Unikorn Region Manager

Unikorn's centralized region discovery and routing service.
Unikorn is a composable suite of different micro-services that provide different functionality.
Hardware provisioning can come in a number of different flavors, namely bare-metal, managed Kubernetes etc.
These services have a common requirement on a compute cloud/region to provision projects, users, roles, networking etc. in order to function.
A Note on Security
At present this region controller is monolithic, offering region discovery and routing to allow scoped provisioning and deprovisioning or the aforementioned hardware prerequisites.
Given this service holds elevated privilege credentials to all of those clouds, it make it somewhat of a honey pot.
Eventually, the goal is to have this act as a purely discovery and routing service, and platform specific region controllers live in those platforms, including their credentials.
The end goal being the compromise of one, doesn't affect the others, limiting blast radius, and not having to disseminate credentials across the internet, they would reside locally in the cloud platform's AS to improve security guarantees.
Supported Providers
OpenStack is an open source cloud provider that allows on premise provisioning of virtual and physical infrastructure.
It allows a vertically integrated stack from server to application, so you have full control over the platform.
This obviously entails a support crew to keep it up and running!
For further info see the OpenStack provider documentation.
Unikorn Prerequisites
The use the Kubernetes service you first need to install:
Installing the Service
The region service is typically installed with Helm as follows:
host: region.unikorn-cloud.org
clusterIssuer: letsencrypt-production
externalDns: true
issuer: https://identity.unikorn-cloud.org
- name: gb-north-1
provider: openstack
endpoint: https://my-openstack-endpoint.com:5000
namespace: unikorn-region
name: gb-north-1-credentials # See the provider setup section
The configures the service to be exposed on the specified host using an ingress with TLS and DDNS.
The OIDC configuration allows token validation at the API.
Regions define cloud instances to expose to clients.
What Next?
The region controller is useless as it is, and requires a service provider to use it to yield a consumable resource.
Try out the Kubernetes service.