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Constants ¶
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const ( HttpHeaderAcceptCharset = "Accept-Charset" // [RFC9110, Section 12.5.2: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderCPEPInfo = "C-PEP-Info" // [PEP - an Extension Mechanism for HTTP][status-change-http-experiments-to-historic] HttpHeaderPragma = "Pragma" // [RFC9111, Section 5.4: HTTP Caching] HttpHeaderProtocolInfo = "Protocol-Info" // [White Paper: Joint Electronic Payment Initiative] HttpHeaderProtocolQuery = "Protocol-Query" // [White Paper: Joint Electronic Payment Initiative] )
Status: Deprecated.
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const ( HttpHeaderAccessControl = "Access-Control" // [Access Control for Cross-site Requests] HttpHeaderCExt = "C-Ext" // [RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework][status-change-http-experiments-to-historic] HttpHeaderCMan = "C-Man" // [RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework][status-change-http-experiments-to-historic] HttpHeaderCOpt = "C-Opt" // [RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework][status-change-http-experiments-to-historic] HttpHeaderCPEP = "C-PEP" // [PEP - an Extension Mechanism for HTTP][status-change-http-experiments-to-historic] HttpHeaderContentBase = "Content-Base" // [RFC 2068: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1][RFC 2616: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1] HttpHeaderContentMD5 = "Content-MD5" // [RFC 2616, Section 14.15: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1][RFC 7231, Appendix B: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content] HttpHeaderContentScriptType = "Content-Script-Type" // [HTML 4.01 Specification] HttpHeaderContentStyleType = "Content-Style-Type" // [HTML 4.01 Specification] HttpHeaderContentVersion = "Content-Version" // [RFC 2068: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1] HttpHeaderCookie2 = "Cookie2" // [RFC 2965: HTTP State Management Mechanism][RFC 6265: HTTP State Management Mechanism] HttpHeaderDefaultStyle = "Default-Style" // [HTML 4.01 Specification] HttpHeaderDerivedFrom = "Derived-From" // [RFC 2068: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1] HttpHeaderDigest = "Digest" // [RFC 3230: Instance Digests in HTTP][RFC-ietf-httpbis-digest-headers-13, Section 1.3: Digest Fields] HttpHeaderExt = "Ext" // [RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework][status-change-http-experiments-to-historic] HttpHeaderGetProfile = "GetProfile" // [Implementation of OPS Over HTTP] HttpHeaderHTTP2Settings = "HTTP2-Settings" // [RFC 7540, Section 3.2.1: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)] HttpHeaderMan = "Man" // [RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework][status-change-http-experiments-to-historic] HttpHeaderMethodCheck = "Method-Check" // [Access Control for Cross-site Requests] HttpHeaderMethodCheckExpires = "Method-Check-Expires" // [Access Control for Cross-site Requests] HttpHeaderOpt = "Opt" // [RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework][status-change-http-experiments-to-historic] HttpHeaderP3P = "P3P" // [The Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P1.0) Specification] HttpHeaderPEP = "PEP" // [PEP - an Extension Mechanism for HTTP] HttpHeaderPEPInfo = "PEP-Info" // [PEP - an Extension Mechanism for HTTP] HttpHeaderPICSLabel = "PICS-Label" // [PICS Label Distribution Label Syntax and Communication Protocols] HttpHeaderProfileObject = "ProfileObject" // [Implementation of OPS Over HTTP] HttpHeaderProtocol = "Protocol" // [PICS Label Distribution Label Syntax and Communication Protocols] HttpHeaderProtocolRequest = "Protocol-Request" // [PICS Label Distribution Label Syntax and Communication Protocols] HttpHeaderProxyFeatures = "Proxy-Features" // [Notification for Proxy Caches] HttpHeaderProxyInstruction = "Proxy-Instruction" // [Notification for Proxy Caches] HttpHeaderPublic = "Public" // [RFC 2068: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1] HttpHeaderRefererRoot = "Referer-Root" // [Access Control for Cross-site Requests] HttpHeaderSafe = "Safe" // [RFC 2310: The Safe Response Header Field][status-change-http-experiments-to-historic] HttpHeaderSecurityScheme = "Security-Scheme" // [RFC 2660: The Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol][status-change-http-experiments-to-historic] HttpHeaderSetCookie2 = "Set-Cookie2" // [RFC 2965: HTTP State Management Mechanism][RFC 6265: HTTP State Management Mechanism] HttpHeaderSetProfile = "SetProfile" // [Implementation of OPS Over HTTP] HttpHeaderURI = "URI" // [RFC 2068: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1] HttpHeaderWantDigest = "Want-Digest" // [RFC 3230: Instance Digests in HTTP][RFC-ietf-httpbis-digest-headers-13, Section 1.3: Digest Fields] HttpHeaderWarning = "Warning" // [RFC9111, Section 5.5: HTTP Caching] )
Status: Obsoleted.
