Index ¶
- type AccountMigrationInterface
- type AppContextInterface
- func (_m *AppContextInterface) AcceptLanguage() string
- func (_m *AppContextInterface) IPAddress() string
- func (_m *AppContextInterface) Path() string
- func (_m *AppContextInterface) RequestId() string
- func (_m *AppContextInterface) Session() *model.Session
- func (_m *AppContextInterface) T(translationID string, args ...interface{}) string
- func (_m *AppContextInterface) UserAgent() string
- type CloudInterface
- func (_m *CloudInterface) ChangeSubscription(userID string, subscriptionID string, ...) (*model.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *CloudInterface) ConfirmCustomerPayment(userID string, confirmRequest *model.ConfirmPaymentMethodRequest) error
- func (_m *CloudInterface) CreateCustomerPayment(userID string) (*model.StripeSetupIntent, error)
- func (_m *CloudInterface) GetCloudCustomer(userID string) (*model.CloudCustomer, error)
- func (_m *CloudInterface) GetCloudProducts(userID string, includeLegacyProducts bool) ([]*model.Product, error)
- func (_m *CloudInterface) GetInvoicePDF(userID string, invoiceID string) ([]byte, string, error)
- func (_m *CloudInterface) GetInvoicesForSubscription(userID string) ([]*model.Invoice, error)
- func (_m *CloudInterface) GetLicenseRenewalStatus(userID string, token string) error
- func (_m *CloudInterface) GetSubscription(userID string) (*model.Subscription, error)
- func (_m *CloudInterface) InvalidateCaches() error
- func (_m *CloudInterface) UpdateCloudCustomer(userID string, customerInfo *model.CloudCustomerInfo) (*model.CloudCustomer, error)
- func (_m *CloudInterface) UpdateCloudCustomerAddress(userID string, address *model.Address) (*model.CloudCustomer, error)
- type CloudJobInterface
- type ClusterInterface
- func (_m *ClusterInterface) ConfigChanged(previousConfig *model.Config, newConfig *model.Config, sendToOtherServer bool) *model.AppError
- func (_m *ClusterInterface) GetClusterId() string
- func (_m *ClusterInterface) GetClusterInfos() []*model.ClusterInfo
- func (_m *ClusterInterface) GetClusterStats() ([]*model.ClusterStats, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *ClusterInterface) GetLogs(page int, perPage int) ([]string, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *ClusterInterface) GetMyClusterInfo() *model.ClusterInfo
- func (_m *ClusterInterface) GetPluginStatuses() (model.PluginStatuses, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *ClusterInterface) HealthScore() int
- func (_m *ClusterInterface) IsLeader() bool
- func (_m *ClusterInterface) NotifyMsg(buf []byte)
- func (_m *ClusterInterface) RegisterClusterMessageHandler(event model.ClusterEvent, crm einterfaces.ClusterMessageHandler)
- func (_m *ClusterInterface) SendClusterMessage(msg *model.ClusterMessage)
- func (_m *ClusterInterface) SendClusterMessageToNode(nodeID string, msg *model.ClusterMessage) error
- func (_m *ClusterInterface) StartInterNodeCommunication()
- func (_m *ClusterInterface) StopInterNodeCommunication()
- type ClusterMessageHandler
- type ComplianceInterface
- type DataRetentionInterface
- func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) AddChannelsToPolicy(policyID string, channelIDs []string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) AddTeamsToPolicy(policyID string, teamIDs []string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) CreatePolicy(policy *model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelIDs) (*model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) DeletePolicy(policyID string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetChannelPoliciesForUser(userID string, offset int, limit int) (*model.RetentionPolicyForChannelList, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetChannelsForPolicy(policyID string, offset int, limit int) (*model.ChannelsWithCount, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetGlobalPolicy() (*model.GlobalRetentionPolicy, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetPolicies(offset int, limit int) (*model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCountsList, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetPoliciesCount() (int64, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetPolicy(policyID string) (*model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetTeamPoliciesForUser(userID string, offset int, limit int) (*model.RetentionPolicyForTeamList, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetTeamsForPolicy(policyID string, offset int, limit int) (*model.TeamsWithCount, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) PatchPolicy(patch *model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelIDs) (*model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) RemoveChannelsFromPolicy(policyID string, channelIDs []string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) RemoveTeamsFromPolicy(policyID string, teamIDs []string) *model.AppError
- type DataRetentionJobInterface
- type ElasticsearchAggregatorInterface
- type ElasticsearchIndexerInterface
- type IndexerJobInterface
- type LdapInterface
- func (_m *LdapInterface) CheckPassword(id string, password string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *LdapInterface) CheckPasswordAuthData(authData string, password string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *LdapInterface) CheckProviderAttributes(LS *model.LdapSettings, ouser *model.User, patch *model.UserPatch) string
- func (_m *LdapInterface) DoLogin(c *request.Context, id string, password string) (*model.User, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *LdapInterface) FirstLoginSync(c *request.Context, user *model.User, userAuthService string, ...) *model.AppError
- func (_m *LdapInterface) GetADLdapIdFromSAMLId(authData string) string
- func (_m *LdapInterface) GetAllGroupsPage(page int, perPage int, opts model.LdapGroupSearchOpts) ([]*model.Group, int, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *LdapInterface) GetAllLdapUsers() ([]*model.User, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *LdapInterface) GetGroup(groupUID string) (*model.Group, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *LdapInterface) GetSAMLIdFromADLdapId(authData string) string
- func (_m *LdapInterface) GetUser(id string) (*model.User, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *LdapInterface) GetUserAttributes(id string, attributes []string) (map[string]string, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *LdapInterface) GetVendorNameAndVendorVersion() (string, string)
