
v0.1.1 Latest Latest

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Published: May 12, 2022 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 15 Imported by: 0




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func Marshal

func Marshal(obj interface{}) ([]byte, error)

func Unmarshal

func Unmarshal(data []byte, obj interface{}) error


type AttesterDuty

type AttesterDuty struct {
	PubKey                  string `json:"pubkey"`
	ValidatorIndex          uint   `json:"validator_index"`
	Slot                    uint64 `json:"slot"`
	CommitteeIndex          uint64 `json:"committee_index"`
	CommitteeLength         uint64 `json:"committee_length"`
	CommitteeAtSlot         uint64 `json:"committees_at_slot"`
	ValidatorCommitteeIndex uint64 `json:"validator_committee_index"`

type ChainConfig

type ChainConfig struct {
	// Constants (non-configurable)
	GenesisSlot              uint64 `yaml:"GENESIS_SLOT"`                // GenesisSlot represents the first canonical slot number of the beacon chain.
	GenesisEpoch             uint64 `yaml:"GENESIS_EPOCH"`               // GenesisEpoch represents the first canonical epoch number of the beacon chain.
	FarFutureEpoch           uint64 `yaml:"FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH"`            // FarFutureEpoch represents a epoch extremely far away in the future used as the default penalization slot for validators.
	BaseRewardsPerEpoch      uint64 `yaml:"BASE_REWARDS_PER_EPOCH"`      // BaseRewardsPerEpoch is used to calculate the per epoch rewards.
	DepositContractTreeDepth uint64 `yaml:"DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_TREE_DEPTH"` // DepositContractTreeDepth depth of the Merkle trie of deposits in the validator deposit contract on the PoW chain.
	JustificationBitsLength  uint64 `yaml:"JUSTIFICATION_BITS_LENGTH"`   // JustificationBitsLength used

	// Misc constants.
	TargetCommitteeSize            uint64 `yaml:"TARGET_COMMITTEE_SIZE"`              // TargetCommitteeSize is the number of validators in a committee when the chain is healthy.
	MaxValidatorsPerCommittee      uint64 `yaml:"MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_COMMITTEE"`       // MaxValidatorsPerCommittee defines the upper bound of the size of a committee.
	MaxCommitteesPerSlot           uint64 `yaml:"MAX_COMMITTEES_PER_SLOT"`            // MaxCommitteesPerSlot defines the max amount of committee in a single slot.
	MinPerEpochChurnLimit          uint64 `yaml:"MIN_PER_EPOCH_CHURN_LIMIT"`          // MinPerEpochChurnLimit is the minimum amount of churn allotted for validator rotations.
	ChurnLimitQuotient             uint64 `yaml:"CHURN_LIMIT_QUOTIENT"`               // ChurnLimitQuotient is used to determine the limit of how many validators can rotate per epoch.
	ShuffleRoundCount              uint64 `yaml:"SHUFFLE_ROUND_COUNT"`                // ShuffleRoundCount is used for retrieving the permuted index.
	MinGenesisActiveValidatorCount uint64 `yaml:"MIN_GENESIS_ACTIVE_VALIDATOR_COUNT"` // MinGenesisActiveValidatorCount defines how many validator deposits needed to kick off beacon chain.
	MinGenesisTime                 uint64 `yaml:"MIN_GENESIS_TIME"`                   // MinGenesisTime is the time that needed to pass before kicking off beacon chain.
	TargetAggregatorsPerCommittee  uint64 // TargetAggregatorsPerCommittee defines the number of aggregators inside one committee.
	HysteresisQuotient             uint64 `yaml:"HYSTERESIS_QUOTIENT"`            // HysteresisQuotient defines the hysteresis quotient for effective balance calculations.
	HysteresisDownwardMultiplier   uint64 `yaml:"HYSTERESIS_DOWNWARD_MULTIPLIER"` // HysteresisDownwardMultiplier defines the hysteresis downward multiplier for effective balance calculations.
	HysteresisUpwardMultiplier     uint64 `yaml:"HYSTERESIS_UPWARD_MULTIPLIER"`   // HysteresisUpwardMultiplier defines the hysteresis upward multiplier for effective balance calculations.

