Index ¶
- type Page
- func (_m *Page) AddInitScript(script playwright.Script) error
- func (_m *Page) AddScriptTag(options playwright.PageAddScriptTagOptions) (playwright.ElementHandle, error)
- func (_m *Page) AddStyleTag(options playwright.PageAddStyleTagOptions) (playwright.ElementHandle, error)
- func (_m *Page) BringToFront() error
- func (_m *Page) Check(selector string, options ...playwright.PageCheckOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) Click(selector string, options ...playwright.PageClickOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) Close(options ...playwright.PageCloseOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) Content() (string, error)
- func (_m *Page) Context() playwright.BrowserContext
- func (_m *Page) Dblclick(selector string, options ...playwright.PageDblclickOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) DispatchEvent(selector string, typ string, eventInit interface{}, ...) error
- func (_m *Page) DragAndDrop(source string, target string, options ...playwright.PageDragAndDropOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) Emit(name string, payload ...interface{}) bool
- func (_m *Page) EmulateMedia(options ...playwright.PageEmulateMediaOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) EvalOnSelector(selector string, expression string, arg interface{}, ...) (interface{}, error)
- func (_m *Page) EvalOnSelectorAll(selector string, expression string, arg ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func (_m *Page) Evaluate(expression string, arg ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func (_m *Page) EvaluateHandle(expression string, arg ...interface{}) (playwright.JSHandle, error)
- func (_m *Page) ExpectConsoleMessage(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectConsoleMessageOptions) (playwright.ConsoleMessage, error)
- func (_m *Page) ExpectDownload(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectDownloadOptions) (playwright.Download, error)
- func (_m *Page) ExpectEvent(event string, cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectEventOptions) (interface{}, error)
- func (_m *Page) ExpectFileChooser(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectFileChooserOptions) (playwright.FileChooser, error)
- func (_m *Page) ExpectNavigation(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectNavigationOptions) (playwright.Response, error)
- func (_m *Page) ExpectPopup(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectPopupOptions) (playwright.Page, error)
- func (_m *Page) ExpectRequest(urlOrPredicate interface{}, cb func() error, ...) (playwright.Request, error)
- func (_m *Page) ExpectRequestFinished(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectRequestFinishedOptions) (playwright.Request, error)
- func (_m *Page) ExpectResponse(urlOrPredicate interface{}, cb func() error, ...) (playwright.Response, error)
- func (_m *Page) ExpectWebSocket(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectWebSocketOptions) (playwright.WebSocket, error)
- func (_m *Page) ExpectWorker(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectWorkerOptions) (playwright.Worker, error)
- func (_m *Page) ExposeBinding(name string, binding playwright.BindingCallFunction, handle ...bool) error
- func (_m *Page) ExposeFunction(name string, binding func([]interface{}) interface{}) error
- func (_m *Page) Fill(selector string, value string, options ...playwright.PageFillOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) Focus(selector string, options ...playwright.PageFocusOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) Frame(options ...playwright.PageFrameOptions) playwright.Frame
- func (_m *Page) FrameLocator(selector string) playwright.FrameLocator
- func (_m *Page) Frames() []playwright.Frame
- func (_m *Page) GetAttribute(selector string, name string, options ...playwright.PageGetAttributeOptions) (string, error)
- func (_m *Page) GetByAltText(text interface{}, options ...playwright.PageGetByAltTextOptions) playwright.Locator
- func (_m *Page) GetByLabel(text interface{}, options ...playwright.PageGetByLabelOptions) playwright.Locator
- func (_m *Page) GetByPlaceholder(text interface{}, options ...playwright.PageGetByPlaceholderOptions) playwright.Locator
- func (_m *Page) GetByRole(role playwright.AriaRole, options ...playwright.PageGetByRoleOptions) playwright.Locator
- func (_m *Page) GetByTestId(testId interface{}) playwright.Locator
- func (_m *Page) GetByText(text interface{}, options ...playwright.PageGetByTextOptions) playwright.Locator
- func (_m *Page) GetByTitle(text interface{}, options ...playwright.PageGetByTitleOptions) playwright.Locator
- func (_m *Page) GoBack(options ...playwright.PageGoBackOptions) (playwright.Response, error)
- func (_m *Page) GoForward(options ...playwright.PageGoForwardOptions) (playwright.Response, error)
- func (_m *Page) Goto(url string, options ...playwright.PageGotoOptions) (playwright.Response, error)
- func (_m *Page) Hover(selector string, options ...playwright.PageHoverOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) InnerHTML(selector string, options ...playwright.PageInnerHTMLOptions) (string, error)
- func (_m *Page) InnerText(selector string, options ...playwright.PageInnerTextOptions) (string, error)
