Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type AccountFees
- type AccountInfo
- type AccountInfoFees
- type AccountInfoFull
- type AccountSummary
- type Balance
- type BalanceHistory
- type Bitfinex
- func (b *Bitfinex) AuthenticateWebsocket() error
- func (b *Bitfinex) CalculateTradingFee(i []AccountInfo, purchasePrice, amount float64, c currency.Code, isMaker bool) (fee float64, err error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) CancelAllExistingOrders() (string, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) CancelAllOrders(_ *order.Cancel) (order.CancelAllResponse, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) CancelExistingOrder(orderID int64) (Order, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) CancelMultipleOrders(orderIDs []int64) (string, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) CancelOffer(offerID int64) (Offer, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) CancelOrder(order *order.Cancel) error
- func (b *Bitfinex) ClaimPosition(positionID int) (Position, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) CloseMarginFunding(swapID int64) (Offer, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) ConvertSymbolToDepositMethod(c currency.Code) (string, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) ConvertSymbolToWithdrawalType(c currency.Code) string
- func (b *Bitfinex) FetchAccountInfo() (account.Holdings, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) FetchOrderbook(p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*orderbook.Base, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) FetchTicker(p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*ticker.Price, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) FetchTradablePairs(a asset.Item) ([]string, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) FormatExchangeKlineInterval(in kline.Interval) string
- func (b *Bitfinex) GenerateDefaultSubscriptions() ([]stream.ChannelSubscription, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetAccountBalance() ([]Balance, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetAccountFees() ([]AccountInfo, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetAccountSummary() (AccountSummary, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetActiveCredits() ([]Offer, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetActiveMarginFunding() ([]MarginFunds, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetActiveOffers() ([]Offer, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetActiveOrders(req *order.GetOrdersRequest) ([]order.Detail, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetActivePositions() ([]Position, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetBalanceHistory(symbol string, timeSince, timeUntil time.Time, limit int, wallet string) ([]BalanceHistory, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetCandles(symbol, timeFrame string, start, end int64, limit uint32, historic bool) ([]Candle, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetConfigurations() error
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetCryptocurrencyWithdrawalFee(c currency.Code, accountFees AccountFees) (fee float64, err error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetDefaultConfig() (*config.ExchangeConfig, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetDepositAddress(c currency.Code, accountID string) (string, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetExchangeHistory(p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item, timestampStart, timestampEnd time.Time) ([]exchange.TradeHistory, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetFee(feeBuilder *exchange.FeeBuilder) (float64, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetFeeByType(feeBuilder *exchange.FeeBuilder) (float64, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetForeignExchangeRate() error
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetFundingBook(symbol string) (FundingBook, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetFundingHistory() ([]exchange.FundHistory, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetHistoricCandles(pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, start, end time.Time, ...) (kline.Item, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetHistoricCandlesExtended(pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, start, end time.Time, ...) (kline.Item, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetInactiveOrders() ([]Order, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetKeyPermissions() (KeyPermissions, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetLeaderboard(key, timeframe, symbol string, sort, limit int, start, end string) ([]LeaderboardEntry, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetLends(symbol string, values url.Values) ([]Lends, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetLiquidationFeed() error
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetMarginInfo() ([]MarginInfo, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetMarginTotalTakenFunds() ([]MarginTotalTakenFunds, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetMarketAveragePrice() error
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetMovementHistory(symbol, method string, timeSince, timeUntil time.Time, limit int) ([]MovementHistory, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetOfferStatus(offerID int64) (Offer, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetOpenOrders() ([]Order, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetOrderHistory(req *order.GetOrdersRequest) ([]order.Detail, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetOrderHistoryById(getOrdersRequest string) ([]order.Detail, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetOrderInfo(orderID string) (order.Detail, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetOrderStatus(orderID int64) (Order, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetOrderbook(symbol, precision string, limit int64) (Orderbook, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetPlatformStatus() (int, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetStats(symbol string) ([]Stat, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetStatus() error
