Index ¶
- Variables
- type ActiveDirectoryDomain
- type ActiveDirectoryDomainNotFoundError
- type Appliance
- type ApplianceNotFoundError
- type ApplianceParameter
- type AssignFloatingIPRequest
- type AttachDetachInstanceVolumeRequest
- type AvailabilityZone
- type AvailabilityZoneNotFoundError
- type BillingMetric
- type BillingMetricNotFoundError
- type CloneVirtualMachineRequest
- type ConsoleSession
- type CreateFirewallPolicyRequest
- type CreateFirewallRulePortRequest
- type CreateFirewallRuleRequest
- type CreateFloatingIPRequest
- type CreateHostGroupRequest
- type CreateHostRequest
- type CreateInstanceRequest
- type CreateLoadBalancerClusterRequest
- type CreateNetworkPolicyRequest
- type CreateNetworkRequest
- type CreateNetworkRulePortRequest
- type CreateNetworkRuleRequest
- type CreateRouterRequest
- type CreateSSHKeyPairRequest
- type CreateTagRequest
- type CreateVPCRequest
- type CreateVPNRequest
- type CreateVirtualMachineRequest
- type CreateVirtualMachineRequestDisk
- type CreateVirtualMachineRequestParameter
- type CreateVirtualMachineTemplateRequest
- type CreateVolumeRequest
- type Credential
- type DHCP
- type DHCPNotFoundError
- type Datastore
- type DatastoreNotFoundError
- type DatastoreStatus
- type DiscountPlan
- type DiscountPlanNotFoundError
- type ECloudService
- type Firewall
- type FirewallConfig
- type FirewallNotFoundError
- type FirewallPolicy
- type FirewallPolicyNotFoundError
- type FirewallRole
- type FirewallRule
- type FirewallRuleAction
- type FirewallRuleDirection
- type FirewallRuleNotFoundError
- type FirewallRulePort
- type FirewallRulePortNotFoundError
- type FirewallRulePortProtocol
- type FloatingIP
- type FloatingIPNotFoundError
- type GetActiveDirectoryDomainResponseBody
- type GetActiveDirectoryDomainSliceResponseBody
- type GetApplianceParameterResponseBody
- type GetApplianceParameterSliceResponseBody
- type GetApplianceResponseBody
- type GetApplianceSliceResponseBody
- type GetAvailabilityZoneResponseBody
- type GetAvailabilityZoneSliceResponseBody
- type GetBillingMetricResponseBody
- type GetBillingMetricSliceResponseBody
- type GetConsoleSessionResponseBody
- type GetConsoleSessionSliceResponseBody
- type GetCredentialResponseBody
- type GetCredentialSliceResponseBody
- type GetDHCPResponseBody
- type GetDHCPSliceResponseBody
- type GetDatastoreResponseBody
- type GetDatastoreSliceResponseBody
- type GetDiscountPlanResponseBody
- type GetDiscountPlanSliceResponseBody
- type GetFirewallConfigResponseBody
- type GetFirewallConfigSliceResponseBody
- type GetFirewallPolicyResponseBody
- type GetFirewallPolicySliceResponseBody
- type GetFirewallResponseBody
- type GetFirewallRulePortResponseBody
- type GetFirewallRulePortSliceResponseBody
- type GetFirewallRuleResponseBody
- type GetFirewallRuleSliceResponseBody
- type GetFirewallSliceResponseBody
- type GetFloatingIPResponseBody
- type GetFloatingIPSliceResponseBody
- type GetHostGroupResponseBody
- type GetHostGroupSliceResponseBody
- type GetHostResponseBody
- type GetHostSliceResponseBody
- type GetHostSpecResponseBody
- type GetHostSpecSliceResponseBody
- type GetImageMetadataResponseBody
- type GetImageMetadataSliceResponseBody
- type GetImageParameterResponseBody
- type GetImageParameterSliceResponseBody
- type GetImageResponseBody
- type GetImageSliceResponseBody
- type GetInstanceResponseBody
- type GetInstanceSliceResponseBody
- type GetNICResponseBody
- type GetNICSliceResponseBody
- type GetNetworkPolicyResponseBody
- type GetNetworkPolicySliceResponseBody
- type GetNetworkResponseBody
- type GetNetworkRulePortResponseBody
- type GetNetworkRulePortSliceResponseBody
- type GetNetworkRuleResponseBody
- type GetNetworkRuleSliceResponseBody
- type GetNetworkSliceResponseBody
- type GetPodResponseBody
- type GetPodSliceResponseBody
- type GetRegionResponseBody
- type GetRegionSliceResponseBody
- type GetRouterResponseBody
- type GetRouterSliceResponseBody
- type GetRouterThroughputResponseBody
- type GetRouterThroughputSliceResponseBody
- type GetSSHKeyPairResponseBody
- type GetSSHKeyPairSliceResponseBody
- type GetSiteResponseBody
- type GetSiteSliceResponseBody
- type GetSolutionResponseBody
- type GetSolutionSliceResponseBody
- type GetTagResponseBody
- type GetTagSliceResponseBody
- type GetTaskReferenceResponseBody
- type GetTaskReferenceSliceResponseBody
- type GetTaskResponseBody
- type GetTaskSliceResponseBody
- type GetTemplateResponseBody
- type GetTemplateSliceResponseBody
- type GetV1HostResponseBody
- type GetV1HostSliceResponseBody
- type GetV1NetworkResponseBody
- type GetV1NetworkSliceResponseBody
- type GetVPCResponseBody
- type GetVPCSliceResponseBody
- type GetVPNResponseBody
- type GetVPNSliceResponseBody
- type GetVirtualMachineResponseBody
- type GetVirtualMachineSliceResponseBody
- type GetVolumeResponseBody
- type GetVolumeSliceResponseBody
- type Host
- type HostCPU
- type HostGroup
- type HostGroupNotFoundError
- type HostNotFoundError
- type HostRAM
- type HostSpec
- type HostSpecNotFoundError
- type Image
- type ImageMetadata
- type ImageNotFoundError
- type ImageParameter
- type Instance
- type InstanceNotFoundError
- type LoadBalancerClusterNotFoundError
- type NIC
- type NICNotFoundError
- type Network
- type NetworkNotFoundError
- type NetworkPolicy
- type NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleAction
- type NetworkPolicyNotFoundError
- type NetworkRule
- type NetworkRuleAction
- type NetworkRuleDirection
- type NetworkRuleNotFoundError
- type NetworkRulePort
- type NetworkRulePortNotFoundError
- type NetworkRulePortProtocol
- type PaginatedActiveDirectoryDomain
- type PaginatedAppliance
- type PaginatedApplianceParameter
- type PaginatedAvailabilityZone
- type PaginatedBillingMetric
- type PaginatedCredential
- type PaginatedDHCP
- type PaginatedDatastore
- type PaginatedDiscountPlan
- type PaginatedFirewall
- type PaginatedFirewallPolicy
- type PaginatedFirewallRule
- type PaginatedFirewallRulePort
- type PaginatedFloatingIP
- type PaginatedHost
- type PaginatedHostGroup
- type PaginatedHostSpec
- type PaginatedImage
- type PaginatedImageMetadata
- type PaginatedImageParameter
- type PaginatedInstance
- type PaginatedNIC
- type PaginatedNetwork
- type PaginatedNetworkPolicy
- type PaginatedNetworkRule
- type PaginatedNetworkRulePort
- type PaginatedPod
- type PaginatedRegion
- type PaginatedRouter
- type PaginatedRouterThroughput
- type PaginatedSSHKeyPair
- type PaginatedSite
- type PaginatedSolution
- type PaginatedTag
- type PaginatedTask
- type PaginatedTemplate
- type PaginatedV1Host
- type PaginatedV1Network
- type PaginatedVPC
- type PaginatedVPN
- type PaginatedVirtualMachine
- type PaginatedVolume
- type PatchFirewallPolicyRequest
- type PatchFirewallRulePortRequest
- type PatchFirewallRuleRequest
- type PatchFloatingIPRequest
- type PatchHostGroupRequest
- type PatchHostRequest
- type PatchInstanceRequest
- type PatchLoadBalancerClusterRequest
- type PatchNetworkPolicyRequest
- type PatchNetworkRequest
- type PatchNetworkRulePortRequest
- type PatchNetworkRuleRequest
- type PatchRouterRequest
- type PatchSSHKeyPairRequest
- type PatchSolutionRequest
- type PatchTagRequest
- type PatchVPCRequest
- type PatchVirtualMachineRequest
- type PatchVirtualMachineRequestDisk
- type PatchVirtualMachineRequestDiskState
- type PatchVolumeRequest
- type Pod
- type PodNotFoundError
- type Region
- type RegionNotFoundError
- type RenameTemplateRequest
- type ResourceSync
- type Router
- type RouterNotFoundError
- type RouterThroughput
- type RouterThroughputNotFoundError
- type SSHKeyPair
- type SSHKeyPairNotFoundError
- type Service
- func (s *Service) ApproveDiscountPlan(discID string) error
- func (s *Service) AssignFloatingIP(fipID string, req AssignFloatingIPRequest) error
- func (s *Service) AttachInstanceVolume(instanceID string, req AttachDetachInstanceVolumeRequest) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) CloneVirtualMachine(vmID int, req CloneVirtualMachineRequest) (int, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateFirewallPolicy(req CreateFirewallPolicyRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateFirewallRule(req CreateFirewallRuleRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateFirewallRulePort(req CreateFirewallRulePortRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateFloatingIP(req CreateFloatingIPRequest) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateHost(req CreateHostRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateHostGroup(req CreateHostGroupRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateInstance(req CreateInstanceRequest) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateInstanceConsoleSession(instanceID string) (ConsoleSession, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateNetwork(req CreateNetworkRequest) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateNetworkPolicy(req CreateNetworkPolicyRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateNetworkRule(req CreateNetworkRuleRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateNetworkRulePort(req CreateNetworkRulePortRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateRouter(req CreateRouterRequest) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateSSHKeyPair(req CreateSSHKeyPairRequest) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateSolutionTag(solutionID int, req CreateTagRequest) error
- func (s *Service) CreateVPC(req CreateVPCRequest) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateVPN(req CreateVPNRequest) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateVirtualMachine(req CreateVirtualMachineRequest) (int, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateVirtualMachineConsoleSession(vmID int) (ConsoleSession, error)
- func (s *Service) CreateVirtualMachineTag(vmID int, req CreateTagRequest) error
- func (s *Service) CreateVirtualMachineTemplate(vmID int, req CreateVirtualMachineTemplateRequest) error
- func (s *Service) CreateVolume(req CreateVolumeRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteFirewallPolicy(policyID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteFirewallRule(ruleID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteFirewallRulePort(ruleID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteFloatingIP(fipID string) error
- func (s *Service) DeleteHost(hostID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteHostGroup(hostGroupID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteInstance(instanceID string) error
- func (s *Service) DeleteNetwork(networkID string) error
- func (s *Service) DeleteNetworkPolicy(policyID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteNetworkRule(ruleID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteNetworkRulePort(ruleID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) DeletePodTemplate(podID int, templateName string) error
- func (s *Service) DeleteRouter(routerID string) error
- func (s *Service) DeleteSSHKeyPair(keypairID string) error
- func (s *Service) DeleteSolutionTag(solutionID int, tagKey string) error
- func (s *Service) DeleteSolutionTemplate(solutionID int, templateName string) error
- func (s *Service) DeleteVPC(vpcID string) error
- func (s *Service) DeleteVPN(vpnID string) error
- func (s *Service) DeleteVirtualMachine(vmID int) error
- func (s *Service) DeleteVirtualMachineTag(vmID int, tagKey string) error
- func (s *Service) DeleteVolume(volumeID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) DeployRouterDefaultFirewallPolicies(routerID string) error
- func (s *Service) DeployVPCDefaults(vpcID string) error
- func (s *Service) DetachInstanceVolume(instanceID string, req AttachDetachInstanceVolumeRequest) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) GetActiveDirectoryDomain(domainID int) (ActiveDirectoryDomain, error)
- func (s *Service) GetActiveDirectoryDomains(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]ActiveDirectoryDomain, error)
- func (s *Service) GetActiveDirectoryDomainsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedActiveDirectoryDomain, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAppliance(applianceID string) (Appliance, error)
- func (s *Service) GetApplianceParameters(applianceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]ApplianceParameter, error)
- func (s *Service) GetApplianceParametersPaginated(applianceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedApplianceParameter, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAppliances(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Appliance, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAppliancesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedAppliance, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAvailabilityZone(azID string) (AvailabilityZone, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAvailabilityZones(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]AvailabilityZone, error)
- func (s *Service) GetAvailabilityZonesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedAvailabilityZone, error)
- func (s *Service) GetBillingMetric(metricID string) (BillingMetric, error)
- func (s *Service) GetBillingMetrics(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]BillingMetric, error)
- func (s *Service) GetBillingMetricsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedBillingMetric, error)
- func (s *Service) GetCredits(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]account.Credit, error)
- func (s *Service) GetDHCP(dhcpID string) (DHCP, error)
- func (s *Service) GetDHCPTasks(dhcpID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
- func (s *Service) GetDHCPTasksPaginated(dhcpID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
- func (s *Service) GetDHCPs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]DHCP, error)
- func (s *Service) GetDHCPsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedDHCP, error)
- func (s *Service) GetDatastore(datastoreID int) (Datastore, error)
- func (s *Service) GetDatastores(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Datastore, error)
- func (s *Service) GetDatastoresPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedDatastore, error)
- func (s *Service) GetDiscountPlan(discID string) (DiscountPlan, error)
- func (s *Service) GetDiscountPlans(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]DiscountPlan, error)
- func (s *Service) GetDiscountPlansPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedDiscountPlan, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewall(firewallID int) (Firewall, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallConfig(firewallID int) (FirewallConfig, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallPolicies(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallPolicy, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallPoliciesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallPolicy, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallPolicy(policyID string) (FirewallPolicy, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallPolicyFirewallRules(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallRule, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallPolicyFirewallRulesPaginated(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallRule, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallPolicyTasks(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallPolicyTasksPaginated(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallRule(ruleID string) (FirewallRule, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallRuleFirewallRulePorts(firewallRuleID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallRulePort, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallRuleFirewallRulePortsPaginated(firewallRuleID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallRulePort, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallRulePort(ruleID string) (FirewallRulePort, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallRulePorts(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallRulePort, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallRulePortsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallRulePort, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallRules(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallRule, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallRulesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallRule, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewalls(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Firewall, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFirewallsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewall, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFloatingIP(fipID string) (FloatingIP, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFloatingIPTasks(fipID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFloatingIPTasksPaginated(fipID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFloatingIPs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FloatingIP, error)
- func (s *Service) GetFloatingIPsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFloatingIP, error)
- func (s *Service) GetHost(hostID string) (Host, error)
- func (s *Service) GetHostGroup(hostGroupID string) (HostGroup, error)
- func (s *Service) GetHostGroupTasks(hostGroupID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
- func (s *Service) GetHostGroupTasksPaginated(hostGroupID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
- func (s *Service) GetHostGroups(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]HostGroup, error)
- func (s *Service) GetHostGroupsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedHostGroup, error)
- func (s *Service) GetHostSpec(specID string) (HostSpec, error)
- func (s *Service) GetHostSpecs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]HostSpec, error)
- func (s *Service) GetHostSpecsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedHostSpec, error)
- func (s *Service) GetHostTasks(hostID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
- func (s *Service) GetHostTasksPaginated(hostID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
- func (s *Service) GetHosts(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Host, error)
- func (s *Service) GetHostsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedHost, error)
- func (s *Service) GetImage(imageID string) (Image, error)
- func (s *Service) GetImageMetadata(imageID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]ImageMetadata, error)
- func (s *Service) GetImageMetadataPaginated(imageID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedImageMetadata, error)
- func (s *Service) GetImageParameters(imageID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]ImageParameter, error)
- func (s *Service) GetImageParametersPaginated(imageID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedImageParameter, error)
- func (s *Service) GetImages(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Image, error)
- func (s *Service) GetImagesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedImage, error)
- func (s *Service) GetInstance(instanceID string) (Instance, error)
- func (s *Service) GetInstanceCredentials(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Credential, error)
- func (s *Service) GetInstanceCredentialsPaginated(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedCredential, error)
- func (s *Service) GetInstanceNICs(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NIC, error)
- func (s *Service) GetInstanceNICsPaginated(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNIC, error)
