
v2.5.0+incompatible Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 27, 2019 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 10 Imported by: 30




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const (
	CommonQuotaRatio   uint8  = 10
	QuotaRatioDivision uint64 = 10
	OneRound           uint64 = 75


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var (
	AttovPerVite                    = big.NewInt(1e18)
	CreateContractDataLengthMin     = 13
	CreateContractDataLengthMinRand = 14
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var (
	ErrInvalidMethodParam        = VMError{"invalid method param", false}
	ErrInvalidQuotaRatio         = VMError{"invalid quota ratio", false}
	ErrRewardIsNotDrained        = VMError{"reward is not drained", false}
	ErrInsufficientBalance       = VMError{"insufficient balance for transfer", false}
	ErrCalcPoWTwice              = VMError{"calc PoW twice referring to one snapshot block", false}
	ErrAbiMethodNotFound         = VMError{"abi: method not found", false}
	ErrInvalidConfirmTime        = VMError{"invalid confirm time", false}
	ErrInvalidSeedCount          = VMError{"invalid seed count", false}
	ErrAddressNotMatch           = VMError{"current address not match", false}
	ErrTransactionTypeNotSupport = VMError{"transaction type not supported", false}
	ErrVersionNotSupport         = VMError{"feature not supported in current snapshot height", false}
	ErrBlockTypeNotSupported     = VMError{"block type not supported", true}
	ErrDataNotExist              = VMError{"data not exist", false}
	ErrContractNotExists         = VMError{"contract not exists", false}
	ErrNoReliableStatus          = VMError{"no reliable status", false}

	ErrAddressCollision = VMError{"contract address collision", false}
	ErrIdCollision      = VMError{"id collision", false}
	ErrRewardNotDue     = VMError{"reward not due", false}

	ErrExecutionReverted = VMError{"execution reverted", false}
	ErrDepth             = VMError{"max call depth exceeded", false}

	ErrGasUintOverflow          = VMError{"gas uint64 overflow", true}
	ErrMemSizeOverflow          = VMError{"memory size uint64 overflow", true}
	ErrReturnDataOutOfBounds    = VMError{"vm: return data out of bounds", true}
	ErrBlockQuotaLimitReached   = VMError{"quota limit for block reached", true}
	ErrAccountQuotaLimitReached = VMError{"quota limit for account reached", true}
	ErrOutOfQuota               = VMError{"out of quota", true}
	ErrInvalidUnconfirmedQuota  = VMError{"calc quota failed, invalid unconfirmed quota", true}

	ErrStackLimitReached      = VMError{"stack limit reached", true}
	ErrStackUnderflow         = VMError{"stack underflow", true}
	ErrInvalidJumpDestination = VMError{"invalid jump destination", true}
	ErrInvalidOpCode          = VMError{"invalid opcode", true}

	ErrChainForked          = VMError{"chain forked", false}
	ErrContractCreationFail = VMError{"contract creation failed", false}

	ErrExecutionCanceled = VMError{"vm execution canceled", false}
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var (
	SolidityPPContractType uint8 = 1


func AddBalance

func AddBalance(db dbInterface, id *types.TokenTypeId, amount *big.Int)

func CalcQuotaUsed

func CalcQuotaUsed(useQuota bool, quotaTotal, quotaAddition, quotaLeft uint64, err error) (q uint64, qUsed uint64)

func DataGasCost

func DataGasCost(data []byte, gasTable *GasTable) (uint64, error)

func DealWithErr

func DealWithErr(v interface{})

DealWithErr panics if err is not nil. Used when chain forked or db error.

func GetCodeFromCreateContractData added in v1.2.0

func GetCodeFromCreateContractData(data []byte, snapshotHeight uint64) []byte

func GetConfirmTimeFromCreateContractData

func GetConfirmTimeFromCreateContractData(data []byte) uint8

func GetContractCode added in v1.2.0

func GetContractCode(db CommonDb, addr *types.Address, status GlobalStatus) ([]byte, []byte)

func GetContractTypeFromCreateContractData added in v1.2.0

func GetContractTypeFromCreateContractData(data []byte) uint8

func GetCreateContractData added in v1.2.0

func GetCreateContractData(bytecode []byte, contractType uint8, confirmTimes uint8, seedCount uint8, quotaRatio uint8, gid types.Gid, snapshotHeight uint64) []byte

func GetGidFromCreateContractData added in v1.2.0

func GetGidFromCreateContractData(data []byte) types.Gid

func GetQuotaRatioFromCreateContractData

func GetQuotaRatioFromCreateContractData(data []byte, snapshotHeight uint64) uint8

