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v2.20.118 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 7, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 23 Imported by: 0


Go client for Velo

License npm version CircleCI\

Terms and Definitions

Throughout this document and the Velo platform the following terms are used:

  • Payor. An entity (typically a corporation) which wishes to pay funds to one or more payees via a payout.
  • Payee. The recipient of funds paid out by a payor.
  • Payment. A single transfer of funds from a payor to a payee.
  • Payout. A batch of Payments, typically used by a payor to logically group payments (e.g. by business day). Technically there need be no relationship between the payments in a payout - a single payout can contain payments to multiple payees and/or multiple payments to a single payee.
  • Sandbox. An integration environment provided by Velo Payments which offers a similar API experience to the production environment, but all funding and payment events are simulated, along with many other services such as OFAC sanctions list checking.


The Velo Payments API allows a payor to perform a number of operations. The following is a list of the main capabilities in a natural order of execution:

  • Authenticate with the Velo platform
  • Maintain a collection of payees
  • Query the payor’s current balance of funds within the platform and perform additional funding
  • Issue payments to payees
  • Query the platform for a history of those payments

This document describes the main concepts and APIs required to get up and running with the Velo Payments platform. It is not an exhaustive API reference. For that, please see the separate Velo Payments API Reference.

API Considerations

The Velo Payments API is REST based and uses the JSON format for requests and responses.

Most calls are secured using OAuth 2 security and require a valid authentication access token for successful operation. See the Authentication section for details.

Where a dynamic value is required in the examples below, the {token} format is used, suggesting that the caller needs to supply the appropriate value of the token in question (without including the { or } characters).

Where curl examples are given, the –d @filename.json approach is used, indicating that the request body should be placed into a file named filename.json in the current directory. Each of the curl examples in this document should be considered a single line on the command-line, regardless of how they appear in print.

Authenticating with the Velo Platform

Once Velo backoffice staff have added your organization as a payor within the Velo platform sandbox, they will create you a payor Id, an API key and an API secret and share these with you in a secure manner.

You will need to use these values to authenticate with the Velo platform in order to gain access to the APIs. The steps to take are explained in the following:

create a string comprising the API key (e.g. 44a9537d-d55d-4b47-8082-14061c2bcdd8) and API secret (e.g. c396b26b-137a-44fd-87f5-34631f8fd529) with a colon between them. E.g. 44a9537d-d55d-4b47-8082-14061c2bcdd8:c396b26b-137a-44fd-87f5-34631f8fd529

base64 encode this string. E.g.: NDRhOTUzN2QtZDU1ZC00YjQ3LTgwODItMTQwNjFjMmJjZGQ4OmMzOTZiMjZiLTEzN2EtNDRmZC04N2Y1LTM0NjMxZjhmZDUyOQ==

create an HTTP Authorization header with the value set to e.g. Basic NDRhOTUzN2QtZDU1ZC00YjQ3LTgwODItMTQwNjFjMmJjZGQ4OmMzOTZiMjZiLTEzN2EtNDRmZC04N2Y1LTM0NjMxZjhmZDUyOQ==

perform the Velo authentication REST call using the HTTP header created above e.g. via curl:

  curl -X POST \\
  -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" \\
  -H \"Authorization: Basic NDRhOTUzN2QtZDU1ZC00YjQ3LTgwODItMTQwNjFjMmJjZGQ4OmMzOTZiMjZiLTEzN2EtNDRmZC04N2Y1LTM0NjMxZjhmZDUyOQ==\" \\

If successful, this call will result in a 200 HTTP status code and a response body such as:


API access following authentication

Following successful authentication, the value of the access_token field in the response (indicated in green above) should then be presented with all subsequent API calls to allow the Velo platform to validate that the caller is authenticated.

This is achieved by setting the HTTP Authorization header with the value set to e.g. Bearer 19f6bafd-93fd-4747-b229-00507bbc991f such as the curl example below:

  -H \"Authorization: Bearer 19f6bafd-93fd-4747-b229-00507bbc991f \"

If you make other Velo API calls which require authorization but the Authorization header is missing or invalid then you will get a 401 HTTP status response.


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 2.20.118
  • Package version: 2.20.118
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen


Install the following dependencies:

go get
go get
go get
go get

Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:

import "./velopayments"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
CountriesApi ListSupportedCountries Get /v2/supportedCountries List Supported Countries
CountriesApi ListSupportedCountriesV1 Get /v1/supportedCountries List Supported Countries
CountriesApi V1PaymentChannelRulesGet Get /v1/paymentChannelRules List Payment Channel Country Rules
CurrenciesApi ListSupportedCurrencies Get /v2/currencies List Supported Currencies
FundingManagerApi CreateAchFundingRequest Post /v1/sourceAccounts/{sourceAccountId}/achFundingRequest Create Funding Request
FundingManagerApi CreateFundingRequest Post /v2/sourceAccounts/{sourceAccountId}/fundingRequest Create Funding Request
FundingManagerApi GetFundingAccount Get /v1/fundingAccounts/{fundingAccountId} Get Funding Account
FundingManagerApi GetFundingAccounts Get /v1/fundingAccounts Get Funding Accounts
FundingManagerApi GetFundingsV1 Get /v1/paymentaudit/fundings Get Fundings for Payor
FundingManagerApi GetSourceAccount Get /v1/sourceAccounts/{sourceAccountId} Get details about given source account.
FundingManagerApi GetSourceAccountV2 Get /v2/sourceAccounts/{sourceAccountId} Get details about given source account.
FundingManagerApi GetSourceAccounts Get /v1/sourceAccounts Get list of source accounts
FundingManagerApi GetSourceAccountsV2 Get /v2/sourceAccounts Get list of source accounts
FundingManagerApi ListFundingAuditDeltas Get /v1/deltas/fundings Get Funding Audit Delta
FundingManagerApi SetNotificationsRequest Post /v1/sourceAccounts/{sourceAccountId}/notifications Set notifications
FundingManagerApi TransferFunds Post /v2/sourceAccounts/{sourceAccountId}/transfers Transfer Funds between source accounts
FundingManagerPrivateApi CreateFundingAccount Post /v1/fundingAccounts Create Funding Account
GetPayoutApi V3PayoutsPayoutIdGet Get /v3/payouts/{payoutId} Get Payout Summary
InstructPayoutApi V3PayoutsPayoutIdPost Post /v3/payouts/{payoutId} Instruct Payout
LoginApi Logout Post /v1/logout Logout
LoginApi ResetPassword Post /v1/password/reset Reset password
LoginApi ValidateAccessToken Post /v1/validate validate
LoginApi VeloAuth Post /v1/authenticate Authentication endpoint
PayeeInvitationApi GetPayeesInvitationStatusV1 Get /v1/payees/payors/{payorId}/invitationStatus Get Payee Invitation Status
PayeeInvitationApi GetPayeesInvitationStatusV2 Get /v2/payees/payors/{payorId}/invitationStatus Get Payee Invitation Status
PayeeInvitationApi GetPayeesInvitationStatusV3 Get /v3/payees/payors/{payorId}/invitationStatus Get Payee Invitation Status
PayeeInvitationApi QueryBatchStatusV2 Get /v2/payees/batch/{batchId} Query Batch Status
PayeeInvitationApi QueryBatchStatusV3 Get /v3/payees/batch/{batchId} Query Batch Status
PayeeInvitationApi ResendPayeeInviteV1 Post /v1/payees/{payeeId}/invite Resend Payee Invite
PayeeInvitationApi ResendPayeeInviteV3 Post /v3/payees/{payeeId}/invite Resend Payee Invite
PayeeInvitationApi V2CreatePayee Post /v2/payees Initiate Payee Creation
PayeeInvitationApi V3CreatePayee Post /v3/payees Initiate Payee Creation
PayeesApi DeletePayeeByIdV1 Delete /v1/payees/{payeeId} Delete Payee by Id
PayeesApi DeletePayeeByIdV3 Delete /v3/payees/{payeeId} Delete Payee by Id
PayeesApi GetPayeeByIdV1 Get /v1/payees/{payeeId} Get Payee by Id
PayeesApi GetPayeeByIdV2 Get /v2/payees/{payeeId} Get Payee by Id
PayeesApi GetPayeeByIdV3 Get /v3/payees/{payeeId} Get Payee by Id
PayeesApi ListPayeeChanges Get /v1/deltas/payees List Payee Changes
PayeesApi ListPayeeChangesV3 Get /v3/payees/deltas List Payee Changes
PayeesApi ListPayeesV1 Get /v1/payees List Payees V1
PayeesApi ListPayeesV3 Get /v3/payees List Payees
PayeesApi V1PayeesPayeeIdRemoteIdUpdatePost Post /v1/payees/{payeeId}/remoteIdUpdate Update Payee Remote Id
PayeesApi V3PayeesPayeeIdRemoteIdUpdatePost Post /v3/payees/{payeeId}/remoteIdUpdate Update Payee Remote Id
PaymentAuditServiceApi ExportTransactionsCSVV3 Get /v3/paymentaudit/transactions Export Transactions
PaymentAuditServiceApi ExportTransactionsCSVV4 Get /v4/paymentaudit/transactions Export Transactions
PaymentAuditServiceApi GetFundingsV1 Get /v1/paymentaudit/fundings Get Fundings for Payor
PaymentAuditServiceApi GetPaymentDetails Get /v3/paymentaudit/payments/{paymentId} Get Payment
PaymentAuditServiceApi GetPaymentDetailsV4 Get /v4/paymentaudit/payments/{paymentId} Get Payment
PaymentAuditServiceApi GetPaymentsForPayout Get /v3/paymentaudit/payouts/{payoutId} Get Payments for Payout
PaymentAuditServiceApi GetPaymentsForPayoutV4 Get /v4/paymentaudit/payouts/{payoutId} Get Payments for Payout
PaymentAuditServiceApi GetPayoutsForPayorV3 Get /v3/paymentaudit/payouts Get Payouts for Payor
PaymentAuditServiceApi GetPayoutsForPayorV4 Get /v4/paymentaudit/payouts Get Payouts for Payor
PaymentAuditServiceApi ListPaymentChanges Get /v1/deltas/payments List Payment Changes
PaymentAuditServiceApi ListPaymentsAudit Get /v3/paymentaudit/payments Get List of Payments
PaymentAuditServiceApi ListPaymentsAuditV4 Get /v4/paymentaudit/payments Get List of Payments
PayorsApi GetPayorById Get /v1/payors/{payorId} Get Payor
PayorsApi GetPayorByIdV2 Get /v2/payors/{payorId} Get Payor
PayorsApi PayorAddPayorLogo Post /v1/payors/{payorId}/branding/logos Add Logo
PayorsApi PayorCreateApiKeyRequest Post /v1/payors/{payorId}/applications/{applicationId}/keys Create API Key
PayorsApi PayorCreateApplicationRequest Post /v1/payors/{payorId}/applications Create Application
PayorsApi PayorEmailOptOut Post /v1/payors/{payorId}/reminderEmailsUpdate Reminder Email Opt-Out
PayorsApi PayorGetBranding Get /v1/payors/{payorId}/branding Get Branding
PayorsApi PayorLinks Get /v1/payorLinks List Payor Links
PayorsPrivateApi CreatePayorLinks Post /v1/payorLinks Create a Payor Link
PayoutHistoryApi GetPaymentsForPayout Get /v3/paymentaudit/payouts/{payoutId} Get Payments for Payout
PayoutHistoryApi GetPaymentsForPayoutV4 Get /v4/paymentaudit/payouts/{payoutId} Get Payments for Payout
PayoutHistoryApi GetPayoutStatsV1 Get /v1/paymentaudit/payoutStatistics Get Payout Statistics
QuotePayoutApi V3PayoutsPayoutIdQuotePost Post /v3/payouts/{payoutId}/quote Create a quote for the payout
SubmitPayoutApi SubmitPayout Post /v3/payouts Submit Payout
TokensApi ResendToken Post /v2/users/{userId}/tokens Resend a token
UsersApi DeleteUserByIdV2 Delete /v2/users/{userId} Delete a User
UsersApi DisableUserV2 Post /v2/users/{userId}/disable Disable a User
UsersApi EnableUserV2 Post /v2/users/{userId}/enable Enable a User
UsersApi GetSelf Get /v2/users/self Get Self
UsersApi GetUserByIdV2 Get /v2/users/{userId} Get User
UsersApi InviteUser Post /v2/users/invite Invite a User
UsersApi ListUsers Get /v2/users List Users
UsersApi RegisterSms Post /v2/users/registration/sms Register SMS Number
UsersApi ResendToken Post /v2/users/{userId}/tokens Resend a token
UsersApi RoleUpdate Post /v2/users/{userId}/roleUpdate Update User Role
UsersApi UnlockUserV2 Post /v2/users/{userId}/unlock Unlock a User
UsersApi UnregisterMFA Post /v2/users/{userId}/mfa/unregister Unregister MFA for the user
UsersApi UnregisterMFAForSelf Post /v2/users/self/mfa/unregister Unregister MFA for Self
UsersApi UpdatePasswordSelf Post /v2/users/self/password Update Password for self
UsersApi UserDetailsUpdate Post /v2/users/{userId}/userDetailsUpdate Update User Details
UsersApi ValidatePasswordSelf Post /v2/users/self/password/validate Validate the proposed password
WithdrawPayoutApi V3PayoutsPayoutIdDelete Delete /v3/payouts/{payoutId} Withdraw Payout

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: application
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes:
  • ** **: Scopes not required


auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAccessToken, "ACCESSTOKENSTRING")
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)

Or via OAuth2 module to automatically refresh tokens and perform user authentication.

import ""

/* Perform OAuth2 round trip request and obtain a token */

tokenSource := oauth2cfg.TokenSource(createContext(httpClient), &token)
auth := context.WithValue(oauth2.NoContext, sw.ContextOAuth2, tokenSource)
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextBasicAuth, sw.BasicAuth{
    UserName: "username",
    Password: "password",
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: application
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes:
  • ** **: Scopes not required


auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAccessToken, "ACCESSTOKENSTRING")
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)

Or via OAuth2 module to automatically refresh tokens and perform user authentication.

import ""

/* Perform OAuth2 round trip request and obtain a token */

tokenSource := oauth2cfg.TokenSource(createContext(httpClient), &token)
auth := context.WithValue(oauth2.NoContext, sw.ContextOAuth2, tokenSource)
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)





This section is empty.


View Source
var (
	// ContextOAuth2 takes an oauth2.TokenSource as authentication for the request.
	ContextOAuth2 = contextKey("token")

	// ContextBasicAuth takes BasicAuth as authentication for the request.
	ContextBasicAuth = contextKey("basic")

	// ContextAccessToken takes a string oauth2 access token as authentication for the request.
	ContextAccessToken = contextKey("accesstoken")

	// ContextAPIKey takes an APIKey as authentication for the request
	ContextAPIKey = contextKey("apikey")


func CacheExpires

func CacheExpires(r *http.Response) time.Time

CacheExpires helper function to determine remaining time before repeating a request.


type APIClient

type APIClient struct {
	CountriesApi *CountriesApiService

	CurrenciesApi *CurrenciesApiService

	FundingManagerApi *FundingManagerApiService

	FundingManagerPrivateApi *FundingManagerPrivateApiService

	GetPayoutApi *GetPayoutApiService

	InstructPayoutApi *InstructPayoutApiService

	LoginApi *LoginApiService

	PayeeInvitationApi *PayeeInvitationApiService

	PayeesApi *PayeesApiService

	PaymentAuditServiceApi *PaymentAuditServiceApiService

	PayorsApi *PayorsApiService

	PayorsPrivateApi *PayorsPrivateApiService

	PayoutHistoryApi *PayoutHistoryApiService

	QuotePayoutApi *QuotePayoutApiService

	SubmitPayoutApi *SubmitPayoutApiService

	TokensApi *TokensApiService

	UsersApi *UsersApiService

	WithdrawPayoutApi *WithdrawPayoutApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

APIClient manages communication with the Velo Payments APIs API v2.20.118 In most cases there should be only one, shared, APIClient.

func NewAPIClient

func NewAPIClient(cfg *Configuration) *APIClient

NewAPIClient creates a new API client. Requires a userAgent string describing your application. optionally a custom http.Client to allow for advanced features such as caching.

func (*APIClient) ChangeBasePath

func (c *APIClient) ChangeBasePath(path string)

ChangeBasePath changes base path to allow switching to mocks

func (*APIClient) GetConfig

func (c *APIClient) GetConfig() *Configuration

Allow modification of underlying config for alternate implementations and testing Caution: modifying the configuration while live can cause data races and potentially unwanted behavior

type APIKey

type APIKey struct {
	Key    string
	Prefix string

APIKey provides API key based authentication to a request passed via context using ContextAPIKey

type APIResponse

type APIResponse struct {
	*http.Response `json:"-"`
	Message        string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	// Operation is the name of the OpenAPI operation.
	Operation string `json:"operation,omitempty"`
	// RequestURL is the request URL. This value is always available, even if the
	// embedded *http.Response is nil.
	RequestURL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
	// Method is the HTTP method used for the request.  This value is always
	// available, even if the embedded *http.Response is nil.
	Method string `json:"method,omitempty"`
	// Payload holds the contents of the response body (which may be nil or empty).
	// This is provided here as the raw response.Body() reader will have already
	// been drained.
	Payload []byte `json:"-"`

APIResponse stores the API response returned by the server.

func NewAPIResponse

func NewAPIResponse(r *http.Response) *APIResponse

NewAPIResponse returns a new APIResonse object.

func NewAPIResponseWithError

func NewAPIResponseWithError(errorMessage string) *APIResponse

NewAPIResponseWithError returns a new APIResponse object with the provided error message.

type AcceptedPayment

type AcceptedPayment struct {
	RemoteId string `json:"remoteId"`
	// Valid ISO 4217 3 letter currency code. See the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" a>ISO specification</a> for details.
	CurrencyType      string `json:"currencyType"`
	Amount            int32  `json:"amount"`
	SourceAccountName string `json:"sourceAccountName"`
	PayorPaymentId    string `json:"payorPaymentId"`
	PaymentMemo       string `json:"paymentMemo,omitempty"`

AcceptedPayment struct for AcceptedPayment

type AccessTokenResponse

type AccessTokenResponse struct {
	// Bearer token used in headers to access secure endpoints
	AccessToken string `json:"access_token,omitempty"`
	// the type of the token
	TokenType string `json:"token_type,omitempty"`
	// can be used to obtain a new access token
	RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token,omitempty"`
	// The lifetime in seconds of the access token
	ExpiresIn int32 `json:"expires_in,omitempty"`
	// the scope of the access token
	Scope    string   `json:"scope,omitempty"`
	UserInfo UserInfo `json:"user_info,omitempty"`
	// If the user is a payee then the payeeId<P> If the user is a payor then the payorId
	EntityIds []string `json:"entityIds,omitempty"`

AccessTokenResponse struct for AccessTokenResponse

type AccessTokenValidationRequest

type AccessTokenValidationRequest struct {
	// an OTP either sent via sms or generated by a registered MFA device
	Otp string `json:"otp"`

AccessTokenValidationRequest struct for AccessTokenValidationRequest

type AuthResponse

type AuthResponse struct {
	AccessToken  string   `json:"access_token"`
	TokenType    string   `json:"token_type"`
	ExpiresIn    float32  `json:"expires_in,omitempty"`
	RefreshToken string   `json:"refresh_token,omitempty"`
	Scope        string   `json:"scope,omitempty"`
	EntityIds    []string `json:"entityIds,omitempty"`

AuthResponse struct for AuthResponse

type AutoTopUpConfig

type AutoTopUpConfig struct {
	// Is auto top-up enabled? automatically trigger funding to top-up the source account balance when the balance falls below the configured minimum level.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// When the payor balance falls below this level then auto top-up will be triggered. Note - This is in minor units.
	MinBalance *int64 `json:"minBalance,omitempty"`
	// When the payor balance falls below the min balance then auto top-up will request funds bring the balance to this level. Note - this is in minor units.
	TargetBalance *int64 `json:"targetBalance,omitempty"`

AutoTopUpConfig struct for AutoTopUpConfig

type BasicAuth

type BasicAuth struct {
	UserName string `json:"userName,omitempty"`
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`

BasicAuth provides basic http authentication to a request passed via context using ContextBasicAuth

type Challenge

type Challenge struct {
	Value       string `json:"value"`
	Description string `json:"description"`

Challenge struct for Challenge

type Company

type Company struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Company Tax Id must be between 6 and 30 characters long
	TaxId         *string `json:"taxId,omitempty"`
	OperatingName *string `json:"operatingName,omitempty"`

Company struct for Company

type Company2

type Company2 struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Company Tax Id must be between 6 and 30 characters long
	TaxId         *string `json:"taxId,omitempty"`
	OperatingName *string `json:"operatingName,omitempty"`

Company2 struct for Company2

type CompanyResponse

type CompanyResponse struct {
	Name          string  `json:"name"`
	OperatingName *string `json:"operatingName,omitempty"`

CompanyResponse struct for CompanyResponse

type CompanyV1

type CompanyV1 struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Company Tax Id (EIN) must be 9 numeric characters. Must match the regular expression “`[\\d]{9}“`.
	TaxId         *string `json:"taxId,omitempty"`
	OperatingName *string `json:"operatingName,omitempty"`

CompanyV1 struct for CompanyV1

type Configuration

type Configuration struct {
	BasePath      string            `json:"basePath,omitempty"`
	Host          string            `json:"host,omitempty"`
	Scheme        string            `json:"scheme,omitempty"`
	DefaultHeader map[string]string `json:"defaultHeader,omitempty"`
	UserAgent     string            `json:"userAgent,omitempty"`
	Debug         bool              `json:"debug,omitempty"`
	Servers       []ServerConfiguration
	HTTPClient    *http.Client

Configuration stores the configuration of the API client

func NewConfiguration

func NewConfiguration() *Configuration

NewConfiguration returns a new Configuration object

func (*Configuration) AddDefaultHeader

func (c *Configuration) AddDefaultHeader(key string, value string)

AddDefaultHeader adds a new HTTP header to the default header in the request

func (*Configuration) ServerUrl

func (c *Configuration) ServerUrl(index int, variables map[string]string) (string, error)

ServerUrl returns URL based on server settings

type CountriesApiService

type CountriesApiService service

CountriesApiService CountriesApi service

func (*CountriesApiService) ListSupportedCountries

ListSupportedCountries List Supported Countries List the supported countries.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return SupportedCountriesResponse2

func (*CountriesApiService) ListSupportedCountriesV1

ListSupportedCountriesV1 List Supported Countries &lt;p&gt;List the supported countries.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;This version will be retired in March 2020. Use /v2/supportedCountries&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return SupportedCountriesResponse

func (*CountriesApiService) V1PaymentChannelRulesGet

V1PaymentChannelRulesGet List Payment Channel Country Rules List the country specific payment channel rules.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return PaymentChannelRulesResponse

type CreateFundingAccountOpts

type CreateFundingAccountOpts struct {
	CreateFundingAccountRequest optional.Interface

CreateFundingAccountOpts Optional parameters for the method 'CreateFundingAccount'

type CreateFundingAccountRequest

type CreateFundingAccountRequest struct {
	AccountName   string `json:"accountName"`
	AccountNumber string `json:"accountNumber"`
	RoutingNumber string `json:"routingNumber"`
	PayorId       string `json:"payorId"`

CreateFundingAccountRequest struct for CreateFundingAccountRequest

type CreateIndividual

type CreateIndividual struct {
	Name                   IndividualV1Name `json:"name"`
	NationalIdentification string           `json:"nationalIdentification,omitempty"`
	// Must not be date in future. Example - 1970-05-20
	DateOfBirth string `json:"dateOfBirth"`

CreateIndividual struct for CreateIndividual

type CreateIndividual2

type CreateIndividual2 struct {
	Name                   CreateIndividual2Name `json:"name"`
	NationalIdentification string                `json:"nationalIdentification,omitempty"`
	// Must not be date in future. Example - 1970-05-20
	DateOfBirth string `json:"dateOfBirth"`

