This command demonstrates NDNgo library features.
Use -h
flag to view usage:
# see available subcommands and global options
ndndpdk-godemo -h
# see options of a subcommand
ndndpdk-godemo pingserver -h
L3 Face API
dump.go implements a traffic dump tool using l3.Face API.
This subcommand does not need a local forwarder.
This subcommand requires sudo privilege in order to use AF_PACKET socket.
sudo ndndpdk-godemo dump --netif eth1
# --respond flag enables this tool to reply every Interest with a Data packet
sudo ndndpdk-godemo dump --netif eth1 --respond
Endpoint API
ping.go implements ndnping reachability test client and server using endpoint API.
This subcommand requires a local forwarder.
This subcommand does not need sudo privilege, but you may need to manually create /run/ndn
directory beforehand.
# minimal
ndndpdk-godemo pingserver --name /pingdemo
ndndpdk-godemo pingclient --name /pingdemo
# with optional flags
ndndpdk-godemo --mtu 9000 --logging=false pingserver --name /pingdemo --payload 8000 --signed
ndndpdk-godemo --mtu 9000 pingclient --name /pingdemo --interval 100ms --lifetime 1000ms --verified
flag (required) specifies the NDN name prefix.
flag specifies the MTU of memif interface between this program and the local NDN-DPDK forwarder.
- This flag must appear between 'ndndpdk-godemo' and the subcommand name.
flag disables logging to improve performance.
- This flag must appear between 'ndndpdk-godemo' and the subcommand name.
- With logging disabled, you can understand application activities through forwarder counters.
flag (pingserver only) specifies Content payload length in octets.
- It's recommended to keep Data packet size (Name, Content, and other fields) under the MTU.
Otherwise, NDNLPv2 fragmentation will be used.
flag (pingserver only) enables Data packet signing.
flag (pingclient only) sets interval between Interest transmissions.
flag (pingclient only) sets InterestLifetime.
flag (pingclient only) enables Data packet verification.
Segmented Object API
segmented.go implements a file transfer utility using segmented object API.
This subcommand requires a local forwarder.
This subcommand does not need sudo privilege, but you may need to manually create /run/ndn
directory beforehand.
# generate test file and view digest
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/1GB.bin bs=1M count=1024
openssl sha256 /tmp/1GB.bin
# start producer
ndndpdk-godemo --mtu 6000 put --name /segmented/1GB.bin --file /tmp/1GB.bin --chunk-size 4096
# (on another console) run consumer
ndndpdk-godemo --mtu 6000 get --name /segmented/1GB.bin >/tmp/1GB.retrieved
# compare original and retrieved files
sha256sum /tmp/1GB.bin /tmp/1GB.retrieved
File Server API
ndn6file.go implements a client for ndn6-file-server compatible file servers.
This subcommand requires a local forwarder that connects to a file server.
This subcommand does not need sudo privilege, but you may need to manually create /run/ndn
directory beforehand.
See NDN-DPDK file server for a usage example.
NFD Management API
nfdreg.go implements a prefix registration tool using NFD management API.
This subcommand requires a local NDN-DPDK forwarder that connects to either local or remote NFD forwarder.
It sends prefix registration commands to NFD so that Interests come to NDN-DPDK.
See NFD interop for a usage example.