- func (_m *LdapInterface) MigrateIDAttribute(toAttribute string) error
- func (_m *LdapInterface) RunTest() *model.AppError
- func (_m *LdapInterface) StartSynchronizeJob(waitForJobToFinish bool, includeRemovedMembers bool) (*model.Job, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *LdapInterface) SwitchToLdap(userID string, ldapID string, ldapPassword string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *LdapInterface) UpdateProfilePictureIfNecessary(_a0 model.User, _a1 model.Session)
- type LdapSyncInterface
- type LicenseInterface
- type MessageExportInterface
- type MessageExportJobInterface
- type MetricsInterface
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) AddMemCacheHitCounter(cacheName string, amount float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) AddMemCacheMissCounter(cacheName string, amount float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) DecrementJobActive(jobType string)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) DecrementWebSocketBroadcastBufferSize(hub string, amount float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) DecrementWebSocketBroadcastUsersRegistered(hub string, amount float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) GetLoggerMetricsCollector() logr.MetricsCollector
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementChannelIndexCounter()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementClusterEventType(eventType model.ClusterEvent)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementClusterRequest()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementEtagHitCounter(route string)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementEtagMissCounter(route string)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementFileIndexCounter()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementFilesSearchCounter()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementHTTPError()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementHTTPRequest()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementJobActive(jobType string)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementLogin()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementLoginFail()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheHitCounter(cacheName string)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheHitCounterSession()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheInvalidationCounter(cacheName string)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheInvalidationCounterSession()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheMissCounter(cacheName string)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheMissCounterSession()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementPostBroadcast()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementPostCreate()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementPostFileAttachment(count int)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementPostIndexCounter()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementPostSentEmail()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementPostSentPush()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementPostsSearchCounter()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementRemoteClusterConnStateChangeCounter(remoteID string, online bool)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementRemoteClusterMsgErrorsCounter(remoteID string, timeout bool)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementRemoteClusterMsgReceivedCounter(remoteID string)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementRemoteClusterMsgSentCounter(remoteID string)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementUserIndexCounter()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementWebSocketBroadcast(eventType string)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementWebSocketBroadcastBufferSize(hub string, amount float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementWebSocketBroadcastUsersRegistered(hub string, amount float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementWebhookPost()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementWebsocketEvent(eventType string)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementWebsocketReconnectEvent(eventType string)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObserveAPIEndpointDuration(endpoint string, method string, statusCode string, elapsed float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObserveClusterRequestDuration(elapsed float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObserveEnabledUsers(users int64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObserveFilesSearchDuration(elapsed float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObservePluginAPIDuration(pluginID string, apiName string, success bool, elapsed float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObservePluginHookDuration(pluginID string, hookName string, success bool, elapsed float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObservePluginMultiHookDuration(elapsed float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObservePluginMultiHookIterationDuration(pluginID string, elapsed float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObservePostsSearchDuration(elapsed float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObserveRemoteClusterClockSkew(remoteID string, skew float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObserveRemoteClusterPingDuration(remoteID string, elapsed float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObserveStoreMethodDuration(method string, success string, elapsed float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) Register()
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) SetReplicaLagAbsolute(node string, value float64)
- func (_m *MetricsInterface) SetReplicaLagTime(node string, value float64)
- type MfaInterface
- func (_m *MfaInterface) Activate(user *model.User, token string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *MfaInterface) Deactivate(userID string) *model.AppError
- func (_m *MfaInterface) GenerateSecret(user *model.User) (string, []byte, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *MfaInterface) ValidateToken(secret string, token string) (bool, *model.AppError)
- type NotificationInterface