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const ( HttpHeaderAIM = "A-IM" // [RFC 3229: Delta encoding in HTTP] HttpHeaderAccept = "Accept" // [RFC9110, Section 12.5.1: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderAcceptAdditions = "Accept-Additions" // [RFC 2324: Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0)] HttpHeaderAcceptCH = "Accept-CH" // [RFC 8942, Section 3.1: HTTP Client Hints] HttpHeaderAcceptDatetime = "Accept-Datetime" // [RFC 7089: HTTP Framework for Time-Based Access to Resource States -- Memento] HttpHeaderAcceptEncoding = "Accept-Encoding" // [RFC9110, Section 12.5.3: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderAcceptFeatures = "Accept-Features" // [RFC 2295: Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP] HttpHeaderAcceptLanguage = "Accept-Language" // [RFC9110, Section 12.5.4: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderAcceptPatch = "Accept-Patch" // [RFC 5789: PATCH Method for HTTP] HttpHeaderAcceptPost = "Accept-Post" // [Linked Data Platform 1.0] HttpHeaderAcceptRanges = "Accept-Ranges" // [RFC9110, Section 14.3: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderAcceptSignature = "Accept-Signature" // [RFC-ietf-httpbis-message-signatures-19, Section 5.1: HTTP Message Signatures] HttpHeaderAccessControlAllowCredentials = "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" // [Fetch] HttpHeaderAccessControlAllowHeaders = "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" // [Fetch] HttpHeaderAccessControlAllowMethods = "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" // [Fetch] HttpHeaderAccessControlAllowOrigin = "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" // [Fetch] HttpHeaderAccessControlExposeHeaders = "Access-Control-Expose-Headers" // [Fetch] HttpHeaderAccessControlMaxAge = "Access-Control-Max-Age" // [Fetch] HttpHeaderAccessControlRequestHeaders = "Access-Control-Request-Headers" // [Fetch] HttpHeaderAccessControlRequestMethod = "Access-Control-Request-Method" // [Fetch] HttpHeaderAge = "Age" // [RFC9111, Section 5.1: HTTP Caching] HttpHeaderAllow = "Allow" // [RFC9110, Section 10.2.1: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderALPN = "ALPN" // [RFC 7639, Section 2: The ALPN HTTP Header Field] HttpHeaderAltSvc = "Alt-Svc" // [RFC 7838: HTTP Alternative Services] HttpHeaderAltUsed = "Alt-Used" // [RFC 7838: HTTP Alternative Services] HttpHeaderAlternates = "Alternates" // [RFC 2295: Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP] HttpHeaderApplyToRedirectRef = "Apply-To-Redirect-Ref" // [RFC 4437: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Redirect Reference Resources] HttpHeaderAuthenticationControl = "Authentication-Control" // [RFC 8053, Section 4: HTTP Authentication Extensions for Interactive Clients] HttpHeaderAuthenticationInfo = "Authentication-Info" // [RFC9110, Section 11.6.3: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderAuthorization = "Authorization" // [RFC9110, Section 11.6.2: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderCacheControl = "Cache-Control" // [RFC9111, Section 5.2] HttpHeaderCacheStatus = "Cache-Status" // [RFC9211: The Cache-Status HTTP Response Header Field] HttpHeaderCalManagedID = "Cal-Managed-ID" // [RFC 8607, Section 5.1: Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV): Managed Attachments] HttpHeaderCalDAVTimezones = "CalDAV-Timezones" // [RFC 7809, Section 7.1: Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV): Time Zones by Reference] HttpHeaderCapsuleProtocol = "Capsule-Protocol" // [RFC9297] HttpHeaderCDNCacheControl = "CDN-Cache-Control" // [RFC9213: Targeted HTTP Cache Control] HttpHeaderCDNLoop = "CDN-Loop" // [RFC 8586: Loop Detection in Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)] HttpHeaderCertNotAfter = "Cert-Not-After" // [RFC 8739, Section 3.3: Support for Short-Term, Automatically Renewed (STAR) Certificates in the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME)] HttpHeaderCertNotBefore = "Cert-Not-Before" // [RFC 8739, Section 3.3: Support for Short-Term, Automatically Renewed (STAR) Certificates in the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME)] HttpHeaderClearSiteData = "Clear-Site-Data" // [Clear Site Data] HttpHeaderClientCert = "Client-Cert" // [RFC-ietf-httpbis-client-cert-field-06, Section 2] HttpHeaderClientCertChain = "Client-Cert-Chain" // [RFC-ietf-httpbis-client-cert-field-06, Section 2] HttpHeaderClose = "Close" // [RFC9112, Section 9.6: HTTP/1.1] HttpHeaderConnection = "Connection" // [RFC9110, Section 7.6.1: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderContentDigest = "Content-Digest" // [RFC-ietf-httpbis-digest-headers-13, Section 2: Digest Fields] HttpHeaderContentDisposition = "Content-Disposition" // [RFC 6266: Use of the Content-Disposition Header Field in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)] HttpHeaderContentEncoding = "Content-Encoding" // [RFC9110, Section 8.4: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderContentID = "Content-ID" // [The HTTP Distribution and Replication Protocol] HttpHeaderContentLanguage = "Content-Language" // [RFC9110, Section 8.5: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderContentLength = "Content-Length" // [RFC9110, Section 8.6: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderContentLocation = "Content-Location" // [RFC9110, Section 8.7: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderContentRange = "Content-Range" // [RFC9110, Section 14.4: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderContentSecurityPolicy = "Content-Security-Policy" // [Content Security Policy Level 3] HttpHeaderContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly = "Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only" // [Content Security Policy Level 3] HttpHeaderContentType = "Content-Type" // [RFC9110, Section 8.3: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderCookie = "Cookie" // [RFC 6265: HTTP State Management Mechanism] HttpHeaderCrossOriginEmbedderPolicy = "Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy" // [HTML] HttpHeaderCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyReportOnly = "Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy-Report-Only" // [HTML] HttpHeaderCrossOriginOpenerPolicy = "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy" // [HTML] HttpHeaderCrossOriginOpenerPolicyReportOnly = "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy-Report-Only" // [HTML] HttpHeaderCrossOriginResourcePolicy = "Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy" // [Fetch] HttpHeaderDASL = "DASL" // [RFC 5323: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) SEARCH] HttpHeaderDate = "Date" // [RFC9110, Section 6.6.1: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderDAV = "DAV" // [RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)] HttpHeaderDeltaBase = "Delta-Base" // [RFC 3229: Delta encoding in HTTP] HttpHeaderDepth = "Depth" // [RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)] HttpHeaderDestination = "Destination" // [RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)] HttpHeaderDifferentialID = "Differential-ID" // [The HTTP Distribution and Replication Protocol] HttpHeaderDPoP = "DPoP" // [RFC-ietf-oauth-dpop-16: OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession at the Application Layer (DPoP)] HttpHeaderDPoPNonce = "DPoP-Nonce" // [RFC-ietf-oauth-dpop-16: OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession at the Application Layer (DPoP)] DPoP-Nonce HttpHeaderEarlyData = "Early-Data" // [RFC 8470: Using Early Data in HTTP] HttpHeaderETag = "ETag" // [RFC9110, Section 8.8.3: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderExpect = "Expect" // [RFC9110, Section 10.1.1: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderExpectCT = "Expect-CT" // [RFC9163: Expect-CT Extension for HTTP] HttpHeaderExpires = "Expires" // [RFC9111, Section 5.3: HTTP Caching] HttpHeaderForwarded = "Forwarded" // [RFC 7239: Forwarded HTTP Extension] HttpHeaderFrom = "From" // [RFC9110, Section 10.1.2: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderHobareg = "Hobareg" // [RFC 7486, Section 6.1.1: HTTP Origin-Bound Authentication (HOBA)] HttpHeaderHost = "Host" // [RFC9110, Section 7.2: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderIf = "If" // [RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)] HttpHeaderIfMatch = "If-Match" // [RFC9110, Section 13.1.1: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderIfModifiedSince = "If-Modified-Since" // [RFC9110, Section 13.1.3: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderIfNoneMatch = "If-None-Match" // [RFC9110, Section 13.1.2: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderIfRange = "If-Range" // [RFC9110, Section 13.1.5: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderIfScheduleTagMatch = "If-Schedule-Tag-Match" // [ RFC 6338: Scheduling Extensions to CalDAV] HttpHeaderIfUnmodifiedSince = "If-Unmodified-Since" // [RFC9110, Section 13.1.4: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderIM = "IM" // [RFC 3229: Delta encoding in HTTP] HttpHeaderIncludeReferredTokenBindingID = "Include-Referred-Token-Binding-ID" // [RFC 8473: Token Binding over HTTP] HttpHeaderKeepAlive = "Keep-Alive" // [RFC 2068: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1] HttpHeaderLabel = "Label" // [RFC 3253: Versioning Extensions to WebDAV: (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning)] HttpHeaderLastEventID = "Last-Event-ID" // [HTML] HttpHeaderLastModified = "Last-Modified" // [RFC9110, Section 8.8.2: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderLink = "Link" // [RFC 8288: Web Linking] HttpHeaderLocation = "Location" // [RFC9110, Section 10.2.2: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderLockToken = "Lock-Token" // [RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)] HttpHeaderMaxForwards = "Max-Forwards" // [RFC9110, Section 7.6.2: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderMementoDatetime = "Memento-Datetime" // [RFC 7089: HTTP Framework for Time-Based Access to Resource States -- Memento] HttpHeaderMeter = "Meter" // [RFC 2227: Simple Hit-Metering and Usage-Limiting for HTTP] HttpHeaderMIMEVersion = "MIME-Version" // [RFC9112, Appendix B.1: HTTP/1.1] HttpHeaderNegotiate = "Negotiate" // [RFC 2295: Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP] HttpHeaderNEL = "NEL" // [Network Error Logging] HttpHeaderODataEntityId = "OData-EntityId" // [OData Version 4.01 Part 1: Protocol][OASIS][Chet_Ensign] HttpHeaderODataIsolation = "OData-Isolation" // [OData Version 4.01 Part 1: Protocol][OASIS][Chet_Ensign] HttpHeaderODataMaxVersion = "OData-MaxVersion" // [OData Version 4.01 Part 1: Protocol][OASIS][Chet_Ensign] HttpHeaderODataVersion = "OData-Version" // [OData Version 4.01 Part 1: Protocol][OASIS][Chet_Ensign] HttpHeaderOptionalWWWAuthenticate = "Optional-WWW-Authenticate" // [RFC 8053, Section 3: HTTP Authentication Extensions for Interactive Clients] HttpHeaderOrderingType = "Ordering-Type" // [RFC 3648: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Ordered Collections Protocol] HttpHeaderOrigin = "Origin" // [RFC 6454: The Web Origin Concept] HttpHeaderOriginAgentCluster = "Origin-Agent-Cluster" // [HTML] HttpHeaderOSCORE = "OSCORE" // [RFC 8613, Section 11.1: Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments (OSCORE)] HttpHeaderOSLCCoreVersion = "OSLC-Core-Version" // [OASIS Project Specification 01][OASIS][Chet_Ensign] HttpHeaderOverwrite = "Overwrite" // [RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)] HttpHeaderPingFrom = "Ping-From" // [HTML] HttpHeaderPingTo = "Ping-To" // [HTML] HttpHeaderPosition = "Position" // [RFC 3648: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Ordered Collections Protocol] HttpHeaderPrefer = "Prefer" // [RFC 7240: Prefer Header for HTTP] HttpHeaderPreferenceApplied = "Preference-Applied" // [RFC 7240: Prefer Header for HTTP] HttpHeaderPriority = "Priority" // [RFC9218: Extensible Prioritization Scheme for HTTP] HttpHeaderProxyAuthenticate = "Proxy-Authenticate" // [RFC9110, Section 11.7.1: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderProxyAuthenticationInfo = "Proxy-Authentication-Info" // [RFC9110, Section 11.7.3: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderProxyAuthorization = "Proxy-Authorization" // [RFC9110, Section 11.7.2: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderProxyStatus = "Proxy-Status" // [RFC9209: The Proxy-Status HTTP Response Header Field] HttpHeaderPublicKeyPins = "Public-Key-Pins" // [RFC 7469: Public Key Pinning Extension for HTTP] HttpHeaderPublicKeyPinsReportOnly = "Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only" // [RFC 7469: Public Key Pinning Extension for HTTP] HttpHeaderRange = "Range" // [RFC9110, Section 14.2: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderRedirectRef = "Redirect-Ref" // [RFC 4437: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Redirect Reference Resources] HttpHeaderReferer = "Referer" // [RFC9110, Section 10.1.3: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderRefresh = "Refresh" // [HTML] HttpHeaderReplayNonce = "Replay-Nonce" // [RFC 8555, Section 6.5.1: Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME)] HttpHeaderReprDigest = "Repr-Digest" // [RFC-ietf-httpbis-digest-headers-13, Section 3: Digest Fields] HttpHeaderRetryAfter = "Retry-After" // [RFC9110, Section 10.2.3: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderScheduleReply = "Schedule-Reply" // [RFC 6638: Scheduling Extensions to CalDAV] HttpHeaderScheduleTag = "Schedule-Tag" // [RFC 6338: Scheduling Extensions to CalDAV] HttpHeaderSecPurpose = "Sec-Purpose" // [Fetch] HttpHeaderSecTokenBinding = "Sec-Token-Binding" // [RFC 8473: Token Binding over HTTP] HttpHeaderSecWebSocketAccept = "Sec-WebSocket-Accept" // [RFC 6455: The WebSocket Protocol] HttpHeaderSecWebSocketExtensions = "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions" // [RFC 6455: The WebSocket Protocol] HttpHeaderSecWebSocketKey = "Sec-WebSocket-Key" // [RFC 6455: The WebSocket Protocol] HttpHeaderSecWebSocketProtocol = "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol" // [RFC 