- func (s *Service) GetInstanceTasks(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
- func (s *Service) GetInstanceTasksPaginated(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
- func (s *Service) GetInstanceVolumes(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Volume, error)
- func (s *Service) GetInstanceVolumesPaginated(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVolume, error)
- func (s *Service) GetInstances(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Instance, error)
- func (s *Service) GetInstancesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedInstance, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNIC(nicID string) (NIC, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNICTasks(nicID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNICTasksPaginated(nicID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNICs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NIC, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNICsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNIC, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetwork(networkID string) (Network, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkNICs(networkID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NIC, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkNICsPaginated(networkID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNIC, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkPolicies(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NetworkPolicy, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkPoliciesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetworkPolicy, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkPolicy(policyID string) (NetworkPolicy, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkPolicyNetworkRules(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NetworkRule, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkPolicyNetworkRulesPaginated(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetworkRule, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkPolicyTasks(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkPolicyTasksPaginated(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkRule(ruleID string) (NetworkRule, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkRuleNetworkRulePorts(networkRuleID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NetworkRulePort, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkRuleNetworkRulePortsPaginated(networkRuleID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetworkRulePort, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkRulePort(ruleID string) (NetworkRulePort, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkRulePorts(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NetworkRulePort, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkRulePortsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetworkRulePort, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkRules(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NetworkRule, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkRulesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetworkRule, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkTasks(networkID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworkTasksPaginated(networkID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworks(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Network, error)
- func (s *Service) GetNetworksPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetwork, error)
- func (s *Service) GetPod(podID int) (Pod, error)
- func (s *Service) GetPodAppliances(podID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Appliance, error)
- func (s *Service) GetPodAppliancesPaginated(podID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedAppliance, error)
- func (s *Service) GetPodTemplate(podID int, templateName string) (Template, error)
- func (s *Service) GetPodTemplates(podID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Template, error)
- func (s *Service) GetPodTemplatesPaginated(podID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTemplate, error)
- func (s *Service) GetPods(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Pod, error)
- func (s *Service) GetPodsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedPod, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRegion(regionID string) (Region, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRegions(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Region, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRegionsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedRegion, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRouter(routerID string) (Router, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRouterFirewallPolicies(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallPolicy, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRouterFirewallPoliciesPaginated(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallPolicy, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRouterNetworks(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Network, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRouterNetworksPaginated(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetwork, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRouterTasks(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRouterTasksPaginated(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRouterThroughput(throughputID string) (RouterThroughput, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRouterThroughputs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]RouterThroughput, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRouterThroughputsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedRouterThroughput, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRouterVPNs(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]VPN, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRouterVPNsPaginated(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVPN, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRouters(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Router, error)
- func (s *Service) GetRoutersPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedRouter, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSSHKeyPair(keypairID string) (SSHKeyPair, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSSHKeyPairs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]SSHKeyPair, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSSHKeyPairsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedSSHKeyPair, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSite(siteID int) (Site, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSites(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Site, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSitesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedSite, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolution(solutionID int) (Solution, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionDatastores(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Datastore, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionDatastoresPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedDatastore, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionFirewalls(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Firewall, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionFirewallsPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewall, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionHosts(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]V1Host, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionHostsPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedV1Host, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionNetworks(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]V1Network, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionNetworksPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedV1Network, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionSites(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Site, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionSitesPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedSite, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionTag(solutionID int, tagKey string) (Tag, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionTags(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Tag, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionTagsPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTag, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionTemplate(solutionID int, templateName string) (Template, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionTemplates(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Template, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionTemplatesPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTemplate, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionVirtualMachines(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]VirtualMachine, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionVirtualMachinesPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVirtualMachine, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutions(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Solution, error)
- func (s *Service) GetSolutionsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedSolution, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTask(taskID string) (Task, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTasks(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
- func (s *Service) GetTasksPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
- func (s *Service) GetV1Host(hostID int) (V1Host, error)
- func (s *Service) GetV1Hosts(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]V1Host, error)
- func (s *Service) GetV1HostsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedV1Host, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVPC(vpcID string) (VPC, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVPCInstances(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Instance, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVPCInstancesPaginated(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedInstance, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVPCTasks(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVPCTasksPaginated(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVPCVolumes(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Volume, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVPCVolumesPaginated(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVolume, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVPCs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]VPC, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVPCsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVPC, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVPN(vpnID string) (VPN, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVPNs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]VPN, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVPNsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVPN, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVirtualMachine(vmID int) (VirtualMachine, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVirtualMachineTag(vmID int, tagKey string) (Tag, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVirtualMachineTags(vmID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Tag, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVirtualMachineTagsPaginated(vmID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTag, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVirtualMachines(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]VirtualMachine, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVirtualMachinesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVirtualMachine, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVolume(volumeID string) (Volume, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVolumeInstances(volumeID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Instance, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVolumeInstancesPaginated(volumeID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedInstance, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVolumeTasks(volumeID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVolumeTasksPaginated(volumeID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVolumes(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Volume, error)
- func (s *Service) GetVolumesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVolume, error)
- func (s *Service) LockInstance(instanceID string) error
- func (s *Service) PatchFirewallPolicy(policyID string, req PatchFirewallPolicyRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) PatchFirewallRule(ruleID string, req PatchFirewallRuleRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) PatchFirewallRulePort(ruleID string, req PatchFirewallRulePortRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) PatchFloatingIP(fipID string, req PatchFloatingIPRequest) error
- func (s *Service) PatchHost(hostID string, req PatchHostRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) PatchHostGroup(hostGroupID string, req PatchHostGroupRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) PatchInstance(instanceID string, req PatchInstanceRequest) error
- func (s *Service) PatchNetwork(networkID string, req PatchNetworkRequest) error
- func (s *Service) PatchNetworkPolicy(policyID string, req PatchNetworkPolicyRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) PatchNetworkRule(ruleID string, req PatchNetworkRuleRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) PatchNetworkRulePort(ruleID string, req PatchNetworkRulePortRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) PatchRouter(routerID string, req PatchRouterRequest) error
- func (s *Service) PatchSSHKeyPair(keypairID string, req PatchSSHKeyPairRequest) error
- func (s *Service) PatchSolution(solutionID int, patch PatchSolutionRequest) (int, error)
- func (s *Service) PatchSolutionTag(solutionID int, tagKey string, patch PatchTagRequest) error
- func (s *Service) PatchVPC(vpcID string, req PatchVPCRequest) error
- func (s *Service) PatchVirtualMachine(vmID int, patch PatchVirtualMachineRequest) error
- func (s *Service) PatchVirtualMachineTag(vmID int, tagKey string, patch PatchTagRequest) error
- func (s *Service) PatchVolume(volumeID string, req PatchVolumeRequest) (TaskReference, error)
- func (s *Service) PodConsoleAvailable(podID int) (bool, error)
- func (s *Service) PowerOffInstance(instanceID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) PowerOffVirtualMachine(vmID int) error
- func (s *Service) PowerOnInstance(instanceID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) PowerOnVirtualMachine(vmID int) error
- func (s *Service) PowerResetInstance(instanceID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) PowerResetVirtualMachine(vmID int) error
- func (s *Service) PowerRestartInstance(instanceID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) PowerRestartVirtualMachine(vmID int) error
- func (s *Service) PowerShutdownInstance(instanceID string) (string, error)
- func (s *Service) PowerShutdownVirtualMachine(vmID int) error
- func (s *Service) RejectDiscountPlan(discID string) error
- func (s *Service) RenamePodTemplate(podID int, templateName string, req RenameTemplateRequest) error
- func (s *Service) RenameSolutionTemplate(solutionID int, templateName string, req RenameTemplateRequest) error
- func (s *Service) UnassignFloatingIP(fipID string) error
- func (s *Service) UnlockInstance(instanceID string) error
- type Site
- type SiteNotFoundError
- type Solution
- type SolutionEnvironment
- type SolutionNotFoundError
- type SyncStatus
- type SyncType
- type Tag
- type TagNotFoundError
- type Task
- type TaskNotFoundError
- type TaskReference
- type TaskStatus
- type Template
- type TemplateNotFoundError
- type TemplateType
- type V1Host
- type V1HostNotFoundError
- type V1Network
- type VPC
- type VPCNotFoundError
- type VPN
- type VPNNotFoundError
- type VirtualMachine
- type VirtualMachineDisk
- type VirtualMachineDiskType
- type VirtualMachineNotFoundError
- type VirtualMachinePowerStatus
- type VirtualMachineStatus
- type Volume
- type VolumeNotFoundError
- type VolumeType
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var FirewallRuleActionEnum connection.EnumSlice = []connection.Enum{ FirewallRuleActionAllow, FirewallRuleActionDrop, FirewallRuleActionReject, }
var FirewallRuleDirectionEnum connection.EnumSlice = []connection.Enum{ FirewallRuleDirectionIn, FirewallRuleDirectionOut, FirewallRuleDirectionInOut, }
var FirewallRulePortProtocolEnum connection.EnumSlice = []connection.Enum{ FirewallRulePortProtocolTCP, FirewallRulePortProtocolUDP, FirewallRulePortProtocolICMPv4, }
var NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleActionEnum connection.EnumSlice = []connection.Enum{ NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleActionAllow, NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleActionDrop, NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleActionReject, }
var NetworkRuleActionEnum connection.EnumSlice = []connection.Enum{ NetworkRuleActionAllow, NetworkRuleActionDrop, NetworkRuleActionReject, }
var NetworkRuleDirectionEnum connection.EnumSlice = []connection.Enum{ NetworkRuleDirectionIn, NetworkRuleDirectionOut, NetworkRuleDirectionInOut, }
var NetworkRulePortProtocolEnum connection.EnumSlice = []connection.Enum{ NetworkRulePortProtocolTCP, NetworkRulePortProtocolUDP, NetworkRulePortProtocolICMPv4, }
var TaskStatusEnum connection.EnumSlice = []connection.Enum{ TaskStatusComplete, TaskStatusFailed, TaskStatusInProgress, }
var TemplateTypeEnum connection.EnumSlice = []connection.Enum{ TemplateTypeSolution, TemplateTypePod, }
var VirtualMachinePowerStatusEnum connection.EnumSlice = []connection.Enum{ VirtualMachinePowerStatusOnline, VirtualMachinePowerStatusOffline, }
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ActiveDirectoryDomain ¶ added in v1.2.1
ActiveDirectoryDomain represents an eCloud active directory domain +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type ActiveDirectoryDomainNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.2.1
type ActiveDirectoryDomainNotFoundError struct {
ID int
ActiveDirectoryDomainNotFoundError indicates an Active Directory Domain was not found
func (*ActiveDirectoryDomainNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (e *ActiveDirectoryDomainNotFoundError) Error() string
type Appliance ¶ added in v1.0.23
type Appliance struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` LogoURI string `json:"logo_uri"` Description string `json:"description"` DocumentationURI string `json:"documentation_uri"` Publisher string `json:"publisher"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` }
Appliance represents an eCloud appliance +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type ApplianceNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.0.23
type ApplianceNotFoundError struct {
ID string
ApplianceNotFoundError indicates an appliance was not found within eCloud
func (*ApplianceNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.0.23
func (e *ApplianceNotFoundError) Error() string
type ApplianceParameter ¶ added in v1.0.23
