Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- func IsAlreadyExists(err error) bool
- func IsBadRequest(err error) bool
- func IsChildNotFound(err error) bool
- func IsConflict(err error) bool
- func IsForbidden(err error) bool
- func IsGone(err error) bool
- func IsInternalError(err error) bool
- func IsInvalid(err error) bool
- func IsLinkNotFound(err error) bool
- func IsMethodNotSupported(err error) bool
- func IsNotAcceptable(err error) bool
- func IsNotFound(err error) bool
- func IsParentNotFound(err error) bool
- func IsRequestEntityTooLargeError(err error) bool
- func IsResourceExpired(err error) bool
- func IsServerTimeout(err error) bool
- func IsServiceUnavailable(err error) bool
- func IsSingletonNameError(err error) bool
- func IsTimeout(err error) bool
- func IsTooManyRequests(err error) bool
- func IsUnauthorized(err error) bool
- func IsUnexpectedObjectError(err error) bool
- func IsUnexpectedServerError(err error) bool
- func IsUnsupportedMediaType(err error) bool
- type ChildNotFound
- type Clientset
- func (c *Clientset) AddRootRoot(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseroottsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Root) (result *RootRoot, err error)
- func (c *Clientset) Config() *ConfigTsmV1
- func (c *Clientset) DeleteRootRoot(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (c *Clientset) GetRootRoot(ctx context.Context) (result *RootRoot, err error)
- func (c *Clientset) Gns() *GnsTsmV1
- func (c *Clientset) Policypkg() *PolicypkgTsmV1
- func (c *Clientset) Root() *RootTsmV1
- func (c *Clientset) RootRoot() *rootRootTsmV1Chainer
- func (c *Clientset) Servicegroup() *ServicegroupTsmV1
- func (c *Clientset) SubscribeAll()
- func (c *Clientset) UnsubscribeAll()
- type ConfigConfig
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) AddDNS(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Dns) (result *GnsDns, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) AddDomain(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Domain) (result *ConfigDomain, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) AddFooExample(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.FooTypeABC) (result *ConfigFooTypeABC, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) AddGNS(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Gns) (result *GnsGns, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) AddSvcGrpInfo(ctx context.Context, ...) (result *ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) AddVMPPolicies(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.VMpolicy) (result *PolicypkgVMpolicy, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) DeleteDNS(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) DeleteDomain(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) DeleteFooExample(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) DeleteGNS(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) DeleteSvcGrpInfo(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) DeleteVMPPolicies(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetACPPolicies(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (result *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetAllACPPolicies(ctx context.Context) (result []*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetAllFooExample(ctx context.Context) (result []*ConfigFooTypeABC, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetDNS(ctx context.Context) (result *GnsDns, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetDomain(ctx context.Context) (result *ConfigDomain, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetFooExample(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (result *ConfigFooTypeABC, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetGNS(ctx context.Context) (result *GnsGns, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetParent(ctx context.Context) (result *RootRoot, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetSvcGrpInfo(ctx context.Context) (result *ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetVMPPolicies(ctx context.Context) (result *PolicypkgVMpolicy, err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) LinkACPPolicies(ctx context.Context, linkToAdd *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) error
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) UnlinkACPPolicies(ctx context.Context, linkToRemove *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) (err error)
- func (obj *ConfigConfig) Update(ctx context.Context) error
- type ConfigDomain
- type ConfigFooTypeABC
- type ConfigTsmV1
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) CreateConfigByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Config) (*ConfigConfig, error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) CreateDomainByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Domain) (*ConfigDomain, error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) CreateFooTypeABCByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.FooTypeABC) (*ConfigFooTypeABC, error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) DeleteConfigByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) DeleteDomainByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) DeleteFooTypeABCByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) ForceReadConfigByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ConfigConfig, error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) ForceReadDomainByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ConfigDomain, error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) ForceReadFooTypeABCByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ConfigFooTypeABC, error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) GetConfigByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ConfigConfig, error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) GetDomainByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ConfigDomain, error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) GetFooTypeABCByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ConfigFooTypeABC, error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) ListConfigs(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*ConfigConfig, err error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) ListDomains(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*ConfigDomain, err error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) ListFooTypeABCs(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*ConfigFooTypeABC, err error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) UpdateConfigByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Config) (*ConfigConfig, error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) UpdateDomainByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Domain) (*ConfigDomain, error)
- func (group *ConfigTsmV1) UpdateFooTypeABCByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.FooTypeABC) (*ConfigFooTypeABC, error)
- type GnsBarChild
- type GnsDns
- type GnsFoo
- type GnsGns
- func (obj *GnsGns) AddFoo(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Foo) (result *GnsFoo, err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) AddFooChild(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.BarChild) (result *GnsBarChild, err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) AddGnsAccessControlPolicy(ctx context.Context, ...) (result *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) AddGnsServiceGroups(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseservicegrouptsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.SvcGroup) (result *ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) AddIgnoreChild(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.IgnoreChild) (result *GnsIgnoreChild, err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) ClearState(ctx context.Context) error
- func (obj *GnsGns) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
- func (obj *GnsGns) DeleteFoo(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) DeleteFooChild(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) DeleteGnsAccessControlPolicy(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) DeleteGnsServiceGroups(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) DeleteIgnoreChild(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) GetAllGnsServiceGroups(ctx context.Context) (result []*ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) GetDns(ctx context.Context) (result *GnsDns, err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) GetFoo(ctx context.Context) (result *GnsFoo, err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) GetFooChild(ctx context.Context) (result *GnsBarChild, err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) GetGnsAccessControlPolicy(ctx context.Context) (result *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) GetGnsServiceGroups(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (result *ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) GetIgnoreChild(ctx context.Context) (result *GnsIgnoreChild, err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) GetParent(ctx context.Context) (result *ConfigConfig, err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) GetState(ctx context.Context) (*basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.GnsState, error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) LinkDns(ctx context.Context, linkToAdd *GnsDns) error
