Index ¶
- Variables
- func CheckGetTestTokenIpFrequency(cache *lru.Cache, ctx context.Context) error
- func InitConfig(id uint)
- func InitGetTestTokenLimitPolicy()
- func InitLog(dir, lvl string)
- func InitTestAPIParams(priv, tti string)
- func StringToUint64(s string) (uint64, error)
- func TryMakeConcernedError(err error) (newerr error, concerned bool)
- type AccountBlock
- type AccountInfo
- type CalcPoWDifficultyParam
- type CallContractParam
- type CallContractResult
- type CallOffChainMethodParam
- type CandidateInfo
- type ConsensusGroupApi
- func (c *ConsensusGroupApi) GetCancelConsensusGroupData(gid types.Gid) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *ConsensusGroupApi) GetConditionRegisterOfPledge(amount *big.Int, tokenId types.TokenTypeId, height uint64) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *ConsensusGroupApi) GetConditionVoteOfDefault() ([]byte, error)
- func (c *ConsensusGroupApi) GetConditionVoteOfKeepToken(amount *big.Int, tokenId types.TokenTypeId) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *ConsensusGroupApi) GetCreateConsensusGroupData(param CreateConsensusGroupParam) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *ConsensusGroupApi) GetReCreateConsensusGroupData(gid types.Gid) ([]byte, error)
- func (c ConsensusGroupApi) String() string
- type ConstructorParam
- type ContractApi
- func (c *ContractApi) CallOffChainMethod(param CallOffChainMethodParam) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *ContractApi) GetCallContractData(abiStr string, methodName string, params []string) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *ContractApi) GetCallOffChainData(abiStr string, offChainName string, params []string) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *ContractApi) GetCreateContractData(gid types.Gid, hexCode string, abiStr string, params []string) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *ContractApi) GetCreateContractToAddress(selfAddr types.Address, heightStr string, prevHash types.Hash, ...) (*types.Address, error)
- func (c ContractApi) String() string
- type CreateConsensusGroupParam
- type CreateContractParam
- type CreateContractResult
- type CreateReceiveTxParms
- type CreateTransferTxParms
- type CreateTxWithPrivKeyParmsTest
- type DashboardApi
- type DebugApi
- func (api DebugApi) ConsensusBlockRate(gid types.Gid, startIndex, endIndex uint64) map[string]interface{}
- func (api DebugApi) ConsensusPlanAndActual(gid types.Gid, offset int64, index uint64) map[string]interface{}
- func (api DebugApi) ConsensusProducers(gid types.Gid, offset int64, index uint64) map[string]interface{}
- func (api DebugApi) ConsensusVoteDetails(gid types.Gid, offset int64, index uint64) map[string]interface{}
- func (api DebugApi) Free()
- func (api DebugApi) GetForkInfo() config.ForkPoints
- func (api DebugApi) MachineInfo() map[string]interface{}
- func (api DebugApi) P2pNodes() []string
- func (api DebugApi) PoolAccount(addr types.Address) map[string]interface{}
- func (api DebugApi) PoolAccountBlockDetail(addr types.Address, hash types.Hash) map[string]interface{}
- func (api DebugApi) PoolAccountChainDetail(addr types.Address, chainId string) map[string]interface{}
- func (api DebugApi) PoolInfo(addr *types.Address) string
- func (api DebugApi) PoolSnapshot() map[string]interface{}
- func (api DebugApi) PoolSnapshotBlockDetail(hash types.Hash) map[string]interface{}
- func (api DebugApi) PoolSnapshotChainDetail(chainId string) map[string]interface{}
- func (api DebugApi) SetGetTestTokenLimitSize(size int) error
- type DeriveResult
- type FindAddrResult
- type GcStatus
- type HexSignedTuple
- type IsMayValidKeystoreFileResponse
- type IssueParams
- type JsonRpc2Error
- type KafkaProducerInfo
- type KafkaSendInfo
- type LedgerApi