type ApplianceParameter struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Key string `json:"key"` Type string `json:"type"` Description string `json:"description"` Required bool `json:"required"` ValidationRule string `json:"validation_rule"` }
ApplianceParameter represents an eCloud appliance parameter +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type AssignFloatingIPRequest ¶ added in v1.3.41
type AssignFloatingIPRequest struct {
ResourceID string `json:"resource_id"`
AssignFloatingIPRequest represents a request to assign a floating IP to a resource
type AttachDetachInstanceVolumeRequest ¶ added in v1.3.58
type AttachDetachInstanceVolumeRequest struct {
VolumeID string `json:"volume_id"`
AttachDetachInstanceVolumeRequest represents a request to attach / detach a volume to/from an instance
type AvailabilityZone ¶ added in v1.3.27
type AvailabilityZone struct { ID string `json:"id"` Code string `json:"code"` Name string `json:"name"` DatacentreSiteID int `json:"datacentre_site_id"` RegionID string `json:"region_id"` }
AvailabilityZone represents an eCloud availability zone +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type AvailabilityZoneNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.27
type AvailabilityZoneNotFoundError struct {
ID string
AvailabilityZoneNotFoundError indicates a VPC was not found
func (*AvailabilityZoneNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (e *AvailabilityZoneNotFoundError) Error() string
type BillingMetric ¶ added in v1.3.41
type BillingMetric struct { ID string `json:"id"` ResourceID string `json:"resource_id"` VPCID string `json:"vpc_id"` Key string `json:"key"` Value string `json:"value"` Start connection.DateTime `json:"start"` End connection.DateTime `json:"end"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
BillingMetric represents an eCloud billing metric +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type BillingMetricNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.41
type BillingMetricNotFoundError struct {
ID string
BillingMetricNotFoundError indicates a billing metric was not found
func (*BillingMetricNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (e *BillingMetricNotFoundError) Error() string
type CloneVirtualMachineRequest ¶
type CloneVirtualMachineRequest struct { connection.APIRequestBodyDefaultValidator Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"` }
CloneVirtualMachineRequest represents a request to clone an eCloud virtual machine
func (*CloneVirtualMachineRequest) Validate ¶
func (c *CloneVirtualMachineRequest) Validate() *connection.ValidationError
Validate returns an error if struct properties are missing/invalid
type ConsoleSession ¶ added in v1.3.6
type ConsoleSession struct {
URL string `json:"url"`
ConsoleSession represents an eCloud Virtual Machine console session +genie:model_response
type CreateFirewallPolicyRequest ¶ added in v1.3.34
type CreateFirewallPolicyRequest struct { RouterID string `json:"router_id"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Sequence int `json:"sequence"` }
CreateFirewallPolicyRequest represents a request to create a firewall policy
type CreateFirewallRulePortRequest ¶ added in v1.3.41
type CreateFirewallRulePortRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` FirewallRuleID string `json:"firewall_rule_id"` Protocol FirewallRulePortProtocol `json:"protocol"` Source string `json:"source"` Destination string `json:"destination"` }
CreateFirewallRulePortRequest represents a request to create a firewall rule port
type CreateFirewallRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.3.39
type CreateFirewallRuleRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` FirewallPolicyID string `json:"firewall_policy_id"` Sequence int `json:"sequence"` Source string `json:"source"` Destination string `json:"destination"` Ports []CreateFirewallRulePortRequest `json:"ports,omitempty"` Action FirewallRuleAction `json:"action"` Direction FirewallRuleDirection `json:"direction"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
CreateFirewallRuleRequest represents a request to create a firewall rule
type CreateFloatingIPRequest ¶ added in v1.3.41
type CreateFloatingIPRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` VPCID string `json:"vpc_id"` }
CreateFloatingIPRequest represents a request to create a floating IP
type CreateHostGroupRequest ¶ added in v1.3.52
type CreateHostGroupRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` VPCID string `json:"vpc_id"` AvailabilityZoneID string `json:"availability_zone_id"` HostSpecID string `json:"host_spec_id"` WindowsEnabled bool `json:"windows_enabled"` }
CreateHostGroupRequest represents a request to create a host group
type CreateHostRequest ¶ added in v1.4.0
type CreateHostRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` HostGroupID string `json:"host_group_id"` }
CreateHostRequest represents a request to create a host
type CreateInstanceRequest ¶ added in v1.3.29
type CreateInstanceRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` VPCID string `json:"vpc_id"` ImageID string `json:"image_id"` ImageData map[string]interface{} `json:"image_data"` VCPUCores int `json:"vcpu_cores"` RAMCapacity int `json:"ram_capacity"` Locked bool `json:"locked"` VolumeCapacity int `json:"volume_capacity"` VolumeIOPS int `json:"volume_iops,omitempty"` BackupEnabled bool `json:"backup_enabled"` NetworkID string `json:"network_id,omitempty"` FloatingIPID string `json:"floating_ip_id,omitempty"` RequiresFloatingIP bool `json:"requires_floating_ip"` UserScript string `json:"user_script,omitempty"` SSHKeyPairIDs []string `json:"ssh_key_pair_ids,omitempty"` }
CreateInstanceRequest represents a request to create an instance
type CreateLoadBalancerClusterRequest ¶ added in v1.3.28
type CreateLoadBalancerClusterRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` VPCID string `json:"vpc_id"` AvailabilityZoneID string `json:"availability_zone_id"` Nodes int `json:"nodes"` }
CreateLoadBalancerClusterRequest represents a request to create a load balancer cluster
type CreateNetworkPolicyRequest ¶ added in v1.4.4
type CreateNetworkPolicyRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` NetworkID string `json:"network_id"` CatchallRuleAction NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleAction `json:"catchall_rule_action,omitempty"` }
CreateNetworkPolicyRequest represents a request to create a network policy
type CreateNetworkRequest ¶ added in v1.3.28
type CreateNetworkRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` RouterID string `json:"router_id"` Subnet string `json:"subnet"` }
CreateNetworkRequest represents a request to create a network
type CreateNetworkRulePortRequest ¶ added in v1.4.4
type CreateNetworkRulePortRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` NetworkRuleID string `json:"network_rule_id"` Protocol NetworkRulePortProtocol `json:"protocol"` Source string `json:"source"` Destination string `json:"destination"` }
CreateNetworkRulePortRequest represents a request to create a network rule port
type CreateNetworkRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.4.4
type CreateNetworkRuleRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` NetworkPolicyID string `json:"network_policy_id"` Sequence int `json:"sequence"` Source string `json:"source"` Destination string `json:"destination"` Ports []CreateNetworkRulePortRequest `json:"ports,omitempty"` Action NetworkRuleAction `json:"action"` Direction NetworkRuleDirection `json:"direction"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
CreateNetworkRuleRequest represents a request to create a network rule
type CreateRouterRequest ¶ added in v1.3.28
type CreateRouterRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` VPCID string `json:"vpc_id"` RouterThroughputID string `json:"router_throughput_id,omitempty"` }
CreateRouterRequest represents a request to create a router
type CreateSSHKeyPairRequest ¶ added in v1.3.56
type CreateSSHKeyPairRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` PublicKey string `json:"public_key"` }
CreateSSHKeyPairRequest represents a request to create a SSH key pair
type CreateTagRequest ¶
type CreateTagRequest struct { connection.APIRequestBodyDefaultValidator Key string `json:"key" validate:"required"` Value string `json:"value" validate:"required"` }
CreateTagRequest represents a request to create an eCloud tag
func (*CreateTagRequest) Validate ¶
func (c *CreateTagRequest) Validate() *connection.ValidationError
Validate returns an error if struct properties are missing/invalid
type CreateVPCRequest ¶ added in v1.3.28
type CreateVPCRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` RegionID string `json:"region_id"` }
CreateVPCRequest represents a request to create a VPC
type CreateVPNRequest ¶ added in v1.3.28
type CreateVPNRequest struct {
RouterID string `json:"router_id"`
CreateVPNRequest represents a request to create a VPN
type CreateVirtualMachineRequest ¶
type CreateVirtualMachineRequest struct { connection.APIRequestBodyDefaultValidator Environment string `json:"environment" validate:"required"` Template string `json:"template,omitempty"` ApplianceID string `json:"appliance_id,omitempty"` TemplatePassword string `json:"template_password,omitempty"` // Count in Cores CPU int `json:"cpu" validate:"required"` // Size in GB RAM int `json:"ram" validate:"required"` // Size in GB HDD int `json:"hdd,omitempty"` Disks []CreateVirtualMachineRequestDisk `json:"hdd_disks,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` ComputerName string `json:"computername,omitempty"` Tags []CreateTagRequest `json:"tags,omitempty"` Backup bool `json:"backup"` Support bool `json:"support"` Monitoring bool `json:"monitoring"` MonitoringContacts []int `json:"monitoring_contacts"` SolutionID int `json:"solution_id,omitempty"` DatastoreID int `json:"datastore_id,omitempty"` SiteID int `json:"site_id,omitempty"` NetworkID int `json:"network_id,omitempty"` ExternalIPRequired bool `json:"external_ip_required"` SSHKeys []string `json:"ssh_keys,omitempty"` Parameters []CreateVirtualMachineRequestParameter `json:"parameters,omitempty"` Encrypt *bool `json:"encrypt,omitempty"` Role string `json:"role,omitempty"` BootstrapScript string `json:"bootstrap_script,omitempty"` ActiveDirectoryDomainID int `json:"ad_domain_id,omitempty"` PodID int `json:"pod_id,omitempty"` }
CreateVirtualMachineRequest represents a request to create an eCloud virtual machine
func (*CreateVirtualMachineRequest) Validate ¶
func (c *CreateVirtualMachineRequest) Validate() *connection.ValidationError
Validate returns an error if struct properties are missing/invalid
type CreateVirtualMachineRequestDisk ¶
type CreateVirtualMachineRequestDisk struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Size in GB Capacity int `json:"capacity" validate:"required"` }
CreateVirtualMachineRequestDisk represents a request to create an eCloud virtual machine disk
type CreateVirtualMachineRequestParameter ¶ added in v1.0.23
type CreateVirtualMachineRequestParameter struct { connection.APIRequestBodyDefaultValidator Key string `json:"key" validate:"required"` Value string `json:"value" validate:"required"` }
CreateVirtualMachineRequestParameter represents an eCloud virtual machine parameter
type CreateVirtualMachineTemplateRequest ¶ added in v1.0.7
type CreateVirtualMachineTemplateRequest struct { connection.APIRequestBodyDefaultValidator TemplateName string `json:"template_name" validate:"required"` TemplateType TemplateType `json:"template_type"` }
CreateVirtualMachineTemplateRequest represents a request to clone an eCloud virtual machine template
func (*CreateVirtualMachineTemplateRequest) Validate ¶ added in v1.0.7
func (c *CreateVirtualMachineTemplateRequest) Validate() *connection.ValidationError
Validate returns an error if struct properties are missing/invalid
type CreateVolumeRequest ¶ added in v1.3.46
type CreateVolumeRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` VPCID string `json:"vpc_id"` Capacity int `json:"capacity"` IOPS int `json:"iops,omitempty"` }
CreateVolumeRequest represents a request to create a volume
type Credential ¶ added in v1.3.31
type Credential struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` ResourceID string `json:"resource_id"` Host string `json:"host"` Username string `json:"username"` Password string `json:"password"` Port int `json:"port"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
Credential represents an eCloud credential +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type DHCP ¶ added in v1.3.27
type DHCP struct { ID string `json:"id"` VPCID string `json:"vpc_id"` AvailabilityZoneID string `json:"availability_zone_id"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
DHCP represents an eCloud DHCP server/policy +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type DHCPNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.27
type DHCPNotFoundError struct {
ID string
DHCPNotFoundError indicates a DHCP server/config was not found
func (*DHCPNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (e *DHCPNotFoundError) Error() string
type Datastore ¶
type Datastore struct { ID int `json:"id"` SolutionID int `json:"solution_id"` SiteID int `json:"site_id"` Name string `json:"name"` Status DatastoreStatus `json:"status"` // Size in GB Capacity int `json:"capacity"` // Size in GB Allocated int `json:"allocated"` // Size in GB Available int `json:"available"` }
Datastore represents an eCloud datastore +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type DatastoreNotFoundError ¶
type DatastoreNotFoundError struct {
ID int
DatastoreNotFoundError indicates a datastore was not found within eCloud
func (*DatastoreNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *DatastoreNotFoundError) Error() string
type DatastoreStatus ¶
type DatastoreStatus string
const ( DatastoreStatusCompleted DatastoreStatus = "Completed" DatastoreStatusFailed DatastoreStatus = "Failed" DatastoreStatusExpanding DatastoreStatus = "Expanding" DatastoreStatusQueued DatastoreStatus = "Queued" )
func (DatastoreStatus) String ¶
func (s DatastoreStatus) String() string
type DiscountPlan ¶ added in v1.3.39
type DiscountPlan struct { ID string `json:"id"` ResellerID int `json:"reseller_id"` ContactID int `json:"contact_id"` Name string `json:"name"` CommitmentAmount float32 `json:"commitment_amount"` CommitmentBeforeDiscount float32 `json:"commitment_before_discount"` DiscountRate float32 `json:"discount_rate"` TermLength int `json:"term_length"` TermStartDate connection.DateTime `json:"term_start_date"` TermEndDate connection.DateTime `json:"term_end_date"` Status string `json:"status"` ResponseDate connection.DateTime `json:"response_date"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
DiscountPlan represents an eCloud discount plan +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type DiscountPlanNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.41
type DiscountPlanNotFoundError struct {
ID string
DiscountPlanNotFoundError indicates a discount plan was not found
func (*DiscountPlanNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (e *DiscountPlanNotFoundError) Error() string
type ECloudService ¶
type ECloudService interface { // Virtual Machine GetVirtualMachines(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]VirtualMachine, error) GetVirtualMachinesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVirtualMachine, error) GetVirtualMachine(vmID int) (VirtualMachine, error) CreateVirtualMachine(req CreateVirtualMachineRequest) (int, error) PatchVirtualMachine(vmID int, patch PatchVirtualMachineRequest) error CloneVirtualMachine(vmID int, req CloneVirtualMachineRequest) (int, error) DeleteVirtualMachine(vmID int) error PowerOnVirtualMachine(vmID int) error PowerOffVirtualMachine(vmID int) error PowerResetVirtualMachine(vmID int) error PowerShutdownVirtualMachine(vmID int) error PowerRestartVirtualMachine(vmID int) error CreateVirtualMachineTemplate(vmID int, req CreateVirtualMachineTemplateRequest) error GetVirtualMachineTags(vmID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Tag, error) GetVirtualMachineTagsPaginated(vmID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTag, error) GetVirtualMachineTag(vmID int, tagKey string) (Tag, error) CreateVirtualMachineTag(vmID int, req CreateTagRequest) error PatchVirtualMachineTag(vmID int, tagKey string, patch PatchTagRequest) error DeleteVirtualMachineTag(vmID int, tagKey string) error CreateVirtualMachineConsoleSession(vmID int) (ConsoleSession, error) // Solution GetSolutions(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Solution, error) GetSolutionsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedSolution, error) GetSolution(solutionID int) (Solution, error) PatchSolution(solutionID int, patch PatchSolutionRequest) (int, error) GetSolutionVirtualMachines(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]VirtualMachine, error) GetSolutionVirtualMachinesPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVirtualMachine, error) GetSolutionSites(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Site, error) GetSolutionSitesPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedSite, error) GetSolutionDatastores(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Datastore, error) GetSolutionDatastoresPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedDatastore, error) GetSolutionHosts(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]V1Host, error) GetSolutionHostsPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedV1Host, error) GetSolutionNetworks(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]V1Network, error) GetSolutionNetworksPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedV1Network, error) GetSolutionFirewalls(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Firewall, error) GetSolutionFirewallsPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewall, error) GetSolutionTemplates(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Template, error) GetSolutionTemplatesPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTemplate, error) GetSolutionTemplate(solutionID int, templateName string) (Template, error) DeleteSolutionTemplate(solutionID int, templateName string) error RenameSolutionTemplate(solutionID int, templateName string, req RenameTemplateRequest) error GetSolutionTags(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Tag, error) GetSolutionTagsPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTag, error) GetSolutionTag(solutionID int, tagKey string) (Tag, error) CreateSolutionTag(solutionID int, req CreateTagRequest) error PatchSolutionTag(solutionID int, tagKey string, patch PatchTagRequest) error DeleteSolutionTag(solutionID int, tagKey string) error // Site GetSites(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Site, error) GetSitesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedSite, error) GetSite(siteID int) (Site, error) // Host GetV1Hosts(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]V1Host, error) GetV1HostsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedV1Host, error) GetV1Host(hostID int) (V1Host, error) // Datastore GetDatastores(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Datastore, error) GetDatastoresPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedDatastore, error) GetDatastore(datastoreID int) (Datastore, error) // Firewall GetFirewalls(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Firewall, error) GetFirewallsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewall, error) GetFirewall(firewallID int) (Firewall, error) GetFirewallConfig(firewallID