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetTicker(symbol string) (Ticker, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetTickerBatch() (map[string]Ticker, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetTradeHistory(currencyPair string, timestamp, until time.Time, limit, reverse int) ([]TradeHistory, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetTrades(currencyPair string, limit, timestampStart, timestampEnd int64, ...) ([]Trade, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetUnusedMarginFunds() ([]MarginFunds, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) GetWithdrawalFees() (AccountFees, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) ModifyOrder(action *order.Modify) (string, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) NewDeposit(method, walletName string, renew int) (DepositResponse, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) NewOffer(symbol string, amount, rate float64, period int64, direction string) (Offer, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) NewOrder(currencyPair, orderType string, amount, price float64, buy, hidden bool) (Order, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) NewOrderMulti(orders []PlaceOrder) (OrderMultiResponse, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) PopulateAcceptableMethods() error
- func (b *Bitfinex) ReplaceOrder(orderID int64, symbol string, amount, price float64, buy bool, ...) (Order, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) Run()
- func (b *Bitfinex) SendAuthenticatedHTTPRequest(method, path string, params map[string]interface{}, result interface{}, ...) error
- func (b *Bitfinex) SendHTTPRequest(path string, result interface{}, e request.EndpointLimit) error
- func (b *Bitfinex) SetDefaults()
- func (b *Bitfinex) Setup(exch *config.ExchangeConfig) error
- func (b *Bitfinex) Start(wg *sync.WaitGroup)
- func (b *Bitfinex) SubmitOrder(o *order.Submit) (order.SubmitResponse, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) Subscribe(channelsToSubscribe []stream.ChannelSubscription) error
- func (b *Bitfinex) Unsubscribe(channelsToUnsubscribe []stream.ChannelSubscription) error
- func (b *Bitfinex) UpdateAccountInfo() (account.Holdings, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) UpdateOrderbook(p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*orderbook.Base, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) UpdateTicker(p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item) (*ticker.Price, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) UpdateTradablePairs(forceUpdate bool) error
- func (b *Bitfinex) ValidateCredentials() error
- func (b *Bitfinex) WalletTransfer(amount float64, currency, walletFrom, walletTo string) (WalletTransfer, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) WithdrawCryptocurrency(wallet, address, paymentID string, amount float64, c currency.Code) (Withdrawal, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds(withdrawRequest *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) WithdrawFIAT(withdrawalType, walletType string, withdrawRequest *withdraw.Request) (Withdrawal, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) WithdrawFiatFunds(withdrawRequest *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank(withdrawRequest *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) WsAddSubscriptionChannel(chanID int, channel, pair string)
- func (b *Bitfinex) WsCancelAllOrders() error
- func (b *Bitfinex) WsCancelMultiOrders(orderIDs []int64) error
- func (b *Bitfinex) WsCancelOffer(orderID int64) error
- func (b *Bitfinex) WsCancelOrder(orderID int64) error
- func (b *Bitfinex) WsConnect() error
- func (b *Bitfinex) WsDataHandler()
- func (b *Bitfinex) WsInsertSnapshot(p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item, books []WebsocketBook) error
- func (b *Bitfinex) WsModifyOrder(data *WsUpdateOrderRequest) error
- func (b *Bitfinex) WsNewOffer(data *WsNewOfferRequest) error
- func (b *Bitfinex) WsNewOrder(data *WsNewOrderRequest) (string, error)
- func (b *Bitfinex) WsSendAuth() error
- func (b *Bitfinex) WsUpdateOrderbook(p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item, book []WebsocketBook) error
- type Book
- type Candle
- type Currency
- type DepositResponse
- type ErrorCapture
- type Fee
- type FundingBook
- type FundingBookItem
- type GenericResponse
- type KeyPermissions
- type LeaderboardEntry
- type Lendbook
- type Lends
- type MarginData
- type MarginFunds
- type MarginInfo
- type MarginLimits
- type MarginTotalTakenFunds
- type MovementHistory
- type Offer
- type Order
- type OrderMultiResponse
- type Orderbook
- type Permission
- type PlaceOrder
- type Position
- type RateLimit
- type Stat
- type SymbolDetails
- type Ticker
- type Trade
- type TradeHistory
- type WalletTransfer
- type WebsocketBook
- type WebsocketChanInfo
- type WebsocketHandshake
- type WebsocketOrder
- type WebsocketPosition
- type WebsocketTicker
- type WebsocketTrade
- type WebsocketTradeData
- type WebsocketTradeExecuted
- type WebsocketWallet
- type Withdrawal
- type WsAuthRequest
- type WsBalanceInfo
- type WsCancelAllOrdersRequest
- type WsCancelGroupOrdersRequest
- type WsCancelOfferRequest
- type WsCancelOrderRequest
- type WsCredit
- type WsFundingInfo
- type WsFundingOffer
- type WsFundingTrade
- type WsMarginInfoBase
- type WsNewOfferRequest
- type WsNewOrderRequest
- type WsUpdateOrderRequest
- type WsWallet
Constants ¶
const ( LeaderboardUnrealisedProfitPeriodDelta = "plu_diff" LeaderboardUnrealisedProfitInception = "plu" LeaderboardVolume = "vol" LeaderbookRealisedProfit = "plr" )
Leaderboard keys
Variables ¶
var AcceptableMethods = make(map[string]string)
AcceptableMethods defines a map of currency codes to methods
var AcceptedOrderType = []string{"market", "limit", "stop", "trailing-stop",
"fill-or-kill", "exchange market", "exchange limit", "exchange stop",
"exchange trailing-stop", "exchange fill-or-kill"}
AcceptedOrderType defines the accepted market types, exchange strings denote non-contract order types.
var AcceptedWalletNames = []string{"trading", "exchange", "deposit", "margin",
AcceptedWalletNames defines different wallets supported by the exchange
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccountFees ¶
type AccountFees struct {
Withdraw map[string]interface{} `json:"withdraw"`
AccountFees stores withdrawal account fee data from Bitfinex
type AccountInfo ¶
type AccountInfo struct { MakerFees float64 `json:"maker_fees,string"` TakerFees float64 `json:"taker_fees,string"` Fees []AccountInfoFees `json:"fees"` Message string `json:"message"` }
AccountInfo general account information with fees
type AccountInfoFees ¶
type AccountInfoFees struct { Pairs string `json:"pairs"` MakerFees float64 `json:"maker_fees,string"` TakerFees float64 `json:"taker_fees,string"` }
AccountInfoFees general account information with fees
type AccountInfoFull ¶
type AccountInfoFull struct { Info []AccountInfo Message string `json:"message"` }
AccountInfoFull adds the error message to Account info
type AccountSummary ¶