- func (l *LedgerApi) AccountType(addr types.Address) (uint64, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetAccountByAccAddr(addr types.Address) (*RpcAccountInfo, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetBlockByHash(blockHash *types.Hash) (*AccountBlock, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetBlockByHeight(addr types.Address, heightStr string) (*AccountBlock, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetBlockMeta(hash *types.Hash) (*ledger.AccountBlockMeta, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetBlocksByAccAddr(addr types.Address, index int, count int) ([]*AccountBlock, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetBlocksByHash(addr types.Address, originBlockHash *types.Hash, count uint64) ([]*AccountBlock, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetBlocksByHashInToken(addr types.Address, originBlockHash *types.Hash, tokenTypeId types.TokenTypeId, ...) ([]*AccountBlock, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetBlocksByHeight(addr types.Address, height uint64, count uint64, forward bool) ([]*AccountBlock, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetFittestSnapshotHash(accAddr *types.Address, sendBlockHash *types.Hash) (*types.Hash, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetGcStatus() *GcStatus
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetLatestBlock(addr types.Address) (*AccountBlock, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetLatestSnapshotChainHash() *types.Hash
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetNeedSnapshotContent() map[types.Address]*ledger.HashHeight
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetSenderInfo() (*KafkaSendInfo, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetSnapshotBlockByHash(hash types.Hash) (*ledger.SnapshotBlock, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetSnapshotBlockByHeight(height uint64) (*ledger.SnapshotBlock, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetSnapshotChainHeight() string
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetStatistics() (*Statistics, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetTokenMintage(tti types.TokenTypeId) (*RpcTokenInfo, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetVmLogList(blockHash types.Hash) (ledger.VmLogList, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) GetVmLogListByHash(logHash types.Hash) (ledger.VmLogList, error)
- func (l *LedgerApi) SetSenderHasSend(producerId uint8, hasSend uint64)
- func (l *LedgerApi) StopSender(producerId uint8)
- func (l LedgerApi) String() string
- type MintageApi
- func (m *MintageApi) GetBurnData() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MintageApi) GetChangeTokenTypeData(tokenId types.TokenTypeId) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MintageApi) GetIssueData(param IssueParams) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MintageApi) GetMintData(param MintageParams) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MintageApi) GetMintageCancelPledgeData(tokenId types.TokenTypeId) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MintageApi) GetMintageData(param MintageParams) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MintageApi) GetTokenInfoById(tokenId types.TokenTypeId) (*RpcTokenInfo, error)
- func (m *MintageApi) GetTokenInfoList(index int, count int) (*TokenInfoList, error)
- func (m *MintageApi) GetTokenInfoListByOwner(owner types.Address) ([]*RpcTokenInfo, error)
- func (m *MintageApi) GetTransferOwnerData(param TransferOwnerParams) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MintageApi) NewTokenId(param NewTokenIdParams) (*types.TokenTypeId, error)
- func (m MintageApi) String() string
- type MintageParams
- type NetApi
- type NewStoreResponse
- type NewTokenIdParams
- type PledgeApi
- func (p *PledgeApi) GetCancelPledgeData(beneficialAddr types.Address, amount string) ([]byte, error)
- func (p *PledgeApi) GetPledgeData(beneficialAddr types.Address) ([]byte, error)
- func (p *PledgeApi) GetPledgeList(addr types.Address, index int, count int) (*PledgeInfoList, error)
- func (p *PledgeApi) GetPledgeQuota(addr types.Address) (*QuotaAndTxNum, error)
- func (p PledgeApi) String() string
- type PledgeInfo
- type PledgeInfoList
- type Pow
- type PrivateOnroadApi
- func (o PrivateOnroadApi) GetAccountOnroadInfo(address types.Address) (*RpcAccountInfo, error)
- func (o PrivateOnroadApi) GetContractAddrListByGid(gid types.Gid) ([]types.Address, error)
- func (o PrivateOnroadApi) GetOnroadBlocksByAddress(address types.Address, index int, count int) ([]*AccountBlock, error)
- func (o PrivateOnroadApi) ListWorkingAutoReceiveWorker() []types.Address
- func (o PrivateOnroadApi) StartAutoReceive(entropystore string, addr types.Address, filter map[string]string, ...) error