- func (_m *Page) InputValue(selector string, options ...playwright.PageInputValueOptions) (string, error)
- func (_m *Page) IsChecked(selector string, options ...playwright.PageIsCheckedOptions) (bool, error)
- func (_m *Page) IsClosed() bool
- func (_m *Page) IsDisabled(selector string, options ...playwright.PageIsDisabledOptions) (bool, error)
- func (_m *Page) IsEditable(selector string, options ...playwright.PageIsEditableOptions) (bool, error)
- func (_m *Page) IsEnabled(selector string, options ...playwright.PageIsEnabledOptions) (bool, error)
- func (_m *Page) IsHidden(selector string, options ...playwright.PageIsHiddenOptions) (bool, error)
- func (_m *Page) IsVisible(selector string, options ...playwright.PageIsVisibleOptions) (bool, error)
- func (_m *Page) Keyboard() playwright.Keyboard
- func (_m *Page) ListenerCount(name string) int
- func (_m *Page) Locator(selector string, options ...playwright.PageLocatorOptions) playwright.Locator
- func (_m *Page) MainFrame() playwright.Frame
- func (_m *Page) Mouse() playwright.Mouse
- func (_m *Page) On(name string, handler interface{})
- func (_m *Page) OnClose(fn func(playwright.Page))
- func (_m *Page) OnConsole(fn func(playwright.ConsoleMessage))
- func (_m *Page) OnCrash(fn func(playwright.Page))
- func (_m *Page) OnDOMContentLoaded(fn func(playwright.Page))
- func (_m *Page) OnDialog(fn func(playwright.Dialog))
- func (_m *Page) OnDownload(fn func(playwright.Download))
- func (_m *Page) OnFileChooser(fn func(playwright.FileChooser))
- func (_m *Page) OnFrameAttached(fn func(playwright.Frame))
- func (_m *Page) OnFrameDetached(fn func(playwright.Frame))
- func (_m *Page) OnFrameNavigated(fn func(playwright.Frame))
- func (_m *Page) OnLoad(fn func(playwright.Page))
- func (_m *Page) OnPageError(fn func(*playwright.Error))
- func (_m *Page) OnPopup(fn func(playwright.Page))
- func (_m *Page) OnRequest(fn func(playwright.Request))
- func (_m *Page) OnRequestFailed(fn func(playwright.Request))
- func (_m *Page) OnRequestFinished(fn func(playwright.Request))
- func (_m *Page) OnResponse(fn func(playwright.Response))
- func (_m *Page) OnWebSocket(fn func(playwright.WebSocket))
- func (_m *Page) OnWorker(fn func(playwright.Worker))
- func (_m *Page) Once(name string, handler interface{})
- func (_m *Page) Opener() (playwright.Page, error)
- func (_m *Page) PDF(options ...playwright.PagePdfOptions) ([]byte, error)
- func (_m *Page) Pause() error
- func (_m *Page) Press(selector string, key string, options ...playwright.PagePressOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) QuerySelector(selector string, options ...playwright.PageQuerySelectorOptions) (playwright.ElementHandle, error)
- func (_m *Page) QuerySelectorAll(selector string) ([]playwright.ElementHandle, error)
- func (_m *Page) Reload(options ...playwright.PageReloadOptions) (playwright.Response, error)
- func (_m *Page) RemoveListener(name string, handler interface{})
- func (_m *Page) Request() playwright.APIRequestContext
- func (_m *Page) Route(url interface{}, handler func(playwright.Route), times error
- func (_m *Page) RouteFromHAR(har string, options ...playwright.PageRouteFromHAROptions) error
- func (_m *Page) Screenshot(options ...playwright.PageScreenshotOptions) ([]byte, error)
- func (_m *Page) SelectOption(selector string, values playwright.SelectOptionValues, ...) ([]string, error)
- func (_m *Page) SetChecked(selector string, checked bool, options ...playwright.PageSetCheckedOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) SetContent(html string, options ...playwright.PageSetContentOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) SetDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout float64)
- func (_m *Page) SetDefaultTimeout(timeout float64)
- func (_m *Page) SetExtraHTTPHeaders(headers map[string]string) error
- func (_m *Page) SetInputFiles(selector string, files []playwright.InputFile, ...) error
- func (_m *Page) SetViewportSize(width int, height int) error
- func (_m *Page) Tap(selector string, options ...playwright.PageTapOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) TextContent(selector string, options ...playwright.PageTextContentOptions) (string, error)
- func (_m *Page) Title() (string, error)
- func (_m *Page) Touchscreen() playwright.Touchscreen
- func (_m *Page) Type(selector string, text string, options ...playwright.PageTypeOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) URL() string
- func (_m *Page) Uncheck(selector string, options ...playwright.PageUncheckOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) Unroute(url interface{}, handler ...func(playwright.Route)) error
- func (_m *Page) Video() playwright.Video
- func (_m *Page) ViewportSize() *playwright.Size
- func (_m *Page) WaitForEvent(event string, options ...playwright.PageWaitForEventOptions) (interface{}, error)
- func (_m *Page) WaitForFunction(expression string, arg interface{}, ...) (playwright.JSHandle, error)
- func (_m *Page) WaitForLoadState(options ...playwright.PageWaitForLoadStateOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) WaitForSelector(selector string, options ...playwright.PageWaitForSelectorOptions) (playwright.ElementHandle, error)
- func (_m *Page) WaitForTimeout(timeout float64)