CreateIndividual2 struct for CreateIndividual2

type CreateIndividual2Name

type CreateIndividual2Name struct {
	Title      string `json:"title,omitempty"`
	FirstName  string `json:"firstName"`
	OtherNames string `json:"otherNames,omitempty"`
	LastName   string `json:"lastName"`

CreateIndividual2Name struct for CreateIndividual2Name

type CreatePayee

type CreatePayee struct {
	PayeeId        string               `json:"payeeId,omitempty"`
	PayorRefs      *[]PayeePayorRefV2   `json:"payorRefs,omitempty"`
	Email          string               `json:"email"`
	RemoteId       string               `json:"remoteId"`
	Type           PayeeType            `json:"type"`
	Address        CreatePayeeAddress   `json:"address"`
	PaymentChannel CreatePaymentChannel `json:"paymentChannel,omitempty"`
	Challenge      Challenge            `json:"challenge,omitempty"`
	Language       Language             `json:"language,omitempty"`
	Company        *CompanyV1           `json:"company,omitempty"`
	Individual     CreateIndividual     `json:"individual,omitempty"`

CreatePayee struct for CreatePayee

type CreatePayee2

type CreatePayee2 struct {
	PayeeId        string                `json:"payeeId,omitempty"`
	PayorRefs      *[]PayeePayorRefV3    `json:"payorRefs,omitempty"`
	Email          string                `json:"email"`
	RemoteId       string                `json:"remoteId"`
	Type           PayeeType             `json:"type"`
	Address        CreatePayeeAddress2   `json:"address"`
	PaymentChannel CreatePaymentChannel2 `json:"paymentChannel,omitempty"`
	Challenge      Challenge             `json:"challenge,omitempty"`
	Language       Language              `json:"language,omitempty"`
	Company        *CompanyV1            `json:"company,omitempty"`
	Individual     CreateIndividual2     `json:"individual,omitempty"`

CreatePayee2 struct for CreatePayee2

type CreatePayeeAddress

type CreatePayeeAddress struct {
	Line1            string  `json:"line1"`
	Line2            *string `json:"line2,omitempty"`
	Line3            *string `json:"line3,omitempty"`
	Line4            *string `json:"line4,omitempty"`
	City             string  `json:"city"`
	CountyOrProvince *string `json:"countyOrProvince,omitempty"`
	ZipOrPostcode    *string `json:"zipOrPostcode,omitempty"`
	// Ideally a 2 letter ISO 3166-1 country code.  But a limited set of additional values will be corrected.  See Java Locale.getISOCountries() and Locale.getDisplayCountry()
	Country string `json:"country"`

CreatePayeeAddress struct for CreatePayeeAddress

type CreatePayeeAddress2

type CreatePayeeAddress2 struct {
	Line1            string  `json:"line1"`
	Line2            *string `json:"line2,omitempty"`
	Line3            *string `json:"line3,omitempty"`
	Line4            *string `json:"line4,omitempty"`
	City             string  `json:"city"`
	CountyOrProvince *string `json:"countyOrProvince,omitempty"`
	ZipOrPostcode    *string `json:"zipOrPostcode,omitempty"`
	// 2 letter ISO 3166-1 country code
	Country string `json:"country"`

CreatePayeeAddress2 struct for CreatePayeeAddress2

type CreatePayeesCsvRequest

type CreatePayeesCsvRequest struct {
	Type                    PayeeType `json:"type"`
	RemoteId                string    `json:"remoteId"`
	Email                   string    `json:"email"`
	AddressLine1            string    `json:"addressLine1"`
	AddressLine2            string    `json:"addressLine2,omitempty"`
	AddressLine3            string    `json:"addressLine3,omitempty"`
	AddressLine4            string    `json:"addressLine4,omitempty"`
	AddressCity             string    `json:"addressCity"`
	AddressCountyOrProvince string    `json:"addressCountyOrProvince,omitempty"`
	AddressZipOrPostcode    string    `json:"addressZipOrPostcode"`
	// Ideally a 2 letter ISO 3166-1 country code.  But a limited set of additional values will be corrected.  See Java Locale.getISOCountries() and Locale.getDisplayCountry()
	AddressCountry                   string `json:"addressCountry"`
	IndividualNationalIdentification string `json:"individualNationalIdentification,omitempty"`
	// Must not be date in future. Example - 1970-05-20
	IndividualDateOfBirth string `json:"individualDateOfBirth,omitempty"`
	IndividualTitle       string `json:"individualTitle,omitempty"`
	IndividualFirstName   string `json:"individualFirstName,omitempty"`
	IndividualOtherNames  string `json:"individualOtherNames,omitempty"`
	IndividualLastName    string `json:"individualLastName,omitempty"`
	CompanyName           string `json:"companyName,omitempty"`
	// Company Tax Id (EIN) must be 9 numeric characters. Must match the regular expression “`[\\d]{9}“`.
	CompanyEIN           string `json:"companyEIN,omitempty"`
	CompanyOperatingName string `json:"companyOperatingName,omitempty"`
	// Either routing number and account number or only iban must be set
	PaymentChannelAccountNumber string `json:"paymentChannelAccountNumber,omitempty"`
	// Either routing number and account number or only iban must be set
	PaymentChannelRoutingNumber string `json:"paymentChannelRoutingNumber,omitempty"`
	PaymentChannelAccountName   string `json:"paymentChannelAccountName,omitempty"`
	// Must match the regular expression “`^[A-Za-z0-9]+$“`.
	PaymentChannelIban string `json:"paymentChannelIban,omitempty"`
	// Must be a 2 character country code - per ISO 3166-1
	PaymentChannelCountryCode string `json:"paymentChannelCountryCode,omitempty"`
	PaymentChannelCurrency    string `json:"paymentChannelCurrency,omitempty"`
	ChallengeDescription      string `json:"challengeDescription,omitempty"`
	ChallengeValue            string `json:"challengeValue,omitempty"`
	PayeeLanguage             string `json:"payeeLanguage,omitempty"`

CreatePayeesCsvRequest struct for CreatePayeesCsvRequest

type CreatePayeesCsvRequest2

type CreatePayeesCsvRequest2 struct {
	Type                    PayeeType `json:"type"`
	RemoteId                string    `json:"remoteId"`
	Email                   string    `json:"email"`
	AddressLine1            string    `json:"addressLine1"`
	AddressLine2            string    `json:"addressLine2,omitempty"`
	AddressLine3            string    `json:"addressLine3,omitempty"`
	AddressLine4            string    `json:"addressLine4,omitempty"`
	AddressCity             string    `json:"addressCity"`
	AddressCountyOrProvince string    `json:"addressCountyOrProvince,omitempty"`
	AddressZipOrPostcode    string    `json:"addressZipOrPostcode"`
	// Must be a 2 character country code - per ISO 3166-1
	AddressCountry                   string `json:"addressCountry"`
	IndividualNationalIdentification string `json:"individualNationalIdentification,omitempty"`
	// Must not be date in future. Example - 1970-05-20
	IndividualDateOfBirth string `json:"individualDateOfBirth,omitempty"`
	IndividualTitle       string `json:"individualTitle,omitempty"`
	IndividualFirstName   string `json:"individualFirstName,omitempty"`
	IndividualOtherNames  string `json:"individualOtherNames,omitempty"`
	IndividualLastName    string `json:"individualLastName,omitempty"`
	CompanyName           string `json:"companyName,omitempty"`
	CompanyEIN            string `json:"companyEIN,omitempty"`
	CompanyOperatingName  string `json:"companyOperatingName,omitempty"`
	// Either routing number and account number or only iban must be set
	PaymentChannelAccountNumber string `json:"paymentChannelAccountNumber,omitempty"`
	// Either routing number and account number or only iban must be set
	PaymentChannelRoutingNumber string `json:"paymentChannelRoutingNumber,omitempty"`
	PaymentChannelAccountName   string `json:"paymentChannelAccountName,omitempty"`
	// Must match the regular expression “`^[A-Za-z0-9]+$“`.
	PaymentChannelIban string `json:"paymentChannelIban,omitempty"`
	// Must be a 2 character country code - per ISO 3166-1
	PaymentChannelCountryCode string `json:"paymentChannelCountryCode,omitempty"`
	PaymentChannelCurrency    string `json:"paymentChannelCurrency,omitempty"`
	ChallengeDescription      string `json:"challengeDescription,omitempty"`
	ChallengeValue            string `json:"challengeValue,omitempty"`
	PayeeLanguage             string `json:"payeeLanguage,omitempty"`

CreatePayeesCsvRequest2 struct for CreatePayeesCsvRequest2

type CreatePayeesCsvResponse

type CreatePayeesCsvResponse struct {
	BatchId         string                                   `json:"batchId,omitempty"`
	RejectedCsvRows []CreatePayeesCsvResponseRejectedCsvRows `json:"rejectedCsvRows,omitempty"`

CreatePayeesCsvResponse struct for CreatePayeesCsvResponse

type CreatePayeesCsvResponse2

type CreatePayeesCsvResponse2 struct {
	BatchId         string                                   `json:"batchId,omitempty"`
	RejectedCsvRows []CreatePayeesCsvResponseRejectedCsvRows `json:"rejectedCsvRows,omitempty"`

CreatePayeesCsvResponse2 struct for CreatePayeesCsvResponse2

type CreatePayeesCsvResponseRejectedCsvRows

type CreatePayeesCsvResponseRejectedCsvRows struct {
	LineNumber      int32  `json:"lineNumber,omitempty"`
	RejectedContent string `json:"rejectedContent,omitempty"`
	Message         string `json:"message,omitempty"`

CreatePayeesCsvResponseRejectedCsvRows struct for CreatePayeesCsvResponseRejectedCsvRows

type CreatePayeesRequest

type CreatePayeesRequest struct {
	PayorId string        `json:"payorId"`
	Payees  []CreatePayee `json:"payees"`

CreatePayeesRequest struct for CreatePayeesRequest

type CreatePayeesRequest2

type CreatePayeesRequest2 struct {
	PayorId string         `json:"payorId"`
	Payees  []CreatePayee2 `json:"payees"`

CreatePayeesRequest2 struct for CreatePayeesRequest2

type CreatePaymentChannel

type CreatePaymentChannel struct {
	PaymentChannelName string `json:"paymentChannelName,omitempty"`
	// Must match the regular expression “`^[A-Za-z0-9]+$“`. Either routing number and account number or only iban must be set
	Iban string `json:"iban,omitempty"`
	// Either routing number and account number or only iban must be set
	AccountNumber string `json:"accountNumber,omitempty"`
	// Either routing number and account number or only iban must be set
	RoutingNumber string `json:"routingNumber,omitempty"`
	// Two character country code
	CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"`
	Currency    string `json:"currency"`
	AccountName string `json:"accountName"`

CreatePaymentChannel struct for CreatePaymentChannel

type CreatePaymentChannel2

type CreatePaymentChannel2 struct {
	PaymentChannelName string `json:"paymentChannelName,omitempty"`
	// Must match the regular expression “`^[A-Za-z0-9]+$“`. Either routing number and account number or only iban must be set
	Iban string `json:"iban,omitempty"`
	// Either routing number and account number or only iban must be set
	AccountNumber string `json:"accountNumber,omitempty"`
	// Either routing number and account number or only iban must be set
	RoutingNumber string `json:"routingNumber,omitempty"`
	// Two character country code
	CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"`
	Currency    string `json:"currency"`
	AccountName string `json:"accountName"`

CreatePaymentChannel2 struct for CreatePaymentChannel2

type CreatePayorLinkRequest

type CreatePayorLinkRequest struct {
	FromPayorId string `json:"fromPayorId"`
	LinkType    string `json:"linkType"`
	ToPayorId   string `json:"toPayorId"`

CreatePayorLinkRequest struct for CreatePayorLinkRequest

type CreatePayoutRequest

type CreatePayoutRequest struct {
	// Deprecated in v2.16. Any value supplied here will be ignored.
	PayorId string `json:"payorId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the payor whose source account(s) will be debited. payoutFromPayorId and payoutToPayorId must be both supplied or both omitted.
	PayoutFromPayorId string `json:"payoutFromPayorId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the payor whose payees will be paid. payoutFromPayorId and payoutToPayorId must be both supplied or both omitted.
	PayoutToPayorId string `json:"payoutToPayorId,omitempty"`
	// Text applied to all payment memos unless specified explicitly on a payment. This should be the reference field on the statement seen by the payee (but not via ACH)
	PayoutMemo string               `json:"payoutMemo,omitempty"`
	Payments   []PaymentInstruction `json:"payments"`

CreatePayoutRequest struct for CreatePayoutRequest

type CurrenciesApiService

type CurrenciesApiService service

CurrenciesApiService CurrenciesApi service

func (*CurrenciesApiService) ListSupportedCurrencies

ListSupportedCurrencies List Supported Currencies List the supported currencies.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return SupportedCurrencyResponse

type CurrencyType

type CurrencyType struct {
	CurrencyCode string `json:"currencyCode"`

CurrencyType struct for CurrencyType

type Error

type Error struct {
	// verbose message indicating the nature of the error Will be localised
	ErrorMessage string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"`
	// the property or object that caused the error
	Location string `json:"location,omitempty"`
	// the location type in the request that was the cause of the error
	LocationType string `json:"locationType,omitempty"`
	// a camel-cased string that can be used by clients to localise client error messages
	ReasonCode string `json:"reasonCode,omitempty"`

Error struct for Error

type ErrorResponse

type ErrorResponse struct {
	// one or more errors
	Errors *[]Error `json:"errors,omitempty"`
	// a unique identifier to track a request or related sequence of requests
	CorrelationId *string `json:"correlationId,omitempty"`

ErrorResponse Error response returned by all error conditions in Velo Services

type ExportTransactionsCSVV3Opts

type ExportTransactionsCSVV3Opts struct {
	PayorId   optional.Interface
	StartDate optional.String
	EndDate   optional.String

ExportTransactionsCSVV3Opts Optional parameters for the method 'ExportTransactionsCSVV3'

type ExportTransactionsCSVV4Opts

type ExportTransactionsCSVV4Opts struct {
	PayorId           optional.Interface
	StartDate         optional.String
	SubmittedDateFrom optional.String
	Include           optional.String

ExportTransactionsCSVV4Opts Optional parameters for the method 'ExportTransactionsCSVV4'

type FailedSubmission

type FailedSubmission struct {
	FailedSubmission Payee2 `json:"failedSubmission,omitempty"`
	FailureMessage   string `json:"failureMessage,omitempty"`

FailedSubmission struct for FailedSubmission

type FailedSubmission2

type FailedSubmission2 struct {
	FailedSubmission Payee2 `json:"failedSubmission,omitempty"`
	FailureMessage   string `json:"failureMessage,omitempty"`

FailedSubmission2 struct for FailedSubmission2

type FundingAccountResponse

type FundingAccountResponse struct {
	// Funding Account Id
	Id               string   `json:"id,omitempty"`
	PayorId          string   `json:"payorId,omitempty"`
	AccountName      string   `json:"accountName,omitempty"`
	AccountNumber    string   `json:"accountNumber,omitempty"`
	RoutingNumber    string   `json:"routingNumber,omitempty"`
	SourceAccountIds []string `json:"sourceAccountIds,omitempty"`

FundingAccountResponse struct for FundingAccountResponse

type FundingAudit

type FundingAudit struct {
	Amount             float64        `json:"amount,omitempty"`
	DateTime           time.Time      `json:"dateTime,omitempty"`
	Status             string         `json:"status,omitempty"`
	Currency           string         `json:"currency,omitempty"`
	SourceAccountName  string         `json:"sourceAccountName,omitempty"`
	FundingAccountName string         `json:"fundingAccountName,omitempty"`
	FundingType        string         `json:"fundingType,omitempty"`
	Events             []FundingEvent `json:"events,omitempty"`
	TopupType          string         `json:"topupType,omitempty"`

FundingAudit struct for FundingAudit

type FundingEvent

type FundingEvent struct {
	EventId          string           `json:"eventId,omitempty"`
	EventDateTime    time.Time        `json:"eventDateTime,omitempty"`
	FundingEventType FundingEventType `json:"fundingEventType,omitempty"`
	Principal        string           `json:"principal,omitempty"`

FundingEvent struct for FundingEvent

type FundingEventType

type FundingEventType string

FundingEventType the model 'FundingEventType'

const (

List of FundingEventType

type FundingManagerApiService

type FundingManagerApiService service

FundingManagerApiService FundingManagerApi service

func (*FundingManagerApiService) CreateAchFundingRequest

func (a *FundingManagerApiService) CreateAchFundingRequest(ctx _context.Context, sourceAccountId string, fundingRequestV1 FundingRequestV1) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

CreateAchFundingRequest Create Funding Request Instruct a funding request to transfer funds from the payor’s funding bank to the payor’s balance held within Velo.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param sourceAccountId Source account id
  • @param fundingRequestV1 Body to included ammount to be funded

func (*FundingManagerApiService) CreateFundingRequest

func (a *FundingManagerApiService) CreateFundingRequest(ctx _context.Context, sourceAccountId string, fundingRequestV2 FundingRequestV2) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

CreateFundingRequest Create Funding Request Instruct a funding request to transfer funds from the payor’s funding bank to the payor’s balance held within Velo (202 - accepted, 400 - invalid request body, 404 - source account not found).

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param sourceAccountId Source account id
  • @param fundingRequestV2 Body to included ammount to be funded

func (*FundingManagerApiService) GetFundingAccount

func (a *FundingManagerApiService) GetFundingAccount(ctx _context.Context, fundingAccountId string, localVarOptionals *GetFundingAccountOpts) (FundingAccountResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetFundingAccount Get Funding Account Get Funding Account by ID

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param fundingAccountId
  • @param optional nil or *GetFundingAccountOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Sensitive" (optional.Bool) -

@return FundingAccountResponse

func (*FundingManagerApiService) GetFundingAccounts

GetFundingAccounts Get Funding Accounts Get the source accounts.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *GetFundingAccountsOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "PayorId" (optional.Interface of string) -
  • @param "SourceAccountId" (optional.Interface of string) -
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) -
  • @param "Sensitive" (optional.Bool) -

@return ListFundingAccountsResponse

func (*FundingManagerApiService) GetFundingsV1

GetFundingsV1 Get Fundings for Payor Get a list of Fundings for a payor.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *GetFundingsV1Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "PayorId" (optional.Interface of string) - The account owner Payor ID
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) - List of sort fields. Example: ```?sort=destinationCurrency:asc,destinationAmount:asc``` Default is no sort. The supported sort fields are: dateTime and amount.

@return GetFundingsResponse

func (*FundingManagerApiService) GetSourceAccount

func (a *FundingManagerApiService) GetSourceAccount(ctx _context.Context, sourceAccountId string) (SourceAccountResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetSourceAccount Get details about given source account. Get details about given source account.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param sourceAccountId Source account id

@return SourceAccountResponse

func (*FundingManagerApiService) GetSourceAccountV2

func (a *FundingManagerApiService) GetSourceAccountV2(ctx _context.Context, sourceAccountId string) (SourceAccountResponseV2, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetSourceAccountV2 Get details about given source account. Get details about given source account.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param sourceAccountId Source account id

@return SourceAccountResponseV2

func (*FundingManagerApiService) GetSourceAccounts

GetSourceAccounts Get list of source accounts List source accounts.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *GetSourceAccountsOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "PhysicalAccountName" (optional.String) - Physical Account Name
  • @param "PayorId" (optional.Interface of string) - The account owner Payor ID
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) - List of sort fields e.g. ?sort=name:asc Default is name:asc The supported sort fields are - fundingRef

@return ListSourceAccountResponse

func (*FundingManagerApiService) GetSourceAccountsV2

GetSourceAccountsV2 Get list of source accounts List source accounts.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *GetSourceAccountsV2Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "PhysicalAccountName" (optional.String) - Physical Account Name
  • @param "PhysicalAccountId" (optional.Interface of string) - The physical account ID
  • @param "PayorId" (optional.Interface of string) - The account owner Payor ID
  • @param "FundingAccountId" (optional.Interface of string) - The funding account ID
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) - List of sort fields e.g. ?sort=name:asc Default is name:asc The supported sort fields are - fundingRef, name, balance

@return ListSourceAccountResponseV2

func (*FundingManagerApiService) ListFundingAuditDeltas

ListFundingAuditDeltas Get Funding Audit Delta Get funding audit deltas for a payor

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId
  • @param updatedSince
  • @param optional nil or *ListFundingAuditDeltasOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.

@return PageResourceFundingPayorStatusAuditResponseFundingPayorStatusAuditResponse

func (*FundingManagerApiService) SetNotificationsRequest

func (a *FundingManagerApiService) SetNotificationsRequest(ctx _context.Context, sourceAccountId string, setNotificationsRequest SetNotificationsRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

SetNotificationsRequest Set notifications Set notifications for a given source account

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param sourceAccountId Source account id
  • @param setNotificationsRequest Body to included minimum balance to set

func (*FundingManagerApiService) TransferFunds

func (a *FundingManagerApiService) TransferFunds(ctx _context.Context, sourceAccountId string, transferRequest TransferRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

TransferFunds Transfer Funds between source accounts Transfer funds between source accounts for a Payor. The &#39;from&#39; source account is identified in the URL, and is the account which will be debited. The &#39;to&#39; (destination) source account is in the body, and is the account which will be credited. Both source accounts must belong to the same Payor. There must be sufficient balance in the &#39;from&#39; source account, otherwise the transfer attempt will fail.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param sourceAccountId The 'from' source account id, which will be debited
  • @param transferRequest Body

type FundingManagerPrivateApiService

type FundingManagerPrivateApiService service

FundingManagerPrivateApiService FundingManagerPrivateApi service

func (*FundingManagerPrivateApiService) CreateFundingAccount

func (a *FundingManagerPrivateApiService) CreateFundingAccount(ctx _context.Context, localVarOptionals *CreateFundingAccountOpts) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

CreateFundingAccount Create Funding Account Create Funding Account

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *CreateFundingAccountOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "CreateFundingAccountRequest" (optional.Interface of CreateFundingAccountRequest) -

type FundingPayorStatusAuditResponse

type FundingPayorStatusAuditResponse struct {
	FundingId string       `json:"fundingId,omitempty"`
	Amount    int64        `json:"amount,omitempty"`
	Currency  CurrencyType `json:"currency,omitempty"`
	Status    string       `json:"status,omitempty"`

FundingPayorStatusAuditResponse struct for FundingPayorStatusAuditResponse

type FundingRequestV1

type FundingRequestV1 struct {
	// Amount to fund, decimal implied
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`

FundingRequestV1 struct for FundingRequestV1

type FundingRequestV2

type FundingRequestV2 struct {
	// Amount to fund, decimal implied
	Amount int64 `json:"amount"`

FundingRequestV2 struct for FundingRequestV2

type FxSummaryV3

type FxSummaryV3 struct {
	QuoteId            string                 `json:"quoteId"`
	CreationDateTime   time.Time              `json:"creationDateTime"`
	Rate               float32                `json:"rate"`
	InvertedRate       float32                `json:"invertedRate"`
	TotalCost          int32                  `json:"totalCost"`
	TotalPaymentAmount int32                  `json:"totalPaymentAmount"`
	SourceCurrency     PaymentAuditCurrencyV3 `json:"sourceCurrency,omitempty"`
	PaymentCurrency    PaymentAuditCurrencyV3 `json:"paymentCurrency,omitempty"`
	Status             string                 `json:"status"`
	FundingStatus      string                 `json:"fundingStatus"`

FxSummaryV3 struct for FxSummaryV3

type FxSummaryV4

type FxSummaryV4 struct {
	QuoteId            string                 `json:"quoteId"`
	CreationDateTime   time.Time              `json:"creationDateTime"`
	Rate               float64                `json:"rate"`
	InvertedRate       float64                `json:"invertedRate"`
	TotalCost          int32                  `json:"totalCost"`
	TotalPaymentAmount int32                  `json:"totalPaymentAmount"`
	SourceCurrency     PaymentAuditCurrencyV4 `json:"sourceCurrency,omitempty"`
	PaymentCurrency    PaymentAuditCurrencyV4 `json:"paymentCurrency,omitempty"`
	Status             string                 `json:"status"`
	FundingStatus      string                 `json:"fundingStatus"`