func GetSeedCountFromCreateContractData

func GetSeedCountFromCreateContractData(data []byte) uint8

func GetValue

func GetValue(db dbInterface, key []byte) []byte

func IntrinsicGasCost

func IntrinsicGasCost(data []byte, baseGas uint64, confirmTime uint8, gasTable *GasTable) (uint64, error)

func IsDelegateGid

func IsDelegateGid(gid types.Gid) bool

func IsExistContractType added in v1.2.0

func IsExistContractType(contractType uint8) bool

func IsPoW

func IsPoW(block *ledger.AccountBlock) bool

func IsSnapshotGid

func IsSnapshotGid(gid types.Gid) bool

func IsUserAccount added in v1.2.0

func IsUserAccount(addr types.Address) bool

func IsValidQuotaRatio

func IsValidQuotaRatio(quotaRatio uint8) bool

func IsViteToken

func IsViteToken(tokenId types.TokenTypeId) bool

func MakeSendBlock

func MakeSendBlock(fromAddress types.Address, toAddress types.Address, blockType byte, amount *big.Int, tokenId types.TokenTypeId, data []byte) *ledger.AccountBlock

func MultipleCost

func MultipleCost(cost uint64, quotaRatio uint8) (uint64, error)

func NewContractAddress added in v1.2.0

func NewContractAddress(accountAddress types.Address, accountBlockHeight uint64, prevBlockHash types.Hash) types.Address

func NewLog added in v1.3.0

func NewLog(c abi.ABIContract, name string, params ...interface{}) *ledger.VmLog

func PackContractCode added in v1.2.0

func PackContractCode(contractType uint8, code []byte) []byte

func PrintMap added in v1.2.0

func PrintMap(m map[string][]byte) string

func SetValue

func SetValue(db dbInterface, key []byte, value []byte)

func SubBalance

func SubBalance(db dbInterface, id *types.TokenTypeId, amount *big.Int)

func TxGasCost

func TxGasCost(data []byte, gasTable *GasTable) (uint64, error)

func UseQuota

func UseQuota(quotaLeft, cost uint64) (uint64, error)

func UseQuotaWithFlag

func UseQuotaWithFlag(quotaLeft, cost uint64, flag bool) (uint64, error)


type CommonDb added in v1.2.0

type CommonDb interface {
	Address() *types.Address
	IsContractAccount() (bool, error)
	GetContractCode() ([]byte, error)
	GetContractCodeBySnapshotBlock(addr *types.Address, snapshotBlock *ledger.SnapshotBlock) ([]byte, error)

type ConsensusReader

type ConsensusReader interface {
	GetIndexByStartTime(t int64, genesisTime int64) (startIndex uint64, startTime int64, drained bool)
	GetIndexByEndTime(t int64, genesisTime int64) (endIndex uint64, endTime int64, withinADay bool)
	GetIndexByTime(t int64, genesisTime int64) uint64
	GetEndTimeByIndex(index uint64) int64
	GetConsensusDetailByDay(startIndex, endIndex uint64) ([]*core.DayStats, error)

type GasTable

type GasTable struct {
	AddGas            uint64
	MulGas            uint64
	SubGas            uint64
	DivGas            uint64
	SdivGas           uint64
	ModGas            uint64
	SmodGas           uint64
	AddmodGas         uint64
	MulmodGas         uint64
	ExpGas            uint64
	ExpByteGas        uint64
	SignextendGas     uint64
	LtGas             uint64
	GtGas             uint64
	SltGas            uint64
	SgtGas            uint64
	EqGas             uint64
	IszeroGas         uint64
	AndGas            uint64
	OrGas             uint64
	XorGas            uint64
	NotGas            uint64
	ByteGas           uint64
	ShlGas            uint64
	ShrGas            uint64
	SarGas            uint64
	Blake2bGas        uint64
	Blake2bWordGas    uint64
	AddressGas        uint64
	BalanceGas        uint64
	CallerGas         uint64
	CallvalueGas      uint64
	CalldataloadGas   uint64
	CalldatasizeGas   uint64
	CalldatacopyGas   uint64
	MemcopyWordGas    uint64
	CodesizeGas       uint64
	CodeCopyGas       uint64
	ReturndatasizeGas uint64
	ReturndatacopyGas uint64
	TimestampGas      uint64
	HeightGas         uint64
	TokenidGas        uint64
	AccountheightGas  uint64
	PrevhashGas       uint64
	FromhashGas       uint64
	SeedGas           uint64
	RandomGas         uint64
	PopGas            uint64
	MloadGas          uint64
	MstoreGas         uint64
	Mstore8Gas        uint64
	SloadGas          uint64
	SstoreResetGas    uint64
	SstoreInitGas     uint64
	SstoreCleanGas    uint64
	SstoreNoopGas     uint64
	SstoreMemGas      uint64
	JumpGas           uint64
	JumpiGas          uint64
	PcGas             uint64
	MsizeGas          uint64
	JumpdestGas       uint64
	PushGas           uint64
	DupGas            uint64
	SwapGas           uint64
	LogGas            uint64
	LogTopicGas       uint64
	LogDataGas        uint64
	CallMinusGas      uint64
	MemGasDivision    uint64
	ConfirmTimeGas    uint64
	CodeGas           uint64
	MemGas            uint64