- func (_m *Page) WaitForURL(url interface{}, options ...playwright.PageWaitForURLOptions) error
- func (_m *Page) Workers() []playwright.Worker
- type Prompter
- func (_m *Prompter) Choose(_a0 string, _a1 []string) int
- func (_m *Prompter) ChooseWithDefault(_a0 string, _a1 string, _a2 []string) (string, error)
- func (_m *Prompter) Display(_a0 string)
- func (_m *Prompter) Password(_a0 string) string
- func (_m *Prompter) RequestSecurityCode(_a0 string) string
- func (_m *Prompter) String(_a0 string, _a1 string) string
- func (_m *Prompter) StringRequired(_a0 string) string
- type Request
- func (_m *Request) AllHeaders() (map[string]string, error)
- func (_m *Request) Failure() error
- func (_m *Request) Frame() playwright.Frame
- func (_m *Request) HeaderValue(name string) (string, error)
- func (_m *Request) Headers() map[string]string
- func (_m *Request) HeadersArray() ([]playwright.NameValue, error)
- func (_m *Request) IsNavigationRequest() bool
- func (_m *Request) Method() string
- func (_m *Request) PostData() (string, error)
- func (_m *Request) PostDataBuffer() ([]byte, error)
- func (_m *Request) PostDataJSON(v interface{}) error
- func (_m *Request) RedirectedFrom() playwright.Request
- func (_m *Request) RedirectedTo() playwright.Request
- func (_m *Request) ResourceType() string
- func (_m *Request) Response() (playwright.Response, error)
- func (_m *Request) Sizes() (*playwright.RequestSizesResult, error)
- func (_m *Request) Timing() *playwright.RequestTiming
- func (_m *Request) URL() string
- type Response
- func (_m *Response) AllHeaders() (map[string]string, error)
- func (_m *Response) Body() ([]byte, error)
- func (_m *Response) Finished() error
- func (_m *Response) Frame() playwright.Frame
- func (_m *Response) FromServiceWorker() bool
- func (_m *Response) HeaderValue(name string) (string, error)
- func (_m *Response) HeaderValues(name string) ([]string, error)
- func (_m *Response) Headers() map[string]string
- func (_m *Response) HeadersArray() ([]playwright.NameValue, error)
- func (_m *Response) JSON(v interface{}) error
- func (_m *Response) Ok() bool
- func (_m *Response) Request() playwright.Request
- func (_m *Response) SecurityDetails() (*playwright.ResponseSecurityDetailsResult, error)
- func (_m *Response) ServerAddr() (*playwright.ResponseServerAddrResult, error)
- func (_m *Response) Status() int
- func (_m *Response) StatusText() string
- func (_m *Response) Text() (string, error)
- func (_m *Response) URL() string
- type U2FDevice
- func (_m *U2FDevice) Authenticate(_a0 *u2fhost.AuthenticateRequest) (*u2fhost.AuthenticateResponse, error)
- func (_m *U2FDevice) Close()
- func (_m *U2FDevice) Open() error
- func (_m *U2FDevice) Register(_a0 *u2fhost.RegisterRequest) (*u2fhost.RegisterResponse, error)
- func (_m *U2FDevice) Version() (string, error)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Page ¶ added in v2.36.5
Page is an autogenerated mock type for the Page type
func NewPage ¶ added in v2.36.5
NewPage creates a new instance of Page. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Page) AddInitScript ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) AddInitScript(script playwright.Script) error
AddInitScript provides a mock function with given fields: script
func (*Page) AddScriptTag ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) AddScriptTag(options playwright.PageAddScriptTagOptions) (playwright.ElementHandle, error)
AddScriptTag provides a mock function with given fields: options
func (*Page) AddStyleTag ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) AddStyleTag(options playwright.PageAddStyleTagOptions) (playwright.ElementHandle, error)
AddStyleTag provides a mock function with given fields: options
func (*Page) BringToFront ¶ added in v2.36.5
BringToFront provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Page) Check ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Check(selector string, options ...playwright.PageCheckOptions) error
Check provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) Click ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Click(selector string, options ...playwright.PageClickOptions) error
Click provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) Close ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Close(options ...playwright.PageCloseOptions) error
Close provides a mock function with given fields: options
func (*Page) Context ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Context() playwright.BrowserContext
Context provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Page) Dblclick ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Dblclick(selector string, options ...playwright.PageDblclickOptions) error
Dblclick provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) DispatchEvent ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) DispatchEvent(selector string, typ string, eventInit interface{}, options ...playwright.PageDispatchEventOptions) error
DispatchEvent provides a mock function with given fields: selector, typ, eventInit, options
func (*Page) DragAndDrop ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) DragAndDrop(source string, target string, options ...playwright.PageDragAndDropOptions) error
DragAndDrop provides a mock function with given fields: source, target, options
