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Published: Jul 1, 2024 License: Apache-2.0


goserve - Go Backend Architecture

Docker Compose CI Starter Project Download


Create A Blog Service

This project is a fully production-ready solution designed to implement best practices for building performant and secure backend REST API services. It provides a robust architectural framework to ensure consistency and maintain high code quality. The architecture emphasizes feature separation, facilitating easier unit and integration testing.


  • Go
  • Gin
  • jwt
  • mongodriver
  • go-redis
  • Validator
  • Viper
  • Crypto


  • API key support
  • Token based Authentication
  • Role based Authorization
  • Unit Tests
  • Integration Tests
  • Modular codebase


The goal is to make each API independent from one another and only share services among them. This will make code reusable and reduce conflicts while working in a team.

The APIs will have separate directory based on the endpoint. Example blog and blogs will have seperate directory whereas blog, blog/author, and blog/editor will share common resources and will live inside same directory.

Startup Flow

cmd/main → startup/server → module, mongo, redis, router → api/[feature]/middlewares → api/[feature]/controller -> api/[feature]/service, authentication, authorization → handlers → sender

API Structure

Sample API
├── dto
│   └── create_sample.go
├── model
│   └── sample.go
├── controller.go
└── service.go
  • Each feature API lives under api directory
  • The request and response body is sent in the form of a DTO (Data Transfer Object) inside dto directory
  • The database collection model lives inside model directory
  • Controller is responsible for defining endpoints and corresponding handlers
  • Service is the main logic component and handles data. Controller interact with a service to process a request. A service can also interact with other services.

Project Directories

  1. api: APIs code
  2. arch: It provide framework and base implementation for creating the architecture
  3. cmd: main function to start the program
  4. common: code to be used in all the apis
  5. config: load environment variables
  6. keys: stores server pem files for token
  7. startup: creates server and initializes database, redis, and router
  8. tests: holds the integration tests
  9. utils: contains utility functions

Helper/Optional Directories

  1. .extra: mongo script for initialization inside docker, other web assets and documents
  2. .github: CI for tests
  3. .tools: api code, RSA key generator, and .env copier
  4. .vscode: editor config and debug launch settings

API Design



API Documentation

Installation Instruction

vscode is the recommended editor - dark theme

1. Get the repo
git clone https://github.com/unusualcodeorg/goserve.git
2. Generate RSA Keys
go run .tools/rsa/keygen.go
3. Create .env files
go run .tools/copy/envs.go 
4. Run Docker Compose
docker-compose up --build
5. Run Tests
docker exec -t goserver go test -v ./...

If having any issue

  • Make sure 8080 port is not occupied else change SERVER_PORT in .env file.
  • Make sure 27017 port is not occupied else change DB_PORT in .env file.
  • Make sure 6379 port is not occupied else change REDIS_PORT in .env file.

Run on the local machine

go mod tidy

Keep the docker container for mongo and redis running and stop the goserve docker container

Change the following hosts in the .env and .test.env

  • DB_HOST=localhost
  • REDIS_HOST=localhost

Best way to run this project is to use the vscode Run and Debug button. Scripts are available for debugging and template generation on vscode.

Optional - Running the app from terminal
go run cmd/main.go


New api creation can be done using command. go run .tools/apigen.go [feature_name]. This will create all the required skeleton files inside the directory api/[feature_name]

go run .tools/apigen.go sample

Read the Article to understand this project

How to Architect Good Go Backend REST API Services

How to use this architecture in your project?

You can use goservegen CLI to generate starter project for this architecture.

Check out the repo github.com/unusualcodeorg/goservegen for more information.

You can download the goservegen binary for your operating system from the latest release: github.com/unusualcodeorg/goservegen/releases

cd ~/Downloads/goservegen_Darwin_arm64

# ./goservegen [project directory path] [project module]
./goservegen ~/Downloads/example github.com/yourusername/example


Information about the framework



package model

import (

  mongod "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo"

const CollectionName = "samples"

type Sample struct {
  ID        primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id,omitempty" validate:"-"`
  Field     string             `bson:"field" validate:"required"`
  Status    bool               `bson:"status" validate:"required"`
  CreatedAt time.Time          `bson:"createdAt" validate:"required"`
  UpdatedAt time.Time          `bson:"updatedAt" validate:"required"`

func NewSample(field string) (*Sample, error) {
  time := time.Now()
  doc := Sample{
    Field:     field,
    Status:    true,
    CreatedAt: time,
    UpdatedAt: time,
  if err := doc.Validate(); err != nil {
    return nil, err
  return &doc, nil

func (doc *Sample) GetValue() *Sample {
  return doc

func (doc *Sample) Validate() error {
  validate := validator.New()
  return validate.Struct(doc)