- func (o PrivateOnroadApi) StopAutoReceive(addr types.Address) error
- func (o PrivateOnroadApi) String() string
- type PublicOnroadApi
- type QuotaAndTxNum
- type RegistParam
- type RegisterApi
- func (r *RegisterApi) GetCancelRegisterData(gid types.Gid, name string) ([]byte, error)
- func (r *RegisterApi) GetCandidateList(gid types.Gid) ([]*CandidateInfo, error)
- func (r *RegisterApi) GetRegisterData(gid types.Gid, name string, nodeAddr types.Address) ([]byte, error)
- func (r *RegisterApi) GetRegisterPledgeAddr(name string, gid *types.Gid) (*types.Address, error)deprecated
- func (r *RegisterApi) GetRegisterPledgeAddrList(paramList []*RegistParam) ([]*types.Address, error)
- func (r *RegisterApi) GetRegistration(name string, gid types.Gid) (*types.Registration, error)
- func (r *RegisterApi) GetRegistrationList(gid types.Gid, pledgeAddr types.Address) ([]*RegistrationInfo, error)
- func (r *RegisterApi) GetRewardData(gid types.Gid, name string, beneficialAddr types.Address) ([]byte, error)
- func (r *RegisterApi) GetUpdateRegistrationData(gid types.Gid, name string, nodeAddr types.Address) ([]byte, error)
- func (r RegisterApi) String() string
- type RegistrationInfo
- type RpcAccountInfo
- type RpcTokenBalanceInfo
- type RpcTokenInfo
- type SendTxWithPrivateKeyParam
- type Statistics
- type SyncInfo
- type TestApi
- type TokenInfoList
- type TransferOwnerParams
- type Tx
- type TypesApi
- type VmDebugApi
- func (v *VmDebugApi) CallContract(param CallContractParam) (*CallContractResult, error)
- func (v *VmDebugApi) ClearData() error
- func (v *VmDebugApi) CreateContract(param CreateContractParam) ([]*CreateContractResult, error)
- func (v *VmDebugApi) GetContractList() (map[types.Address][]CallContractParam, error)
- func (v *VmDebugApi) GetContractStorage(addr types.Address) (map[string]string, error)
- func (v *VmDebugApi) Init() (*AccountInfo, error)
- func (v *VmDebugApi) NewAccount() (*AccountInfo, error)
- func (v VmDebugApi) String() string
- type VoteApi
- type VoteInfo
- type WalletApi
- func (m WalletApi) AddEntropyStore(filename string) error
- func (m WalletApi) CreateTxWithPassphrase(params CreateTransferTxParms) (*types.Hash, error)
- func (m WalletApi) DeriveByFullPath(entropyStore string, fullpath string) (*DeriveResult, error)
- func (m WalletApi) DeriveByIndex(entropyStore string, index uint32) (*DeriveResult, error)
- func (m WalletApi) FindAddr(entropyStore string, addr types.Address) (findResult *FindAddrResult, e error)
- func (m WalletApi) FindAddrWithPassphrase(entropyStore string, passphrase string, addr types.Address) (findResult *FindAddrResult, e error)
- func (m WalletApi) GetDataDir() string
- func (m WalletApi) GlobalCheckAddrUnlocked(addr types.Address) bool
- func (m WalletApi) GlobalFindAddr(addr types.Address) (findResult *FindAddrResult, e error)
- func (m WalletApi) GlobalFindAddrWithPassphrase(addr types.Address, passphrase string) (findResult *FindAddrResult, e error)
- func (m WalletApi) IsAddrUnlocked(entropyStore string, addr types.Address) bool
- func (m WalletApi) IsMayValidKeystoreFile(path string) IsMayValidKeystoreFileResponse
- func (m WalletApi) IsUnlocked(entropyStore string) bool
- func (m WalletApi) ListAllEntropyFiles() []string
- func (m WalletApi) ListEntropyFilesInStandardDir() ([]string, error)
- func (m WalletApi) ListEntropyStoreAddresses(entropyStore string, from, to uint32) ([]types.Address, error)
- func (m WalletApi) Lock(entropyStore string) error
- func (m WalletApi) NewMnemonicAndEntropyStore(passphrase string) (*NewStoreResponse, error)
- func (m WalletApi) RecoverEntropyStoreFromMnemonic(mnemonic string, newPassphrase string) (*NewStoreResponse, error)
- func (m WalletApi) RefreshCache()
- func (m WalletApi) SignData(addr types.Address, hexMsg string) (*HexSignedTuple, error)
- func (m WalletApi) SignDataWithPassphrase(addr types.Address, hexMsg string, passphrase string) (*HexSignedTuple, error)
- func (m WalletApi) String() string
- func (m WalletApi) Unlock(entropyStore string, passphrase string) error
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
View Source