func (*Page) EmulateMedia ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) EmulateMedia(options ...playwright.PageEmulateMediaOptions) error
EmulateMedia provides a mock function with given fields: options
func (*Page) EvalOnSelector ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) EvalOnSelector(selector string, expression string, arg interface{}, options ...playwright.PageEvalOnSelectorOptions) (interface{}, error)
EvalOnSelector provides a mock function with given fields: selector, expression, arg, options
func (*Page) EvalOnSelectorAll ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) EvalOnSelectorAll(selector string, expression string, arg ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
EvalOnSelectorAll provides a mock function with given fields: selector, expression, arg
func (*Page) Evaluate ¶ added in v2.36.5
Evaluate provides a mock function with given fields: expression, arg
func (*Page) EvaluateHandle ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) EvaluateHandle(expression string, arg ...interface{}) (playwright.JSHandle, error)
EvaluateHandle provides a mock function with given fields: expression, arg
func (*Page) ExpectConsoleMessage ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) ExpectConsoleMessage(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectConsoleMessageOptions) (playwright.ConsoleMessage, error)
ExpectConsoleMessage provides a mock function with given fields: cb, options
func (*Page) ExpectDownload ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) ExpectDownload(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectDownloadOptions) (playwright.Download, error)
ExpectDownload provides a mock function with given fields: cb, options
func (*Page) ExpectEvent ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) ExpectEvent(event string, cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectEventOptions) (interface{}, error)
ExpectEvent provides a mock function with given fields: event, cb, options
func (*Page) ExpectFileChooser ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) ExpectFileChooser(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectFileChooserOptions) (playwright.FileChooser, error)
ExpectFileChooser provides a mock function with given fields: cb, options
func (*Page) ExpectNavigation ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) ExpectNavigation(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectNavigationOptions) (playwright.Response, error)
ExpectNavigation provides a mock function with given fields: cb, options
func (*Page) ExpectPopup ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) ExpectPopup(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectPopupOptions) (playwright.Page, error)
ExpectPopup provides a mock function with given fields: cb, options
func (*Page) ExpectRequest ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) ExpectRequest(urlOrPredicate interface{}, cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectRequestOptions) (playwright.Request, error)
ExpectRequest provides a mock function with given fields: urlOrPredicate, cb, options
func (*Page) ExpectRequestFinished ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) ExpectRequestFinished(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectRequestFinishedOptions) (playwright.Request, error)
ExpectRequestFinished provides a mock function with given fields: cb, options
func (*Page) ExpectResponse ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) ExpectResponse(urlOrPredicate interface{}, cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectResponseOptions) (playwright.Response, error)
ExpectResponse provides a mock function with given fields: urlOrPredicate, cb, options
func (*Page) ExpectWebSocket ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) ExpectWebSocket(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectWebSocketOptions) (playwright.WebSocket, error)
ExpectWebSocket provides a mock function with given fields: cb, options
func (*Page) ExpectWorker ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) ExpectWorker(cb func() error, options ...playwright.PageExpectWorkerOptions) (playwright.Worker, error)
ExpectWorker provides a mock function with given fields: cb, options
func (*Page) ExposeBinding ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) ExposeBinding(name string, binding playwright.BindingCallFunction, handle ...bool) error
ExposeBinding provides a mock function with given fields: name, binding, handle
func (*Page) ExposeFunction ¶ added in v2.36.5
ExposeFunction provides a mock function with given fields: name, binding
func (*Page) Fill ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Fill(selector string, value string, options ...playwright.PageFillOptions) error
Fill provides a mock function with given fields: selector, value, options
func (*Page) Focus ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Focus(selector string, options ...playwright.PageFocusOptions) error
Focus provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) Frame ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Frame(options ...playwright.PageFrameOptions) playwright.Frame
Frame provides a mock function with given fields: options