- type OAuthProvider
- func (_m *OAuthProvider) GetSSOSettings(config *model.Config, service string) (*model.SSOSettings, error)
- func (_m *OAuthProvider) GetUserFromIdToken(idToken string) (*model.User, error)
- func (_m *OAuthProvider) GetUserFromJSON(data io.Reader, tokenUser *model.User) (*model.User, error)
- func (_m *OAuthProvider) IsSameUser(dbUser *model.User, oAuthUser *model.User) bool
- type ResendInvitationEmailJobInterface
- type SamlInterface
- func (_m *SamlInterface) BuildRequest(relayState string) (*model.SamlAuthRequest, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *SamlInterface) CheckProviderAttributes(SS *model.SamlSettings, ouser *model.User, patch *model.UserPatch) string
- func (_m *SamlInterface) ConfigureSP() error
- func (_m *SamlInterface) DoLogin(c *request.Context, encodedXML string, relayState map[string]string) (*model.User, *model.AppError)
- func (_m *SamlInterface) GetMetadata() (string, *model.AppError)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccountMigrationInterface ¶
AccountMigrationInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the AccountMigrationInterface type
func (*AccountMigrationInterface) MigrateToLdap ¶
func (_m *AccountMigrationInterface) MigrateToLdap(fromAuthService string, foreignUserFieldNameToMatch string, force bool, dryRun bool) *model.AppError
MigrateToLdap provides a mock function with given fields: fromAuthService, foreignUserFieldNameToMatch, force, dryRun
func (*AccountMigrationInterface) MigrateToSaml ¶
func (_m *AccountMigrationInterface) MigrateToSaml(fromAuthService string, usersMap map[string]string, auto bool, dryRun bool) *model.AppError
MigrateToSaml provides a mock function with given fields: fromAuthService, usersMap, auto, dryRun
type AppContextInterface ¶
AppContextInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the AppContextInterface type
func (*AppContextInterface) AcceptLanguage ¶
func (_m *AppContextInterface) AcceptLanguage() string
AcceptLanguage provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*AppContextInterface) IPAddress ¶
func (_m *AppContextInterface) IPAddress() string
IPAddress provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*AppContextInterface) Path ¶
func (_m *AppContextInterface) Path() string
Path provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*AppContextInterface) RequestId ¶
func (_m *AppContextInterface) RequestId() string
RequestId provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*AppContextInterface) Session ¶
func (_m *AppContextInterface) Session() *model.Session
Session provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*AppContextInterface) T ¶
func (_m *AppContextInterface) T(translationID string, args ...interface{}) string
T provides a mock function with given fields: translationID, args
func (*AppContextInterface) UserAgent ¶
func (_m *AppContextInterface) UserAgent() string
UserAgent provides a mock function with given fields:
type CloudInterface ¶
CloudInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the CloudInterface type
func (*CloudInterface) ChangeSubscription ¶
func (_m *CloudInterface) ChangeSubscription(userID string, subscriptionID string, subscriptionChange *model.SubscriptionChange) (*model.Subscription, error)
ChangeSubscription provides a mock function with given fields: userID, subscriptionID, subscriptionChange
func (*CloudInterface) ConfirmCustomerPayment ¶
func (_m *CloudInterface) ConfirmCustomerPayment(userID string, confirmRequest *model.ConfirmPaymentMethodRequest) error
ConfirmCustomerPayment provides a mock function with given fields: userID, confirmRequest
func (*CloudInterface) CreateCustomerPayment ¶
func (_m *CloudInterface) CreateCustomerPayment(userID string) (*model.StripeSetupIntent, error)
CreateCustomerPayment provides a mock function with given fields: userID
func (*CloudInterface) GetCloudCustomer ¶
func (_m *CloudInterface) GetCloudCustomer(userID string) (*model.CloudCustomer, error)
GetCloudCustomer provides a mock function with given fields: userID
func (*CloudInterface) GetCloudProducts ¶
func (_m *CloudInterface) GetCloudProducts(userID string, includeLegacyProducts bool) ([]*model.Product, error)
GetCloudProducts provides a mock function with given fields: userID, includeLegacyProducts
func (*CloudInterface) GetInvoicePDF ¶
GetInvoicePDF provides a mock function with given fields: userID, invoiceID
func (*CloudInterface) GetInvoicesForSubscription ¶
func (_m *CloudInterface) GetInvoicesForSubscription(userID string) ([]*model.Invoice, error)
GetInvoicesForSubscription provides a mock function with given fields: userID
func (*CloudInterface) GetLicenseRenewalStatus ¶
func (_m *CloudInterface) GetLicenseRenewalStatus(userID string, token string) error
GetLicenseRenewalStatus provides a mock function with given fields: userID, token
func (*CloudInterface) GetSubscription ¶
func (_m *CloudInterface) GetSubscription(userID string) (*model.Subscription, error)
GetSubscription provides a mock function with given fields: userID
func (*CloudInterface) InvalidateCaches ¶
func (_m *CloudInterface) InvalidateCaches() error
InvalidateCaches provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*CloudInterface) UpdateCloudCustomer ¶
func (_m *CloudInterface) UpdateCloudCustomer(userID string, customerInfo *model.CloudCustomerInfo) (*model.CloudCustomer, error)
UpdateCloudCustomer provides a mock function with given fields: userID, customerInfo
func (*CloudInterface) UpdateCloudCustomerAddress ¶
func (_m *CloudInterface) UpdateCloudCustomerAddress(userID string, address *model.Address) (*model.CloudCustomer, error)
UpdateCloudCustomerAddress provides a mock function with given fields: userID, address
type CloudJobInterface ¶
CloudJobInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the CloudJobInterface type
func (*CloudJobInterface) MakeScheduler ¶
func (_m *CloudJobInterface) MakeScheduler() model.Scheduler
MakeScheduler provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*CloudJobInterface) MakeWorker ¶
func (_m *CloudJobInterface) MakeWorker() model.Worker
MakeWorker provides a mock function with given fields:
type ClusterInterface ¶
ClusterInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the ClusterInterface type
func (*ClusterInterface) ConfigChanged ¶
func (_m *ClusterInterface) ConfigChanged(previousConfig *model.Config, newConfig *model.Config, sendToOtherServer bool) *model.AppError
