igo (go evaluator in go)

This library is compatible with Go 1.17+
Please refer to CHANGELOG.md
if you encounter breaking changes.
The goal of this library is to be able dynamically execute go code directly from Go/WebAssembly
within reasonable time. Some existing alternative providing go evaluation on the fly are prohibitively slow:
See performance section for details.
In order to reduce execution time, this project first produces execution plan alongside with state needed to execute it.
One execution plan can be shared alongside many instances state needed by executor.
State holds both variables and execution state used in the evaluation code.
package mypkg
import "github.com/viant/igo"
func usage() {
scope := igo.NewScope()
code := "go code here"
executor, stateNew, err := scope.Compile(code)
if err != nil {
state := stateNew() //creates memory instance needed by executor
package mypkg
import (
func ExampleScope_BoolExpression() {
type Performance struct {
Id int
Price float64
MetricX float64
scope := igo.NewScope()
_, err := scope.DefineVariable("perf", reflect.TypeOf(Performance{}))
_, err = scope.DefineVariable("threshold", reflect.TypeOf(0.0))
if err != nil {
//Compile bool expression
expr, err := scope.BoolExpression("perf.MetricX > threshold && perf.Price > 1.0")
if err != nil {
perfs := []Performance{
{MetricX: 1.5, Price: 3.2},
{MetricX: 1.2, Price: 1.2},
{MetricX: 1.7, Price: 0.4},
var eval = make([]bool, len(perfs))
for i := range perfs {
_ = expr.Vars.SetValue("perf", perfs[i])
_ = expr.Vars.SetFloat64("threshold", 0.7)
eval[i] = expr.Compute()
Go evaluation
package mypkg
import (
func ExampleScope_Compile() {
code := `type Foo struct {
ID int
Name string
var foos = make([]*Foo, 0)
for i:=0;i<10;i++ {
foos = append(foos, &Foo{ID:i, Name:"nxc"})
s := 0
for i, foo := range foos {
if i %2 == 0 {
s += foo.ID
scope := igo.NewScope()
executor, stateNew, err := scope.Compile(code)
if err != nil {
state := stateNew() //variables constructor, one per each concurent execution, execution can be shared
result, _ := state.Int("s")
fmt.Printf("result: %v\n", result)
Setting code variables
package mypkg
import (
func ExampleScope_DefineVariable() {
code := `
x := 0.0
for _, account := range accounts {
x += account.Total
type Account struct {
Total float64
scope := igo.NewScope()
err := scope.RegisterType(reflect.TypeOf(Account{})) //Register all non-primitive types used in code
if err != nil {
executor, stateNew, err := scope.Compile(code)
if err != nil {
state := stateNew()
err = state.SetValue("accounts", []Account{
{Total: 1.3},
{Total: 3.7},
if err != nil {
result, _ := state.Float64("x")
fmt.Printf("result: %v\n", result)
Go function
package mypkg
import (
func ExampleScope_Function() {
type Foo struct {
Z int
scope := igo.NewScope()
_ = scope.RegisterType(reflect.TypeOf(Foo{}))
fn, err := scope.Function(`func(x, y int, foo Foo) int {
return (x+y)/foo.Z
if err != nil {
typeFn, ok := fn.(func(int, int, Foo) int)
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("expected: %T, but had: %T", typeFn, fn)
r := typeFn(1, 2, Foo{3})
fmt.Printf("%v\n", r)
Registering types
To use data types defined outside the code, register type with (Scope).RegisterType(type)
function or
(Scope).RegisterNamedType(name, type)
scope := igo.NewScope()
_ = scope.RegisterType(reflect.TypeOf(Foo{}))
Registering function
To use function defined outside the code, register type with (Scope).RegisterFunc(name, function)
scope := igo.NewScope()
scope.RegisterFunc(testCase.fnName, testCase.fn)
Expression evaluation
See benchmark for the following expression evaluation:
10 + (5 * x / y * (z - 7))
BenchmarkScope_IntExpression_Native-16 134789700 8.627 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkScope_IntExpression-16 19722770 57.06 ns/op 8 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkScope_IntExpression_GoVal-16 625620 2040 ns/op 2328 B/op 11 allocs/op
GoVal is ~255 slower for the presented expression comparing to natively compiled code,
while Igo is only ~7 times slower
Code execution
See benchmark for the following code:
count :=0
for i :=0;i<100;i++ {
count += i
GoEval evaluation takes almost ~24K time longer than natively compiled code,
whereas this project is only around ~35 slower. As point of reference using native go reflection adds on average
around 100x time execution overhead.
Benchmark_Loop_Native-16 35385890 30.36 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
Benchmark_Loop_Igo-16 1000000 1081 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
Benchmark_Loop_GoEval-16 1429 739672 ns/op 788350 B/op 3180 allocs/op
See the following benchmark that runs 100 000 000 loop iteration:
z := 0
a := 100000000
r := 1
for i := 1; i <= a; i++ {
r += i
z = r
BenchmarkLoop_Yaegi-16 1 3581461319 ns/op 47560 B/op 681 allocs/op
BenchmarkLongLoop_Igo-16 2 661982642 ns/op 8 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLongLoop_Native-16 48 24813792 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
Igo is ~26x times slower than natively compile code,
whereas Yaegi is ~144x times slower than natively compile code
This project does not implement full golang spec, but just a subset.
At least following expression/types/construct are not supported
- map type
- named interface types (since pointers are used to access/mutate data)
- go routines
- select expression
- switch expression
- closures
Contributing to igo
Igo is an open source project and contributors are welcome!
See TODO list
Credits and Acknowledgements
Library Author: Adrian Witas