FxSummaryV4 struct for FxSummaryV4

type GenericOpenAPIError

type GenericOpenAPIError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GenericOpenAPIError Provides access to the body, error and model on returned errors.

func (GenericOpenAPIError) Body

func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Body() []byte

Body returns the raw bytes of the response

func (GenericOpenAPIError) Error

func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Error() string

Error returns non-empty string if there was an error.

func (GenericOpenAPIError) Model

func (e GenericOpenAPIError) Model() interface{}

Model returns the unpacked model of the error

type GetFundingAccountOpts

type GetFundingAccountOpts struct {
	Sensitive optional.Bool

GetFundingAccountOpts Optional parameters for the method 'GetFundingAccount'

type GetFundingAccountsOpts

type GetFundingAccountsOpts struct {
	PayorId         optional.Interface
	SourceAccountId optional.Interface
	Page            optional.Int32
	PageSize        optional.Int32
	Sort            optional.String
	Sensitive       optional.Bool

GetFundingAccountsOpts Optional parameters for the method 'GetFundingAccounts'

type GetFundingsResponse

type GetFundingsResponse struct {
	Page    PagedResponsePage        `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []map[string]interface{} `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []FundingAudit           `json:"content,omitempty"`

GetFundingsResponse struct for GetFundingsResponse

type GetFundingsResponseAllOf

type GetFundingsResponseAllOf struct {
	Content []FundingAudit `json:"content,omitempty"`

GetFundingsResponseAllOf struct for GetFundingsResponseAllOf

type GetFundingsV1Opts

type GetFundingsV1Opts struct {
	PayorId  optional.Interface
	Page     optional.Int32
	PageSize optional.Int32
	Sort     optional.String

GetFundingsV1Opts Optional parameters for the method 'GetFundingsV1'

type GetPayeeByIdV1Opts

type GetPayeeByIdV1Opts struct {
	Sensitive optional.Bool

GetPayeeByIdV1Opts Optional parameters for the method 'GetPayeeByIdV1'

type GetPayeeByIdV2Opts

type GetPayeeByIdV2Opts struct {
	Sensitive optional.Bool

GetPayeeByIdV2Opts Optional parameters for the method 'GetPayeeByIdV2'

type GetPayeeByIdV3Opts

type GetPayeeByIdV3Opts struct {
	Sensitive optional.Bool

GetPayeeByIdV3Opts Optional parameters for the method 'GetPayeeByIdV3'

type GetPayeesInvitationStatusV2Opts

type GetPayeesInvitationStatusV2Opts struct {
	PayeeId          optional.Interface
	InvitationStatus optional.Interface
	Page             optional.Int32
	PageSize         optional.Int32

GetPayeesInvitationStatusV2Opts Optional parameters for the method 'GetPayeesInvitationStatusV2'

type GetPayeesInvitationStatusV3Opts

type GetPayeesInvitationStatusV3Opts struct {
	PayeeId          optional.Interface
	InvitationStatus optional.Interface
	Page             optional.Int32
	PageSize         optional.Int32

GetPayeesInvitationStatusV3Opts Optional parameters for the method 'GetPayeesInvitationStatusV3'

type GetPaymentDetailsOpts

type GetPaymentDetailsOpts struct {
	Sensitive optional.Bool

GetPaymentDetailsOpts Optional parameters for the method 'GetPaymentDetails'

type GetPaymentDetailsV4Opts

type GetPaymentDetailsV4Opts struct {
	Sensitive optional.Bool

GetPaymentDetailsV4Opts Optional parameters for the method 'GetPaymentDetailsV4'

type GetPaymentsForPayoutOpts

type GetPaymentsForPayoutOpts struct {
	RemoteId          optional.String
	Status            optional.String
	SourceAmountFrom  optional.Int32
	SourceAmountTo    optional.Int32
	PaymentAmountFrom optional.Int32
	PaymentAmountTo   optional.Int32
	SubmittedDateFrom optional.String
	SubmittedDateTo   optional.String
	Page              optional.Int32
	PageSize          optional.Int32
	Sort              optional.String
	Sensitive         optional.Bool

GetPaymentsForPayoutOpts Optional parameters for the method 'GetPaymentsForPayout'

type GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3

type GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3 struct {
	Summary GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3Summary `json:"summary,omitempty"`
	Page    GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3Page    `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []GetPayoutsResponseV3Links           `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []PaymentResponseV3                   `json:"content,omitempty"`

GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3 List Payments for payout

type GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3Page

type GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3Page struct {
	NumberOfElements int32 `json:"numberOfElements,omitempty"`
	TotalElements    int32 `json:"totalElements,omitempty"`
	TotalPages       int32 `json:"totalPages,omitempty"`
	Page             int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	PageSize         int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3Page struct for GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3Page

type GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3Summary

type GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3Summary struct {
	// The current status of the payout.
	PayoutStatus string `json:"payoutStatus,omitempty"`
	// The date/time at which the payout was submitted.
	SubmittedDateTime time.Time `json:"submittedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// The date/time at which the payout was instructed.
	InstructedDateTime time.Time `json:"instructedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// The date/time at which the payout was withdrawn.
	WithdrawnDateTime time.Time `json:"withdrawnDateTime,omitempty"`
	// The memo attached to the payout.
	PayoutMemo string `json:"payoutMemo,omitempty"`
	// The count of payments within the payout.
	TotalPayments int32 `json:"totalPayments,omitempty"`
	// The count of payments within the payout which have been confirmed.
	ConfirmedPayments int32 `json:"confirmedPayments,omitempty"`
	// The count of payments within the payout which have been released.
	ReleasedPayments int32 `json:"releasedPayments,omitempty"`
	// The count of payments within the payout which are incomplete.
	IncompletePayments int32 `json:"incompletePayments,omitempty"`
	// The count of payments within the payout which have failed or been returned.
	FailedPayments int32 `json:"failedPayments,omitempty"`

GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3Summary struct for GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3Summary

type GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV4

type GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV4 struct {
	Summary GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV4Summary  `json:"summary,omitempty"`
	Page    PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponsePage `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []PagedPayeeResponseLinks              `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []PaymentResponseV4                    `json:"content,omitempty"`

GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV4 List Payments for payout

type GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV4Summary

type GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV4Summary struct {
	// The current status of the payout.
	PayoutStatus string `json:"payoutStatus,omitempty"`
	// The date/time at which the payout was submitted.
	SubmittedDateTime time.Time `json:"submittedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// The date/time at which the payout was instructed.
	InstructedDateTime time.Time `json:"instructedDateTime,omitempty"`
	WithdrawnDateTime  time.Time `json:"withdrawnDateTime,omitempty"`
	// The date/time at which the payout was quoted.
	QuotedDateTime time.Time `json:"quotedDateTime,omitempty"`
	// The memo attached to the payout.
	PayoutMemo string `json:"payoutMemo,omitempty"`
	// The count of payments within the payout.
	TotalPayments int32 `json:"totalPayments,omitempty"`
	// The count of payments within the payout which have been confirmed.
	ConfirmedPayments int32 `json:"confirmedPayments,omitempty"`
	// The count of payments within the payout which have been released.
	ReleasedPayments int32 `json:"releasedPayments,omitempty"`
	// The count of payments within the payout which are incomplete.
	IncompletePayments int32 `json:"incompletePayments,omitempty"`
	// The count of payments within the payout which have been returned.
	ReturnedPayments int32             `json:"returnedPayments,omitempty"`
	PayoutType       PayoutTypeV4      `json:"payoutType,omitempty"`
	Submitting       PayoutPayorV4     `json:"submitting,omitempty"`
	PayoutFrom       PayoutPayorV4     `json:"payoutFrom,omitempty"`
	PayoutTo         PayoutPayorV4     `json:"payoutTo,omitempty"`
	Quoted           PayoutPrincipalV4 `json:"quoted,omitempty"`
	Instructed       PayoutPrincipalV4 `json:"instructed,omitempty"`
	Withdrawn        PayoutPrincipalV4 `json:"withdrawn,omitempty"`

GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV4Summary struct for GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV4Summary

type GetPaymentsForPayoutV4Opts

type GetPaymentsForPayoutV4Opts struct {
	RemoteId          optional.String
	Status            optional.String
	SourceAmountFrom  optional.Int32
	SourceAmountTo    optional.Int32
	PaymentAmountFrom optional.Int32
	PaymentAmountTo   optional.Int32
	SubmittedDateFrom optional.String
	SubmittedDateTo   optional.String
	Page              optional.Int32
	PageSize          optional.Int32
	Sort              optional.String
	Sensitive         optional.Bool

GetPaymentsForPayoutV4Opts Optional parameters for the method 'GetPaymentsForPayoutV4'

type GetPayoutApiService

type GetPayoutApiService service

GetPayoutApiService GetPayoutApi service

func (*GetPayoutApiService) V3PayoutsPayoutIdGet

func (a *GetPayoutApiService) V3PayoutsPayoutIdGet(ctx _context.Context, payoutId string) (PayoutSummaryResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

V3PayoutsPayoutIdGet Get Payout Summary Get payout summary - returns the current state of the payout.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payoutId Id of the payout

@return PayoutSummaryResponse

type GetPayoutStatistics

type GetPayoutStatistics struct {
	ThisMonthPayoutsCount        int32 `json:"thisMonthPayoutsCount"`
	ThisMonthFailedPaymentsCount int32 `json:"thisMonthFailedPaymentsCount"`

GetPayoutStatistics struct for GetPayoutStatistics

type GetPayoutStatsV1Opts

type GetPayoutStatsV1Opts struct {
	PayorId optional.Interface

GetPayoutStatsV1Opts Optional parameters for the method 'GetPayoutStatsV1'

type GetPayoutsForPayorV3Opts

type GetPayoutsForPayorV3Opts struct {
	PayoutMemo        optional.String
	Status            optional.String
	SubmittedDateFrom optional.String
	SubmittedDateTo   optional.String
	Page              optional.Int32
	PageSize          optional.Int32
	Sort              optional.String

GetPayoutsForPayorV3Opts Optional parameters for the method 'GetPayoutsForPayorV3'

type GetPayoutsForPayorV4Opts

type GetPayoutsForPayorV4Opts struct {
	PayorId           optional.Interface
	PayoutMemo        optional.String
	Status            optional.String
	SubmittedDateFrom optional.String
	SubmittedDateTo   optional.String
	FromPayorName     optional.String
	Page              optional.Int32
	PageSize          optional.Int32
	Sort              optional.String

GetPayoutsForPayorV4Opts Optional parameters for the method 'GetPayoutsForPayorV4'

type GetPayoutsResponseV3

type GetPayoutsResponseV3 struct {
	Page    GetPayoutsResponseV3Page    `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []GetPayoutsResponseV3Links `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []PayoutSummaryAuditV3      `json:"content,omitempty"`

GetPayoutsResponseV3 List Payouts Response

type GetPayoutsResponseV3Links struct {
	Rel  string `json:"rel,omitempty"`
	Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`

GetPayoutsResponseV3Links struct for GetPayoutsResponseV3Links

type GetPayoutsResponseV3Page

type GetPayoutsResponseV3Page struct {
	NumberOfElements int32 `json:"numberOfElements,omitempty"`
	TotalElements    int32 `json:"totalElements,omitempty"`
	TotalPages       int32 `json:"totalPages,omitempty"`
	Page             int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	PageSize         int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

GetPayoutsResponseV3Page struct for GetPayoutsResponseV3Page

type GetPayoutsResponseV4

type GetPayoutsResponseV4 struct {
	Page    PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponsePage `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []PagedPayeeResponseLinks              `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []PayoutSummaryAuditV4                 `json:"content,omitempty"`

GetPayoutsResponseV4 List Payouts Response

type GetSourceAccountsOpts

type GetSourceAccountsOpts struct {
	PhysicalAccountName optional.String
	PayorId             optional.Interface
	Page                optional.Int32
	PageSize            optional.Int32
	Sort                optional.String

GetSourceAccountsOpts Optional parameters for the method 'GetSourceAccounts'

type GetSourceAccountsV2Opts

type GetSourceAccountsV2Opts struct {
	PhysicalAccountName optional.String
	PhysicalAccountId   optional.Interface
	PayorId             optional.Interface
	FundingAccountId    optional.Interface
	Page                optional.Int32
	PageSize            optional.Int32
	Sort                optional.String

GetSourceAccountsV2Opts Optional parameters for the method 'GetSourceAccountsV2'

type Individual

type Individual struct {
	Name IndividualV1Name `json:"name"`
	// If not authorized to view, value will be masked. Example: XXXXX1234
	NationalIdentification string `json:"nationalIdentification,omitempty"`
	// If not authorized to view, value will be masked. Example: - XXXX-XX-XX
	DateOfBirth string `json:"dateOfBirth"`

Individual struct for Individual

type Individual2

type Individual2 struct {
	Name IndividualV1Name `json:"name"`
	// If not authorized to view, value will be masked. Example: XXXXX1234
	NationalIdentification string `json:"nationalIdentification,omitempty"`
	// If not authorized to view, value will be masked. Example: - XXXX-XX-XX
	DateOfBirth string `json:"dateOfBirth"`

Individual2 struct for Individual2

type IndividualResponse

type IndividualResponse struct {
	Name IndividualV1Name `json:"name"`

IndividualResponse struct for IndividualResponse

type IndividualV1

type IndividualV1 struct {
	Name IndividualV1Name `json:"name"`
	// If not authorized to view, value will be masked. Example: XXXXX1234
	NationalIdentification string `json:"nationalIdentification,omitempty"`
	// If not authorized to view, value will be masked. Example: - XXXX-XX-XX
	DateOfBirth string `json:"dateOfBirth"`

IndividualV1 struct for IndividualV1

type IndividualV1Name

type IndividualV1Name struct {
	Title      string `json:"title,omitempty"`
	FirstName  string `json:"firstName"`
	OtherNames string `json:"otherNames,omitempty"`
	LastName   string `json:"lastName"`

IndividualV1Name struct for IndividualV1Name

type InlineResponse400

type InlineResponse400 struct {
	// one or more errors
	Errors *[]InlineResponse400Errors `json:"errors,omitempty"`
	// a unique identifier to track a request or related sequence of requests
	CorrelationId *string `json:"correlationId,omitempty"`

InlineResponse400 struct for InlineResponse400

type InlineResponse400Errors

type InlineResponse400Errors struct {
	// verbose message indicating the nature of the error Will be localised
	ErrorMessage string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"`
	// the property or object that caused the error
	Location     string       `json:"location,omitempty"`
	LocationType LocationType `json:"locationType,omitempty"`
	// a camel-cased string that can be used by clients to localise client error messages
	ReasonCode string `json:"reasonCode,omitempty"`

InlineResponse400Errors struct for InlineResponse400Errors

type InlineResponse401

type InlineResponse401 struct {
	// one or more errors
	Errors *[]InlineResponse401Errors `json:"errors,omitempty"`
	// a unique identifier to track a request or related sequence of requests
	CorrelationId *string `json:"correlationId,omitempty"`

InlineResponse401 struct for InlineResponse401

type InlineResponse401Errors

type InlineResponse401Errors struct {
	// verbose message indicating the nature of the error Will be localised
	ErrorMessage string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"`
	// the property or object that caused the error
	Location     string       `json:"location,omitempty"`
	LocationType LocationType `json:"locationType,omitempty"`
	// a camel-cased string that can be used by clients to localise client error messages
	ReasonCode string `json:"reasonCode,omitempty"`

InlineResponse401Errors struct for InlineResponse401Errors

type InlineResponse403

type InlineResponse403 struct {
	// one or more errors
	Errors *[]InlineResponse403Errors `json:"errors,omitempty"`
	// a unique identifier to track a request or related sequence of requests
	CorrelationId *string `json:"correlationId,omitempty"`

InlineResponse403 struct for InlineResponse403

type InlineResponse403Errors

type InlineResponse403Errors struct {
	// verbose message indicating the nature of the error Will be localised
	ErrorMessage string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"`
	// the property or object that caused the error
	Location     string       `json:"location,omitempty"`
	LocationType LocationType `json:"locationType,omitempty"`
	// a camel-cased string that can be used by clients to localise client error messages
	ReasonCode string `json:"reasonCode,omitempty"`

InlineResponse403Errors struct for InlineResponse403Errors

type InlineResponse409

type InlineResponse409 struct {
	// one or more errors
	Errors *[]InlineResponse409Errors `json:"errors,omitempty"`
	// a unique identifier to track a request or related sequence of requests
	CorrelationId *string `json:"correlationId,omitempty"`

InlineResponse409 struct for InlineResponse409

type InlineResponse409Errors

type InlineResponse409Errors struct {
	// verbose message indicating the nature of the error Will be localised
	ErrorMessage string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"`
	// the property or object that caused the error
	Location     string       `json:"location,omitempty"`
	LocationType LocationType `json:"locationType,omitempty"`
	// a camel-cased string that can be used by clients to localise client error messages
	ReasonCode string `json:"reasonCode,omitempty"`

InlineResponse409Errors struct for InlineResponse409Errors

type InstructPayoutApiService

type InstructPayoutApiService service

InstructPayoutApiService InstructPayoutApi service

func (*InstructPayoutApiService) V3PayoutsPayoutIdPost

func (a *InstructPayoutApiService) V3PayoutsPayoutIdPost(ctx _context.Context, payoutId string) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

V3PayoutsPayoutIdPost Instruct Payout Instruct a payout to be made for the specified payoutId.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payoutId Id of the payout

type InvitationStatus

type InvitationStatus string

InvitationStatus the model 'InvitationStatus'

const (
	ACCEPTED InvitationStatus = "ACCEPTED"
	PENDING  InvitationStatus = "PENDING"
	DECLINED InvitationStatus = "DECLINED"

List of InvitationStatus

type InvitationStatusResponse

type InvitationStatusResponse struct {
	PayeeInvitationStatuses []PayeeInvitationStatus `json:"payeeInvitationStatuses"`

InvitationStatusResponse struct for InvitationStatusResponse

type InvitePayeeRequest

type InvitePayeeRequest struct {
	PayorId string `json:"payorId"`

InvitePayeeRequest struct for InvitePayeeRequest

type InvitePayeeRequest2

type InvitePayeeRequest2 struct {
	PayorId string `json:"payorId"`

InvitePayeeRequest2 struct for InvitePayeeRequest2

type InviteUserRequest

type InviteUserRequest struct {
	// the email address of the invited user
	Email string `json:"email"`
	// <p>The MFA type that the user will use</p> <p>The type may be conditional on the role(s) the user has</p>
	MfaType string `json:"mfaType"`
	// The phone number of a device that the user can receive sms messages on
	SmsNumber string `json:"smsNumber"`
	// The main contact number for the user
	PrimaryContactNumber string `json:"primaryContactNumber"`
	// The secondary contact number for the user
	SecondaryContactNumber *string `json:"secondaryContactNumber,omitempty"`
	// The role(s) for the user The role must exist The role can be a custom role or a system role but the invoker must have the permissions to assign the role System roles are: backoffice.admin, payor.master_admin, payor.admin,
	Roles     []string `json:"roles"`
	FirstName string   `json:"firstName,omitempty"`
	LastName  string   `json:"lastName,omitempty"`
	// The payorId or null if the user is not a payor user
	EntityId *string `json:"entityId,omitempty"`
	// Optional property that MUST be suppied when manually verifying a user The user's smsNumber is registered via a separate endpoint and an OTP sent to them
	VerificationCode *string `json:"verificationCode,omitempty"`

InviteUserRequest struct for InviteUserRequest

type KycState

type KycState string

KycState The kyc state of the payor.

const (

List of KycState

type Language

type Language string

Language Available Payee Language codes

const (
	AR Language = "AR"
	EN Language = "EN"
	ES Language = "ES"
	FR Language = "FR"
	HE Language = "HE"
	HI Language = "HI"
	JA Language = "JA"
	PT Language = "PT"
	RU Language = "RU"
	UR Language = "UR"
	ZH Language = "ZH"

List of Language

type Language2

type Language2 string

Language2 Available Payee Language codes

const (
	LANGUAGE_2_AR Language2 = "AR"
	LANGUAGE_2_EN Language2 = "EN"
	LANGUAGE_2_ES Language2 = "ES"
	LANGUAGE_2_FR Language2 = "FR"
	LANGUAGE_2_HE Language2 = "HE"
	LANGUAGE_2_HI Language2 = "HI"
	LANGUAGE_2_JA Language2 = "JA"
	LANGUAGE_2_PT Language2 = "PT"
	LANGUAGE_2_RU Language2 = "RU"
	LANGUAGE_2_UR Language2 = "UR"
	LANGUAGE_2_ZH Language2 = "ZH"

List of Language_2

type LinkForResponse

type LinkForResponse struct {
	Rel  string `json:"rel,omitempty"`
	Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`

LinkForResponse struct for LinkForResponse

type ListFundingAccountsResponse

type ListFundingAccountsResponse struct {
	Page    ListSourceAccountResponsePage    `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []ListSourceAccountResponseLinks `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []FundingAccountResponse         `json:"content,omitempty"`

ListFundingAccountsResponse List Source Accounts Response Object

type ListFundingAuditDeltasOpts

type ListFundingAuditDeltasOpts struct {
	Page     optional.Int32
	PageSize optional.Int32

ListFundingAuditDeltasOpts Optional parameters for the method 'ListFundingAuditDeltas'

type ListPayeeChangesOpts

type ListPayeeChangesOpts struct {
	Page     optional.Int32
	PageSize optional.Int32

ListPayeeChangesOpts Optional parameters for the method 'ListPayeeChanges'

type ListPayeeChangesV3Opts

type ListPayeeChangesV3Opts struct {
	Page     optional.Int32
	PageSize optional.Int32

ListPayeeChangesV3Opts Optional parameters for the method 'ListPayeeChangesV3'

type ListPayeesV1Opts

type ListPayeesV1Opts struct {
	OfacStatus      optional.Interface
	OnboardedStatus optional.Interface
	Email           optional.Interface
	DisplayName     optional.String
	RemoteId        optional.String
	PayeeType       optional.Interface
	PayeeCountry    optional.String
	Page            optional.Int32
	PageSize        optional.Int32
	Sort            optional.String

ListPayeesV1Opts Optional parameters for the method 'ListPayeesV1'

type ListPayeesV3Opts

type ListPayeesV3Opts struct {
	OfacStatus      optional.Interface
	OnboardedStatus optional.Interface
	Email           optional.Interface
	DisplayName     optional.String
	RemoteId        optional.String
	PayeeType       optional.Interface
	PayeeCountry    optional.String
	Page            optional.Int32
	PageSize        optional.Int32
	Sort            optional.String

ListPayeesV3Opts Optional parameters for the method 'ListPayeesV3'

type ListPaymentChangesOpts

type ListPaymentChangesOpts struct {
	Page     optional.Int32
	PageSize optional.Int32

ListPaymentChangesOpts Optional parameters for the method 'ListPaymentChanges'

type ListPaymentsAuditOpts

type ListPaymentsAuditOpts struct {
	PayeeId           optional.Interface
	PayorId           optional.Interface
	PayorName         optional.String
	RemoteId          optional.String
	Status            optional.String
	SourceAccountName optional.String
	SourceAmountFrom  optional.Int32
	SourceAmountTo    optional.Int32
	SourceCurrency    optional.String
	PaymentAmountFrom optional.Int32
	PaymentAmountTo   optional.Int32
	PaymentCurrency   optional.String
	SubmittedDateFrom optional.String
	SubmittedDateTo   optional.String
	PaymentMemo       optional.String
	Page              optional.Int32
	PageSize          optional.Int32
	Sort              optional.String
	Sensitive         optional.Bool

