Kubernetes Dashboard

Kubernetes Dashboard is a general purpose, web-based UI for Kubernetes clusters. It allows users to manage applications
running in the cluster and troubleshoot them, as well as manage the cluster itself.

Getting Started
IMPORTANT: Since version 1.7 Dashboard uses more secure setup. It means, that by default it has minimal set of
privileges and can only be accessed over HTTPS. It is recommended to read Access Control guide before performing any further steps.
To deploy Dashboard, execute following command:
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/master/src/deploy/recommended/kubernetes-dashboard.yaml
To access Dashboard from your local workstation you must create a secure channel to your Kubernetes cluster. Run the following command:
$ kubectl proxy
Now access Dashboard at:
To find out how to create sample user and log in follow Creating sample user guide.
- The shortcut
is deprecated. Use the full proxy URL shown above.
- Heapster has to be running in the cluster for the metrics
and graphs to be available. Read more about it in Integrations guide.
Dashboard documentation can be found on Wiki pages, it includes:
The work done has been licensed under Apache License 2.0. The license file can be found here. You can find
out more about the license at www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.