var ( ErrDecryptKey = JsonRpc2Error{ Message: walleterrors.ErrDecryptEntropy.Error(), Code: -34001, } // -35001 ~ -35999 vm execution error ErrBalanceNotEnough = JsonRpc2Error{ Message: util.ErrInsufficientBalance.Error(), Code: -35001, } ErrQuotaNotEnough = JsonRpc2Error{ Message: util.ErrOutOfQuota.Error(), Code: -35002, } ErrVmIdCollision = JsonRpc2Error{ Message: util.ErrIdCollision.Error(), Code: -35003, } ErrVmInvaildBlockData = JsonRpc2Error{ Message: util.ErrInvalidMethodParam.Error(), Code: -35004, } ErrVmCalPoWTwice = JsonRpc2Error{ Message: util.ErrCalcPoWTwice.Error(), Code: -35005, } ErrVmMethodNotFound = JsonRpc2Error{ Message: util.ErrAbiMethodNotFound.Error(), Code: -35006, } // -36001 ~ -36999 verifier_account ErrVerifyAccountAddr = JsonRpc2Error{ Message: verifier.ErrVerifyAccountAddrFailed.Error(), Code: -36001, } ErrVerifyHash = JsonRpc2Error{ Message: verifier.ErrVerifyHashFailed.Error(), Code: -36002, } ErrVerifySignature = JsonRpc2Error{ Message: verifier.ErrVerifySignatureFailed.Error(), Code: -36003, } ErrVerifyNonce = JsonRpc2Error{ Message: verifier.ErrVerifyNonceFailed.Error(), Code: -36004, } ErrVerifySnapshotOfReferredBlock = JsonRpc2Error{ Message: verifier.ErrVerifySnapshotOfReferredBlockFailed.Error(), Code: -36005, } ErrVerifyPrevBlock = JsonRpc2Error{ Message: verifier.ErrVerifyPrevBlockFailed.Error(), Code: -36006, } ErrVerifyRPCBlockIsPending = JsonRpc2Error{ Message: verifier.ErrVerifyRPCBlockPendingState.Error(), Code: -36007, } )
View Source
var ( NodeStatusActive uint8 = 1 NodeStatusInActive uint8 = 2 )
View Source
var (
ErrStrToBigInt = errors.New("convert to big.Int failed")
Functions ¶
func InitConfig ¶ added in v1.3.0
func InitConfig(id uint)
func InitGetTestTokenLimitPolicy ¶
func InitGetTestTokenLimitPolicy()
func InitTestAPIParams ¶
func InitTestAPIParams(priv, tti string)
func StringToUint64 ¶ added in v1.3.2
func TryMakeConcernedError ¶
Types ¶
type AccountBlock ¶
type AccountBlock struct { *ledger.AccountBlock FromAddress types.Address `json:"fromAddress"` Height string `json:"height"` Quota *string `json:"quota"` Amount *string `json:"amount"` Fee *string `json:"fee"` Difficulty *string `json:"difficulty"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` ConfirmedTimes *string `json:"confirmedTimes"` TokenInfo *RpcTokenInfo `json:"tokenInfo"` ReceiveBlockHeights []string `json:"receiveBlockHeights"` }
func (*AccountBlock) LedgerAccountBlock ¶
func (ab *AccountBlock) LedgerAccountBlock() (*ledger.AccountBlock, error)
type AccountInfo ¶ added in v1.2.0
type CalcPoWDifficultyParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
type CalcPoWDifficultyParam struct { SelfAddr types.Address `json:"selfAddr"` PrevHash types.Hash `json:"prevHash"` SnapshotHash types.Hash `json:"snapshotHash"` BlockType byte `json:"blockType"` ToAddr *types.Address `json:"toAddr"` Data []byte `json:"data"` UsePledgeQuota bool `json:"usePledgeQuota"` }
type CallContractParam ¶ added in v1.2.0
type CallContractResult ¶ added in v1.2.0
type CallOffChainMethodParam ¶ added in v1.3.0
type CandidateInfo ¶
type ConsensusGroupApi ¶
type ConsensusGroupApi struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewConsensusGroupApi ¶
func NewConsensusGroupApi(vite *vite.Vite) *ConsensusGroupApi
func (*ConsensusGroupApi) GetCancelConsensusGroupData ¶
func (c *ConsensusGroupApi) GetCancelConsensusGroupData(gid types.Gid) ([]byte, error)
func (*ConsensusGroupApi) GetConditionRegisterOfPledge ¶
func (c *ConsensusGroupApi) GetConditionRegisterOfPledge(amount *big.Int, tokenId types.TokenTypeId, height uint64) ([]byte, error)
func (*ConsensusGroupApi) GetConditionVoteOfDefault ¶
func (c *ConsensusGroupApi) GetConditionVoteOfDefault() ([]byte, error)
func (*ConsensusGroupApi) GetConditionVoteOfKeepToken ¶
func (c *ConsensusGroupApi) GetConditionVoteOfKeepToken(amount *big.Int, tokenId types.TokenTypeId) ([]byte, error)
func (*ConsensusGroupApi) GetCreateConsensusGroupData ¶
func (c *ConsensusGroupApi) GetCreateConsensusGroupData(param CreateConsensusGroupParam) ([]byte, error)
func (*ConsensusGroupApi) GetReCreateConsensusGroupData ¶
func (c *ConsensusGroupApi) GetReCreateConsensusGroupData(gid types.Gid) ([]byte, error)
func (ConsensusGroupApi) String ¶
func (c ConsensusGroupApi) String() string
type ConstructorParam ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ContractApi ¶
type ContractApi struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewContractApi ¶