type AccountSummary struct { TradeVolumePer30D []Currency `json:"trade_vol_30d"` FundingProfit30D []Currency `json:"funding_profit_30d"` MakerFee float64 `json:"maker_fee"` TakerFee float64 `json:"taker_fee"` }
AccountSummary holds account summary data
type Balance ¶
type Balance struct { Type string `json:"type"` Currency string `json:"currency"` Amount float64 `json:"amount,string"` Available float64 `json:"available,string"` }
Balance holds current balance data
type BalanceHistory ¶
type BalanceHistory struct { Currency string `json:"currency"` Amount float64 `json:"amount,string"` Balance float64 `json:"balance,string"` Description string `json:"description"` Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` }
BalanceHistory holds balance history information
type Bitfinex ¶
type Bitfinex struct { exchange.Base WebsocketSubdChannels map[int]WebsocketChanInfo }
Bitfinex is the overarching type across the bitfinex package
func (*Bitfinex) AuthenticateWebsocket ¶
AuthenticateWebsocket sends an authentication message to the websocket
func (*Bitfinex) CalculateTradingFee ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) CalculateTradingFee(i []AccountInfo, purchasePrice, amount float64, c currency.Code, isMaker bool) (fee float64, err error)
CalculateTradingFee returns an estimate of fee based on type of whether is maker or taker fee
func (*Bitfinex) CancelAllExistingOrders ¶
CancelAllExistingOrders cancels all active and open orders
func (*Bitfinex) CancelAllOrders ¶
CancelAllOrders cancels all orders associated with a currency pair
func (*Bitfinex) CancelExistingOrder ¶
CancelExistingOrder cancels a single order by OrderID
func (*Bitfinex) CancelMultipleOrders ¶
CancelMultipleOrders cancels multiple orders
func (*Bitfinex) CancelOffer ¶
CancelOffer cancels offer by offerID
func (*Bitfinex) CancelOrder ¶
CancelOrder cancels an order by its corresponding ID number
func (*Bitfinex) ClaimPosition ¶
ClaimPosition allows positions to be claimed
func (*Bitfinex) CloseMarginFunding ¶
CloseMarginFunding closes an unused or used taken fund
func (*Bitfinex) ConvertSymbolToDepositMethod ¶
ConvertSymbolToDepositMethod returns a converted currency deposit method
func (*Bitfinex) ConvertSymbolToWithdrawalType ¶
ConvertSymbolToWithdrawalType You need to have specific withdrawal types to withdraw from Bitfinex
func (*Bitfinex) FetchAccountInfo ¶
FetchAccountInfo retrieves balances for all enabled currencies
func (*Bitfinex) FetchOrderbook ¶
FetchOrderbook returns the orderbook for a currency pair
func (*Bitfinex) FetchTicker ¶
FetchTicker returns the ticker for a currency pair
func (*Bitfinex) FetchTradablePairs ¶
FetchTradablePairs returns a list of the exchanges tradable pairs
func (*Bitfinex) FormatExchangeKlineInterval ¶
FormatExchangeKlineInterval returns Interval to exchange formatted string
func (*Bitfinex) GenerateDefaultSubscriptions ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GenerateDefaultSubscriptions() ([]stream.ChannelSubscription, error)
GenerateDefaultSubscriptions Adds default subscriptions to websocket to be handled by ManageSubscriptions()
func (*Bitfinex) GetAccountBalance ¶
GetAccountBalance returns full wallet balance information
func (*Bitfinex) GetAccountFees ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetAccountFees() ([]AccountInfo, error)
GetAccountFees returns information about your account trading fees
func (*Bitfinex) GetAccountSummary ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetAccountSummary() (AccountSummary, error)
GetAccountSummary returns a 30-day summary of your trading volume and return on margin funding
func (*Bitfinex) GetActiveCredits ¶
GetActiveCredits returns all available credits
func (*Bitfinex) GetActiveMarginFunding ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetActiveMarginFunding() ([]MarginFunds, error)
GetActiveMarginFunding returns an array of active margin funds
func (*Bitfinex) GetActiveOffers ¶
GetActiveOffers returns all current active offers
func (*Bitfinex) GetActiveOrders ¶
GetActiveOrders retrieves any orders that are active/open
func (*Bitfinex) GetActivePositions ¶
GetActivePositions returns an array of active positions
func (*Bitfinex) GetBalanceHistory ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetBalanceHistory(symbol string, timeSince, timeUntil time.Time, limit int, wallet string) ([]BalanceHistory, error)
GetBalanceHistory returns balance history for the account
func (*Bitfinex) GetCandles ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetCandles(symbol, timeFrame string, start, end int64, limit uint32, historic bool) ([]Candle, error)
GetCandles returns candle chart data timeFrame values: '1m', '5m', '15m', '30m', '1h', '3h', '6h', '12h', '1D', '7D', '14D', '1M' section values: last or hist
func (*Bitfinex) GetConfigurations ¶
GetConfigurations fetchs currency and symbol site configuration data.
func (*Bitfinex) GetCryptocurrencyWithdrawalFee ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetCryptocurrencyWithdrawalFee(c currency.Code, accountFees AccountFees) (fee float64, err error)
GetCryptocurrencyWithdrawalFee returns an estimate of fee based on type of transaction
func (*Bitfinex) GetDefaultConfig ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetDefaultConfig() (*config.ExchangeConfig, error)
GetDefaultConfig returns a default exchange config
func (*Bitfinex) GetDepositAddress ¶
GetDepositAddress returns a deposit address for a specified currency
func (*Bitfinex) GetExchangeHistory ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetExchangeHistory(p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item, timestampStart, timestampEnd time.Time) ([]exchange.TradeHistory, error)
GetExchangeHistory returns historic trade data within the timeframe provided.
func (*Bitfinex) GetFee ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetFee(feeBuilder *exchange.FeeBuilder) (float64, error)
GetFee returns an estimate of fee based on type of transaction
func (*Bitfinex) GetFeeByType ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetFeeByType(feeBuilder *exchange.FeeBuilder) (float64, error)
GetFeeByType returns an estimate of fee based on type of transaction
func (*Bitfinex) GetForeignExchangeRate ¶
GetForeignExchangeRate calculates the exchange rate between two currencies
func (*Bitfinex) GetFundingBook ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetFundingBook(symbol string) (FundingBook, error)
GetFundingBook the entire margin funding book for both bids and asks sides per currency string symbol - example "USD" WARNING: Orderbook now has this support, will be deprecated once a full conversion to full V2 API update is done.
