S20-4010 / 5010
Block Chain Class 4010-5010, University of Wyoming, Spring 2020
This is the primary location where you can find
- Syllabus.
- Current Homework Assignments.
- Code you will need to implement assignments.
- My notes for lectures (just an outline).
Use the green button, "Clone or download" on the right side of the page to
bring up the pop-up box. Cut and paste the line that says https://github.com/Univ-Wyo-Education/S19-4010.git
Start on a Mac with installing "brew", then "git".
Homebrew: https://brew.sh/
Then Git with:
brew install git
Then at the command line on a Mac or Linux:
mkdir -p go/src/github.com/Univ-Wyo-Education
cd go/src/github.com/Univ-Wyo-Education
git clone https://github.com/Univ-Wyo-Education/S19-4010.git
On a Windows system, install https://git-scm.com/download/win, then bring up a bash shell
mkdir go
mkdir go/src
mkdir go/src/github.com
mkdir go/src/github.com/Univ-Wyo-Education
cd go/src/github.com/Univ-Wyo-Education
git clone https://github.com/Univ-Wyo-Education/S19-4010.git
See: https://gist.github.com/derhuerst/1b15ff4652a867391f03#file-mac-md
If you are using other than Debian/Ubuntu for Linux see me and we will work 1-on-1 to get you setup and going.
If you are sitting in on this class (not registered) then you need to send me an email at pschlump@uwyo.edu so that I have contact
information for you. I will send out (or my class assistant Chantelle) will send out email to everybody that we have our our
list including the registered students.
Lectures can be found in ./Lectures
Assignments can be found in ./Assignmetns