ConfigChanged provides a mock function with given fields: previousConfig, newConfig, sendToOtherServer
func (*ClusterInterface) GetClusterId ¶
func (_m *ClusterInterface) GetClusterId() string
GetClusterId provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ClusterInterface) GetClusterInfos ¶
func (_m *ClusterInterface) GetClusterInfos() []*model.ClusterInfo
GetClusterInfos provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ClusterInterface) GetClusterStats ¶
func (_m *ClusterInterface) GetClusterStats() ([]*model.ClusterStats, *model.AppError)
GetClusterStats provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ClusterInterface) GetLogs ¶
GetLogs provides a mock function with given fields: page, perPage
func (*ClusterInterface) GetMyClusterInfo ¶
func (_m *ClusterInterface) GetMyClusterInfo() *model.ClusterInfo
GetMyClusterInfo provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ClusterInterface) GetPluginStatuses ¶
func (_m *ClusterInterface) GetPluginStatuses() (model.PluginStatuses, *model.AppError)
GetPluginStatuses provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ClusterInterface) HealthScore ¶
func (_m *ClusterInterface) HealthScore() int
HealthScore provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ClusterInterface) IsLeader ¶
func (_m *ClusterInterface) IsLeader() bool
IsLeader provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ClusterInterface) NotifyMsg ¶
func (_m *ClusterInterface) NotifyMsg(buf []byte)
NotifyMsg provides a mock function with given fields: buf
func (*ClusterInterface) RegisterClusterMessageHandler ¶
func (_m *ClusterInterface) RegisterClusterMessageHandler(event model.ClusterEvent, crm einterfaces.ClusterMessageHandler)
RegisterClusterMessageHandler provides a mock function with given fields: event, crm
func (*ClusterInterface) SendClusterMessage ¶
func (_m *ClusterInterface) SendClusterMessage(msg *model.ClusterMessage)
SendClusterMessage provides a mock function with given fields: msg
func (*ClusterInterface) SendClusterMessageToNode ¶
func (_m *ClusterInterface) SendClusterMessageToNode(nodeID string, msg *model.ClusterMessage) error
SendClusterMessageToNode provides a mock function with given fields: nodeID, msg
func (*ClusterInterface) StartInterNodeCommunication ¶
func (_m *ClusterInterface) StartInterNodeCommunication()
StartInterNodeCommunication provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ClusterInterface) StopInterNodeCommunication ¶
func (_m *ClusterInterface) StopInterNodeCommunication()
StopInterNodeCommunication provides a mock function with given fields:
type ClusterMessageHandler ¶
ClusterMessageHandler is an autogenerated mock type for the ClusterMessageHandler type
func (*ClusterMessageHandler) Execute ¶
func (_m *ClusterMessageHandler) Execute(msg *model.ClusterMessage)
Execute provides a mock function with given fields: msg
type ComplianceInterface ¶
ComplianceInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the ComplianceInterface type
func (*ComplianceInterface) RunComplianceJob ¶
func (_m *ComplianceInterface) RunComplianceJob(job *model.Compliance) *model.AppError
RunComplianceJob provides a mock function with given fields: job
func (*ComplianceInterface) StartComplianceDailyJob ¶
func (_m *ComplianceInterface) StartComplianceDailyJob()
StartComplianceDailyJob provides a mock function with given fields:
type DataRetentionInterface ¶
DataRetentionInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the DataRetentionInterface type
func (*DataRetentionInterface) AddChannelsToPolicy ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) AddChannelsToPolicy(policyID string, channelIDs []string) *model.AppError
AddChannelsToPolicy provides a mock function with given fields: policyID, channelIDs
func (*DataRetentionInterface) AddTeamsToPolicy ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) AddTeamsToPolicy(policyID string, teamIDs []string) *model.AppError
AddTeamsToPolicy provides a mock function with given fields: policyID, teamIDs
func (*DataRetentionInterface) CreatePolicy ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) CreatePolicy(policy *model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelIDs) (*model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts, *model.AppError)
CreatePolicy provides a mock function with given fields: policy
func (*DataRetentionInterface) DeletePolicy ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) DeletePolicy(policyID string) *model.AppError
DeletePolicy provides a mock function with given fields: policyID
func (*DataRetentionInterface) GetChannelPoliciesForUser ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetChannelPoliciesForUser(userID string, offset int, limit int) (*model.RetentionPolicyForChannelList, *model.AppError)
GetChannelPoliciesForUser provides a mock function with given fields: userID, offset, limit
func (*DataRetentionInterface) GetChannelsForPolicy ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetChannelsForPolicy(policyID string, offset int, limit int) (*model.ChannelsWithCount, *model.AppError)
GetChannelsForPolicy provides a mock function with given fields: policyID, offset, limit
func (*DataRetentionInterface) GetGlobalPolicy ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetGlobalPolicy() (*model.GlobalRetentionPolicy, *model.AppError)
GetGlobalPolicy provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*DataRetentionInterface) GetPolicies ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetPolicies(offset int, limit int) (*model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCountsList, *model.AppError)
GetPolicies provides a mock function with given fields: offset, limit
func (*DataRetentionInterface) GetPoliciesCount ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetPoliciesCount() (int64, *model.AppError)
GetPoliciesCount provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*DataRetentionInterface) GetPolicy ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetPolicy(policyID string) (*model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts, *model.AppError)
GetPolicy provides a mock function with given fields: policyID
func (*DataRetentionInterface) GetTeamPoliciesForUser ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetTeamPoliciesForUser(userID string, offset int, limit int) (*model.RetentionPolicyForTeamList, *model.AppError)
GetTeamPoliciesForUser provides a mock function with given fields: userID, offset, limit