func (*Sample) EnsureIndexes(db mongo.Database) {
  indexes := []mongod.IndexModel{
      Keys: bson.D{
        {Key: "_id", Value: 1},
        {Key: "status", Value: 1},
  mongo.NewQueryBuilder[Sample](db, CollectionName).Query(context.Background()).CreateIndexes(indexes)
Notes: The Model implements the interface


type Document[T any] interface {
  GetValue() *T
  Validate() error



package dto

import (


type InfoSample struct {
  ID        primitive.ObjectID `json:"_id" binding:"required"`
  Field     string             `json:"field" binding:"required"`
  CreatedAt time.Time          `json:"createdAt" binding:"required"`

func EmptyInfoSample() *InfoSample {
  return &InfoSample{}

func (d *InfoSample) GetValue() *InfoSample {
  return d

func (d *InfoSample) ValidateErrors(errs validator.ValidationErrors) ([]string, error) {
  var msgs []string
  for _, err := range errs {
    switch err.Tag() {
    case "required":
      msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("%s is required", err.Field()))
    case "min":
      msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("%s must be min %s", err.Field(), err.Param()))
    case "max":
      msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("%s must be max %s", err.Field(), err.Param()))
      msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("%s is invalid", err.Field()))
  return msgs, nil
Notes: The DTO implements the interface


type Dto[T any] interface {
  GetValue() *T
  ValidateErrors(errs validator.ValidationErrors) ([]string, error)



package sample

import (

type Service interface {
  FindSample(id primitive.ObjectID) (*model.Sample, error)

type service struct {
  sampleQueryBuilder mongo.QueryBuilder[model.Sample]
  infoSampleCache    redis.Cache[dto.InfoSample]

func NewService(db mongo.Database, store redis.Store) Service {
  return &service{
    BaseService:  network.NewBaseService(),
    sampleQueryBuilder: mongo.NewQueryBuilder[model.Sample](db, model.CollectionName),
    infoSampleCache: redis.NewCache[dto.InfoSample](store),

func (s *service) FindSample(id primitive.ObjectID) (*model.Sample, error) {
  filter := bson.M{"_id": id}

  msg, err := s.sampleQueryBuilder.SingleQuery().FindOne(filter, nil)
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err

  return msg, nil
Notes: The Service embeds the interface


type BaseService interface {
  Context() context.Context
  • Database Query: mongo.QueryBuilder[model.Sample] provide the methods to make common mongo queries for the model model.Sample
  • Redis Cache: redis.Cache[dto.InfoSample] provide the methods to make common redis queries for the DTO dto.InfoSample



package sample

import (
  coredto "github.com/unusualcodeorg/goserve/arch/dto"

type controller struct {
  service Service

func NewController(
  authMFunc network.AuthenticationProvider,
  authorizeMFunc network.AuthorizationProvider,
  service Service,
) network.Controller {
  return &controller{
    BaseController: network.NewBaseController("/sample", authMFunc, authorizeMFunc),
    ContextPayload: common.NewContextPayload(),
    service:  service,

func (c *controller) MountRoutes(group *gin.RouterGroup) {
  group.GET("/id/:id", c.getSampleHandler)

func (c *controller) getSampleHandler(ctx *gin.Context) {
  mongoId, err := network.ReqParams(ctx, coredto.EmptyMongoId())
  if err != nil {
    c.Send(ctx).BadRequestError(err.Error(), err)

  sample, err := c.service.FindSample(mongoId.ID)
  if err != nil {
    c.Send(ctx).NotFoundError("sample not found", err)

  data, err := utils.MapTo[dto.InfoSample](sample)
  if err != nil {
    c.Send(ctx).InternalServerError("something went wrong", err)

  c.Send(ctx).SuccessDataResponse("success", data)
Notes: The Controller implements the interface


type Controller interface {
  MountRoutes(group *gin.RouterGroup)

type BaseController interface {
  Path() string
  Authentication() gin.HandlerFunc
  Authorization(role string) gin.HandlerFunc

type ResponseSender interface {
  Debug() bool
  Send(ctx *gin.Context) SendResponse

type SendResponse interface {
  SuccessMsgResponse(message string)
  SuccessDataResponse(message string, data any)
  BadRequestError(message string, err error)
  ForbiddenError(message string, err error)
  UnauthorizedError(message string, err error)
  NotFoundError(message string, err error)
  InternalServerError(message string, err error)
  MixedError(err error)

Enable Controller In Module


import (


func (m *module) Controllers() []network.Controller {
  return []network.Controller{
    sample.NewController(m.AuthenticationProvider(), m.AuthorizationProvider(), sample.NewService(m.DB, m.Store)),

Indexing (If Needed)


import (
  sample "github.com/unusualcodeorg/goserve/api/sample/model"

func EnsureDbIndexes(db mongo.Database) {
  go mongo.Document[sample.Sample](&sample.Sample{}).EnsureIndexes(db)

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