ListPaymentsAuditOpts Optional parameters for the method 'ListPaymentsAudit'

type ListPaymentsAuditV4Opts

type ListPaymentsAuditV4Opts struct {
	PayeeId           optional.Interface
	PayorId           optional.Interface
	PayorName         optional.String
	RemoteId          optional.String
	Status            optional.String
	SourceAccountName optional.String
	SourceAmountFrom  optional.Int32
	SourceAmountTo    optional.Int32
	SourceCurrency    optional.String
	PaymentAmountFrom optional.Int32
	PaymentAmountTo   optional.Int32
	PaymentCurrency   optional.String
	SubmittedDateFrom optional.String
	SubmittedDateTo   optional.String
	PaymentMemo       optional.String
	Page              optional.Int32
	PageSize          optional.Int32
	Sort              optional.String
	Sensitive         optional.Bool

ListPaymentsAuditV4Opts Optional parameters for the method 'ListPaymentsAuditV4'

type ListPaymentsResponse

type ListPaymentsResponse struct {
	Page    ListPaymentsResponsePage    `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []GetPayoutsResponseV3Links `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []PaymentResponseV3         `json:"content,omitempty"`

ListPaymentsResponse List Payments Response Object

type ListPaymentsResponsePage

type ListPaymentsResponsePage struct {
	NumberOfElements int32 `json:"numberOfElements,omitempty"`
	TotalElements    int32 `json:"totalElements,omitempty"`
	TotalPages       int32 `json:"totalPages,omitempty"`
	Page             int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	PageSize         int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

ListPaymentsResponsePage struct for ListPaymentsResponsePage

type ListPaymentsResponseV4

type ListPaymentsResponseV4 struct {
	Page    ListPaymentsResponsePage    `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []GetPayoutsResponseV3Links `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []PaymentResponseV4         `json:"content,omitempty"`

ListPaymentsResponseV4 List Payments Response Object

type ListSourceAccountResponse

type ListSourceAccountResponse struct {
	Page    ListSourceAccountResponsePage    `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []ListSourceAccountResponseLinks `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []SourceAccountResponse          `json:"content,omitempty"`

ListSourceAccountResponse List Source Accounts Response Object

type ListSourceAccountResponseLinks struct {
	Rel  string `json:"rel,omitempty"`
	Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`

ListSourceAccountResponseLinks struct for ListSourceAccountResponseLinks

type ListSourceAccountResponsePage

type ListSourceAccountResponsePage struct {
	NumberOfElements int32 `json:"numberOfElements,omitempty"`
	TotalElements    int32 `json:"totalElements,omitempty"`
	TotalPages       int32 `json:"totalPages,omitempty"`
	Page             int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	PageSize         int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

ListSourceAccountResponsePage struct for ListSourceAccountResponsePage

type ListSourceAccountResponseV2

type ListSourceAccountResponseV2 struct {
	Page    PagedUserResponsePage            `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []ListSourceAccountResponseLinks `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []SourceAccountResponseV2        `json:"content,omitempty"`

ListSourceAccountResponseV2 List Source Accounts Response Object

type ListUsersOpts

type ListUsersOpts struct {
	Type_    optional.Interface
	Status   optional.Interface
	EntityId optional.Interface
	Page     optional.Int32
	PageSize optional.Int32
	Sort     optional.String

ListUsersOpts Optional parameters for the method 'ListUsers'

type LocationType

type LocationType string

LocationType the location type in the request that was the cause of the error

const (
	REQUEST_BODY  LocationType = "requestBody"
	QUERY_PARAM   LocationType = "queryParam"
	REQUEST_PARAM LocationType = "requestParam"
	HEADER        LocationType = "header"
	PATH_PARAM    LocationType = "pathParam"

List of LocationType

type LoginApiService

type LoginApiService service

LoginApiService LoginApi service

func (*LoginApiService) Logout

Logout Logout &lt;p&gt;Given a valid access token in the header then log out the authenticated user or client &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Will revoke the token&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

func (*LoginApiService) ResetPassword

func (a *LoginApiService) ResetPassword(ctx _context.Context, resetPasswordRequest ResetPasswordRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

ResetPassword Reset password &lt;p&gt;Reset password &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;An email with an embedded link will be sent to the receipient of the email address &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The link will contain a token to be used for resetting the password &lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param resetPasswordRequest An Email address to send the reset password link to

func (*LoginApiService) ValidateAccessToken

func (a *LoginApiService) ValidateAccessToken(ctx _context.Context, accessTokenValidationRequest AccessTokenValidationRequest) (AccessTokenResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ValidateAccessToken validate &lt;p&gt;The second part of login involves validating using an MFA device&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;An access token with PRE_AUTH authorities is required&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param accessTokenValidationRequest An OTP from the user's registered MFA Device

@return AccessTokenResponse

func (*LoginApiService) VeloAuth

func (a *LoginApiService) VeloAuth(ctx _context.Context, localVarOptionals *VeloAuthOpts) (AuthResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

VeloAuth Authentication endpoint Use this endpoint to obtain an access token for calling Velo Payments APIs. Use HTTP Basic Auth. String value of Basic and a Base64 endcoded string comprising the API key (e.g. 44a9537d-d55d-4b47-8082-14061c2bcdd8) and API secret (e.g. c396b26b-137a-44fd-87f5-34631f8fd529) with a colon between them. E.g. Basic 44a9537d-d55d-4b47-8082-14061c2bcdd8:c396b26b-137a-44fd-87f5-34631f8fd529

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *VeloAuthOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "GrantType" (optional.String) - OAuth grant type. Should use 'client_credentials'

@return AuthResponse

type MarketingOptIn

type MarketingOptIn struct {
	OptedIn   bool      `json:"optedIn,omitempty"`
	Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`

MarketingOptIn struct for MarketingOptIn

type MfaDetails

type MfaDetails struct {
	MfaType *MfaType `json:"mfa_type,omitempty"`
	// true if the user has used the MFA device for login
	Verified bool `json:"verified,omitempty"`

MfaDetails struct for MfaDetails

type MfaType

type MfaType string

MfaType The type of the MFA device

const (
	SMS     MfaType = "SMS"
	TOTP    MfaType = "TOTP"

List of MFAType

type Notifications

type Notifications struct {
	MinimumBalance int32 `json:"minimumBalance,omitempty"`

Notifications struct for Notifications

type OfacStatus

type OfacStatus string

OfacStatus the model 'OfacStatus'

const (

List of OfacStatus

type OfacStatus2

type OfacStatus2 string

OfacStatus2 the model 'OfacStatus2'

const (

List of OfacStatus_2

type OnboardedStatus

type OnboardedStatus string

OnboardedStatus the model 'OnboardedStatus'

const (
	CREATED    OnboardedStatus = "CREATED"
	INVITED    OnboardedStatus = "INVITED"
	ONBOARDED  OnboardedStatus = "ONBOARDED"

List of OnboardedStatus

type OnboardedStatus2

type OnboardedStatus2 string

OnboardedStatus2 the model 'OnboardedStatus2'

const (

List of OnboardedStatus_2

type PageForResponse

type PageForResponse struct {
	NumberOfElements int32 `json:"numberOfElements,omitempty"`
	TotalElements    int64 `json:"totalElements,omitempty"`
	TotalPages       int32 `json:"totalPages,omitempty"`
	Page             int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	PageSize         int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

PageForResponse struct for PageForResponse

type PageResourceFundingPayorStatusAuditResponseFundingPayorStatusAuditResponse

type PageResourceFundingPayorStatusAuditResponseFundingPayorStatusAuditResponse struct {
	Links   []LinkForResponse                 `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Page    PageForResponse                   `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Content []FundingPayorStatusAuditResponse `json:"content,omitempty"`

PageResourceFundingPayorStatusAuditResponseFundingPayorStatusAuditResponse struct for PageResourceFundingPayorStatusAuditResponseFundingPayorStatusAuditResponse

type PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponse

type PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponse struct {
	Page    PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponsePage `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []PagedPayeeResponseLinks              `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []PayeeInvitationStatusResponse        `json:"content,omitempty"`

PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponse List Payees Invitation Status Object

type PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponse2

type PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponse2 struct {
	Page    PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponsePage `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []PagedPayeeResponseLinks              `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []PayeeInvitationStatusResponse2       `json:"content,omitempty"`

PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponse2 List Payees Invitation Status Object

type PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponsePage

type PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponsePage struct {
	NumberOfElements int32 `json:"numberOfElements,omitempty"`
	TotalElements    int32 `json:"totalElements,omitempty"`
	TotalPages       int32 `json:"totalPages,omitempty"`
	Page             int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	PageSize         int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponsePage struct for PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponsePage

type PagedPayeeResponse

type PagedPayeeResponse struct {
	Summary PagedPayeeResponseSummary `json:"summary,omitempty"`
	Page    PagedPayeeResponsePage    `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []PagedPayeeResponseLinks `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []PayeeResponse           `json:"content,omitempty"`

PagedPayeeResponse List Payees Response Object

type PagedPayeeResponse2

type PagedPayeeResponse2 struct {
	Summary PagedPayeeResponse2Summary `json:"summary,omitempty"`
	Page    PagedPayeeResponsePage     `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []PagedPayeeResponseLinks  `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []PayeeResponse2           `json:"content,omitempty"`

PagedPayeeResponse2 List Payees Response Object

type PagedPayeeResponse2Summary

type PagedPayeeResponse2Summary struct {
	TotalPayeesCount          int32 `json:"totalPayeesCount,omitempty"`
	TotalInvitedCount         int32 `json:"totalInvitedCount,omitempty"`
	TotalRegisteredCount      int32 `json:"totalRegisteredCount,omitempty"`
	TotalOnboardedCount       int32 `json:"totalOnboardedCount,omitempty"`
	TotalWatchlistFailedCount int32 `json:"totalWatchlistFailedCount,omitempty"`

PagedPayeeResponse2Summary struct for PagedPayeeResponse2Summary

type PagedPayeeResponseLinks struct {
	Rel  string `json:"rel,omitempty"`
	Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`

PagedPayeeResponseLinks struct for PagedPayeeResponseLinks

type PagedPayeeResponsePage

type PagedPayeeResponsePage struct {
	NumberOfElements int32 `json:"numberOfElements,omitempty"`
	TotalElements    int32 `json:"totalElements,omitempty"`
	TotalPages       int32 `json:"totalPages,omitempty"`
	Page             int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	PageSize         int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

PagedPayeeResponsePage struct for PagedPayeeResponsePage

type PagedPayeeResponseSummary

type PagedPayeeResponseSummary struct {
	TotalPayeesCount     int32 `json:"totalPayeesCount,omitempty"`
	TotalInvitedCount    int32 `json:"totalInvitedCount,omitempty"`
	TotalRegisteredCount int32 `json:"totalRegisteredCount,omitempty"`
	TotalOnboardedCount  int32 `json:"totalOnboardedCount,omitempty"`
	TotalOfacFailedCount int32 `json:"totalOfacFailedCount,omitempty"`

PagedPayeeResponseSummary struct for PagedPayeeResponseSummary

type PagedResponse

type PagedResponse struct {
	Page  PagedResponsePage        `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links []map[string]interface{} `json:"links,omitempty"`

PagedResponse struct for PagedResponse

type PagedResponsePage

type PagedResponsePage struct {
	NumberOfElements int64 `json:"numberOfElements,omitempty"`
	TotalElements    int64 `json:"totalElements,omitempty"`
	TotalPages       int64 `json:"totalPages,omitempty"`
	Page             int64 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	PageSize         int64 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

PagedResponsePage struct for PagedResponsePage

type PagedUserResponse

type PagedUserResponse struct {
	Page    PagedUserResponsePage    `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []PagedUserResponseLinks `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []UserResponse           `json:"content,omitempty"`

PagedUserResponse List Users Response Object

type PagedUserResponseLinks struct {
	Rel  string `json:"rel,omitempty"`
	Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`

PagedUserResponseLinks struct for PagedUserResponseLinks

type PagedUserResponsePage

type PagedUserResponsePage struct {
	NumberOfElements int32 `json:"numberOfElements,omitempty"`
	TotalElements    int32 `json:"totalElements,omitempty"`
	TotalPages       int32 `json:"totalPages,omitempty"`
	Page             int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	PageSize         int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

PagedUserResponsePage struct for PagedUserResponsePage

type PasswordRequest

type PasswordRequest struct {
	// a password that passes validation
	Password string `json:"password"`

PasswordRequest struct for PasswordRequest

type Payee

type Payee struct {
	PayeeId        string              `json:"payeeId,omitempty"`
	PayorRefs      *[]PayeePayorRef    `json:"payorRefs,omitempty"`
	Email          *string             `json:"email,omitempty"`
	Address        PayeeAddress        `json:"address,omitempty"`
	Country        string              `json:"country,omitempty"`
	DisplayName    string              `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	PaymentChannel PayeePaymentChannel `json:"paymentChannel,omitempty"`
	Challenge      Challenge           `json:"challenge,omitempty"`
	Language       Language            `json:"language,omitempty"`
	// The timestamp when the payee last accepted T&Cs
	AcceptTermsAndConditionsTimestamp *time.Time       `json:"acceptTermsAndConditionsTimestamp,omitempty"`
	CellphoneNumber                   string           `json:"cellphoneNumber,omitempty"`
	PayeeType                         PayeeType        `json:"payeeType,omitempty"`
	Company                           *CompanyV1       `json:"company,omitempty"`
	Individual                        IndividualV1     `json:"individual,omitempty"`
	Created                           time.Time        `json:"created,omitempty"`
	GracePeriodEndDate                *string          `json:"gracePeriodEndDate,omitempty"`
	LastOfacCheckTimestamp            *string          `json:"lastOfacCheckTimestamp,omitempty"`
	MarketingOptIns                   []MarketingOptIn `json:"marketingOptIns,omitempty"`
	OfacStatus                        OfacStatus       `json:"ofacStatus,omitempty"`
	OnboardedStatus                   OnboardedStatus  `json:"onboardedStatus,omitempty"`

Payee struct for Payee

type Payee2

type Payee2 struct {
	Type           string               `json:"type,omitempty"`
	PayeeId        string               `json:"payeeId,omitempty"`
	PayorRefs      *[]PayeePayorRefV2   `json:"payorRefs,omitempty"`
	Email          *string              `json:"email,omitempty"`
	Address        PayeeAddress         `json:"address,omitempty"`
	Country        string               `json:"country,omitempty"`
	DisplayName    string               `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	PaymentChannel PayeePaymentChannel2 `json:"paymentChannel,omitempty"`
	Challenge      Challenge            `json:"challenge,omitempty"`
	Language       Language2            `json:"language,omitempty"`
	// The timestamp when the payee last accepted T&Cs
	AcceptTermsAndConditionsTimestamp *time.Time       `json:"acceptTermsAndConditionsTimestamp,omitempty"`
	CellphoneNumber                   string           `json:"cellphoneNumber,omitempty"`
	PayeeType                         PayeeType        `json:"payeeType,omitempty"`
	Company                           *CompanyV1       `json:"company,omitempty"`
	Individual                        IndividualV1     `json:"individual,omitempty"`
	Created                           time.Time        `json:"created,omitempty"`
	GracePeriodEndDate                *string          `json:"gracePeriodEndDate,omitempty"`
	WatchlistStatusUpdatedTimestamp   *string          `json:"watchlistStatusUpdatedTimestamp,omitempty"`
	MarketingOptIns                   []MarketingOptIn `json:"marketingOptIns,omitempty"`
	OnboardedStatus                   OnboardedStatus  `json:"onboardedStatus,omitempty"`
	// Remote Id must be between 1 and 100 characters long
	RemoteId string `json:"remoteId,omitempty"`

Payee2 struct for Payee2

type PayeeAddress

type PayeeAddress struct {
	Line1            string  `json:"line1"`
	Line2            *string `json:"line2,omitempty"`
	Line3            *string `json:"line3,omitempty"`
	Line4            *string `json:"line4,omitempty"`
	City             string  `json:"city"`
	CountyOrProvince *string `json:"countyOrProvince,omitempty"`
	ZipOrPostcode    *string `json:"zipOrPostcode,omitempty"`
	Country          string  `json:"country"`

PayeeAddress struct for PayeeAddress

type PayeeAddress2

type PayeeAddress2 struct {
	Line1            string  `json:"line1"`
	Line2            *string `json:"line2,omitempty"`
	Line3            *string `json:"line3,omitempty"`
	Line4            *string `json:"line4,omitempty"`
	City             string  `json:"city"`
	CountyOrProvince *string `json:"countyOrProvince,omitempty"`
	ZipOrPostcode    *string `json:"zipOrPostcode,omitempty"`
	Country          string  `json:"country"`

PayeeAddress2 struct for PayeeAddress2

type PayeeDelta

type PayeeDelta struct {
	RemoteId        string          `json:"remoteId"`
	PayeeId         string          `json:"payeeId"`
	DisplayName     string          `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	DbaName         string          `json:"dbaName,omitempty"`
	Email           *string         `json:"email,omitempty"`
	PayeeCountry    string          `json:"payeeCountry,omitempty"`
	OnboardedStatus OnboardedStatus `json:"onboardedStatus,omitempty"`

PayeeDelta struct for PayeeDelta

type PayeeDelta2

type PayeeDelta2 struct {
	RemoteId        string           `json:"remoteId"`
	PayeeId         string           `json:"payeeId"`
	DisplayName     string           `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	DbaName         string           `json:"dbaName,omitempty"`
	Email           *string          `json:"email,omitempty"`
	PayeeCountry    string           `json:"payeeCountry,omitempty"`
	OnboardedStatus OnboardedStatus2 `json:"onboardedStatus,omitempty"`

PayeeDelta2 struct for PayeeDelta2

type PayeeDeltaResponse

type PayeeDeltaResponse struct {
	Page    PayeeDeltaResponsePage    `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []PayeeDeltaResponseLinks `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []PayeeDelta              `json:"content,omitempty"`

PayeeDeltaResponse List Payee Changes Response Object

type PayeeDeltaResponse2

type PayeeDeltaResponse2 struct {
	Page    PayeeDeltaResponsePage     `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []PayeeDeltaResponse2Links `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []PayeeDelta2              `json:"content,omitempty"`

PayeeDeltaResponse2 List Payee Changes Response Object

type PayeeDeltaResponse2Links struct {
	Rel  string `json:"rel,omitempty"`
	Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`

PayeeDeltaResponse2Links struct for PayeeDeltaResponse2Links

type PayeeDeltaResponseLinks struct {
	Rel  string `json:"rel,omitempty"`
	Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`

PayeeDeltaResponseLinks struct for PayeeDeltaResponseLinks

type PayeeDeltaResponsePage

type PayeeDeltaResponsePage struct {
	NumberOfElements int32 `json:"numberOfElements,omitempty"`
	TotalElements    int32 `json:"totalElements,omitempty"`
	TotalPages       int32 `json:"totalPages,omitempty"`
	Page             int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	PageSize         int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

PayeeDeltaResponsePage struct for PayeeDeltaResponsePage

type PayeeInvitationApiService

type PayeeInvitationApiService service

PayeeInvitationApiService PayeeInvitationApi service

func (*PayeeInvitationApiService) GetPayeesInvitationStatusV1

func (a *PayeeInvitationApiService) GetPayeesInvitationStatusV1(ctx _context.Context, payorId string) (InvitationStatusResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetPayeesInvitationStatusV1 Get Payee Invitation Status &lt;p&gt;Returns a list of payees associated with a payor, along with invitation status and grace period end date.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Please use V3 instead&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The account owner Payor ID

@return InvitationStatusResponse

func (*PayeeInvitationApiService) GetPayeesInvitationStatusV2

GetPayeesInvitationStatusV2 Get Payee Invitation Status &lt;p&gt;Returns a filtered, paginated list of payees associated with a payor, along with invitation status and grace period end date.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Please use V3 instead&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The account owner Payor ID
  • @param optional nil or *GetPayeesInvitationStatusV2Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "PayeeId" (optional.Interface of string) - The UUID of the payee.
  • @param "InvitationStatus" (optional.Interface of InvitationStatus) - The invitation status of the payees.
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.

@return PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponse

func (*PayeeInvitationApiService) GetPayeesInvitationStatusV3

GetPayeesInvitationStatusV3 Get Payee Invitation Status Returns a filtered, paginated list of payees associated with a payor, along with invitation status and grace period end date.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The account owner Payor ID
  • @param optional nil or *GetPayeesInvitationStatusV3Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "PayeeId" (optional.Interface of string) - The UUID of the payee.
  • @param "InvitationStatus" (optional.Interface of InvitationStatus) - The invitation status of the payees.
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.

@return PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponse2

func (*PayeeInvitationApiService) QueryBatchStatusV2

func (a *PayeeInvitationApiService) QueryBatchStatusV2(ctx _context.Context, batchId string) (QueryBatchResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

QueryBatchStatusV2 Query Batch Status &lt;p&gt;Fetch the status of a specific batch of payees. The batch is fully processed when status is ACCEPTED and pendingCount is 0 ( 200 - OK, 404 - batch not found ).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Please use V3 instead&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param batchId Batch Id

@return QueryBatchResponse

func (*PayeeInvitationApiService) QueryBatchStatusV3

QueryBatchStatusV3 Query Batch Status Fetch the status of a specific batch of payees. The batch is fully processed when status is ACCEPTED and pendingCount is 0 ( 200 - OK, 404 - batch not found ).

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param batchId Batch Id

@return QueryBatchResponse2

func (*PayeeInvitationApiService) ResendPayeeInviteV1

func (a *PayeeInvitationApiService) ResendPayeeInviteV1(ctx _context.Context, payeeId string, invitePayeeRequest InvitePayeeRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

ResendPayeeInviteV1 Resend Payee Invite &lt;p&gt;Resend an invite to the Payee The payee must have already been invited by the payor and not yet accepted or declined&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Any previous invites to the payee by this Payor will be invalidated&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Deprecated. Please use v3 instead&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payeeId The UUID of the payee.
  • @param invitePayeeRequest Provide Payor Id in body of request

func (*PayeeInvitationApiService) ResendPayeeInviteV3

func (a *PayeeInvitationApiService) ResendPayeeInviteV3(ctx _context.Context, payeeId string, invitePayeeRequest2 InvitePayeeRequest2) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

ResendPayeeInviteV3 Resend Payee Invite &lt;p&gt;Resend an invite to the Payee The payee must have already been invited by the payor and not yet accepted or declined&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Any previous invites to the payee by this Payor will be invalidated&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payeeId The UUID of the payee.
  • @param invitePayeeRequest2 Provide Payor Id in body of request

func (*PayeeInvitationApiService) V2CreatePayee

V2CreatePayee Initiate Payee Creation Initiate the process of creating 1 to 2000 payees in a batch Use the response location header to query for status (201 - Created, 400 - invalid request body, 409 - if there is a duplicate remote id within the batch / if there is a duplicate email within the batch).

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *V2CreatePayeeOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "CreatePayeesRequest" (optional.Interface of CreatePayeesRequest) - Post payees to create.

@return CreatePayeesCsvResponse

func (*PayeeInvitationApiService) V3CreatePayee

V3CreatePayee Initiate Payee Creation Initiate the process of creating 1 to 2000 payees in a batch Use the response location header to query for status (201 - Created, 400 - invalid request body, 409 - if there is a duplicate remote id within the batch / if there is a duplicate email within the batch).

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *V3CreatePayeeOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "CreatePayeesRequest2" (optional.Interface of CreatePayeesRequest2) - Post payees to create.

