Links Manager
Service provides simple REST API (API documentation) to manage links and its tags (add, update, remove, search).
Project structure
Try to implement The Clean Architecture (maybe the last who try).
/controllers functions, which generate HTTP response by calling interactors.
/handlers functions, which map resources to controllers.
/links-manager-server main package of application.
/log application logger interface.
/mocks mocks for unit tests.
/client API client code, auto-generated by Swagger Codegen
/config configuration structures.
/dao structures for a storage (and files are generated by ORM).
/entities core entities (user, session, link and so on).
/implementation implementation layer, which combines different sources.
/interactors main logic layer.
/security security urls.
/db db structure, test data and migrations.
/scripts scripts for test and development.
/tests end-to-end tests.
The application uses PostgreSQL as a storage and reform to interact with it. You need to install reform:
$ go get -u
and run next command in case you need to regenerate DAO structure:
$ reform
Main source of API structure is in swagger.json
Swagger Codegen is used to regenerate REST API client (see /client folder).
$ scripts/ ~/apps/swagger
Prerequisites: golang should be installed and project should be in $GOPATH; docker required.
Test layers, which doesn't need data storage (everything except implementation layer and end-to-end tests):
$ scripts/
Test implementation layer, which requires storage (now it's postgresql):
$ scripts/
$ scripts/
Run end-to-end tests, which use docker instances for application, storage and to run tests itself.
$ scripts/
$ scripts/
$ scripts/