DNS proxy with special NSEC handling
At the Swedish Internet Foundation we wanted to go over from NSEC3 to NSEC for the .nu ccTLD.
According to RFC5155 it is very easy
to change. Just remove NSEC3PARAM and all NSEC3 records from the zone, add NSEC records
and everything should just work. (Attention! .nu uses algorithm 13 for signing, which supports NSEC and NSEC3.)
But just pointing to an RFC might not be enough if you have to answer to a board
of directors or your government.
Therefore we designed a number of tests to simulate different states of caches and
zone updates.
The whole system contains two main parts, the authoritative setup and the client.
The authoritative setup consists of two instances of the Knot DNS server and a
special filtering dns proxy written in go.
The client asks a list of predefined questions and writes the answers as json to stdout.
Test Domain
For illustration purposes i have used example.com as main domain name in this documentation.
You will need to use a real functional domain name controlled by you.
Please replace "example.com" below with a domain name of your choosing.
Nsecproxy can listen on IPv4 and IPv6, but it communicates over v4 with the authoritatives behind it.
Installation Authoritative
This software was developed and tested on an Ubuntu 20.04 server. Actually running on an AWS EC2 t2.micro instance.
IP addresses
Please make a list of the IP addresses your nsecproxy installation will listen on.
- In both nsec.zone and nsec3.zone change the record for the ns label to reflect
your ip list. Please add A and AAAA records as needed.
- In nsecproxy.conf change the iplist to reflect your list.
Install knot
- install knot package https://www.knot-dns.cz/docs/3.0/html/installation.html#installation-from-a-package
- install go
sudo apt install golang
- copy this repository
go get github.com/ulrichwisser/nsecproxy
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/ulrichwisser/nsecproxy
cp knot@.service /lib/systemd/system/
cp knot-nsec*.conf /etc/knot/
- mkdir /var/lib/knot/nsec
- mkdir /var/lib/knot/nsec3
- cp nsec.zone /var/lib/knot/nsec/example.com.zone
- cp nsec3.zone /var/lib/knot/nsec3/example.com.zone
- chown -R knot.knot /var/lib/knot/*
- mkdir /run/knot/nsec
- mkdir /run/knot/nsec3
- chown -R knot.knot /run/knot/*
DNSSEC key management
- keymgr -c /etc/knot/knot-nsec.conf example.com generate ksk=yes
- remember the ksk-id written out by the command
- keymgr -c /etc/knot/knot-nsec.conf example.com generate
- remember the zsk-id written out by the command
- Copy keys to the other knot instance
cp -a /var/lib/knot/nsec/keys /var/lib/knot/nsec3/
- keymgr -c /etc/knot/knot-nsec3.conf example.com import-pem /var/lib/knot/nsec3/keys/keys/<ksk-id>.pem ksk=yes
- keymgr -c /etc/knot/knot-nsec3.conf example.com import-pem /var/lib/knot/nsec3/keys/keys/<zsk-id>.pem
Start knot servers
systemctl start knot@nsec
systemctl start knot@nsec3
Install nsecproxy
cp nsecproxy.service /lib/systemd/system/
go build
mv nsecproxy /usr/sbin/
systemctl enable nsecproxy
systemctl start nsecproxy
keymgr -c /etc/knot/knot-nsec.conf example.com ds
will print out DS records
- Update your test domain at the registry with the following data:
Only one name server: ns.example.com
Use the same ip address list you used before for the ns record in the zone file
DS record(s) from the command above be sure to include the shorter one, the longer one is optional.
Run tests
If you have installed the authoritative servers and the nsecproxy and updated the DNS data at the registry
you are ready to run tests. Please follow the instructions for the nsectest client.
Show statistics
After running the tests, please follow the instructions for nsecstats on how to produce and view the test results.