6455: The WebSocket Protocol] HttpHeaderSecWebSocketVersion = "Sec-WebSocket-Version" // [RFC 6455: The WebSocket Protocol] HttpHeaderServer = "Server" // [RFC9110, Section 10.2.4: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderServerTiming = "Server-Timing" // [Server Timing] HttpHeaderSetCookie = "Set-Cookie" // [RFC 6265: HTTP State Management Mechanism] HttpHeaderSignature = "Signature" // [RFC-ietf-httpbis-message-signatures-19, Section 4.2: HTTP Message Signatures] HttpHeaderSignatureInput = "Signature-Input" // [RFC-ietf-httpbis-message-signatures-19, Section 4.1: HTTP Message Signatures] HttpHeaderSLUG = "SLUG" // [RFC 5023: The Atom Publishing Protocol] HttpHeaderSoapAction = "SoapAction" // [Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1] HttpHeaderStatusURI = "Status-URI" // [RFC 2518: HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WEBDAV] HttpHeaderStrictTransportSecurity = "Strict-Transport-Security" // [RFC 6797: HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)] HttpHeaderSunset = "Sunset" // [RFC 8594: The Sunset HTTP Header Field] HttpHeaderSurrogateCapability = "Surrogate-Capability" // [Edge Architecture Specification] HttpHeaderSurrogateControl = "Surrogate-Control" // [Edge Architecture Specification] HttpHeaderTCN = "TCN" // [RFC 2295: Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP] HttpHeaderTE = "TE" // [RFC9110, Section 10.1.4: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderTimeout = "Timeout" // [RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)] HttpHeaderTopic = "Topic" // [RFC 8030, Section 5.4: Generic Event Delivery Using HTTP Push] HttpHeaderTraceparent = "Traceparent" // [Trace Context] HttpHeaderTracestate = "Tracestate" // [Trace Context] HttpHeaderTrailer = "Trailer" // [RFC9110, Section 6.6.2: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderTransferEncoding = "Transfer-Encoding" // [RFC9112, Section 6.1: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderTTL = "TTL" // [RFC 8030, Section 5.2: Generic Event Delivery Using HTTP Push] HttpHeaderUpgrade = "Upgrade" // [RFC9110, Section 7.8: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderUrgency = "Urgency" // [RFC 8030, Section 5.3: Generic Event Delivery Using HTTP Push] HttpHeaderUserAgent = "User-Agent" // [RFC9110, Section 10.1.5: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderVariantVary = "Variant-Vary" // [RFC 2295: Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP] HttpHeaderVary = "Vary" // [RFC9110, Section 12.5.5: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderVia = "Via" // [RFC9110, Section 7.6.3: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderWantContentDigest = "Want-Content-Digest" // [RFC-ietf-httpbis-digest-headers-13, Section 4: Digest Fields] HttpHeaderWantReprDigest = "Want-Repr-Digest" // [RFC-ietf-httpbis-digest-headers-13, Section 4: Digest Fields] HttpHeaderWWWAuthenticate = "WWW-Authenticate" // [RFC9110, Section 11.6.1: HTTP Semantics] HttpHeaderXContentTypeOptions = "X-Content-Type-Options" // [Fetch] HttpHeaderXFrameOptions = "X-Frame-Options" // [HTML] )
Status: Permanent.
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const ( HttpHeaderAMPCacheTransform = "AMP-Cache-Transform" // [AMP-Cache-Transform HTTP request header] HttpHeaderConfigurationContext = "Configuration-Context" // [OSLC Configuration Management Version 1.0. Part 3: Configuration Specification] HttpHeaderEDIINTFeatures = "EDIINT-Features" // [RFC 6017: Electronic Data Interchange - Internet Integration (EDIINT) Features Header Field] HttpHeaderIsolation = "Isolation" // [OData Version 4.01 Part 1: Protocol][OASIS][Chet_Ensign] HttpHeaderPermissionsPolicy = "Permissions-Policy" // [Permissions Policy] HttpHeaderRepeatabilityClientID = "Repeatability-Client-ID" // [Repeatable Requests Version 1.0][OASIS][Chet_Ensign] HttpHeaderRepeatabilityFirstSent = "Repeatability-First-Sent" // [Repeatable Requests Version 1.0][OASIS][Chet_Ensign] HttpHeaderRepeatabilityRequestID = "Repeatability-Request-ID" // [Repeatable Requests Version 1.0][OASIS][Chet_Ensign] HttpHeaderRepeatabilityResult = "Repeatability-Result" // [Repeatable Requests Version 1.0][OASIS][Chet_Ensign] HttpHeaderReportingEndpoints = "Reporting-Endpoints" // [Reporting API] HttpHeaderSecGPC = "Sec-GPC" // [Global Privacy Control (GPC)] HttpHeaderTimingAllowOrigin = "Timing-Allow-Origin" // [Resource Timing Level 1] )
Status: Provisional.
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const ( MailHeaderARCAuthenticationResults = "ARC-Authentication-Results" // [RFC8617] MailHeaderARCMessageSignature = "ARC-Message-Signature" // [RFC8617] MailHeaderARCSeal = "ARC-Seal" // [RFC8617] )
Status: Experimental.
