This repository contains some metadata for HashiCorp Terraform tool:
- Providers
- Providsioners
- Resources
- Data Sources
- Functions
Mostly data is autogenerated using 'schemas-extractor'
Source download / Git
This metadata is used for IntelliJ-Terraform plugin.
Plugin may read it from $HOME/.terraform.d/metadata-repo
(Linux, macOS) or %APPDATA%/.terraform/metadata-repo
Just clone this repositry there:
mkdir -p "$HOME/.terraform.d/metadata-repo"
git clone "" "$HOME/.terraform.d/metadata-repo"
And then update it regularly using git pull
As Maven artifact
This metadata is published as maven artifact
to custom Bintray repository.
Follow instructions at schemas-extractor/
Apache 2.0 for everything here.
Terraform and most of providers source codes are licensed under MPL 2.0.
Since scripts in this repository are using them in terms of 'runtime' Apache 2.0 could be used for the results as well as scripts themselves.