func (*Bitfinex) GetFundingHistory ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetFundingHistory() ([]exchange.FundHistory, error)
GetFundingHistory returns funding history, deposits and withdrawals
func (*Bitfinex) GetHistoricCandles ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetHistoricCandles(pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, start, end time.Time, interval kline.Interval) (kline.Item, error)
GetHistoricCandles returns candles between a time period for a set time interval
func (*Bitfinex) GetHistoricCandlesExtended ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetHistoricCandlesExtended(pair currency.Pair, a asset.Item, start, end time.Time, interval kline.Interval) (kline.Item, error)
GetHistoricCandlesExtended returns candles between a time period for a set time interval
func (*Bitfinex) GetInactiveOrders ¶
GetInactiveOrders returns order status information
func (*Bitfinex) GetKeyPermissions ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetKeyPermissions() (KeyPermissions, error)
GetKeyPermissions checks the permissions of the key being used to generate this request.
func (*Bitfinex) GetLeaderboard ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetLeaderboard(key, timeframe, symbol string, sort, limit int, start, end string) ([]LeaderboardEntry, error)
GetLeaderboard returns leaderboard standings for unrealized profit (period delta), unrealized profit (inception), volume, and realized profit. Allowed key values: "plu_diff" for unrealized profit (period delta), "plu" for unrealized profit (inception); "vol" for volume; "plr" for realized profit Allowed time frames are 3h, 1w and 1M Allowed symbols are trading pairs (e.g. tBTCUSD, tETHUSD and tGLOBAL:USD)
func (*Bitfinex) GetLends ¶
GetLends returns a list of the most recent funding data for the given currency: total amount provided and Flash Return Rate (in % by 365 days) over time Symbol - example "USD"
func (*Bitfinex) GetLiquidationFeed ¶
GetLiquidationFeed returns liquidations. By default it will retrieve the most recent liquidations, but time-specific data can be retrieved using timestamps.
func (*Bitfinex) GetMarginInfo ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetMarginInfo() ([]MarginInfo, error)
GetMarginInfo shows your trading wallet information for margin trading
func (*Bitfinex) GetMarginTotalTakenFunds ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetMarginTotalTakenFunds() ([]MarginTotalTakenFunds, error)
GetMarginTotalTakenFunds returns an array of active funding used in a position
func (*Bitfinex) GetMarketAveragePrice ¶
GetMarketAveragePrice calculates the average execution price for Trading or rate for Margin funding
func (*Bitfinex) GetMovementHistory ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetMovementHistory(symbol, method string, timeSince, timeUntil time.Time, limit int) ([]MovementHistory, error)
GetMovementHistory returns an array of past deposits and withdrawals
func (*Bitfinex) GetOfferStatus ¶
GetOfferStatus checks offer status whether it has been cancelled, execute or is still active
func (*Bitfinex) GetOpenOrders ¶
GetOpenOrders returns all active orders and statuses
func (*Bitfinex) GetOrderHistory ¶
GetOrderHistory retrieves account order information Can Limit response to specific order status
func (*Bitfinex) GetOrderHistoryById ¶
GetOrderHistoryById retrieves specified closed order information Can Limit response to specific order status
func (*Bitfinex) GetOrderInfo ¶
GetOrderInfo returns information on a current open order
func (*Bitfinex) GetOrderStatus ¶
GetOrderStatus returns order status information
func (*Bitfinex) GetOrderbook ¶
GetOrderbook retieves the orderbook bid and ask price points for a currency pair - By default the response will return 25 bid and 25 ask price points. symbol - Example "tBTCUSD" precision - P0,P1,P2,P3,R0 Values can contain limit amounts for both the asks and bids - Example "len" = 100
func (*Bitfinex) GetPlatformStatus ¶
GetPlatformStatus returns the Bifinex platform status
func (*Bitfinex) GetStatus ¶
GetStatus returns different types of platform information - currently supports derivatives pair status only.
func (*Bitfinex) GetTickerBatch ¶
GetTickerBatch returns all supported ticker information
func (*Bitfinex) GetTradeHistory ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetTradeHistory(currencyPair string, timestamp, until time.Time, limit, reverse int) ([]TradeHistory, error)
GetTradeHistory returns past executed trades
func (*Bitfinex) GetTrades ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetTrades(currencyPair string, limit, timestampStart, timestampEnd int64, reOrderResp bool) ([]Trade, error)
GetTrades gets historic trades that occurred on the exchange
currencyPair e.g. "tBTCUSD" timestampStart is a millisecond timestamp timestampEnd is a millisecond timestamp reOrderResp reorders the returned data.