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const ( MailHeaderDowngradedBcc = "Downgraded-Bcc" // [RFC5504][RFC6857] MailHeaderDowngradedCc = "Downgraded-Cc" // [RFC5504][RFC6857] MailHeaderDowngradedDispositionNotificationTo = "Downgraded-Disposition-Notification-To" // [RFC5504][RFC6857] MailHeaderDowngradedFrom = "Downgraded-From" // [RFC5504][RFC6857 Section 3.1.10] MailHeaderDowngradedMailFrom = "Downgraded-Mail-From" // [RFC5504][RFC6857 Section 3.1.10] MailHeaderDowngradedRcptTo = "Downgraded-Rcpt-To" // [RFC5504][RFC6857] MailHeaderDowngradedReplyTo = "Downgraded-Reply-To" // [RFC5504][RFC6857] MailHeaderDowngradedResentBcc = "Downgraded-Resent-Bcc" // [RFC5504][RFC6857] MailHeaderDowngradedResentCc = "Downgraded-Resent-Cc" // [RFC5504][RFC6857] MailHeaderDowngradedResentFrom = "Downgraded-Resent-From" // [RFC5504][RFC6857] MailHeaderDowngradedResentReplyTo = "Downgraded-Resent-Reply-To" // [RFC5504][RFC6857] MailHeaderDowngradedResentSender = "Downgraded-Resent-Sender" // [RFC5504][RFC6857] MailHeaderDowngradedResentTo = "Downgraded-Resent-To" // [RFC5504][RFC6857] MailHeaderDowngradedReturnPath = "Downgraded-Return-Path" // [RFC5504][RFC6857] MailHeaderDowngradedSender = "Downgraded-Sender" // [RFC5504][RFC6857] MailHeaderDowngradedTo = "Downgraded-To" // [RFC5504][RFC6857] MailHeaderResentReplyTo = "Resent-Reply-To" // [RFC5322] )
Status: Obsoleted.
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const ( MailHeaderArchivedAt = "Archived-At" // [RFC5064] MailHeaderAuthenticationResults = "Authentication-Results" // [RFC8601] MailHeaderAutoSubmitted = "Auto-Submitted" // [RFC3834 section 5] MailHeaderBcc = "Bcc" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderCc = "Cc" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderComments = "Comments" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderDate = "Date" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderDKIMSignature = "DKIM-Signature" // [RFC6376] MailHeaderDowngradedFinalRecipient = "Downgraded-Final-Recipient" // [RFC6857 Section 3.1.10] MailHeaderDowngradedInReplyTo = "Downgraded-In-Reply-To" // [RFC6857 Section 3.1.10] MailHeaderDowngradedMessageId = "Downgraded-Message-Id" // [RFC6857 Section 3.1.10] MailHeaderDowngradedOriginalRecipient = "Downgraded-Original-Recipient" // [RFC6857 Section 3.1.10] MailHeaderDowngradedReferences = "Downgraded-References" // [RFC6857 Section 3.1.10] MailHeaderFrom = "From" // [RFC5322][RFC6854] MailHeaderInReplyTo = "In-Reply-To" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderKeywords = "Keywords" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderListUnsubscribePost = "List-Unsubscribe-Post" // [RFC8058] MailHeaderMessageID = "Message-ID" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderMTPriority = "MT-Priority" // [RFC6758] MailHeaderOriginalFrom = "Original-From" // [RFC5703] MailHeaderOriginalRecipient = "Original-Recipient" // [RFC3798][RFC5337] MailHeaderOriginalSubject = "Original-Subject" // [RFC5703] MailHeaderReceived = "Received" // [RFC5322][RFC5321] MailHeaderReceivedSPF = "Received-SPF" // [RFC7208] MailHeaderReferences = "References" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderReplyTo = "Reply-To" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderRequireRecipientValidSince = "Require-Recipient-Valid-Since" // [RFC7293] MailHeaderResentBcc = "Resent-Bcc" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderResentCc = "Resent-Cc" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderResentDate = "Resent-Date" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderResentFrom = "Resent-From" // [RFC5322][RFC6854] MailHeaderResentMessageID = "Resent-Message-ID" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderResentSender = "Resent-Sender" // [RFC5322][RFC6854] MailHeaderResentTo = "Resent-To" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderReturnPath = "Return-Path" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderSender = "Sender" // [RFC5322][RFC6854] MailHeaderSubject = "Subject" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderTLSReportDomain = "TLS-Report-Domain" // [RFC8460] MailHeaderTLSReportSubmitter = "TLS-Report-Submitter" // [RFC8460] MailHeaderTLSRequired = "TLS-Required" // [RFC8689] MailHeaderTo = "To" // [RFC5322] MailHeaderVBRInfo = "VBR-Info" // [RFC5518] )
Status: Standard.
