MyDB Server
Ready to use database server include mydb package. It allows you to operate with simple commands with the Redis protocol (Thanks Antirez).
- Redcon init (all redis clients supported)
- Use my-db package (support boltdb and sniper db) (
- Dockerfiles include
- Docker-compose file includes
- Build commands init (Go build, File generator)
- One service multiple db server support
- Go file generator commands include (go to installation section)
This is not go package.
// Main Commands
ping -> string
set bucketName id "json_stringfy_data or simple value" -> string
get bucketName id -> string
mget bucketName id1 id2 id3 ... -> map[string]string
list bucketName cursor perpage -> map[string]string
prevlist bucketName cursor perpage -> map[string]string (reverse list command)
exists bucketName key -> bool
vexists bucketName value -> bool
del bucketName id -> int64
bstats bucketName -> int
backup path/ filename -> OK
restore path/ filename -> OK
// Broadcast Commands
publish channel message
subscribe channel
psubscribe channel
1 Open mycli/ (sample generator configration file) and create yours yaml file to own configrations
service-name: mystorage // your main service name. Recommended not change :)
databases: // your database name list (one or multiple name supports)
- devstore
- mystore
// every database name configration options
sync-interval: 10
redis-addr: localhost
redis-port: 6379
db-storage: boltdb # boltdb|sniper
db-name: devstore
db-display-name: DevStore
db-path: ../data/db/devstore/
db-read-only: false
container-name: devstorage
- "urls"
- "items"
- "urls"
- "items"
sync-interval: 10
redis-addr: localhost
redis-port: 6380
db-storage: sniper # boltdb|sniper
db-name: mydbstore
db-display-name: MyDbStore
db-path: ../data/db/mydbstore/
db-read-only: false
container-name: mydbstorage
- "urls"
- "items"
- "options"
- "urls"
- "items"
2 Run the file generator command (change to yours)
go run . generator --config >> ../change.log
- env files (configration file)
- service files (unit file)
- storage file
- store files
- docker-compose file
has to be created.
3 Quick run the storage service
cd mystorage && go run . --env-file .devstore.env
or try docker-compose option
First run builder command
export SERVICE_BUILD=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M') && export SERVICE_COMMIT_ID=$(git describe --always) && docker-compose -f docker-compose-builder.yml build --compress --progress plain
after run docker-compose for build containers
export SERVICE_BUILD=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M') && export SERVICE_COMMIT_ID=$(git describe --always) && docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build --compress --progress plain
finally up all containers
docker-compose up
close and clear all running containers
docker-compose down
Run this command to build go binaries and voala (change to yours)
go run . build go --config >> ../build.log
If has no error, go to build folder.
Ready to use. Good luck.
- Add test files
- Add new examples
Bbolt (
Sniper (