpdateSpaceRequest) (*SpaceResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateSpaceDomain(request *UpdateSpaceDomainRequest) (*UpdateSpaceDomainResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateStream(request *UpdateStreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateStructuredCascadeJob(request *UpdateStructuredCascadeJobRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateStructuredView(request *UpdateStructuredViewRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateStructuredViewCascadePlatform(request *UpdateStructuredViewCascadePlatformRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateStructuredViewSpace(request *UpdateStructuredViewSpaceRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UpdateTransTemplate(request *UpdateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
- func (p *AIoT) UploadCert(request *UploadCertRequest) (*UploadCertResponse, int, error)
- type AccountStatus
- type AddGroupTreeNodeRequest
- type AddGroupTreeNodeResponse
- type AddSpaceDomainRequest
- type AiotPlayBackControlRequest
- type AlarmNotify
- type AlertNotification
- type BatchDeleteCascadePlatformRequest
- type BatchDeleteCascadeTaskRequest
- type BatchDeleteSlowLiveRequest
- type BindCertRequest
- type BindChannel
- type CalculatePkgRes
- type CalculatePkgResponse
- type CancelBindTemplateRequest
- type CascadePlatform
- type CascadeSipConfig
- type CascadeStatus
- type CascadeTask
- type CatalogItemInfo
- type CertDetail
- type CertDetailResponse
- type ChannelPkg
- type Charge
- type ChargeItem
- type ChargeMode
- type CheckBindTemplateRequest
- type CloudControlRequest
- type CloudControlRequestV3
- type CloudRecordPlayRequest
- type CloudRecordPlayRequestV3
- type CloudRecordPlayResponse
- type CommonCount
- type Coordinates
- type CreateAccountRequest
- type CreateAccountRes
- type CreateAccountResponse
- type CreateCascadePlatformRequest
- type CreateCascadePlatformResponse
- type CreateCascadeTaskRequest
- type CreateCascadeTaskResponse
- type CreateDeviceArg
- type CreateDeviceRequest
- type CreateDeviceResponse
- type CreateRecordPlanRequest
- type CreateSlowLiveRequest
- type CreateSpaceRequest
- type CreateStreamRequest
- type CreateStructuredViewCascadeJobRequest
- type CreateStructuredViewCascadePlatformRequest
- type CreateStructuredViewRequest
- type CreateStructuredViewSpaceRequest
- type CreateTemplateRequest
- type CruiseControlRequest
- type CruiseControlRequestV3
- type CruisePoint
- type CruiseTrack
- type DataProject
- type DeleteCertRequest
- type DeleteCruiseTrackArgs
- type DeleteCruiseTrackArgsV3
- type DeleteGroupTreeNodesRequest
- type DeleteSpaceDomainRes
- type DeleteSpaceDomainResponse
- type DeleteTemplateRequest
- type DeviceChannelResp
- type DeviceItem
- type DeviceItemWithStream
- type DeviceRequest
- type DeviceResponse
- type DeviceStreams
- type DeviceType
- type DeviceView
- type EdgeInviteRequest
- type EdgeResponse
- type EdgeResponseDetail
- type EdgeStatusRequest
- type EnableTime
- type EnableTimes
- type FaceRecord
- type Font
- type FreshDeviceRequest
- type GBMediaDownload
- type GenSipIDRequest
- type GetAIAnalysisResult
- type GetAIAnalysisResultRequest
- type GetAIAnalysisResultResponse
- type GetAccountResponse
- type GetCascadePlatformResponse
- type GetCascadeTaskResponse
- type GetCruiseTrackResponse
- type GetDataProject
- type GetDataProjectWithBindWidthAndFlowRequest
- type GetDataProjectWithBindWidthAndFlowResponse
- type GetDeviceChannelsMode
- type GetDeviceChannelsOption
- type GetDeviceChannelsResponse
- type GetDeviceRequest
- type GetDeviceResponse
- type GetDevicesByGroupTreeNodeRequest
- type GetDevicesByGroupTreeNodeRes
- type GetDevicesByGroupTreeNodeResponse
- type GetGroupTreeNodeResponse
- type GetLocalMediaDownloadRequest
- type GetPkgInfoResponse
- type GetPushStreamCntRequest
- type GetPushStreamCntRes
- type GetPushStreamCntResponse
- type GetRecordListRequest
- type GetRecordListRequestV3
- type GetRecordListResponse
- type GetSlowLiveResponse
- type GetSlowLiveResult
- type GetSpaceDomainResponse
- type GetSpaceResponse
- type GetSpaceTemplateResponse
- type GetStreamDataRequest
- type GetStreamDataRes
- type GetStreamDataResponse
- type GetStreamResponse
- type GetStructuredViewCascadeJobResponse
- type GetStructuredViewCascadePlatformResponse
- type GetStructuredViewDataInfoResponse
- type GetStructuredViewResponse
- type GetStructuredViewSpaceResponse
- type GetTemplateResponse
- type GetTotalDataRes
- type GetTotalDataResponse
- type GroupDevice
- type GroupStream
- type GroupTreeNode
- type HistoryResult
- type HistoryResultV3
- type IDDevice
- type IDResponse
- type ListAlarmNotifyRequest
- type ListAlarmNotifyResponse
- type ListAlarmNotifyResult
- type ListCascadePlatformRequest
- type ListCascadePlatformResponse
- type ListCascadePlatformResult
- type ListCascadeTaskRequest
- type ListCascadeTaskResponse
- type ListCascadeTaskResult
- type ListCertificatesRequest
- type ListCertificatesResponse
- type ListCertsResult
- type ListCruiseTracksResponse
- type ListDevicesRequest
- type ListDevicesResponse
- type ListDevicesResult
- type ListGBMediaResp
- type ListGBMediaResponse
- type ListGroupTreeNodesRes
- type ListGroupTreeNodesResponse
- type ListHistoryRequest
- type ListHistoryRequestV3
- type ListHistoryResponse
- type ListHistoryResponseV3
- type ListRecordPlanChannelResp
- type ListRecordPlanChannelResponse
- type ListRecordPlanResp
- type ListRecordPlanResponse
- type ListSlowLiveResponse
- type ListSlowLiveResult
- type ListSpaceDomainsRes
- type ListSpaceDomainsResponse
- type ListSpacesRequest
- type ListSpacesResponse
- type ListSpacesResult
- type ListStreamRecordsResult
- type ListStreamsRequest
- type ListStreamsResponse
- type ListStreamsResult
- type ListStructuredViewCascadeJobRequest
- type ListStructuredViewCascadeJobResponse
- type ListStructuredViewCascadeJobResult
- type ListStructuredViewCascadePlatformRequest
- type ListStructuredViewCascadePlatformResponse
- type ListStructuredViewCascadePlatformResult
- type ListStructuredViewDataRequest
- type ListStructuredViewDataResponse
- type ListStructuredViewDataResult
- type ListStructuredViewResult
- type ListStructuredViewSpaceResult
- type ListStructuredViewSpacesRequest
- type ListStructuredViewSpacesResponse
- type ListStructuredViewsRequest
- type ListStructuredViewsResponse
- type ListTemplateRequest
- type ListTemplateResponse
- type ListTemplatesResult
- type LocalMediaDownloadRequest
- type LocalMediaDownloadRequestV3
- type LocalMediaDownloadResp
- type LocalMediaDownloadRespV3
- type LocalMediaDownloadResponse
- type LocalMediaDownloadResponseV3
- type LogView
- type LogViews
- type M3U8Option
- type Mps
- type NSSArg
- type NewPackageResponse
- type NssInfoListResp
- type NssInfoListResponse
- type PageRequest
- type PageResult
- type ParseRecord
- type Permissions
- type PhotoObjectDetail
- type PlayBackControlRequest
- type PlayBackStartRequest
- type PlayBackStartRequestV3
- type PlayBackStartResp
- type PlayBackStartResponse
- type PresetItem
- type PresetList
- type QualityDetection
- type QueryInterceptorFunc
- type QueryPresetInfoRequest
- type QueryPresetInfoRequestV3
- type QueryPresetInfoResponse
- type RawResponse
- type RecordItem
- type RecordList
- type RecordMeta
- type RecordMetaV3
- type RecordPlanResponse
- type RecordPlanResultResponse
- type RecordPlanStreamView
- type RecordPlanView
- type RecordResult
- type RecordResultV3
- type RecordTemplate
- type RectParams
- type ResetAlarmRequest
- type Resource
- type SDKGeneralDeviceAVAbilityBitmask
- type SDKNVRAVAbilityEnum
- type SDKProductValidDurationEnum
- type ScreenResult
- type ScreenResultV3
- type ScreenshotTemplate
- type ScreenshotType
- type ScreenshotTypeInt
- type SegInfo
- type SetAlarmGuardRequest
- type SetCruiseTrackArgs
- type SetCruiseTrackArgsV3
- type SetSpaceTemplateRequest
- type ShareGroupNodesRequest
- type SignSlowliveWsTokenRequest
- type SignSlowliveWsTokenResponse
- type SignSlowliveWsTokenResult
- type SimpleCertInfo
- type SimpleTemplate
- type SipServer
- type SlowLiveConfig
- type SlowLiveRequest
- type SlowLiveResponse
- type SlowLiveStatus
- type SlowLiveStreamConfig
- type SlowLiveView
- type SpaceDomain
- type SpaceDomainHttps
- type SpaceGB
- type SpaceRequest
- type SpaceResponse
- type SpaceResponseV3
- type SpaceTemplate
- type SpaceView
- type Specification
- type StartCruiseTrackArgs
- type StartCruiseTrackArgsV3
- type StartStreamRequest
- type StartVoiceTalkRequest
- type StartVoiceTalkResp
- type StartVoiceTalkResponse
- type StopCruiseTrackArgs
- type StopCruiseTrackArgsV3
- type StopVoiceTalkRequest
- type StopVoiceTalkResponse
- type StreamLogsRequest
- type StreamLogsResponse
- type StreamRecord
- type StreamRequest
- type StreamResp
- type StreamResponse
- type StreamTemplate
- type StreamView
- type StreamingType
- type StructuredView
- type StructuredViewCascadeJob
- type StructuredViewCascadeJobStatus
- type StructuredViewCascadePlatform
- type StructuredViewCascadePlatformStatus
- type StructuredViewData
- type StructuredViewResponse
- type StructuredViewSpace
- type StructuredViewSpaceStatus
- type StructuredViewStatus
- type Subtitle
- type SubtitleItem
- type SubtitleList
- type Template
- type TemplateBucketConfig
- type TemplateRequest
- type TemplateResponse
- type TemplateTTLConfig
- type TransTemplate
- type TypeItem
- type UnbindCertRequest
- type UpdateAccountRequest
- type UpdateAuthInSpaceRequest
- type UpdateCascadePlatformRequest
- type UpdateCascadePlatformResponse
- type UpdateCascadeTaskArg
- type UpdateCertRequest
- type UpdateDeviceArg
- type UpdateDeviceRequest
- type UpdateDomainHTTPSRequest
- type UpdateGroupTreeNodeRequest
- type UpdateRecordPlanList
- type UpdateRecordPlanRequest
- type UpdateSlowLiveRequest
- type UpdateSpaceDomainRequest
- type UpdateSpaceDomainResponse
- type UpdateSpaceRequest
- type UpdateStreamRequest
- type UpdateStructuredCascadeJobRequest
- type UpdateStructuredViewCascadePlatformRequest
- type UpdateStructuredViewRequest
- type UpdateStructuredViewSpaceRequest
- type UpdateTemplateRequest
- type UploadCertRequest
- type UploadCertResponse
- type VehicleRecord
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( DefaultRegion = "cn-north-1" ServiceVersion20210101 = "2021-01-01" ServiceVersion20231001 = "2023-10-01" ServiceName = "aiotvideo" )
View Source
const ( CascadeStatusCreated = "created" // 初始状态 CascadeStatusStopped = "stopped" // 已停用 CascadeStatusTryingRegister = "trying_register" // 尝试注册中 CascadeStatusRegistered = "registered" // 注册成功 CascadeStatusRegisterFail = "register_fail" // 注册失败 )
View Source
const ( DeviceStatusOnline = "online" DeviceStatusOffline = "offline" DeviceStatusUnregistered = "unregistered" DeviceStatusInvalidPassword = "invalid_password" DeviceStatusChannelUpdate = "channel_update" )
View Source
const ( PTZControl = "PTZControl" FiControl = "FiControl" PresetControl = "PresetControl" )
CloudControl - Action type
View Source
const ( PtzCmdStop = "stop" PtzCmdRight = "right" PtzCmdLeft = "left" PtzCmdDown = "down" PtzCmdUp = "up" PtzCmdRightUp = "rightup" PtzCmdRightDown = "rightdown" PtzCmdLeftUp = "leftup" PtzCmdLeftDown = "leftdown" PtzCmdZoomIn = "zoomin" PtzCmdZoomOut = "zoomout" )
CloudControl - PTZ控制 cmd type
View Source
const ( FiCmdStop = "stop" FiCmdFocusFar = "focusfar" FiCmdFocusNear = "focusnear" FiCmdIrisIn = "irisin" FiCmdIrisOut = "irisout" )
CloudControl - 光圈控制 cmd type
View Source
const ( PresetCmdSet = "set" PresetCmdGoto = "goto" PresetCmdRemove = "remove" )
CloudControl - 预置位控制 cmd type
View Source
const ( CruiseCmdAdd = "add" CruiseCmdRemove = "remove" CruiseCmdSetSpeed = "setspeed" CruiseCmdSetStayTime = "setstay" CruiseCmdStart = "start" CruiseCmdStop = "stop" )
CloudControl - 巡航控制 cmd type
Variables ¶
View Source
var ( ServiceInfo = &base.ServiceInfo{ Timeout: 30 * time.Second, Host: "", Header: http.Header{ "Accept": []string{"application/json"}, }, } ApiInfoListV3 = map[string]*base.ApiInfo{ "DeleteSpaceV3": { Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"DeleteSpace"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, "GetRecordListV3": { Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"GetRecordList"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, "LocalMediaDownloadV3": { Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"LocalMediaDownload"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, "CloudControlV3": { Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"CloudControl"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, "QueryPresetInfoV3": { Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"QueryPresetInfo"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, "CruiseControlV3": { Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"CruiseControl"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, "SetCruiseTrackV3": { Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"SetCruiseTrack"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, "GetCruiseTrackV3": { Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"GetCruiseTrack"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, "ListCruiseTracksV3": { Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"ListCruiseTracks"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, "DeleteCruiseTrackV3": { Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"DeleteCruiseTrack"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, "StartCruiseTrackV3": { Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"StartCruiseTrack"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, "StopCruiseTrackV3": { Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"StopCruiseTrack"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, "PlayBackStartV3": { Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"PlayBackStart"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, "CloudRecordPlayV3": { Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"CloudRecordPlay"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, "ListStreamScreenshotsV3": { Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"ListStreamScreenshots"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, "ListStreamRecordsV3": { Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/", Query: url.Values{"Action": []string{"ListStreamRecords"}, "Version": []string{ServiceVersion20231001}}, }, } ApiInfoList = map[string]*base.ApiInfo{}/* 230 elements not displayed */ )
