Cluster discovery
Part of using a cloud infrastructure is need to discover/identify a collection of nodes,
i.e. a cluster, that is used to implement certain functionality.
Cluster discovery can be based on some attributes, e.g. EC2 tags in the AWS environment.
Additionaly, the discovered nodes represented by their IP addresses can be filtered by
running health checks on the nodes. Currently, cluster discovery is implemented for Amazon,
Google and Consul environments.
To discover a cluster, one has to pass the following parameters:
- Cluster name (informational)
- API ("AWS", "GCP", "CONSUL", "LOCAL"), a case insensitive string. "LOCAL" can be used for
unit testing. It returns a single node cluster with the IP address of
- Criteria
- Health checks
Health checks can be implemented as
- HTTP check. Issues a GET request with predefined URL and checks for the
HTTP status code.
- Age check. Verifies whether the node is sufficiently "old".
package main
import (
_ ""
func main() (*cluster.Cluster, error) {
// Discovery object contains criteria and health checks definitions
discovery := &cluster.Discovery{
Api: "AWS",
Cluster: "Cluster1",
Criteria: cluster.Criteria{
Region: "us-west-2",
Tags: []string{"mytag"},
HealthChecks: []cluster.HealthCheck{
URL: "http://{IP}:8080/x/y/z",
TimeoutMs: 1000,
ExpectedStatus: 200,
MinAge: time.Minute * 10,
s := cluster.New()
// discover cluster
cluster, err := s.Discover(discovery)
Google cloud
package compute
import (
_ ""
func main() {
// Discovery object contains criteria and health checks definitions
discovery := &cluster.Discovery{
Api: "GCP",
Cluster: "Cluster2",
Criteria: cluster.Criteria{
Project: "ppp",
Zone: "us-east1-b",
Tags: []string{"aerospike"},
Labels: map[string]string,
HealthChecks: []cluster.HealthCheck{
MinAge: time.Duration(time.Minute * 10),
s := cluster.New()
// discover cluster
cluster, err := s.Discover(discovery)
Multiple "Labels" criteria imply AND logic whle "Tags" do OR logic.
package compute
import (
_ ""
func main() {
// Discovery object contains criteria and health checks definitions
discovery := &cluster.Discovery{
Api: "CONSUL",
Cluster: "Cluster3",
Criteria: cluster.Criteria{
URL: "",
Service: "consul",
s := cluster.New()
// discover cluster
cluster, err := s.Discover(discovery)
Consul can run health checks inside its own infrastructure and return only healthy
IP addresses. However, it is possible to specify additional checks using the same mechanism as AWS and GCP.