func NewContractApi(vite *vite.Vite) *ContractApi
func (*ContractApi) CallOffChainMethod ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (c *ContractApi) CallOffChainMethod(param CallOffChainMethodParam) ([]byte, error)
func (*ContractApi) GetCallContractData ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (*ContractApi) GetCallOffChainData ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*ContractApi) GetCreateContractData ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (*ContractApi) GetCreateContractToAddress ¶
func (ContractApi) String ¶
func (c ContractApi) String() string
type CreateConsensusGroupParam ¶
type CreateConsensusGroupParam struct { SelfAddr types.Address Height uint64 PrevHash types.Hash SnapshotHash types.Hash NodeCount uint8 Interval int64 PerCount int64 RandCount uint8 RandRank uint8 CountingTokenId types.TokenTypeId RegisterConditionId uint8 RegisterConditionParam []byte VoteConditionId uint8 VoteConditionParam []byte }
type CreateContractParam ¶ added in v1.2.0
type CreateContractParam struct { FileName string `json:"fileName"` Params map[string]ConstructorParam `json:"params"` AccountAddr *types.Address `json:"accountAddr"` }
type CreateContractResult ¶ added in v1.2.0
type CreateReceiveTxParms ¶
type CreateTransferTxParms ¶
type CreateTransferTxParms struct { EntropystoreFile *string `json:"entropystoreFile,omitempty"` SelfAddr types.Address `json:"selfAddr"` ToAddr types.Address `json:"toAddr"` TokenTypeId types.TokenTypeId `json:"tokenTypeId"` Passphrase string `json:"passphrase"` Amount string `json:"amount"` Data []byte `json:"data,omitempty"` Difficulty *string `json:"difficulty,omitempty"` }
type DashboardApi ¶
type DashboardApi struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDashboardApi ¶
func NewDashboardApi(v *vite.Vite) *DashboardApi
func (DashboardApi) NetId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (api DashboardApi) NetId() uint
func (DashboardApi) OsInfo ¶
func (api DashboardApi) OsInfo(id *string) map[string]interface{}
func (DashboardApi) ProcessInfo ¶
func (api DashboardApi) ProcessInfo(id *string) map[string]interface{}
func (DashboardApi) RuntimeInfo ¶
func (api DashboardApi) RuntimeInfo(id *string) map[string]interface{}
type DebugApi ¶
type DebugApi struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDebugApi ¶
func (DebugApi) ConsensusBlockRate ¶
func (DebugApi) ConsensusPlanAndActual ¶
func (DebugApi) ConsensusProducers ¶
func (DebugApi) ConsensusVoteDetails ¶
func (DebugApi) GetForkInfo ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (api DebugApi) GetForkInfo() config.ForkPoints
func (DebugApi) MachineInfo ¶
func (DebugApi) PoolAccount ¶
func (DebugApi) PoolAccountBlockDetail ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (DebugApi) PoolAccountChainDetail ¶
func (DebugApi) PoolSnapshot ¶
func (DebugApi) PoolSnapshotBlockDetail ¶ added in v1.3.2
func (DebugApi) PoolSnapshotChainDetail ¶
func (DebugApi) SetGetTestTokenLimitSize ¶
type DeriveResult ¶
type FindAddrResult ¶
type HexSignedTuple ¶
type IssueParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
type IssueParams struct { TokenId types.TokenTypeId Amount string Beneficial types.Address }
type JsonRpc2Error ¶
func (JsonRpc2Error) Error ¶
func (e JsonRpc2Error) Error() string
func (JsonRpc2Error) ErrorCode ¶
func (e JsonRpc2Error) ErrorCode() int
type KafkaProducerInfo ¶
type KafkaSendInfo ¶
type KafkaSendInfo struct { Producers []*KafkaProducerInfo `json:"producers"` RunProducers []*KafkaProducerInfo `json:"runProducers"` TotalEvent uint64 `json:"totalEvent"` }
type LedgerApi ¶
type LedgerApi struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewLedgerApi ¶
func (*LedgerApi) AccountType ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*LedgerApi) GetAccountByAccAddr ¶
func (l *LedgerApi) GetAccountByAccAddr(addr types.Address) (*RpcAccountInfo, error)
func (*LedgerApi) GetBlockByHash ¶
func (l *LedgerApi) GetBlockByHash(blockHash *types.Hash) (*AccountBlock, error)
func (*LedgerApi) GetBlockByHeight ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (*LedgerApi) GetBlockMeta ¶
func (*LedgerApi) GetBlocksByAccAddr ¶
func (*LedgerApi) GetBlocksByHash ¶