View Source
var DefaultInstance = NewInstance()
DefaultInstance 默认的实例
Functions ¶
Types ¶
type AIAnalysisResponse ¶
type AITemplate ¶
type AITemplate struct { CapabilitySet []string `json:"CapabilitySet"` TemplateItems map[string]AITemplateItem `json:"TemplateItems"` ImageTTL int `json:"ImageTTL"` Path string `json:"-"` Bucket TemplateBucketConfig `json:"-"` }
type AITemplateItem ¶
type AITemplateItem struct { CapabilityType string `json:"CapabilityType"` ConfidenceThreshold float64 `json:"ConfidenceThreshold"` FrameInterval int `json:"FrameInterval"` Extra map[string]interface{} `json:"Extra"` Status bool `json:"Status"` GrabStrategy string `json:"GrabStrategy"` EnableTimes EnableTimes `json:"EnableTimes"` }
type AIoT ¶
type AIoT struct { Client *base.Client CostCallback func(api string, cost int64, query url.Values, payload string) //todo 用于api调用耗时测试,正式使用需要删除 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AIoT) AddGroupTreeNode ¶
func (p *AIoT) AddGroupTreeNode(request *AddGroupTreeNodeRequest) (*AddGroupTreeNodeResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) AddRequestInterceptor ¶
func (p *AIoT) AddRequestInterceptor(interceptor QueryInterceptorFunc)
func (*AIoT) AddSpaceDomain ¶
func (p *AIoT) AddSpaceDomain(request *AddSpaceDomainRequest) (*SpaceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) AiotPlayBackControl ¶ added in v1.0.106
func (p *AIoT) AiotPlayBackControl(request *AiotPlayBackControlRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) AiotPlayBackStart ¶ added in v1.0.106
func (p *AIoT) AiotPlayBackStart(request *PlayBackStartRequest) (*PlayBackStartResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) AiotPlayBackStop ¶ added in v1.0.106
func (p *AIoT) AiotPlayBackStop(request *StreamRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) BatchDeleteCascadePlatform ¶
func (p *AIoT) BatchDeleteCascadePlatform(request *BatchDeleteCascadePlatformRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) BatchDeleteCascadeTask ¶
func (p *AIoT) BatchDeleteCascadeTask(request *BatchDeleteCascadeTaskRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) BatchDeleteSlowLive ¶
func (p *AIoT) BatchDeleteSlowLive(request *BatchDeleteSlowLiveRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) BindCert ¶
func (p *AIoT) BindCert(request *BindCertRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) BindDeviceToGroupTreeNode ¶
func (p *AIoT) BindDeviceToGroupTreeNode(request *UpdateGroupTreeNodeRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CancelBindTemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) CancelBindTemplate(request *CancelBindTemplateRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CertDetail ¶
func (p *AIoT) CertDetail(chainID string) (*CertDetailResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CheckBindTemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) CheckBindTemplate(request *CheckBindTemplateRequest) (*ListSpacesResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CloudControl ¶
func (p *AIoT) CloudControl(request *CloudControlRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CloudControlV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) CloudControlV3(request *CloudControlRequestV3) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CloudRecordPlay ¶
func (p *AIoT) CloudRecordPlay(request *CloudRecordPlayRequest) (*CloudRecordPlayResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CloudRecordPlayV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) CloudRecordPlayV3(request *CloudRecordPlayRequestV3) (*CloudRecordPlayResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateAITemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) CreateAITemplate(request *CreateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateCascadePlatform ¶
func (p *AIoT) CreateCascadePlatform(request *CreateCascadePlatformRequest) (*CreateCascadePlatformResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateCascadeTask ¶
func (p *AIoT) CreateCascadeTask(request *CreateCascadeTaskRequest) (*CreateCascadeTaskResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateDevice ¶
func (p *AIoT) CreateDevice(request *CreateDeviceRequest) (*CreateDeviceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateRecordPlan ¶ added in v1.0.106
func (p *AIoT) CreateRecordPlan(req *CreateRecordPlanRequest) (*RecordPlanResultResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateRecordTemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) CreateRecordTemplate(request *CreateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateScreenshotTemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) CreateScreenshotTemplate(request *CreateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateSlowLive ¶
func (p *AIoT) CreateSlowLive(request *CreateSlowLiveRequest) (*SlowLiveResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateSpace ¶
func (p *AIoT) CreateSpace(request *CreateSpaceRequest) (*SpaceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateStream ¶
func (p *AIoT) CreateStream(request *CreateStreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateStructuredView ¶
func (p *AIoT) CreateStructuredView(request *CreateStructuredViewRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateStructuredViewCascadeJob ¶
func (p *AIoT) CreateStructuredViewCascadeJob(request *CreateStructuredViewCascadeJobRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateStructuredViewCascadePlatform ¶
func (p *AIoT) CreateStructuredViewCascadePlatform(request *CreateStructuredViewCascadePlatformRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateStructuredViewCode ¶
func (p *AIoT) CreateStructuredViewCode(viewType string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateStructuredViewSpace ¶
func (p *AIoT) CreateStructuredViewSpace(request *CreateStructuredViewSpaceRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CreateTransTemplate ¶ added in v1.0.106
func (p *AIoT) CreateTransTemplate(request *CreateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CruiseControl ¶
func (p *AIoT) CruiseControl(request *CruiseControlRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) CruiseControlV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) CruiseControlV3(request *CruiseControlRequestV3) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteAITemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteAITemplate(request *DeleteTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteAlarmNotify ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteAlarmNotify(alarmNotifyID string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteAlarmNotifyAll ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteAlarmNotifyAll(spaceID, deviceID string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteCascadePlatform ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteCascadePlatform(platformID string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteCascadeTask ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteCascadeTask(taskID string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteCert ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteCert(request *DeleteCertRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteCruiseTrack ¶ added in v1.0.110
func (p *AIoT) DeleteCruiseTrack(args *DeleteCruiseTrackArgs) (*RawResponse, int, error)
DeleteCruiseTrack 删除巡航轨迹
func (*AIoT) DeleteCruiseTrackV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) DeleteCruiseTrackV3(args *DeleteCruiseTrackArgsV3) (*RawResponse, int, error)
DeleteCruiseTrack 删除巡航轨迹
func (*AIoT) DeleteDevice ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteDevice(request *DeviceRequest) (*DeviceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteGroupTreeNodes ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteGroupTreeNodes(request *DeleteGroupTreeNodesRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteLocalDownload ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteLocalDownload(spaceID, id string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteRecordPlan ¶ added in v1.0.106
func (p *AIoT) DeleteRecordPlan(planID string) (*RecordPlanResultResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteRecordTemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteRecordTemplate(request *DeleteTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteScreenshotTemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteScreenshotTemplate(request *DeleteTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteSlowLive ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteSlowLive(slowLiveID string) (*SlowLiveResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteSpace ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteSpace(request *SpaceRequest) (*SpaceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteSpaceDomain ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteSpaceDomain(spaceID, domain string) (*DeleteSpaceDomainResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteSpaceV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) DeleteSpaceV3(request *SpaceRequest) (*SpaceResponseV3, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteStream ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteStream(request *StreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteStructuredView ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteStructuredView(viewID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteStructuredViewCascadeJob ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteStructuredViewCascadeJob(jobID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteStructuredViewCascadePlatform ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteStructuredViewCascadePlatform(platformID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteStructuredViewSpace ¶
func (p *AIoT) DeleteStructuredViewSpace(spaceID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DeleteTransTemplate ¶ added in v1.0.106
func (p *AIoT) DeleteTransTemplate(request *DeleteTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DisableAuthInSpace ¶
func (p *AIoT) DisableAuthInSpace(spaceID, domain string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DisableStructuredView ¶
func (p *AIoT) DisableStructuredView(viewID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DisableStructuredViewCascadeJob ¶
func (p *AIoT) DisableStructuredViewCascadeJob(jobID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DisableStructuredViewCascadePlatform ¶
func (p *AIoT) DisableStructuredViewCascadePlatform(platformID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) DisableStructuredViewSpace ¶
func (p *AIoT) DisableStructuredViewSpace(spaceID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) EdgeInvite ¶
func (p *AIoT) EdgeInvite(streamID string, req *EdgeInviteRequest) (*EdgeResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) EdgeStatus ¶
func (p *AIoT) EdgeStatus(streamID string, req *EdgeStatusRequest) (*EdgeResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) EnableStructuredView ¶
func (p *AIoT) EnableStructuredView(viewID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) EnableStructuredViewCascadeJob ¶
func (p *AIoT) EnableStructuredViewCascadeJob(jobID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) EnableStructuredViewCascadePlatform ¶
func (p *AIoT) EnableStructuredViewCascadePlatform(platformID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) EnableStructuredViewSpace ¶
func (p *AIoT) EnableStructuredViewSpace(spaceID string) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ForbidStream ¶
func (p *AIoT) ForbidStream(request *StreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) FreshDevice ¶
func (p *AIoT) FreshDevice(request *FreshDeviceRequest) (*DeviceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GenSipID ¶
func (p *AIoT) GenSipID(request *GenSipIDRequest) (*DeviceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetAIAnalysisResult ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetAIAnalysisResult(req *GetAIAnalysisResultRequest) (*GetAIAnalysisResultResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetAITemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetAITemplate(request *TemplateRequest) (*GetTemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetCascadePlatform ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetCascadePlatform(platformID string) (*GetCascadePlatformResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetCascadeTask ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetCascadeTask(taskID string) (*GetCascadeTaskResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetCruiseTrack ¶ added in v1.0.111