func (*Bitfinex) GetUnusedMarginFunds ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetUnusedMarginFunds() ([]MarginFunds, error)
GetUnusedMarginFunds returns an array of funding borrowed but not currently used
func (*Bitfinex) GetWithdrawalFees ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) GetWithdrawalFees() (AccountFees, error)
GetWithdrawalFees - Gets all fee rates for withdrawals
func (*Bitfinex) ModifyOrder ¶
ModifyOrder will allow of changing orderbook placement and limit to market conversion
func (*Bitfinex) NewDeposit ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) NewDeposit(method, walletName string, renew int) (DepositResponse, error)
NewDeposit returns a new deposit address Method - Example methods accepted: “bitcoin”, “litecoin”, “ethereum”, “tethers", "ethereumc", "zcash", "monero", "iota", "bcash" WalletName - accepted: “trading”, “exchange”, “deposit” renew - Default is 0. If set to 1, will return a new unused deposit address
func (*Bitfinex) NewOffer ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) NewOffer(symbol string, amount, rate float64, period int64, direction string) (Offer, error)
NewOffer submits a new offer
func (*Bitfinex) NewOrder ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) NewOrder(currencyPair, orderType string, amount, price float64, buy, hidden bool) (Order, error)
NewOrder submits a new order and returns a order information Major Upgrade needed on this function to include all query params
func (*Bitfinex) NewOrderMulti ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) NewOrderMulti(orders []PlaceOrder) (OrderMultiResponse, error)
NewOrderMulti allows several new orders at once
func (*Bitfinex) PopulateAcceptableMethods ¶
PopulateAcceptableMethods retrieves all accepted currency strings and populates a map to check
func (*Bitfinex) ReplaceOrder ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) ReplaceOrder(orderID int64, symbol string, amount, price float64, buy bool, orderType string, hidden bool) (Order, error)
ReplaceOrder replaces an older order with a new order
func (*Bitfinex) SendAuthenticatedHTTPRequest ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) SendAuthenticatedHTTPRequest(method, path string, params map[string]interface{}, result interface{}, endpoint request.EndpointLimit) error
SendAuthenticatedHTTPRequest sends an autheticated http request and json unmarshals result to a supplied variable
func (*Bitfinex) SendHTTPRequest ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) SendHTTPRequest(path string, result interface{}, e request.EndpointLimit) error
SendHTTPRequest sends an unauthenticated request
func (*Bitfinex) SetDefaults ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults sets the basic defaults for bitfinex
func (*Bitfinex) Setup ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) Setup(exch *config.ExchangeConfig) error
Setup takes in the supplied exchange configuration details and sets params
func (*Bitfinex) SubmitOrder ¶
SubmitOrder submits a new order
func (*Bitfinex) Subscribe ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) Subscribe(channelsToSubscribe []stream.ChannelSubscription) error
Subscribe sends a websocket message to receive data from the channel
func (*Bitfinex) Unsubscribe ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) Unsubscribe(channelsToUnsubscribe []stream.ChannelSubscription) error
Unsubscribe sends a websocket message to stop receiving data from the channel
func (*Bitfinex) UpdateAccountInfo ¶
UpdateAccountInfo retrieves balances for all enabled currencies on the Bitfinex exchange
func (*Bitfinex) UpdateOrderbook ¶
UpdateOrderbook updates and returns the orderbook for a currency pair
func (*Bitfinex) UpdateTicker ¶
UpdateTicker updates and returns the ticker for a currency pair
func (*Bitfinex) UpdateTradablePairs ¶
UpdateTradablePairs updates the exchanges available pairs and stores them in the exchanges config
func (*Bitfinex) ValidateCredentials ¶
ValidateCredentials validates current credentials used for wrapper functionality
func (*Bitfinex) WalletTransfer ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) WalletTransfer(amount float64, currency, walletFrom, walletTo string) (WalletTransfer, error)
WalletTransfer move available balances between your wallets Amount - Amount to move Currency - example "BTC" WalletFrom - example "exchange" WalletTo - example "deposit"
func (*Bitfinex) WithdrawCryptocurrency ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) WithdrawCryptocurrency(wallet, address, paymentID string, amount float64, c currency.Code) (Withdrawal, error)
WithdrawCryptocurrency requests a withdrawal from one of your wallets. For FIAT, use WithdrawFIAT
func (*Bitfinex) WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds(withdrawRequest *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
WithdrawCryptocurrencyFunds returns a withdrawal ID when a withdrawal is submitted
func (*Bitfinex) WithdrawFIAT ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) WithdrawFIAT(withdrawalType, walletType string, withdrawRequest *withdraw.Request) (Withdrawal, error)
WithdrawFIAT Sends an authenticated request to withdraw FIAT currency
func (*Bitfinex) WithdrawFiatFunds ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) WithdrawFiatFunds(withdrawRequest *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
WithdrawFiatFunds returns a withdrawal ID when a withdrawal is submitted Returns comma delimited withdrawal IDs
func (*Bitfinex) WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank(withdrawRequest *withdraw.Request) (*withdraw.ExchangeResponse, error)
WithdrawFiatFundsToInternationalBank returns a withdrawal ID when a withdrawal is submitted Returns comma delimited withdrawal IDs
func (*Bitfinex) WsAddSubscriptionChannel ¶
WsAddSubscriptionChannel adds a new subscription channel to the WebsocketSubdChannels map in bitfinex.go (Bitfinex struct)
func (*Bitfinex) WsCancelAllOrders ¶
WsCancelAllOrders authenticated cancel all orders request
func (*Bitfinex) WsCancelMultiOrders ¶
WsCancelMultiOrders authenticated cancel multi order request