- func (obj *GnsGns) SetState(ctx context.Context, status *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.GnsState) error
- func (obj *GnsGns) UnlinkDns(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (obj *GnsGns) Update(ctx context.Context) error
- type GnsIgnoreChild
- type GnsTsmV1
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) CreateBarChildByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.BarChild) (*GnsBarChild, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) CreateDnsByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Dns) (*GnsDns, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) CreateFooByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Foo) (*GnsFoo, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) CreateGnsByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Gns) (*GnsGns, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) CreateIgnoreChildByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.IgnoreChild) (*GnsIgnoreChild, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) DeleteBarChildByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) DeleteDnsByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) DeleteFooByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) DeleteGnsByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) DeleteIgnoreChildByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) ForceReadBarChildByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*GnsBarChild, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) ForceReadDnsByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*GnsDns, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) ForceReadFooByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*GnsFoo, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) ForceReadGnsByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*GnsGns, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) ForceReadIgnoreChildByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*GnsIgnoreChild, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) GetBarChildByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*GnsBarChild, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) GetDnsByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*GnsDns, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) GetFooByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*GnsFoo, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) GetGnsByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*GnsGns, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) GetIgnoreChildByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*GnsIgnoreChild, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) ListBarChilds(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*GnsBarChild, err error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) ListDnses(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*GnsDns, err error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) ListFoos(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*GnsFoo, err error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) ListGnses(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*GnsGns, err error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) ListIgnoreChilds(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*GnsIgnoreChild, err error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) SetGnsStateByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Gns, ...) (*GnsGns, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) UpdateBarChildByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.BarChild) (*GnsBarChild, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) UpdateDnsByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Dns) (*GnsDns, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) UpdateFooByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Foo) (*GnsFoo, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) UpdateGnsByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Gns) (*GnsGns, error)
- func (group *GnsTsmV1) UpdateIgnoreChildByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.IgnoreChild) (*GnsIgnoreChild, error)
- type LinkNotFound
- type ParentNotFound
- type Patch
- type PatchOp
- type PolicypkgACPConfig
- func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) ClearStatus(ctx context.Context) error
- func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
- func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) GetAllDestSvcGroups(ctx context.Context) (result []*ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
- func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) GetAllSourceSvcGroups(ctx context.Context) (result []*ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
- func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) GetDestSvcGroups(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (result *ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
- func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) GetParent(ctx context.Context) (result *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, err error)
- func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) GetSourceSvcGroups(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (result *ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
- func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) GetStatus(ctx context.Context) (*basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.ACPStatus, error)
- func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) LinkDestSvcGroups(ctx context.Context, linkToAdd *ServicegroupSvcGroup) error
- func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) LinkSourceSvcGroups(ctx context.Context, linkToAdd *ServicegroupSvcGroup) error
- func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) SetStatus(ctx context.Context, status *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.ACPStatus) error
- func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) UnlinkDestSvcGroups(ctx context.Context, linkToRemove *ServicegroupSvcGroup) (err error)
- func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) UnlinkSourceSvcGroups(ctx context.Context, linkToRemove *ServicegroupSvcGroup) (err error)
- func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) Update(ctx context.Context) error
- type PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy
- func (obj *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) AddPolicyConfigs(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.ACPConfig) (result *PolicypkgACPConfig, err error)
- func (obj *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
- func (obj *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) DeletePolicyConfigs(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (err error)
- func (obj *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) GetAllPolicyConfigs(ctx context.Context) (result []*PolicypkgACPConfig, err error)
- func (obj *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) GetParent(ctx context.Context) (result *GnsGns, err error)
- func (obj *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) GetPolicyConfigs(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (result *PolicypkgACPConfig, err error)
- func (obj *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) Update(ctx context.Context) error
- type PolicypkgTsmV1
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) CreateACPConfigByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.ACPConfig) (*PolicypkgACPConfig, error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) CreateAccessControlPolicyByName(ctx context.Context, ...) (*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) CreateVMpolicyByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.VMpolicy) (*PolicypkgVMpolicy, error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) DeleteACPConfigByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) DeleteAccessControlPolicyByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) DeleteVMpolicyByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) ForceReadACPConfigByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*PolicypkgACPConfig, error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) ForceReadAccessControlPolicyByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) ForceReadVMpolicyByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*PolicypkgVMpolicy, error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) GetACPConfigByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*PolicypkgACPConfig, error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) GetAccessControlPolicyByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) GetVMpolicyByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*PolicypkgVMpolicy, error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) ListACPConfigs(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*PolicypkgACPConfig, err error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) ListAccessControlPolicies(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, err error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) ListVMpolicies(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*PolicypkgVMpolicy, err error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) SetACPConfigStatusByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.ACPConfig, ...) (*PolicypkgACPConfig, error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) UpdateACPConfigByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.ACPConfig) (*PolicypkgACPConfig, error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) UpdateAccessControlPolicyByName(ctx context.Context, ...) (*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, error)