func (p *AIoT) GetCruiseTrack(deviceNSID, channelID string, trackID uint8) (*GetCruiseTrackResponse, int, error)
GetCruiseTrack 查询通道巡航轨迹
func (*AIoT) GetCruiseTrackV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) GetCruiseTrackV3(streamID string, trackID uint8) (*GetCruiseTrackResponse, int, error)
GetCruiseTrack 查询通道巡航轨迹
func (*AIoT) GetDataProjectWithBindWidthAndFlow ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetDataProjectWithBindWidthAndFlow(request *GetDataProjectWithBindWidthAndFlowRequest) (*GetDataProjectWithBindWidthAndFlowResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetDevice ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetDevice(request *GetDeviceRequest) (*GetDeviceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetDeviceChannels ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetDeviceChannels(request *DeviceRequest, options ...GetDeviceChannelsOption) (*GetDeviceChannelsResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetDevicesByGroupTreeNode ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetDevicesByGroupTreeNode(request *GetDevicesByGroupTreeNodeRequest) (*GetDevicesByGroupTreeNodeResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetGroupNodesByCascadeTask ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetGroupNodesByCascadeTask(taskID string) (*GetGroupTreeNodeResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetGroupTreeNode ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetGroupTreeNode(groupNodeID string) (*GetGroupTreeNodeResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetMediaDownload ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetMediaDownload(request *GetLocalMediaDownloadRequest) (*ListGBMediaResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetNssInfoList ¶ added in v1.0.110
func (p *AIoT) GetNssInfoList() (*NssInfoListResp, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetPushStreamCnt ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetPushStreamCnt(request *GetPushStreamCntRequest) (*GetPushStreamCntResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetRecordList ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetRecordList(request *GetRecordListRequest) (*GetRecordListResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetRecordListV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) GetRecordListV3(request *GetRecordListRequestV3) (*GetRecordListResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetRecordPlan ¶ added in v1.0.106
func (p *AIoT) GetRecordPlan(planID string) (*RecordPlanResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetRecordTemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetRecordTemplate(request *TemplateRequest) (*GetTemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetScreenshotTemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetScreenshotTemplate(request *TemplateRequest) (*GetTemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetServiceInfo ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetServiceInfo() *base.ServiceInfo
GetServiceInfo interface
func (*AIoT) GetSlowLive ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetSlowLive(slowLiveID string) (*GetSlowLiveResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetSpace ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetSpace(request *SpaceRequest) (*GetSpaceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetSpaceDomain ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetSpaceDomain(spaceID, domain string) (*GetSpaceDomainResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetSpaceGroupTreeRoot ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetSpaceGroupTreeRoot(spaceID string) (*GroupTreeNode, error)
func (*AIoT) GetSpaceTemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetSpaceTemplate(request *SpaceRequest) (*GetSpaceTemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetStream ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetStream(request *StreamRequest) (*GetStreamResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetStreamData ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetStreamData(request *GetStreamDataRequest) (*GetStreamDataResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetStructuredView ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetStructuredView(viewID string) (*GetStructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetStructuredViewCascadeJob ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetStructuredViewCascadeJob(jobID string) (*GetStructuredViewCascadeJobResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetStructuredViewCascadePlatform ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetStructuredViewCascadePlatform(platformID string) (*GetStructuredViewCascadePlatformResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetStructuredViewDataInfo ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetStructuredViewDataInfo(dataID, viewID string) (*GetStructuredViewDataInfoResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetStructuredViewSpace ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetStructuredViewSpace(spaceID string) (*GetStructuredViewSpaceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetTotalData ¶
func (p *AIoT) GetTotalData(t string) (*GetTotalDataResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) GetTransTemplate ¶ added in v1.0.106
func (p *AIoT) GetTransTemplate(request *TemplateRequest) (*GetTemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListAITemplates ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListAITemplates(request *ListTemplateRequest) (*ListTemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListAlarmNotify ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListAlarmNotify(request *ListAlarmNotifyRequest) (*ListAlarmNotifyResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListCascadePlatforms ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListCascadePlatforms(request *ListCascadePlatformRequest) (*ListCascadePlatformResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListCascadeTask ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListCascadeTask(request *ListCascadeTaskRequest) (*ListCascadeTaskResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListCertificates ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListCertificates(request *ListCertificatesRequest) (*ListCertificatesResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListCruiseTracks ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) ListCruiseTracks(deviceNSID, channelID string) (*ListCruiseTracksResponse, int, error)
ListCruiseTracks 查询通道巡航轨迹列表
func (*AIoT) ListCruiseTracksV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) ListCruiseTracksV3(streamID string) (*ListCruiseTracksResponse, int, error)
ListCruiseTracks 查询通道巡航轨迹列表
func (*AIoT) ListDeviceRecords ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListDeviceRecords(request *ListHistoryRequest) (*ListHistoryResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListDeviceScreenshots ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListDeviceScreenshots(request *ListHistoryRequest) (*ListHistoryResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListDevices ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListDevices(request *ListDevicesRequest) (*ListDevicesResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListGroupTreeNodes ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListGroupTreeNodes(spaceID string) (*ListGroupTreeNodesResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListRecordPlanChannels ¶ added in v1.0.106
func (*AIoT) ListRecordPlans ¶ added in v1.0.106
func (p *AIoT) ListRecordPlans(pageNumber, pageSize int) (*ListRecordPlanResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListRecordTemplates ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListRecordTemplates(request *ListTemplateRequest) (*ListTemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListScreenshotTemplates ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListScreenshotTemplates(request *ListTemplateRequest) (*ListTemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListSlowLive ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListSlowLive(request *SlowLiveRequest) (*ListSlowLiveResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListSpaceDomains ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListSpaceDomains(spaceID string) (*ListSpaceDomainsResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListSpaces ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListSpaces(request *ListSpacesRequest) (*ListSpacesResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListStreamRecordsV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) ListStreamRecordsV3(request *ListHistoryRequestV3) (*ListHistoryResponseV3, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListStreamScreenshotsV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) ListStreamScreenshotsV3(request *ListHistoryRequestV3) (*ListHistoryResponseV3, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListStreams ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListStreams(request *ListStreamsRequest) (*ListStreamsResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListStructuredViewCascadeJob ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListStructuredViewCascadeJob(request *ListStructuredViewCascadeJobRequest) (*ListStructuredViewCascadeJobResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListStructuredViewCascadePlatform ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListStructuredViewCascadePlatform(request *ListStructuredViewCascadePlatformRequest) (*ListStructuredViewCascadePlatformResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListStructuredViewData ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListStructuredViewData(request *ListStructuredViewDataRequest) (*ListStructuredViewDataResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListStructuredViewSpaces ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListStructuredViewSpaces(request ListStructuredViewSpacesRequest) (*ListStructuredViewSpacesResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListStructuredViews ¶
func (p *AIoT) ListStructuredViews(request *ListStructuredViewsRequest) (*ListStructuredViewsResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ListTransTemplates ¶ added in v1.0.106
func (p *AIoT) ListTransTemplates(request *ListTemplateRequest) (*ListTemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) LocalMediaDownload ¶
func (p *AIoT) LocalMediaDownload(request *LocalMediaDownloadRequest) (*LocalMediaDownloadResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) LocalMediaDownloadV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) LocalMediaDownloadV3(request *LocalMediaDownloadRequestV3) (*LocalMediaDownloadResponseV3, int, error)
func (*AIoT) PlayBackControl ¶
func (p *AIoT) PlayBackControl(request *PlayBackControlRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) PlayBackStart ¶
func (p *AIoT) PlayBackStart(request *PlayBackStartRequest) (*PlayBackStartResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) PlayBackStartV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) PlayBackStartV3(request *PlayBackStartRequestV3) (*PlayBackStartResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) PlayBackStop ¶
func (p *AIoT) PlayBackStop(request *StreamRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) QueryPresetInfo ¶
func (p *AIoT) QueryPresetInfo(request *QueryPresetInfoRequest) (*QueryPresetInfoResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) QueryPresetInfoV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) QueryPresetInfoV3(request *QueryPresetInfoRequestV3) (*QueryPresetInfoResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ResetAlarm ¶
func (p *AIoT) ResetAlarm(request *ResetAlarmRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) SetAlarmGuard ¶
func (p *AIoT) SetAlarmGuard(request *SetAlarmGuardRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) SetCruiseTrack ¶ added in v1.0.110
func (p *AIoT) SetCruiseTrack(args *SetCruiseTrackArgs) (*RawResponse, int, error)
SetCruiseTrack 设置巡航轨迹
func (*AIoT) SetCruiseTrackV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) SetCruiseTrackV3(args *SetCruiseTrackArgsV3) (*RawResponse, int, error)
SetCruiseTrack 设置巡航轨迹
func (*AIoT) SetSpaceTemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) SetSpaceTemplate(request *SetSpaceTemplateRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) ShareGroupNodesToCascadeTask ¶
func (p *AIoT) ShareGroupNodesToCascadeTask(arg *ShareGroupNodesRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) SignSlowliveWsToken ¶
func (p *AIoT) SignSlowliveWsToken(request *SignSlowliveWsTokenRequest) (*SignSlowliveWsTokenResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) StartCascadeTask ¶
