
v2.0.5 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 25, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 21 Imported by: 0




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const (
	NacosConfigType  = "nacos"
	ApolloConfigType = "apollo"
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const (
	// GddBanner indicates banner enabled or not
	GddBanner envVariable = "GDD_BANNER"
	// GddBannerText sets text content of banner
	GddBannerText envVariable = "GDD_BANNER_TEXT"
	// GddLogLevel accepts panic, fatal, error, warn, warning, info, debug, trace, disabled. please reference zerolog.ParseLevel
	GddLogLevel envVariable = "GDD_LOG_LEVEL"
	// GddLogFormat text or json
	// Deprecated: move to zerolog
	GddLogFormat envVariable = "GDD_LOG_FORMAT"
	// GddLogReqEnable enables request and response logging
	GddLogReqEnable envVariable = "GDD_LOG_REQ_ENABLE"
	GddLogCaller    envVariable = "GDD_LOG_CALLER"
	GddLogDiscard   envVariable = "GDD_LOG_DISCARD"
	// GddGraceTimeout sets graceful shutdown timeout
	GddGraceTimeout envVariable = "GDD_GRACE_TIMEOUT"
	// GddWriteTimeout sets http connection write timeout
	GddWriteTimeout envVariable = "GDD_WRITE_TIMEOUT"
	// GddReadTimeout sets http connection read timeout
	GddReadTimeout envVariable = "GDD_READ_TIMEOUT"
	// GddIdleTimeout sets http connection idle timeout
	GddIdleTimeout envVariable = "GDD_IDLE_TIMEOUT"
	// GddRouteRootPath sets root path for all routes
	GddRouteRootPath envVariable = "GDD_ROUTE_ROOT_PATH"
	// GddServiceName sets service name
	GddServiceName envVariable = "GDD_SERVICE_NAME"
	// GddHost sets bind host for http server
	GddHost envVariable = "GDD_HOST"
	// GddPort sets bind port for http server
	GddPort envVariable = "GDD_PORT"
	// GddGrpcPort sets bind port for grpc server
	GddGrpcPort envVariable = "GDD_GRPC_PORT"
	// GddManage if true, it will add built-in apis with /go-doudou path prefix for online api document and service status monitor etc.
	GddManage envVariable = "GDD_MANAGE_ENABLE"
	// GddManageUser manage api endpoint http basic auth user
	GddManageUser envVariable = "GDD_MANAGE_USER"
	// GddManagePass manage api endpoint http basic auth password
	GddManagePass envVariable = "GDD_MANAGE_PASS"

	GddEnableResponseGzip envVariable = "GDD_ENABLE_RESPONSE_GZIP"
	// Deprecated: move to GddFallbackContentType
	GddAppType envVariable = "GDD_APP_TYPE"
	// GddFallbackContentType fallback response content-type header value
	GddFallbackContentType        envVariable = "GDD_FALLBACK_CONTENTTYPE"
	GddRouterSaveMatchedRoutePath envVariable = "GDD_ROUTER_SAVEMATCHEDROUTEPATH"

	// GddConfigRemoteType has two options available: nacos, apollo
	GddConfigRemoteType envVariable = "GDD_CONFIG_REMOTE_TYPE"

	GddRetryCount         envVariable = "GDD_RETRY_COUNT"
	GddTracingMetricsRoot envVariable = "GDD_TRACING_METRICS_ROOT"

	GddServiceDiscoveryMode envVariable = "GDD_SERVICE_DISCOVERY_MODE"

	GddNacosNamespaceId         envVariable = "GDD_NACOS_NAMESPACE_ID"
	GddNacosTimeoutMs           envVariable = "GDD_NACOS_TIMEOUT_MS"
	GddNacosNotLoadCacheAtStart envVariable = "GDD_NACOS_NOT_LOAD_CACHE_AT_START"
	GddNacosNotloadcacheatstart envVariable = "GDD_NACOS_NOTLOADCACHEATSTART"
	GddNacosLogDir              envVariable = "GDD_NACOS_LOG_DIR"
	GddNacosCacheDir            envVariable = "GDD_NACOS_CACHE_DIR"
	GddNacosLogLevel            envVariable = "GDD_NACOS_LOG_LEVEL"
	GddNacosLogDiscard          envVariable = "GDD_NACOS_LOG_DISCARD"
	GddNacosServerAddr          envVariable = "GDD_NACOS_SERVER_ADDR"
	GddNacosRegisterHost        envVariable = "GDD_NACOS_REGISTER_HOST"
	GddNacosClusterName         envVariable = "GDD_NACOS_CLUSTER_NAME"
	GddNacosGroupName           envVariable = "GDD_NACOS_GROUP_NAME"
	// GddNacosConfigFormat has two options available: dotenv, yaml
	GddNacosConfigFormat envVariable = "GDD_NACOS_CONFIG_FORMAT"
	GddNacosConfigGroup  envVariable = "GDD_NACOS_CONFIG_GROUP"
	GddNacosConfigDataid envVariable = "GDD_NACOS_CONFIG_DATAID"