func (*DataRetentionInterface) GetTeamsForPolicy ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) GetTeamsForPolicy(policyID string, offset int, limit int) (*model.TeamsWithCount, *model.AppError)
GetTeamsForPolicy provides a mock function with given fields: policyID, offset, limit
func (*DataRetentionInterface) PatchPolicy ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) PatchPolicy(patch *model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelIDs) (*model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts, *model.AppError)
PatchPolicy provides a mock function with given fields: patch
func (*DataRetentionInterface) RemoveChannelsFromPolicy ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) RemoveChannelsFromPolicy(policyID string, channelIDs []string) *model.AppError
RemoveChannelsFromPolicy provides a mock function with given fields: policyID, channelIDs
func (*DataRetentionInterface) RemoveTeamsFromPolicy ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionInterface) RemoveTeamsFromPolicy(policyID string, teamIDs []string) *model.AppError
RemoveTeamsFromPolicy provides a mock function with given fields: policyID, teamIDs
type DataRetentionJobInterface ¶
DataRetentionJobInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the DataRetentionJobInterface type
func (*DataRetentionJobInterface) MakeScheduler ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionJobInterface) MakeScheduler() model.Scheduler
MakeScheduler provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*DataRetentionJobInterface) MakeWorker ¶
func (_m *DataRetentionJobInterface) MakeWorker() model.Worker
MakeWorker provides a mock function with given fields:
type ElasticsearchAggregatorInterface ¶
ElasticsearchAggregatorInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the ElasticsearchAggregatorInterface type
func (*ElasticsearchAggregatorInterface) MakeScheduler ¶
func (_m *ElasticsearchAggregatorInterface) MakeScheduler() model.Scheduler
MakeScheduler provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ElasticsearchAggregatorInterface) MakeWorker ¶
func (_m *ElasticsearchAggregatorInterface) MakeWorker() model.Worker
MakeWorker provides a mock function with given fields:
type ElasticsearchIndexerInterface ¶
ElasticsearchIndexerInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the ElasticsearchIndexerInterface type
func (*ElasticsearchIndexerInterface) MakeWorker ¶
func (_m *ElasticsearchIndexerInterface) MakeWorker() model.Worker
MakeWorker provides a mock function with given fields:
type IndexerJobInterface ¶
IndexerJobInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the IndexerJobInterface type
func (*IndexerJobInterface) MakeWorker ¶
func (_m *IndexerJobInterface) MakeWorker() model.Worker
MakeWorker provides a mock function with given fields:
type LdapInterface ¶
LdapInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the LdapInterface type
func (*LdapInterface) CheckPassword ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) CheckPassword(id string, password string) *model.AppError
CheckPassword provides a mock function with given fields: id, password
func (*LdapInterface) CheckPasswordAuthData ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) CheckPasswordAuthData(authData string, password string) *model.AppError
CheckPasswordAuthData provides a mock function with given fields: authData, password
func (*LdapInterface) CheckProviderAttributes ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) CheckProviderAttributes(LS *model.LdapSettings, ouser *model.User, patch *model.UserPatch) string
CheckProviderAttributes provides a mock function with given fields: LS, ouser, patch
func (*LdapInterface) DoLogin ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) DoLogin(c *request.Context, id string, password string) (*model.User, *model.AppError)
DoLogin provides a mock function with given fields: c, id, password
func (*LdapInterface) FirstLoginSync ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) FirstLoginSync(c *request.Context, user *model.User, userAuthService string, userAuthData string, email string) *model.AppError
FirstLoginSync provides a mock function with given fields: c, user, userAuthService, userAuthData, email
func (*LdapInterface) GetADLdapIdFromSAMLId ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) GetADLdapIdFromSAMLId(authData string) string
GetADLdapIdFromSAMLId provides a mock function with given fields: authData
func (*LdapInterface) GetAllGroupsPage ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) GetAllGroupsPage(page int, perPage int, opts model.LdapGroupSearchOpts) ([]*model.Group, int, *model.AppError)
GetAllGroupsPage provides a mock function with given fields: page, perPage, opts
func (*LdapInterface) GetAllLdapUsers ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) GetAllLdapUsers() ([]*model.User, *model.AppError)
GetAllLdapUsers provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LdapInterface) GetSAMLIdFromADLdapId ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) GetSAMLIdFromADLdapId(authData string) string
GetSAMLIdFromADLdapId provides a mock function with given fields: authData
func (*LdapInterface) GetUserAttributes ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) GetUserAttributes(id string, attributes []string) (map[string]string, *model.AppError)
GetUserAttributes provides a mock function with given fields: id, attributes
func (*LdapInterface) GetVendorNameAndVendorVersion ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) GetVendorNameAndVendorVersion() (string, string)
GetVendorNameAndVendorVersion provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LdapInterface) MigrateIDAttribute ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) MigrateIDAttribute(toAttribute string) error
MigrateIDAttribute provides a mock function with given fields: toAttribute
func (*LdapInterface) RunTest ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) RunTest() *model.AppError
RunTest provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LdapInterface) StartSynchronizeJob ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) StartSynchronizeJob(waitForJobToFinish bool, includeRemovedMembers bool) (*model.Job, *model.AppError)
StartSynchronizeJob provides a mock function with given fields: waitForJobToFinish, includeRemovedMembers
func (*LdapInterface) SwitchToLdap ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) SwitchToLdap(userID string, ldapID string, ldapPassword string) *model.AppError
