Go User Store
This is a user store keeping the application users acting as a gRPC server.
It listens to the port 5300.
Before all
- Have Go
- Have gRPC
- Have Docker
- Set Environment variables:
(used in ./dal/client.go
gRPC settings
Everything starts with designing the protobuf file
for this project) and once the messages and services are designed
(or changed later) the following command should be run:
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/vahdet/go-user-store
protoc -I proto proto/user.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:proto
This command will generate (or recreate if it exists) a .pb.go
file just beside itself.
It is ./proto/user.pb.go
here and it allows implementing Go services, repositories, in short any Go code
behind the services defined in the .proto
For this case, the server implementation is performed in ./grpcserver/server.go
Redis in a container
A Redis instance should be up at the port defined in the config file ./resources/app.yaml
. Unless the port is changed, the default one is 6379
on localhost
A sample Docker command to install an official Redis image (with data persistence to disk) is as follows:
docker container run -d --name redisTest \
-v /opt/docker/data/redis:/data \
-p 6379:6379
- See all running containers
docker ps
- See all containers (running or not)
docker ps -a
- Remove Docker image (although it is a bad practice, add
force remove)
with a few characters of the CONTAINER_ID
which you can find the one assigned to your
container with the ps
commands above.
docker rm
- Bonus: Delete stopped containers
docker rm -v $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)
Set a user/pass for the redis container.
In this app, data store testing is adopts the approach that a separate redis docker container is created
for test usage. However, there are other ways worth trying:
or, if you dare to code through another API anyway:
See the ./Dockerfile
Run the following command in the root directory in order to build as specified in the Dockerfile
docker image build -t go-user-store .
This will create an image named go-user-store
You can check the docker images by the command and check go-user-store
is listed:
docker image ls
To run a container out of the image, run the following command
docker container run --publish 5300:5300 --name my-goddamn-user-store --rm outyet
It binds the internal port 5300
to external port 5300
. Change the one before colon if you want to expose the container through a different port.
Push to Docker Hub
See Pushing and Pulling to and from Docker Hub
Data Persistence
A volume is assigned to redis container by -v
flag (see previous sections).
There is currently no need for a volume or bind mount for the go code.
Git Tips for humble beings
The StackOverflow answer resembles three lines of general purpose git commands
that can be used anytime a change is made and should be committed to master
git add .
git commit -a -m "My classical message to be replaced"
git push
Useful links