func (*Bitfinex) WsCancelOffer ¶
WsCancelOffer authenticated cancel offer request
func (*Bitfinex) WsCancelOrder ¶
WsCancelOrder authenticated cancel order request
func (*Bitfinex) WsDataHandler ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) WsDataHandler()
WsDataHandler handles data from wsReadData
func (*Bitfinex) WsInsertSnapshot ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) WsInsertSnapshot(p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item, books []WebsocketBook) error
WsInsertSnapshot add the initial orderbook snapshot when subscribed to a channel
func (*Bitfinex) WsModifyOrder ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) WsModifyOrder(data *WsUpdateOrderRequest) error
WsModifyOrder authenticated modify order request
func (*Bitfinex) WsNewOffer ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) WsNewOffer(data *WsNewOfferRequest) error
WsNewOffer authenticated new offer request
func (*Bitfinex) WsNewOrder ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) WsNewOrder(data *WsNewOrderRequest) (string, error)
WsNewOrder authenticated new order request
func (*Bitfinex) WsSendAuth ¶
WsSendAuth sends a autheticated event payload
func (*Bitfinex) WsUpdateOrderbook ¶
func (b *Bitfinex) WsUpdateOrderbook(p currency.Pair, assetType asset.Item, book []WebsocketBook) error
WsUpdateOrderbook updates the orderbook list, removing and adding to the orderbook sides
type Book ¶
type Book struct { OrderID int64 Price float64 Rate float64 Period float64 Count int64 Amount float64 }
Book holds the orderbook item
type Candle ¶
type Candle struct { Timestamp time.Time Open float64 Close float64 High float64 Low float64 Volume float64 }
Candle holds OHLC data
type Currency ¶
type Currency struct { Currency string `json:"curr"` Volume float64 `json:"vol,string"` Amount float64 `json:"amount,string"` }
Currency is a sub-type for AccountSummary data
type DepositResponse ¶
type DepositResponse struct { Result string `json:"string"` Method string `json:"method"` Currency string `json:"currency"` Address string `json:"address"` }
DepositResponse holds deposit address information
type ErrorCapture ¶
type ErrorCapture struct {
Message string `json:"message"`
ErrorCapture is a simple type for returned errors from Bitfinex
type FundingBook ¶
type FundingBook struct { Bids []FundingBookItem `json:"bids"` Asks []FundingBookItem `json:"asks"` }
FundingBook holds current the full margin funding book
type FundingBookItem ¶
type FundingBookItem struct { Rate float64 `json:"rate,string"` Amount float64 `json:"amount,string"` Period int `json:"period"` Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` FlashReturnRate string `json:"frr"` }
FundingBookItem is a generalised sub-type to hold book information
type GenericResponse ¶
type GenericResponse struct {
Result string `json:"result"`
GenericResponse holds the result for a generic response
type KeyPermissions ¶
type KeyPermissions struct { Account Permission `json:"account"` History Permission `json:"history"` Orders Permission `json:"orders"` Positions Permission `json:"positions"` Funding Permission `json:"funding"` Wallets Permission `json:"wallets"` Withdraw Permission `json:"withdraw"` }
KeyPermissions holds the key permissions for the API key set
type LeaderboardEntry ¶
type LeaderboardEntry struct { Timestamp time.Time Username string Ranking int Value float64 TwitterHandle string }
LeaderboardEntry holds leaderboard data
type Lends ¶
type Lends struct { Rate float64 `json:"rate,string"` AmountLent float64 `json:"amount_lent,string"` AmountUsed float64 `json:"amount_used,string"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` }
Lends holds the lent information by currency
type MarginData ¶
type MarginData struct { MarginBalance float64 `json:"margin_balance,string"` TradableBalance float64 `json:"tradable_balance,string"` UnrealizedPL int64 `json:"unrealized_pl"` UnrealizedSwap int64 `json:"unrealized_swap"` NetValue float64 `json:"net_value,string"` RequiredMargin int64 `json:"required_margin"` Leverage float64 `json:"leverage,string"` MarginRequirement float64 `json:"margin_requirement,string"` MarginLimits []MarginLimits `json:"margin_limits"` }
MarginData holds wallet information for margin trading
type MarginFunds ¶
type MarginFunds struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` PositionID int64 `json:"position_id"` Currency string `json:"currency"` Rate float64 `json:"rate,string"` Period int `json:"period"` Amount float64 `json:"amount,string"` Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` AutoClose bool `json:"auto_close"` }
MarginFunds holds active funding information used in a margin position
type MarginInfo ¶
type MarginInfo struct { Info MarginData Message string `json:"message"` }
MarginInfo holds metadata for margin information from bitfinex
type MarginLimits ¶
type MarginLimits struct { OnPair string `json:"on_pair"` InitialMargin float64 `json:"initial_margin,string"` MarginRequirement float64 `json:"margin_requirement,string"` TradableBalance float64 `json:"tradable_balance,string"` }
MarginLimits holds limit data per pair
type MarginTotalTakenFunds ¶
type MarginTotalTakenFunds struct { PositionPair string `json:"position_pair"` TotalSwaps float64 `json:"total_swaps,string"` }
MarginTotalTakenFunds holds position funding including sum of active backing as total swaps
type MovementHistory ¶
type MovementHistory struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` TxID int64 `json:"txid"` Currency string `json:"currency"` Method string `json:"method"` Type string `json:"withdrawal"` Amount float64 `json:"amount,string"` Description string `json:"description"` Address string `json:"address"` Status string `json:"status"` Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` TimestampCreated string `json:"timestamp_created"` Fee float64 `json:"fee"` }
MovementHistory holds deposit and withdrawal history data
type Offer ¶