func (*Page) FrameLocator ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) FrameLocator(selector string) playwright.FrameLocator
FrameLocator provides a mock function with given fields: selector
func (*Page) Frames ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Frames() []playwright.Frame
Frames provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Page) GetAttribute ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) GetAttribute(selector string, name string, options ...playwright.PageGetAttributeOptions) (string, error)
GetAttribute provides a mock function with given fields: selector, name, options
func (*Page) GetByAltText ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) GetByAltText(text interface{}, options ...playwright.PageGetByAltTextOptions) playwright.Locator
GetByAltText provides a mock function with given fields: text, options
func (*Page) GetByLabel ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) GetByLabel(text interface{}, options ...playwright.PageGetByLabelOptions) playwright.Locator
GetByLabel provides a mock function with given fields: text, options
func (*Page) GetByPlaceholder ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) GetByPlaceholder(text interface{}, options ...playwright.PageGetByPlaceholderOptions) playwright.Locator
GetByPlaceholder provides a mock function with given fields: text, options
func (*Page) GetByRole ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) GetByRole(role playwright.AriaRole, options ...playwright.PageGetByRoleOptions) playwright.Locator
GetByRole provides a mock function with given fields: role, options
func (*Page) GetByTestId ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) GetByTestId(testId interface{}) playwright.Locator
GetByTestId provides a mock function with given fields: testId
func (*Page) GetByText ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) GetByText(text interface{}, options ...playwright.PageGetByTextOptions) playwright.Locator
GetByText provides a mock function with given fields: text, options
func (*Page) GetByTitle ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) GetByTitle(text interface{}, options ...playwright.PageGetByTitleOptions) playwright.Locator
GetByTitle provides a mock function with given fields: text, options
func (*Page) GoBack ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) GoBack(options ...playwright.PageGoBackOptions) (playwright.Response, error)
GoBack provides a mock function with given fields: options
func (*Page) GoForward ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) GoForward(options ...playwright.PageGoForwardOptions) (playwright.Response, error)
GoForward provides a mock function with given fields: options
func (*Page) Goto ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Goto(url string, options ...playwright.PageGotoOptions) (playwright.Response, error)
Goto provides a mock function with given fields: url, options
func (*Page) Hover ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Hover(selector string, options ...playwright.PageHoverOptions) error
Hover provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) InnerHTML ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) InnerHTML(selector string, options ...playwright.PageInnerHTMLOptions) (string, error)
InnerHTML provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) InnerText ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) InnerText(selector string, options ...playwright.PageInnerTextOptions) (string, error)
InnerText provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) InputValue ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) InputValue(selector string, options ...playwright.PageInputValueOptions) (string, error)
InputValue provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) IsChecked ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) IsChecked(selector string, options ...playwright.PageIsCheckedOptions) (bool, error)
IsChecked provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) IsDisabled ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) IsDisabled(selector string, options ...playwright.PageIsDisabledOptions) (bool, error)
IsDisabled provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) IsEditable ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) IsEditable(selector string, options ...playwright.PageIsEditableOptions) (bool, error)
IsEditable provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) IsEnabled ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) IsEnabled(selector string, options ...playwright.PageIsEnabledOptions) (bool, error)
IsEnabled provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) IsHidden ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) IsHidden(selector string, options ...playwright.PageIsHiddenOptions) (bool, error)
IsHidden provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) IsVisible ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) IsVisible(selector string, options ...playwright.PageIsVisibleOptions) (bool, error)
IsVisible provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) Keyboard ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Keyboard() playwright.Keyboard
Keyboard provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Page) ListenerCount ¶ added in v2.36.5