@return CreatePayeesCsvResponse2

type PayeeInvitationStatus

type PayeeInvitationStatus struct {
	PayeeId            string `json:"payeeId"`
	InvitationStatus   string `json:"invitationStatus"`
	GracePeriodEndDate string `json:"gracePeriodEndDate,omitempty"`

PayeeInvitationStatus struct for PayeeInvitationStatus

type PayeeInvitationStatusResponse

type PayeeInvitationStatusResponse struct {
	PayeeId            string `json:"payeeId"`
	InvitationStatus   string `json:"invitationStatus"`
	GracePeriodEndDate string `json:"gracePeriodEndDate,omitempty"`

PayeeInvitationStatusResponse struct for PayeeInvitationStatusResponse

type PayeeInvitationStatusResponse2

type PayeeInvitationStatusResponse2 struct {
	PayeeId            string `json:"payeeId"`
	InvitationStatus   string `json:"invitationStatus"`
	GracePeriodEndDate string `json:"gracePeriodEndDate,omitempty"`

PayeeInvitationStatusResponse2 struct for PayeeInvitationStatusResponse2

type PayeePaymentChannel

type PayeePaymentChannel struct {
	PaymentChannelName string `json:"paymentChannelName,omitempty"`
	// Must match the regular expression “`^[A-Za-z0-9]+$“`.
	Iban          string `json:"iban,omitempty"`
	AccountNumber string `json:"accountNumber"`
	RoutingNumber string `json:"routingNumber"`
	// Country Code must be a valid 2 letter ISO 3166-1 country code.
	CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"`
	Currency    string `json:"currency"`
	AccountName string `json:"accountName"`

PayeePaymentChannel struct for PayeePaymentChannel

type PayeePaymentChannel2

type PayeePaymentChannel2 struct {
	PaymentChannelName string `json:"paymentChannelName,omitempty"`
	// Must match the regular expression “`^[A-Za-z0-9]+$“`.
	Iban          string `json:"iban,omitempty"`
	AccountNumber string `json:"accountNumber"`
	RoutingNumber string `json:"routingNumber"`
	// Country Code must be a valid 2 letter ISO 3166-1 country code
	CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"`
	Currency    string `json:"currency"`
	AccountName string `json:"accountName"`

PayeePaymentChannel2 struct for PayeePaymentChannel2

type PayeePayorRef

type PayeePayorRef struct {
	PayorId          string `json:"payorId,omitempty"`
	RemoteId         string `json:"remoteId,omitempty"`
	InvitationStatus string `json:"invitationStatus,omitempty"`

PayeePayorRef struct for PayeePayorRef

type PayeePayorRefV2

type PayeePayorRefV2 struct {
	PayorId          string `json:"payorId,omitempty"`
	RemoteId         string `json:"remoteId,omitempty"`
	InvitationStatus string `json:"invitationStatus,omitempty"`
	// The timestamp when the invitation status is updated
	InvitationStatusTimestamp *time.Time `json:"invitationStatusTimestamp,omitempty"`
	PaymentChannelId          string     `json:"paymentChannelId,omitempty"`

PayeePayorRefV2 struct for PayeePayorRefV2

type PayeePayorRefV3

type PayeePayorRefV3 struct {
	PayorId          string `json:"payorId,omitempty"`
	RemoteId         string `json:"remoteId,omitempty"`
	InvitationStatus string `json:"invitationStatus,omitempty"`
	// The timestamp when the invitation status is updated
	InvitationStatusTimestamp *time.Time `json:"invitationStatusTimestamp,omitempty"`
	PaymentChannelId          string     `json:"paymentChannelId,omitempty"`

PayeePayorRefV3 struct for PayeePayorRefV3

type PayeeResponse

type PayeeResponse struct {
	PayeeId        string              `json:"payeeId,omitempty"`
	PayorRefs      *[]PayeePayorRef    `json:"payorRefs,omitempty"`
	Email          *string             `json:"email,omitempty"`
	Address        PayeeAddress        `json:"address,omitempty"`
	Country        string              `json:"country,omitempty"`
	DisplayName    string              `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	PaymentChannel PayeePaymentChannel `json:"paymentChannel,omitempty"`
	Challenge      Challenge           `json:"challenge,omitempty"`
	Language       Language            `json:"language,omitempty"`
	// The timestamp when the payee last accepted T&Cs
	AcceptTermsAndConditionsTimestamp *time.Time         `json:"acceptTermsAndConditionsTimestamp,omitempty"`
	CellphoneNumber                   string             `json:"cellphoneNumber,omitempty"`
	PayeeType                         PayeeType          `json:"payeeType,omitempty"`
	Company                           *CompanyResponse   `json:"company,omitempty"`
	Individual                        IndividualResponse `json:"individual,omitempty"`
	Created                           time.Time          `json:"created,omitempty"`
	GracePeriodEndDate                *string            `json:"gracePeriodEndDate,omitempty"`
	LastOfacCheckTimestamp            *string            `json:"lastOfacCheckTimestamp,omitempty"`
	MarketingOptIns                   []MarketingOptIn   `json:"marketingOptIns,omitempty"`
	OfacStatus                        OfacStatus         `json:"ofacStatus,omitempty"`
	OnboardedStatus                   OnboardedStatus    `json:"onboardedStatus,omitempty"`

PayeeResponse struct for PayeeResponse

type PayeeResponse2

type PayeeResponse2 struct {
	PayeeId        string              `json:"payeeId,omitempty"`
	PayorRefs      *[]PayeePayorRefV3  `json:"payorRefs,omitempty"`
	Email          *string             `json:"email,omitempty"`
	Address        PayeeAddress        `json:"address,omitempty"`
	Country        string              `json:"country,omitempty"`
	DisplayName    string              `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	PaymentChannel PayeePaymentChannel `json:"paymentChannel,omitempty"`
	Challenge      Challenge           `json:"challenge,omitempty"`
	Language       Language            `json:"language,omitempty"`
	// The timestamp when the payee last accepted T&Cs
	AcceptTermsAndConditionsTimestamp *time.Time         `json:"acceptTermsAndConditionsTimestamp,omitempty"`
	CellphoneNumber                   string             `json:"cellphoneNumber,omitempty"`
	PayeeType                         PayeeType          `json:"payeeType,omitempty"`
	Company                           *CompanyResponse   `json:"company,omitempty"`
	Individual                        IndividualResponse `json:"individual,omitempty"`
	Created                           time.Time          `json:"created,omitempty"`
	GracePeriodEndDate                *string            `json:"gracePeriodEndDate,omitempty"`
	WatchlistStatusUpdatedTimestamp   *string            `json:"watchlistStatusUpdatedTimestamp,omitempty"`
	MarketingOptIns                   []MarketingOptIn   `json:"marketingOptIns,omitempty"`
	WatchlistStatus                   WatchlistStatus    `json:"watchlistStatus,omitempty"`
	OnboardedStatus                   OnboardedStatus    `json:"onboardedStatus,omitempty"`

PayeeResponse2 struct for PayeeResponse2

type PayeeResponseV2

type PayeeResponseV2 struct {
	PayeeId                  string             `json:"payeeId,omitempty"`
	PayorRefs                *[]PayeePayorRefV2 `json:"payorRefs,omitempty"`
	Email                    *string            `json:"email,omitempty"`
	OnboardedStatus          OnboardedStatus2   `json:"onboardedStatus,omitempty"`
	OfacStatus               OfacStatus2        `json:"ofacStatus,omitempty"`
	Language                 Language2          `json:"language,omitempty"`
	Created                  time.Time          `json:"created,omitempty"`
	Country                  string             `json:"country,omitempty"`
	DisplayName              string             `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	PayeeType                PayeeType          `json:"payeeType,omitempty"`
	Disabled                 bool               `json:"disabled,omitempty"`
	DisabledComment          string             `json:"disabledComment,omitempty"`
	DisabledUpdatedTimestamp time.Time          `json:"disabledUpdatedTimestamp,omitempty"`
	Address                  PayeeAddress2      `json:"address,omitempty"`
	Individual               Individual         `json:"individual,omitempty"`
	Company                  *Company           `json:"company,omitempty"`
	CellphoneNumber          string             `json:"cellphoneNumber,omitempty"`
	LastOfacCheckTimestamp   *string            `json:"lastOfacCheckTimestamp,omitempty"`
	OfacOverride             bool               `json:"ofacOverride,omitempty"`
	OfacOverrideReason       string             `json:"ofacOverrideReason,omitempty"`
	OfacOverrideTimestamp    *string            `json:"ofacOverrideTimestamp,omitempty"`
	GracePeriodEndDate       *string            `json:"gracePeriodEndDate,omitempty"`
	EnhancedKycCompleted     bool               `json:"enhancedKycCompleted,omitempty"`
	KycCompletedTimestamp    *string            `json:"kycCompletedTimestamp,omitempty"`
	PausePayment             bool               `json:"pausePayment,omitempty"`
	PausePaymentTimestamp    *string            `json:"pausePaymentTimestamp,omitempty"`
	MarketingOptInDecision   bool               `json:"marketingOptInDecision,omitempty"`
	MarketingOptInTimestamp  *string            `json:"marketingOptInTimestamp,omitempty"`
	// The timestamp when the payee last accepted T&Cs
	AcceptTermsAndConditionsTimestamp *time.Time `json:"acceptTermsAndConditionsTimestamp,omitempty"`

PayeeResponseV2 struct for PayeeResponseV2

type PayeeResponseV3

type PayeeResponseV3 struct {
	PayeeId                             string             `json:"payeeId,omitempty"`
	PayorRefs                           *[]PayeePayorRefV3 `json:"payorRefs,omitempty"`
	Email                               *string            `json:"email,omitempty"`
	OnboardedStatus                     OnboardedStatus2   `json:"onboardedStatus,omitempty"`
	WatchlistStatus                     WatchlistStatus    `json:"watchlistStatus,omitempty"`
	WatchlistOverrideExpiresAtTimestamp *time.Time         `json:"watchlistOverrideExpiresAtTimestamp,omitempty"`
	WatchlistOverrideComment            string             `json:"watchlistOverrideComment,omitempty"`
	Language                            Language2          `json:"language,omitempty"`
	Created                             time.Time          `json:"created,omitempty"`
	Country                             string             `json:"country,omitempty"`
	DisplayName                         string             `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	PayeeType                           PayeeType          `json:"payeeType,omitempty"`
	Disabled                            bool               `json:"disabled,omitempty"`
	DisabledComment                     string             `json:"disabledComment,omitempty"`
	DisabledUpdatedTimestamp            time.Time          `json:"disabledUpdatedTimestamp,omitempty"`
	Address                             PayeeAddress2      `json:"address,omitempty"`
	Individual                          Individual2        `json:"individual,omitempty"`
	Company                             *Company2          `json:"company,omitempty"`
	CellphoneNumber                     string             `json:"cellphoneNumber,omitempty"`
	WatchlistStatusUpdatedTimestamp     *string            `json:"watchlistStatusUpdatedTimestamp,omitempty"`
	GracePeriodEndDate                  *string            `json:"gracePeriodEndDate,omitempty"`
	EnhancedKycCompleted                bool               `json:"enhancedKycCompleted,omitempty"`
	KycCompletedTimestamp               *string            `json:"kycCompletedTimestamp,omitempty"`
	PausePayment                        bool               `json:"pausePayment,omitempty"`
	PausePaymentTimestamp               *string            `json:"pausePaymentTimestamp,omitempty"`
	MarketingOptInDecision              bool               `json:"marketingOptInDecision,omitempty"`
	MarketingOptInTimestamp             *string            `json:"marketingOptInTimestamp,omitempty"`
	// The timestamp when the payee last accepted T&Cs
	AcceptTermsAndConditionsTimestamp *time.Time `json:"acceptTermsAndConditionsTimestamp,omitempty"`

PayeeResponseV3 struct for PayeeResponseV3

type PayeeType

type PayeeType string

PayeeType the model 'PayeeType'

const (
	INDIVIDUAL PayeeType = "Individual"
	COMPANY    PayeeType = "Company"

List of PayeeType

type PayeesApiService

type PayeesApiService service

PayeesApiService PayeesApi service

func (*PayeesApiService) DeletePayeeByIdV1

func (a *PayeesApiService) DeletePayeeByIdV1(ctx _context.Context, payeeId string) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

DeletePayeeByIdV1 Delete Payee by Id &lt;p&gt;This API will delete Payee by Id (UUID). Deletion by ID is not allowed if:&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;* Payee ID is not found&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;* If Payee has not been on-boarded&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;* If Payee is in grace period&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;* If Payee has existing payments&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Please use V3 instead.&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payeeId The UUID of the payee.

func (*PayeesApiService) DeletePayeeByIdV3

func (a *PayeesApiService) DeletePayeeByIdV3(ctx _context.Context, payeeId string) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

DeletePayeeByIdV3 Delete Payee by Id &lt;p&gt;This API will delete Payee by Id (UUID). Deletion by ID is not allowed if:&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;* Payee ID is not found&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;* If Payee has not been on-boarded&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;* If Payee is in grace period&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;* If Payee has existing payments&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payeeId The UUID of the payee.

func (*PayeesApiService) GetPayeeByIdV1

func (a *PayeesApiService) GetPayeeByIdV1(ctx _context.Context, payeeId string, localVarOptionals *GetPayeeByIdV1Opts) (Payee, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetPayeeByIdV1 Get Payee by Id &lt;p&gt;Get Payee by Id&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Please use V3 instead.&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payeeId The UUID of the payee.
  • @param optional nil or *GetPayeeByIdV1Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Sensitive" (optional.Bool) - Optional. If omitted or set to false, any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) values are returned masked. If set to true, and you have permission, the PII values will be returned as their original unmasked values.

@return Payee

func (*PayeesApiService) GetPayeeByIdV2

func (a *PayeesApiService) GetPayeeByIdV2(ctx _context.Context, payeeId string, localVarOptionals *GetPayeeByIdV2Opts) (PayeeResponseV2, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetPayeeByIdV2 Get Payee by Id &lt;p&gt;Get Payee by Id&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Please use V3 instead.&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payeeId The UUID of the payee.
  • @param optional nil or *GetPayeeByIdV2Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Sensitive" (optional.Bool) - Optional. If omitted or set to false, any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) values are returned masked. If set to true, and you have permission, the PII values will be returned as their original unmasked values.

@return PayeeResponseV2

func (*PayeesApiService) GetPayeeByIdV3

func (a *PayeesApiService) GetPayeeByIdV3(ctx _context.Context, payeeId string, localVarOptionals *GetPayeeByIdV3Opts) (PayeeResponseV3, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetPayeeByIdV3 Get Payee by Id Get Payee by Id

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payeeId The UUID of the payee.
  • @param optional nil or *GetPayeeByIdV3Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Sensitive" (optional.Bool) - Optional. If omitted or set to false, any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) values are returned masked. If set to true, and you have permission, the PII values will be returned as their original unmasked values.

@return PayeeResponseV3

func (*PayeesApiService) ListPayeeChanges

func (a *PayeesApiService) ListPayeeChanges(ctx _context.Context, payorId string, updatedSince time.Time, localVarOptionals *ListPayeeChangesOpts) (PayeeDeltaResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ListPayeeChanges List Payee Changes &lt;p&gt;Get a paginated response listing payee changes.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Please use V3 instead.&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The Payor ID to find associated Payees
  • @param updatedSince The updatedSince filter in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm
  • @param optional nil or *ListPayeeChangesOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 100. Max allowable is 1000.

@return PayeeDeltaResponse

func (*PayeesApiService) ListPayeeChangesV3

func (a *PayeesApiService) ListPayeeChangesV3(ctx _context.Context, payorId string, updatedSince time.Time, localVarOptionals *ListPayeeChangesV3Opts) (PayeeDeltaResponse2, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ListPayeeChangesV3 List Payee Changes Get a paginated response listing payee changes.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The Payor ID to find associated Payees
  • @param updatedSince The updatedSince filter in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm
  • @param optional nil or *ListPayeeChangesV3Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 100. Max allowable is 1000.

@return PayeeDeltaResponse2

func (*PayeesApiService) ListPayeesV1

func (a *PayeesApiService) ListPayeesV1(ctx _context.Context, payorId string, localVarOptionals *ListPayeesV1Opts) (PagedPayeeResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ListPayeesV1 List Payees V1 &lt;p&gt;Get a paginated response listing the payees for a payor.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Please use V3 instead.&lt;/&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The account owner Payor ID
  • @param optional nil or *ListPayeesV1Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "OfacStatus" (optional.Interface of OfacStatus) - The ofacStatus of the payees.
  • @param "OnboardedStatus" (optional.Interface of OnboardedStatus) - The onboarded status of the payees.
  • @param "Email" (optional.Interface of string) - Email address
  • @param "DisplayName" (optional.String) - The display name of the payees.
  • @param "RemoteId" (optional.String) - The remote id of the payees.
  • @param "PayeeType" (optional.Interface of PayeeType) - The onboarded status of the payees.
  • @param "PayeeCountry" (optional.String) - The country of the payee - 2 letter ISO 3166-1 country code (upper case)
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) - List of sort fields (e.g. ?sort=onboardedStatus:asc,name:asc) Default is name:asc 'name' is treated as company name for companies - last name + ',' + firstName for individuals The supported sort fields are - payeeId, displayName, payoutStatus, onboardedStatus.

@return PagedPayeeResponse

func (*PayeesApiService) ListPayeesV3

func (a *PayeesApiService) ListPayeesV3(ctx _context.Context, payorId string, localVarOptionals *ListPayeesV3Opts) (PagedPayeeResponse2, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ListPayeesV3 List Payees Get a paginated response listing the payees for a payor.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The account owner Payor ID
  • @param optional nil or *ListPayeesV3Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "OfacStatus" (optional.Interface of WatchlistStatus) - The watchlistStatus of the payees.
  • @param "OnboardedStatus" (optional.Interface of OnboardedStatus) - The onboarded status of the payees.
  • @param "Email" (optional.Interface of string) - Email address
  • @param "DisplayName" (optional.String) - The display name of the payees.
  • @param "RemoteId" (optional.String) - The remote id of the payees.
  • @param "PayeeType" (optional.Interface of PayeeType) - The onboarded status of the payees.
  • @param "PayeeCountry" (optional.String) - The country of the payee - 2 letter ISO 3166-1 country code (upper case)
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) - List of sort fields (e.g. ?sort=onboardedStatus:asc,name:asc) Default is name:asc 'name' is treated as company name for companies - last name + ',' + firstName for individuals The supported sort fields are - payeeId, displayName, payoutStatus, onboardedStatus.

@return PagedPayeeResponse2

func (*PayeesApiService) V1PayeesPayeeIdRemoteIdUpdatePost

func (a *PayeesApiService) V1PayeesPayeeIdRemoteIdUpdatePost(ctx _context.Context, payeeId string, updateRemoteIdRequest UpdateRemoteIdRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

V1PayeesPayeeIdRemoteIdUpdatePost Update Payee Remote Id &lt;p&gt;Update the remote Id for the given Payee Id.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Please use V3 instead&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payeeId The UUID of the payee.
  • @param updateRemoteIdRequest Request to update payee remote id v1

func (*PayeesApiService) V3PayeesPayeeIdRemoteIdUpdatePost

func (a *PayeesApiService) V3PayeesPayeeIdRemoteIdUpdatePost(ctx _context.Context, payeeId string, updateRemoteIdRequest UpdateRemoteIdRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

V3PayeesPayeeIdRemoteIdUpdatePost Update Payee Remote Id &lt;p&gt;Update the remote Id for the given Payee Id.&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payeeId The UUID of the payee.
  • @param updateRemoteIdRequest Request to update payee remote id v3

type PaymentAuditCurrencyV3

type PaymentAuditCurrencyV3 string

PaymentAuditCurrencyV3 ISO 3 character currency code

const (
	USD PaymentAuditCurrencyV3 = "USD"
	GBP PaymentAuditCurrencyV3 = "GBP"
	EUR PaymentAuditCurrencyV3 = "EUR"

List of PaymentAuditCurrencyV3

type PaymentAuditCurrencyV4

type PaymentAuditCurrencyV4 string

PaymentAuditCurrencyV4 ISO 3 character currency code

const (

List of PaymentAuditCurrencyV4

type PaymentAuditServiceApiService

type PaymentAuditServiceApiService service

PaymentAuditServiceApiService PaymentAuditServiceApi service

func (*PaymentAuditServiceApiService) ExportTransactionsCSVV3

ExportTransactionsCSVV3 Export Transactions Download a CSV file containing payments in a date range. Uses Transfer-Encoding - chunked to stream to the client. Date range is inclusive of both the start and end dates.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *ExportTransactionsCSVV3Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "PayorId" (optional.Interface of string) - The Payor ID for whom you wish to run the report. For a Payor requesting the report, this could be their exact Payor, or it could be a child/descendant Payor.
  • @param "StartDate" (optional.String) - Start date, inclusive. Format is YYYY-MM-DD
  • @param "EndDate" (optional.String) - End date, inclusive. Format is YYYY-MM-DD

@return PayorAmlTransactionV3

func (*PaymentAuditServiceApiService) ExportTransactionsCSVV4

ExportTransactionsCSVV4 Export Transactions Download a CSV file containing payments in a date range. Uses Transfer-Encoding - chunked to stream to the client. Date range is inclusive of both the start and end dates.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *ExportTransactionsCSVV4Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "PayorId" (optional.Interface of string) - The Payor ID for whom you wish to run the report. For a Payor requesting the report, this could be their exact Payor, or it could be a child/descendant Payor.
  • @param "StartDate" (optional.String) - Start date, inclusive. Format is YYYY-MM-DD
  • @param "SubmittedDateFrom" (optional.String) - Start date, inclusive. Format is YYYY-MM-DD
  • @param "Include" (optional.String) - Mode to determine whether to include other Payor's data in the results. May only be used if payorId is specified. Can be omitted or set to 'payorOnly' or 'payorAndDescendants'. payorOnly: Only include results for the specified Payor. This is the default if 'include' is omitted. payorAndDescendants: Aggregate results for all descendant Payors of the specified Payor. Should only be used if the Payor with the specified payorId has at least one child Payor. Note when a Payor requests the report and include=payorAndDescendants is used, the following additional columns are included in the CSV: Payor Name, Payor Id

@return PayorAmlTransactionV4

func (*PaymentAuditServiceApiService) GetFundingsV1

GetFundingsV1 Get Fundings for Payor Get a list of Fundings for a payor.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *GetFundingsV1Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "PayorId" (optional.Interface of string) - The account owner Payor ID
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) - List of sort fields. Example: ```?sort=destinationCurrency:asc,destinationAmount:asc``` Default is no sort. The supported sort fields are: dateTime and amount.

@return GetFundingsResponse

func (*PaymentAuditServiceApiService) GetPaymentDetails

func (a *PaymentAuditServiceApiService) GetPaymentDetails(ctx _context.Context, paymentId string, localVarOptionals *GetPaymentDetailsOpts) (PaymentResponseV3, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetPaymentDetails Get Payment Get the payment with the given id. This contains the payment history.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param paymentId Payment Id
  • @param optional nil or *GetPaymentDetailsOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Sensitive" (optional.Bool) - Optional. If omitted or set to false, any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) values are returned masked. If set to true, and you have permission, the PII values will be returned as their original unmasked values.

@return PaymentResponseV3

func (*PaymentAuditServiceApiService) GetPaymentDetailsV4

func (a *PaymentAuditServiceApiService) GetPaymentDetailsV4(ctx _context.Context, paymentId string, localVarOptionals *GetPaymentDetailsV4Opts) (PaymentResponseV4, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetPaymentDetailsV4 Get Payment Get the payment with the given id. This contains the payment history.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param paymentId Payment Id
  • @param optional nil or *GetPaymentDetailsV4Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Sensitive" (optional.Bool) - Optional. If omitted or set to false, any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) values are returned masked. If set to true, and you have permission, the PII values will be returned as their original unmasked values.

@return PaymentResponseV4

func (*PaymentAuditServiceApiService) GetPaymentsForPayout

GetPaymentsForPayout Get Payments for Payout Get List of payments for Payout

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payoutId The id (UUID) of the payout.
  • @param optional nil or *GetPaymentsForPayoutOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "RemoteId" (optional.String) - The remote id of the payees.
  • @param "Status" (optional.String) - Payment Status
  • @param "SourceAmountFrom" (optional.Int32) - The source amount from range filter. Filters for sourceAmount >= sourceAmountFrom
  • @param "SourceAmountTo" (optional.Int32) - The source amount to range filter. Filters for sourceAmount ⇐ sourceAmountTo
  • @param "PaymentAmountFrom" (optional.Int32) - The payment amount from range filter. Filters for paymentAmount >= paymentAmountFrom
  • @param "PaymentAmountTo" (optional.Int32) - The payment amount to range filter. Filters for paymentAmount ⇐ paymentAmountTo
  • @param "SubmittedDateFrom" (optional.String) - The submitted date from range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "SubmittedDateTo" (optional.String) - The submitted date to range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) - List of sort fields (e.g. ?sort=submittedDateTime:asc,status:asc). Default is sort by remoteId The supported sort fields are: sourceAmount, sourceCurrency, paymentAmount, paymentCurrency, routingNumber, accountNumber, remoteId, submittedDateTime and status
  • @param "Sensitive" (optional.Bool) - Optional. If omitted or set to false, any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) values are returned masked. If set to true, and you have permission, the PII values will be returned as their original unmasked values.

