Deprecation notice
This repository is deprecated, and will soon be archived.
Instructions for the new operator can be found here.
Vitess Operator
The Vitess Operator provides automation that simplifies the administration
of Vitess clusters on Kubernetes.
The Operator installs a custom resource for objects of the custom type
This custom resource allows you to configure the high-level aspects of
your Vitess deployment, while the details of how to run Vitess on Kubernetes
are abstracted and automated.
Vitess Components
A typical VitessCluster object might expand to the following tree once it's
fully deployed.
Objects in bold are custom resource kinds defined by this Operator.
- VitessCluster: The top-level specification for a Vitess cluster.
This is the only one the user creates.
- VitessCell: Each Vitess cell
represents an independent failure domain (e.g. a Zone or Availability Zone).
- Lockserver (etcd-operator):
Vitess needs its own etcd cluster to coordinate its built-in load-balancing
and automatic shard routing. Vitess supports multiple lockservers but the operator
only supports etcd right now.
- Deployment (orchestrator):
An optional automated failover tool that works with Vitess.
- Deployment (vtctld):
A pool of stateless Vitess admin servers, which serve a dashboard UI as well
as being an endpoint for the Vitess CLI tool (vtctlclient).
- Deployment (vtgate):
A pool of stateless Vitess query routers.
The client application can use any one of these vtgate Pods as the entry
point into Vitess, through a MySQL-compatible interface.
- VitessKeyspace (db1): Each Vitess keyspace
is a logical database that may be composed of many MySQL databases (shards).
- VitessShard (db1/0): Each Vitess shard
is a single-master tree of replicating MySQL instances.
- StatefulSet(s) (vttablet): Within a shard, there may be many Vitess tablets
(individual MySQL instances).
- PersistentVolumeClaim(s)
- VitessShard (db1/1)
- StatefulSet(s) (vttablet)
- PersistentVolumeClaim(s)
- VitessKeyspace (db2)
- VitessShard (db2/0)
- StatefulSet(s) (vttablet)
- PersistentVolumeClaim(s)
- Kubernetes 1.8+ is required for its improved CRD support, especially garbage
- This config currently requires a dynamic PersistentVolume provisioner and a
default StorageClass.
- etcd-operator
Deploy the Operator
Once the Operator is installed, you can create VitessCluster
objects in any namespace as long as the etcd operator is runing
in that namespace or is running clusterwide mode.
kubectl apply -R -f deploy
Create a VitessCluster
kubectl apply -f my-vitess.yaml
View the Vitess Dashboards
Wait until the cluster is ready:
kubectl get vitessclusters -o ',READY:.status.phase'
You should see:
vitess Ready
Start a kubectl proxy:
kubectl proxy --port=8001
Then visit:
Clean Up
# Delete the VitessCluster and etcd objects
kubectl delete -f my-vitess.yaml
# Uninstall the Vitess Operator
kubectl delete -R -f deploy
- Create a StatefulSet for each VitessTablet in a VitessCluster
- Create a Job to elect the initial master in each VitessShard
- Fix parenting and normalization
- Create vtctld Deployment and Service
- Create vttablet service
- Create vtgate Deployment and Service
- Create PodDisruptionBudgets
- Reconcile all the things!
- Label pods when they become shard masters
- Add the ability to automatically merge/split a shard
- Add the ability to automatically export/import resources from embedded objects to separate objects and back
- Move shard master election into the operator
- Install the operator sdk
- Configure local kubectl access to a test Kubernetes cluster
- Create the CRDs in your Kubernetes cluster
kubectl apply -f deploy/crds
- Run the operator locally
- Create the sample cluster
kubectl create -f my-vitess.yaml