ListenerCount provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*Page) Locator ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Locator(selector string, options ...playwright.PageLocatorOptions) playwright.Locator
Locator provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) MainFrame ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) MainFrame() playwright.Frame
MainFrame provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Page) Mouse ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Mouse() playwright.Mouse
Mouse provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Page) OnClose ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnClose(fn func(playwright.Page))
OnClose provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnConsole ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnConsole(fn func(playwright.ConsoleMessage))
OnConsole provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnCrash ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnCrash(fn func(playwright.Page))
OnCrash provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnDOMContentLoaded ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnDOMContentLoaded(fn func(playwright.Page))
OnDOMContentLoaded provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnDialog ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnDialog(fn func(playwright.Dialog))
OnDialog provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnDownload ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnDownload(fn func(playwright.Download))
OnDownload provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnFileChooser ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnFileChooser(fn func(playwright.FileChooser))
OnFileChooser provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnFrameAttached ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnFrameAttached(fn func(playwright.Frame))
OnFrameAttached provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnFrameDetached ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnFrameDetached(fn func(playwright.Frame))
OnFrameDetached provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnFrameNavigated ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnFrameNavigated(fn func(playwright.Frame))
OnFrameNavigated provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnLoad ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnLoad(fn func(playwright.Page))
OnLoad provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnPageError ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnPageError(fn func(*playwright.Error))
OnPageError provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnPopup ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnPopup(fn func(playwright.Page))
OnPopup provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnRequest ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnRequest(fn func(playwright.Request))
OnRequest provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnRequestFailed ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnRequestFailed(fn func(playwright.Request))
OnRequestFailed provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnRequestFinished ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnRequestFinished(fn func(playwright.Request))
OnRequestFinished provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnResponse ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnResponse(fn func(playwright.Response))
OnResponse provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnWebSocket ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnWebSocket(fn func(playwright.WebSocket))
OnWebSocket provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) OnWorker ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) OnWorker(fn func(playwright.Worker))
OnWorker provides a mock function with given fields: fn
func (*Page) Opener ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Opener() (playwright.Page, error)
Opener provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Page) PDF ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) PDF(options ...playwright.PagePdfOptions) ([]byte, error)
PDF provides a mock function with given fields: options
func (*Page) Press ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Press(selector string, key string, options ...playwright.PagePressOptions) error
Press provides a mock function with given fields: selector, key, options
func (*Page) QuerySelector ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) QuerySelector(selector string, options ...playwright.PageQuerySelectorOptions) (playwright.ElementHandle, error)
QuerySelector provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) QuerySelectorAll ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) QuerySelectorAll(selector string) ([]playwright.ElementHandle, error)
QuerySelectorAll provides a mock function with given fields: selector
func (*Page) Reload ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Reload(options ...playwright.PageReloadOptions) (playwright.Response, error)
Reload provides a mock function with given fields: options
func (*Page) RemoveListener ¶ added in v2.36.5
RemoveListener provides a mock function with given fields: name, handler