- func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) UpdateVMpolicyByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.VMpolicy) (*PolicypkgVMpolicy, error)
- type PolicypkgVMpolicy
- type RootRoot
- func (obj *RootRoot) AddConfig(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Config) (result *ConfigConfig, err error)
- func (obj *RootRoot) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
- func (obj *RootRoot) DeleteConfig(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (obj *RootRoot) GetConfig(ctx context.Context) (result *ConfigConfig, err error)
- func (obj *RootRoot) Update(ctx context.Context) error
- type RootTsmV1
- func (group *RootTsmV1) CreateRootByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseroottsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Root) (*RootRoot, error)
- func (group *RootTsmV1) DeleteRootByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
- func (group *RootTsmV1) ForceReadRootByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*RootRoot, error)
- func (group *RootTsmV1) GetRootByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*RootRoot, error)
- func (group *RootTsmV1) ListRoots(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*RootRoot, err error)
- func (group *RootTsmV1) UpdateRootByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *baseroottsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Root) (*RootRoot, error)
- type ServicegroupSvcGroup
- type ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo
- type ServicegroupTsmV1
- func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) CreateSvcGroupByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseservicegrouptsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.SvcGroup) (*ServicegroupSvcGroup, error)
- func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) CreateSvcGroupLinkInfoByName(ctx context.Context, ...) (*ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo, error)
- func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) DeleteSvcGroupByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
- func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) DeleteSvcGroupLinkInfoByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
- func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) ForceReadSvcGroupByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ServicegroupSvcGroup, error)
- func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) ForceReadSvcGroupLinkInfoByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo, error)
- func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) GetSvcGroupByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ServicegroupSvcGroup, error)
- func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) GetSvcGroupLinkInfoByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo, error)
- func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) ListSvcGroupLinkInfos(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo, err error)
- func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) ListSvcGroups(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
- func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) UpdateSvcGroupByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *baseservicegrouptsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.SvcGroup) (*ServicegroupSvcGroup, error)
- func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) UpdateSvcGroupLinkInfoByName(ctx context.Context, ...) (*ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo, error)
- type SingletonNameError
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func IsAlreadyExists ¶
func IsBadRequest ¶
func IsChildNotFound ¶
func IsConflict ¶
func IsForbidden ¶
func IsInternalError ¶
func IsLinkNotFound ¶
func IsMethodNotSupported ¶
func IsNotAcceptable ¶
func IsNotFound ¶
func IsParentNotFound ¶
func IsResourceExpired ¶
func IsServerTimeout ¶
func IsServiceUnavailable ¶
func IsSingletonNameError ¶
func IsTooManyRequests ¶
func IsUnauthorized ¶
func IsUnexpectedObjectError ¶
func IsUnexpectedServerError ¶
func IsUnsupportedMediaType ¶
Types ¶
type ChildNotFound ¶
type ChildNotFound struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewChildNotFound ¶
func NewChildNotFound(parentDisplayName string, parentType string, childVarName string, childDisplayName ...string) ChildNotFound
func (ChildNotFound) Error ¶
func (p ChildNotFound) Error() string
type Clientset ¶
type Clientset struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFakeClient ¶
func NewFakeClient() *Clientset
NewFakeClient creates simple client which can be used for unit tests
func NewForConfig ¶
NewForConfig returns Client which can be which can be used to connect to database
func (*Clientset) AddRootRoot ¶
func (c *Clientset) AddRootRoot(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseroottsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Root) (result *RootRoot, err error)
AddRootRoot calculates hashed name of the object based on parents names and creates it. objToCreate.Name is changed to the hashed name. Original name (helper.DEFAULT_KEY) is preserved in nexus/display_name label and can be obtained using DisplayName() method.
func (*Clientset) Config ¶
func (c *Clientset) Config() *ConfigTsmV1
func (*Clientset) DeleteRootRoot ¶
DeleteRootRoot calculates hashedName of object based on parents and deletes given object
func (*Clientset) GetRootRoot ¶
GetRootRoot calculates the hashed name based on parents and returns given object
func (*Clientset) Policypkg ¶
func (c *Clientset) Policypkg() *PolicypkgTsmV1
func (*Clientset) Servicegroup ¶
func (c *Clientset) Servicegroup() *ServicegroupTsmV1
func (*Clientset) SubscribeAll ¶
func (c *Clientset) SubscribeAll()
func (*Clientset) UnsubscribeAll ¶
func (c *Clientset) UnsubscribeAll()
type ConfigConfig ¶
type ConfigConfig struct { *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Config // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ConfigConfig) AddDNS ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) AddDNS(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Dns) (result *GnsDns, err error)
AddDNS calculates hashed name of the child to create based on objToCreate.Name and parents names and creates it. objToCreate.Name is changed to the hashed name. Original name is preserved in nexus/display_name label and can be obtained using DisplayName() method.
func (*ConfigConfig) AddDomain ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) AddDomain(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Domain) (result *ConfigDomain, err error)
AddDomain calculates hashed name of the child to create based on objToCreate.Name and parents names and creates it. objToCreate.Name is changed to the hashed name. Original name is preserved in nexus/display_name label and can be obtained using DisplayName() method.
func (*ConfigConfig) AddFooExample ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) AddFooExample(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.FooTypeABC) (result *ConfigFooTypeABC, err error)
AddFooExample calculates hashed name of the child to create based on objToCreate.Name and parents names and creates it. objToCreate.Name is changed to the hashed name. Original name is preserved in nexus/display_name label and can be obtained using DisplayName() method.
func (*ConfigConfig) AddGNS ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) AddGNS(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Gns) (result *GnsGns, err error)
AddGNS calculates hashed name of the child to create based on objToCreate.Name and parents names and creates it. objToCreate.Name is changed to the hashed name. Original name is preserved in nexus/display_name label and can be obtained using DisplayName() method.
func (*ConfigConfig) AddSvcGrpInfo ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) AddSvcGrpInfo(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseservicegrouptsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.SvcGroupLinkInfo) (result *ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo, err error)
AddSvcGrpInfo calculates hashed name of the child to create based on objToCreate.Name and parents names and creates it. objToCreate.Name is changed to the hashed name. Original name is preserved in nexus/display_name label and can be obtained using DisplayName() method.
func (*ConfigConfig) AddVMPPolicies ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) AddVMPPolicies(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.VMpolicy) (result *PolicypkgVMpolicy, err error)
AddVMPPolicies calculates hashed name of the child to create based on objToCreate.Name and parents names and creates it. objToCreate.Name is changed to the hashed name. Original name is preserved in nexus/display_name label and can be obtained using DisplayName() method.