func (*LedgerApi) GetBlocksByHashInToken ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (l *LedgerApi) GetBlocksByHashInToken(addr types.Address, originBlockHash *types.Hash, tokenTypeId types.TokenTypeId, count uint64) ([]*AccountBlock, error)
func (*LedgerApi) GetBlocksByHeight ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (*LedgerApi) GetFittestSnapshotHash ¶
func (*LedgerApi) GetGcStatus ¶
func (*LedgerApi) GetLatestBlock ¶
func (l *LedgerApi) GetLatestBlock(addr types.Address) (*AccountBlock, error)
func (*LedgerApi) GetLatestSnapshotChainHash ¶
func (*LedgerApi) GetNeedSnapshotContent ¶
func (l *LedgerApi) GetNeedSnapshotContent() map[types.Address]*ledger.HashHeight
func (*LedgerApi) GetSenderInfo ¶
func (l *LedgerApi) GetSenderInfo() (*KafkaSendInfo, error)
func (*LedgerApi) GetSnapshotBlockByHash ¶
func (*LedgerApi) GetSnapshotBlockByHeight ¶
func (l *LedgerApi) GetSnapshotBlockByHeight(height uint64) (*ledger.SnapshotBlock, error)
func (*LedgerApi) GetSnapshotChainHeight ¶
func (*LedgerApi) GetStatistics ¶
func (l *LedgerApi) GetStatistics() (*Statistics, error)
func (*LedgerApi) GetTokenMintage ¶
func (l *LedgerApi) GetTokenMintage(tti types.TokenTypeId) (*RpcTokenInfo, error)
func (*LedgerApi) GetVmLogList ¶
func (*LedgerApi) GetVmLogListByHash ¶ added in v1.1.2
func (*LedgerApi) SetSenderHasSend ¶
func (*LedgerApi) StopSender ¶
type MintageApi ¶
type MintageApi struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMintageApi ¶
func NewMintageApi(vite *vite.Vite) *MintageApi
func (*MintageApi) GetBurnData ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (m *MintageApi) GetBurnData() ([]byte, error)
func (*MintageApi) GetChangeTokenTypeData ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (m *MintageApi) GetChangeTokenTypeData(tokenId types.TokenTypeId) ([]byte, error)
func (*MintageApi) GetIssueData ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (m *MintageApi) GetIssueData(param IssueParams) ([]byte, error)
func (*MintageApi) GetMintData ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (m *MintageApi) GetMintData(param MintageParams) ([]byte, error)
func (*MintageApi) GetMintageCancelPledgeData ¶
func (m *MintageApi) GetMintageCancelPledgeData(tokenId types.TokenTypeId) ([]byte, error)
func (*MintageApi) GetMintageData ¶
func (m *MintageApi) GetMintageData(param MintageParams) ([]byte, error)
func (*MintageApi) GetTokenInfoById ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (m *MintageApi) GetTokenInfoById(tokenId types.TokenTypeId) (*RpcTokenInfo, error)
func (*MintageApi) GetTokenInfoList ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (m *MintageApi) GetTokenInfoList(index int, count int) (*TokenInfoList, error)
func (*MintageApi) GetTokenInfoListByOwner ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (m *MintageApi) GetTokenInfoListByOwner(owner types.Address) ([]*RpcTokenInfo, error)
func (*MintageApi) GetTransferOwnerData ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (m *MintageApi) GetTransferOwnerData(param TransferOwnerParams) ([]byte, error)
func (*MintageApi) NewTokenId ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (m *MintageApi) NewTokenId(param NewTokenIdParams) (*types.TokenTypeId, error)
func (MintageApi) String ¶
func (m MintageApi) String() string
type MintageParams ¶
type NetApi ¶
type NetApi struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*NetApi) PeersCount ¶
func (*NetApi) SyncDetail ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (n *NetApi) SyncDetail() net.SyncDetail
type NewStoreResponse ¶
type NewTokenIdParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
type PledgeApi ¶
type PledgeApi struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPledgeApi ¶
func (*PledgeApi) GetCancelPledgeData ¶
func (*PledgeApi) GetPledgeData ¶
func (*PledgeApi) GetPledgeList ¶
func (*PledgeApi) GetPledgeQuota ¶
func (p *PledgeApi) GetPledgeQuota(addr types.Address) (*QuotaAndTxNum, error)
type PledgeInfo ¶
type PledgeInfoList ¶
type PledgeInfoList struct { TotalPledgeAmount string `json:"totalPledgeAmount"` Count int `json:"totalCount"` List []*PledgeInfo `json:"pledgeInfoList"` }
type PrivateOnroadApi ¶
type PrivateOnroadApi struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPrivateOnroadApi ¶
func NewPrivateOnroadApi(vite *vite.Vite) *PrivateOnroadApi
