= Udash
Another Updatecli Dashboard
IMPORTANT: This project is still in a very early stage, more to come
== Description
Udash is an Updatecli backend application. Its mission is to visualize Updatecli pipeline report and to provide various insights such as Git repositories "update" state.
**Pipeline Report**
Updatecli can be configured to upload pipeline reports after each execution. The goal is to have a central place to visualize all pipelines for a specific project.
Insight reuse pipeline report to provide a visualization per theme such as the state for all dependencies for a specific git repository.
__Still work in progress__
== Architecture
=== Requirements
Udash application requires a postgresql database to store the various pipeline reports, and an oauth provider to handle authorization.
**Postgresql Database**
**OAuth provider**
The oauth provider **must** allow the PKCE flow.
* Auth0 (tested)
* GitHub link:https://docs.github.com/en/apps/oauth-apps/building-oauth-apps/authorizing-oauth-apps#1-request-a-users-github-identity[Not supported yet]
* link:https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/oauth2.html[GitLab]
* link:https://github.com/dexidp/dex/issues/2244[Dex]
* link:https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/securing_apps/#_installed_adapter[Keycloak]
=== Udash API
==== Option
Udash must be configured via a configuration file, and some settings can be overridden by environment variables
**Config File**
The configuration file must be one of ["/etc/udash/config.yaml", "~/.udash/config.yaml","~/config.yaml"]
# If mode is unset then authentication is disabled
mode: "oauth"
issuer: "auth0 auth URL"
audience: "udash URL"
# uri defines the postgresql URI used to connect with its database
uri: "postgresql URI"
* **UDASH_AUTH_MODE**: Enable authentication Accept value ["","none","oauth"]
* **UDASH_AUTH_ISSUER**: Define oauth domain url require `UDASH_AUTH_MODE` set to "oauth"
* **UDASH_AUTH_AUDIENCE**: Define oauth audience require `UDASH_AUTH_MODE` set to "oauth"
* **UDASH_DB_URI**: Define the postgresql URI
=== Udash Frontend
==== Option
Even though the Udash frontend is a client-side javascript application, it expects two configuration files that must exist in the `public` directory.
** config.js
const config = (() => {
return {
"OAUTH_DOMAIN": "updatecli.example.oauth.com",
"OAUTH_CLIENTID": "86FVLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"OAUTH_AUDIENCE": "http://app.updatecli.io/api"
`config.js` is used by the frontend application for the login
** config.json
"OAUTH_DOMAIN": "updatecli.example.oauth.com",
"OAUTH_CLIENTID": "86FVLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"OAUTH_AUDIENCE": "http://app.updatecli.io/api"
`config.json` is used by the Updatecli application to retrieve oauth setting when running:
`updatecli login http://app.updatecli.io`
=== Updatecli
Updatecli is expected to run as usual from CI environment.
But it must be authenticated before uploading any reports, by running:
`updatecli login "https://app.updatecli.io" --experimental`
Then any apply/diff command will upload pipeline reports
=== Links
* https://github.com/updatecli/updatecli[Updatecli]
* https://github.com/updatecli/udash-front[Udash Frontend]
* https://github.com/updatecli/charts[Helm Chart]