	// GddWeight node weight
	GddWeight envVariable = "GDD_WEIGHT"

	GddApolloCluster      envVariable = "GDD_APOLLO_CLUSTER"
	GddApolloAddr         envVariable = "GDD_APOLLO_ADDR"
	GddApolloNamespace    envVariable = "GDD_APOLLO_NAMESPACE"
	GddApolloBackupEnable envVariable = "GDD_APOLLO_BACKUP_ENABLE"
	GddApolloBackupPath   envVariable = "GDD_APOLLO_BACKUP_PATH"
	GddApolloMuststart    envVariable = "GDD_APOLLO_MUSTSTART"
	GddApolloSecret       envVariable = "GDD_APOLLO_SECRET"
	GddApolloLogEnable    envVariable = "GDD_APOLLO_LOG_ENABLE"

	// GddSqlLogEnable only for doc purpose
	GddSqlLogEnable envVariable = "GDD_SQL_LOG_ENABLE"

	GddStatsFreq envVariable = "GDD_STATS_FREQ"

	GddRegisterHost  envVariable = "GDD_REGISTER_HOST"
	GddEtcdEndpoints envVariable = "GDD_ETCD_ENDPOINTS"
	GddEtcdLease     envVariable = "GDD_ETCD_LEASE"

	// configs for memberlist component
	// GddMemSeed sets cluster seeds for joining
	GddMemSeed envVariable = "GDD_MEM_SEED"
	// GddMemName unique name of this node in cluster. if empty or not set, hostname will be used instead
	GddMemName envVariable = "GDD_MEM_NAME"
	// GddMemHost specify AdvertiseAddr attribute of memberlist config struct.
	// if GddMemHost starts with dot such as .seed-svc-headless.default.svc.cluster.local,
	// it will be prefixed by hostname such as seed-2.seed-svc-headless.default.svc.cluster.local
	// for supporting k8s stateful service
	// if empty or not set, private ip will be used instead.
	GddMemHost envVariable = "GDD_MEM_HOST"
	// GddMemPort if empty or not set, an available port will be chosen randomly. recommend specifying a port
	GddMemPort envVariable = "GDD_MEM_PORT"
	// GddMemDeadTimeout dead node will be removed from node map if not received refute messages from it in GddMemDeadTimeout second
	// expose GossipToTheDeadTime property of memberlist.Config
	GddMemDeadTimeout envVariable = "GDD_MEM_DEAD_TIMEOUT"
	// GddMemSyncInterval local node will synchronize states from other random node every GddMemSyncInterval second
	// expose PushPullInterval property of memberlist.Config
	GddMemSyncInterval envVariable = "GDD_MEM_SYNC_INTERVAL"
	// GddMemReclaimTimeout dead node will be replaced with new node with the same name but different full address in GddMemReclaimTimeout second
	// expose DeadNodeReclaimTime property of memberlist.Config
	GddMemReclaimTimeout envVariable = "GDD_MEM_RECLAIM_TIMEOUT"
	// GddMemProbeInterval probe interval
	// expose ProbeInterval property of memberlist.Config
	GddMemProbeInterval envVariable = "GDD_MEM_PROBE_INTERVAL"
	// GddMemProbeTimeout probe timeout
	// expose ProbeTimeout property of memberlist.Config
	GddMemProbeTimeout envVariable = "GDD_MEM_PROBE_TIMEOUT"
	// GddMemSuspicionMult is the multiplier for determining the time an inaccessible node is considered suspect before declaring it dead.
	// expose SuspicionMult property of memberlist.Config
	GddMemSuspicionMult  envVariable = "GDD_MEM_SUSPICION_MULT"
	GddMemRetransmitMult envVariable = "GDD_MEM_RETRANSMIT_MULT"
	// GddMemGossipNodes how many remote nodes you want to gossip messages
	// expose GossipNodes property of memberlist.Config
	GddMemGossipNodes envVariable = "GDD_MEM_GOSSIP_NODES"
	// GddMemGossipInterval gossip interval
	// expose GossipInterval property of memberlist.Config
	GddMemGossipInterval envVariable = "GDD_MEM_GOSSIP_INTERVAL"
	// GddMemTCPTimeout tcp timeout
	// expose TCPTimeout property of memberlist.Config
	GddMemTCPTimeout envVariable = "GDD_MEM_TCP_TIMEOUT"
	// GddMemWeight node weight
	GddMemWeight envVariable = "GDD_MEM_WEIGHT"
	// GddMemWeightInterval node weight will be calculated every GddMemWeightInterval
	GddMemWeightInterval envVariable = "GDD_MEM_WEIGHT_INTERVAL"
	GddMemIndirectChecks envVariable = "GDD_MEM_INDIRECT_CHECKS"
	GddMemLogDisable     envVariable = "GDD_MEM_LOG_DISABLE"
	// GddMemCIDRsAllowed If not set, allow any connection (default), otherwise specify all networks
	// allowed connecting (you must specify IPv6/IPv4 separately)
	GddMemCIDRsAllowed envVariable = "GDD_MEM_CIDRS_ALLOWED"
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const (
	// Default configs for framework component
	DefaultGddBanner             = true
	DefaultGddBannerText         = FrameworkName
	DefaultGddLogLevel           = "info"
	DefaultGddLogFormat          = "text"
	DefaultGddLogReqEnable       = false
	DefaultGddLogCaller          = false
	DefaultGddLogDiscard         = false
	DefaultGddGraceTimeout       = "15s"
	DefaultGddWriteTimeout       = "15s"
	DefaultGddReadTimeout        = "15s"
	DefaultGddIdleTimeout        = "60s"
	DefaultGddServiceName        = ""
	DefaultGddRouteRootPath      = ""
	DefaultGddHost               = ""
	DefaultGddPort               = 6060
	DefaultGddGrpcPort           = 50051
	DefaultGddRetryCount         = 0
	DefaultGddManage             = true
	DefaultGddManageUser         = "admin"
	DefaultGddManagePass         = "admin"
	DefaultGddTracingMetricsRoot = "tracing"
	DefaultGddWeight             = 1