func (PrivateOnroadApi) GetAccountOnroadInfo ¶
func (o PrivateOnroadApi) GetAccountOnroadInfo(address types.Address) (*RpcAccountInfo, error)
func (PrivateOnroadApi) GetContractAddrListByGid ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (PrivateOnroadApi) GetOnroadBlocksByAddress ¶
func (o PrivateOnroadApi) GetOnroadBlocksByAddress(address types.Address, index int, count int) ([]*AccountBlock, error)
func (PrivateOnroadApi) ListWorkingAutoReceiveWorker ¶
func (o PrivateOnroadApi) ListWorkingAutoReceiveWorker() []types.Address
func (PrivateOnroadApi) StartAutoReceive ¶
func (PrivateOnroadApi) StopAutoReceive ¶
func (o PrivateOnroadApi) StopAutoReceive(addr types.Address) error
func (PrivateOnroadApi) String ¶
func (o PrivateOnroadApi) String() string
type PublicOnroadApi ¶
type PublicOnroadApi struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPublicOnroadApi ¶
func NewPublicOnroadApi(vite *vite.Vite) *PublicOnroadApi
func (PublicOnroadApi) GetAccountOnroadInfo ¶
func (o PublicOnroadApi) GetAccountOnroadInfo(address types.Address) (*RpcAccountInfo, error)
func (PublicOnroadApi) GetOnroadBlocksByAddress ¶
func (o PublicOnroadApi) GetOnroadBlocksByAddress(address types.Address, index int, count int) ([]*AccountBlock, error)
func (PublicOnroadApi) String ¶
func (o PublicOnroadApi) String() string
type QuotaAndTxNum ¶
type RegistParam ¶
type RegisterApi ¶
type RegisterApi struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRegisterApi ¶
func NewRegisterApi(vite *vite.Vite) *RegisterApi
func (*RegisterApi) GetCancelRegisterData ¶
func (*RegisterApi) GetCandidateList ¶
func (r *RegisterApi) GetCandidateList(gid types.Gid) ([]*CandidateInfo, error)
func (*RegisterApi) GetRegisterData ¶
func (*RegisterApi) GetRegisterPledgeAddr
func (*RegisterApi) GetRegisterPledgeAddrList ¶
func (r *RegisterApi) GetRegisterPledgeAddrList(paramList []*RegistParam) ([]*types.Address, error)
func (*RegisterApi) GetRegistration ¶
func (r *RegisterApi) GetRegistration(name string, gid types.Gid) (*types.Registration, error)
func (*RegisterApi) GetRegistrationList ¶
func (r *RegisterApi) GetRegistrationList(gid types.Gid, pledgeAddr types.Address) ([]*RegistrationInfo, error)
func (*RegisterApi) GetRewardData ¶
func (*RegisterApi) GetUpdateRegistrationData ¶
func (RegisterApi) String ¶
func (r RegisterApi) String() string
type RegistrationInfo ¶
type RegistrationInfo struct { Name string `json:"name"` NodeAddr types.Address `json:"nodeAddr"` PledgeAddr types.Address `json:"pledgeAddr"` PledgeAmount string `json:"pledgeAmount"` WithdrawHeight string `json:"withdrawHeight"` WithdrawTime int64 `json:"withdrawTime"` CancelHeight string `json:"cancelHeight"` }
type RpcAccountInfo ¶
type RpcAccountInfo struct { AccountAddress types.Address `json:"accountAddress"` TotalNumber string `json:"totalNumber"` // uint64 TokenBalanceInfoMap map[types.TokenTypeId]*RpcTokenBalanceInfo `json:"tokenBalanceInfoMap,omitempty"` }
type RpcTokenBalanceInfo ¶
type RpcTokenBalanceInfo struct { TokenInfo *RpcTokenInfo `json:"tokenInfo,omitempty"` TotalAmount string `json:"totalAmount"` // big int Number *string `json:"number,omitempty"` // uint64 }
type RpcTokenInfo ¶
type RpcTokenInfo struct { TokenName string `json:"tokenName"` TokenSymbol string `json:"tokenSymbol"` TotalSupply *string `json:"totalSupply,omitempty"` // *big.Int Decimals uint8 `json:"decimals"` Owner types.Address `json:"owner"` PledgeAmount *string `json:"pledgeAmount,omitempty"` // *big.Int WithdrawHeight string `json:"withdrawHeight"` // uint64 PledgeAddr types.Address `json:"pledgeAddr"` TokenId types.TokenTypeId `json:"tokenId"` MaxSupply *string `json:"maxSupply"` // *big.Int OwnerBurnOnly bool `json:"ownerBurnOnly"` IsReIssuable bool `json:"isReIssuable"` }
func RawTokenInfoToRpc ¶
func RawTokenInfoToRpc(tinfo *types.TokenInfo, tti types.TokenTypeId) *RpcTokenInfo
type SendTxWithPrivateKeyParam ¶
type SendTxWithPrivateKeyParam struct { SelfAddr *types.Address `json:"selfAddr"` ToAddr *types.Address `json:"toAddr"` TokenTypeId types.TokenTypeId `json:"tokenTypeId"` PrivateKey *string `json:"privateKey"` //hex16 Amount *string `json:"amount"` Data []byte `json:"data"` //base64 Difficulty *string `json:"difficulty,omitempty"` PreBlockHash *types.Hash `json:"preBlockHash,omitempty"` BlockType byte `json:"blockType"` }
