This repository includes API documentation, SDK and sample source to integrate
into the Avi Solution. Avi SDK provides the following tools and utilities:
- Python AVI API SDK: AVI API SDK is a Python Package that
provides APIs to communicate with Avi Controller’s REST APIs. It extends Python’s Request Library’s Session Class
and provides utilities to simplify integration with Avi Controller.
- Avi Go SDK and Utilities: Avi Go SDK is a Go Package that provides APIs to communicate with
Avi Controller’s REST APIs. It uses Avisession class and provides utilities to simplify integration with Avi
- Avi Java API SDK: Avi SDK is a java API which will help to creates a session for AVI
controller and perform the CRUD operations.
- SNMP MIBs: MIBs that we can use for the SNMP communication.
- Swagger UI Dist: This module, swagger-ui-dist, exposes Swagger-UI's entire dist folder
as a dependency-free npm module.
Avi API SDK and Utilities
Avi Go SDK and Utilities
Avi Java API SDK
Swagger UI Dist
How to contribute
The alb-sdk project team welcomes contributions from the community. Before you start working with alb-sdk, please read our Developer Certificate of Origin. All contributions to this repository must be signed as described on that page. Your signature certifies that you wrote the patch or have the right to pass it on as an open-source patch.
Note: Migrationtools will be released separately as part of AVI release process. Going forward, we will release the AVI migration tools as a standalone release and not part of the SDK starting with the 30.2.x releases.