This module is a base network implementation of Vncsphere nodes in PVM-shard.
It provides REST endpoints for work with smart-contracts and it commands.
List of endpoints will be expanding in future.
Also goVncPVM provides simple TCP-sockets for data exchange between nodes of shard.
For more information read Docs.
REST endpoints
Smart-conracts endpoints
/wallet/transaction Endpoint for making simple transactions
/wallet/getBalance Endpoint for requesting user balance
/wallet/tranStatus Endpoint for checking transaction status
Blockhain endpoints
/blockchain/getBHeight Endpoint for requesting current blockchain height
/blockchain/getTran Endpoint for getting transaction by key
/blockchain/getBlock Endpoint for getting block by height
/blockchain/getVersion Endpoint for getting version of node software
/blockchain/getNodes Endpoint for getting current nodes (twigs and stem) of shard
Default ports
Default port for REST is 5000
Default port for TCP is 3333