	// Gwei value constants.
	MinDepositAmount          uint64 `yaml:"MIN_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT"`          // MinDepositAmount is the maximal amount of Gwei a validator can send to the deposit contract at once.
	MaxEffectiveBalance       uint64 `yaml:"MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE"`       // MaxEffectiveBalance is the maximal amount of Gwei that is effective for staking.
	EjectionBalance           uint64 `yaml:"EJECTION_BALANCE"`            // EjectionBalance is the minimal GWei a validator needs to have before ejected.
	EffectiveBalanceIncrement uint64 `yaml:"EFFECTIVE_BALANCE_INCREMENT"` // EffectiveBalanceIncrement is used for converting the high balance into the low balance for validators.

	// Initial value constants.
	BLSWithdrawalPrefixByte byte     `yaml:"BLS_WITHDRAWAL_PREFIX"` // BLSWithdrawalPrefixByte is used for BLS withdrawal and it's the first byte.
	ZeroHash                [32]byte // ZeroHash is used to represent a zeroed out 32 byte array.

	// Time parameters constants.
	GenesisDelay                     uint64 `yaml:"GENESIS_DELAY"`                       // Minimum number of seconds to delay starting the ETH2 genesis. Must be at least 1 second.
	MinAttestationInclusionDelay     uint64 `yaml:"MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY"`     // MinAttestationInclusionDelay defines how many slots validator has to wait to include attestation for beacon block.
	SecondsPerSlot                   uint64 `yaml:"SECONDS_PER_SLOT"`                    // SecondsPerSlot is how many seconds are in a single slot.
	SlotsPerEpoch                    uint64 `yaml:"SLOTS_PER_EPOCH"`                     // SlotsPerEpoch is the number of slots in an epoch.
	MinSeedLookahead                 uint64 `yaml:"MIN_SEED_LOOKAHEAD"`                  // SeedLookahead is the duration of randao look ahead seed.
	MaxSeedLookahead                 uint64 `yaml:"MAX_SEED_LOOKAHEAD"`                  // MaxSeedLookahead is the duration a validator has to wait for entry and exit in epoch.
	EpochsPerEth1VotingPeriod        uint64 `yaml:"EPOCHS_PER_ETH1_VOTING_PERIOD"`       // EpochsPerEth1VotingPeriod defines how often the merkle root of deposit receipts get updated in beacon node on per epoch basis.
	SlotsPerHistoricalRoot           uint64 `yaml:"SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT"`           // SlotsPerHistoricalRoot defines how often the historical root is saved.
	MinValidatorWithdrawabilityDelay uint64 `yaml:"MIN_VALIDATOR_WITHDRAWABILITY_DELAY"` // MinValidatorWithdrawabilityDelay is the shortest amount of time a validator has to wait to withdraw.
	ShardCommitteePeriod             uint64 `yaml:"SHARD_COMMITTEE_PERIOD"`              // ShardCommitteePeriod is the minimum amount of epochs a validator must participate before exiting.
	MinEpochsToInactivityPenalty     uint64 `yaml:"MIN_EPOCHS_TO_INACTIVITY_PENALTY"`    // MinEpochsToInactivityPenalty defines the minimum amount of epochs since finality to begin penalizing inactivity.
	Eth1FollowDistance               uint64 // Eth1FollowDistance is the number of eth1.0 blocks to wait before considering a new deposit for voting. This only applies after the chain as been started.
	SafeSlotsToUpdateJustified       uint64 // SafeSlotsToUpdateJustified is the minimal slots needed to update justified check point.
	SecondsPerETH1Block              uint64 `yaml:"SECONDS_PER_ETH1_BLOCK"` // SecondsPerETH1Block is the approximate time for a single eth1 block to be produced.
	// State list lengths
	EpochsPerHistoricalVector uint64 `yaml:"EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR"` // EpochsPerHistoricalVector defines max length in epoch to store old historical stats in beacon state.
	EpochsPerSlashingsVector  uint64 `yaml:"EPOCHS_PER_SLASHINGS_VECTOR"`  // EpochsPerSlashingsVector defines max length in epoch to store old stats to recompute slashing witness.
	HistoricalRootsLimit      uint64 `yaml:"HISTORICAL_ROOTS_LIMIT"`       // HistoricalRootsLimit the define max historical roots can be saved in state before roll over.
	ValidatorRegistryLimit    uint64 `yaml:"VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT"`     // ValidatorRegistryLimit defines the upper bound of validators can participate in eth2.