func (*ConfigConfig) Delete ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
Delete removes obj and all it's children from the database.
func (*ConfigConfig) DeleteDNS ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) DeleteDNS(ctx context.Context) (err error)
func (*ConfigConfig) DeleteDomain ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) DeleteDomain(ctx context.Context) (err error)
func (*ConfigConfig) DeleteFooExample ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) DeleteFooExample(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (err error)
func (*ConfigConfig) DeleteGNS ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) DeleteGNS(ctx context.Context) (err error)
func (*ConfigConfig) DeleteSvcGrpInfo ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) DeleteSvcGrpInfo(ctx context.Context) (err error)
func (*ConfigConfig) DeleteVMPPolicies ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) DeleteVMPPolicies(ctx context.Context) (err error)
func (*ConfigConfig) GetACPPolicies ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetACPPolicies(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (result *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, err error)
GetACPPolicies returns link which has given displayName
func (*ConfigConfig) GetAllACPPolicies ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetAllACPPolicies(ctx context.Context) ( result []*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, err error)
GetAllACPPolicies returns all links of given type
func (*ConfigConfig) GetAllFooExample ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetAllFooExample(ctx context.Context) ( result []*ConfigFooTypeABC, err error)
GetAllFooExample returns all children of given type
func (*ConfigConfig) GetDNS ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetDNS(ctx context.Context) ( result *GnsDns, err error)
GetDNS returns child of given type
func (*ConfigConfig) GetDomain ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetDomain(ctx context.Context) ( result *ConfigDomain, err error)
GetDomain returns child of given type
func (*ConfigConfig) GetFooExample ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetFooExample(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (result *ConfigFooTypeABC, err error)
GetFooExample returns child which has given displayName
func (*ConfigConfig) GetGNS ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetGNS(ctx context.Context) ( result *GnsGns, err error)
GetGNS returns child of given type
func (*ConfigConfig) GetParent ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetParent(ctx context.Context) (result *RootRoot, err error)
func (*ConfigConfig) GetSvcGrpInfo ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetSvcGrpInfo(ctx context.Context) ( result *ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo, err error)
GetSvcGrpInfo returns child of given type
func (*ConfigConfig) GetVMPPolicies ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) GetVMPPolicies(ctx context.Context) ( result *PolicypkgVMpolicy, err error)
GetVMPPolicies returns child of given type
func (*ConfigConfig) LinkACPPolicies ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) LinkACPPolicies(ctx context.Context, linkToAdd *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) error
LinkACPPolicies links obj with linkToAdd object. This function doesn't create linked object, it must be already created.
func (*ConfigConfig) UnlinkACPPolicies ¶
func (obj *ConfigConfig) UnlinkACPPolicies(ctx context.Context, linkToRemove *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) (err error)
UnlinkACPPolicies unlinks linkToRemove object from obj. This function doesn't delete linked object.
type ConfigDomain ¶
type ConfigDomain struct { *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Domain // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ConfigDomain) Delete ¶
func (obj *ConfigDomain) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
Delete removes obj and all it's children from the database.
func (*ConfigDomain) GetParent ¶
func (obj *ConfigDomain) GetParent(ctx context.Context) (result *ConfigConfig, err error)
type ConfigFooTypeABC ¶
type ConfigFooTypeABC struct { *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.FooTypeABC // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ConfigFooTypeABC) Delete ¶
func (obj *ConfigFooTypeABC) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
Delete removes obj and all it's children from the database.
func (*ConfigFooTypeABC) GetParent ¶
func (obj *ConfigFooTypeABC) GetParent(ctx context.Context) (result *ConfigConfig, err error)
type ConfigTsmV1 ¶
type ConfigTsmV1 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ConfigTsmV1) CreateConfigByName ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) CreateConfigByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Config) (*ConfigConfig, error)
CreateConfigByName creates object in the database without hashing the name. Use it directly ONLY when objToCreate.Name is hashed name of the object.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) CreateDomainByName ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) CreateDomainByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Domain) (*ConfigDomain, error)
CreateDomainByName creates object in the database without hashing the name. Use it directly ONLY when objToCreate.Name is hashed name of the object.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) CreateFooTypeABCByName ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) CreateFooTypeABCByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.FooTypeABC) (*ConfigFooTypeABC, error)
CreateFooTypeABCByName creates object in the database without hashing the name. Use it directly ONLY when objToCreate.Name is hashed name of the object.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) DeleteConfigByName ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) DeleteConfigByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
DeleteConfigByName deletes object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) DeleteDomainByName ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) DeleteDomainByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
DeleteDomainByName deletes object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) DeleteFooTypeABCByName ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) DeleteFooTypeABCByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
DeleteFooTypeABCByName deletes object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) ForceReadConfigByName ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) ForceReadConfigByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ConfigConfig, error)
ForceReadConfigByName read object directly from the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) ForceReadDomainByName ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) ForceReadDomainByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ConfigDomain, error)
ForceReadDomainByName read object directly from the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) ForceReadFooTypeABCByName ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) ForceReadFooTypeABCByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ConfigFooTypeABC, error)
ForceReadFooTypeABCByName read object directly from the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) GetConfigByName ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) GetConfigByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ConfigConfig, error)
GetConfigByName returns object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) GetDomainByName ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) GetDomainByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ConfigDomain, error)
GetDomainByName returns object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) GetFooTypeABCByName ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) GetFooTypeABCByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ConfigFooTypeABC, error)
GetFooTypeABCByName returns object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) ListConfigs ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) ListConfigs(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*ConfigConfig, err error)
ListConfigs returns slice of all existing objects of this type. Selectors can be provided in opts parameter.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) ListDomains ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) ListDomains(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*ConfigDomain, err error)
ListDomains returns slice of all existing objects of this type. Selectors can be provided in opts parameter.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) ListFooTypeABCs ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) ListFooTypeABCs(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*ConfigFooTypeABC, err error)
ListFooTypeABCs returns slice of all existing objects of this type. Selectors can be provided in opts parameter.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) UpdateConfigByName ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) UpdateConfigByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Config) (*ConfigConfig, error)
UpdateConfigByName updates object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) UpdateDomainByName ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) UpdateDomainByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Domain) (*ConfigDomain, error)
UpdateDomainByName updates object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names.