int) (FirewallConfig, error) // Pod GetPods(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Pod, error) GetPodsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedPod, error) GetPod(podID int) (Pod, error) GetPodTemplates(podID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Template, error) GetPodTemplatesPaginated(podID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTemplate, error) GetPodTemplate(podID int, templateName string) (Template, error) RenamePodTemplate(podID int, templateName string, req RenameTemplateRequest) error DeletePodTemplate(podID int, templateName string) error GetPodAppliances(podID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Appliance, error) GetPodAppliancesPaginated(podID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedAppliance, error) PodConsoleAvailable(podID int) (bool, error) // Appliance GetAppliances(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Appliance, error) GetAppliancesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedAppliance, error) GetAppliance(applianceID string) (Appliance, error) GetApplianceParameters(applianceID string, reqParameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]ApplianceParameter, error) GetApplianceParametersPaginated(applianceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedApplianceParameter, error) // Credit GetCredits(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]account.Credit, error) GetActiveDirectoryDomains(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]ActiveDirectoryDomain, error) GetActiveDirectoryDomainsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedActiveDirectoryDomain, error) GetActiveDirectoryDomain(domainID int) (ActiveDirectoryDomain, error) // VPC GetVPCs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]VPC, error) GetVPCsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVPC, error) GetVPC(vpcID string) (VPC, error) CreateVPC(req CreateVPCRequest) (string, error) PatchVPC(vpcID string, patch PatchVPCRequest) error DeleteVPC(vpcID string) error DeployVPCDefaults(vpcID string) error GetVPCVolumes(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Volume, error) GetVPCVolumesPaginated(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVolume, error) GetVPCInstances(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Instance, error) GetVPCInstancesPaginated(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedInstance, error) GetVPCTasks(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error) GetVPCTasksPaginated(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error) // Availability zone GetAvailabilityZones(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]AvailabilityZone, error) GetAvailabilityZonesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedAvailabilityZone, error) GetAvailabilityZone(azID string) (AvailabilityZone, error) // Network GetNetworks(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Network, error) GetNetworksPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetwork, error) GetNetwork(networkID string) (Network, error) CreateNetwork(req CreateNetworkRequest) (string, error) PatchNetwork(networkID string, patch PatchNetworkRequest) error DeleteNetwork(networkID string) error GetNetworkNICs(networkID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NIC, error) GetNetworkNICsPaginated(networkID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNIC, error) GetNetworkTasks(networkID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error) GetNetworkTasksPaginated(networkID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error) // DHCP GetDHCPs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]DHCP, error) GetDHCPsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedDHCP, error) GetDHCP(dhcpID string) (DHCP, error) GetDHCPTasks(dhcpID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error) GetDHCPTasksPaginated(dhcpID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error) // VPN GetVPNs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]VPN, error) GetVPNsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVPN, error) GetVPN(vpnID string) (VPN, error) CreateVPN(req CreateVPNRequest) (string, error) DeleteVPN(vpcID string) error // Instance GetInstances(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Instance, error) GetInstancesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedInstance, error) GetInstance(instanceID string) (Instance, error) CreateInstance(req CreateInstanceRequest) (string, error) PatchInstance(instanceID string, req PatchInstanceRequest) error DeleteInstance(instanceID string) error LockInstance(instanceID string) error UnlockInstance(instanceID string) error PowerOnInstance(instanceID string) (string, error) PowerOffInstance(instanceID string) (string, error) PowerResetInstance(instanceID string) (string, error) PowerShutdownInstance(instanceID string) (string, error) PowerRestartInstance(instanceID string) (string, error) CreateInstanceConsoleSession(instanceID string) (ConsoleSession, error) GetInstanceVolumes(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Volume, error) GetInstanceVolumesPaginated(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVolume, error) GetInstanceCredentials(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Credential, error) GetInstanceCredentialsPaginated(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedCredential, error) GetInstanceNICs(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NIC, error) GetInstanceNICsPaginated(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNIC, error) GetInstanceTasks(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error) GetInstanceTasksPaginated(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error) AttachInstanceVolume(instanceID string, req AttachDetachInstanceVolumeRequest) (string, error) DetachInstanceVolume(instanceID string, req AttachDetachInstanceVolumeRequest) (string, error) // Floating IP GetFloatingIPs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FloatingIP, error) GetFloatingIPsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFloatingIP, error) GetFloatingIP(fipID string) (FloatingIP, error) CreateFloatingIP(req CreateFloatingIPRequest) (string, error) PatchFloatingIP(fipID string, req PatchFloatingIPRequest) error DeleteFloatingIP(fipID string) error AssignFloatingIP(fipID string, req AssignFloatingIPRequest) error UnassignFloatingIP(fipID string) error GetFloatingIPTasks(fipID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error) GetFloatingIPTasksPaginated(fipID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error) // Firewall Policy GetFirewallPolicies(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallPolicy, error) GetFirewallPoliciesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallPolicy, error) GetFirewallPolicy(policyID string) (FirewallPolicy, error) CreateFirewallPolicy(req CreateFirewallPolicyRequest) (TaskReference, error) PatchFirewallPolicy(policyID string, req PatchFirewallPolicyRequest) (TaskReference, error) DeleteFirewallPolicy(policyID string) (string, error) GetFirewallPolicyFirewallRules(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallRule, error) GetFirewallPolicyFirewallRulesPaginated(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallRule, error) GetFirewallPolicyTasks(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error) GetFirewallPolicyTasksPaginated(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error) // Firewall Rule GetFirewallRules(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallRule, error) GetFirewallRulesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallRule, error) GetFirewallRule(ruleID string) (FirewallRule, error) CreateFirewallRule(req CreateFirewallRuleRequest) (TaskReference, error) PatchFirewallRule(ruleID string, req PatchFirewallRuleRequest) (TaskReference, error) DeleteFirewallRule(ruleID string) (string, error) GetFirewallRuleFirewallRulePorts(firewallRuleID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallRulePort, error) GetFirewallRuleFirewallRulePortsPaginated(firewallRuleID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallRulePort, error) // Firewall Rule Ports GetFirewallRulePorts(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallRulePort, error) GetFirewallRulePortsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallRulePort, error) GetFirewallRulePort(ruleID string) (FirewallRulePort, error) CreateFirewallRulePort(req CreateFirewallRulePortRequest) (TaskReference, error) PatchFirewallRulePort(ruleID string, req PatchFirewallRulePortRequest) (TaskReference, error) DeleteFirewallRulePort(ruleID string) (string, error) // Router GetRouters(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Router, error) GetRoutersPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedRouter, error) GetRouter(routerID string) (Router, error) CreateRouter(req CreateRouterRequest) (string, error) PatchRouter(routerID string, patch PatchRouterRequest) error DeleteRouter(routerID string) error GetRouterFirewallPolicies(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallPolicy, error) GetRouterFirewallPoliciesPaginated(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallPolicy, error) GetRouterNetworks(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Network, error) GetRouterNetworksPaginated(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetwork, error) GetRouterVPNs(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]VPN, error) GetRouterVPNsPaginated(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVPN, error) DeployRouterDefaultFirewallPolicies(routerID string) error GetRouterTasks(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error) GetRouterTasksPaginated(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error) // Region GetRegions(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Region, error) GetRegionsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedRegion, error) GetRegion(regionID string) (Region, error) // Volumes GetVolumes(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Volume, error) GetVolumesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVolume, error) GetVolume(volumeID string) (Volume, error) CreateVolume(req CreateVolumeRequest) (TaskReference, error) PatchVolume(volumeID string, patch PatchVolumeRequest) (TaskReference, error) DeleteVolume(volumeID string) (string, error) GetVolumeInstances(volumeID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Instance, error) GetVolumeInstancesPaginated(volumeID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedInstance, error) GetVolumeTasks(volumeID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error) GetVolumeTasksPaginated(volumeID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error) // NICs GetNICs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NIC, error) GetNICsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNIC, error) GetNIC(nicID string) (NIC, error) GetNICTasks(nicID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error) GetNICTasksPaginated(nicID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error) // Billing metrics GetBillingMetrics(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]BillingMetric, error) GetBillingMetricsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedBillingMetric, error) GetBillingMetric(metricID string) (BillingMetric, error) // Router throughputs GetRouterThroughputs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]RouterThroughput, error) GetRouterThroughputsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedRouterThroughput, error) GetRouterThroughput(metricID string) (RouterThroughput, error) // Image GetImages(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Image, error) GetImagesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedImage, error) GetImage(imageID string) (Image, error) GetImageParameters(imageID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]ImageParameter, error) GetImageParametersPaginated(imageID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedImageParameter, error) GetImageMetadata(imageID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]ImageMetadata, error) GetImageMetadataPaginated(imageID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedImageMetadata, error) // HostSpecs GetHostSpecs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]HostSpec, error) GetHostSpecsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedHostSpec, error) GetHostSpec(specID string) (HostSpec, error) // HostGroups GetHostGroups(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]HostGroup, error) GetHostGroupsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedHostGroup, error) GetHostGroup(hostGroupID string) (HostGroup, error) CreateHostGroup(req CreateHostGroupRequest) (TaskReference, error) PatchHostGroup(hostGroupID string, patch PatchHostGroupRequest) (TaskReference, error) DeleteHostGroup(hostGroupID string) (string, error) GetHostGroupTasks(hostGroupID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error) GetHostGroupTasksPaginated(hostGroupID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error) // Hosts GetHosts(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Host, error) GetHostsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedHost, error) GetHost(hostID string) (Host, error) CreateHost(req CreateHostRequest) (TaskReference, error) PatchHost(hostID string, patch PatchHostRequest) (TaskReference, error) DeleteHost(hostID string) (string, error) GetHostTasks(hostID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error) GetHostTasksPaginated(hostID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error) // SSHKeyPairs GetSSHKeyPairs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]SSHKeyPair, error) GetSSHKeyPairsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedSSHKeyPair, error) GetSSHKeyPair(keypairID string) (SSHKeyPair, error) CreateSSHKeyPair(req CreateSSHKeyPairRequest) (string, error) PatchSSHKeyPair(keypairID string, patch PatchSSHKeyPairRequest) error DeleteSSHKeyPair(keypairID string) error // Tasks GetTasks(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error) GetTasksPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error) GetTask(taskID string) (Task, error) // Network Policy GetNetworkPolicies(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NetworkPolicy, error) GetNetworkPoliciesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetworkPolicy, error) GetNetworkPolicy(policyID string) (NetworkPolicy, error) CreateNetworkPolicy(req CreateNetworkPolicyRequest) (TaskReference, error) PatchNetworkPolicy(policyID string, req PatchNetworkPolicyRequest) (TaskReference, error) DeleteNetworkPolicy(policyID string) (string, error) GetNetworkPolicyNetworkRules(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NetworkRule, error) GetNetworkPolicyNetworkRulesPaginated(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetworkRule, error) GetNetworkPolicyTasks(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error) GetNetworkPolicyTasksPaginated(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error) // Network Rule GetNetworkRules(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NetworkRule, error) GetNetworkRulesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetworkRule, error) GetNetworkRule(ruleID string) (NetworkRule, error) CreateNetworkRule(req CreateNetworkRuleRequest) (TaskReference, error) PatchNetworkRule(ruleID string, req PatchNetworkRuleRequest) (TaskReference, error) DeleteNetworkRule(ruleID string) (string, error) GetNetworkRuleNetworkRulePorts(networkRuleID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NetworkRulePort, error) GetNetworkRuleNetworkRulePortsPaginated(networkRuleID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetworkRulePort, error) // Network Rule Ports GetNetworkRulePorts(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NetworkRulePort, error) GetNetworkRulePortsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetworkRulePort, error) GetNetworkRulePort(ruleID string) (NetworkRulePort, error) CreateNetworkRulePort(req CreateNetworkRulePortRequest) (TaskReference, error) PatchNetworkRulePort(ruleID string, req PatchNetworkRulePortRequest) (TaskReference, error) DeleteNetworkRulePort(ruleID string) (string, error) }
ECloudService is an interface for managing eCloud
type Firewall ¶
type Firewall struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Hostname string `json:"hostname"` IP connection.IPAddress `json:"ip"` Role FirewallRole `json:"role"` }
Firewall represents an eCloud firewall +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type FirewallConfig ¶
type FirewallConfig struct {
Config string `json:"config"`
FirewallConfig represents an eCloud firewall config +genie:model_response
type FirewallNotFoundError ¶
type FirewallNotFoundError struct {
ID int
FirewallNotFoundError indicates a firewall was not found within eCloud
func (*FirewallNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *FirewallNotFoundError) Error() string
type FirewallPolicy ¶ added in v1.3.34
type FirewallPolicy struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` RouterID string `json:"router_id"` Sequence int `json:"sequence"` Sync ResourceSync `json:"sync"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
FirewallPolicy represents an eCloud firewall policy +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type FirewallPolicyNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.34
type FirewallPolicyNotFoundError struct {
ID string
FirewallPolicyNotFoundError indicates a firewall policy was not found
func (*FirewallPolicyNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.34
func (e *FirewallPolicyNotFoundError) Error() string
type FirewallRole ¶
type FirewallRole string
const ( FirewallRoleNA FirewallRole = "N/A" FirewallRoleMaster FirewallRole = "Master" FirewallRoleSlave FirewallRole = "Slave" )
func (FirewallRole) String ¶
func (r FirewallRole) String() string
type FirewallRule ¶ added in v1.3.27
type FirewallRule struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` FirewallPolicyID string `json:"firewall_policy_id"` Sequence int `json:"sequence"` Source string `json:"source"` Destination string `json:"destination"` Action FirewallRuleAction `json:"action"` Direction FirewallRuleDirection `json:"direction"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
FirewallRule represents an eCloud firewall rule +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type FirewallRuleAction ¶ added in v1.3.39
type FirewallRuleAction string
const ( FirewallRuleActionAllow FirewallRuleAction = "ALLOW" FirewallRuleActionDrop FirewallRuleAction = "DROP" FirewallRuleActionReject FirewallRuleAction = "REJECT" )
func ParseFirewallRuleAction ¶ added in v1.3.39
func ParseFirewallRuleAction(s string) (FirewallRuleAction, error)
ParseFirewallRuleAction attempts to parse a FirewallRuleAction from string
func (FirewallRuleAction) String ¶ added in v1.3.39
func (s FirewallRuleAction) String() string
type FirewallRuleDirection ¶ added in v1.3.39
type FirewallRuleDirection string
const ( FirewallRuleDirectionIn FirewallRuleDirection = "IN" FirewallRuleDirectionOut FirewallRuleDirection = "OUT" FirewallRuleDirectionInOut FirewallRuleDirection = "IN_OUT" )
func ParseFirewallRuleDirection ¶ added in v1.3.39
func ParseFirewallRuleDirection(s string) (FirewallRuleDirection, error)
ParseFirewallRuleDirection attempts to parse a FirewallRuleDirection from string
func (FirewallRuleDirection) String ¶ added in v1.3.39
func (s FirewallRuleDirection) String() string
type FirewallRuleNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.27
type FirewallRuleNotFoundError struct {
ID string
FirewallRuleNotFoundError indicates a firewall rule was not found
func (*FirewallRuleNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (e *FirewallRuleNotFoundError) Error() string
type FirewallRulePort ¶ added in v1.3.39
type FirewallRulePort struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` FirewallRuleID string `json:"firewall_rule_id"` Protocol FirewallRulePortProtocol `json:"protocol"` Source string `json:"source"` Destination string `json:"destination"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
FirewallRulePort represents an eCloud firewall rule port +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type FirewallRulePortNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.41
type FirewallRulePortNotFoundError struct {
ID string
FirewallRulePortNotFoundError indicates a firewall rule port was not found
func (*FirewallRulePortNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (e *FirewallRulePortNotFoundError) Error() string
type FirewallRulePortProtocol ¶ added in v1.3.39
type FirewallRulePortProtocol string
const ( FirewallRulePortProtocolTCP FirewallRulePortProtocol = "TCP" FirewallRulePortProtocolUDP FirewallRulePortProtocol = "UDP" FirewallRulePortProtocolICMPv4 FirewallRulePortProtocol = "ICMPv4" )
func ParseFirewallRulePortProtocol ¶ added in v1.3.39
func ParseFirewallRulePortProtocol(s string) (FirewallRulePortProtocol, error)
ParseFirewallRulePortProtocol attempts to parse a FirewallRulePortProtocol from string
func (FirewallRulePortProtocol) String ¶ added in v1.3.39
func (s FirewallRulePortProtocol) String() string
type FloatingIP ¶ added in v1.3.27
type FloatingIP struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` VPCID string `json:"vpc_id"` IPAddress string `json:"ip_address"` ResourceID string `json:"resource_id"` Sync ResourceSync `json:"sync"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
FloatingIP represents an eCloud floating IP address +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type FloatingIPNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.27
type FloatingIPNotFoundError struct {
ID string
FloatingIPNotFoundError indicates a floating IP was not found
func (*FloatingIPNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (e *FloatingIPNotFoundError) Error() string
type GetActiveDirectoryDomainResponseBody ¶ added in v1.2.1
type GetActiveDirectoryDomainResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data ActiveDirectoryDomain `json:"data"` }
GetActiveDirectoryDomainResponseBody represents an API response body containing ActiveDirectoryDomain data
type GetActiveDirectoryDomainSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetActiveDirectoryDomainSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []ActiveDirectoryDomain `json:"data"` }
GetActiveDirectoryDomainSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []ActiveDirectoryDomain data
type GetApplianceParameterResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetApplianceParameterResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data ApplianceParameter `json:"data"` }
GetApplianceParameterResponseBody represents an API response body containing ApplianceParameter data
type GetApplianceParameterSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetApplianceParameterSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []ApplianceParameter `json:"data"` }
GetApplianceParameterSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []ApplianceParameter data
type GetApplianceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.0.23
type GetApplianceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Appliance `json:"data"` }
GetApplianceResponseBody represents an API response body containing Appliance data
type GetApplianceSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetApplianceSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Appliance `json:"data"` }
GetApplianceSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Appliance data
type GetAvailabilityZoneResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetAvailabilityZoneResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data AvailabilityZone `json:"data"` }
GetAvailabilityZoneResponseBody represents an API response body containing AvailabilityZone data
type GetAvailabilityZoneSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetAvailabilityZoneSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []AvailabilityZone `json:"data"` }
GetAvailabilityZoneSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []AvailabilityZone data
type GetBillingMetricResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.41
type GetBillingMetricResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data BillingMetric `json:"data"` }
GetBillingMetricResponseBody represents an API response body containing BillingMetric data
type GetBillingMetricSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.41
type GetBillingMetricSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []BillingMetric `json:"data"` }
GetBillingMetricSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []BillingMetric data
type GetConsoleSessionResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.6
type GetConsoleSessionResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data ConsoleSession `json:"data"` }
GetConsoleSessionResponseBody represents an API response body containing ConsoleSession data
type GetConsoleSessionSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetConsoleSessionSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []ConsoleSession `json:"data"` }
GetConsoleSessionSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []ConsoleSession data
type GetCredentialResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.31
type GetCredentialResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Credential `json:"data"` }
GetCredentialResponseBody represents an API response body containing Credential data
type GetCredentialSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.31
type GetCredentialSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Credential `json:"data"` }
GetCredentialSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Credential data
type GetDHCPResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetDHCPResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data DHCP `json:"data"` }
GetDHCPResponseBody represents an API response body containing DHCP data
type GetDHCPSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetDHCPSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []DHCP `json:"data"` }
GetDHCPSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []DHCP data
type GetDatastoreResponseBody ¶
type GetDatastoreResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Datastore `json:"data"` }
GetDatastoreResponseBody represents an API response body containing Datastore data
type GetDatastoreSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetDatastoreSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Datastore `json:"data"` }
GetDatastoreSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Datastore data
type GetDiscountPlanResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.41
type GetDiscountPlanResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data DiscountPlan `json:"data"` }
GetDiscountPlanResponseBody represents an API response body containing DiscountPlan data
type GetDiscountPlanSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.41
type GetDiscountPlanSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []DiscountPlan `json:"data"` }
GetDiscountPlanSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []DiscountPlan data
type GetFirewallConfigResponseBody ¶
type GetFirewallConfigResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data FirewallConfig `json:"data"` }
GetFirewallConfigResponseBody represents an API response body containing FirewallConfig data
type GetFirewallConfigSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetFirewallConfigSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []FirewallConfig `json:"data"` }
GetFirewallConfigSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []FirewallConfig data
type GetFirewallPolicyResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.34
type GetFirewallPolicyResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data FirewallPolicy `json:"data"` }
GetFirewallPolicyResponseBody represents an API response body containing FirewallPolicy data
type GetFirewallPolicySliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.34
type GetFirewallPolicySliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []FirewallPolicy `json:"data"` }
GetFirewallPolicySliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []FirewallPolicy data
type GetFirewallResponseBody ¶
type GetFirewallResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Firewall `json:"data"` }
GetFirewallResponseBody represents an API response body containing Firewall data
type GetFirewallRulePortResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.39
type GetFirewallRulePortResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data FirewallRulePort `json:"data"` }
GetFirewallRulePortResponseBody represents an API response body containing FirewallRulePort data
type GetFirewallRulePortSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.39
type GetFirewallRulePortSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []FirewallRulePort `json:"data"` }
GetFirewallRulePortSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []FirewallRulePort data
type GetFirewallRuleResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetFirewallRuleResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data FirewallRule `json:"data"` }
GetFirewallRuleResponseBody represents an API response body containing FirewallRule data
type GetFirewallRuleSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetFirewallRuleSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []FirewallRule `json:"data"` }
GetFirewallRuleSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []FirewallRule data
type GetFirewallSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetFirewallSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Firewall `json:"data"` }
GetFirewallSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Firewall data
type GetFloatingIPResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetFloatingIPResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data FloatingIP `json:"data"` }
GetFloatingIPResponseBody represents an API response body containing FloatingIP data
type GetFloatingIPSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetFloatingIPSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []FloatingIP `json:"data"` }
GetFloatingIPSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []FloatingIP data
type GetHostGroupResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.52
type GetHostGroupResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data HostGroup `json:"data"` }
GetHostGroupResponseBody represents an API response body containing HostGroup data
type GetHostGroupSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.52
type GetHostGroupSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []HostGroup `json:"data"` }
GetHostGroupSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []HostGroup data
type GetHostResponseBody ¶
type GetHostResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Host `json:"data"` }
GetHostResponseBody represents an API response body containing Host data
type GetHostSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetHostSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Host `json:"data"` }
GetHostSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Host data
type GetHostSpecResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.52
type GetHostSpecResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data HostSpec `json:"data"` }
GetHostSpecResponseBody represents an API response body containing HostSpec data
type GetHostSpecSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.52
type GetHostSpecSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []HostSpec `json:"data"` }
GetHostSpecSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []HostSpec data
type GetImageMetadataResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.45
type GetImageMetadataResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data ImageMetadata `json:"data"` }
GetImageMetadataResponseBody represents an API response body containing ImageMetadata data
type GetImageMetadataSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.45
type GetImageMetadataSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []ImageMetadata `json:"data"` }
GetImageMetadataSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []ImageMetadata data
type GetImageParameterResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.45
type GetImageParameterResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data ImageParameter `json:"data"` }
GetImageParameterResponseBody represents an API response body containing ImageParameter data
type GetImageParameterSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.45
type GetImageParameterSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []ImageParameter `json:"data"` }
GetImageParameterSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []ImageParameter data
type GetImageResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.45
type GetImageResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Image `json:"data"` }
GetImageResponseBody represents an API response body containing Image data
type GetImageSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.45
type GetImageSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Image `json:"data"` }
GetImageSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Image data
type GetInstanceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetInstanceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Instance `json:"data"` }
GetInstanceResponseBody represents an API response body containing Instance data
type GetInstanceSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetInstanceSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Instance `json:"data"` }
GetInstanceSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Instance data
type GetNICResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.31
type GetNICResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data NIC `json:"data"` }
GetNICResponseBody represents an API response body containing NIC data
type GetNICSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.31
type GetNICSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []NIC `json:"data"` }
GetNICSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []NIC data
type GetNetworkPolicyResponseBody ¶ added in v1.4.4
type GetNetworkPolicyResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data NetworkPolicy `json:"data"` }
GetNetworkPolicyResponseBody represents an API response body containing NetworkPolicy data
type GetNetworkPolicySliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.4.4
type GetNetworkPolicySliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []NetworkPolicy `json:"data"` }
GetNetworkPolicySliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []NetworkPolicy data
type GetNetworkResponseBody ¶
type GetNetworkResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Network `json:"data"` }
GetNetworkResponseBody represents an API response body containing Network data
type GetNetworkRulePortResponseBody ¶ added in v1.4.4
type GetNetworkRulePortResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data NetworkRulePort `json:"data"` }
GetNetworkRulePortResponseBody represents an API response body containing NetworkRulePort data
type GetNetworkRulePortSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.4.4
type GetNetworkRulePortSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []NetworkRulePort `json:"data"` }
GetNetworkRulePortSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []NetworkRulePort data
type GetNetworkRuleResponseBody ¶ added in v1.4.4
type GetNetworkRuleResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data NetworkRule `json:"data"` }
GetNetworkRuleResponseBody represents an API response body containing NetworkRule data
type GetNetworkRuleSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.4.4
type GetNetworkRuleSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []NetworkRule `json:"data"` }
GetNetworkRuleSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []NetworkRule data
type GetNetworkSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetNetworkSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Network `json:"data"` }
GetNetworkSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Network data
type GetPodResponseBody ¶
type GetPodResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Pod `json:"data"` }
GetPodResponseBody represents an API response body containing Pod data
type GetPodSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetPodSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Pod `json:"data"` }
GetPodSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Pod data
type GetRegionResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetRegionResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Region `json:"data"` }
GetRegionResponseBody represents an API response body containing Region data
type GetRegionSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetRegionSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Region `json:"data"` }
GetRegionSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Region data
type GetRouterResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetRouterResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Router `json:"data"` }
GetRouterResponseBody represents an API response body containing Router data
type GetRouterSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetRouterSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Router `json:"data"` }
GetRouterSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Router data
type GetRouterThroughputResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.41
type GetRouterThroughputResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data RouterThroughput `json:"data"` }
GetRouterThroughputResponseBody represents an API response body containing RouterThroughput data
type GetRouterThroughputSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.41
type GetRouterThroughputSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []RouterThroughput `json:"data"` }
GetRouterThroughputSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []RouterThroughput data
type GetSSHKeyPairResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.56
type GetSSHKeyPairResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data SSHKeyPair `json:"data"` }
GetSSHKeyPairResponseBody represents an API response body containing SSHKeyPair data
type GetSSHKeyPairSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.56
type GetSSHKeyPairSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []SSHKeyPair `json:"data"` }
GetSSHKeyPairSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []SSHKeyPair data
type GetSiteResponseBody ¶
type GetSiteResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Site `json:"data"` }
GetSiteResponseBody represents an API response body containing Site data
type GetSiteSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetSiteSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Site `json:"data"` }
GetSiteSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Site data
type GetSolutionResponseBody ¶
type GetSolutionResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Solution `json:"data"` }
GetSolutionResponseBody represents an API response body containing Solution data
type GetSolutionSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetSolutionSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Solution `json:"data"` }
GetSolutionSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Solution data
type GetTagResponseBody ¶
type GetTagResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Tag `json:"data"` }
GetTagResponseBody represents an API response body containing Tag data
type GetTagSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetTagSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Tag `json:"data"` }
GetTagSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Tag data
type GetTaskReferenceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.55
type GetTaskReferenceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data TaskReference `json:"data"` }
GetTaskReferenceResponseBody represents an API response body containing TaskReference data
type GetTaskReferenceSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.57
type GetTaskReferenceSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []TaskReference `json:"data"` }
GetTaskReferenceSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []TaskReference data
type GetTaskResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.55
type GetTaskResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Task `json:"data"` }
GetTaskResponseBody represents an API response body containing Task data
type GetTaskSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.55
type GetTaskSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Task `json:"data"` }
GetTaskSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Task data
type GetTemplateResponseBody ¶
type GetTemplateResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Template `json:"data"` }
GetTemplateResponseBody represents an API response body containing Template data
type GetTemplateSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetTemplateSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Template `json:"data"` }
GetTemplateSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Template data
type GetV1HostResponseBody ¶ added in v1.4.0
type GetV1HostResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data V1Host `json:"data"` }
GetV1HostResponseBody represents an API response body containing V1Host data
type GetV1HostSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.4.0
type GetV1HostSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []V1Host `json:"data"` }
GetV1HostSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []V1Host data
type GetV1NetworkResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetV1NetworkResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data V1Network `json:"data"` }
GetV1NetworkResponseBody represents an API response body containing V1Network data
type GetV1NetworkSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetV1NetworkSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []V1Network `json:"data"` }
GetV1NetworkSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []V1Network data
type GetVPCResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.25
type GetVPCResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data VPC `json:"data"` }
GetVPCResponseBody represents an API response body containing VPC data
type GetVPCSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.25
type GetVPCSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []VPC `json:"data"` }
GetVPCSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []VPC data
type GetVPNResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetVPNResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data VPN `json:"data"` }
GetVPNResponseBody represents an API response body containing VPN data
type GetVPNSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.27
type GetVPNSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []VPN `json:"data"` }
GetVPNSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []VPN data
type GetVirtualMachineResponseBody ¶
type GetVirtualMachineResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data VirtualMachine `json:"data"` }
GetVirtualMachineResponseBody represents an API response body containing VirtualMachine data
type GetVirtualMachineSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.17
type GetVirtualMachineSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []VirtualMachine `json:"data"` }
GetVirtualMachineSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []VirtualMachine data
type GetVolumeResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.31
type GetVolumeResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data Volume `json:"data"` }
GetVolumeResponseBody represents an API response body containing Volume data
type GetVolumeSliceResponseBody ¶ added in v1.3.31
type GetVolumeSliceResponseBody struct { connection.APIResponseBody Data []Volume `json:"data"` }
GetVolumeSliceResponseBody represents an API response body containing []Volume data
type Host ¶
type Host struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` HostGroupID string `json:"host_group_id"` Sync ResourceSync `json:"sync"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
Host represents an eCloud v2 host +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type HostCPU ¶
type HostCPU struct { Quantity int `json:"qty"` Cores int `json:"cores"` Speed string `json:"speed"` }
HostCPU represents an eCloud host's CPU resources
type HostGroup ¶ added in v1.3.52
type HostGroup struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` VPCID string `json:"vpc_id"` AvailabilityZoneID string `json:"availability_zone_id"` WindowsEnabled bool `json:"windows_enabled"` HostSpecID string `json:"host_spec_id"` Sync ResourceSync `json:"sync"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
HostGroup represents an eCloud host group +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type HostGroupNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.52
type HostGroupNotFoundError struct {
ID string
HostGroupFoundError indicates an host group was not found
func (*HostGroupNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.52
func (e *HostGroupNotFoundError) Error() string
type HostNotFoundError ¶
type HostNotFoundError struct {
ID string
HostFoundError indicates an host was not found
func (*HostNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *HostNotFoundError) Error() string
type HostRAM ¶
type HostRAM struct { // Size in GB Capacity int `json:"capacity"` // Size in GB Reserved int `json:"reserved"` // Size in GB Allocated int `json:"allocated"` // Size in GB Available int `json:"available"` }
HostRAM represents an eCloud host's RAM resources
type HostSpec ¶ added in v1.3.52
type HostSpec struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` CPUSockets int `json:"cpu_sockets"` CPUType string `json:"cpu_type"` CPUCores int `json:"cpu_cores"` CPUClockSpeed int `json:"cpu_clock_speed"` RAMCapacity int `json:"ram_capacity"` }
HostSpec represents an eCloud host spec +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type HostSpecNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.52
type HostSpecNotFoundError struct {
ID string
HostSpecFoundError indicates an host spec was not found
func (*HostSpecNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.52
func (e *HostSpecNotFoundError) Error() string
type Image ¶ added in v1.3.45
type Image struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` LogoURI string `json:"logo_uri"` Description string `json:"description"` DocumentationURI string `json:"documentation_uri"` Publisher string `json:"publisher"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
Image represents an eCloud image +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type ImageMetadata ¶ added in v1.3.45
type ImageMetadata struct { Key string `json:"key"` Value string `json:"value"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
ImageMetadata represents eCloud image metadata +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type ImageNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.45
type ImageNotFoundError struct {
ID string
ImageNotFoundError indicates an image was not found
func (*ImageNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.45
func (e *ImageNotFoundError) Error() string
type ImageParameter ¶ added in v1.3.45
type ImageParameter struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Key string `json:"key"` Type string `json:"type"` Description string `json:"description"` Required bool `json:"required"` ValidationRule string `json:"validation_rule"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
ImageParameter represents an eCloud image parameter +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type Instance ¶ added in v1.3.27
type Instance struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` VPCID string `json:"vpc_id"` AvailabilityZoneID string `json:"availability_zone_id"` ImageID string `json:"image_id"` VCPUCores int `json:"vcpu_cores"` RAMCapacity int `json:"ram_capacity"` Locked bool `json:"locked"` BackupEnabled bool `json:"backup_enabled"` Platform string `json:"platform"` VolumeCapacity int `json:"volume_capacity"` Sync ResourceSync `json:"sync"` Online *bool `json:"online"` AgentRunning *bool `json:"agent_running"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
Instance represents an eCloud instance +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type InstanceNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.27
type InstanceNotFoundError struct {
ID string
InstanceNotFoundError indicates an instance was not found
func (*InstanceNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (e *InstanceNotFoundError) Error() string
type LoadBalancerClusterNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.27
type LoadBalancerClusterNotFoundError struct {
ID string
LoadBalancerClusterNotFoundError indicates a load balancer cluster was not found
func (*LoadBalancerClusterNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (e *LoadBalancerClusterNotFoundError) Error() string
type NIC ¶ added in v1.3.31
type NIC struct { ID string `json:"id"` MACAddress string `json:"mac_address"` InstanceID string `json:"instance_id"` NetworkID string `json:"network_id"` IPAddress string `json:"ip_address"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
NIC represents an eCloud network interface card +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type NICNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.41
type NICNotFoundError struct {
ID string
NICNotFoundError indicates a NIC was not found
func (*NICNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (e *NICNotFoundError) Error() string
type Network ¶
type Network struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` RouterID string `json:"router_id"` Subnet string `json:"subnet"` Sync ResourceSync `json:"sync"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
Network represents an eCloud network +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type NetworkNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.27
type NetworkNotFoundError struct {
ID string
NetworkNotFoundError indicates a network was not found
func (*NetworkNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (e *NetworkNotFoundError) Error() string
type NetworkPolicy ¶ added in v1.4.4
type NetworkPolicy struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` NetworkID string `json:"network_id"` Sync ResourceSync `json:"sync"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
NetworkPolicy represents an eCloud network policy +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleAction ¶ added in v1.4.4
type NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleAction string
const ( NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleActionAllow NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleAction = "ALLOW" NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleActionDrop NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleAction = "DROP" NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleActionReject NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleAction = "REJECT" )
func ParseNetworkPolicyCatchallRuleAction ¶ added in v1.4.4
func ParseNetworkPolicyCatchallRuleAction(s string) (NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleAction, error)
ParseNetworkPolicyCatchallRuleAction attempts to parse a NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleAction from string
func (NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleAction) String ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleAction) String() string
type NetworkPolicyNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.4.4
type NetworkPolicyNotFoundError struct {
ID string
NetworkPolicyFoundError indicates a network policy was not found
func (*NetworkPolicyNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (e *NetworkPolicyNotFoundError) Error() string
type NetworkRule ¶ added in v1.4.4
type NetworkRule struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` NetworkPolicyID string `json:"network_policy_id"` Sequence int `json:"sequence"` Source string `json:"source"` Destination string `json:"destination"` Type string `json:"type"` Action NetworkRuleAction `json:"action"` Direction NetworkRuleDirection `json:"direction"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
NetworkRule represents an eCloud network rule +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type NetworkRuleAction ¶ added in v1.4.4
type NetworkRuleAction string
const ( NetworkRuleActionAllow NetworkRuleAction = "ALLOW" NetworkRuleActionDrop NetworkRuleAction = "DROP" NetworkRuleActionReject NetworkRuleAction = "REJECT" )
func ParseNetworkRuleAction ¶ added in v1.4.4
func ParseNetworkRuleAction(s string) (NetworkRuleAction, error)
ParseNetworkRuleAction attempts to parse a NetworkRuleAction from string
func (NetworkRuleAction) String ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s NetworkRuleAction) String() string
type NetworkRuleDirection ¶ added in v1.4.4
type NetworkRuleDirection string
const ( NetworkRuleDirectionIn NetworkRuleDirection = "IN" NetworkRuleDirectionOut NetworkRuleDirection = "OUT" NetworkRuleDirectionInOut NetworkRuleDirection = "IN_OUT" )
func ParseNetworkRuleDirection ¶ added in v1.4.4
func ParseNetworkRuleDirection(s string) (NetworkRuleDirection, error)
ParseNetworkRuleDirection attempts to parse a NetworkRuleDirection from string
func (NetworkRuleDirection) String ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s NetworkRuleDirection) String() string
type NetworkRuleNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.4.4
type NetworkRuleNotFoundError struct {
ID string
NetworkRuleNotFoundError indicates a network rule was not found
func (*NetworkRuleNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (e *NetworkRuleNotFoundError) Error() string
type NetworkRulePort ¶ added in v1.4.4
type NetworkRulePort struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` NetworkRuleID string `json:"network_rule_id"` Protocol NetworkRulePortProtocol `json:"protocol"` Source string `json:"source"` Destination string `json:"destination"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
NetworkRulePort represents an eCloud network rule port +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type NetworkRulePortNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.4.4
type NetworkRulePortNotFoundError struct {
ID string
NetworkRulePortNotFoundError indicates a network rule port was not found
func (*NetworkRulePortNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (e *NetworkRulePortNotFoundError) Error() string
type NetworkRulePortProtocol ¶ added in v1.4.4
type NetworkRulePortProtocol string
const ( NetworkRulePortProtocolTCP NetworkRulePortProtocol = "TCP" NetworkRulePortProtocolUDP NetworkRulePortProtocol = "UDP" NetworkRulePortProtocolICMPv4 NetworkRulePortProtocol = "ICMPv4" )
func ParseNetworkRulePortProtocol ¶ added in v1.4.4
func ParseNetworkRulePortProtocol(s string) (NetworkRulePortProtocol, error)
ParseNetworkRulePortProtocol attempts to parse a NetworkRulePortProtocol from string
func (NetworkRulePortProtocol) String ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s NetworkRulePortProtocol) String() string
type PaginatedActiveDirectoryDomain ¶ added in v1.2.1
type PaginatedActiveDirectoryDomain struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []ActiveDirectoryDomain }
PaginatedActiveDirectoryDomain represents a paginated collection of ActiveDirectoryDomain
func NewPaginatedActiveDirectoryDomain ¶ added in v1.2.1
func NewPaginatedActiveDirectoryDomain(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []ActiveDirectoryDomain) *PaginatedActiveDirectoryDomain
NewPaginatedActiveDirectoryDomain returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedActiveDirectoryDomain struct
type PaginatedAppliance ¶ added in v1.1.0
type PaginatedAppliance struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Appliance }
PaginatedAppliance represents a paginated collection of Appliance
func NewPaginatedAppliance ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewPaginatedAppliance(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Appliance) *PaginatedAppliance
NewPaginatedAppliance returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedAppliance struct
type PaginatedApplianceParameter ¶ added in v1.1.0
type PaginatedApplianceParameter struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []ApplianceParameter }
PaginatedApplianceParameter represents a paginated collection of ApplianceParameter
func NewPaginatedApplianceParameter ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewPaginatedApplianceParameter(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []ApplianceParameter) *PaginatedApplianceParameter
NewPaginatedApplianceParameter returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedApplianceParameter struct
type PaginatedAvailabilityZone ¶ added in v1.3.27
type PaginatedAvailabilityZone struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []AvailabilityZone }
PaginatedAvailabilityZone represents a paginated collection of AvailabilityZone
func NewPaginatedAvailabilityZone ¶ added in v1.3.27
func NewPaginatedAvailabilityZone(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []AvailabilityZone) *PaginatedAvailabilityZone
NewPaginatedAvailabilityZone returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedAvailabilityZone struct
type PaginatedBillingMetric ¶ added in v1.3.41
type PaginatedBillingMetric struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []BillingMetric }
PaginatedBillingMetric represents a paginated collection of BillingMetric
func NewPaginatedBillingMetric ¶ added in v1.3.41
func NewPaginatedBillingMetric(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []BillingMetric) *PaginatedBillingMetric
NewPaginatedBillingMetric returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedBillingMetric struct
type PaginatedCredential ¶ added in v1.3.31
type PaginatedCredential struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Credential }
PaginatedCredential represents a paginated collection of Credential
func NewPaginatedCredential ¶ added in v1.3.31