SwitchToLdap provides a mock function with given fields: userID, ldapID, ldapPassword
func (*LdapInterface) UpdateProfilePictureIfNecessary ¶
func (_m *LdapInterface) UpdateProfilePictureIfNecessary(_a0 model.User, _a1 model.Session)
UpdateProfilePictureIfNecessary provides a mock function with given fields: _a0, _a1
type LdapSyncInterface ¶
LdapSyncInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the LdapSyncInterface type
func (*LdapSyncInterface) MakeScheduler ¶
func (_m *LdapSyncInterface) MakeScheduler() model.Scheduler
MakeScheduler provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LdapSyncInterface) MakeWorker ¶
func (_m *LdapSyncInterface) MakeWorker() model.Worker
MakeWorker provides a mock function with given fields:
type LicenseInterface ¶
LicenseInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the LicenseInterface type
func (*LicenseInterface) CanStartTrial ¶
func (_m *LicenseInterface) CanStartTrial() (bool, error)
CanStartTrial provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LicenseInterface) GetPrevTrial ¶
func (_m *LicenseInterface) GetPrevTrial() (*model.License, error)
GetPrevTrial provides a mock function with given fields:
type MessageExportInterface ¶
MessageExportInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the MessageExportInterface type
func (*MessageExportInterface) RunExport ¶
RunExport provides a mock function with given fields: format, since
func (*MessageExportInterface) StartSynchronizeJob ¶
func (_m *MessageExportInterface) StartSynchronizeJob(ctx context.Context, exportFromTimestamp int64) (*model.Job, *model.AppError)
StartSynchronizeJob provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, exportFromTimestamp
type MessageExportJobInterface ¶
MessageExportJobInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the MessageExportJobInterface type
func (*MessageExportJobInterface) MakeScheduler ¶
func (_m *MessageExportJobInterface) MakeScheduler() model.Scheduler
MakeScheduler provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MessageExportJobInterface) MakeWorker ¶
func (_m *MessageExportJobInterface) MakeWorker() model.Worker
MakeWorker provides a mock function with given fields:
type MetricsInterface ¶
MetricsInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the MetricsInterface type
func (*MetricsInterface) AddMemCacheHitCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) AddMemCacheHitCounter(cacheName string, amount float64)
AddMemCacheHitCounter provides a mock function with given fields: cacheName, amount
func (*MetricsInterface) AddMemCacheMissCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) AddMemCacheMissCounter(cacheName string, amount float64)
AddMemCacheMissCounter provides a mock function with given fields: cacheName, amount
func (*MetricsInterface) DecrementJobActive ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) DecrementJobActive(jobType string)
DecrementJobActive provides a mock function with given fields: jobType
func (*MetricsInterface) DecrementWebSocketBroadcastBufferSize ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) DecrementWebSocketBroadcastBufferSize(hub string, amount float64)
DecrementWebSocketBroadcastBufferSize provides a mock function with given fields: hub, amount
func (*MetricsInterface) DecrementWebSocketBroadcastUsersRegistered ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) DecrementWebSocketBroadcastUsersRegistered(hub string, amount float64)
DecrementWebSocketBroadcastUsersRegistered provides a mock function with given fields: hub, amount
func (*MetricsInterface) GetLoggerMetricsCollector ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) GetLoggerMetricsCollector() logr.MetricsCollector
GetLoggerMetricsCollector provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementChannelIndexCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementChannelIndexCounter()
IncrementChannelIndexCounter provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementClusterEventType ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementClusterEventType(eventType model.ClusterEvent)
IncrementClusterEventType provides a mock function with given fields: eventType
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementClusterRequest ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementClusterRequest()
IncrementClusterRequest provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementEtagHitCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementEtagHitCounter(route string)
IncrementEtagHitCounter provides a mock function with given fields: route
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementEtagMissCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementEtagMissCounter(route string)
IncrementEtagMissCounter provides a mock function with given fields: route
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementFileIndexCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementFileIndexCounter()
IncrementFileIndexCounter provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementFilesSearchCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementFilesSearchCounter()
IncrementFilesSearchCounter provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementHTTPError ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementHTTPError()
IncrementHTTPError provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementHTTPRequest ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementHTTPRequest()
IncrementHTTPRequest provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementJobActive ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementJobActive(jobType string)
IncrementJobActive provides a mock function with given fields: jobType
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementLogin ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementLogin()
IncrementLogin provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementLoginFail ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementLoginFail()
IncrementLoginFail provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheHitCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheHitCounter(cacheName string)
IncrementMemCacheHitCounter provides a mock function with given fields: cacheName
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheHitCounterSession ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheHitCounterSession()