func (*ConfigTsmV1) UpdateFooTypeABCByName ¶
func (group *ConfigTsmV1) UpdateFooTypeABCByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.FooTypeABC) (*ConfigFooTypeABC, error)
UpdateFooTypeABCByName updates object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names.
type GnsBarChild ¶
type GnsBarChild struct { *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.BarChild // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GnsBarChild) Delete ¶
func (obj *GnsBarChild) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
Delete removes obj and all it's children from the database.
type GnsDns ¶
type GnsDns struct { *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Dns // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GnsFoo ¶
type GnsFoo struct { *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Foo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GnsGns ¶
type GnsGns struct { *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Gns // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GnsGns) AddFoo ¶
func (obj *GnsGns) AddFoo(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Foo) (result *GnsFoo, err error)
AddFoo calculates hashed name of the child to create based on objToCreate.Name and parents names and creates it. objToCreate.Name is changed to the hashed name. Original name is preserved in nexus/display_name label and can be obtained using DisplayName() method.
func (*GnsGns) AddFooChild ¶
func (obj *GnsGns) AddFooChild(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.BarChild) (result *GnsBarChild, err error)
AddFooChild calculates hashed name of the child to create based on objToCreate.Name and parents names and creates it. objToCreate.Name is changed to the hashed name. Original name is preserved in nexus/display_name label and can be obtained using DisplayName() method.
func (*GnsGns) AddGnsAccessControlPolicy ¶
func (obj *GnsGns) AddGnsAccessControlPolicy(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.AccessControlPolicy) (result *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, err error)
AddGnsAccessControlPolicy calculates hashed name of the child to create based on objToCreate.Name and parents names and creates it. objToCreate.Name is changed to the hashed name. Original name is preserved in nexus/display_name label and can be obtained using DisplayName() method.
func (*GnsGns) AddGnsServiceGroups ¶
func (obj *GnsGns) AddGnsServiceGroups(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseservicegrouptsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.SvcGroup) (result *ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
AddGnsServiceGroups calculates hashed name of the child to create based on objToCreate.Name and parents names and creates it. objToCreate.Name is changed to the hashed name. Original name is preserved in nexus/display_name label and can be obtained using DisplayName() method.
func (*GnsGns) AddIgnoreChild ¶
func (obj *GnsGns) AddIgnoreChild(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.IgnoreChild) (result *GnsIgnoreChild, err error)
AddIgnoreChild calculates hashed name of the child to create based on objToCreate.Name and parents names and creates it. objToCreate.Name is changed to the hashed name. Original name is preserved in nexus/display_name label and can be obtained using DisplayName() method.
func (*GnsGns) ClearState ¶
ClearState to clear user defined status
func (*GnsGns) DeleteGnsAccessControlPolicy ¶
func (*GnsGns) DeleteGnsServiceGroups ¶
func (*GnsGns) DeleteIgnoreChild ¶
func (*GnsGns) GetAllGnsServiceGroups ¶
func (obj *GnsGns) GetAllGnsServiceGroups(ctx context.Context) ( result []*ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
GetAllGnsServiceGroups returns all children of given type
func (*GnsGns) GetFooChild ¶
func (obj *GnsGns) GetFooChild(ctx context.Context) ( result *GnsBarChild, err error)
GetFooChild returns child of given type
func (*GnsGns) GetGnsAccessControlPolicy ¶
func (obj *GnsGns) GetGnsAccessControlPolicy(ctx context.Context) ( result *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, err error)
GetGnsAccessControlPolicy returns child of given type
func (*GnsGns) GetGnsServiceGroups ¶
func (obj *GnsGns) GetGnsServiceGroups(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (result *ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
GetGnsServiceGroups returns child which has given displayName
func (*GnsGns) GetIgnoreChild ¶
func (obj *GnsGns) GetIgnoreChild(ctx context.Context) ( result *GnsIgnoreChild, err error)
GetIgnoreChild returns child of given type
func (*GnsGns) GetParent ¶
func (obj *GnsGns) GetParent(ctx context.Context) (result *ConfigConfig, err error)
func (*GnsGns) LinkDns ¶
LinkDns links obj with linkToAdd object. This function doesn't create linked object, it must be already created.
type GnsIgnoreChild ¶
type GnsIgnoreChild struct { *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.IgnoreChild // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GnsIgnoreChild) Delete ¶
func (obj *GnsIgnoreChild) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
Delete removes obj and all it's children from the database.