func (*Page) Request ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) Request() playwright.APIRequestContext
Request provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Page) Route ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Route(url interface{}, handler func(playwright.Route), times error
Route provides a mock function with given fields: url, handler, times
func (*Page) RouteFromHAR ¶ added in v2.36.13
func (_m *Page) RouteFromHAR(har string, options ...playwright.PageRouteFromHAROptions) error
RouteFromHAR provides a mock function with given fields: har, options
func (*Page) Screenshot ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Screenshot(options ...playwright.PageScreenshotOptions) ([]byte, error)
Screenshot provides a mock function with given fields: options
func (*Page) SelectOption ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) SelectOption(selector string, values playwright.SelectOptionValues, options ...playwright.PageSelectOptionOptions) ([]string, error)
SelectOption provides a mock function with given fields: selector, values, options
func (*Page) SetChecked ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) SetChecked(selector string, checked bool, options ...playwright.PageSetCheckedOptions) error
SetChecked provides a mock function with given fields: selector, checked, options
func (*Page) SetContent ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) SetContent(html string, options ...playwright.PageSetContentOptions) error
SetContent provides a mock function with given fields: html, options
func (*Page) SetDefaultNavigationTimeout ¶ added in v2.36.5
SetDefaultNavigationTimeout provides a mock function with given fields: timeout
func (*Page) SetDefaultTimeout ¶ added in v2.36.5
SetDefaultTimeout provides a mock function with given fields: timeout
func (*Page) SetExtraHTTPHeaders ¶ added in v2.36.5
SetExtraHTTPHeaders provides a mock function with given fields: headers
func (*Page) SetInputFiles ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) SetInputFiles(selector string, files []playwright.InputFile, options ...playwright.PageSetInputFilesOptions) error
SetInputFiles provides a mock function with given fields: selector, files, options
func (*Page) SetViewportSize ¶ added in v2.36.5
SetViewportSize provides a mock function with given fields: width, height
func (*Page) Tap ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Tap(selector string, options ...playwright.PageTapOptions) error
Tap provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) TextContent ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) TextContent(selector string, options ...playwright.PageTextContentOptions) (string, error)
TextContent provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) Touchscreen ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Touchscreen() playwright.Touchscreen
Touchscreen provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Page) Type ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Type(selector string, text string, options ...playwright.PageTypeOptions) error
Type provides a mock function with given fields: selector, text, options
func (*Page) Uncheck ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Uncheck(selector string, options ...playwright.PageUncheckOptions) error
Uncheck provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) Unroute ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Unroute(url interface{}, handler ...func(playwright.Route)) error
Unroute provides a mock function with given fields: url, handler
func (*Page) Video ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Video() playwright.Video
Video provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Page) ViewportSize ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) ViewportSize() *playwright.Size
ViewportSize provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Page) WaitForEvent ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) WaitForEvent(event string, options ...playwright.PageWaitForEventOptions) (interface{}, error)
WaitForEvent provides a mock function with given fields: event, options
func (*Page) WaitForFunction ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) WaitForFunction(expression string, arg interface{}, options ...playwright.PageWaitForFunctionOptions) (playwright.JSHandle, error)
WaitForFunction provides a mock function with given fields: expression, arg, options
func (*Page) WaitForLoadState ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) WaitForLoadState(options ...playwright.PageWaitForLoadStateOptions) error
WaitForLoadState provides a mock function with given fields: options
func (*Page) WaitForSelector ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) WaitForSelector(selector string, options ...playwright.PageWaitForSelectorOptions) (playwright.ElementHandle, error)
WaitForSelector provides a mock function with given fields: selector, options
func (*Page) WaitForTimeout ¶ added in v2.36.5
WaitForTimeout provides a mock function with given fields: timeout
func (*Page) WaitForURL ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) WaitForURL(url interface{}, options ...playwright.PageWaitForURLOptions) error
