Hamlet specifies a set of API standards for enabling service mesh federation.
The API specification was realized as a
collaborative effort with service mesh vendors viz. Google, HashiCorp, Pivotal
and VMware.
The specification currently consists of the following APIs.
Please see EXTENDING.md if you'd like to extend this project's
core to implement functionality for an owning or consuming federated service
mesh. You can find concrete extension samples in the examples
To compile a Protobuf file into Go, you can use the following command.
$ protoc -I api/types/v1alpha2/ federated_service.proto --go_out=api/
To download the external dependencies, use the following commands.
$ mkdir -p external/google/rpc/
$ curl -L -o external/google/rpc/status.proto https://github.com/grpc/grpc/raw/master/src/proto/grpc/status/status.proto
To compile a Protobuf into Go along with the necessary gRPC server and client
stubs, you can use the following command.
$ protoc -I external/ -I api/resourcediscovery/v1alpha1/ resource_discovery.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:api/
The project relies on the mockgen
tool for generating gRPC mocks for unit tests. Please make sure that you have it
installed before proceeding.
1. Generate mocks.
$ go generate ./...
2. Run tests using Ginkgo or go test
$ ginkgo -v ./...
$ go test -v ./...
Please see CONTRIBUTING.md if you'd like to contribute.
Hamlet is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the
LICENSE file for the full license text.