Command line tool for generating json tag of struct field. Default strategy is camel case with first letter lowercased. Support snake case as well.
Unexported fields will be skipped, only modify json tag of each exported field.
➜ go-doudou git:(main) go-doudou name -h
WARN[0000] Error loading .env file: open /Users/wubin1989/workspace/cloud/.env: no such file or directory
bulk add or update struct fields json tag
go-doudou name [flags]
-f, --file string absolute path of vo file
-h, --help help for name
-o, --omitempty whether omit empty value or not
-s, --strategy string name of strategy, currently only support "lowerCamel" and "snake" (default "lowerCamel")
- Put
//go:generate go-doudou name --file $GOFILE
into go file
//go:generate go-doudou name --file $GOFILE
type Event struct {
Name string
EventType int
type TestName struct {
Age age
School []struct {
Name string
Addr struct {
Zip string
Block string
Full string
EventChan chan Event
SigChan chan int
Callback func(string) bool
CallbackN func(param string) bool
- Execute
go generate ./...
at the same folder
type Event struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
EventType int `json:"eventType"`
type TestName struct {
Age age `json:"age"`
School []struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Addr struct {
Zip string `json:"zip"`
Block string `json:"block"`
Full string `json:"full"`
} `json:"addr"`
} `json:"school"`
EventChan chan Event `json:"eventChan"`
SigChan chan int `json:"sigChan"`
Callback func(string) bool `json:"callback"`
CallbackN func(param string) bool `json:"callbackN"`
- Support omitempty
- Snake case strategy