Manage secret operations.
secret registry
Manage registry secret operations. Registry secrets enable the package and package repository consumers to authenticate to and pull images from private registries.
tanzu secret registry [command]
>>> tanzu secret registry --help
Manage registry secret operations. Registry secrets enable the package and package repository consumers to authenticate to and pull images from private registries.
tanzu secret registry [command]
Available Commands:
add Creates a v1/Secret resource of type
delete Deletes v1/Secret resource of type and the associated SecretExport from the cluster
list Lists all v1/Secret of type and checks for the associated SecretExport with the same name
-h, --help help for registry secret
--log-file string Log file path
--verbose int32 Number for the log level verbosity(0-9)
Use "tanzu secret registry [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Supported commands
the "secret registry" can be used to:
- add a registry secret
- list registry secrets
- delete a registry secret
- update a registry secret
Add a registry secret
The "add" command creates a v1/Secret of type In case of specifying the --export-to-all-namespaces flag, a SecretExport resource with the same name will be created, which makes the secret available across all namespaces in the cluster.
>>> tanzu secret registry add tanzu-net -n test-ns --server --username test-user --password-file pass-file --export-to-all-namespaces
/ Adding registry secret 'test-secret'...
Added registry secret 'test-secret' into namespace 'test-ns'
List registry secrets
The "list" command lists a v1/Secret of type for a specified namespace. If namespace flag is not specified, it lists the secrets from default
It also supports -A flag to list the secrets across all namespaces.
In case a SecretExport resource exists with the same name as the Secret, it will check if it is exported to all namespaces
or to some namespaces
and display that in EXPORTED column. If not, it will display not exported
in the EXPORTED column.
>>> tanzu secret registry list -n test-ns
/ Retrieving registry secrets...
pkg-dev-reg to all namespaces 15d
>>> tanzu secret registry list -A
\ Retrieving registry secrets...
pkg-dev-reg to all namespaces 15d test-ns
tanzu-standard-fetch-0 not exported 15d tanzu-package-repo-global
private-repo-fetch-0 not exported 15d test-ns
antrea-fetch-0 not exported 15d tkg-system
metrics-server-fetch-0 not exported 15d tkg-system
tanzu-addons-manager-fetch-0 not exported 15d tkg-system
tanzu-core-fetch-0 not exported 15d tkg-system
>>> tanzu secret registry list -n kapp-controller-packaging-global -o json
"age": "15d",
"exported": "to all namespaces",
"name": "pkg-dev-reg",
"registry": ""
>>> tanzu secret registry list -n kapp-controller-packaging-global -o yaml
- age: 15d
exported: to all namespaces
name: pkg-dev-reg
>>> tanzu secret registry list -n kapp-controller-packaging-global -o table
/ Retrieving registry secrets...
pkg-dev-reg to all namespaces 15d
Delete a registry secret
The "delete" command deletes a v1/Secret of type from the specified namespace. If no namespace is specified, the secret will be deleted from the default namespace (if existing). In case a SecretExport resource with the same name exists, it will be deleted from the namespace as well.
>>> tanzu secret registry delete test-secret -n test-ns
Deleting registry secret 'test-secret' from namespace 'test-ns'. Are you sure? [y/N]: y
\ Deleting registry secret 'test-secret'...
Deleted registry secret 'test-secret' from namespace 'test-ns'
Update a registry secret
The "update" command updates the v1/Secret of type In case of specifying the --export-to-all-namespaces flag, the SecretExport resource will also get updated. Otherwise, there will be no changes in the SecretExport resource.
>>> tanzu secret registry update test-secret --username test-user -n test-ns --password-env-var PASSENV
\ Updating registry secret 'test-secret'...
Updated registry secret 'test-secret' in namespace 'test-ns'
>>> tanzu secret registry update test-secret--username test-user -n test-ns --password-env-var PASSENV --export-to-all-namespaces=true
Warning: By specifying --export-to-all-namespaces as true, given secret contents will be available to ALL users in ALL namespaces. Please ensure that included registry credentials allow only read-only access to the registry with minimal necessary scope.
Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/N]: y
\ Updating registry secret 'test-secret'...
Updated registry secret 'test-secret' in namespace 'test-ns'
Exported registry secret 'test-secret' to all namespaces
>>> tanzu secret registry update test-secret --username test-user -n test-ns --password-env-var PASSENV --export-to-all-namespaces
Warning: By specifying --export-to-all-namespaces as true, given secret contents will be available to ALL users in ALL namespaces. Please ensure that included registry credentials allow only read-only access to the registry with minimal necessary scope.
Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/N]: y
\ Updating registry secret 'test-secret'...