	// Reward and penalty quotients constants.
	BaseRewardFactor            uint64 `yaml:"BASE_REWARD_FACTOR"`            // BaseRewardFactor is used to calculate validator per-slot interest rate.
	WhistleBlowerRewardQuotient uint64 `yaml:"WHISTLEBLOWER_REWARD_QUOTIENT"` // WhistleBlowerRewardQuotient is used to calculate whistler blower reward.
	ProposerRewardQuotient      uint64 `yaml:"PROPOSER_REWARD_QUOTIENT"`      // ProposerRewardQuotient is used to calculate the reward for proposers.
	InactivityPenaltyQuotient   uint64 `yaml:"INACTIVITY_PENALTY_QUOTIENT"`   // InactivityPenaltyQuotient is used to calculate the penalty for a validator that is offline.
	MinSlashingPenaltyQuotient  uint64 `yaml:"MIN_SLASHING_PENALTY_QUOTIENT"` // MinSlashingPenaltyQuotient is used to calculate the minimum penalty to prevent DoS attacks.

	// Max operations per block constants.
	MaxProposerSlashings uint64 `yaml:"MAX_PROPOSER_SLASHINGS"` // MaxProposerSlashings defines the maximum number of slashings of proposers possible in a block.
	MaxAttesterSlashings uint64 `yaml:"MAX_ATTESTER_SLASHINGS"` // MaxAttesterSlashings defines the maximum number of casper FFG slashings possible in a block.
	MaxAttestations      uint64 `yaml:"MAX_ATTESTATIONS"`       // MaxAttestations defines the maximum allowed attestations in a beacon block.
	MaxDeposits          uint64 `yaml:"MAX_DEPOSITS"`           // MaxVoluntaryExits defines the maximum number of validator deposits in a block.
	MaxVoluntaryExits    uint64 `yaml:"MAX_VOLUNTARY_EXITS"`    // MaxVoluntaryExits defines the maximum number of validator exits in a block.

	// BLS domain values.
	DomainBeaconProposer    structs.Domain `yaml:"DOMAIN_BEACON_PROPOSER"`     // DomainBeaconProposer defines the BLS signature domain for beacon proposal verification.
	DomainRandao            structs.Domain `yaml:"DOMAIN_RANDAO"`              // DomainRandao defines the BLS signature domain for randao verification.
	DomainBeaconAttester    structs.Domain `yaml:"DOMAIN_BEACON_ATTESTER"`     // DomainBeaconAttester defines the BLS signature domain for attestation verification.
	DomainDeposit           structs.Domain `yaml:"DOMAIN_DEPOSIT"`             // DomainDeposit defines the BLS signature domain for deposit verification.
	DomainVoluntaryExit     structs.Domain `yaml:"DOMAIN_VOLUNTARY_EXIT"`      // DomainVoluntaryExit defines the BLS signature domain for exit verification.
	DomainSelectionProof    structs.Domain `yaml:"DOMAIN_SELECTION_PROOF"`     // DomainSelectionProof defines the BLS signature domain for selection proof.
	DomainAggregateAndProof structs.Domain `yaml:"DOMAIN_AGGREGATE_AND_PROOF"` // DomainAggregateAndProof defines the BLS signature domain for aggregate and proof.