type GnsTsmV1 ¶
type GnsTsmV1 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GnsTsmV1) CreateBarChildByName ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) CreateBarChildByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.BarChild) (*GnsBarChild, error)
CreateBarChildByName creates object in the database without hashing the name. Use it directly ONLY when objToCreate.Name is hashed name of the object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) CreateDnsByName ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) CreateDnsByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Dns) (*GnsDns, error)
CreateDnsByName creates object in the database without hashing the name. Use it directly ONLY when objToCreate.Name is hashed name of the object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) CreateFooByName ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) CreateFooByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Foo) (*GnsFoo, error)
CreateFooByName creates object in the database without hashing the name. Use it directly ONLY when objToCreate.Name is hashed name of the object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) CreateGnsByName ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) CreateGnsByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Gns) (*GnsGns, error)
CreateGnsByName creates object in the database without hashing the name. Use it directly ONLY when objToCreate.Name is hashed name of the object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) CreateIgnoreChildByName ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) CreateIgnoreChildByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.IgnoreChild) (*GnsIgnoreChild, error)
CreateIgnoreChildByName creates object in the database without hashing the name. Use it directly ONLY when objToCreate.Name is hashed name of the object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) DeleteBarChildByName ¶
DeleteBarChildByName deletes object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) DeleteDnsByName ¶
DeleteDnsByName deletes object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) DeleteFooByName ¶
DeleteFooByName deletes object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) DeleteGnsByName ¶
DeleteGnsByName deletes object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) DeleteIgnoreChildByName ¶
DeleteIgnoreChildByName deletes object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) ForceReadBarChildByName ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) ForceReadBarChildByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*GnsBarChild, error)
ForceReadBarChildByName read object directly from the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) ForceReadDnsByName ¶
ForceReadDnsByName read object directly from the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) ForceReadFooByName ¶
ForceReadFooByName read object directly from the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) ForceReadGnsByName ¶
ForceReadGnsByName read object directly from the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) ForceReadIgnoreChildByName ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) ForceReadIgnoreChildByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*GnsIgnoreChild, error)
ForceReadIgnoreChildByName read object directly from the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) GetBarChildByName ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) GetBarChildByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*GnsBarChild, error)
GetBarChildByName returns object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) GetDnsByName ¶
GetDnsByName returns object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) GetFooByName ¶
GetFooByName returns object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) GetGnsByName ¶
GetGnsByName returns object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) GetIgnoreChildByName ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) GetIgnoreChildByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*GnsIgnoreChild, error)
GetIgnoreChildByName returns object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*GnsTsmV1) ListBarChilds ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) ListBarChilds(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*GnsBarChild, err error)
ListBarChilds returns slice of all existing objects of this type. Selectors can be provided in opts parameter.
func (*GnsTsmV1) ListDnses ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) ListDnses(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*GnsDns, err error)
ListDnses returns slice of all existing objects of this type. Selectors can be provided in opts parameter.
func (*GnsTsmV1) ListFoos ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) ListFoos(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*GnsFoo, err error)
ListFoos returns slice of all existing objects of this type. Selectors can be provided in opts parameter.
func (*GnsTsmV1) ListGnses ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) ListGnses(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*GnsGns, err error)
ListGnses returns slice of all existing objects of this type. Selectors can be provided in opts parameter.
func (*GnsTsmV1) ListIgnoreChilds ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) ListIgnoreChilds(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*GnsIgnoreChild, err error)
ListIgnoreChilds returns slice of all existing objects of this type. Selectors can be provided in opts parameter.
func (*GnsTsmV1) SetGnsStateByName ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) SetGnsStateByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Gns, status *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.GnsState) (*GnsGns, error)
SetGnsStateByName sets user defined status
func (*GnsTsmV1) UpdateBarChildByName ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) UpdateBarChildByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.BarChild) (*GnsBarChild, error)
UpdateBarChildByName updates object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names.
func (*GnsTsmV1) UpdateDnsByName ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) UpdateDnsByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Dns) (*GnsDns, error)
UpdateDnsByName updates object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names.
func (*GnsTsmV1) UpdateFooByName ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) UpdateFooByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Foo) (*GnsFoo, error)
UpdateFooByName updates object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names.
func (*GnsTsmV1) UpdateGnsByName ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) UpdateGnsByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Gns) (*GnsGns, error)
UpdateGnsByName updates object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names.
func (*GnsTsmV1) UpdateIgnoreChildByName ¶
func (group *GnsTsmV1) UpdateIgnoreChildByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basegnstsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.IgnoreChild) (*GnsIgnoreChild, error)
UpdateIgnoreChildByName updates object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names.
type LinkNotFound ¶
type LinkNotFound struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewLinkNotFound ¶
func NewLinkNotFound(parentDisplayName string, parentType string, linkVarName string, linkDisplayName ...string) LinkNotFound
func (LinkNotFound) Error ¶
func (p LinkNotFound) Error() string
type ParentNotFound ¶
type ParentNotFound struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewParentNotFound ¶
func NewParentNotFound(displayName string, objectType metav1.Type) ParentNotFound
func (ParentNotFound) Error ¶
func (p ParentNotFound) Error() string
type PolicypkgACPConfig ¶
type PolicypkgACPConfig struct { *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.ACPConfig // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PolicypkgACPConfig) ClearStatus ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) ClearStatus(ctx context.Context) error
ClearStatus to clear user defined status
func (*PolicypkgACPConfig) Delete ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
Delete removes obj and all it's children from the database.
func (*PolicypkgACPConfig) GetAllDestSvcGroups ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) GetAllDestSvcGroups(ctx context.Context) ( result []*ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
GetAllDestSvcGroups returns all links of given type
func (*PolicypkgACPConfig) GetAllSourceSvcGroups ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) GetAllSourceSvcGroups(ctx context.Context) ( result []*ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
GetAllSourceSvcGroups returns all links of given type
func (*PolicypkgACPConfig) GetDestSvcGroups ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) GetDestSvcGroups(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (result *ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
GetDestSvcGroups returns link which has given displayName
func (*PolicypkgACPConfig) GetParent ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) GetParent(ctx context.Context) (result *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, err error)
func (*PolicypkgACPConfig) GetSourceSvcGroups ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) GetSourceSvcGroups(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (result *ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
GetSourceSvcGroups returns link which has given displayName
func (*PolicypkgACPConfig) GetStatus ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) GetStatus(ctx context.Context) (*basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.ACPStatus, error)
GetStatus to get user defined status
func (*PolicypkgACPConfig) LinkDestSvcGroups ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) LinkDestSvcGroups(ctx context.Context, linkToAdd *ServicegroupSvcGroup) error
LinkDestSvcGroups links obj with linkToAdd object. This function doesn't create linked object, it must be already created.