	TxGas               uint64
	TxDataGas           uint64
	CreateTxRequestGas  uint64
	CreateTxResponseGas uint64

	RegisterGas                    uint64
	UpdateRegistrationGas          uint64
	CancelRegisterGas              uint64
	RewardGas                      uint64
	VoteGas                        uint64
	CancelVoteGas                  uint64
	PledgeGas                      uint64
	CancelPledgeGas                uint64
	AgentPledgeGas                 uint64
	AgentCancelPledgeGas           uint64
	MintGas                        uint64
	IssueGas                       uint64
	BurnGas                        uint64
	TransferOwnerGas               uint64
	ChangeTokenTypeGas             uint64
	GetTokenInfoGas                uint64
	DexFundDepositGas              uint64
	DexFundWithdrawGas             uint64
	DexFundNewMarketGas            uint64
	DexFundNewOrderGas             uint64
	DexFundSettleOrdersGas         uint64
	DexFundPeriodJobGas            uint64
	DexFundPledgeForVxGas          uint64
	DexFundPledgeForVipGas         uint64
	DexFundPledgeForSuperVipGas    uint64
	DexFundPledgeCallbackGas       uint64
	DexFundCancelPledgeCallbackGas uint64
	DexFundGetTokenInfoCallbackGas uint64
	DexFundOwnerConfigGas          uint64
	DexFundOwnerConfigTradeGas     uint64
	DexFundMarketOwnerConfigGas    uint64
	DexFundTransferTokenOwnerGas   uint64
	DexFundNotifyTimeGas           uint64
	DexFundNewInviterGas           uint64
	DexFundBindInviteCodeGas       uint64
	DexFundEndorseVxMinePoolGas    uint64
	DexFundSettleMakerMinedVxGas   uint64
	DexFundConfigMarketsAgentGas   uint64
	DexFundNewAgentOrderGas        uint64

func GasTableByHeight

func GasTableByHeight(sbHeight uint64) *GasTable

type GlobalStatus

type GlobalStatus interface {
	Seed() (uint64, error)                // Random number, returns same number
	Random() (uint64, error)              // Random number, returns different number every time calls
	SnapshotBlock() *ledger.SnapshotBlock // Confirm snapshot block of send block

Only exitst in contract receive block

type SBPStatReader

type SBPStatReader interface {
	DayStats(startIndex uint64, endIndex uint64) ([]*core.DayStats, error)
	GetDayTimeIndex() core.TimeIndex

type VMConsensusReader

type VMConsensusReader struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewVmConsensusReader

func NewVmConsensusReader(sr SBPStatReader) *VMConsensusReader

func (*VMConsensusReader) GetConsensusDetailByDay

func (r *VMConsensusReader) GetConsensusDetailByDay(startIndex, endIndex uint64) ([]*core.DayStats, error)

func (*VMConsensusReader) GetEndTimeByIndex

func (r *VMConsensusReader) GetEndTimeByIndex(index uint64) int64

func (*VMConsensusReader) GetIndexByEndTime

func (r *VMConsensusReader) GetIndexByEndTime(t int64, genesisTime int64) (uint64, int64, bool)

get first index before t and index start time if t <= genesis time + 24h, return index 0, within one day if t ∈ (genesis time + 24h, genesis time + 48h], return index 0

func (*VMConsensusReader) GetIndexByStartTime

func (r *VMConsensusReader) GetIndexByStartTime(t int64, genesisTime int64) (uint64, int64, bool)

index 0 : (genesis time, genesis time + 24h] index 1: (genesis time + 24h, genesis time + 48h] get first index after t and index start time if t == -1, reward drained if t == 0, return index 0 if t ∈ (genesis time, genesis time + 24h], return index 1

func (*VMConsensusReader) GetIndexByTime

func (r *VMConsensusReader) GetIndexByTime(t int64, genesisTime int64) uint64

type VMError

type VMError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (VMError) CostAllGas

func (e VMError) CostAllGas() bool

func (VMError) Error

func (e VMError) Error() string

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