func (p *AIoT) StartCascadeTask(taskID string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) StartCruiseTrack ¶ added in v1.0.110
func (p *AIoT) StartCruiseTrack(args *StartCruiseTrackArgs) (*RawResponse, int, error)
StartCruiseTrack 开始巡航
func (*AIoT) StartCruiseTrackV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) StartCruiseTrackV3(args *StartCruiseTrackArgsV3) (*RawResponse, int, error)
StartCruiseTrack 开始巡航
func (*AIoT) StartDevice ¶
func (p *AIoT) StartDevice(request *DeviceRequest) (*DeviceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) StartSlowLive ¶
func (p *AIoT) StartSlowLive(slowLiveID string) (*SlowLiveResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) StartSpace ¶
func (p *AIoT) StartSpace(request *SpaceRequest) (*SpaceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) StartStream ¶
func (p *AIoT) StartStream(request *StreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) StartStreamWithParameters ¶ added in v1.0.106
func (p *AIoT) StartStreamWithParameters(request *StartStreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) StartVoiceTalk ¶
func (p *AIoT) StartVoiceTalk(request *StartVoiceTalkRequest) (*StartVoiceTalkResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) StopCascadeTask ¶
func (p *AIoT) StopCascadeTask(taskID string) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) StopCruiseTrack ¶ added in v1.0.110
func (p *AIoT) StopCruiseTrack(args *StopCruiseTrackArgs) (*RawResponse, int, error)
StopCruiseTrack 停止巡航
func (*AIoT) StopCruiseTrackV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
func (p *AIoT) StopCruiseTrackV3(args *StopCruiseTrackArgsV3) (*RawResponse, int, error)
StopCruiseTrack 停止巡航
func (*AIoT) StopDevice ¶
func (p *AIoT) StopDevice(request *DeviceRequest) (*DeviceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) StopSlowLive ¶
func (p *AIoT) StopSlowLive(slowLiveID string) (*SlowLiveResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) StopSpace ¶
func (p *AIoT) StopSpace(request *SpaceRequest) (*SpaceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) StopStream ¶
func (p *AIoT) StopStream(request *StreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) StopVoiceTalk ¶
func (p *AIoT) StopVoiceTalk(request *StopVoiceTalkRequest) (*StopVoiceTalkResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) StreamLogs ¶
func (p *AIoT) StreamLogs(request *StreamLogsRequest) (*StreamLogsResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UnbindCert ¶
func (p *AIoT) UnbindCert(request *UnbindCertRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UnforbidStream ¶
func (p *AIoT) UnforbidStream(request *StreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateAITemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateAITemplate(request *UpdateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateAuthInSpace ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateAuthInSpace(request *UpdateAuthInSpaceRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateCascadePlatform ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateCascadePlatform(request *UpdateCascadePlatformRequest) (*UpdateCascadePlatformResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateCascadeTask ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateCascadeTask(taskID string, arg *UpdateCascadeTaskArg) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateCert ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateCert(request *UpdateCertRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateDevice ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateDevice(request *UpdateDeviceRequest) (*DeviceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateDomainHTTPS ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateDomainHTTPS(request *UpdateDomainHTTPSRequest) (*SpaceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateGroupTreeNode ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateGroupTreeNode(request *UpdateGroupTreeNodeRequest) (*RawResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateRecordPlan ¶ added in v1.0.106
func (p *AIoT) UpdateRecordPlan(req *UpdateRecordPlanRequest) (*RecordPlanResultResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateRecordTemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateRecordTemplate(request *UpdateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateScreenshotTemplate ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateScreenshotTemplate(request *UpdateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateSlowLive ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateSlowLive(request *UpdateSlowLiveRequest) (*SlowLiveResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateSpace ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateSpace(request *UpdateSpaceRequest) (*SpaceResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateSpaceDomain ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateSpaceDomain(request *UpdateSpaceDomainRequest) (*UpdateSpaceDomainResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateStream ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateStream(request *UpdateStreamRequest) (*StreamResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateStructuredCascadeJob ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateStructuredCascadeJob(request *UpdateStructuredCascadeJobRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateStructuredView ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateStructuredView(request *UpdateStructuredViewRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateStructuredViewCascadePlatform ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateStructuredViewCascadePlatform(request *UpdateStructuredViewCascadePlatformRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateStructuredViewSpace ¶
func (p *AIoT) UpdateStructuredViewSpace(request *UpdateStructuredViewSpaceRequest) (*StructuredViewResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UpdateTransTemplate ¶ added in v1.0.106
func (p *AIoT) UpdateTransTemplate(request *UpdateTemplateRequest) (*TemplateResponse, int, error)
func (*AIoT) UploadCert ¶
func (p *AIoT) UploadCert(request *UploadCertRequest) (*UploadCertResponse, int, error)
type AccountStatus ¶
type AccountStatus struct { Status int `json:"Status"` CreateTime int64 `json:"CreateTime"` ChargeMode ChargeMode `json:"ChargeMode"` Permissions *Permissions `json:"Permissions"` }
type AddGroupTreeNodeRequest ¶
type AddGroupTreeNodeResponse ¶
type AddGroupTreeNodeResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result string `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type AddSpaceDomainRequest ¶
type AiotPlayBackControlRequest ¶ added in v1.0.106
type AlarmNotify ¶
type AlarmNotify struct { AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` SpaceID string `json:"SpaceID"` DeviceNSID string `json:"DeviceNSID"` CmdType string `json:"CmdType"` SN uint32 `json:"SN"` ChannelID string `json:"ChannelID"` AlarmPriority uint32 `json:"AlarmPriority"` AlarmMethod uint32 `json:"AlarmMethod"` AlarmTime int64 `json:"AlarmTime"` AlarmDescription string `json:"AlarmDescription"` Longitude string `json:"Longitude"` Latitude string `json:"Latitude"` AlarmInfo string `json:"AlarmInfo"` AlarmNotifyID string `json:"AlarmNotifyID"` Info struct { AlarmType uint32 `json:"AlarmType"` AlarmTypeParam struct { EventType uint32 `json:"EventType"` } `bson:"AlarmTypeParam"` } `bson:"Info"` }
type AlertNotification ¶
type BatchDeleteCascadePlatformRequest ¶
type BatchDeleteCascadePlatformRequest struct {
PlatformIDs []string `json:"IDs"`
type BatchDeleteCascadeTaskRequest ¶
type BatchDeleteCascadeTaskRequest struct {
TaskIDs []string `json:"IDs"`
type BatchDeleteSlowLiveRequest ¶
type BatchDeleteSlowLiveRequest struct {
LiveStreamIDs []string `json:"LiveStreamIDs"`
type BindCertRequest ¶
type BindChannel ¶ added in v1.0.106
type BindChannel struct {
ChannelID string `json:"ChannelID"`
type CalculatePkgRes ¶
type CalculatePkgRes struct {
Price float64 `json:"Price"`
type CalculatePkgResponse ¶
type CalculatePkgResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result *CalculatePkgRes `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type CascadePlatform ¶
type CascadePlatform struct { AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` PlatformID string `json:"PlatformID"` SipConfig CascadeSipConfig `json:"SipConfig"` PlatformName string `json:"PlatformName"` // 上级平台名称 Description string `json:"Description"` // 上级平台描述 Enable bool `json:"Enable"` // 是否使能级联平台 EnableAccess bool `json:"EnableAccess"` // 平台授权 EnablePTZ bool `json:"EnablePTZ"` // PTZ授权 Status CascadeStatus `json:"Status"` // 注册状态 TaskIDs []string `json:"TaskIDs"` // 关联的级联任务列表 CreateAt string `json:"CreateAt"` UpdateAt string `json:"UpdateAt"` }
type CascadeSipConfig ¶
type CascadeSipConfig struct { SipServerID string `json:"SipServerID"` // SIP服务器ID Realm string `json:"Realm"` // SIP服务器域 SipServerHost string `json:"SipServerHost"` // SIP服务器地址 SipServerPort int `json:"SipServerPort"` // SIP服务器端口 SipUserID string `json:"SipUserID"` // 平台SIP用户名 Password string `json:"Password"` // 平台SIP密码 SipTransport string `json:"SipTransport"` // SIP信令传输协议, udp/tcp; default:udp RegisterExpires uint32 `json:"RegisterExpires"` // 注册有效期(秒) KeepalivePeriod uint32 `json:"KeepalivePeriod"` // 心跳周期(秒) }
type CascadeTask ¶
type CascadeTask struct { AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` TaskID string `json:"TaskID"` // 级联任务ID, 2位数字 TaskName string `json:"TaskName"` // 级联任务名称 Description string `json:"Description"` // 级联任务描述 GroupTreeID string `json:"GroupTreeID"` // 关联的虚拟组织树ID GroupTreeName string `json:"GroupTreeName"` // 关联的虚拟组织树名称 PlatformID string `json:"PlatformID"` // 关联的上级平台ID PlatformName string `json:"PlatformName"` // 关联的上级平台名称 Status CascadeStatus `json:"Status"` // 级联任务状态 Enable bool `json:"Enable"` // 是否启用 CreateAt string `json:"CreateAt"` UpdateAt string `json:"UpdateAt"` }
type CatalogItemInfo ¶
type CertDetail ¶
type CertDetail struct { ChainID string `bson:"ChainID"` Status string `bson:"Status"` Domain string `bson:"Domain"` CreateAt int64 `bson:"CreateAt"` UpdateAt int64 `bson:"UpdateAt"` NotBefore int64 `bson:"NotBefore"` NotAfter int64 `bson:"NotAfter"` CertName string `bson:"CertName"` CertDesc string `bson:"CertDesc"` CertPem string `bson:"CertPem"` }
type CertDetailResponse ¶
type CertDetailResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result CertDetail `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ChannelPkg ¶
type ChargeItem ¶
type ChargeItem struct { Name string `json:"Name"` ValidDur string `json:"ValidDur"` Region string `json:"Region"` Types []*TypeItem `json:"Types"` Specification []*Specification `json:"Specification"` }
type ChargeMode ¶
type ChargeMode string
type CloudControlRequest ¶
type CloudControlRequestV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type CloudRecordPlayRequest ¶
type CloudRecordPlayRequestV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type CloudRecordPlayRequestV3 struct { StreamID string `json:"StreamID"` StreamingIndex int `json:"StreamingIndex,omitempty"` // 码流类型(可选参数), 0-主码流;1-子码流1;2-子码流2, 以此类推 Resolution string `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // 国标分辨率参数(可选参数), 1-QCIF(176x144); 2-CIF(320x288); 3-4CIF(704x576); 4-D1(720x576); 5-720p; 6-1080p; 其他:WxH表示 StartTime int64 `json:"StartTime"` EndTime int64 `json:"EndTime"` TokenValid *int `json:"TokenValid"` }
type CloudRecordPlayResponse ¶
type CloudRecordPlayResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result map[string]interface{} `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type CommonCount ¶ added in v1.0.106
type Coordinates ¶
type CreateAccountRequest ¶
type CreateAccountRequest struct { ChargeMode ChargeMode `json:"ChargeMode"` //bind=带宽计费 flow=流量计费 ChannelPkg *ChannelPkg `json:"ChannelPkg"` }
type CreateAccountRes ¶
type CreateAccountRes struct {
PreorderNumber string `json:"PreorderNumber"`
type CreateAccountResponse ¶
type CreateAccountResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result *CreateAccountRes `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type CreateCascadePlatformRequest ¶
type CreateCascadePlatformRequest struct { PlatformName string `json:"PlatformName"` Description string `json:"Description"` SipConfig CascadeSipConfig `json:"SipConfig"` Enable *bool `json:"Enable"` // 是否使能级联平台,不填默认使能 EnableAccess bool `json:"EnableAccess"` // 平台授权 EnablePTZ bool `json:"EnablePTZ"` // PTZ授权 }
type CreateCascadePlatformResponse ¶
type CreateCascadePlatformResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result IDResponse `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type CreateCascadeTaskResponse ¶
type CreateCascadeTaskResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result IDResponse `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type CreateDeviceArg ¶
type CreateDeviceArg struct { Type string `json:"Type"` DeviceName string `json:"DeviceName"` DeviceNSID *string `json:"DeviceNSID"` Username *string `json:"Username"` Password *string `json:"Password"` Description string `json:"Description"` AutoPullAfterRegiter *bool `json:"AutoPullAfterRegiter"` PasswordLevel string `json:"PasswordLevel"` RtpTransportTcp *bool `json:"RtpTransportTcp"` DownloadSpeed *int `json:"DownloadSpeed"` Location *string `json:"Location"` Coordinates *Coordinates `json:"Coordinates"` AlertNotification *AlertNotification `json:"AlertNotification"` UseSubStream *bool `json:"UseSubStream"` }