WaitForURL provides a mock function with given fields: url, options
func (*Page) Workers ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Page) Workers() []playwright.Worker
Workers provides a mock function with given fields:
type Prompter ¶
Prompter is an autogenerated mock type for the Prompter type
func NewPrompter ¶ added in v2.36.13
NewPrompter creates a new instance of Prompter. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Prompter) ChooseWithDefault ¶
ChooseWithDefault provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1, _a2
func (*Prompter) Display ¶ added in v2.36.13
Display provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Prompter) RequestSecurityCode ¶
RequestSecurityCode provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*Prompter) StringRequired ¶
StringRequired provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type Request ¶ added in v2.36.5
Request is an autogenerated mock type for the Request type
func NewRequest ¶ added in v2.36.5
NewRequest creates a new instance of Request. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Request) AllHeaders ¶ added in v2.36.5
AllHeaders provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Request) Frame ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Request) Frame() playwright.Frame
Frame provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Request) HeaderValue ¶ added in v2.36.5
HeaderValue provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*Request) HeadersArray ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Request) HeadersArray() ([]playwright.NameValue, error)
HeadersArray provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Request) IsNavigationRequest ¶ added in v2.36.5
IsNavigationRequest provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Request) PostDataBuffer ¶ added in v2.36.5
PostDataBuffer provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Request) PostDataJSON ¶ added in v2.36.5
PostDataJSON provides a mock function with given fields: v
func (*Request) RedirectedFrom ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Request) RedirectedFrom() playwright.Request
RedirectedFrom provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Request) RedirectedTo ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Request) RedirectedTo() playwright.Request
RedirectedTo provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Request) ResourceType ¶ added in v2.36.5
ResourceType provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Request) Response ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Request) Response() (playwright.Response, error)
Response provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Request) Sizes ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Request) Sizes() (*playwright.RequestSizesResult, error)
Sizes provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Request) Timing ¶ added in v2.36.5
func (_m *Request) Timing() *playwright.RequestTiming
Timing provides a mock function with given fields:
type Response ¶ added in v2.36.6
Response is an autogenerated mock type for the Response type
func NewResponse ¶ added in v2.36.6
NewResponse creates a new instance of Response. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations. The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
func (*Response) AllHeaders ¶ added in v2.36.6
AllHeaders provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Response) Frame ¶ added in v2.36.6
func (_m *Response) Frame() playwright.Frame
Frame provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Response) FromServiceWorker ¶ added in v2.36.13
FromServiceWorker provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Response) HeaderValue ¶ added in v2.36.6
HeaderValue provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*Response) HeaderValues ¶ added in v2.36.6
HeaderValues provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*Response) HeadersArray ¶ added in v2.36.6
func (_m *Response) HeadersArray() ([]playwright.NameValue, error)
HeadersArray provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Response) Request ¶ added in v2.36.6
func (_m *Response) Request() playwright.Request
Request provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Response) SecurityDetails ¶ added in v2.36.6
func (_m *Response) SecurityDetails() (*playwright.ResponseSecurityDetailsResult, error)
SecurityDetails provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Response) ServerAddr ¶ added in v2.36.6
func (_m *Response) ServerAddr() (*playwright.ResponseServerAddrResult, error)
ServerAddr provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Response) StatusText ¶ added in v2.36.6
StatusText provides a mock function with given fields:
type U2FDevice ¶
U2FDevice is an autogenerated mock type for the U2FDevice type
func (*U2FDevice) Authenticate ¶
func (_m *U2FDevice) Authenticate(_a0 *u2fhost.AuthenticateRequest) (*u2fhost.AuthenticateResponse, error)
Authenticate provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*U2FDevice) Close ¶
func (_m *U2FDevice) Close()
Close provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*U2FDevice) Register ¶
func (_m *U2FDevice) Register(_a0 *u2fhost.RegisterRequest) (*u2fhost.RegisterResponse, error)
Register provides a mock function with given fields: _a0