IncrementMemCacheHitCounterSession provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheInvalidationCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheInvalidationCounter(cacheName string)
IncrementMemCacheInvalidationCounter provides a mock function with given fields: cacheName
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheInvalidationCounterSession ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheInvalidationCounterSession()
IncrementMemCacheInvalidationCounterSession provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheMissCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheMissCounter(cacheName string)
IncrementMemCacheMissCounter provides a mock function with given fields: cacheName
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheMissCounterSession ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementMemCacheMissCounterSession()
IncrementMemCacheMissCounterSession provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementPostBroadcast ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementPostBroadcast()
IncrementPostBroadcast provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementPostCreate ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementPostCreate()
IncrementPostCreate provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementPostFileAttachment ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementPostFileAttachment(count int)
IncrementPostFileAttachment provides a mock function with given fields: count
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementPostIndexCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementPostIndexCounter()
IncrementPostIndexCounter provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementPostSentEmail ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementPostSentEmail()
IncrementPostSentEmail provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementPostSentPush ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementPostSentPush()
IncrementPostSentPush provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementPostsSearchCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementPostsSearchCounter()
IncrementPostsSearchCounter provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementRemoteClusterConnStateChangeCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementRemoteClusterConnStateChangeCounter(remoteID string, online bool)
IncrementRemoteClusterConnStateChangeCounter provides a mock function with given fields: remoteID, online
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementRemoteClusterMsgErrorsCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementRemoteClusterMsgErrorsCounter(remoteID string, timeout bool)
IncrementRemoteClusterMsgErrorsCounter provides a mock function with given fields: remoteID, timeout
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementRemoteClusterMsgReceivedCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementRemoteClusterMsgReceivedCounter(remoteID string)
IncrementRemoteClusterMsgReceivedCounter provides a mock function with given fields: remoteID
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementRemoteClusterMsgSentCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementRemoteClusterMsgSentCounter(remoteID string)
IncrementRemoteClusterMsgSentCounter provides a mock function with given fields: remoteID
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementUserIndexCounter ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementUserIndexCounter()
IncrementUserIndexCounter provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementWebSocketBroadcast ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementWebSocketBroadcast(eventType string)
IncrementWebSocketBroadcast provides a mock function with given fields: eventType
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementWebSocketBroadcastBufferSize ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementWebSocketBroadcastBufferSize(hub string, amount float64)
IncrementWebSocketBroadcastBufferSize provides a mock function with given fields: hub, amount
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementWebSocketBroadcastUsersRegistered ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementWebSocketBroadcastUsersRegistered(hub string, amount float64)
IncrementWebSocketBroadcastUsersRegistered provides a mock function with given fields: hub, amount
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementWebhookPost ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementWebhookPost()
IncrementWebhookPost provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementWebsocketEvent ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementWebsocketEvent(eventType string)
IncrementWebsocketEvent provides a mock function with given fields: eventType
func (*MetricsInterface) IncrementWebsocketReconnectEvent ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) IncrementWebsocketReconnectEvent(eventType string)
IncrementWebsocketReconnectEvent provides a mock function with given fields: eventType
func (*MetricsInterface) ObserveAPIEndpointDuration ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObserveAPIEndpointDuration(endpoint string, method string, statusCode string, elapsed float64)
ObserveAPIEndpointDuration provides a mock function with given fields: endpoint, method, statusCode, elapsed
func (*MetricsInterface) ObserveClusterRequestDuration ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObserveClusterRequestDuration(elapsed float64)
ObserveClusterRequestDuration provides a mock function with given fields: elapsed
func (*MetricsInterface) ObserveEnabledUsers ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObserveEnabledUsers(users int64)
ObserveEnabledUsers provides a mock function with given fields: users
func (*MetricsInterface) ObserveFilesSearchDuration ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObserveFilesSearchDuration(elapsed float64)
ObserveFilesSearchDuration provides a mock function with given fields: elapsed
func (*MetricsInterface) ObservePluginAPIDuration ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObservePluginAPIDuration(pluginID string, apiName string, success bool, elapsed float64)
ObservePluginAPIDuration provides a mock function with given fields: pluginID, apiName, success, elapsed
func (*MetricsInterface) ObservePluginHookDuration ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObservePluginHookDuration(pluginID string, hookName string, success bool, elapsed float64)