type CreateDeviceRequest ¶
type CreateDeviceRequest struct { SpaceID string Type string `json:"Type"` DeviceName string `json:"DeviceName"` DeviceNSID *string `json:"DeviceNSID"` Username *string `json:"Username"` Password *string `json:"Password"` Description string `json:"Description"` AutoPullAfterRegister *bool `json:"AutoPullAfterRegiter"` PasswordLevel string `json:"PasswordLevel"` RtpTransportTcp *bool `json:"RtpTransportTcp"` DownloadSpeed *int `json:"DownloadSpeed"` Location *string `json:"Location"` Coordinates *Coordinates `json:"Coordinates"` AlertNotification *AlertNotification `json:"AlertNotification"` UseSubStream *bool `json:"UseSubStream"` }
type CreateDeviceResponse ¶
type CreateDeviceResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result *IDDevice `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type CreateRecordPlanRequest ¶ added in v1.0.106
type CreateRecordPlanRequest struct { PlanName string `json:"PlanName"` Description string `json:"Description"` Status string `json:"Status"` BindTemplate string `json:"BindTemplate"` StreamingIndex int `json:"StreamingIndex"` Resolution string `json:"Resolution"` BindChannels map[string][]*BindChannel `json:"BindChannels"` BindStreams []string `json:"BindStreams"` }
type CreateSlowLiveRequest ¶
type CreateSlowLiveRequest struct { ID string `json:"ID"` RelatedSpaces []string `json:"RelatedSpaces"` Name string `json:"Name"` MergingMode string `json:"MergingMode"` OutputResolution string `json:"OutputResolution"` OutputFrameRate int `json:"OutputFrameRate"` OutputEncoding string `json:"OutputEncoding"` CreateTimestamp int64 `json:"CreateTimestamp"` PreviousClosedTimestamp int64 `json:"PreviousClosedTimestamp"` FinishTimestamp int64 `json:"FinishTimestamp"` Status SlowLiveStatus `json:"Status"` EnablePushingStream *bool `json:"EnablePushingStream"` Config *SlowLiveConfig `json:"Config"` AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` }
type CreateSpaceRequest ¶
type CreateSpaceRequest struct { SpaceName string `json:"SpaceName"` Description string `json:"Description"` Region string `json:"Region"` AccessType string `json:"AccessType"` GB struct { PullOnDemand bool `json:"PullOnDemand"` } `json:"GB"` SDK struct { DeviceType string `json:"DeviceType"` ProductValidDuration SDKProductValidDurationEnum `json:"ValidDuration"` GeneralDeviceAVAbility SDKGeneralDeviceAVAbilityBitmask `json:"GeneralDeviceAVAbility"` NVRAVAbility SDKNVRAVAbilityEnum `json:"NVRAVAbility"` OS string `json:"OS"` ChipManufacture string `json:"ChipManufacture"` ChipModel string `json:"ChipModel"` } `json:"SDK"` HLSLowLatency bool `json:"HLSLowLatency"` CallbackURL string `json:"CallbackURL"` }
type CreateStreamRequest ¶
type CreateStructuredViewCascadeJobRequest ¶
type CreateStructuredViewCascadeJobRequest struct { ID string `json:"ID"` AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` JobName string `json:"JobName"` ViewSpaceID string `json:"ViewSpaceID"` ViewSpaceName string `json:"ViewSpaceName"` ViewSpaceCode string `json:"ViewSpaceCode"` PlatformID string `json:"PlatformID"` PlatformCode string `json:"PlatformCode"` PlatformName string `json:"PlatformName"` CreateTimestamp int64 `json:"CreateTimestamp"` UpdateTimestamp int64 `json:"UpdateTimestamp"` Status StructuredViewCascadeJobStatus `json:"Status"` Description string `json:"Description"` }
type CreateStructuredViewCascadePlatformRequest ¶
type CreateStructuredViewCascadePlatformRequest struct { ID string `json:"ID"` AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` PlatformName string `json:"PlatformName"` PlatformCode string `json:"PlatformCode"` PlatformIP string `json:"PlatformIP"` PlatformPort int `json:"PlatformPort"` Description string `json:"Description"` Username string `json:"Username"` Password string `json:"Password"` CreateTimestamp int64 `json:"CreateTimestamp"` UpdateTimestamp int64 `json:"UpdateTimestamp"` Status StructuredViewCascadePlatformStatus `json:"Status"` }
type CreateStructuredViewRequest ¶
type CreateStructuredViewRequest struct { ID string ` json:"ID"` AccountID string ` json:"AccountID"` ViewName string ` json:"ViewName"` ViewType string `json:"ViewType"` ViewCode string ` json:"ViewCode"` ViewSpaceID string ` json:"ViewSpaceID"` ViewSpaceName string ` json:"ViewSpaceName"` ViewIP string `json:"ViewIP"` ViewPort int ` json:"ViewPort"` Protocol string ` json:"Protocol"` Username string ` json:"Username"` Password string ` json:"Password"` Description string ` json:"Description"` Location string ` json:"Location"` AdministrativeID string ` json:"AdministrativeID"` CreateTimestamp int64 ` json:"CreateTimestamp"` UpdateTimestamp int64 ` json:"UpdateTimestamp"` Status StructuredViewStatus ` json:"Status"` }
type CreateStructuredViewSpaceRequest ¶
type CreateStructuredViewSpaceRequest struct { ID string `json:"ID"` AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` SpaceName string `json:"SpaceName"` ViewNumber int64 `json:"ViewNumber"` StoragePeriod int `json:"StoragePeriod"` StorageType string `json:"StorageType"` Region string `json:"Region"` Description string `json:"Description"` SpaceCode string `json:"SpaceCode"` SpaceIP string `json:"SpaceIP"` SpacePort int `json:"SpacePort"` CreateTimestamp int64 `json:"CreateTimestamp"` UpdateTimestamp int64 `json:"UpdateTimestamp"` Status StructuredViewSpaceStatus `json:"Status"` }
type CreateTemplateRequest ¶
type CreateTemplateRequest struct { TemplateName string `json:"TemplateName"` Screenshot *ScreenshotTemplate `json:"Screenshot"` Record *RecordTemplate `json:"Record"` AI *AITemplate `json:"AI"` Trans *TransTemplate `json:"Trans"` }
type CruiseControlRequest ¶
type CruiseControlRequest struct { DeviceNSID string `json:"DeviceNSID"` ChannelID string `json:"ChannelID"` Action string `json:"Action"` TrackID uint8 `json:"TrackID"` // 巡航轨迹组ID PresetID uint8 `json:"PresetID"` // 预置位ID Speed uint32 `json:"Speed"` // 巡航速度 StaySeconds uint32 `json:"StaySeconds"` // 巡航停留时间 }
type CruiseControlRequestV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type CruisePoint ¶ added in v1.0.110
type CruiseTrack ¶ added in v1.0.110
type CruiseTrack struct { DeviceNSID string `json:"DeviceNSID"` ChannelID string `json:"ChannelID"` TrackID uint8 `json:"TrackID"` // 巡航轨迹组编号(1~255) TrackList []CruisePoint `json:"TrackList"` // 巡航轨迹列表, 最多可添加255个预置点 StaySeconds uint32 `json:"StaySeconds"` // 预置点停留时间, 单位:秒, 取值范围:1~4095 Speed uint32 `json:"Speed"` // 巡航速度, 取值范围: 1~4095 }
type DataProject ¶
type DeleteCertRequest ¶
type DeleteCertRequest struct {
ChainID string `json:"ChainID"`
type DeleteCruiseTrackArgs ¶ added in v1.0.110
type DeleteCruiseTrackArgsV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type DeleteGroupTreeNodesRequest ¶
type DeleteGroupTreeNodesRequest struct {
IDs []string `json:"IDs"`
type DeleteSpaceDomainRes ¶
type DeleteSpaceDomainRes struct {
Domain interface{} `json:"Domain"`
type DeleteSpaceDomainResponse ¶
type DeleteSpaceDomainResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result DeleteSpaceDomainRes `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type DeleteTemplateRequest ¶
type DeviceChannelResp ¶
type DeviceChannelResp struct { DeviceName string `json:"DeviceName"` DeviceID string `json:"DeviceID"` DeviceNSID string `json:"DeviceNSID"` Channels []*DeviceItemWithStream `json:"Channels"` }
type DeviceItem ¶
type DeviceItem struct { DeviceID string `json:"DeviceID"` Event string `json:"Event,omitempty"` Name string `json:"Name"` Manufacturer string `json:"Manufacturer,omitempty"` Model string `json:"Model,omitempty"` Owner string `json:"Owner,omitempty"` CivilCode string `json:"CivilCode,omitempty"` Address string `json:"Address,omitempty"` Parental string `json:"Parental,omitempty"` ParentID string `json:"ParentID,omitempty"` RegisterWay string `json:"RegisterWay,omitempty"` Secrecy string `json:"Secrecy,omitempty"` StreamNum string `json:"StreamNum,omitempty"` IPAddress string `json:"IPAddress,omitempty"` Port string `json:"Port,omitempty"` Password string `json:"Password,omitempty"` Status string `json:"Status"` Info CatalogItemInfo `json:"Info,omitempty"` }
type DeviceItemWithStream ¶
type DeviceItemWithStream struct { DeviceItem DeviceItem `json:"DeviceItem"` StreamID string `json:"StreamID"` CreateAt string `json:"CreateAt"` SubStreams []string `json:"SubStreams"` }
type DeviceRequest ¶
type DeviceRequest struct {
DeviceID string
type DeviceResponse ¶
type DeviceResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result IDResponse `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type DeviceStreams ¶
type DeviceType ¶
type DeviceType string
const ( DeviceTypeCamera DeviceType = "IPC" DeviceTypeNVR DeviceType = "NVR" DeviceTypePlatform DeviceType = "Platform" //国标平台 )
func (DeviceType) String ¶
func (d DeviceType) String() string
type DeviceView ¶
type DeviceView struct { SpaceID string `json:"SpaceID"` SpaceName string `json:"SpaceName"` Type string `json:"Type"` DeviceName string `json:"DeviceName"` DeviceID string `json:"DeviceID"` DeviceNSID string `json:"DeviceNSID"` Username string `json:"Username"` Password string `json:"Password"` Description string `json:"Description"` AutoPullAfterRegiter bool `json:"AutoPullAfterRegiter"` CreatedAt string `json:"CreatedAt"` UpdatedAt string `json:"UpdatedAt"` Manufactory string `json:"Manufactory"` AlertNotification *AlertNotification `json:"AlertNotification"` DeviceStreams map[string]*DeviceStreams `json:"DeviceStreams"` DeviceSubStreams map[string][]*DeviceStreams `json:"DeviceSubStreams"` Status string `json:"Status"` ChannelNum int `json:"ChannelNum"` RtpTransportTcp bool `json:"RtpTransportTcp"` //流传输协议tcp为true,否则默认udp ContactCount int `json:"ContactCount"` //Device的contact数量, 用于前端提示多device注册同一个账号 Location string `json:"Location"` Coordinates *Coordinates `json:"Coordinates"` DeviceIP string `json:"DeviceIP"` CommonCount *CommonCount `json:"CommonCount,omitempty" bson:"CommonCount,omitempty"` UseSubStream bool `json:"UseSubStream"` // 是否启用子码流 }
type EdgeInviteRequest ¶
type EdgeResponse ¶
type EdgeResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result EdgeResponseDetail `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type EdgeResponseDetail ¶
type EdgeResponseDetail struct {
Status bool
type EdgeStatusRequest ¶
type EnableTime ¶
type EnableTimes ¶
type EnableTimes []EnableTime
type FaceRecord ¶
type FaceRecord struct { }
type FreshDeviceRequest ¶
type GBMediaDownload ¶
type GBMediaDownload struct { ID string `json:"ID"` //=streamID StartTime int64 `json:"StartTime"` EndTime int64 `json:"EndTime"` CallID string `json:"CallID"` Status string `json:"Status"` Url string `json:"Url"` FileSize int64 `json:"FileSize"` Msg string `json:"Msg"` FileStreamLength time.Duration `json:"FileStreamLength"` FileName string `json:"FileName"` DeviceMsg string `json:"DeviceMsg"` //设备上传时异常bye存储信息 CreateAt int64 `json:"CreateAt"` SubtitleUrl string `json:"SubtitleUrl"` FirstTs int64 `json:"FirstTs"` FirstTranscode int64 `json:"FirstTranscode"` DeviceInfoStatus int8 `json:"DeviceInfoStatus"` //0=waiting,-1=failed,1=success }
type GenSipIDRequest ¶
type GetAIAnalysisResult ¶
type GetAIAnalysisResult struct { PageResult AiResult []*AIAnalysisResponse }
type GetAIAnalysisResultResponse ¶
type GetAIAnalysisResultResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result GetAIAnalysisResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetAccountResponse ¶
type GetAccountResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result *AccountStatus `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetCascadePlatformResponse ¶
type GetCascadePlatformResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result CascadePlatform `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetCascadeTaskResponse ¶
type GetCascadeTaskResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result CascadeTask `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetCruiseTrackResponse ¶ added in v1.0.111
type GetCruiseTrackResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result CruiseTrack `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetDataProject ¶
type GetDataProject struct { TotalUp float64 TotalDown float64 DataUp []DataProject DataDown []DataProject }
type GetDataProjectWithBindWidthAndFlowResponse ¶
type GetDataProjectWithBindWidthAndFlowResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result GetDataProject `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetDeviceChannelsMode ¶ added in v1.0.113
type GetDeviceChannelsMode string
const ( GetDeviceChannelsModeBrief GetDeviceChannelsMode = "brief" GetDeviceChannelsModeDetail GetDeviceChannelsMode = "detail" )
type GetDeviceChannelsOption ¶ added in v1.0.113
type GetDeviceChannelsOption func(*getDeviceChannelsOptions)
func WithGetDeviceChannelsMode ¶ added in v1.0.113
func WithGetDeviceChannelsMode(mode GetDeviceChannelsMode) GetDeviceChannelsOption
type GetDeviceChannelsResponse ¶
type GetDeviceChannelsResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result DeviceChannelResp `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetDeviceRequest ¶
type GetDeviceResponse ¶
type GetDeviceResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result *DeviceView `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetDevicesByGroupTreeNodeRes ¶
type GetDevicesByGroupTreeNodeRes struct { PageNumber int64 `json:"PageNumber"` PageSize int64 `json:"PageSize"` TotalCount int64 `json:"TotalCount"` Data []*GroupDevice `json:"Data"` }
type GetDevicesByGroupTreeNodeResponse ¶
type GetDevicesByGroupTreeNodeResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result GetDevicesByGroupTreeNodeRes `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetGroupTreeNodeResponse ¶
type GetGroupTreeNodeResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result GroupTreeNode `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetPkgInfoResponse ¶
type GetPkgInfoResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result []*ChargeItem `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetPushStreamCntRequest ¶
type GetPushStreamCntRes ¶
type GetPushStreamCntRes struct {
Cnt []DataProject
type GetPushStreamCntResponse ¶
type GetPushStreamCntResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result GetPushStreamCntRes `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetRecordListRequest ¶
type GetRecordListRequestV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type GetRecordListResponse ¶
type GetRecordListResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result RecordList `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetSlowLiveResponse ¶
type GetSlowLiveResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result GetSlowLiveResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetSlowLiveResult ¶
type GetSlowLiveResult struct {
SlowLive *SlowLiveView `json:"SlowLive"`
type GetSpaceDomainResponse ¶
type GetSpaceDomainResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result SpaceDomain `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetSpaceResponse ¶
type GetSpaceResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result SpaceView `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetSpaceTemplateResponse ¶
type GetSpaceTemplateResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result SpaceTemplate `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetStreamDataRequest ¶
type GetStreamDataRes ¶
type GetStreamDataRes struct { BVideo []DataProject BAudio []DataProject FPS []DataProject Height int Width int }
type GetStreamDataResponse ¶
type GetStreamDataResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result GetStreamDataRes `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetStreamResponse ¶
type GetStreamResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result StreamResp `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetStructuredViewCascadeJobResponse ¶
type GetStructuredViewCascadeJobResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result StructuredViewCascadeJob `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetStructuredViewCascadePlatformResponse ¶
type GetStructuredViewCascadePlatformResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result StructuredViewCascadePlatform `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetStructuredViewDataInfoResponse ¶
type GetStructuredViewDataInfoResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result PhotoObjectDetail `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetStructuredViewResponse ¶
type GetStructuredViewResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result StructuredView `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetStructuredViewSpaceResponse ¶
type GetStructuredViewSpaceResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result StructuredViewSpace `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetTemplateResponse ¶
type GetTemplateResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result Template `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GetTotalDataRes ¶
type GetTotalDataResponse ¶
type GetTotalDataResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result GetTotalDataRes `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type GroupDevice ¶
type GroupDevice struct { ID string `json:"ID"` Type string `json:"Type"` DeviceName string `json:"DeviceName"` Description string `json:"Description"` Status string `json:"Status"` DeviceNSID string `json:"DeviceNSID"` Protocol string `json:"Protocol"` Vendor string `json:"Vendor"` Channels []*GroupStream `json:"Channels"` Available bool `json:"Available"` }
type GroupStream ¶
type GroupTreeNode ¶
type GroupTreeNode struct { ID string `json:"ID"` Name string `json:"Name"` NSID string `json:"NSID"` Description string `json:"Description"` SpaceID string `json:"SpaceID"` SpaceName string `json:"SpaceName"` Region string `json:"Region"` ParentID string `json:"ParentID"` Nodes []*GroupTreeNode `json:"Nodes"` Device *GroupDevice `json:"Device"` }
type HistoryResult ¶
type HistoryResult struct { Type string `json:"Type"` Path string `json:"Path"` ScreenResult *ScreenResult `json:"Screenshot,omitempty"` RecordResult *RecordResult `json:"Record,omitempty"` RecordMeta *RecordMeta `json:"RecordMeta,omitempty"` }
type HistoryResultV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type HistoryResultV3 struct { Type string `json:"Type"` Path string `json:"Path"` ScreenResult *ScreenResultV3 `json:"Screenshot,omitempty"` RecordResult *RecordResultV3 `json:"Record,omitempty"` RecordMeta *RecordMetaV3 `json:"RecordMeta,omitempty"` }
type IDDevice ¶
type IDDevice struct { ID string `json:"ID"` *DeviceView }
type IDResponse ¶
type IDResponse struct {
ID string `json:"ID"`
type ListAlarmNotifyRequest ¶
type ListAlarmNotifyRequest struct { PageNumber int PageSize int DeviceNSID string `bson:"DeviceNSID"` ChannelID string `bson:"ChannelID"` StartTime int64 `bson:"StartTime"` EndTime int64 `bson:"EndTime"` AlarmMethod []uint32 `bson:"AlarmMethod"` AlarmPriority []uint32 `bson:"AlarmPriority"` AlarmType2 []uint32 `bson:"AlarmType2"` AlarmType5 []uint32 `bson:"AlarmType5"` AlarmType6 []uint32 `bson:"AlarmType6"` Order uint32 `bson:"Order"` }
type ListAlarmNotifyResponse ¶
type ListAlarmNotifyResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListAlarmNotifyResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListAlarmNotifyResult ¶
type ListAlarmNotifyResult struct { PageResult AlarmNotifies []*AlarmNotify }
type ListCascadePlatformResponse ¶
type ListCascadePlatformResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListCascadePlatformResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListCascadePlatformResult ¶
type ListCascadePlatformResult struct { PageResult CascadePlatforms []*CascadePlatform `json:"CascadePlatforms"` }
type ListCascadeTaskRequest ¶
type ListCascadeTaskResponse ¶
type ListCascadeTaskResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListCascadeTaskResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListCascadeTaskResult ¶
type ListCascadeTaskResult struct { PageResult CascadeTasks []*CascadeTask `json:"CascadeTasks"` }
type ListCertificatesRequest ¶
type ListCertificatesResponse ¶
type ListCertificatesResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListCertsResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListCertsResult ¶
type ListCertsResult struct { PageResult Certs []*SimpleCertInfo }
type ListCruiseTracksResponse ¶ added in v1.0.123
type ListCruiseTracksResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result []CruiseTrack `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListDevicesRequest ¶
type ListDevicesResponse ¶
type ListDevicesResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListDevicesResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListDevicesResult ¶
type ListDevicesResult struct { PageResult Devices []*DeviceView }
type ListGBMediaResp ¶
type ListGBMediaResp struct { PageResult GBMedias []*GBMediaDownload }
type ListGBMediaResponse ¶
type ListGBMediaResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result *ListGBMediaResp `json:"Result"` }
type ListGroupTreeNodesRes ¶
type ListGroupTreeNodesRes struct { PageNumber int64 `json:"PageNumber"` PageSize int64 `json:"PageSize"` TotalCount int64 `json:"TotalCount"` Nodes []*GroupTreeNode `json:"Nodes"` }
type ListGroupTreeNodesResponse ¶
type ListGroupTreeNodesResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListGroupTreeNodesRes `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListHistoryRequest ¶
type ListHistoryRequestV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type ListHistoryResponse ¶
type ListHistoryResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result []*HistoryResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListHistoryResponseV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type ListHistoryResponseV3 struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result []*HistoryResultV3 `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListRecordPlanChannelResp ¶ added in v1.0.106
type ListRecordPlanChannelResp struct { PageResult List map[string][]*RecordPlanStreamView `json:"List"` }
type ListRecordPlanChannelResponse ¶ added in v1.0.106
type ListRecordPlanChannelResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result *ListRecordPlanChannelResp }
type ListRecordPlanResp ¶ added in v1.0.106
type ListRecordPlanResp struct { PageResult PageResult `json:"PageResult"` List []*RecordPlanView `json:"List"` }
type ListRecordPlanResponse ¶ added in v1.0.106
type ListRecordPlanResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result *ListRecordPlanResp }
type ListSlowLiveResponse ¶
type ListSlowLiveResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListSlowLiveResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListSlowLiveResult ¶
type ListSlowLiveResult struct { PageResult SlowLiveStreamings []*SlowLiveView `json:"SlowLiveStreamings"` }
type ListSpaceDomainsRes ¶
type ListSpaceDomainsRes struct {
Domains interface{} `json:"Domains"`
type ListSpaceDomainsResponse ¶
type ListSpaceDomainsResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListSpaceDomainsRes `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListSpacesRequest ¶
type ListSpacesResponse ¶
type ListSpacesResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListSpacesResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListSpacesResult ¶
type ListSpacesResult struct { PageResult Spaces []*SpaceView }
type ListStreamRecordsResult ¶
type ListStreamRecordsResult struct { PageResult StreamRecords []*StreamRecord }
type ListStreamsRequest ¶
type ListStreamsResponse ¶
type ListStreamsResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListStreamsResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListStreamsResult ¶
type ListStreamsResult struct { PageResult Streams []*StreamResp }
type ListStructuredViewCascadeJobResponse ¶
type ListStructuredViewCascadeJobResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListStructuredViewCascadeJobResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListStructuredViewCascadeJobResult ¶
type ListStructuredViewCascadeJobResult struct { PageResult JobList []*StructuredViewCascadeJob `json:"JobList"` }
type ListStructuredViewCascadePlatformResponse ¶
type ListStructuredViewCascadePlatformResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListStructuredViewCascadePlatformResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListStructuredViewCascadePlatformResult ¶
type ListStructuredViewCascadePlatformResult struct { PageResult PlatformList []*StructuredViewCascadePlatform `json:"PlatformList"` }
type ListStructuredViewDataResponse ¶
type ListStructuredViewDataResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListStructuredViewDataResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListStructuredViewDataResult ¶
type ListStructuredViewDataResult struct { PageResult StructuredViewData []*StructuredViewData `json:"DataList"` }
type ListStructuredViewResult ¶
type ListStructuredViewResult struct { PageResult StructuredView []*StructuredView `json:"ViewList"` }
type ListStructuredViewSpaceResult ¶
type ListStructuredViewSpaceResult struct { PageResult StructuredViewSpace []*StructuredViewSpace `json:"ViewSpaceList"` }
type ListStructuredViewSpacesResponse ¶
type ListStructuredViewSpacesResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListStructuredViewSpaceResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListStructuredViewsResponse ¶
type ListStructuredViewsResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListStructuredViewResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListTemplateRequest ¶
type ListTemplateResponse ¶
type ListTemplateResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListTemplatesResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type ListTemplatesResult ¶
type ListTemplatesResult struct { PageResult Templates []*Template }
type LocalMediaDownloadRequest ¶
type LocalMediaDownloadRequest struct { SpaceID string DeviceID string `json:"DeviceID"` ChannelID string `json:"ChannelID"` StartTime int64 `json:"StartTime"` EndTime int64 `json:"EndTime"` Version string `json:"Version"` MediaProcess *Mps `json:"MediaProcess"` DownloadSpeedSingle *int `json:"DownloadSpeedSingle"` //在本地录像下载的时候时候,不填就以设备维度所设置的速度进行下载 SchedQuotaKey string `json:"SchedQuotaKey"` //调度到哪个集群 }
type LocalMediaDownloadRequestV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type LocalMediaDownloadResp ¶
type LocalMediaDownloadRespV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type LocalMediaDownloadRespV3 struct {
DownloadID string `json:"DownloadID"`