@return GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3

func (*PaymentAuditServiceApiService) GetPaymentsForPayoutV4

GetPaymentsForPayoutV4 Get Payments for Payout Get List of payments for Payout, allowing for RETURNED status

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payoutId The id (UUID) of the payout.
  • @param optional nil or *GetPaymentsForPayoutV4Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "RemoteId" (optional.String) - The remote id of the payees.
  • @param "Status" (optional.String) - Payment Status
  • @param "SourceAmountFrom" (optional.Int32) - The source amount from range filter. Filters for sourceAmount >= sourceAmountFrom
  • @param "SourceAmountTo" (optional.Int32) - The source amount to range filter. Filters for sourceAmount ⇐ sourceAmountTo
  • @param "PaymentAmountFrom" (optional.Int32) - The payment amount from range filter. Filters for paymentAmount >= paymentAmountFrom
  • @param "PaymentAmountTo" (optional.Int32) - The payment amount to range filter. Filters for paymentAmount ⇐ paymentAmountTo
  • @param "SubmittedDateFrom" (optional.String) - The submitted date from range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "SubmittedDateTo" (optional.String) - The submitted date to range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) - List of sort fields (e.g. ?sort=submittedDateTime:asc,status:asc). Default is sort by remoteId The supported sort fields are: sourceAmount, sourceCurrency, paymentAmount, paymentCurrency, routingNumber, accountNumber, remoteId, submittedDateTime and status
  • @param "Sensitive" (optional.Bool) - Optional. If omitted or set to false, any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) values are returned masked. If set to true, and you have permission, the PII values will be returned as their original unmasked values.

@return GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV4

func (*PaymentAuditServiceApiService) GetPayoutsForPayorV3

func (a *PaymentAuditServiceApiService) GetPayoutsForPayorV3(ctx _context.Context, payorId string, localVarOptionals *GetPayoutsForPayorV3Opts) (GetPayoutsResponseV3, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetPayoutsForPayorV3 Get Payouts for Payor Get List of payouts for payor

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The account owner Payor ID
  • @param optional nil or *GetPayoutsForPayorV3Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "PayoutMemo" (optional.String) - Payout Memo filter - case insensitive sub-string match
  • @param "Status" (optional.String) - Payout Status
  • @param "SubmittedDateFrom" (optional.String) - The submitted date from range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "SubmittedDateTo" (optional.String) - The submitted date to range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) - List of sort fields (e.g. ?sort=submittedDateTime:asc,instructedDateTime:asc,status:asc) Default is submittedDateTime:asc The supported sort fields are: submittedDateTime, instructedDateTime, status.

@return GetPayoutsResponseV3

func (*PaymentAuditServiceApiService) GetPayoutsForPayorV4

GetPayoutsForPayorV4 Get Payouts for Payor Get List of payouts for payor

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *GetPayoutsForPayorV4Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "PayorId" (optional.Interface of string) - The id (UUID) of the payor funding the payout or the payor whose payees are being paid.
  • @param "PayoutMemo" (optional.String) - Payout Memo filter - case insensitive sub-string match
  • @param "Status" (optional.String) - Payout Status
  • @param "SubmittedDateFrom" (optional.String) - The submitted date from range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "SubmittedDateTo" (optional.String) - The submitted date to range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "FromPayorName" (optional.String) - The name of the payor whose payees are being paid. This filters via a case insensitive substring match.
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) - List of sort fields (e.g. ?sort=submittedDateTime:asc,instructedDateTime:asc,status:asc) Default is submittedDateTime:asc The supported sort fields are: submittedDateTime, instructedDateTime, status, totalPayments, payoutId

@return GetPayoutsResponseV4

func (*PaymentAuditServiceApiService) ListPaymentChanges

func (a *PaymentAuditServiceApiService) ListPaymentChanges(ctx _context.Context, payorId string, updatedSince time.Time, localVarOptionals *ListPaymentChangesOpts) (PaymentDeltaResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ListPaymentChanges List Payment Changes Get a paginated response listing payment changes.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The Payor ID to find associated Payments
  • @param updatedSince The updatedSince filter in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm
  • @param optional nil or *ListPaymentChangesOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 100. Max allowable is 1000.

@return PaymentDeltaResponse

func (*PaymentAuditServiceApiService) ListPaymentsAudit

ListPaymentsAudit Get List of Payments Get payments for the given payor Id

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *ListPaymentsAuditOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "PayeeId" (optional.Interface of string) - The UUID of the payee.
  • @param "PayorId" (optional.Interface of string) - The account owner Payor Id. Required for external users.
  • @param "PayorName" (optional.String) - The payor’s name. This filters via a case insensitive substring match.
  • @param "RemoteId" (optional.String) - The remote id of the payees.
  • @param "Status" (optional.String) - Payment Status
  • @param "SourceAccountName" (optional.String) - The source account name filter. This filters via a case insensitive substring match.
  • @param "SourceAmountFrom" (optional.Int32) - The source amount from range filter. Filters for sourceAmount >= sourceAmountFrom
  • @param "SourceAmountTo" (optional.Int32) - The source amount to range filter. Filters for sourceAmount ⇐ sourceAmountTo
  • @param "SourceCurrency" (optional.String) - The source currency filter. Filters based on an exact match on the currency.
  • @param "PaymentAmountFrom" (optional.Int32) - The payment amount from range filter. Filters for paymentAmount >= paymentAmountFrom
  • @param "PaymentAmountTo" (optional.Int32) - The payment amount to range filter. Filters for paymentAmount ⇐ paymentAmountTo
  • @param "PaymentCurrency" (optional.String) - The payment currency filter. Filters based on an exact match on the currency.
  • @param "SubmittedDateFrom" (optional.String) - The submitted date from range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "SubmittedDateTo" (optional.String) - The submitted date to range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "PaymentMemo" (optional.String) - The payment memo filter. This filters via a case insensitive substring match.
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) - List of sort fields (e.g. ?sort=submittedDateTime:asc,status:asc). Default is sort by remoteId The supported sort fields are: sourceAmount, sourceCurrency, paymentAmount, paymentCurrency, routingNumber, accountNumber, remoteId, submittedDateTime and status
  • @param "Sensitive" (optional.Bool) - Optional. If omitted or set to false, any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) values are returned masked. If set to true, and you have permission, the PII values will be returned as their original unmasked values.

@return ListPaymentsResponse

func (*PaymentAuditServiceApiService) ListPaymentsAuditV4

ListPaymentsAuditV4 Get List of Payments Get payments for the given payor Id

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *ListPaymentsAuditV4Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "PayeeId" (optional.Interface of string) - The UUID of the payee.
  • @param "PayorId" (optional.Interface of string) - The account owner Payor Id. Required for external users.
  • @param "PayorName" (optional.String) - The payor’s name. This filters via a case insensitive substring match.
  • @param "RemoteId" (optional.String) - The remote id of the payees.
  • @param "Status" (optional.String) - Payment Status
  • @param "SourceAccountName" (optional.String) - The source account name filter. This filters via a case insensitive substring match.
  • @param "SourceAmountFrom" (optional.Int32) - The source amount from range filter. Filters for sourceAmount >= sourceAmountFrom
  • @param "SourceAmountTo" (optional.Int32) - The source amount to range filter. Filters for sourceAmount ⇐ sourceAmountTo
  • @param "SourceCurrency" (optional.String) - The source currency filter. Filters based on an exact match on the currency.
  • @param "PaymentAmountFrom" (optional.Int32) - The payment amount from range filter. Filters for paymentAmount >= paymentAmountFrom
  • @param "PaymentAmountTo" (optional.Int32) - The payment amount to range filter. Filters for paymentAmount ⇐ paymentAmountTo
  • @param "PaymentCurrency" (optional.String) - The payment currency filter. Filters based on an exact match on the currency.
  • @param "SubmittedDateFrom" (optional.String) - The submitted date from range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "SubmittedDateTo" (optional.String) - The submitted date to range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "PaymentMemo" (optional.String) - The payment memo filter. This filters via a case insensitive substring match.
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) - List of sort fields (e.g. ?sort=submittedDateTime:asc,status:asc). Default is sort by submittedDateTime:desc,paymentId:asc The supported sort fields are: sourceAmount, sourceCurrency, paymentAmount, paymentCurrency, routingNumber, accountNumber, remoteId, submittedDateTime, status and paymentId
  • @param "Sensitive" (optional.Bool) - Optional. If omitted or set to false, any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) values are returned masked. If set to true, and you have permission, the PII values will be returned as their original unmasked values.

@return ListPaymentsResponseV4

type PaymentChannelCountry

type PaymentChannelCountry struct {
	// The ISO code for the country
	IsoCountryCode string `json:"isoCountryCode"`
	// The rules for the given country
	Rules []PaymentChannelRule `json:"rules"`

PaymentChannelCountry struct for PaymentChannelCountry

type PaymentChannelRule

type PaymentChannelRule struct {
	// <p>the rule element</p> <p>will match a given element name for a payment channel configuration
	Element string `json:"element"`
	// is this element required
	Required bool `json:"required"`
	// User friendly name
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName"`
	// mininum length of the element data
	MinLength int32 `json:"minLength,omitempty"`
	// maximum length of the element data
	MaxLength int32 `json:"maxLength,omitempty"`
	// a regex to validate the element data
	Validation   string `json:"validation"`
	DisplayOrder int32  `json:"displayOrder,omitempty"`

PaymentChannelRule Rules that will get applied when creating or updating a payment channel for the given country

type PaymentChannelRulesResponse

type PaymentChannelRulesResponse struct {
	Bank []PaymentChannelCountry `json:"bank,omitempty"`

PaymentChannelRulesResponse struct for PaymentChannelRulesResponse

type PaymentDelta

type PaymentDelta struct {
	PaymentId       string  `json:"paymentId"`
	PayoutId        string  `json:"payoutId"`
	PayorPaymentId  *string `json:"payorPaymentId,omitempty"`
	PaymentCurrency *string `json:"paymentCurrency,omitempty"`
	PaymentAmount   *int32  `json:"paymentAmount,omitempty"`
	Status          *string `json:"status,omitempty"`
	SourceCurrency  *string `json:"sourceCurrency,omitempty"`
	SourceAmount    *int32  `json:"sourceAmount,omitempty"`

PaymentDelta struct for PaymentDelta

type PaymentDeltaResponse

type PaymentDeltaResponse struct {
	Page    PagedPayeeInvitationStatusResponsePage `json:"page,omitempty"`
	Links   []PagedPayeeResponseLinks              `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Content []PaymentDelta                         `json:"content,omitempty"`

PaymentDeltaResponse List Payment Changes Response Object

type PaymentEventResponseV3

type PaymentEventResponseV3 struct {
	// The id of the event.
	EventId string `json:"eventId"`
	// The date/time at which the event occurred.
	EventDateTime time.Time `json:"eventDateTime"`
	// The type of the event.
	EventType      string                 `json:"eventType"`
	SourceCurrency PaymentAuditCurrencyV3 `json:"sourceCurrency,omitempty"`
	// The source amount exposed by the event.
	SourceAmount    int64                  `json:"sourceAmount,omitempty"`
	PaymentCurrency PaymentAuditCurrencyV3 `json:"paymentCurrency,omitempty"`
	// The destination amount exposed by the event.
	PaymentAmount int64 `json:"paymentAmount,omitempty"`
	// The account number attached to the event.
	AccountNumber string `json:"accountNumber,omitempty"`
	// The routing number attached to the event.
	RoutingNumber string `json:"routingNumber,omitempty"`
	Iban          string `json:"iban,omitempty"`
	AccountName   string `json:"accountName,omitempty"`
	Principal     string `json:"principal,omitempty"`

PaymentEventResponseV3 struct for PaymentEventResponseV3

type PaymentEventResponseV4

type PaymentEventResponseV4 struct {
	// The id of the event.
	EventId string `json:"eventId"`
	// The date/time at which the event occurred.
	EventDateTime time.Time `json:"eventDateTime"`
	// The type of the event.
	EventType      string                 `json:"eventType"`
	SourceCurrency PaymentAuditCurrencyV4 `json:"sourceCurrency,omitempty"`
	// The source amount exposed by the event.
	SourceAmount    int64                  `json:"sourceAmount,omitempty"`
	PaymentCurrency PaymentAuditCurrencyV4 `json:"paymentCurrency,omitempty"`
	// The destination amount exposed by the event.
	PaymentAmount int64 `json:"paymentAmount,omitempty"`
	// The account number attached to the event.
	AccountNumber string `json:"accountNumber,omitempty"`
	// The routing number attached to the event.
	RoutingNumber string `json:"routingNumber,omitempty"`
	Iban          string `json:"iban,omitempty"`
	AccountName   string `json:"accountName,omitempty"`
	Principal     string `json:"principal,omitempty"`

PaymentEventResponseV4 struct for PaymentEventResponseV4

type PaymentInstruction

type PaymentInstruction struct {
	// Your identifier for payee
	RemoteId string `json:"remoteId"`
	// Valid ISO 4217 3 letter currency code. See the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" a>ISO specification</a> for details.
	Currency string `json:"currency"`
	// <p>Amount to send to Payee</p> <p>The maximum payment amount is dependent on the currency</p>
	Amount            int64  `json:"amount"`
	PaymentMemo       string `json:"paymentMemo,omitempty"`
	SourceAccountName string `json:"sourceAccountName"`
	PayorPaymentId    string `json:"payorPaymentId,omitempty"`

PaymentInstruction struct for PaymentInstruction

type PaymentRails

type PaymentRails string

PaymentRails the model 'PaymentRails'

const (
	WU   PaymentRails = "WU"
	BOFA PaymentRails = "BOFA"

List of PaymentRails

type PaymentResponseV3

type PaymentResponseV3 struct {
	// The id of the payment
	PaymentId string `json:"paymentId"`
	// The id of the paymeee
	PayeeId string `json:"payeeId"`
	// The id of the payor
	PayorId string `json:"payorId"`
	// The name of the payor
	PayorName string `json:"payorName,omitempty"`
	// The quote Id used for the FX
	QuoteId string `json:"quoteId"`
	// The id of the source account from which the payment was taken
	SourceAccountId string `json:"sourceAccountId"`
	// The name of the source account from which the payment was taken
	SourceAccountName string `json:"sourceAccountName,omitempty"`
	// The remote id by which the payor refers to the payee. Only populated once payment is confirmed
	RemoteId string `json:"remoteId,omitempty"`
	// The source amount for the payment (amount debited to make the payment)
	SourceAmount   int32                  `json:"sourceAmount,omitempty"`
	SourceCurrency PaymentAuditCurrencyV3 `json:"sourceCurrency,omitempty"`
	// The amount which the payee will receive
	PaymentAmount   int32                  `json:"paymentAmount"`
	PaymentCurrency PaymentAuditCurrencyV3 `json:"paymentCurrency,omitempty"`
	// The FX rate for the payment, if FX was involved. **Note** that (depending on the role of the caller) this information may not be displayed
	Rate float32 `json:"rate,omitempty"`
	// The inverted FX rate for the payment, if FX was involved. **Note** that (depending on the role of the caller) this information may not be displayed
	InvertedRate      float32   `json:"invertedRate,omitempty"`
	SubmittedDateTime time.Time `json:"submittedDateTime"`
	Status            string    `json:"status"`
	// The funding status of the payment
	FundingStatus string `json:"fundingStatus"`
	// The routing number for the payment.
	RoutingNumber string `json:"routingNumber,omitempty"`
	// The account number for the account which will receive the payment.
	AccountNumber string `json:"accountNumber,omitempty"`
	// The iban for the payment.
	Iban string `json:"iban,omitempty"`
	// The payment memo set by the payor
	PaymentMemo string `json:"paymentMemo,omitempty"`
	// ACH file payment was submitted in, if applicable
	FilenameReference string `json:"filenameReference,omitempty"`
	// Individual Identification Number assigned to the payment in the ACH file, if applicable
	IndividualIdentificationNumber string `json:"individualIdentificationNumber,omitempty"`
	// Trace Number assigned to the payment in the ACH file, if applicable
	TraceNumber        string `json:"traceNumber,omitempty"`
	PayorPaymentId     string `json:"payorPaymentId,omitempty"`
	PaymentChannelId   string `json:"paymentChannelId,omitempty"`
	PaymentChannelName string `json:"paymentChannelName,omitempty"`
	AccountName        string `json:"accountName,omitempty"`
	// The rails ID. Default value is RAILS ID UNAVAILABLE when not populated.
	RailsId string `json:"railsId"`
	// The country code of the payment channel.
	CountryCode string                   `json:"countryCode,omitempty"`
	Events      []PaymentEventResponseV3 `json:"events"`
	// The return cost if a returned payment.
	ReturnCost      int32  `json:"returnCost,omitempty"`
	ReturnReason    string `json:"returnReason,omitempty"`
	RailsPaymentId  string `json:"railsPaymentId,omitempty"`
	RailsBatchId    string `json:"railsBatchId,omitempty"`
	RejectionReason string `json:"rejectionReason,omitempty"`

PaymentResponseV3 struct for PaymentResponseV3

type PaymentResponseV4

type PaymentResponseV4 struct {
	// The id of the payment
	PaymentId string `json:"paymentId"`
	// The id of the paymeee
	PayeeId string `json:"payeeId"`
	// The id of the payor
	PayorId string `json:"payorId"`
	// The name of the payor
	PayorName string `json:"payorName,omitempty"`
	// The quote Id used for the FX
	QuoteId string `json:"quoteId"`
	// The id of the source account from which the payment was taken
	SourceAccountId string `json:"sourceAccountId"`
	// The name of the source account from which the payment was taken
	SourceAccountName string `json:"sourceAccountName,omitempty"`
	// The remote id by which the payor refers to the payee. Only populated once payment is confirmed
	RemoteId string `json:"remoteId,omitempty"`
	// The source amount for the payment (amount debited to make the payment)
	SourceAmount   int32                  `json:"sourceAmount,omitempty"`
	SourceCurrency PaymentAuditCurrencyV4 `json:"sourceCurrency,omitempty"`
	// The amount which the payee will receive
	PaymentAmount   int32                  `json:"paymentAmount"`
	PaymentCurrency PaymentAuditCurrencyV4 `json:"paymentCurrency,omitempty"`
	// The FX rate for the payment, if FX was involved. **Note** that (depending on the role of the caller) this information may not be displayed
	Rate float64 `json:"rate,omitempty"`
	// The inverted FX rate for the payment, if FX was involved. **Note** that (depending on the role of the caller) this information may not be displayed
	InvertedRate      float64   `json:"invertedRate,omitempty"`
	SubmittedDateTime time.Time `json:"submittedDateTime"`
	Status            string    `json:"status"`
	// The funding status of the payment
	FundingStatus string `json:"fundingStatus"`
	// The routing number for the payment.
	RoutingNumber string `json:"routingNumber,omitempty"`
	// The account number for the account which will receive the payment.
	AccountNumber string `json:"accountNumber,omitempty"`
	// The iban for the payment.
	Iban string `json:"iban,omitempty"`
	// The payment memo set by the payor
	PaymentMemo string `json:"paymentMemo,omitempty"`
	// ACH file payment was submitted in, if applicable
	FilenameReference string `json:"filenameReference,omitempty"`
	// Individual Identification Number assigned to the payment in the ACH file, if applicable
	IndividualIdentificationNumber string `json:"individualIdentificationNumber,omitempty"`
	// Trace Number assigned to the payment in the ACH file, if applicable
	TraceNumber        string `json:"traceNumber,omitempty"`
	PayorPaymentId     string `json:"payorPaymentId,omitempty"`
	PaymentChannelId   string `json:"paymentChannelId,omitempty"`
	PaymentChannelName string `json:"paymentChannelName,omitempty"`
	AccountName        string `json:"accountName,omitempty"`
	// The rails ID. Default value is RAILS ID UNAVAILABLE when not populated.
	RailsId string `json:"railsId"`
	// The country code of the payment channel.
	CountryCode string                   `json:"countryCode,omitempty"`
	Events      []PaymentEventResponseV4 `json:"events"`
	// The return cost if a returned payment.
	ReturnCost      int32                   `json:"returnCost,omitempty"`
	ReturnReason    string                  `json:"returnReason,omitempty"`
	RailsPaymentId  string                  `json:"railsPaymentId,omitempty"`
	RailsBatchId    string                  `json:"railsBatchId,omitempty"`
	RejectionReason string                  `json:"rejectionReason,omitempty"`
	Payout          PaymentResponseV4Payout `json:"payout,omitempty"`

PaymentResponseV4 struct for PaymentResponseV4

type PaymentResponseV4Payout

type PaymentResponseV4Payout struct {
	PayoutId   string        `json:"payoutId,omitempty"`
	PayoutFrom PayoutPayorV4 `json:"payoutFrom,omitempty"`
	PayoutTo   PayoutPayorV4 `json:"payoutTo,omitempty"`

PaymentResponseV4Payout struct for PaymentResponseV4Payout

type PayorAddPayorLogoOpts

type PayorAddPayorLogoOpts struct {

PayorAddPayorLogoOpts Optional parameters for the method 'PayorAddPayorLogo'

type PayorAddress

type PayorAddress struct {
	Line1            string  `json:"line1"`
	Line2            *string `json:"line2,omitempty"`
	Line3            *string `json:"line3,omitempty"`
	Line4            *string `json:"line4,omitempty"`
	City             string  `json:"city"`
	CountyOrProvince *string `json:"countyOrProvince,omitempty"`
	ZipOrPostcode    *string `json:"zipOrPostcode,omitempty"`
	Country          string  `json:"country"`

PayorAddress struct for PayorAddress

type PayorAddressV2

type PayorAddressV2 struct {
	Line1            string  `json:"line1"`
	Line2            *string `json:"line2,omitempty"`
	Line3            *string `json:"line3,omitempty"`
	Line4            *string `json:"line4,omitempty"`
	City             string  `json:"city"`
	CountyOrProvince *string `json:"countyOrProvince,omitempty"`
	ZipOrPostcode    *string `json:"zipOrPostcode,omitempty"`
	Country          string  `json:"country"`

PayorAddressV2 struct for PayorAddressV2

type PayorAmlTransactionV3

type PayorAmlTransactionV3 struct {
	TransactionDate       string `json:"transactionDate,omitempty"`
	TransactionTime       string `json:"transactionTime,omitempty"`
	ReportTransactionType string `json:"reportTransactionType,omitempty"`
	Debit                 int64  `json:"debit,omitempty"`
	// ISO 4217 3 character currency code
	DebitCurrency string `json:"debitCurrency,omitempty"`
	Credit        int64  `json:"credit,omitempty"`
	// ISO 4217 3 character currency code
	CreditCurrency string `json:"creditCurrency,omitempty"`
	ReturnFee      string `json:"returnFee,omitempty"`
	// ISO 4217 3 character currency code
	ReturnFeeCurrency    string `json:"returnFeeCurrency,omitempty"`
	ReturnFeeDescription string `json:"returnFeeDescription,omitempty"`
	ReturnCode           string `json:"returnCode,omitempty"`
	ReturnDescription    string `json:"returnDescription,omitempty"`
	FundingType          string `json:"fundingType,omitempty"`
	DateFundingRequested string `json:"dateFundingRequested,omitempty"`
	PayeeName            string `json:"payeeName,omitempty"`
	// Remote ID of the Payee, set by Payor
	RemoteId      string `json:"remoteId,omitempty"`
	PayeeType     string `json:"payeeType,omitempty"`
	PayeeEmail    string `json:"payeeEmail,omitempty"`
	SourceAccount string `json:"sourceAccount,omitempty"`
	PaymentAmount int64  `json:"paymentAmount,omitempty"`
	// ISO 4217 3 character currency code
	PaymentCurrency string  `json:"paymentCurrency,omitempty"`
	PaymentMemo     string  `json:"paymentMemo,omitempty"`
	PaymentType     string  `json:"paymentType,omitempty"`
	PaymentRails    string  `json:"paymentRails,omitempty"`
	PayorPaymentId  string  `json:"payorPaymentId,omitempty"`
	PaymentStatus   string  `json:"paymentStatus,omitempty"`
	RejectReason    string  `json:"rejectReason,omitempty"`
	FxApplied       float64 `json:"fxApplied,omitempty"`

