Safira is a CLI Tool build with Go that has the objetive to make it easier for the Develops to Build and Deploy it's functions in Vertigo IPaaS.
It makes use of Open FaaS, to enable that people out of the DevOps scope can manage it's application without the need to know how to operate the Containers in such a low level.
Safira also helps the local development by using k3d to fully provision a Kubernetes cluster instance for testing purposes.
Minimum required
Safira was made to run on LInux OS. It's pre-requisites are:
Debian distributions also requires the ca-certificate instalation.
sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates
Safira can be installed through a shell script or in manual way.
This installation will bring the latest version of the tool
curl -fsSL -o
chmod 700
Down load the desired version here.
Then simplily extract the binary and move it to the bin folder:
tar -zxvf NOME_DO_ARQUIVO.tar.gz
mv safira /usr/local/bin/safira
Try yourself to use safira following the next steps:
In order to start using Safira, the first instruction you will have to use is the init:
sudo -E safira init
It will download and install all the required set of tools to your local environment:
As was mentioned earlier, with Safira you can spin-up a a fully functional Kubernetes cluster on your local environment so you can test the Functions in a production-like environment.
To do that we need the infra up command:
safira infra up
Then we can check the services that were deployed with
safira infra status
With this local environment, we are now able to test the integration between the functions and the services we are about to create.
As we are talking here about Serverless architecture with Open FaaS, we can also use safira to help us deliver these functions.
These functions follows a pattern called Templates. To check the available Templates just use:
safira template list
Currently it supports Java, Node, Python and Nodered templates.
Create a new folder for your project, and from inside it use the function set of commands:
safira function new [FUNCTION NAME] --lang [TEMPLATE NAME]
The function will be created with a Hello World sample on it.
Having the Function and the Local cluster provisioned, we now want to deploy our function and test it. For doing this first we will build our function:
safira function build-push [FUNCTION NAME]
Then we deploy it
safira function deploy [FUNCTION NAME]
Finally we can use infra status again to check the URL which we can access the Function:
safira infra status
It will display something like this:
basic-auth-plugin 1/1 Ready
nats 1/1 Ready
queue-worker 1/1 Ready
kong 1/1 Ready ipaas.localdomain:8080
gateway 1/1 Ready openfaas.ipaas.localdomain:8080
faas-idler 1/1 Ready
swaggereditor 1/1 Ready editor.localdomain:8080
konga 1/1 Ready konga.localdomain:8080
hello 1/1 Ready ipaas.localdomain:8080/function/hello
The documentation can be found in the following links:
Pull requests/Merge Requests are welcome! Please open an issue first and discuss with us about the proposing changes and be sure to perform tests in a proper way.
Safira is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.