type LocalMediaDownloadResponse ¶
type LocalMediaDownloadResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result LocalMediaDownloadResp `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type LocalMediaDownloadResponseV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type LocalMediaDownloadResponseV3 struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result LocalMediaDownloadRespV3 `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type M3U8Option ¶
type M3U8Option struct {
ToMp4 *bool
type Mps ¶
type Mps struct { M3U8Option *M3U8Option `json:"M3U8Option"` Subtitle *Subtitle `json:"Subtitle"` }
type NSSArg ¶ added in v1.0.110
type NSSArg struct { Addr string `bson:"Addr"` IPv4 string `bson:"IPv4"` IPv6 string `bson:"IPv6"` EnableRecord bool `bson:"EnableRecord"` //true表示录制集群 EnableRelay bool `bson:"EnableRelay"` //true表示支持relay RecordConfigHost string `bson:"RecordConfigHost"` //aiot_nss heartbeat请求的路径 ScanDurationSec int `bson:"ScanDurationSec"` //nss扫描的时间间隔 QuotaKey string `bson:"QuotaKey"` //Quota key WantStatus string `bson:"WantStatus"` Version string `bson:"Version"` //配置的版本 StatusUpdateTime int64 `bson:"StatusUpdateTime"` //状态更新时间 OnTime int64 `bson:"OnTime"` Resource *Resource `bson:"Resource"` Env map[string]string `bson:"Env"` }
type NewPackageResponse ¶
type NewPackageResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result *CreateAccountRes `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type NssInfoListResp ¶ added in v1.0.110
type NssInfoListResp struct { PageResult NssInfo []*NSSArg `json:"NssInfo"` }
type NssInfoListResponse ¶ added in v1.0.110
type NssInfoListResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result NssInfoListResp `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type PageRequest ¶
type PageResult ¶
type ParseRecord ¶
type ParseRecord struct { AccountID string `json:"AccountID" bson:"AccountID"` // 账号ID LibID string `json:"LibID" bson:"LibID"` // 车辆库ID ItemID string `json:"ItemID" bson:"ItemID"` // 车辆库车辆 ID AITaskID string `json:"AITaskID" bson:"AITaskID"` // AI 任务ID Plate string `json:"Plate" bson:"Plate"` // 车牌 Ts time.Duration `json:"Ts" bson:"Ts"` // 时间戳 TosKey string `json:"TosKey" bson:"TosKey"` // 车辆截图 Score float32 `json:"Score" bson:"Score"` // AI识别打分 DownloadUrl string `json:"DownloadUrl,omitempty"` // 存储网关下载地址 }
ai releated model
type Permissions ¶
type Permissions struct {
Charge *Charge `json:"Charge"`
type PhotoObjectDetail ¶
type PhotoObjectDetail struct { PhotoID string `json:"PhotoID"` InfoKind string `json:"InfoKind"` //人工采集还是自动采集 ImageSource string `json:"ImageSource"` StoragePath string `json:"StoragePath"` Type string `json:"Type"` //"11"人脸小图, "14"场景大图 Title string `json:"Title"` FileFormat string `json:"FileFormat"` ShotTime string `json:"ShotTime"` ContentDescription string `json:"ContentDescription"` //对图像内容的简要描述 ShotPlaceFullAdress string `json:"ShotPlaceFullAdress"` //拍摄地点区划内详细地址 SecurityLevel string `json:"SecurityLevel"` Width int `json:"Width"` Height int `json:"Height"` CreateTime string `json:"CreateTime"` DownloadUrl string `json:"DownloadUrl"` DeviceID string `json:"device_id"` }
type PlayBackControlRequest ¶
type PlayBackStartRequest ¶
type PlayBackStartRequest struct { DeviceID string `json:"DeviceID"` ChannelID string `json:"ChannelID"` StartTime int64 `json:"StartTime"` EndTime int64 `json:"EndTime"` Version string `json:"Version"` MediaProcess *Mps `json:"MediaProcess"` DownloadSpeedSingle *int `json:"DownloadSpeedSingle"` //在本地录像下载的时候时候,不填就以设备维度所设置的速度进行下载 SchedQuotaKey string `json:"SchedQuotaKey"` //调度到哪个集群 }
type PlayBackStartRequestV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type PlayBackStartRequestV3 struct { StreamID string `json:"StreamID"` StartTime int64 `json:"StartTime"` EndTime int64 `json:"EndTime"` Version string `json:"Version"` MediaProcess *Mps `json:"MediaProcess"` DownloadSpeedSingle *int `json:"DownloadSpeedSingle"` //在本地录像下载的时候时候,不填就以设备维度所设置的速度进行下载 SchedQuotaKey string `json:"SchedQuotaKey"` //调度到哪个集群 }
type PlayBackStartResp ¶
type PlayBackStartResponse ¶
type PlayBackStartResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result PlayBackStartResp `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type PresetItem ¶
type PresetList ¶
type PresetList struct { Num int `json:"Num"` Items []PresetItem `json:"Items"` }
type QualityDetection ¶
type QueryPresetInfoRequest ¶
type QueryPresetInfoRequestV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type QueryPresetInfoResponse ¶
type QueryPresetInfoResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result PresetList `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type RawResponse ¶
type RawResponse struct {
ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata
type RecordItem ¶
type RecordItem struct { DeviceID string `json:"DeviceID"` Name string `json:"Name"` StartTime string `json:"StartTime"` EndTime string `json:"EndTime"` StartTimestamp int64 `json:"StartTimeStamp"` EndTimestamp int64 `json:"EndTimeStamp"` Secrecy string `json:"Secrecy"` Type string `json:"Type"` FileSize string `json:"FileSize"` }
type RecordList ¶
type RecordList struct { Num int `json:"Num"` Items []RecordItem `json:"Items"` }
type RecordMeta ¶ added in v1.0.123
type RecordMetaV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type RecordPlanResponse ¶ added in v1.0.106
type RecordPlanResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result *RecordPlanView }
type RecordPlanResultResponse ¶ added in v1.0.106
type RecordPlanResultResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result IDResponse `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type RecordPlanStreamView ¶ added in v1.0.106
type RecordPlanView ¶ added in v1.0.106
type RecordResult ¶
type RecordResultV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type RecordTemplate ¶
type RecordTemplate struct { RecordDuration int `bson:"RecordDuration"` // ms SliceDuration int `bson:"SliceDuration"` TTL TemplateTTLConfig `bson:"TTL"` Type string `bson:"Type"` Format string `bson:"Format"` Path string `bson:"Path" json:"-"` Bucket TemplateBucketConfig `bson:"Bucket"` EnableTimes *EnableTimes `bson:"EnableTimes"` }
type RectParams ¶
type ResetAlarmRequest ¶
type SDKGeneralDeviceAVAbilityBitmask ¶
type SDKGeneralDeviceAVAbilityBitmask int
type SDKNVRAVAbilityEnum ¶
type SDKNVRAVAbilityEnum int
type SDKProductValidDurationEnum ¶
type SDKProductValidDurationEnum int
type ScreenResult ¶
type ScreenResult struct {
BornTs string `json:"BornTs"`
type ScreenResultV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type ScreenResultV3 struct {
BornTs int64 `json:"BornTs"`
type ScreenshotTemplate ¶
type ScreenshotTemplate struct { ScreenshotPeriod int `json:"ScreenshotPeriod"` // ms Type []ScreenshotType `json:"Type"` //多种截图方式 Bucket TemplateBucketConfig `json:"-"` TTL TemplateTTLConfig `json:"TTL"` }
type ScreenshotType ¶
type ScreenshotType string
type ScreenshotTypeInt ¶
type ScreenshotTypeInt int32
type SegInfo ¶
type SegInfo struct { SegUrl string `json:"SegUrl"` RectParams RectParams `json:"RectParams"` Vehicle VehicleRecord `json:"Vehicle"` Face FaceRecord `json:"Face"` VQ QualityDetection `json:"VQ"` }
type SetAlarmGuardRequest ¶
type SetCruiseTrackArgs ¶ added in v1.0.110
type SetCruiseTrackArgs struct { DeviceNSID string `json:"DeviceNSID"` ChannelID string `json:"ChannelID"` TrackID uint8 `json:"TrackID"` // 巡航轨迹组编号(1~255) TrackList []CruisePoint `json:"TrackList"` // 巡航轨迹列表, 最多可添加255个预置点 StaySeconds uint32 `json:"StaySeconds"` // 预置点停留时间, 单位:秒, 取值范围:1~4095 Speed uint32 `json:"Speed"` // 巡航速度, 取值范围: 1~4095 }
type SetCruiseTrackArgsV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type SetCruiseTrackArgsV3 struct { StreamID string `json:"StreamID"` TrackID uint8 `json:"TrackID"` // 巡航轨迹组编号(1~255) TrackList []CruisePoint `json:"TrackList"` // 巡航轨迹列表, 最多可添加255个预置点 StaySeconds uint32 `json:"StaySeconds"` // 预置点停留时间, 单位:秒, 取值范围:1~4095 Speed uint32 `json:"Speed"` // 巡航速度, 取值范围: 1~4095 }
type SetSpaceTemplateRequest ¶
type ShareGroupNodesRequest ¶
type ShareGroupNodesRequest struct {}
type SignSlowliveWsTokenResponse ¶
type SignSlowliveWsTokenResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result SignSlowliveWsTokenResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type SimpleCertInfo ¶
type SimpleTemplate ¶
type SlowLiveConfig ¶
type SlowLiveConfig struct { EnableRolling bool `json:"EnableRolling"` RollingInterval int `json:"RollingInterval"` StreamList []*SlowLiveStreamConfig `json:"StreamList"` }
type SlowLiveRequest ¶
type SlowLiveResponse ¶
type SlowLiveResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result IDResponse `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type SlowLiveStatus ¶
type SlowLiveStatus string
type SlowLiveStreamConfig ¶
type SlowLiveView ¶
type SlowLiveView struct { ID string `json:"ID"` RelatedSpaces []string `json:"RelatedSpaces"` Name string `json:"Name"` MergingMode string `json:"MergingMode"` OutputResolution string `json:"OutputResolution"` OutputFrameRate int `json:"OutputFrameRate"` OutputEncoding string `json:"OutputEncoding"` CreateTimestamp int64 `json:"CreateTimestamp"` PreviousClosedTimestamp int64 `json:"PreviousClosedTimestamp"` FinishTimestamp int64 `json:"FinishTimestamp"` Status SlowLiveStatus `json:"Status"` EnablePushingStream *bool `json:"EnablePushingStream"` Config *SlowLiveConfig `json:"Config"` AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` }
type SpaceDomain ¶
type SpaceDomain struct { Domain string `json:"Domain"` Type string `json:"Type"` Status string `json:"Status"` CNAME string `json:"CNAME"` CNAMEStatus string `json:"CNAMEStatus"` Default bool `json:"Default"` Https SpaceDomainHttps `json:"https"` CreatedAt string `json:"CreatedAt"` UpdatedAt string `json:"UpdatedAt"` TimeFlag bool `json:"TimeFlag"` MainKey string `json:"MainKey"` SpareKey string `json:"SpareKey"` ValidDuration int64 `json:"ValidDuration"` }
type SpaceDomainHttps ¶
type SpaceRequest ¶
type SpaceRequest struct {
SpaceID string
type SpaceResponse ¶
type SpaceResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result IDResponse `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type SpaceResponseV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type SpaceResponseV3 struct {
ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata
type SpaceTemplate ¶
type SpaceTemplate struct { Screenshot SimpleTemplate `json:"Screenshot"` Record SimpleTemplate `json:"Record"` AI SimpleTemplate `json:"AI"` Trans []SimpleTemplate `bson:"Trans"` }
type SpaceView ¶
type SpaceView struct { SpaceName string `json:"SpaceName"` Description string `json:"Description"` SpaceID string `json:"SpaceID"` Region string `json:"Region"` AccessType string `json:"AccessType"` //GB/RTMP Status string `json:"Status"` GB SpaceGB `json:"GB"` HLSLowLatency bool `json:"HLSLowLatency"` CreatedAt string `json:"CreatedAt"` UpdatedAt string `json:"UpdatedAt"` Domains map[string]SpaceDomain `json:"Domains"` SipServer *SipServer `json:"SipServer"` CallbackURL *string `json:"CallbackURL"` Template struct { Screenshot SimpleTemplate `json:"Screenshot"` Record SimpleTemplate `json:"Record"` AI SimpleTemplate `json:"AI"` Trans []SimpleTemplate `bson:"Trans"` } `bson:"Template"` }
type Specification ¶
type StartCruiseTrackArgs ¶ added in v1.0.110
type StartCruiseTrackArgsV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type StartStreamRequest ¶ added in v1.0.106
type StartStreamRequest struct { StreamID string `json:"StreamID,omitempty"` DeviceNSID string `json:"DeviceNSID,omitempty"` // 设备国标ID ChannelID string `json:"ChannelID,omitempty"` // 通道国标ID StreamType int `json:"StreamType,omitempty"` // 码流类型(可选参数), 0-主码流;1-子码流1;2-子码流2, 以此类推 Resolution string `json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // 国标分辨率参数(可选参数), 1-QCIF(176x144); 2-CIF(320x288); 3-4CIF(704x576); 4-D1(720x576); 5-720p; 6-1080p; 其他:WxH表示 }
type StartVoiceTalkRequest ¶
type StartVoiceTalkResp ¶
type StartVoiceTalkResp struct {
AudioSendUrl string `json:"AudioSendUrl"`
type StartVoiceTalkResponse ¶
type StartVoiceTalkResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result StartVoiceTalkResp }
type StopCruiseTrackArgs ¶ added in v1.0.110
type StopCruiseTrackArgsV3 ¶ added in v1.0.123
type StopCruiseTrackArgsV3 struct {
StreamID string `json:"StreamID"`
type StopVoiceTalkRequest ¶
type StopVoiceTalkResponse ¶
type StopVoiceTalkResponse struct {
ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata
type StreamLogsRequest ¶
type StreamLogsResponse ¶
type StreamLogsResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result ListStreamRecordsResult `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type StreamRecord ¶
type StreamRequest ¶
type StreamRequest struct {
StreamID string `json:"StreamID"`
type StreamResp ¶
type StreamResp struct { *StreamView Logs LogViews }
type StreamResponse ¶
type StreamResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result IDResponse `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type StreamTemplate ¶
type StreamView ¶