func (*PolicypkgACPConfig) LinkSourceSvcGroups ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) LinkSourceSvcGroups(ctx context.Context, linkToAdd *ServicegroupSvcGroup) error
LinkSourceSvcGroups links obj with linkToAdd object. This function doesn't create linked object, it must be already created.
func (*PolicypkgACPConfig) SetStatus ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) SetStatus(ctx context.Context, status *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.ACPStatus) error
SetStatus sets user defined status
func (*PolicypkgACPConfig) UnlinkDestSvcGroups ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) UnlinkDestSvcGroups(ctx context.Context, linkToRemove *ServicegroupSvcGroup) (err error)
UnlinkDestSvcGroups unlinks linkToRemove object from obj. This function doesn't delete linked object.
func (*PolicypkgACPConfig) UnlinkSourceSvcGroups ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgACPConfig) UnlinkSourceSvcGroups(ctx context.Context, linkToRemove *ServicegroupSvcGroup) (err error)
UnlinkSourceSvcGroups unlinks linkToRemove object from obj. This function doesn't delete linked object.
type PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy ¶
type PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy struct { *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.AccessControlPolicy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) AddPolicyConfigs ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) AddPolicyConfigs(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.ACPConfig) (result *PolicypkgACPConfig, err error)
AddPolicyConfigs calculates hashed name of the child to create based on objToCreate.Name and parents names and creates it. objToCreate.Name is changed to the hashed name. Original name is preserved in nexus/display_name label and can be obtained using DisplayName() method.
func (*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) Delete ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
Delete removes obj and all it's children from the database.
func (*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) DeletePolicyConfigs ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) DeletePolicyConfigs(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (err error)
func (*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) GetAllPolicyConfigs ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) GetAllPolicyConfigs(ctx context.Context) ( result []*PolicypkgACPConfig, err error)
GetAllPolicyConfigs returns all children of given type
func (*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) GetParent ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) GetParent(ctx context.Context) (result *GnsGns, err error)
func (*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) GetPolicyConfigs ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy) GetPolicyConfigs(ctx context.Context, displayName string) (result *PolicypkgACPConfig, err error)
GetPolicyConfigs returns child which has given displayName
type PolicypkgTsmV1 ¶
type PolicypkgTsmV1 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) CreateACPConfigByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) CreateACPConfigByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.ACPConfig) (*PolicypkgACPConfig, error)
CreateACPConfigByName creates object in the database without hashing the name. Use it directly ONLY when objToCreate.Name is hashed name of the object.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) CreateAccessControlPolicyByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) CreateAccessControlPolicyByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.AccessControlPolicy) (*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, error)
CreateAccessControlPolicyByName creates object in the database without hashing the name. Use it directly ONLY when objToCreate.Name is hashed name of the object.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) CreateVMpolicyByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) CreateVMpolicyByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.VMpolicy) (*PolicypkgVMpolicy, error)
CreateVMpolicyByName creates object in the database without hashing the name. Use it directly ONLY when objToCreate.Name is hashed name of the object.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) DeleteACPConfigByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) DeleteACPConfigByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
DeleteACPConfigByName deletes object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) DeleteAccessControlPolicyByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) DeleteAccessControlPolicyByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
DeleteAccessControlPolicyByName deletes object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) DeleteVMpolicyByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) DeleteVMpolicyByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
DeleteVMpolicyByName deletes object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) ForceReadACPConfigByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) ForceReadACPConfigByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*PolicypkgACPConfig, error)
ForceReadACPConfigByName read object directly from the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) ForceReadAccessControlPolicyByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) ForceReadAccessControlPolicyByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, error)
ForceReadAccessControlPolicyByName read object directly from the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) ForceReadVMpolicyByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) ForceReadVMpolicyByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*PolicypkgVMpolicy, error)
ForceReadVMpolicyByName read object directly from the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) GetACPConfigByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) GetACPConfigByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*PolicypkgACPConfig, error)
GetACPConfigByName returns object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) GetAccessControlPolicyByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) GetAccessControlPolicyByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, error)
GetAccessControlPolicyByName returns object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) GetVMpolicyByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) GetVMpolicyByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*PolicypkgVMpolicy, error)
GetVMpolicyByName returns object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) ListACPConfigs ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) ListACPConfigs(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*PolicypkgACPConfig, err error)
ListACPConfigs returns slice of all existing objects of this type. Selectors can be provided in opts parameter.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) ListAccessControlPolicies ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) ListAccessControlPolicies(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, err error)
ListAccessControlPolicies returns slice of all existing objects of this type. Selectors can be provided in opts parameter.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) ListVMpolicies ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) ListVMpolicies(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*PolicypkgVMpolicy, err error)
ListVMpolicies returns slice of all existing objects of this type. Selectors can be provided in opts parameter.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) SetACPConfigStatusByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) SetACPConfigStatusByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.ACPConfig, status *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.ACPStatus) (*PolicypkgACPConfig, error)
SetACPConfigStatusByName sets user defined status
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) UpdateACPConfigByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) UpdateACPConfigByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.ACPConfig) (*PolicypkgACPConfig, error)
UpdateACPConfigByName updates object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) UpdateAccessControlPolicyByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) UpdateAccessControlPolicyByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.AccessControlPolicy) (*PolicypkgAccessControlPolicy, error)
UpdateAccessControlPolicyByName updates object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names.
func (*PolicypkgTsmV1) UpdateVMpolicyByName ¶
func (group *PolicypkgTsmV1) UpdateVMpolicyByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.VMpolicy) (*PolicypkgVMpolicy, error)
UpdateVMpolicyByName updates object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names.
type PolicypkgVMpolicy ¶
type PolicypkgVMpolicy struct { *basepolicypkgtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.VMpolicy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PolicypkgVMpolicy) Delete ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgVMpolicy) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
Delete removes obj and all it's children from the database.
