Proto API and grpc bindings for audioout
audioout-api provides Proto API and grpc bindings for audio output capabilities
The audioout resource implements the following API:
play(file_path=string, loop_count=int(0), maxtime_ms=int(0), fadein_ms=int(0), block=bool)
The play() command takes:
- file_path: The audio file on device to play
- loop_count: How many times to play the audio file. 0 means once, -1 will loop infinitely (until stop() is called). Default 0.
- maxtime_ms: How long to play the audio for. 0 means no maxtime. Note that some file types like .wav do not support time indexing so this will fail. Default 0.
- fadein_ms: If non-zero, will make the sound start playing at 0 volume and fade up to full volume over the time given. The sample may end before the fade-in is complete. Default 0.
- block: If False, will play sound async. If true, will not return until sound is complete. Default False.
This method returns a string response, which is the file_path that was passed in to the play() request.
The stop() command will stop sound playback on any active channels.
If successful, will return the string "OK".
Using audioout-api with the Python SDK
Because this module uses a custom protobuf-based API, you must include this project in your client code. One way to do this is to include it in your requirements.txt as follows:
audioout_api @ git+
You can now import and use it in your code as follows:
from audioout_python import Audioout
ao = Audioout.from_robot(robot, name="audioout")
See for an example.
Using audioout with the Golang SDK
Because this module uses a custom protobuf-based API, you must import and use in your client code as follows:
import audioout ""
audio, err := audioout.FromRobot(robot, "ao")
fmt.Println("err", err)
audio.Play(context.Background(), "test/munch_2.wav", 10, 0, 0, true)
See client.go for an example.
To rebuild the GRPC bindings, run:
make generate
Then, in `src/audioout_python/grpc/ change:
import audioout_pb2
from . import audioout_pb2
Then, update the version in pyproject.toml