PayorAmlTransactionV3 struct for PayorAmlTransactionV3

type PayorAmlTransactionV4

type PayorAmlTransactionV4 struct {
	TransactionDate       string `json:"transactionDate,omitempty"`
	TransactionTime       string `json:"transactionTime,omitempty"`
	ReportTransactionType string `json:"reportTransactionType,omitempty"`
	Debit                 int64  `json:"debit,omitempty"`
	// ISO 4217 3 character currency code
	DebitCurrency string `json:"debitCurrency,omitempty"`
	Credit        int64  `json:"credit,omitempty"`
	// ISO 4217 3 character currency code
	CreditCurrency string `json:"creditCurrency,omitempty"`
	ReturnFee      string `json:"returnFee,omitempty"`
	// ISO 4217 3 character currency code
	ReturnFeeCurrency    string `json:"returnFeeCurrency,omitempty"`
	ReturnFeeDescription string `json:"returnFeeDescription,omitempty"`
	ReturnCode           string `json:"returnCode,omitempty"`
	ReturnDescription    string `json:"returnDescription,omitempty"`
	FundingType          string `json:"fundingType,omitempty"`
	DateFundingRequested string `json:"dateFundingRequested,omitempty"`
	PayeeName            string `json:"payeeName,omitempty"`
	// Remote ID of the Payee, set by Payor
	RemoteId      string `json:"remoteId,omitempty"`
	PayeeType     string `json:"payeeType,omitempty"`
	PayeeEmail    string `json:"payeeEmail,omitempty"`
	SourceAccount string `json:"sourceAccount,omitempty"`
	PaymentAmount int64  `json:"paymentAmount,omitempty"`
	// ISO 4217 3 character currency code
	PaymentCurrency string  `json:"paymentCurrency,omitempty"`
	PaymentMemo     string  `json:"paymentMemo,omitempty"`
	PaymentType     string  `json:"paymentType,omitempty"`
	PaymentRails    string  `json:"paymentRails,omitempty"`
	PayorPaymentId  string  `json:"payorPaymentId,omitempty"`
	PaymentStatus   string  `json:"paymentStatus,omitempty"`
	RejectReason    string  `json:"rejectReason,omitempty"`
	FxApplied       float64 `json:"fxApplied,omitempty"`

PayorAmlTransactionV4 struct for PayorAmlTransactionV4

type PayorBrandingResponse

type PayorBrandingResponse struct {
	// The name of the payor
	PayorName string `json:"payorName"`
	// The URL to use for this payor’s logo
	LogoUrl string `json:"logoUrl"`
	// How the payor has chosen to refer to payees
	CollectiveAlias *string `json:"collectiveAlias,omitempty"`
	// The payor’s support contact address
	SupportContact *string `json:"supportContact,omitempty"`
	// The payor’s 'Doing Business As' name
	DbaName *string `json:"dbaName,omitempty"`

PayorBrandingResponse struct for PayorBrandingResponse

type PayorCreateApiKeyRequest

type PayorCreateApiKeyRequest struct {
	// A name for the key.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Description of the key.
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// A list of roles to assign to the key.
	Roles []string `json:"roles"`

PayorCreateApiKeyRequest struct for PayorCreateApiKeyRequest

type PayorCreateApiKeyResponse

type PayorCreateApiKeyResponse struct {
	// API Key
	ApiKey string `json:"apiKey,omitempty"`
	// API Secret
	ApiSecret string `json:"apiSecret,omitempty"`

PayorCreateApiKeyResponse struct for PayorCreateApiKeyResponse

type PayorCreateApplicationRequest

type PayorCreateApplicationRequest struct {
	// The name of the application.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Description of the application.
	Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`

PayorCreateApplicationRequest struct for PayorCreateApplicationRequest

type PayorEmailOptOutRequest

type PayorEmailOptOutRequest struct {
	ReminderEmailsOptOut bool `json:"reminderEmailsOptOut"`

PayorEmailOptOutRequest struct for PayorEmailOptOutRequest

type PayorLinksOpts

type PayorLinksOpts struct {
	DescendantsOfPayor optional.Interface
	ParentOfPayor      optional.Interface
	Fields             optional.String

PayorLinksOpts Optional parameters for the method 'PayorLinks'

type PayorLinksResponse

type PayorLinksResponse struct {
	Links  []PayorLinksResponseLinks  `json:"links,omitempty"`
	Payors []PayorLinksResponsePayors `json:"payors,omitempty"`

PayorLinksResponse List Payor Links Response Object

type PayorLinksResponseLinks struct {
	LinkId      string `json:"linkId"`
	FromPayorId string `json:"fromPayorId"`
	LinkType    string `json:"linkType"`
	ToPayorId   string `json:"toPayorId"`

PayorLinksResponseLinks struct for PayorLinksResponseLinks

type PayorLinksResponsePayors

type PayorLinksResponsePayors struct {
	PayorId             string `json:"payorId"`
	PayorName           string `json:"payorName"`
	PrimaryContactEmail string `json:"primaryContactEmail,omitempty"`
	KycState            string `json:"kycState,omitempty"`

PayorLinksResponsePayors struct for PayorLinksResponsePayors

type PayorLogoRequest

type PayorLogoRequest struct {

PayorLogoRequest struct for PayorLogoRequest

type PayorV1

type PayorV1 struct {
	PayorId string `json:"payorId,omitempty"`
	// The name of the payor.
	PayorName string       `json:"payorName"`
	Address   PayorAddress `json:"address,omitempty"`
	// Name of primary contact for the payor.
	PrimaryContactName string `json:"primaryContactName,omitempty"`
	// Primary contact phone number for the payor.
	PrimaryContactPhone string `json:"primaryContactPhone,omitempty"`
	// Primary contact email for the payor.
	PrimaryContactEmail string `json:"primaryContactEmail,omitempty"`
	// The funding account routing number to be used for the payor.
	FundingAccountRoutingNumber string `json:"fundingAccountRoutingNumber,omitempty"`
	// The funding account number to be used for the payor.
	FundingAccountAccountNumber string `json:"fundingAccountAccountNumber,omitempty"`
	// The funding account name to be used for the payor.
	FundingAccountAccountName string   `json:"fundingAccountAccountName,omitempty"`
	KycState                  KycState `json:"kycState,omitempty"`
	// Whether or not the payor has been manually locked by the backoffice.
	ManualLockout bool `json:"manualLockout,omitempty"`
	// Whether grace period processing is enabled.
	PayeeGracePeriodProcessingEnabled bool `json:"payeeGracePeriodProcessingEnabled,omitempty"`
	// The grace period for paying payees in days.
	PayeeGracePeriodDays int32 `json:"payeeGracePeriodDays,omitempty"`
	// How the payor has chosen to refer to payees.
	CollectiveAlias string `json:"collectiveAlias,omitempty"`
	// The payor’s support contact email address.
	SupportContact string `json:"supportContact,omitempty"`
	// The payor’s 'Doing Business As' name.
	DbaName string `json:"dbaName,omitempty"`
	// Whether or not the payor allows language choice in the UI.
	AllowsLanguageChoice bool `json:"allowsLanguageChoice,omitempty"`
	// Whether or not the payor has opted-out of reminder emails being sent.
	ReminderEmailsOptOut bool `json:"reminderEmailsOptOut,omitempty"`
	// The payor’s language preference. Must be one of [EN, FR].
	Language             string `json:"language,omitempty"`
	IncludesReports      bool   `json:"includesReports,omitempty"`
	MaxMasterPayorAdmins int32  `json:"maxMasterPayorAdmins,omitempty"`

PayorV1 struct for PayorV1

type PayorV2

type PayorV2 struct {
	PayorId string `json:"payorId"`
	// The name of the payor.
	PayorName string         `json:"payorName"`
	Address   PayorAddressV2 `json:"address,omitempty"`
	// Name of primary contact for the payor.
	PrimaryContactName string `json:"primaryContactName,omitempty"`
	// Primary contact phone number for the payor.
	PrimaryContactPhone string `json:"primaryContactPhone,omitempty"`
	// Primary contact email for the payor.
	PrimaryContactEmail string   `json:"primaryContactEmail,omitempty"`
	KycState            KycState `json:"kycState,omitempty"`
	// Whether or not the payor has been manually locked by the backoffice.
	ManualLockout bool `json:"manualLockout,omitempty"`
	// Whether grace period processing is enabled.
	PayeeGracePeriodProcessingEnabled bool `json:"payeeGracePeriodProcessingEnabled,omitempty"`
	// The grace period for paying payees in days.
	PayeeGracePeriodDays int32 `json:"payeeGracePeriodDays,omitempty"`
	// How the payor has chosen to refer to payees.
	CollectiveAlias string `json:"collectiveAlias,omitempty"`
	// The payor’s support contact email address.
	SupportContact string `json:"supportContact,omitempty"`
	// The payor’s 'Doing Business As' name.
	DbaName string `json:"dbaName,omitempty"`
	// Whether or not the payor allows language choice in the UI.
	AllowsLanguageChoice bool `json:"allowsLanguageChoice,omitempty"`
	// Whether or not the payor has opted-out of reminder emails being sent.
	ReminderEmailsOptOut bool `json:"reminderEmailsOptOut,omitempty"`
	// The payor’s language preference. Must be one of [EN, FR].
	Language             string       `json:"language,omitempty"`
	IncludesReports      bool         `json:"includesReports,omitempty"`
	WuCustomerId         string       `json:"wuCustomerId,omitempty"`
	MaxMasterPayorAdmins int32        `json:"maxMasterPayorAdmins,omitempty"`
	PaymentRails         PaymentRails `json:"paymentRails,omitempty"`

PayorV2 struct for PayorV2

type PayorsApiService

type PayorsApiService service

PayorsApiService PayorsApi service

func (*PayorsApiService) GetPayorById

func (a *PayorsApiService) GetPayorById(ctx _context.Context, payorId string) (PayorV1, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetPayorById Get Payor Get a Single Payor by Id.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The account owner Payor ID

@return PayorV1

func (*PayorsApiService) GetPayorByIdV2

func (a *PayorsApiService) GetPayorByIdV2(ctx _context.Context, payorId string) (PayorV2, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetPayorByIdV2 Get Payor Get a Single Payor by Id.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The account owner Payor ID

@return PayorV2

func (a *PayorsApiService) PayorAddPayorLogo(ctx _context.Context, payorId string, localVarOptionals *PayorAddPayorLogoOpts) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

PayorAddPayorLogo Add Logo Add Payor Logo. Logo file is used in your branding, and emails sent to payees.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The account owner Payor ID
  • @param optional nil or *PayorAddPayorLogoOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Logo" (optional.Interface of *os.File) -

func (*PayorsApiService) PayorCreateApiKeyRequest

func (a *PayorsApiService) PayorCreateApiKeyRequest(ctx _context.Context, payorId string, applicationId string, payorCreateApiKeyRequest PayorCreateApiKeyRequest) (PayorCreateApiKeyResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

PayorCreateApiKeyRequest Create API Key Create an an API key for the given payor Id and application Id

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The account owner Payor ID
  • @param applicationId Application ID
  • @param payorCreateApiKeyRequest Details of application API key to create

@return PayorCreateApiKeyResponse

func (*PayorsApiService) PayorCreateApplicationRequest

func (a *PayorsApiService) PayorCreateApplicationRequest(ctx _context.Context, payorId string, payorCreateApplicationRequest PayorCreateApplicationRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

PayorCreateApplicationRequest Create Application Create an application for the given Payor ID. Applications are programatic users which can be assigned unique keys.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The account owner Payor ID
  • @param payorCreateApplicationRequest Details of application to create

func (*PayorsApiService) PayorEmailOptOut

func (a *PayorsApiService) PayorEmailOptOut(ctx _context.Context, payorId string, payorEmailOptOutRequest PayorEmailOptOutRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

PayorEmailOptOut Reminder Email Opt-Out Update the emailRemindersOptOut field for a Payor. This API can be used to opt out or opt into Payor Reminder emails. These emails are typically around payee events such as payees registering and onboarding.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The account owner Payor ID
  • @param payorEmailOptOutRequest Reminder Emails Opt-Out Request

func (*PayorsApiService) PayorGetBranding

func (a *PayorsApiService) PayorGetBranding(ctx _context.Context, payorId string) (PayorBrandingResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

PayorGetBranding Get Branding Get the payor branding details.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payorId The account owner Payor ID

@return PayorBrandingResponse

func (a *PayorsApiService) PayorLinks(ctx _context.Context, localVarOptionals *PayorLinksOpts) (PayorLinksResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

PayorLinks List Payor Links This endpoint allows you to list payor links

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *PayorLinksOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "DescendantsOfPayor" (optional.Interface of string) - The Payor ID from which to start the query to show all descendants
  • @param "ParentOfPayor" (optional.Interface of string) - Look for the parent payor details for this payor id
  • @param "Fields" (optional.String) - List of additional Payor fields to include in the response for each Payor. The values of payorId and payorName and always included for each Payor - 'fields' allows you to add to this. Example: ```fields=primaryContactEmail,kycState``` - will include payorId+payorName+primaryContactEmail+kycState for each Payor Default if not specified is to include only payorId and payorName. The supported fields are any combination of: primaryContactEmail,kycState

@return PayorLinksResponse

type PayorsPrivateApiService

type PayorsPrivateApiService service

PayorsPrivateApiService PayorsPrivateApi service

func (a *PayorsPrivateApiService) CreatePayorLinks(ctx _context.Context, createPayorLinkRequest CreatePayorLinkRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

CreatePayorLinks Create a Payor Link This endpoint allows you to create a payor link.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param createPayorLinkRequest Request to create a payor link

type PayoutHistoryApiService

type PayoutHistoryApiService service

PayoutHistoryApiService PayoutHistoryApi service

func (*PayoutHistoryApiService) GetPaymentsForPayout

func (a *PayoutHistoryApiService) GetPaymentsForPayout(ctx _context.Context, payoutId string, localVarOptionals *GetPaymentsForPayoutOpts) (GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetPaymentsForPayout Get Payments for Payout Get List of payments for Payout

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payoutId The id (UUID) of the payout.
  • @param optional nil or *GetPaymentsForPayoutOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "RemoteId" (optional.String) - The remote id of the payees.
  • @param "Status" (optional.String) - Payment Status
  • @param "SourceAmountFrom" (optional.Int32) - The source amount from range filter. Filters for sourceAmount >= sourceAmountFrom
  • @param "SourceAmountTo" (optional.Int32) - The source amount to range filter. Filters for sourceAmount ⇐ sourceAmountTo
  • @param "PaymentAmountFrom" (optional.Int32) - The payment amount from range filter. Filters for paymentAmount >= paymentAmountFrom
  • @param "PaymentAmountTo" (optional.Int32) - The payment amount to range filter. Filters for paymentAmount ⇐ paymentAmountTo
  • @param "SubmittedDateFrom" (optional.String) - The submitted date from range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "SubmittedDateTo" (optional.String) - The submitted date to range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) - List of sort fields (e.g. ?sort=submittedDateTime:asc,status:asc). Default is sort by remoteId The supported sort fields are: sourceAmount, sourceCurrency, paymentAmount, paymentCurrency, routingNumber, accountNumber, remoteId, submittedDateTime and status
  • @param "Sensitive" (optional.Bool) - Optional. If omitted or set to false, any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) values are returned masked. If set to true, and you have permission, the PII values will be returned as their original unmasked values.

@return GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV3

func (*PayoutHistoryApiService) GetPaymentsForPayoutV4

func (a *PayoutHistoryApiService) GetPaymentsForPayoutV4(ctx _context.Context, payoutId string, localVarOptionals *GetPaymentsForPayoutV4Opts) (GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV4, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetPaymentsForPayoutV4 Get Payments for Payout Get List of payments for Payout, allowing for RETURNED status

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payoutId The id (UUID) of the payout.
  • @param optional nil or *GetPaymentsForPayoutV4Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "RemoteId" (optional.String) - The remote id of the payees.
  • @param "Status" (optional.String) - Payment Status
  • @param "SourceAmountFrom" (optional.Int32) - The source amount from range filter. Filters for sourceAmount >= sourceAmountFrom
  • @param "SourceAmountTo" (optional.Int32) - The source amount to range filter. Filters for sourceAmount ⇐ sourceAmountTo
  • @param "PaymentAmountFrom" (optional.Int32) - The payment amount from range filter. Filters for paymentAmount >= paymentAmountFrom
  • @param "PaymentAmountTo" (optional.Int32) - The payment amount to range filter. Filters for paymentAmount ⇐ paymentAmountTo
  • @param "SubmittedDateFrom" (optional.String) - The submitted date from range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "SubmittedDateTo" (optional.String) - The submitted date to range filter. Format is yyyy-MM-dd.
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) - List of sort fields (e.g. ?sort=submittedDateTime:asc,status:asc). Default is sort by remoteId The supported sort fields are: sourceAmount, sourceCurrency, paymentAmount, paymentCurrency, routingNumber, accountNumber, remoteId, submittedDateTime and status
  • @param "Sensitive" (optional.Bool) - Optional. If omitted or set to false, any Personal Identifiable Information (PII) values are returned masked. If set to true, and you have permission, the PII values will be returned as their original unmasked values.

@return GetPaymentsForPayoutResponseV4

func (*PayoutHistoryApiService) GetPayoutStatsV1

func (a *PayoutHistoryApiService) GetPayoutStatsV1(ctx _context.Context, localVarOptionals *GetPayoutStatsV1Opts) (GetPayoutStatistics, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetPayoutStatsV1 Get Payout Statistics Get payout statistics for a payor.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *GetPayoutStatsV1Opts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "PayorId" (optional.Interface of string) - The account owner Payor ID. Required for external users.

@return GetPayoutStatistics

type PayoutPayorV4

type PayoutPayorV4 struct {
	// The id of the payor.
	PayorId string `json:"payorId"`
	// The name of the payor.
	PayorName string `json:"payorName"`
	// The alternate name of the payor.
	DbaName string `json:"dbaName"`
	// Email address if principal is a user or ID if application.
	Principal string `json:"principal"`
	// The id of the principal.
	PrincipalId string `json:"principalId"`

PayoutPayorV4 Details of payor and principal participating in a payout.

type PayoutPrincipalV4

type PayoutPrincipalV4 struct {
	// Email address if principal is a user or ID if application.
	Principal string `json:"principal"`
	// The id of the principal.
	PrincipalId string `json:"principalId"`

PayoutPrincipalV4 Details of principal participating in a payout.

type PayoutStatusV3

type PayoutStatusV3 string

PayoutStatusV3 the model 'PayoutStatusV3'

const (

List of PayoutStatusV3

type PayoutStatusV4

type PayoutStatusV4 string

PayoutStatusV4 the model 'PayoutStatusV4'

const (

List of PayoutStatusV4

type PayoutSummaryAuditV3

type PayoutSummaryAuditV3 struct {
	PayoutId                string                   `json:"payoutId"`
	PayorId                 string                   `json:"payorId,omitempty"`
	Status                  PayoutStatusV3           `json:"status"`
	SubmittedDateTime       string                   `json:"submittedDateTime"`
	InstructedDateTime      string                   `json:"instructedDateTime,omitempty"`
	WithdrawnDateTime       string                   `json:"withdrawnDateTime,omitempty"`
	TotalPayments           int32                    `json:"totalPayments,omitempty"`
	TotalIncompletePayments int32                    `json:"totalIncompletePayments,omitempty"`
	TotalFailedPayments     int32                    `json:"totalFailedPayments,omitempty"`
	SourceAccountSummary    []SourceAccountSummaryV3 `json:"sourceAccountSummary,omitempty"`
	FxSummaries             []FxSummaryV3            `json:"fxSummaries,omitempty"`
	PayoutMemo              string                   `json:"payoutMemo,omitempty"`

PayoutSummaryAuditV3 struct for PayoutSummaryAuditV3

type PayoutSummaryAuditV4

type PayoutSummaryAuditV4 struct {
	PayoutId                string                   `json:"payoutId,omitempty"`
	PayorId                 string                   `json:"payorId,omitempty"`
	Status                  PayoutStatusV4           `json:"status"`
	DateTime                time.Time                `json:"dateTime,omitempty"`
	SubmittedDateTime       string                   `json:"submittedDateTime"`
	InstructedDateTime      string                   `json:"instructedDateTime,omitempty"`
	WithdrawnDateTime       time.Time                `json:"withdrawnDateTime,omitempty"`
	TotalPayments           int32                    `json:"totalPayments,omitempty"`
	TotalIncompletePayments int32                    `json:"totalIncompletePayments,omitempty"`
	TotalReturnedPayments   int32                    `json:"totalReturnedPayments,omitempty"`
	SourceAccountSummary    []SourceAccountSummaryV4 `json:"sourceAccountSummary,omitempty"`
	FxSummaries             []FxSummaryV4            `json:"fxSummaries,omitempty"`
	PayoutMemo              string                   `json:"payoutMemo,omitempty"`
	PayoutType              PayoutTypeV4             `json:"payoutType"`
	PayorName               string                   `json:"payorName"`

PayoutSummaryAuditV4 struct for PayoutSummaryAuditV4

type PayoutSummaryResponse

type PayoutSummaryResponse struct {
	PayoutId          string            `json:"payoutId,omitempty"`
	Status            string            `json:"status,omitempty"`
	PaymentsSubmitted int32             `json:"paymentsSubmitted,omitempty"`
	PaymentsAccepted  int32             `json:"paymentsAccepted,omitempty"`
	PaymentsRejected  int32             `json:"paymentsRejected,omitempty"`
	FxSummaries       []QuoteFxSummary  `json:"fxSummaries"`
	Accounts          []SourceAccount   `json:"accounts"`
	AcceptedPayments  []AcceptedPayment `json:"acceptedPayments"`
	RejectedPayments  []RejectedPayment `json:"rejectedPayments"`

PayoutSummaryResponse struct for PayoutSummaryResponse

type PayoutTypeV4

type PayoutTypeV4 string

PayoutTypeV4 The type of payout.

const (
	STANDARD     PayoutTypeV4 = "STANDARD"
	AS           PayoutTypeV4 = "AS"

List of PayoutTypeV4

type QueryBatchResponse

type QueryBatchResponse struct {
	// Batch Status
	Status       string             `json:"status,omitempty"`
	FailureCount int64              `json:"failureCount,omitempty"`
	PendingCount int64              `json:"pendingCount,omitempty"`
	Failures     []FailedSubmission `json:"failures,omitempty"`

QueryBatchResponse struct for QueryBatchResponse

type QueryBatchResponse2

type QueryBatchResponse2 struct {
	// Batch Status
	Status       string              `json:"status,omitempty"`
	FailureCount int64               `json:"failureCount,omitempty"`
	PendingCount int64               `json:"pendingCount,omitempty"`
	Failures     []FailedSubmission2 `json:"failures,omitempty"`