func (*PolicypkgVMpolicy) GetParent ¶
func (obj *PolicypkgVMpolicy) GetParent(ctx context.Context) (result *ConfigConfig, err error)
type RootRoot ¶
type RootRoot struct { *baseroottsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Root // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*RootRoot) AddConfig ¶
func (obj *RootRoot) AddConfig(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseconfigtsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Config) (result *ConfigConfig, err error)
AddConfig calculates hashed name of the child to create based on objToCreate.Name and parents names and creates it. objToCreate.Name is changed to the hashed name. Original name is preserved in nexus/display_name label and can be obtained using DisplayName() method.
type RootTsmV1 ¶
type RootTsmV1 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*RootTsmV1) CreateRootByName ¶
func (group *RootTsmV1) CreateRootByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseroottsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Root) (*RootRoot, error)
CreateRootByName creates object in the database without hashing the name. Use it directly ONLY when objToCreate.Name is hashed name of the object.
func (*RootTsmV1) DeleteRootByName ¶
DeleteRootByName deletes object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*RootTsmV1) ForceReadRootByName ¶
func (group *RootTsmV1) ForceReadRootByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*RootRoot, error)
ForceReadRootByName read object directly from the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*RootTsmV1) GetRootByName ¶
GetRootByName returns object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*RootTsmV1) ListRoots ¶
func (group *RootTsmV1) ListRoots(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*RootRoot, err error)
ListRoots returns slice of all existing objects of this type. Selectors can be provided in opts parameter.
func (*RootTsmV1) UpdateRootByName ¶
func (group *RootTsmV1) UpdateRootByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *baseroottsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.Root) (*RootRoot, error)
UpdateRootByName updates object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names.
type ServicegroupSvcGroup ¶
type ServicegroupSvcGroup struct { *baseservicegrouptsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.SvcGroup // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ServicegroupSvcGroup) Delete ¶
func (obj *ServicegroupSvcGroup) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
Delete removes obj and all it's children from the database.
type ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo ¶
type ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo struct { *baseservicegrouptsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.SvcGroupLinkInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo) Delete ¶
func (obj *ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
Delete removes obj and all it's children from the database.
func (*ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo) GetParent ¶
func (obj *ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo) GetParent(ctx context.Context) (result *ConfigConfig, err error)
type ServicegroupTsmV1 ¶
type ServicegroupTsmV1 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ServicegroupTsmV1) CreateSvcGroupByName ¶
func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) CreateSvcGroupByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseservicegrouptsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.SvcGroup) (*ServicegroupSvcGroup, error)
CreateSvcGroupByName creates object in the database without hashing the name. Use it directly ONLY when objToCreate.Name is hashed name of the object.
func (*ServicegroupTsmV1) CreateSvcGroupLinkInfoByName ¶
func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) CreateSvcGroupLinkInfoByName(ctx context.Context, objToCreate *baseservicegrouptsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.SvcGroupLinkInfo) (*ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo, error)
CreateSvcGroupLinkInfoByName creates object in the database without hashing the name. Use it directly ONLY when objToCreate.Name is hashed name of the object.
func (*ServicegroupTsmV1) DeleteSvcGroupByName ¶
func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) DeleteSvcGroupByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
DeleteSvcGroupByName deletes object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*ServicegroupTsmV1) DeleteSvcGroupLinkInfoByName ¶
func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) DeleteSvcGroupLinkInfoByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (err error)
DeleteSvcGroupLinkInfoByName deletes object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*ServicegroupTsmV1) ForceReadSvcGroupByName ¶
func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) ForceReadSvcGroupByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ServicegroupSvcGroup, error)
ForceReadSvcGroupByName read object directly from the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*ServicegroupTsmV1) ForceReadSvcGroupLinkInfoByName ¶
func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) ForceReadSvcGroupLinkInfoByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo, error)
ForceReadSvcGroupLinkInfoByName read object directly from the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*ServicegroupTsmV1) GetSvcGroupByName ¶
func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) GetSvcGroupByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ServicegroupSvcGroup, error)
GetSvcGroupByName returns object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*ServicegroupTsmV1) GetSvcGroupLinkInfoByName ¶
func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) GetSvcGroupLinkInfoByName(ctx context.Context, hashedName string) (*ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo, error)
GetSvcGroupLinkInfoByName returns object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names. Use it when you know hashed name of object.
func (*ServicegroupTsmV1) ListSvcGroupLinkInfos ¶
func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) ListSvcGroupLinkInfos(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo, err error)
ListSvcGroupLinkInfos returns slice of all existing objects of this type. Selectors can be provided in opts parameter.
func (*ServicegroupTsmV1) ListSvcGroups ¶
func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) ListSvcGroups(ctx context.Context, opts metav1.ListOptions) (result []*ServicegroupSvcGroup, err error)
ListSvcGroups returns slice of all existing objects of this type. Selectors can be provided in opts parameter.
func (*ServicegroupTsmV1) UpdateSvcGroupByName ¶
func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) UpdateSvcGroupByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *baseservicegrouptsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.SvcGroup) (*ServicegroupSvcGroup, error)
UpdateSvcGroupByName updates object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names.
func (*ServicegroupTsmV1) UpdateSvcGroupLinkInfoByName ¶
func (group *ServicegroupTsmV1) UpdateSvcGroupLinkInfoByName(ctx context.Context, objToUpdate *baseservicegrouptsmtanzuvmwarecomv1.SvcGroupLinkInfo) (*ServicegroupSvcGroupLinkInfo, error)
UpdateSvcGroupLinkInfoByName updates object stored in the database under the hashedName which is a hash of display name and parents names.
type SingletonNameError ¶
type SingletonNameError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSingletonNameError ¶
func NewSingletonNameError(displayName string) SingletonNameError
func (SingletonNameError) Error ¶
func (p SingletonNameError) Error() string