check us out at
Version Compatibility
IAAS Supports PivotalCF on:
- VSphere
- ops-manager (backup/restore
) - elastic-runtime
- postgres datastore (backup/restore
) - mysql datastore (backup/restore
) - external datastore (backup/restore
no yet supported
- postgres datastore (backup/restore
- ops-manager (backup/restore
- ops-manager (backup
) - elastic-runtime (
not yet supported
- ops-manager (backup
CFOPS - is a self contained binary, which has no dependencies
This is simply an automation that is based on the supported way to back up Pivotal Cloud Foundry (
It may be extended in the future to support greater breadth of functionality.
Backing up ER will take Cloud Controller offline for the duration of the backup, causing your foundation to become readonly for the duration of the backup. App pushes etc will not work during this time.
Download the latest version here:
PRs welcome. To get started follow these steps:
- Install Go 1.6.x
- Create a directory where you would like to store the source for Go projects and their binaries (e.g.
) - Set an environment variable,
, pointing at the directory you created - Get the
source:go get
(Ignore any warnings about "no buildable Go source files") - Fork this repository, adding your fork as a remote
- Install all the required tools - glide, wercker cli
$ brew install glide
$ brew tap wercker/wercker
$ brew install wercker-cli
- Wrecker requires a local installation of docker, ensure you have docker in place with the relevant environments set.
$ docker ps -a # should return something meaningful
- Pull in glide managed dependencies:
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ glide install
- Build the project:
$ cd cmd/cfops/
$ go build
- At this point you should see the cfops binary in the cmd/cfops folder
- Run wercker integration tests
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ ./testrunner
- At this point you have everything needed for local development, hack away and submit a pull request to the
Differences between v1 and v2
While the core package cfops uses to do the backup & restore has not changed the cli of cfops itself has been changed.
Major differences are:
- one must specify a single tile to backup/restore at a time.
- one can list the tiles that are supported via the cli.
- more to come...
Usage (cfops v2.x.x+)
general commands
cfops - Cloud Foundry Operations Tool
./cfops command [command options] [arguments...]
version shows the application version currently in use
list-tiles shows a list of available backup/restore target tiles
backup creates a backup archive of the target tile
restore restores from an archive to the target tile
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
setting log levels
LOG_LEVEL=(debug|info|error) ./cfops backup ...
list available tiles
$ cfops list-tiles
Available Tiles:
list version
$ cfops version
cfops version v2.0.0
** setting S3 domain **
export S3_DOMAIN=<some_compatible_s3_store_url>
run a backup on a tile
./cfops backup - creates a backup archive of the target tile
./cfops backup [command options] [arguments...]
backup --opsmanagerhost <host> --adminuser <usr> --adminpass <pass> --opsmanageruser <opsuser> --opsmanagerpass <opspass> -d <dir> --tile elastic-runtime
--destination, -d path of the Cloud Foundry archive [$CFOPS_DEST_PATH]
--tile, -t a tile you would like to run the operation on [$CFOPS_TILE]
--opsmanagerhost, --omh hostname for Ops Manager [$CFOPS_HOST]
--adminuser, --du username for Ops Mgr admin (Ops Manager WebConsole Credentials) [$CFOPS_ADMIN_USER]
--adminpass, --dp password for Ops Mgr admin (Ops Manager WebConsole Credentials) [$CFOPS_ADMIN_PASS]
--opsmanageruser, --omu username for Ops Manager VM Access (used for ssh connections) [$CFOPS_OM_USER]
--opsmanagerpass, --omp password for Ops Manager VM Access (used for ssh connections) [$CFOPS_OM_PASS]
run a restore on a tile
./cfops restore - restores from an archive to the target tile
./cfops restore [command options] [arguments...]
restore --opsmanagerhost <host> --adminuser <usr> --adminpass <pass> --opsmanageruser <opsuser> --opsmanagerpass <opspass> -d <dir> --tile elastic-runtime
--adminuser, --du username for Ops Mgr admin (Ops Manager WebConsole Credentials) [$CFOPS_ADMIN_USER]
--adminpass, --dp password for Ops Mgr admin (Ops Manager WebConsole Credentials) [$CFOPS_ADMIN_PASS]
--opsmanageruser, --omu username for Ops Manager VM Access (used for ssh connections) [$CFOPS_OM_USER]
--opsmanagerpass, --omp password for Ops Manager VM Access (used for ssh connections) [$CFOPS_OM_PASS]
--destination, -d path of the Cloud Foundry archive [$CFOPS_DEST_PATH]
--tile, -t a tile you would like to run the operation on [$CFOPS_TILE]
--opsmanagerhost, --omh hostname for Ops Manager [$CFOPS_HOST]
Usage (cfops v1.x.x)
For example you can try the various commands, args and flags (and --help documentation) that are currently proposed, such as:
$ ./cfops -help
$ ./cfops backup
$ ./cfops restore
Sample help output:
$ ./cfops help backup
backup - backup --opsmanagerhost <host> --adminuser <usr> --adminpass <pass> --opsmanageruser <opsuser> --opsmanagerpass <opspass> -d <dir> --tl 'opsmanager, er'
command backup [command options] [arguments...]
backup a Cloud Foundry deployment, including Ops Manager configuration, databases, and blob store
--tilelist, --tl a csv list of the tiles you would like to run the operation on [$CFOPS_TILE_LIST]
--opsmanagerhost, --omh hostname for Ops Manager [$CFOPS_HOST]
--adminuser, --du username for Ops Mgr admin (Ops Manager WebConsole Credentials) [$CFOPS_ADMIN_USER]
--adminpass, --dp password for Ops Mgr admin (Ops Manager WebConsole Credentials) [$CFOPS_ADMIN_PASS]
--opsmanageruser, --omu username for Ops Manager VM Access (used for ssh connections) [$CFOPS_OM_USER]
--opsmanagerpass, --omp password for Ops Manager VM Access (used for ssh connections) [$CFOPS_OM_PASS]
--destination, -d path of the Cloud Foundry backup archive [$CFOPS_BACKUP_PATH]
$ ./cfops help restore
restore - restore --opsmanagerhost <host> --adminuser <usr> --adminpass <pass> --opsmanageruser <opsuser> --opsmanagerpass <opspass> -d <dir> --tl 'opsmanager, er'
command restore [command options] [arguments...]
Restore a Cloud Foundry deployment, including Ops Manager configuration, databases, and blob store
--tilelist, --tl a csv list of the tiles you would like to run the operation on [$CFOPS_TILE_LIST]
--opsmanagerhost, --omh hostname for Ops Manager [$CFOPS_HOST]
--adminuser, --du username for Ops Mgr admin (Ops Manager WebConsole Credentials) [$CFOPS_ADMIN_USER]
--adminpass, --dp password for Ops Mgr admin (Ops Manager WebConsole Credentials) [$CFOPS_ADMIN_PASS]
--opsmanageruser, --omu username for Ops Manager VM Access (used for ssh connections) [$CFOPS_OM_USER]
--opsmanagerpass, --omp password for Ops Manager VM Access (used for ssh connections) [$CFOPS_OM_PASS]
--destination, -d path of the Cloud Foundry backup archive [$CFOPS_BACKUP_PATH]