QueryBatchResponse2 struct for QueryBatchResponse2

type QuoteFxSummary

type QuoteFxSummary struct {
	Rate               float32   `json:"rate"`
	InvertedRate       float32   `json:"invertedRate,omitempty"`
	CreationTime       time.Time `json:"creationTime"`
	ExpiryTime         time.Time `json:"expiryTime,omitempty"`
	QuoteId            string    `json:"quoteId"`
	TotalSourceAmount  int32     `json:"totalSourceAmount"`
	TotalPaymentAmount int32     `json:"totalPaymentAmount"`
	// Valid ISO 4217 3 letter currency code. See the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" a>ISO specification</a> for details.
	SourceCurrency string `json:"sourceCurrency"`
	// Valid ISO 4217 3 letter currency code. See the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" a>ISO specification</a> for details.
	PaymentCurrency string `json:"paymentCurrency"`
	FundingStatus   string `json:"fundingStatus"`
	Status          string `json:"status"`

QuoteFxSummary struct for QuoteFxSummary

type QuotePayoutApiService

type QuotePayoutApiService service

QuotePayoutApiService QuotePayoutApi service

func (*QuotePayoutApiService) V3PayoutsPayoutIdQuotePost

func (a *QuotePayoutApiService) V3PayoutsPayoutIdQuotePost(ctx _context.Context, payoutId string) (QuoteResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

V3PayoutsPayoutIdQuotePost Create a quote for the payout Create quote for a payout

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payoutId Id of the payout

@return QuoteResponse

type QuoteResponse

type QuoteResponse struct {
	FxSummaries []QuoteFxSummary `json:"fxSummaries,omitempty"`

QuoteResponse struct for QuoteResponse

type Region

type Region struct {
	Name         string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Abbreviation string `json:"abbreviation,omitempty"`

Region struct for Region

type RegisterSmsRequest

type RegisterSmsRequest struct {
	// The phone number of a device that the user can receive sms messages on
	SmsNumber string `json:"smsNumber"`

RegisterSmsRequest struct for RegisterSmsRequest

type RejectedPayment

type RejectedPayment struct {
	RemoteId string `json:"remoteId"`
	// Valid ISO 4217 3 letter currency code. See the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" a>ISO specification</a> for details.
	CurrencyType      string `json:"currencyType"`
	Amount            int32  `json:"amount"`
	SourceAccountName string `json:"sourceAccountName"`
	PayorPaymentId    string `json:"payorPaymentId"`
	Reason            string `json:"reason"`
	ReasonCode        string `json:"reasonCode,omitempty"`
	LineNumber        int32  `json:"lineNumber,omitempty"`
	Message           string `json:"message,omitempty"`

RejectedPayment struct for RejectedPayment

type ResendTokenRequest

type ResendTokenRequest struct {
	// The type of the token to resend
	TokenType string `json:"tokenType"`
	// <p>Optional property that MUST be suppied when manually verifying a user</p> <p>The user's smsNumber is registered via a separate endpoint and an OTP sent to them</p>
	VerificationCode *string `json:"verificationCode,omitempty"`

ResendTokenRequest struct for ResendTokenRequest

type ResetPasswordRequest

type ResetPasswordRequest struct {
	// the email address of the user requesting the reset password
	Email string `json:"email"`

ResetPasswordRequest struct for ResetPasswordRequest

type Role

type Role struct {
	// the name of the role
	Name string `json:"name"`

Role struct for Role

type RoleUpdateRequest

type RoleUpdateRequest struct {
	// <p>The role(s) for the user</p> <p>The role must exist</p> <p>The role can be a custom role or a system role but the invoker must have the permissions to assign the role</p> <p>System roles are: backoffice.admin, payor.master_admin, payor.admin,</p>
	Roles []string `json:"roles"`
	// <p>Optional property that MUST be suppied when manually verifying a user</p> <p>The user's smsNumber is registered via a separate endpoint and an OTP sent to them</p>
	VerificationCode *string `json:"verificationCode,omitempty"`

RoleUpdateRequest struct for RoleUpdateRequest

type SelfMfaTypeUnregisterRequest

type SelfMfaTypeUnregisterRequest struct {
	// The type of the MFA device
	MfaType string `json:"mfaType"`

SelfMfaTypeUnregisterRequest struct for SelfMfaTypeUnregisterRequest

type SelfUpdatePasswordRequest

type SelfUpdatePasswordRequest struct {
	// The user's current password
	OldPassword string `json:"oldPassword"`
	// The new password
	NewPassword string `json:"newPassword"`

SelfUpdatePasswordRequest struct for SelfUpdatePasswordRequest

type ServerConfiguration

type ServerConfiguration struct {
	Url         string
	Description string
	Variables   map[string]ServerVariable

ServerConfiguration stores the information about a server

type ServerVariable

type ServerVariable struct {
	Description  string
	DefaultValue string
	EnumValues   []string

ServerVariable stores the information about a server variable

type SetNotificationsRequest

type SetNotificationsRequest struct {
	// Amount to set as minimum balance in minor units
	MinimumBalance int64 `json:"minimumBalance"`

SetNotificationsRequest struct for SetNotificationsRequest

type SourceAccount

type SourceAccount struct {
	SourceAccountName string `json:"sourceAccountName"`
	SourceAccountId   string `json:"sourceAccountId"`
	// Valid ISO 4217 3 letter currency code. See the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" a>ISO specification</a> for details.
	Currency        string `json:"currency"`
	TotalPayoutCost int32  `json:"totalPayoutCost"`

SourceAccount struct for SourceAccount

type SourceAccountResponse

type SourceAccountResponse struct {
	// Source Account Id
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Decimal implied
	Balance             int64   `json:"balance,omitempty"`
	Currency            string  `json:"currency,omitempty"`
	FundingRef          string  `json:"fundingRef,omitempty"`
	PhysicalAccountName string  `json:"physicalAccountName,omitempty"`
	RailsId             string  `json:"railsId,omitempty"`
	PayorId             string  `json:"payorId,omitempty"`
	Name                string  `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Pooled              bool    `json:"pooled,omitempty"`
	BalanceVisible      bool    `json:"balanceVisible,omitempty"`
	CustomerId          *string `json:"customerId,omitempty"`
	PhysicalAccountId   string  `json:"physicalAccountId,omitempty"`
	FundingAccountId    *string `json:"fundingAccountId,omitempty"`

SourceAccountResponse struct for SourceAccountResponse

type SourceAccountResponseV2

type SourceAccountResponseV2 struct {
	// Source Account Id
	Id string `json:"id"`
	// Decimal implied
	Balance             int64           `json:"balance,omitempty"`
	Currency            string          `json:"currency,omitempty"`
	FundingRef          string          `json:"fundingRef"`
	PhysicalAccountName string          `json:"physicalAccountName"`
	RailsId             string          `json:"railsId"`
	PayorId             string          `json:"payorId,omitempty"`
	Name                string          `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Pooled              bool            `json:"pooled"`
	BalanceVisible      bool            `json:"balanceVisible"`
	CustomerId          *string         `json:"customerId,omitempty"`
	PhysicalAccountId   string          `json:"physicalAccountId,omitempty"`
	Notifications       Notifications   `json:"notifications,omitempty"`
	FundingAccountId    *string         `json:"fundingAccountId,omitempty"`
	AutoTopUpConfig     AutoTopUpConfig `json:"autoTopUpConfig"`

SourceAccountResponseV2 struct for SourceAccountResponseV2

type SourceAccountSummaryV3

type SourceAccountSummaryV3 struct {
	SourceAccountId string                 `json:"sourceAccountId"`
	TotalCost       int64                  `json:"totalCost"`
	Currency        PaymentAuditCurrencyV3 `json:"currency,omitempty"`

SourceAccountSummaryV3 struct for SourceAccountSummaryV3

type SourceAccountSummaryV4

type SourceAccountSummaryV4 struct {
	SourceAccountId string                 `json:"sourceAccountId"`
	TotalCost       int64                  `json:"totalCost"`
	Currency        PaymentAuditCurrencyV4 `json:"currency,omitempty"`

SourceAccountSummaryV4 struct for SourceAccountSummaryV4

type SubmitPayoutApiService

type SubmitPayoutApiService service

SubmitPayoutApiService SubmitPayoutApi service

func (*SubmitPayoutApiService) SubmitPayout

func (a *SubmitPayoutApiService) SubmitPayout(ctx _context.Context, createPayoutRequest CreatePayoutRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

SubmitPayout Submit Payout &lt;p&gt;Create a new payout and return a location header with a link to get the payout.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Basic validation of the payout is performed before returning but more comprehensive validation is done asynchronously.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The results can be obtained by issuing a HTTP GET to the URL returned in the location header.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;**NOTE:** amount values in payments must be in &#39;minor units&#39; format. E.g. cents for USD, pence for GBP etc.&lt;/p&gt; with no decimal places.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param createPayoutRequest Post amount to transfer using stored funding account details.

type SupportedCountriesResponse

type SupportedCountriesResponse struct {
	Countries []SupportedCountry `json:"countries,omitempty"`

SupportedCountriesResponse struct for SupportedCountriesResponse

type SupportedCountriesResponse2

type SupportedCountriesResponse2 struct {
	Countries []SupportedCountry2 `json:"countries,omitempty"`

SupportedCountriesResponse2 struct for SupportedCountriesResponse2

type SupportedCountry

type SupportedCountry struct {
	// Valid ISO 3166 2 character country code. See the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" a>ISO specification</a> for details.
	IsoCountryCode string   `json:"isoCountryCode,omitempty"`
	Currencies     []string `json:"currencies,omitempty"`

SupportedCountry struct for SupportedCountry

type SupportedCountry2

type SupportedCountry2 struct {
	// Valid ISO 3166 2 character country code. See the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" a>ISO specification</a> for details.
	IsoCountryCode string   `json:"isoCountryCode,omitempty"`
	Currencies     []string `json:"currencies,omitempty"`
	Regions        []Region `json:"regions,omitempty"`

SupportedCountry2 struct for SupportedCountry2

type SupportedCurrency

type SupportedCurrency struct {
	// Valid ISO 4217 3 letter currency code. See the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" a>ISO specification</a> for details.
	Currency string `json:"currency,omitempty"`
	// The max amount allowed in this currency
	MaxPaymentAmount int32 `json:"maxPaymentAmount,omitempty"`

SupportedCurrency struct for SupportedCurrency

type SupportedCurrencyResponse

type SupportedCurrencyResponse struct {
	Currencies []SupportedCurrency `json:"currencies,omitempty"`

SupportedCurrencyResponse struct for SupportedCurrencyResponse

type TokensApiService

type TokensApiService service

TokensApiService TokensApi service

func (*TokensApiService) ResendToken

func (a *TokensApiService) ResendToken(ctx _context.Context, userId string, resendTokenRequest ResendTokenRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

ResendToken Resend a token &lt;p&gt;Resend the specified token &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The token to resend must already exist for the user &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;It will be revoked and a new one issued&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param userId The UUID of the User.
  • @param resendTokenRequest The type of token to resend

type TransferRequest

type TransferRequest struct {
	// The 'to' source account id, which will be credited
	ToSourceAccountId string `json:"toSourceAccountId"`
	// Amount to transfer, in minor units
	Amount   int64  `json:"amount"`
	Currency string `json:"currency"`

TransferRequest struct for TransferRequest

type UnregisterMfaRequest

type UnregisterMfaRequest struct {
	// The type of the MFA device
	MfaType string `json:"mfaType"`
	// <p>Optional property that MUST be suppied when manually verifying a user</p> <p>The user's smsNumber is registered via a separate endpoint and an OTP sent to them</p>
	VerificationCode *string `json:"verificationCode,omitempty"`

UnregisterMfaRequest struct for UnregisterMfaRequest

type UpdateRemoteIdRequest

type UpdateRemoteIdRequest struct {
	PayorId  string `json:"payorId"`
	RemoteId string `json:"remoteId"`

UpdateRemoteIdRequest struct for UpdateRemoteIdRequest

type UserDetailsUpdateRequest

type UserDetailsUpdateRequest struct {
	// The main contact number for the user
	PrimaryContactNumber *string `json:"primaryContactNumber,omitempty"`
	// The secondary contact number for the user
	SecondaryContactNumber *string `json:"secondaryContactNumber,omitempty"`
	FirstName              *string `json:"firstName,omitempty"`
	LastName               *string `json:"lastName,omitempty"`
	// the email address of the user
	Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"`
	// The phone number of a device that the user can receive sms messages on
	SmsNumber *string  `json:"smsNumber,omitempty"`
	MfaType   *MfaType `json:"mfaType,omitempty"`
	// <p>Optional property that MUST be suppied when manually verifying a user</p> <p>The user's smsNumber is registered via a separate endpoint and an OTP sent to them</p>
	VerificationCode *string `json:"verificationCode,omitempty"`

UserDetailsUpdateRequest <p>All properties are optional</p> <p>Only provided properties will be updated</p> <p>Use null to null out a property that is allowed to be nullable</p>

type UserInfo

type UserInfo struct {
	// the id of the user
	UserId     string     `json:"user_id,omitempty"`
	UserType   UserType2  `json:"userType,omitempty"`
	MfaDetails MfaDetails `json:"mfa_details,omitempty"`

UserInfo struct for UserInfo

type UserResponse

type UserResponse struct {
	// The id of the user
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The status of the user when the user has been invited but not yet enrolled they will have a PENDING status
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// the email address of the user
	Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`
	// The phone number of a device that the user can receive sms messages on
	SmsNumber string `json:"smsNumber,omitempty"`
	// The main contact number for the user
	PrimaryContactNumber string `json:"primaryContactNumber,omitempty"`
	// The secondary contact number for the user
	SecondaryContactNumber string `json:"secondaryContactNumber,omitempty"`
	FirstName              string `json:"firstName,omitempty"`
	LastName               string `json:"lastName,omitempty"`
	// The payorId or payeeId or null if the user is not a payor or payee user
	EntityId string `json:"entityId,omitempty"`
	// The role(s) for the user
	Roles []Role `json:"roles,omitempty"`
	// The type of the MFA device
	MfaType string `json:"mfaType,omitempty"`
	// The status of the MFA device
	MfaStatus string `json:"mfaStatus,omitempty"`
	// If true the user is currently locked out and unable to log in
	LockedOut bool `json:"lockedOut,omitempty"`
	// A timestamp showing when the user was locked out If null then the user is not currently locked out
	LockedOutTimestamp *time.Time `json:"lockedOutTimestamp,omitempty"`

UserResponse struct for UserResponse

type UserResponse2

type UserResponse2 struct {
	// The id of the user
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The status of the user when the user has been invited but not yet enrolled they will have a PENDING status
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// the email address of the user
	Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`
	// The phone number of a device that the user can receive sms messages on
	SmsNumber string `json:"smsNumber,omitempty"`
	// The main contact number for the user
	PrimaryContactNumber string `json:"primaryContactNumber,omitempty"`
	// The secondary contact number for the user
	SecondaryContactNumber string `json:"secondaryContactNumber,omitempty"`
	FirstName              string `json:"firstName,omitempty"`
	LastName               string `json:"lastName,omitempty"`
	// The payorId or payeeId or null if the user is not a payor or payee user
	EntityId string `json:"entityId,omitempty"`
	// The role(s) for the user
	Roles []UserResponse2Roles `json:"roles,omitempty"`
	// The type of the MFA device
	MfaType string `json:"mfaType,omitempty"`
	// Will be true if the user has logged in successfully using the MFA Device
	MfaVerified bool `json:"mfaVerified,omitempty"`
	// The status of the MFA device
	MfaStatus string `json:"mfaStatus,omitempty"`
	// If true the user is currently locked out and unable to log in
	LockedOut bool `json:"lockedOut,omitempty"`
	// A timestamp showing when the user was locked out If null then the user is not currently locked out
	LockedOutTimestamp *time.Time `json:"lockedOutTimestamp,omitempty"`

UserResponse2 struct for UserResponse2

type UserResponse2Roles

type UserResponse2Roles struct {
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

UserResponse2Roles struct for UserResponse2Roles

type UserStatus

type UserStatus string

UserStatus The status of the user when the user has been invited but not yet enrolled they will have a PENDING status

const (

List of UserStatus

type UserType

type UserType string

UserType the model 'UserType'

const (
	PAYOR      UserType = "PAYOR"
	PAYEE      UserType = "PAYEE"

List of UserType

type UserType2

type UserType2 string

UserType2 the model 'UserType2'

const (
	USERTYPE2_PAYOR      UserType2 = "PAYOR"
	USERTYPE2_PAYEE      UserType2 = "PAYEE"

List of UserType_2

type UsersApiService

type UsersApiService service

UsersApiService UsersApi service

func (*UsersApiService) DeleteUserByIdV2

func (a *UsersApiService) DeleteUserByIdV2(ctx _context.Context, userId string) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

DeleteUserByIdV2 Delete a User Delete User by Id.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param userId The UUID of the User.

func (*UsersApiService) DisableUserV2

func (a *UsersApiService) DisableUserV2(ctx _context.Context, userId string) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

DisableUserV2 Disable a User &lt;p&gt;If a user is enabled this endpoint will disable them &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The invoker must have the appropriate permission &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;A user cannot disable themself &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;When a user is disabled any active access tokens will be revoked and the user will not be able to log in&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param userId The UUID of the User.

func (*UsersApiService) EnableUserV2

func (a *UsersApiService) EnableUserV2(ctx _context.Context, userId string) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

EnableUserV2 Enable a User &lt;p&gt;If a user has been disabled this endpoints will enable them &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The invoker must have the appropriate permission &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;A user cannot enable themself &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;If the user is a payor user and the payor is disabled this operation is not allowed&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;If enabling a payor user would breach the limit for master admin payor users the request will be rejected &lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param userId The UUID of the User.

func (*UsersApiService) GetSelf

GetSelf Get Self Get the user&#39;s details

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return UserResponse2

func (*UsersApiService) GetUserByIdV2

func (a *UsersApiService) GetUserByIdV2(ctx _context.Context, userId string) (UserResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

GetUserByIdV2 Get User Get a Single User by Id.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param userId The UUID of the User.

@return UserResponse

func (*UsersApiService) InviteUser

func (a *UsersApiService) InviteUser(ctx _context.Context, inviteUserRequest InviteUserRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

InviteUser Invite a User Create a User and invite them to the system

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param inviteUserRequest Details of User to invite

func (*UsersApiService) ListUsers

func (a *UsersApiService) ListUsers(ctx _context.Context, localVarOptionals *ListUsersOpts) (PagedUserResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ListUsers List Users Get a paginated response listing the Users

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param optional nil or *ListUsersOpts - Optional Parameters:
  • @param "Type_" (optional.Interface of UserType) - The Type of the User.
  • @param "Status" (optional.Interface of UserStatus) - The status of the User.
  • @param "EntityId" (optional.Interface of string) - The entityId of the User.
  • @param "Page" (optional.Int32) - Page number. Default is 1.
  • @param "PageSize" (optional.Int32) - Page size. Default is 25. Max allowable is 100.
  • @param "Sort" (optional.String) - List of sort fields (e.g. ?sort=email:asc,lastName:asc) Default is email:asc 'name' The supported sort fields are - email, lastNmae.

@return PagedUserResponse

func (*UsersApiService) RegisterSms

func (a *UsersApiService) RegisterSms(ctx _context.Context, registerSmsRequest RegisterSmsRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

RegisterSms Register SMS Number &lt;p&gt;Register an Sms number and send an OTP to it &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Used for manual verification of a user &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The backoffice user initiates the request to send the OTP to the user&#39;s sms &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The user then reads back the OTP which the backoffice user enters in the verifactionCode property for requests that require it&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param registerSmsRequest a SMS Number to send an OTP to

func (*UsersApiService) ResendToken

func (a *UsersApiService) ResendToken(ctx _context.Context, userId string, resendTokenRequest ResendTokenRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

ResendToken Resend a token &lt;p&gt;Resend the specified token &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The token to resend must already exist for the user &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;It will be revoked and a new one issued&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param userId The UUID of the User.
  • @param resendTokenRequest The type of token to resend

func (*UsersApiService) RoleUpdate

func (a *UsersApiService) RoleUpdate(ctx _context.Context, userId string, roleUpdateRequest RoleUpdateRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

RoleUpdate Update User Role &lt;p&gt;Update the user&#39;s Role&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param userId The UUID of the User.
  • @param roleUpdateRequest The Role to change to

func (*UsersApiService) UnlockUserV2

func (a *UsersApiService) UnlockUserV2(ctx _context.Context, userId string) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

UnlockUserV2 Unlock a User If a user is locked this endpoint will unlock them

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param userId The UUID of the User.

func (*UsersApiService) UnregisterMFA

func (a *UsersApiService) UnregisterMFA(ctx _context.Context, userId string, unregisterMfaRequest UnregisterMfaRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

UnregisterMFA Unregister MFA for the user &lt;p&gt;Unregister the MFA device for the user &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;If the user does not require further verification then a register new MFA device token will be sent to them via their email address&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param userId The UUID of the User.
  • @param unregisterMfaRequest The MFA Type to unregister

func (*UsersApiService) UnregisterMFAForSelf

func (a *UsersApiService) UnregisterMFAForSelf(ctx _context.Context, selfMfaTypeUnregisterRequest SelfMfaTypeUnregisterRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

UnregisterMFAForSelf Unregister MFA for Self &lt;p&gt;Unregister the MFA device for the user &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;If the user does not require further verification then a register new MFA device token will be sent to them via their email address&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param selfMfaTypeUnregisterRequest The MFA Type to unregister

func (*UsersApiService) UpdatePasswordSelf

func (a *UsersApiService) UpdatePasswordSelf(ctx _context.Context, selfUpdatePasswordRequest SelfUpdatePasswordRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

UpdatePasswordSelf Update Password for self Update password for self

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param selfUpdatePasswordRequest The password

func (*UsersApiService) UserDetailsUpdate

func (a *UsersApiService) UserDetailsUpdate(ctx _context.Context, userId string, userDetailsUpdateRequest UserDetailsUpdateRequest) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

UserDetailsUpdate Update User Details &lt;p&gt;Update the profile details for the given user&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;When updating Payor users with the role of payor.master_admin a verificationCode is required&lt;/p&gt;

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param userId The UUID of the User.
  • @param userDetailsUpdateRequest The details of the user to update

func (*UsersApiService) ValidatePasswordSelf

func (a *UsersApiService) ValidatePasswordSelf(ctx _context.Context, passwordRequest PasswordRequest) (ValidatePasswordResponse, *_nethttp.Response, error)

ValidatePasswordSelf Validate the proposed password validate the password and return a score

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param passwordRequest The password

@return ValidatePasswordResponse

type V2CreatePayeeOpts

type V2CreatePayeeOpts struct {
	CreatePayeesRequest optional.Interface

V2CreatePayeeOpts Optional parameters for the method 'V2CreatePayee'

type V3CreatePayeeOpts

type V3CreatePayeeOpts struct {
	CreatePayeesRequest2 optional.Interface

V3CreatePayeeOpts Optional parameters for the method 'V3CreatePayee'

type ValidatePasswordResponse

type ValidatePasswordResponse struct {
	// More secure passwords are given a higher score. <P> For a password to be acceptable for use in Velo, it must score at least 3
	Score int32 `json:"score,omitempty"`
	// if true then the password can be accepted
	Valid bool `json:"valid,omitempty"`
	// Any warning message as a reason for the given score.
	Warning     string   `json:"warning,omitempty"`
	Suggestions []string `json:"suggestions,omitempty"`

ValidatePasswordResponse struct for ValidatePasswordResponse

type VeloAuthOpts

type VeloAuthOpts struct {
	GrantType optional.String

VeloAuthOpts Optional parameters for the method 'VeloAuth'

type WatchlistStatus

type WatchlistStatus string

WatchlistStatus the model 'WatchlistStatus'

const (

List of WatchlistStatus

type WithdrawPayoutApiService

type WithdrawPayoutApiService service

WithdrawPayoutApiService WithdrawPayoutApi service

func (*WithdrawPayoutApiService) V3PayoutsPayoutIdDelete

func (a *WithdrawPayoutApiService) V3PayoutsPayoutIdDelete(ctx _context.Context, payoutId string) (*_nethttp.Response, error)

V3PayoutsPayoutIdDelete Withdraw Payout Withdraw Payout will delete payout details from payout service and rails services but will just move the status of the payout to WITHDRAWN in payment audit.

  • @param ctx _context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param payoutId Id of the payout

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