type Offer struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Currency string `json:"currency"` Rate float64 `json:"rate,string"` Period int64 `json:"period"` Direction string `json:"direction"` Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` Type string `json:"type"` IsLive bool `json:"is_live"` IsCancelled bool `json:"is_cancelled"` OriginalAmount float64 `json:"original_amount,string"` RemainingAmount float64 `json:"remaining_amount,string"` ExecutedAmount float64 `json:"executed_amount,string"` }
Offer holds offer information
type Order ¶
type Order struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Exchange string `json:"exchange"` Price float64 `json:"price,string"` AverageExecutionPrice float64 `json:"avg_execution_price,string"` Side string `json:"side"` Type string `json:"type"` Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` IsLive bool `json:"is_live"` IsCancelled bool `json:"is_cancelled"` IsHidden bool `json:"is_hidden"` WasForced bool `json:"was_forced"` OriginalAmount float64 `json:"original_amount,string"` RemainingAmount float64 `json:"remaining_amount,string"` ExecutedAmount float64 `json:"executed_amount,string"` OrderID int64 `json:"order_id,omitempty"` }
Order holds order information when an order is in the market
type OrderMultiResponse ¶
OrderMultiResponse holds order information on the executed orders
type Permission ¶
Permission sub-type for KeyPermissions
type PlaceOrder ¶
type PlaceOrder struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Amount float64 `json:"amount,string"` Price float64 `json:"price,string"` Exchange string `json:"exchange"` Side string `json:"side"` Type string `json:"type"` }
PlaceOrder is used for order placement
type Position ¶
type Position struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` Symbol string `json:"string"` Status string `json:"active"` Base float64 `json:"base,string"` Amount float64 `json:"amount,string"` Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` Swap float64 `json:"swap,string"` PL float64 `json:"pl,string"` }
Position holds position information
type RateLimit ¶
type RateLimit struct { PlatformStatus *rate.Limiter TickerBatch *rate.Limiter Ticker *rate.Limiter Trade *rate.Limiter Orderbook *rate.Limiter Stats *rate.Limiter Candle *rate.Limiter Configs *rate.Limiter Status *rate.Limiter Liquid *rate.Limiter LeaderBoard *rate.Limiter MarketAveragePrice *rate.Limiter Fx *rate.Limiter AccountWalletBalance *rate.Limiter AccountWalletHistory *rate.Limiter // Orders - RetrieveOrder *rate.Limiter SubmitOrder *rate.Limiter UpdateOrder *rate.Limiter CancelOrder *rate.Limiter OrderBatch *rate.Limiter CancelBatch *rate.Limiter OrderHistory *rate.Limiter GetOrderTrades *rate.Limiter GetTrades *rate.Limiter GetLedgers *rate.Limiter // Positions - GetAccountMarginInfo *rate.Limiter GetActivePositions *rate.Limiter ClaimPosition *rate.Limiter GetPositionHistory *rate.Limiter GetPositionAudit *rate.Limiter UpdateCollateralOnPosition *rate.Limiter // Margin funding - GetActiveFundingOffers *rate.Limiter SubmitFundingOffer *rate.Limiter CancelFundingOffer *rate.Limiter CancelAllFundingOffer *rate.Limiter CloseFunding *rate.Limiter FundingAutoRenew *rate.Limiter KeepFunding *rate.Limiter GetOffersHistory *rate.Limiter GetFundingLoans *rate.Limiter GetFundingLoanHistory *rate.Limiter GetFundingCredits *rate.Limiter GetFundingCreditsHistory *rate.Limiter GetFundingTrades *rate.Limiter GetFundingInfo *rate.Limiter // Account actions GetUserInfo *rate.Limiter TransferBetweenWallets *rate.Limiter GetDepositAddress *rate.Limiter Withdrawal *rate.Limiter GetMovements *rate.Limiter GetAlertList *rate.Limiter SetPriceAlert *rate.Limiter DeletePriceAlert *rate.Limiter GetBalanceForOrdersOffers *rate.Limiter UserSettingsWrite *rate.Limiter UserSettingsRead *rate.Limiter UserSettingsDelete *rate.Limiter // Account V1 endpoints GetAccountFees *rate.Limiter GetWithdrawalFees *rate.Limiter GetAccountSummary *rate.Limiter NewDepositAddress *rate.Limiter GetKeyPermissions *rate.Limiter GetMarginInfo *rate.Limiter GetAccountBalance *rate.Limiter WalletTransfer *rate.Limiter WithdrawV1 *rate.Limiter OrderV1 *rate.Limiter OrderMulti *rate.Limiter StatsV1 *rate.Limiter Fundingbook *rate.Limiter Lends *rate.Limiter }
RateLimit implements the rate.Limiter interface
func SetRateLimit ¶
func SetRateLimit() *RateLimit
SetRateLimit returns the rate limit for the exchange
type SymbolDetails ¶
type SymbolDetails struct { Pair string `json:"pair"` PricePrecision int `json:"price_precision"` InitialMargin float64 `json:"initial_margin,string"` MinimumMargin float64 `json:"minimum_margin,string"` MaximumOrderSize float64 `json:"maximum_order_size,string"` MinimumOrderSize float64 `json:"minimum_order_size,string"` Expiration string `json:"expiration"` }
SymbolDetails holds currency pair information
type Ticker ¶
type Ticker struct { FlashReturnRate float64 Bid float64 BidPeriod int64 BidSize float64 Ask float64 AskPeriod int64 AskSize float64 DailyChange float64 DailyChangePerc float64 Last float64 Volume float64 High float64 Low float64 FFRAmountAvailable float64 }
Ticker holds ticker information
type Trade ¶
type Trade struct { Timestamp int64 TID int64 Price float64 Amount float64 Exchange string Rate float64 Period int64 Type string Side order.Side }
Trade holds resp information
type TradeHistory ¶
type TradeHistory struct { Price float64 `json:"price,string"` Amount float64 `json:"amount,string"` Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` Exchange string `json:"exchange"` Type string `json:"type"` FeeCurrency string `json:"fee_currency"` FeeAmount float64 `json:"fee_amount,string"` TID int64 `json:"tid"` OrderID int64 `json:"order_id"` }
TradeHistory holds trade history data
type WalletTransfer ¶
WalletTransfer holds status of wallet to wallet content transfer on exchange
type WebsocketBook ¶
WebsocketBook holds booking information
type WebsocketChanInfo ¶
WebsocketChanInfo holds websocket channel information
type WebsocketHandshake ¶
type WebsocketHandshake struct { Event string `json:"event"` Code int64 `json:"code"` Version float64 `json:"version"` }
WebsocketHandshake defines the communication between the websocket API for initial connection
type WebsocketOrder ¶