type Statistics ¶
type TestApi ¶
type TestApi struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTestApi ¶
func (TestApi) CreateTxWithPrivKey ¶
func (t TestApi) CreateTxWithPrivKey(params CreateTxWithPrivKeyParmsTest) error
func (TestApi) GetTestToken ¶
func (TestApi) ReceiveOnroadTx ¶
func (t TestApi) ReceiveOnroadTx(params CreateReceiveTxParms) error
type TokenInfoList ¶ added in v1.3.0
type TokenInfoList struct { Count int `json:"totalCount"` List []*RpcTokenInfo `json:"tokenInfoList"` }
type TransferOwnerParams ¶ added in v1.3.0
type TransferOwnerParams struct { TokenId types.TokenTypeId NewOwner types.Address }
type Tx ¶
type Tx struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (Tx) CalcPoWDifficulty ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (t Tx) CalcPoWDifficulty(param CalcPoWDifficultyParam) (difficulty string, err error)
func (Tx) SendRawTx ¶
func (t Tx) SendRawTx(block *AccountBlock) error
func (Tx) SendTxWithPrivateKey ¶
func (t Tx) SendTxWithPrivateKey(param SendTxWithPrivateKeyParam) (*AccountBlock, error)
type TypesApi ¶
type TypesApi struct { }
func (TypesApi) IsValidHexAddress ¶
func (TypesApi) IsValidHexTokenTypeId ¶
type VmDebugApi ¶ added in v1.2.0
type VmDebugApi struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewVmDebugApi ¶ added in v1.2.0
func NewVmDebugApi(vite *vite.Vite) *VmDebugApi
func (*VmDebugApi) CallContract ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (v *VmDebugApi) CallContract(param CallContractParam) (*CallContractResult, error)
func (*VmDebugApi) ClearData ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (v *VmDebugApi) ClearData() error
func (*VmDebugApi) CreateContract ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (v *VmDebugApi) CreateContract(param CreateContractParam) ([]*CreateContractResult, error)
func (*VmDebugApi) GetContractList ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (v *VmDebugApi) GetContractList() (map[types.Address][]CallContractParam, error)
func (*VmDebugApi) GetContractStorage ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (*VmDebugApi) Init ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (v *VmDebugApi) Init() (*AccountInfo, error)
func (*VmDebugApi) NewAccount ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (v *VmDebugApi) NewAccount() (*AccountInfo, error)
func (VmDebugApi) String ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (v VmDebugApi) String() string
type VoteApi ¶
type VoteApi struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewVoteApi ¶
func (*VoteApi) GetCancelVoteData ¶
func (*VoteApi) GetVoteData ¶
func (*VoteApi) GetVoteInfo ¶
type WalletApi ¶
type WalletApi struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewWalletApi ¶
func (WalletApi) AddEntropyStore ¶
func (WalletApi) CreateTxWithPassphrase ¶
func (m WalletApi) CreateTxWithPassphrase(params CreateTransferTxParms) (*types.Hash, error)
func (WalletApi) DeriveByFullPath ¶
func (m WalletApi) DeriveByFullPath(entropyStore string, fullpath string) (*DeriveResult, error)
func (WalletApi) DeriveByIndex ¶
func (m WalletApi) DeriveByIndex(entropyStore string, index uint32) (*DeriveResult, error)
func (WalletApi) FindAddrWithPassphrase ¶
func (WalletApi) GetDataDir ¶
func (WalletApi) GlobalCheckAddrUnlocked ¶
func (WalletApi) GlobalFindAddr ¶
func (m WalletApi) GlobalFindAddr(addr types.Address) (findResult *FindAddrResult, e error)
func (WalletApi) GlobalFindAddrWithPassphrase ¶
func (WalletApi) IsAddrUnlocked ¶
func (WalletApi) IsMayValidKeystoreFile ¶
func (m WalletApi) IsMayValidKeystoreFile(path string) IsMayValidKeystoreFileResponse
func (WalletApi) IsUnlocked ¶
func (WalletApi) ListAllEntropyFiles ¶
func (WalletApi) ListEntropyFilesInStandardDir ¶
func (WalletApi) ListEntropyStoreAddresses ¶
func (WalletApi) NewMnemonicAndEntropyStore ¶
func (m WalletApi) NewMnemonicAndEntropyStore(passphrase string) (*NewStoreResponse, error)
func (WalletApi) RecoverEntropyStoreFromMnemonic ¶
func (m WalletApi) RecoverEntropyStoreFromMnemonic(mnemonic string, newPassphrase string) (*NewStoreResponse, error)
func (WalletApi) RefreshCache ¶
func (m WalletApi) RefreshCache()
func (WalletApi) SignDataWithPassphrase ¶
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