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const ( MailHeaderAcceptLanguage = "Accept-Language" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderAlternateRecipient = "Alternate-Recipient" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderApparentlyTo = "Apparently-To" // [RFC2076] MailHeaderAuthor = "Author" // [RFC9057] MailHeaderAutoforwarded = "Autoforwarded" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderAutosubmitted = "Autosubmitted" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderCFBLAddress = "CFBL-Address" // [RFC-benecke-cfbl-address-header-13] MailHeaderCFBLFeedbackID = "CFBL-Feedback-ID" // [RFC-benecke-cfbl-address-header-13] MailHeaderContentIdentifier = "Content-Identifier" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderContentReturn = "Content-Return" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderConversion = "Conversion" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderConversionWithLoss = "Conversion-With-Loss" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderDeferredDelivery = "Deferred-Delivery" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderDeliveredTo = "Delivered-To" // [RFC9228] MailHeaderDeliveryDate = "Delivery-Date" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderDiscardedX400IPMSExtensions = "Discarded-X400-IPMS-Extensions" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderDiscardedX400MTSExtensions = "Discarded-X400-MTS-Extensions" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderDiscloseRecipients = "Disclose-Recipients" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderDispositionNotificationOptions = "Disposition-Notification-Options" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderDispositionNotificationTo = "Disposition-Notification-To" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderDLExpansionHistory = "DL-Expansion-History" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderEDIINTFeatures = "EDIINT-Features" // [RFC6017] MailHeaderEesstVersion = "Eesst-Version" // [RFC7681] MailHeaderEncoding = "Encoding" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderEncrypted = "Encrypted" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderErrorsTo = "Errors-To" // [RFC2076] MailHeaderExpires = "Expires" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderExpiryDate = "Expiry-Date" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderFormSub = "Form-Sub" // [draft-levine-mailbomb-header] MailHeaderGenerateDeliveryReport = "Generate-Delivery-Report" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderImportance = "Importance" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderIncompleteCopy = "Incomplete-Copy" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderJabberID = "Jabber-ID" // [RFC7259] MailHeaderLanguage = "Language" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderLatestDeliveryTime = "Latest-Delivery-Time" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderListArchive = "List-Archive" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderListHelp = "List-Help" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderListID = "List-ID" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderListOwner = "List-Owner" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderListPost = "List-Post" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderListSubscribe = "List-Subscribe" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderListUnsubscribe = "List-Unsubscribe" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderMessageContext = "Message-Context" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderMessageType = "Message-Type" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderMMHSAcp127MessageIdentifier = "MMHS-Acp127-Message-Identifier" // [RFC6477][ACP123 MailHeaderMMHSAuthorizingUsers = "MMHS-Authorizing-Users" // [RFC7912] MailHeaderMMHSCodressMessageIndicator = "MMHS-Codress-Message-Indicator" // [RFC6477][ACP123 MailHeaderMMHSCopyPrecedence = "MMHS-Copy-Precedence" // [RFC6477][ACP123 MailHeaderMMHSExemptedAddress = "MMHS-Exempted-Address" // [RFC6477][ACP123 MailHeaderMMHSExtendedAuthorisationInfo = "MMHS-Extended-Authorisation-Info" // [RFC6477][ACP123 MailHeaderMMHSHandlingInstructions = "MMHS-Handling-Instructions" // [RFC6477][ACP123 MailHeaderMMHSMessageInstructions = "MMHS-Message-Instructions" // [RFC6477][ACP123 MailHeaderMMHSMessageType = "MMHS-Message-Type" // [RFC6477][ACP123 MailHeaderMMHSOriginatorPLAD = "MMHS-Originator-PLAD" // [RFC6477][ACP123 MailHeaderMMHSOriginatorReference = "MMHS-Originator-Reference" // [RFC6477][ACP123 MailHeaderMMHSOtherRecipientsIndicatorCC = "MMHS-Other-Recipients-Indicator-CC" // [RFC6477][ACP123 MailHeaderMMHSOtherRecipientsIndicatorTo = "MMHS-Other-Recipients-Indicator-To" // [RFC6477][ACP123 MailHeaderMMHSPrimaryPrecedence = "MMHS-Primary-Precedence" // [RFC6477][ACP123 MailHeaderMMHSSubjectIndicatorCodes = "MMHS-Subject-Indicator-Codes" // [RFC6477][ACP123 MailHeaderObsoletes = "Obsoletes" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderOriginalEncodedInformationTypes = "Original-Encoded-Information-Types" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderOriginalMessageID = "Original-Message-ID" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderOriginatorReturnAddress = "Originator-Return-Address" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderPICSLabel = "PICS-Label" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderPreventNonDeliveryReport = "Prevent-NonDelivery-Report" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderPriority = "Priority" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderPrivicon = "Privicon" // [draft-koenig-privicons] MailHeaderReplyBy = "Reply-By" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderSensitivity = "Sensitivity" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderSIOLabel = "SIO-Label" // [RFC7444] MailHeaderSIOLabelHistory = "SIO-Label-History" // [RFC7444] MailHeaderSolicitation = "Solicitation" // [RFC3865] MailHeaderSupersedes = "Supersedes" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderXMittente = "X-Mittente" // [RFC6109] MailHeaderXRicevuta = "X-Ricevuta" // [RFC6109] MailHeaderXRiferimentoMessageID = "X-Riferimento-Message-ID" // [RFC6109] MailHeaderXTipoRicevuta = "X-TipoRicevuta" // [RFC6109] MailHeaderXTrasporto = "X-Trasporto" // [RFC6109] MailHeaderXVerificaSicurezza = "X-VerificaSicurezza" // [RFC6109] MailHeaderX400ContentIdentifier = "X400-Content-Identifier" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderX400ContentReturn = "X400-Content-Return" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderX400ContentType = "X400-Content-Type" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderX400MTSIdentifier = "X400-MTS-Identifier" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderX400Originator = "X400-Originator" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderX400Received = "X400-Received" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderX400Recipients = "X400-Recipients" // [RFC4021] MailHeaderX400Trace = "X400-Trace" // [RFC4021] )
Status: (Empty).