Updated registry secret 'test-secret' in namespace 'test-ns'
Exported registry secret 'test-secret' to all namespaces
>>> tanzu secret registry update test-secret --username test-user -n test-ns --password-env-var PASSENV --export-to-all-namespaces=false
Warning: By specifying --export-to-all-namespaces as false, the secret contents will get unexported from ALL namespaces in which it was previously available to.
Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/N]: y
\ Updating registry secret 'test-secret'...
Updated registry secret 'test-secret' in namespace 'test-ns'
Unexported registry secret 'test-secret' from all namespaces
Workflow for adding a private package repository and installation of a private package
You can add a private package repository and install a private package using the following procedure:
First, create the namespace in which the secret is getting added to:
kubectl create namespace <NAMESPACE>
Before adding a private package repository, registry secret should be added to the cluster. If you are planning to add the private repository in the same namespace as the registry secret, it suffices to run the following command. Otherwise, please use step '3.a'.
tanzu secret registry add <SECRET-NAME> --server <PRIVATE-REGISTRY> --username <USERNAME> --namespace <SECRET-NAMESPACE> --password <PASSWORD>
The output would be as follows:
- Adding registry secret '<SECRET-NAME>'... Added registry secret '<SECRET-NAME>' into namespace '<SECRET-NAMESPACE>'
In case you want to add the private repository in a different namespace than the namespace in which the secret was added to, you need to export the secret to all other namespaces. Please be aware that by doing so, the given secret contents will be available to ALL users in ALL namespaces. Please ensure that included registry credentials allow only read-only access to the registry with minimal necessary scope. You can export the secret to other namespaces using one of the following options:
a. You can export the secret to all other namespaces at the time of adding the secret:
tanzu secret registry add <SECRET-NAME> --server <PRIVATE-REGISTRY> --username <USERNAME> --namespace <SECRET-NAMESPACE> --password <PASSWORD> --export-to-all-namespaces=true -y
The output would be as follows:
- Adding registry secret '<SECRET-NAME>'... Added registry secret '<SECRET-NAME>' into namespace '<SECRET-NAMESPACE>' Exported registry secret '<SECRET-NAME>' to all namespaces
b. Alternatively, you can update an existing secret to export it to all other namespaces:
tanzu secret registry update <SECRET-NAME> --namespace <SECRET-NAMESPACE> --export-to-all-namespaces=true -y
The output would be as follows:
\ Updating registry secret '<SECRET-NAME>'... Updated registry secret '<SECRET-NAME>' in namespace '<SECRET-NAMESPACE>' Exported registry secret '<SECRET-NAME>' to all namespaces
Add the private package repository to the target namespace in which you want to install the private package by running:
tanzu package repository add <REPOSITORY-NAME> --url <REPOSITORY-URL> --namespace <TARGET-NAMESPACE> --create-namespace
The output of the command would be as follows:
- Adding package repository '<REPOSITORY-NAME>' | Validating provided settings for the package repository \ Creating namespace '<TARGET-NAMESPACE>' | Creating package repository resource \ Waiting for 'PackageRepository' reconciliation for '<REPOSITORY-NAME>' / 'PackageRepository' resource install status: Reconciling Added package repository '<REPOSITORY-NAME>' in namespace '<TARGET-NAMESPACE>'
Verify that the private package repository has been successfully added to the target namespace by running. You should ensure that the status field be 'Reconcile succeeded':
tanzu package repository get <REPOSITORY-NAME> --namespace <TARGET-NAMESPACE>
List the available packages by running:
tanzu package available list --namespace <TARGET-NAMESPACE>
List version information for the package by running:
tanzu package available list <PACKAGE-NAME> --namespace <TARGET-NAMESPACE>
Install the private package with a specific version:
tanzu package installed create <INSTALLED-PACKAGE-NAME> --package-name <PACKAGE-NAME> --version <PACKAGE-VERSION> --namespace <TARGET-NAMESPACE>
Please follow the specific installation instructions for the package in case additional configuration parameters are needed
The output of the command would be as follows:
- Installing package '<PACKAGE-NAME>' | Getting package metadata for '<PACKAGE-NAME>' | Creating namespace '<TARGET-NAMESPACE>' | Creating service account '<INSTALLED-PACKAGE-NAME>-<TARGET-NAMESPACE>-sa' | Creating cluster admin role '<INSTALLED-PACKAGE-NAME>-<TARGET-NAMESPACE>-cluster-role' | Creating cluster role binding '<INSTALLED-PACKAGE-NAME>-<TARGET-NAMESPACE>-cluster-rolebinding' | Creating package resource - Waiting for 'PackageInstall' reconciliation for '<INSTALLED-PACKAGE-NAME>' - 'PackageInstall' resource install status: Reconciling Added installed package '<INSTALLED-PACKAGE-NAME>'
Verify the successful package installation by running:
tanzu package installed get <INSTALLED-PACKAGE-NAME> --namespace <TARGET-NAMESPAC>
There is no documentation for this package.