	DefaultGddServiceDiscoveryMode = ""

	DefaultGddNacosNamespaceId         = "public"
	DefaultGddNacosTimeoutMs           = 10000
	DefaultGddNacosNotLoadCacheAtStart = false
	DefaultGddNacosLogDir              = "/tmp/nacos/log"
	DefaultGddNacosCacheDir            = "/tmp/nacos/cache"
	DefaultGddNacosLogLevel            = "info"
	DefaultGddNacosLogDiscard          = false
	DefaultGddNacosServerAddr          = ""
	DefaultGddNacosRegisterHost        = ""
	DefaultGddNacosClusterName         = "DEFAULT"
	DefaultGddNacosGroupName           = "DEFAULT_GROUP"

	DefaultGddNacosConfigFormat = configmgr.DotenvConfigFormat
	DefaultGddNacosConfigGroup  = "DEFAULT_GROUP"
	DefaultGddNacosConfigDataid = ""

	DefaultGddEnableResponseGzip         = true
	DefaultGddAppType                    = "rest"
	DefaultGddFallbackContentType        = "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
	DefaultGddRouterSaveMatchedRoutePath = true
	DefaultGddConfigRemoteType           = ""

	DefaultGddApolloCluster      = "default"
	DefaultGddApolloAddr         = ""
	DefaultGddApolloNamespace    = ""
	DefaultGddApolloBackupEnable = true
	DefaultGddApolloBackupPath   = ""
	DefaultGddApolloSecret       = ""
	DefaultGddApolloMuststart    = false
	DefaultGddApolloLogEnable    = false

	// DefaultGddSqlLogEnable only for doc purpose
	DefaultGddSqlLogEnable = false

	DefaultGddStatsFreq = "1s"

	DefaultGddRegisterHost        = ""
	DefaultGddEtcdEndpoints       = ""
	DefaultGddEtcdLease     int64 = 5

	// Default configs for memberlist component
	DefaultGddMemSeed           = ""
	DefaultGddMemPort           = 7946
	DefaultGddMemDeadTimeout    = "60s"
	DefaultGddMemSyncInterval   = "60s"
	DefaultGddMemReclaimTimeout = "3s"
	DefaultGddMemProbeInterval  = "5s"
	DefaultGddMemProbeTimeout   = "3s"
	DefaultGddMemSuspicionMult  = 6
	DefaultGddMemRetransmitMult = 4
	DefaultGddMemGossipNodes    = 4
	DefaultGddMemGossipInterval = "500ms"
	DefaultGddMemTCPTimeout     = "30s"
	DefaultGddMemIndirectChecks = 3
	DefaultGddMemWeight         = 1
	DefaultGddMemWeightInterval = 0
	DefaultGddMemName           = ""
	DefaultGddMemHost           = ""
	DefaultGddMemCIDRsAllowed   = ""
	DefaultGddMemLogDisable     = false
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const FrameworkName = "go-doudou"


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func GetGrpcPort

func GetGrpcPort() uint64

func GetNacosClientParam

func GetNacosClientParam() vo.NacosClientParam

func GetPort

func GetPort() uint64

func GetServiceName

func GetServiceName() string

func LoadConfigFromLocal

func LoadConfigFromLocal()

func LoadConfigFromRemote

func LoadConfigFromRemote()

func ServiceDiscoveryMap added in v2.0.5

func ServiceDiscoveryMap() map[string]struct{}


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