View Source
const ( MimeHeaderBase = "Base" // [RFC1808][RFC2068 Section 14.11] MimeHeaderContentBase = "Content-Base" // [RFC2110][RFC2557] )
Status: Obsoleted.
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const ( MimeHeaderContentAlternative = "Content-Alternative" // [RFC4021] MimeHeaderContentDescription = "Content-Description" // [RFC4021] MimeHeaderContentDisposition = "Content-Disposition" // [RFC4021] MimeHeaderContentDuration = "Content-Duration" // [RFC4021] MimeHeaderContentfeatures = "Content-features" // [RFC4021] MimeHeaderContentID = "Content-ID" // [RFC4021] MimeHeaderContentLanguage = "Content-Language" // [RFC4021] MimeHeaderContentLocation = "Content-Location" // [RFC4021] MimeHeaderContentMD5 = "Content-MD5" // [RFC4021] MimeHeaderContentTransferEncoding = "Content-Transfer-Encoding" // [RFC4021] MimeHeaderContentType = "Content-Type" // [RFC4021] MimeHeaderMIMEVersion = "MIME-Version" // [RFC4021] )
Status: (Empty).
View Source
const ( NetnewsHeaderLines = "Lines" // [RFC5536][RFC3977] NetnewsHeaderXArchivedAt = "X-Archived-At" // [RFC5064] )
Status: Deprecated.
View Source
const ( NetnewsHeaderAlsoControl = "Also-Control" // [RFC1849][RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderArticleNames = "Article-Names" // [RFC1849][RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderArticleUpdates = "Article-Updates" // [RFC1849][RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderDateReceived = "Date-Received" // [RFC0850][RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderNNTPPostingDate = "NNTP-Posting-Date" // [RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderNNTPPostingHost = "NNTP-Posting-Host" // [RFC2980][RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderPostingVersion = "Posting-Version" // [RFC0850][RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderRelayVersion = "Relay-Version" // [RFC0850][RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderSeeAlso = "See-Also" // [RFC1849][RFC5536] )
Status: Obsoleted.
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const ( NetnewsHeaderApproved = "Approved" // [RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderArchive = "Archive" // [RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderArchivedAt = "Archived-At" // [RFC5064] NetnewsHeaderCancelKey = "Cancel-Key" // [RFC8315] NetnewsHeaderCancelLock = "Cancel-Lock" // [RFC8315] NetnewsHeaderComments = "Comments" // [RFC5536][RFC5322] NetnewsHeaderControl = "Control" // [RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderDate = "Date" // [RFC5536][RFC5322] NetnewsHeaderDistribution = "Distribution" // [RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderExpires = "Expires" // [RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderFollowupTo = "Followup-To" // [RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderFrom = "From" // [RFC5536][RFC5322] NetnewsHeaderInjectionDate = "Injection-Date" // [RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderInjectionInfo = "Injection-Info" // [RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderKeywords = "Keywords" // [RFC5536][RFC5322] NetnewsHeaderMessageID = "Message-ID" // [RFC5536][RFC5322] NetnewsHeaderNewsgroups = "Newsgroups" // [RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderOrganization = "Organization" // [RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderOriginalSender = "Original-Sender" // [RFC5537] NetnewsHeaderPath = "Path" // [RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderReferences = "References" // [RFC5536][RFC5322] NetnewsHeaderReplyTo = "Reply-To" // [RFC5536][RFC5322] NetnewsHeaderSender = "Sender" // [RFC5536][RFC5322] NetnewsHeaderSubject = "Subject" // [RFC5536][RFC5322] NetnewsHeaderSummary = "Summary" // [RFC5536] NetnewsHeaderSupersedes = "Supersedes" // [RFC5536][RFC2156] NetnewsHeaderUserAgent = "User-Agent" // [RFC5536][RFC2616] NetnewsHeaderXref = "Xref" // [RFC5536] )
Status: Standard.
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const ( NetnewsHeaderJabberID = "Jabber-ID" // [RFC7259] NetnewsHeaderXPGPSig = "X-PGP-Sig" // [][] )
Status: (Empty).
View Source
const (
DelimiterCommaSpace = ", "
View Source
const (
MailHeaderOrganization = "Organization" // [RFC7681]
Status: Informational.
View Source
const (
MailHeaderXArchivedAt = "X-Archived-At" // [RFC5064]
Status: Deprecated.
View Source
const (
MimeHeaderContentTranslationType = "Content-Translation-Type" // [RFC8255]
Status: Standard.
View Source
const (
NoneHeaderBody = "Body" // [RFC6068]
Status: Reserved.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func MakeListOfHeaders ¶
MakeListOfHeaders composes a list of headers delimited by a comma and space.
Types ¶
This section is empty.
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