type StreamView struct { AccountID string `json:"AccountID,omitempty"` SpaceID string `json:"SpaceID"` SIPID string `json:"SIPID"` StreamName string `json:"StreamName"` StreamID string `json:"StreamID"` SpaceAccessType string `json:"SpaceAccessType"` DeviceID string `json:"DeviceID"` DeviceNSID string `json:"DeviceNSID"` ChannelID string `json:"ChannelID"` Status string `json:"Status"` Description string `json:"Description"` Screenshot StreamTemplate `json:"Screenshot"` Record StreamTemplate `json:"Record"` AI StreamTemplate `json:"AI"` CreatedAt string `json:"CreatedAt"` UpdatedAt string `json:"UpdatedAt"` PushUrlDDL int64 `json:"PushUrlDDL,omitempty"` PushUrl string `json:"PushUrl,omitempty"` PullUrls []string `json:"PullUrls"` TransPullUrls map[string][]string `json:"TransPullUrls"` FailedTimes int `json:"FailedTimes"` RecentPushTs string `json:"RecentPushTs"` //最近推流时间 StreamLogs LogViews `json:"StreamLogs"` //stream日志 RtpTransportTcp bool `json:"RtpTransportTcp"` //rtp传输协议是否使用tcp DemandLive bool `json:"DemandLive"` Resolution string `json:"Resolution"` // 通道支持的分辨率列表, 分辨率列表由‘/’隔开,国标协议样例: 6/3 }
type StreamingType ¶ added in v1.0.106
type StreamingType = string //码流类型
type StructuredView ¶
type StructuredView struct { ID string `json:"ID"` AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` ViewName string `json:"ViewName"` ViewType string `json:"ViewType"` ViewCode string `json:"ViewCode"` ViewSpaceID string `json:"ViewSpaceID"` ViewSpaceName string `json:"ViewSpaceName"` ViewIP string `json:"ViewIP"` ViewPort int `json:"ViewPort"` Protocol string `json:"Protocol"` Username string `json:"Username"` Password string `json:"Password"` Description string `json:"Description"` Location string `json:"Location"` AdministrativeID string `json:"AdministrativeID"` CreateTimestamp int64 `json:"CreateTimestamp"` UpdateTimestamp int64 `json:"UpdateTimestamp"` Status StructuredViewStatus `bson:"Status" json:"Status"` }
type StructuredViewCascadeJob ¶
type StructuredViewCascadeJob struct { ID string `json:"ID"` AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` JobName string `json:"JobName"` ViewSpaceID string `json:"ViewSpaceID"` ViewSpaceName string `json:"ViewSpaceName"` ViewSpaceCode string `json:"ViewSpaceCode"` PlatformID string `json:"PlatformID"` PlatformCode string `json:"PlatformCode"` PlatformName string `json:"PlatformName"` CreateTimestamp int64 `json:"CreateTimestamp"` UpdateTimestamp int64 `json:"UpdateTimestamp"` Status StructuredViewCascadeJobStatus `json:"Status"` Description string `json:"Description"` }
type StructuredViewCascadeJobStatus ¶
type StructuredViewCascadeJobStatus string
type StructuredViewCascadePlatform ¶
type StructuredViewCascadePlatform struct { ID string `json:"ID"` AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` PlatformName string `json:"PlatformName"` PlatformCode string `json:"PlatformCode"` PlatformIP string `json:"PlatformIP"` PlatformPort int `json:"PlatformPort"` Description string `json:"Description"` Username string `json:"Username"` Password string `json:"Password"` CreateTimestamp int64 `json:"CreateTimestamp"` UpdateTimestamp int64 `json:"UpdateTimestamp"` Status StructuredViewCascadePlatformStatus `json:"Status"` }
type StructuredViewCascadePlatformStatus ¶
type StructuredViewCascadePlatformStatus string
type StructuredViewData ¶
type StructuredViewResponse ¶
type StructuredViewResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result IDResponse `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type StructuredViewSpace ¶
type StructuredViewSpace struct { ID string `json:"ID"` AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` SpaceName string `json:"SpaceName"` ViewNumber int64 `json:"ViewNumber"` StoragePeriod int `json:"StoragePeriod"` StorageType string `json:"StorageType"` Region string `json:"Region"` Description string `json:"Description"` SpaceCode string `json:"SpaceCode"` SpaceIP string `json:"SpaceIP"` SpacePort int `json:"SpacePort"` CreateTimestamp int64 `json:"CreateTimestamp"` UpdateTimestamp int64 `json:"UpdateTimestamp"` Status StructuredViewSpaceStatus `json:"Status"` }
type StructuredViewSpaceStatus ¶
type StructuredViewSpaceStatus string
type StructuredViewStatus ¶
type StructuredViewStatus string
type Subtitle ¶
type Subtitle struct { SubtitleList SubtitleList `json:"SubtitleList"` SubtitleSrc string `json:"SubtitleSrc"` Font Font `json:"Font"` }
type SubtitleItem ¶
type SubtitleList ¶
type SubtitleList []*SubtitleItem
type Template ¶
type Template struct { AccountID string `json:"-"` TemplateID string `json:"TemplateID"` TemplateName string `json:"TemplateName"` TemplateType string `json:"TemplateType"` Screenshot *ScreenshotTemplate `json:"Screenshot,omitempty"` Record *RecordTemplate `json:"Record,omitempty"` AI *AITemplate `json:"AI,omitempty"` Trans *TransTemplate `json:"Trans,omitempty"` CreatedAt string `json:"CreatedAt"` UpdatedAt string `json:"UpdatedAt"` Status string `json:"-"` }
type TemplateBucketConfig ¶
type TemplateRequest ¶
type TemplateRequest struct {
TemplateID string
type TemplateResponse ¶
type TemplateResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result IDResponse `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type TemplateTTLConfig ¶
type TemplateTTLConfig struct {
Days int `json:"Days"`
type TransTemplate ¶ added in v1.0.106
type TransTemplate struct { SuffixName *string `json:"SuffixName"` VideoBitrate *int `json:"VideoBitrate,omitempty"` Vcodec *string `json:"Vcodec"` AudioBitrate *int `json:"AudioBitrate,omitempty"` Acodec *string `json:"Acodec"` FPS *int `json:"FPS,omitempty"` GOP *int `json:"GOP"` Width *int `json:"Width"` Height *int `json:"Height"` As *string `json:"As,omitempty"` ShortSide *int `json:"ShortSide,omitempty"` LongSide *int `json:"LongSide,omitempty"` BFrames *int `json:"BFrames,omitempty"` Roi *bool `json:"Roi"` }
type UnbindCertRequest ¶
type UpdateAccountRequest ¶
type UpdateAccountRequest struct {
ChargeMode *ChargeMode `json:"ChargeMode"`
type UpdateCascadePlatformRequest ¶
type UpdateCascadePlatformRequest struct { PlatformID string `json:"PlatformID"` PlatformName string `json:"PlatformName"` // 上级平台名称 Description string `json:"Description"` // 上级平台描述 SipConfig CascadeSipConfig `json:"SipConfig"` EnableAccess bool `json:"EnableAccess"` // 平台授权 EnablePTZ bool `json:"EnablePTZ"` // PTZ授权 }
type UpdateCascadePlatformResponse ¶
type UpdateCascadePlatformResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result IDResponse `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type UpdateCascadeTaskArg ¶
type UpdateCascadeTaskArg struct {
TaskName string `json:"TaskName"`
type UpdateCertRequest ¶
type UpdateDeviceArg ¶
type UpdateDeviceArg struct { DeviceName *string `json:"DeviceName"` DeviceNSID *string `json:"DeviceNSID"` Username *string `json:"Username"` Password *string `json:"Password"` Description *string `json:"Description"` AutoPullAfterRegiter *bool `json:"AutoPullAfterRegiter"` AlertNotification *AlertNotification `json:"AlertNotification"` ChannelNum *int `json:"-"` Status string `json:"-"` Type string `json:"Type"` RtpTransportTcp *bool `json:"RtpTransportTcp"` //流传输协议tcp为true,否则默认udp Location *string `json:"Location"` //可以修改设备的地址位置和坐标 Coordinates *Coordinates `json:"Coordinates"` OnChannelNum *int `json:"-"` UseSubStream *bool `json:"UseSubStream"` }
type UpdateDeviceRequest ¶
type UpdateDeviceRequest struct { DeviceID string DeviceName *string `json:"DeviceName"` DeviceNSID *string `json:"DeviceNSID"` Username *string `json:"Username"` Password *string `json:"Password"` Description *string `json:"Description"` AutoPullAfterRegiter *bool `json:"AutoPullAfterRegiter"` AlertNotification *AlertNotification `json:"AlertNotification"` Type string `json:"Type"` RtpTransportTcp *bool `json:"RtpTransportTcp"` //流传输协议tcp为true,否则默认udp Location *string `json:"Location"` //可以修改设备的地址位置和坐标 Coordinates *Coordinates `json:"Coordinates"` }
type UpdateRecordPlanList ¶ added in v1.0.106
type UpdateRecordPlanList struct { StreamingIndex int `json:"StreamingIndex"` Resolution string `json:"Resolution"` Devices map[string][]*BindChannel `json:"Devices"` Streams []string `json:"Streams"` }
type UpdateRecordPlanRequest ¶ added in v1.0.106
type UpdateRecordPlanRequest struct { PlanID string `json:"PlanID"` PlanName string `json:"PlanName"` Description string `json:"Description"` BindTemplate string `json:"BindTemplate"` Status string `json:"Status"` AddList *UpdateRecordPlanList `json:"AddList"` DelList *UpdateRecordPlanList `json:"DelList"` }
type UpdateSlowLiveRequest ¶
type UpdateSlowLiveRequest struct { LiveStreamID string ID string `json:"ID"` RelatedSpaces []string `json:"RelatedSpaces"` Name string `json:"Name"` MergingMode string `json:"MergingMode"` OutputResolution string `json:"OutputResolution"` OutputFrameRate int `json:"OutputFrameRate"` OutputEncoding string `json:"OutputEncoding"` CreateTimestamp int64 `json:"CreateTimestamp"` PreviousClosedTimestamp int64 `json:"PreviousClosedTimestamp"` FinishTimestamp int64 `json:"FinishTimestamp"` Status SlowLiveStatus `json:"Status"` EnablePushingStream *bool `json:"EnablePushingStream"` Config *SlowLiveConfig `json:"Config"` AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` }
type UpdateSpaceDomainResponse ¶
type UpdateSpaceDomainResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result map[string]SpaceDomain `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type UpdateSpaceRequest ¶
type UpdateStreamRequest ¶
type UpdateStreamRequest struct { SpaceID string StreamID string StreamName *string `json:"StreamName"` Description *string `json:"Description"` TemplateEnable bool `json:"template_enable"` Screenshot *struct { TemplateName string `json:"TemplateName"` TemplateID string `json:"TemplateID"` } `json:"Screenshot"` Record *struct { TemplateName string `json:"TemplateName"` TemplateID string `json:"TemplateID"` } `json:"Record"` PushUrl string `json:"push_url"` Status string `json:"Status"` PushUrlDDL *int64 `json:"PushUrlDDL"` }
type UpdateStructuredCascadeJobRequest ¶
type UpdateStructuredCascadeJobRequest struct { JobID string ID string `json:"ID"` AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` JobName string `json:"JobName"` ViewSpaceID string `json:"ViewSpaceID"` ViewSpaceName string `json:"ViewSpaceName"` ViewSpaceCode string `json:"ViewSpaceCode"` PlatformID string `json:"PlatformID"` PlatformCode string `json:"PlatformCode"` PlatformName string `json:"PlatformName"` CreateTimestamp int64 `json:"CreateTimestamp"` UpdateTimestamp int64 `json:"UpdateTimestamp"` Status StructuredViewCascadeJobStatus `json:"Status"` Description string `json:"Description"` }
type UpdateStructuredViewCascadePlatformRequest ¶
type UpdateStructuredViewCascadePlatformRequest struct { PlatformID string ID string `json:"ID"` AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` PlatformName string `json:"PlatformName"` PlatformCode string `json:"PlatformCode"` PlatformIP string `json:"PlatformIP"` PlatformPort int `json:"PlatformPort"` Description string `json:"Description"` Username string `json:"Username"` Password string `json:"Password"` CreateTimestamp int64 `json:"CreateTimestamp"` UpdateTimestamp int64 `json:"UpdateTimestamp"` Status StructuredViewCascadePlatformStatus `json:"Status"` }
type UpdateStructuredViewRequest ¶
type UpdateStructuredViewRequest struct { ViewID string ID string ` json:"ID"` AccountID string ` json:"AccountID"` ViewName string ` json:"ViewName"` ViewType string `json:"ViewType"` ViewCode string ` json:"ViewCode"` ViewSpaceID string ` json:"ViewSpaceID"` ViewSpaceName string ` json:"ViewSpaceName"` ViewIP string `json:"ViewIP"` ViewPort int ` json:"ViewPort"` Protocol string ` json:"Protocol"` Username string ` json:"Username"` Password string ` json:"Password"` Description string ` json:"Description"` Location string ` json:"Location"` AdministrativeID string ` json:"AdministrativeID"` CreateTimestamp int64 ` json:"CreateTimestamp"` UpdateTimestamp int64 ` json:"UpdateTimestamp"` Status StructuredViewStatus ` json:"Status"` }
type UpdateStructuredViewSpaceRequest ¶
type UpdateStructuredViewSpaceRequest struct { SpaceID string ID string `json:"ID"` AccountID string `json:"AccountID"` SpaceName string `json:"SpaceName"` ViewNumber int64 `json:"ViewNumber"` StoragePeriod int `json:"StoragePeriod"` StorageType string `json:"StorageType"` Region string `json:"Region"` Description string `json:"Description"` SpaceCode string `json:"SpaceCode"` SpaceIP string `json:"SpaceIP"` SpacePort int `json:"SpacePort"` CreateTimestamp int64 `json:"CreateTimestamp"` UpdateTimestamp int64 `json:"UpdateTimestamp"` Status StructuredViewSpaceStatus `json:"Status"` }
type UpdateTemplateRequest ¶
type UpdateTemplateRequest struct { TemplateID string TemplateName *string `json:"TemplateName"` Screenshot *ScreenshotTemplate `json:"Screenshot"` Record *RecordTemplate `json:"Record"` AI *AITemplate `json:"AI"` Trans *TransTemplate `json:"Trans"` Enable *bool `json:"enable"` }
type UploadCertRequest ¶
type UploadCertResponse ¶
type UploadCertResponse struct { ResponseMetadata base.ResponseMetadata Result map[string]string `json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type VehicleRecord ¶
type VehicleRecord struct { ObjectID int `json:"ObjectID,omitempty"` // 识别ObjectID Plate string `json:"Plate,omitempty"` // 车牌 Brand string `json:"Brand,omitempty"` // 品牌 Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` // 车辆类型 Color string `json:"Color,omitempty"` // 车颜色 Status string `json:"Status,omitempty"` // 车损状态 RectParams *RectParams `json:"RectParams,omitempty"` // 车辆坐标 Score float32 `json:"Score,omitempty"` // 打分 CarParseRecord *ParseRecord `json:"ParseRecord,omitempty"` }
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