	// Fork values
	GenesisForkVersion structs.Domain `yaml:"GENESIS_FORK_VERSION"` // GenesisForkVersion is used to track fork version between state transitions.

ChainConfig is the configuration of the chain

func ReadChainConfig

func ReadChainConfig(ref string) (*ChainConfig, error)

ReadChainConfig reads a beacon chain configuration

func (*ChainConfig) ComputeDepositDomain

func (c *ChainConfig) ComputeDepositDomain(forkVersion []byte, genesisValidatorsRoot []byte) ([]byte, error)

ComputeDepositDomain computes the domain for the deposit type

func (*ChainConfig) ComputeDomain

func (c *ChainConfig) ComputeDomain(domain structs.Domain, forkVersion []byte, genesisValidatorsRoot []byte) ([]byte, error)

ComputeDomain returns the domain version for BLS private key to sign and verify with a zeroed 4-byte array as the fork version

type CommitteeSyncDuty

type CommitteeSyncDuty struct {
	PubKey                        string   `json:"pubkey"`
	ValidatorIndex                uint     `json:"validator_index"`
	ValidatorSyncCommitteeIndices []string `json:"validator_sync_committee_indices"`

type Genesis

type Genesis struct {
	Time uint64 `json:"genesis_time"`
	Root []byte `json:"genesis_validators_root"`
	Fork string `json:"genesis_fork_version"`

type HeadEvent

type HeadEvent struct {
	Slot                      string
	Block                     string
	State                     string
	EpochTransition           bool
	CurrentDutyDependentRoot  string
	PreviousDutyDependentRoot string

type HttpAPI

type HttpAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewHttpAPI

func NewHttpAPI(url string) *HttpAPI

func (*HttpAPI) Events

func (h *HttpAPI) Events(ctx context.Context, topics []string, handler func(obj interface{})) error

func (*HttpAPI) Genesis

func (h *HttpAPI) Genesis(ctx context.Context) (*Genesis, error)

func (*HttpAPI) GetAttesterDuties

func (h *HttpAPI) GetAttesterDuties(epoch uint64, indexes []string) ([]*AttesterDuty, error)

func (*HttpAPI) GetBlock

func (h *HttpAPI) GetBlock(slot uint64, randao []byte) (*structs.BeaconBlock, error)

func (*HttpAPI) GetCommitteeSyncDuties

func (h *HttpAPI) GetCommitteeSyncDuties(epoch uint64, indexes []string) ([]*CommitteeSyncDuty, error)

func (*HttpAPI) GetProposerDuties

func (h *HttpAPI) GetProposerDuties(epoch uint64) ([]*ProposerDuty, error)

func (*HttpAPI) GetValidatorByPubKey

func (h *HttpAPI) GetValidatorByPubKey(pub string) (*Validator, error)

func (*HttpAPI) PublishAttestations

func (h *HttpAPI) PublishAttestations(data []*structs.Attestation) error

func (*HttpAPI) PublishSignedBlock

func (h *HttpAPI) PublishSignedBlock(block *structs.SignedBeaconBlock) error

func (*HttpAPI) RequestAttestationData

func (h *HttpAPI) RequestAttestationData(slot uint64, committeeIndex uint64) (*structs.AttestationData, error)

func (*HttpAPI) SetLogger

func (h *HttpAPI) SetLogger(logger hclog.Logger)

func (*HttpAPI) Syncing

func (h *HttpAPI) Syncing() (*Syncing, error)

type ProposerDuty

type ProposerDuty struct {
	PubKey         string `json:"pubkey"`
	ValidatorIndex uint   `json:"validator_index"`
	Slot           uint64 `json:"slot"`

type Syncing

type Syncing struct {
	HeadSlot     uint64 `json:"head_slot"`
	SyncDistance string `json:"sync_distance"`
	IsSyncing    bool   `json:"is_syncing"`

type Validator

type Validator struct {
	Index  uint64 `json:"index"`
	Status string `json:"status"`

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