type WebsocketOrder struct { OrderID int64 Pair string Amount float64 OrigAmount float64 OrderType string Status string Price float64 PriceAvg float64 Timestamp int64 Notify int }
WebsocketOrder holds order data
type WebsocketPosition ¶
type WebsocketPosition struct { Pair string Status string Amount float64 Price float64 MarginFunding float64 MarginFundingType int64 ProfitLoss float64 ProfitLossPercent float64 LiquidationPrice float64 Leverage float64 }
WebsocketPosition holds position information
type WebsocketTicker ¶
type WebsocketTicker struct { Bid float64 BidSize float64 Ask float64 AskSize float64 DailyChange float64 DialyChangePerc float64 LastPrice float64 Volume float64 }
WebsocketTicker holds ticker information
type WebsocketTrade ¶
type WebsocketTrade struct { ID int64 Timestamp int64 Price float64 Amount float64 // Funding rate of the trade Rate float64 // Funding offer period in days Period int64 }
WebsocketTrade holds trade information
type WebsocketTradeData ¶
type WebsocketTradeData struct { TradeID int64 Pair string Timestamp int64 OrderID int64 AmountExecuted float64 PriceExecuted float64 OrderType string OrderPrice float64 Maker bool Fee float64 FeeCurrency string }
WebsocketTradeData holds executed trade data
type WebsocketTradeExecuted ¶
type WebsocketTradeExecuted struct { TradeID int64 Pair string Timestamp int64 OrderID int64 AmountExecuted float64 PriceExecuted float64 }
WebsocketTradeExecuted holds executed trade data
type WebsocketWallet ¶
type WebsocketWallet struct { Name string Currency string Balance float64 UnsettledInterest float64 }
WebsocketWallet holds wallet information
type Withdrawal ¶
type Withdrawal struct { Status string `json:"status"` Message string `json:"message"` WithdrawalID int64 `json:"withdrawal_id"` Fees string `json:"fees"` WalletType string `json:"wallettype"` Method string `json:"method"` Address string `json:"address"` Invoice string `json:"invoice"` PaymentID string `json:"payment_id"` Amount float64 `json:"amount,string"` }
Withdrawal holds withdrawal status information
type WsAuthRequest ¶
type WsAuthRequest struct { Event string `json:"event"` APIKey string `json:"apiKey"` AuthPayload string `json:"authPayload"` AuthSig string `json:"authSig"` AuthNonce string `json:"authNonce"` DeadManSwitch int64 `json:"dms,omitempty"` }
WsAuthRequest container for WS auth request
type WsBalanceInfo ¶
WsBalanceInfo the total and net assets in your account received via websocket
type WsCancelAllOrdersRequest ¶
type WsCancelAllOrdersRequest struct {
All int64 `json:"all"`
WsCancelAllOrdersRequest cancel all orders request
type WsCancelGroupOrdersRequest ¶
type WsCancelGroupOrdersRequest struct { OrderID []int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` CustomID [][]int64 `json:"cid,omitempty"` GroupOrderID []int64 `json:"gid,omitempty"` }
WsCancelGroupOrdersRequest cancel orders request...
type WsCancelOfferRequest ¶
type WsCancelOfferRequest struct {
OrderID int64 `json:"id"`
WsCancelOfferRequest cancel offer request
type WsCancelOrderRequest ¶
type WsCancelOrderRequest struct { OrderID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` CustomID int64 `json:"cid,omitempty"` CustomIDDate string `json:"cid_date,omitempty"` }
WsCancelOrderRequest cancel order request...
type WsCredit ¶
type WsCredit struct { ID int64 Symbol string Side string Created int64 Updated int64 Amount float64 Flags interface{} Status string Rate float64 Period int64 Opened int64 LastPayout int64 Notify bool Hidden bool Insure bool Renew bool RateReal float64 NoClose bool PositionPair string }
WsCredit credit details received via websocket
type WsFundingInfo ¶
type WsFundingInfo struct { Symbol string YieldLoan float64 YieldLend float64 DurationLoan float64 DurationLend float64 }
WsFundingInfo account funding info received via websocket
type WsFundingOffer ¶
type WsFundingOffer struct { ID int64 Symbol string Created int64 Updated int64 Amount float64 OriginalAmount float64 Type string Flags interface{} Status string Rate float64 Period int64 Notify bool Hidden bool Insure bool Renew bool RateReal float64 }
WsFundingOffer funding offer received via websocket
type WsFundingTrade ¶
type WsFundingTrade struct { ID int64 Symbol string MTSCreated int64 OfferID int64 Amount float64 Rate float64 Period int64 Maker bool }
WsFundingTrade recent funding trades received via websocket
type WsMarginInfoBase ¶
type WsMarginInfoBase struct { UserProfitLoss float64 UserSwaps float64 MarginBalance float64 MarginNet float64 }
WsMarginInfoBase account margin info received via websocket
type WsNewOfferRequest ¶
type WsNewOfferRequest struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"` Amount float64 `json:"amount,string,omitempty"` Rate float64 `json:"rate,string,omitempty"` Period float64 `json:"period,omitempty"` Flags int64 `json:"flags,omitempty"` }
WsNewOfferRequest new offer request
type WsNewOrderRequest ¶
type WsNewOrderRequest struct { GroupID int64 `json:"gid,omitempty"` CustomID int64 `json:"cid,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type"` Symbol string `json:"symbol"` Amount float64 `json:"amount,string"` Price float64 `json:"price,string"` Leverage int64 `json:"lev,omitempty"` TrailingPrice float64 `json:"price_trailing,string,omitempty"` AuxiliaryLimitPrice float64 `json:"price_aux_limit,string,omitempty"` StopPrice float64 `json:"price_oco_stop,string,omitempty"` Flags int64 `json:"flags,omitempty"` TimeInForce string `json:"tif,omitempty"` }
WsNewOrderRequest new order request...
type WsUpdateOrderRequest ¶
type WsUpdateOrderRequest struct { OrderID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` CustomID int64 `json:"cid,omitempty"` CustomIDDate string `json:"cid_date,omitempty"` GroupID int64 `json:"gid,omitempty"` Price float64 `json:"price,string,omitempty"` Amount float64 `json:"amount,string,omitempty"` Leverage int64 `json:"lev,omitempty"` Delta float64 `json:"delta,string,omitempty"` AuxiliaryLimitPrice float64 `json:"price_aux_limit,string,omitempty"` TrailingPrice float64 `json:"price_trailing,string,omitempty"` Flags int64 `json:"flags,omitempty"` TimeInForce string `json:"tif,omitempty"` }
WsUpdateOrderRequest update order request...