ObservePluginHookDuration provides a mock function with given fields: pluginID, hookName, success, elapsed
func (*MetricsInterface) ObservePluginMultiHookDuration ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObservePluginMultiHookDuration(elapsed float64)
ObservePluginMultiHookDuration provides a mock function with given fields: elapsed
func (*MetricsInterface) ObservePluginMultiHookIterationDuration ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObservePluginMultiHookIterationDuration(pluginID string, elapsed float64)
ObservePluginMultiHookIterationDuration provides a mock function with given fields: pluginID, elapsed
func (*MetricsInterface) ObservePostsSearchDuration ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObservePostsSearchDuration(elapsed float64)
ObservePostsSearchDuration provides a mock function with given fields: elapsed
func (*MetricsInterface) ObserveRemoteClusterClockSkew ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObserveRemoteClusterClockSkew(remoteID string, skew float64)
ObserveRemoteClusterClockSkew provides a mock function with given fields: remoteID, skew
func (*MetricsInterface) ObserveRemoteClusterPingDuration ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObserveRemoteClusterPingDuration(remoteID string, elapsed float64)
ObserveRemoteClusterPingDuration provides a mock function with given fields: remoteID, elapsed
func (*MetricsInterface) ObserveStoreMethodDuration ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) ObserveStoreMethodDuration(method string, success string, elapsed float64)
ObserveStoreMethodDuration provides a mock function with given fields: method, success, elapsed
func (*MetricsInterface) Register ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) Register()
Register provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*MetricsInterface) SetReplicaLagAbsolute ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) SetReplicaLagAbsolute(node string, value float64)
SetReplicaLagAbsolute provides a mock function with given fields: node, value
func (*MetricsInterface) SetReplicaLagTime ¶
func (_m *MetricsInterface) SetReplicaLagTime(node string, value float64)
SetReplicaLagTime provides a mock function with given fields: node, value
type MfaInterface ¶
MfaInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the MfaInterface type
func (*MfaInterface) Deactivate ¶
func (_m *MfaInterface) Deactivate(userID string) *model.AppError
Deactivate provides a mock function with given fields: userID
func (*MfaInterface) GenerateSecret ¶
GenerateSecret provides a mock function with given fields: user
func (*MfaInterface) ValidateToken ¶
ValidateToken provides a mock function with given fields: secret, token
type NotificationInterface ¶
NotificationInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the NotificationInterface type
func (*NotificationInterface) CheckLicense ¶
func (_m *NotificationInterface) CheckLicense() *model.AppError
CheckLicense provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*NotificationInterface) GetNotificationMessage ¶
func (_m *NotificationInterface) GetNotificationMessage(ack *model.PushNotificationAck, userID string) (*model.PushNotification, *model.AppError)
GetNotificationMessage provides a mock function with given fields: ack, userID
type OAuthProvider ¶
OAuthProvider is an autogenerated mock type for the OAuthProvider type
func (*OAuthProvider) GetSSOSettings ¶
func (_m *OAuthProvider) GetSSOSettings(config *model.Config, service string) (*model.SSOSettings, error)
GetSSOSettings provides a mock function with given fields: config, service
func (*OAuthProvider) GetUserFromIdToken ¶
func (_m *OAuthProvider) GetUserFromIdToken(idToken string) (*model.User, error)
GetUserFromIdToken provides a mock function with given fields: idToken
func (*OAuthProvider) GetUserFromJSON ¶
func (_m *OAuthProvider) GetUserFromJSON(data io.Reader, tokenUser *model.User) (*model.User, error)
GetUserFromJSON provides a mock function with given fields: data, tokenUser
func (*OAuthProvider) IsSameUser ¶
IsSameUser provides a mock function with given fields: dbUser, oAuthUser
type ResendInvitationEmailJobInterface ¶
ResendInvitationEmailJobInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the ResendInvitationEmailJobInterface type
func (*ResendInvitationEmailJobInterface) MakeScheduler ¶
func (_m *ResendInvitationEmailJobInterface) MakeScheduler() model.Scheduler
MakeScheduler provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ResendInvitationEmailJobInterface) MakeWorker ¶
func (_m *ResendInvitationEmailJobInterface) MakeWorker() model.Worker
MakeWorker provides a mock function with given fields:
type SamlInterface ¶
SamlInterface is an autogenerated mock type for the SamlInterface type
func (*SamlInterface) BuildRequest ¶
func (_m *SamlInterface) BuildRequest(relayState string) (*model.SamlAuthRequest, *model.AppError)
BuildRequest provides a mock function with given fields: relayState
func (*SamlInterface) CheckProviderAttributes ¶
func (_m *SamlInterface) CheckProviderAttributes(SS *model.SamlSettings, ouser *model.User, patch *model.UserPatch) string
CheckProviderAttributes provides a mock function with given fields: SS, ouser, patch
func (*SamlInterface) ConfigureSP ¶
func (_m *SamlInterface) ConfigureSP() error
ConfigureSP provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SamlInterface) DoLogin ¶
func (_m *SamlInterface) DoLogin(c *request.Context, encodedXML string, relayState map[string]string) (*model.User, *model.AppError)
DoLogin provides a mock function with given fields: c, encodedXML, relayState
func (*SamlInterface) GetMetadata ¶
func (_m *SamlInterface) GetMetadata() (string, *model.AppError)
GetMetadata provides a mock function with given fields:
Source Files
- AccountMigrationInterface.go
- AppContextInterface.go
- CloudInterface.go
- CloudJobInterface.go
- ClusterInterface.go
- ClusterMessageHandler.go
- ComplianceInterface.go
- DataRetentionInterface.go
- DataRetentionJobInterface.go
- ElasticsearchAggregatorInterface.go
- ElasticsearchIndexerInterface.go
- IndexerJobInterface.go
- LdapInterface.go
- LdapSyncInterface.go
- LicenseInterface.go
- MessageExportInterface.go
- MessageExportJobInterface.go
- MetricsInterface.go
- MfaInterface.go
- NotificationInterface.go
- OAuthProvider.go
- ResendInvitationEmailJobInterface.go
- SamlInterface.go