func NewPaginatedCredential(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Credential) *PaginatedCredential
NewPaginatedCredential returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedCredential struct
type PaginatedDHCP ¶ added in v1.3.27
type PaginatedDHCP struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []DHCP }
PaginatedDHCP represents a paginated collection of DHCP
func NewPaginatedDHCP ¶ added in v1.3.27
func NewPaginatedDHCP(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []DHCP) *PaginatedDHCP
NewPaginatedDHCP returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedDHCP struct
type PaginatedDatastore ¶ added in v1.1.0
type PaginatedDatastore struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Datastore }
PaginatedDatastore represents a paginated collection of Datastore
func NewPaginatedDatastore ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewPaginatedDatastore(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Datastore) *PaginatedDatastore
NewPaginatedDatastore returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedDatastore struct
type PaginatedDiscountPlan ¶ added in v1.3.41
type PaginatedDiscountPlan struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []DiscountPlan }
PaginatedDiscountPlan represents a paginated collection of DiscountPlan
func NewPaginatedDiscountPlan ¶ added in v1.3.41
func NewPaginatedDiscountPlan(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []DiscountPlan) *PaginatedDiscountPlan
NewPaginatedDiscountPlan returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedDiscountPlan struct
type PaginatedFirewall ¶ added in v1.1.0
type PaginatedFirewall struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Firewall }
PaginatedFirewall represents a paginated collection of Firewall
func NewPaginatedFirewall ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewPaginatedFirewall(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Firewall) *PaginatedFirewall
NewPaginatedFirewall returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedFirewall struct
type PaginatedFirewallPolicy ¶ added in v1.3.34
type PaginatedFirewallPolicy struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []FirewallPolicy }
PaginatedFirewallPolicy represents a paginated collection of FirewallPolicy
func NewPaginatedFirewallPolicy ¶ added in v1.3.34
func NewPaginatedFirewallPolicy(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []FirewallPolicy) *PaginatedFirewallPolicy
NewPaginatedFirewallPolicy returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedFirewallPolicy struct
type PaginatedFirewallRule ¶ added in v1.3.27
type PaginatedFirewallRule struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []FirewallRule }
PaginatedFirewallRule represents a paginated collection of FirewallRule
func NewPaginatedFirewallRule ¶ added in v1.3.27
func NewPaginatedFirewallRule(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []FirewallRule) *PaginatedFirewallRule
NewPaginatedFirewallRule returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedFirewallRule struct
type PaginatedFirewallRulePort ¶ added in v1.3.39
type PaginatedFirewallRulePort struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []FirewallRulePort }
PaginatedFirewallRulePort represents a paginated collection of FirewallRulePort
func NewPaginatedFirewallRulePort ¶ added in v1.3.39
func NewPaginatedFirewallRulePort(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []FirewallRulePort) *PaginatedFirewallRulePort
NewPaginatedFirewallRulePort returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedFirewallRulePort struct
type PaginatedFloatingIP ¶ added in v1.3.27
type PaginatedFloatingIP struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []FloatingIP }
PaginatedFloatingIP represents a paginated collection of FloatingIP
func NewPaginatedFloatingIP ¶ added in v1.3.27
func NewPaginatedFloatingIP(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []FloatingIP) *PaginatedFloatingIP
NewPaginatedFloatingIP returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedFloatingIP struct
type PaginatedHost ¶ added in v1.1.0
type PaginatedHost struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Host }
PaginatedHost represents a paginated collection of Host
func NewPaginatedHost ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewPaginatedHost(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Host) *PaginatedHost
NewPaginatedHost returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedHost struct
type PaginatedHostGroup ¶ added in v1.3.52
type PaginatedHostGroup struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []HostGroup }
PaginatedHostGroup represents a paginated collection of HostGroup
func NewPaginatedHostGroup ¶ added in v1.3.52
func NewPaginatedHostGroup(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []HostGroup) *PaginatedHostGroup
NewPaginatedHostGroup returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedHostGroup struct
type PaginatedHostSpec ¶ added in v1.3.52
type PaginatedHostSpec struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []HostSpec }
PaginatedHostSpec represents a paginated collection of HostSpec
func NewPaginatedHostSpec ¶ added in v1.3.52
func NewPaginatedHostSpec(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []HostSpec) *PaginatedHostSpec
NewPaginatedHostSpec returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedHostSpec struct
type PaginatedImage ¶ added in v1.3.45
type PaginatedImage struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Image }
PaginatedImage represents a paginated collection of Image
func NewPaginatedImage ¶ added in v1.3.45
func NewPaginatedImage(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Image) *PaginatedImage
NewPaginatedImage returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedImage struct
type PaginatedImageMetadata ¶ added in v1.3.45
type PaginatedImageMetadata struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []ImageMetadata }
PaginatedImageMetadata represents a paginated collection of ImageMetadata
func NewPaginatedImageMetadata ¶ added in v1.3.45
func NewPaginatedImageMetadata(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []ImageMetadata) *PaginatedImageMetadata
NewPaginatedImageMetadata returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedImageMetadata struct
type PaginatedImageParameter ¶ added in v1.3.45
type PaginatedImageParameter struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []ImageParameter }
PaginatedImageParameter represents a paginated collection of ImageParameter
func NewPaginatedImageParameter ¶ added in v1.3.45
func NewPaginatedImageParameter(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []ImageParameter) *PaginatedImageParameter
NewPaginatedImageParameter returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedImageParameter struct
type PaginatedInstance ¶ added in v1.3.27
type PaginatedInstance struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Instance }
PaginatedInstance represents a paginated collection of Instance
func NewPaginatedInstance ¶ added in v1.3.27
func NewPaginatedInstance(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Instance) *PaginatedInstance
NewPaginatedInstance returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedInstance struct
type PaginatedNIC ¶ added in v1.3.31
type PaginatedNIC struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []NIC }
PaginatedNIC represents a paginated collection of NIC
func NewPaginatedNIC ¶ added in v1.3.31
func NewPaginatedNIC(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []NIC) *PaginatedNIC
NewPaginatedNIC returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedNIC struct
type PaginatedNetwork ¶ added in v1.1.0
type PaginatedNetwork struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Network }
PaginatedNetwork represents a paginated collection of Network
func NewPaginatedNetwork ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewPaginatedNetwork(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Network) *PaginatedNetwork
NewPaginatedNetwork returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedNetwork struct
type PaginatedNetworkPolicy ¶ added in v1.4.4
type PaginatedNetworkPolicy struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []NetworkPolicy }
PaginatedNetworkPolicy represents a paginated collection of NetworkPolicy
func NewPaginatedNetworkPolicy ¶ added in v1.4.4
func NewPaginatedNetworkPolicy(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []NetworkPolicy) *PaginatedNetworkPolicy
NewPaginatedNetworkPolicy returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedNetworkPolicy struct
type PaginatedNetworkRule ¶ added in v1.4.4
type PaginatedNetworkRule struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []NetworkRule }
PaginatedNetworkRule represents a paginated collection of NetworkRule
func NewPaginatedNetworkRule ¶ added in v1.4.4
func NewPaginatedNetworkRule(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []NetworkRule) *PaginatedNetworkRule
NewPaginatedNetworkRule returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedNetworkRule struct
type PaginatedNetworkRulePort ¶ added in v1.4.4
type PaginatedNetworkRulePort struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []NetworkRulePort }
PaginatedNetworkRulePort represents a paginated collection of NetworkRulePort
func NewPaginatedNetworkRulePort ¶ added in v1.4.4
func NewPaginatedNetworkRulePort(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []NetworkRulePort) *PaginatedNetworkRulePort
NewPaginatedNetworkRulePort returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedNetworkRulePort struct
type PaginatedPod ¶ added in v1.1.0
type PaginatedPod struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Pod }
PaginatedPod represents a paginated collection of Pod
func NewPaginatedPod ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewPaginatedPod(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Pod) *PaginatedPod
NewPaginatedPod returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedPod struct
type PaginatedRegion ¶ added in v1.3.27
type PaginatedRegion struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Region }
PaginatedRegion represents a paginated collection of Region
func NewPaginatedRegion ¶ added in v1.3.27
func NewPaginatedRegion(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Region) *PaginatedRegion
NewPaginatedRegion returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedRegion struct
type PaginatedRouter ¶ added in v1.3.27
type PaginatedRouter struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Router }
PaginatedRouter represents a paginated collection of Router
func NewPaginatedRouter ¶ added in v1.3.27
func NewPaginatedRouter(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Router) *PaginatedRouter
NewPaginatedRouter returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedRouter struct
type PaginatedRouterThroughput ¶ added in v1.3.41
type PaginatedRouterThroughput struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []RouterThroughput }
PaginatedRouterThroughput represents a paginated collection of RouterThroughput
func NewPaginatedRouterThroughput ¶ added in v1.3.41
func NewPaginatedRouterThroughput(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []RouterThroughput) *PaginatedRouterThroughput
NewPaginatedRouterThroughput returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedRouterThroughput struct
type PaginatedSSHKeyPair ¶ added in v1.3.56
type PaginatedSSHKeyPair struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []SSHKeyPair }
PaginatedSSHKeyPair represents a paginated collection of SSHKeyPair
func NewPaginatedSSHKeyPair ¶ added in v1.3.56
func NewPaginatedSSHKeyPair(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []SSHKeyPair) *PaginatedSSHKeyPair
NewPaginatedSSHKeyPair returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedSSHKeyPair struct
type PaginatedSite ¶ added in v1.1.0
type PaginatedSite struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Site }
PaginatedSite represents a paginated collection of Site
func NewPaginatedSite ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewPaginatedSite(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Site) *PaginatedSite
NewPaginatedSite returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedSite struct
type PaginatedSolution ¶ added in v1.1.0
type PaginatedSolution struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Solution }
PaginatedSolution represents a paginated collection of Solution
func NewPaginatedSolution ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewPaginatedSolution(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Solution) *PaginatedSolution
NewPaginatedSolution returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedSolution struct
type PaginatedTag ¶ added in v1.1.0
type PaginatedTag struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Tag }
PaginatedTag represents a paginated collection of Tag
func NewPaginatedTag ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewPaginatedTag(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Tag) *PaginatedTag
NewPaginatedTag returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedTag struct
type PaginatedTask ¶ added in v1.3.55
type PaginatedTask struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Task }
PaginatedTask represents a paginated collection of Task
func NewPaginatedTask ¶ added in v1.3.55
func NewPaginatedTask(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Task) *PaginatedTask
NewPaginatedTask returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedTask struct
type PaginatedTemplate ¶ added in v1.1.0
type PaginatedTemplate struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Template }
PaginatedTemplate represents a paginated collection of Template
func NewPaginatedTemplate ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewPaginatedTemplate(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Template) *PaginatedTemplate
NewPaginatedTemplate returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedTemplate struct
type PaginatedV1Host ¶ added in v1.4.0
type PaginatedV1Host struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []V1Host }
PaginatedV1Host represents a paginated collection of V1Host
func NewPaginatedV1Host ¶ added in v1.4.0
func NewPaginatedV1Host(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []V1Host) *PaginatedV1Host
NewPaginatedV1Host returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedV1Host struct
type PaginatedV1Network ¶ added in v1.3.27
type PaginatedV1Network struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []V1Network }
PaginatedV1Network represents a paginated collection of V1Network
func NewPaginatedV1Network ¶ added in v1.3.27
func NewPaginatedV1Network(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []V1Network) *PaginatedV1Network
NewPaginatedV1Network returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedV1Network struct
type PaginatedVPC ¶ added in v1.3.25
type PaginatedVPC struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []VPC }
PaginatedVPC represents a paginated collection of VPC
func NewPaginatedVPC ¶ added in v1.3.25
func NewPaginatedVPC(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []VPC) *PaginatedVPC
NewPaginatedVPC returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedVPC struct
type PaginatedVPN ¶ added in v1.3.27
type PaginatedVPN struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []VPN }
PaginatedVPN represents a paginated collection of VPN
func NewPaginatedVPN ¶ added in v1.3.27
func NewPaginatedVPN(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []VPN) *PaginatedVPN
NewPaginatedVPN returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedVPN struct
type PaginatedVirtualMachine ¶ added in v1.1.0
type PaginatedVirtualMachine struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []VirtualMachine }
PaginatedVirtualMachine represents a paginated collection of VirtualMachine
func NewPaginatedVirtualMachine ¶ added in v1.1.0
func NewPaginatedVirtualMachine(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []VirtualMachine) *PaginatedVirtualMachine
NewPaginatedVirtualMachine returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedVirtualMachine struct
type PaginatedVolume ¶ added in v1.3.31
type PaginatedVolume struct { *connection.PaginatedBase Items []Volume }
PaginatedVolume represents a paginated collection of Volume
func NewPaginatedVolume ¶ added in v1.3.31
func NewPaginatedVolume(getFunc connection.PaginatedGetFunc, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters, pagination connection.APIResponseMetadataPagination, items []Volume) *PaginatedVolume
NewPaginatedVolume returns a pointer to an initialized PaginatedVolume struct
type PatchFirewallPolicyRequest ¶ added in v1.3.34
type PatchFirewallPolicyRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Sequence *int `json:"sequence,omitempty"` }
PatchFirewallPolicyRequest represents a request to patch a firewall policy
type PatchFirewallRulePortRequest ¶ added in v1.3.41
type PatchFirewallRulePortRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Protocol FirewallRulePortProtocol `json:"protocol,omitempty"` Source string `json:"source,omitempty"` Destination string `json:"destination,omitempty"` }
PatchFirewallRulePortRequest represents a request to patch a firewall rule port
type PatchFirewallRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.3.39
type PatchFirewallRuleRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Sequence *int `json:"sequence,omitempty"` Source string `json:"source,omitempty"` Destination string `json:"destination,omitempty"` Ports []PatchFirewallRulePortRequest `json:"ports,omitempty"` Action FirewallRuleAction `json:"action,omitempty"` Direction FirewallRuleDirection `json:"direction,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` }
PatchFirewallRuleRequest represents a request to patch a firewall rule
type PatchFloatingIPRequest ¶ added in v1.3.41
type PatchFloatingIPRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
PatchFloatingIPRequest represents a request to patch a floating IP
type PatchHostGroupRequest ¶ added in v1.3.52
type PatchHostGroupRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
PatchHostGroupRequest represents a request to patch a host group
type PatchHostRequest ¶ added in v1.4.0
type PatchHostRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
PatchHostRequest represents a request to patch a host
type PatchInstanceRequest ¶ added in v1.3.31
type PatchInstanceRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` VCPUCores int `json:"vcpu_cores,omitempty"` RAMCapacity int `json:"ram_capacity,omitempty"` }
PatchInstanceRequest represents a request to patch an instance
type PatchLoadBalancerClusterRequest ¶ added in v1.3.28
type PatchLoadBalancerClusterRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
PatchLoadBalancerClusterRequest represents a request to patch a load balancer cluster
type PatchNetworkPolicyRequest ¶ added in v1.4.4
type PatchNetworkPolicyRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` CatchallRuleAction NetworkPolicyCatchallRuleAction `json:"catchall_rule_action,omitempty"` }
PatchNetworkPolicyRequest represents a request to patch a network policy
type PatchNetworkRequest ¶ added in v1.3.28
type PatchNetworkRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
PatchNetworkRequest represents a request to patch a network
type PatchNetworkRulePortRequest ¶ added in v1.4.4
type PatchNetworkRulePortRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Protocol NetworkRulePortProtocol `json:"protocol,omitempty"` Source string `json:"source,omitempty"` Destination string `json:"destination,omitempty"` }
PatchNetworkRulePortRequest represents a request to patch a network rule port
type PatchNetworkRuleRequest ¶ added in v1.4.4
type PatchNetworkRuleRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Sequence *int `json:"sequence,omitempty"` Source string `json:"source,omitempty"` Destination string `json:"destination,omitempty"` Ports []PatchNetworkRulePortRequest `json:"ports,omitempty"` Action NetworkRuleAction `json:"action,omitempty"` Direction NetworkRuleDirection `json:"direction,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` }
PatchNetworkRuleRequest represents a request to patch a network rule
type PatchRouterRequest ¶ added in v1.3.28
type PatchRouterRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` RouterThroughputID string `json:"router_throughput_id,omitempty"` }
PatchRouterRequest represents a request to patch a router
type PatchSSHKeyPairRequest ¶ added in v1.3.56
type PatchSSHKeyPairRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` PublicKey string `json:"public_key,omitempty"` }
PatchSSHKeyPairRequest represents a request to patch a SSH key pair
type PatchSolutionRequest ¶
type PatchSolutionRequest struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` EncryptionDefault *bool `json:"encryption_default,omitempty"` }
PatchSolutionRequest represents an eCloud solution patch request
func (*PatchSolutionRequest) Validate ¶
func (c *PatchSolutionRequest) Validate() *connection.ValidationError
Validate returns an error if struct properties are missing/invalid
type PatchTagRequest ¶
type PatchTagRequest struct {
Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`
PatchTagRequest represents an eCloud tag patch request
func (*PatchTagRequest) Validate ¶
func (c *PatchTagRequest) Validate() *connection.ValidationError
Validate returns an error if struct properties are missing/invalid
type PatchVPCRequest ¶ added in v1.3.28
type PatchVPCRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
PatchVPCRequest represents a request to patch a VPC
type PatchVirtualMachineRequest ¶
type PatchVirtualMachineRequest struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Count in Cores CPU int `json:"cpu,omitempty"` // Size in GB RAM int `json:"ram,omitempty"` // KV map of hard disks, key being hard disk name, value being size in GB Disks []PatchVirtualMachineRequestDisk `json:"hdd_disks,omitempty"` Role string `json:"role,omitempty"` }
PatchVirtualMachineRequest represents an eCloud virtual machine patch request
func (*PatchVirtualMachineRequest) Validate ¶
func (c *PatchVirtualMachineRequest) Validate() *connection.ValidationError
Validate returns an error if struct properties are missing/invalid
type PatchVirtualMachineRequestDisk ¶
type PatchVirtualMachineRequestDisk struct { UUID string `json:"uuid,omitempty"` // Size in GB Capacity int `json:"capacity,omitempty"` State PatchVirtualMachineRequestDiskState `json:"state,omitempty"` }
PatchVirtualMachineRequestDisk represents an eCloud virtual machine patch request disk
type PatchVirtualMachineRequestDiskState ¶
type PatchVirtualMachineRequestDiskState string
const ( PatchVirtualMachineRequestDiskStatePresent PatchVirtualMachineRequestDiskState = "present" PatchVirtualMachineRequestDiskStateAbsent PatchVirtualMachineRequestDiskState = "absent" )
func (PatchVirtualMachineRequestDiskState) String ¶
func (s PatchVirtualMachineRequestDiskState) String() string
type PatchVolumeRequest ¶ added in v1.3.37
type PatchVolumeRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Capacity int `json:"capacity,omitempty"` IOPS int `json:"iops,omitempty"` }
PatchVolumeRequest represents a request to patch a volume
type Pod ¶
type Pod struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Services struct { Public bool `json:"public"` Burst bool `json:"burst"` Appliances bool `json:"appliances"` } `json:"services"` }
Pod represents an eCloud pod +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type PodNotFoundError ¶
type PodNotFoundError struct {
ID int
PodNotFoundError indicates a pod was not found within eCloud
func (*PodNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *PodNotFoundError) Error() string
type Region ¶ added in v1.3.27
Region represents an eCloud region +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type RegionNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.27
type RegionNotFoundError struct {
ID string
RegionNotFoundError indicates a region was not found
func (*RegionNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (e *RegionNotFoundError) Error() string
type RenameTemplateRequest ¶
type RenameTemplateRequest struct { connection.APIRequestBodyDefaultValidator Destination string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` }
RenameTemplateRequest represents an eCloud template rename request
func (*RenameTemplateRequest) Validate ¶
func (c *RenameTemplateRequest) Validate() *connection.ValidationError
Validate returns an error if struct properties are missing/invalid
type ResourceSync ¶ added in v1.3.48
type ResourceSync struct { Status SyncStatus `json:"status"` Type SyncType `json:"type"` }
ResourceSync represents the sync status of a resource
type Router ¶ added in v1.3.27
type Router struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` VPCID string `json:"vpc_id"` RouterThroughputID string `json:"router_throughput_id"` AvailabilityZoneID string `json:"availability_zone_id"` Sync ResourceSync `json:"sync"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
Router represents an eCloud router +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type RouterNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.27
type RouterNotFoundError struct {
ID string
RouterNotFoundError indicates a router was not found
func (*RouterNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (e *RouterNotFoundError) Error() string
type RouterThroughput ¶ added in v1.3.39
type RouterThroughput struct { ID string `json:"id"` AvailabilityZoneID string `json:"availability_zone_id"` Name string `json:"name"` CommittedBandwidth int `json:"committed_bandwidth"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
RouterThroughput represents an eCloud router throughput +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type RouterThroughputNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.41
type RouterThroughputNotFoundError struct {
ID string
RouterThroughputNotFoundError indicates a router throughput was not found
func (*RouterThroughputNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (e *RouterThroughputNotFoundError) Error() string
type SSHKeyPair ¶ added in v1.3.56
type SSHKeyPair struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` PublicKey string `json:"public_key"` }
SSHKeyPair represents an eCloud SSH key pair +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type SSHKeyPairNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.56
type SSHKeyPairNotFoundError struct {
ID string
SSHKeyPairFoundError indicates a SSH key pair was not found
func (*SSHKeyPairNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.56
func (e *SSHKeyPairNotFoundError) Error() string
type Service ¶
type Service struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Service implements ECloudService for managing eCloud via the UKFast API
func NewService ¶
func NewService(connection connection.Connection) *Service
NewService returns a new instance of eCloud Service
func (*Service) ApproveDiscountPlan ¶ added in v1.3.41
ApproveDiscountPlan approves a floating IP to a resource
func (*Service) AssignFloatingIP ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) AssignFloatingIP(fipID string, req AssignFloatingIPRequest) error
AssignFloatingIP assigns a floating IP to a resource
func (*Service) AttachInstanceVolume ¶ added in v1.3.58
func (s *Service) AttachInstanceVolume(instanceID string, req AttachDetachInstanceVolumeRequest) (string, error)
AttachInstanceVolume attaches a volume to an instance
func (*Service) CloneVirtualMachine ¶
func (s *Service) CloneVirtualMachine(vmID int, req CloneVirtualMachineRequest) (int, error)
CloneVirtualMachine clones a virtual machine
func (*Service) CreateFirewallPolicy ¶ added in v1.3.34
func (s *Service) CreateFirewallPolicy(req CreateFirewallPolicyRequest) (TaskReference, error)
CreateFirewallPolicy creates a new FirewallPolicy
func (*Service) CreateFirewallRule ¶ added in v1.3.39
func (s *Service) CreateFirewallRule(req CreateFirewallRuleRequest) (TaskReference, error)
CreateFirewallRule creates a new FirewallRule
func (*Service) CreateFirewallRulePort ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) CreateFirewallRulePort(req CreateFirewallRulePortRequest) (TaskReference, error)
CreateFirewallRulePort creates a new FirewallRulePort
func (*Service) CreateFloatingIP ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) CreateFloatingIP(req CreateFloatingIPRequest) (string, error)
CreateFloatingIP creates a new FloatingIP
func (*Service) CreateHost ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Service) CreateHost(req CreateHostRequest) (TaskReference, error)
CreateHost creates a host
func (*Service) CreateHostGroup ¶ added in v1.3.52
func (s *Service) CreateHostGroup(req CreateHostGroupRequest) (TaskReference, error)
CreateHostGroup creates a host group
func (*Service) CreateInstance ¶ added in v1.3.29
func (s *Service) CreateInstance(req CreateInstanceRequest) (string, error)
CreateInstance creates a new instance
func (*Service) CreateInstanceConsoleSession ¶ added in v1.3.46
func (s *Service) CreateInstanceConsoleSession(instanceID string) (ConsoleSession, error)
CreateInstanceConsoleSession creates an instance console session
func (*Service) CreateNetwork ¶ added in v1.3.28
func (s *Service) CreateNetwork(req CreateNetworkRequest) (string, error)
CreateNetwork creates a new Network
func (*Service) CreateNetworkPolicy ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) CreateNetworkPolicy(req CreateNetworkPolicyRequest) (TaskReference, error)
CreateNetworkPolicy creates a new NetworkPolicy
func (*Service) CreateNetworkRule ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) CreateNetworkRule(req CreateNetworkRuleRequest) (TaskReference, error)
CreateNetworkRule creates a new NetworkRule
func (*Service) CreateNetworkRulePort ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) CreateNetworkRulePort(req CreateNetworkRulePortRequest) (TaskReference, error)
CreateNetworkRulePort creates a new NetworkRulePort
func (*Service) CreateRouter ¶ added in v1.3.28
func (s *Service) CreateRouter(req CreateRouterRequest) (string, error)
CreateRouter creates a new Router
func (*Service) CreateSSHKeyPair ¶ added in v1.3.56
func (s *Service) CreateSSHKeyPair(req CreateSSHKeyPairRequest) (string, error)
CreateSSHKeyPair creates a new SSHKeyPair
func (*Service) CreateSolutionTag ¶
func (s *Service) CreateSolutionTag(solutionID int, req CreateTagRequest) error
CreateSolutionTag creates a new solution tag
func (*Service) CreateVPC ¶ added in v1.3.28
func (s *Service) CreateVPC(req CreateVPCRequest) (string, error)
CreateVPC creates a new VPC
func (*Service) CreateVPN ¶ added in v1.3.28
func (s *Service) CreateVPN(req CreateVPNRequest) (string, error)
CreateVPN creates a new VPN
func (*Service) CreateVirtualMachine ¶
func (s *Service) CreateVirtualMachine(req CreateVirtualMachineRequest) (int, error)
CreateVirtualMachine creates a new virtual machine
func (*Service) CreateVirtualMachineConsoleSession ¶ added in v1.3.6
func (s *Service) CreateVirtualMachineConsoleSession(vmID int) (ConsoleSession, error)
CreateVirtualMachineConsoleSession creates a virtual machine console session
func (*Service) CreateVirtualMachineTag ¶
func (s *Service) CreateVirtualMachineTag(vmID int, req CreateTagRequest) error
CreateVirtualMachineTag creates a new virtual machine tag
func (*Service) CreateVirtualMachineTemplate ¶ added in v1.0.7
func (s *Service) CreateVirtualMachineTemplate(vmID int, req CreateVirtualMachineTemplateRequest) error
CreateVirtualMachineTemplate creates a virtual machine template
func (*Service) CreateVolume ¶ added in v1.3.46
func (s *Service) CreateVolume(req CreateVolumeRequest) (TaskReference, error)
CreateVolume creates a volume
func (*Service) DeleteFirewallPolicy ¶ added in v1.3.34
DeleteFirewallPolicy deletes a FirewallPolicy
func (*Service) DeleteFirewallRule ¶ added in v1.3.39
DeleteFirewallRule deletes a FirewallRule
func (*Service) DeleteFirewallRulePort ¶ added in v1.3.41
DeleteFirewallRulePort deletes a FirewallRulePort
func (*Service) DeleteFloatingIP ¶ added in v1.3.41
DeleteFloatingIP deletes a floating IP
func (*Service) DeleteHost ¶ added in v1.4.0
DeleteHost deletes a host
func (*Service) DeleteHostGroup ¶ added in v1.3.52
DeleteHostGroup deletes a host group
func (*Service) DeleteInstance ¶ added in v1.3.29
DeleteInstance removes an instance
func (*Service) DeleteNetwork ¶ added in v1.3.28
DeleteNetwork deletes a Network
func (*Service) DeleteNetworkPolicy ¶ added in v1.4.4
DeleteNetworkPolicy deletes a NetworkPolicy
func (*Service) DeleteNetworkRule ¶ added in v1.4.4
DeleteNetworkRule deletes a NetworkRule
func (*Service) DeleteNetworkRulePort ¶ added in v1.4.4
DeleteNetworkRulePort deletes a NetworkRulePort
func (*Service) DeletePodTemplate ¶ added in v1.0.9
DeletePodTemplate removes a pod template
func (*Service) DeleteRouter ¶ added in v1.3.28
DeleteRouter deletes a Router
func (*Service) DeleteSSHKeyPair ¶ added in v1.3.56
DeleteSSHKeyPair deletes a SSHKeyPair
func (*Service) DeleteSolutionTag ¶
DeleteSolutionTag removes a solution tag
func (*Service) DeleteSolutionTemplate ¶ added in v1.0.7
DeleteSolutionTemplate removes a solution template
func (*Service) DeleteVirtualMachine ¶
DeleteVirtualMachine removes a virtual machine
func (*Service) DeleteVirtualMachineTag ¶
DeleteVirtualMachineTag removes a virtual machine tag
func (*Service) DeleteVolume ¶ added in v1.3.37
DeleteVolume deletes a Volume
func (*Service) DeployRouterDefaultFirewallPolicies ¶ added in v1.3.41
DeployRouterDefaultFirewallPolicies deploys default firewall policy resources for specified router
func (*Service) DeployVPCDefaults ¶ added in v1.3.41
DeployVPCDefaults deploys default resources for specified VPC
func (*Service) DetachInstanceVolume ¶ added in v1.3.58
func (s *Service) DetachInstanceVolume(instanceID string, req AttachDetachInstanceVolumeRequest) (string, error)
DetachInstanceVolume detaches a volume from an instance
func (*Service) GetActiveDirectoryDomain ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s *Service) GetActiveDirectoryDomain(domainID int) (ActiveDirectoryDomain, error)
GetActiveDirectoryDomain retrieves a single domain by ID
func (*Service) GetActiveDirectoryDomains ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s *Service) GetActiveDirectoryDomains(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]ActiveDirectoryDomain, error)
GetActiveDirectoryDomains retrieves a list of Active Directory Domains
func (*Service) GetActiveDirectoryDomainsPaginated ¶ added in v1.2.1
func (s *Service) GetActiveDirectoryDomainsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedActiveDirectoryDomain, error)
GetActiveDirectoryDomainsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of Active Directory Domains
func (*Service) GetAppliance ¶ added in v1.0.23
GetAppliance retrieves a single Appliance by ID
func (*Service) GetApplianceParameters ¶ added in v1.0.23
func (s *Service) GetApplianceParameters(applianceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]ApplianceParameter, error)
GetApplianceParameters retrieves a list of parameters
func (*Service) GetApplianceParametersPaginated ¶ added in v1.0.23
func (s *Service) GetApplianceParametersPaginated(applianceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedApplianceParameter, error)
GetApplianceParametersPaginated retrieves a paginated list of domains
func (*Service) GetAppliances ¶ added in v1.0.23
func (s *Service) GetAppliances(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Appliance, error)
GetAppliances retrieves a list of appliances
func (*Service) GetAppliancesPaginated ¶ added in v1.0.23
func (s *Service) GetAppliancesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedAppliance, error)
GetAppliancesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of appliances
func (*Service) GetAvailabilityZone ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetAvailabilityZone(azID string) (AvailabilityZone, error)
GetAvailabilityZone retrieves a single az by id
func (*Service) GetAvailabilityZones ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetAvailabilityZones(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]AvailabilityZone, error)
GetAvailabilityZones retrieves a list of azs
func (*Service) GetAvailabilityZonesPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetAvailabilityZonesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedAvailabilityZone, error)
GetAvailabilityZonesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of azs
func (*Service) GetBillingMetric ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetBillingMetric(metricID string) (BillingMetric, error)
GetBillingMetric retrieves a single billing metrics by id
func (*Service) GetBillingMetrics ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetBillingMetrics(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]BillingMetric, error)
GetBillingMetrics retrieves a list of billing metrics
func (*Service) GetBillingMetricsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetBillingMetricsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedBillingMetric, error)
GetBillingMetricsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of billing metrics
func (*Service) GetCredits ¶ added in v1.0.35
func (s *Service) GetCredits(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]account.Credit, error)
GetCredits retrieves a list of credits
func (*Service) GetDHCPTasks ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetDHCPTasks(dhcpID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
GetDHCPTasks retrieves a list of DHCP tasks
func (*Service) GetDHCPTasksPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetDHCPTasksPaginated(dhcpID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
GetDHCPTasksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of DHCP tasks
func (*Service) GetDHCPs ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetDHCPs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]DHCP, error)
GetDHCPs retrieves a list of dhcps
func (*Service) GetDHCPsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetDHCPsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedDHCP, error)
GetDHCPsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of dhcps
func (*Service) GetDatastore ¶
GetDatastore retrieves a single datastore by ID
func (*Service) GetDatastores ¶
func (s *Service) GetDatastores(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Datastore, error)
GetDatastores retrieves a list of datastores
func (*Service) GetDatastoresPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetDatastoresPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedDatastore, error)
GetDatastoresPaginated retrieves a paginated list of datastores
func (*Service) GetDiscountPlan ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetDiscountPlan(discID string) (DiscountPlan, error)
GetDiscountPlan retrieves a single discount plan by id
func (*Service) GetDiscountPlans ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetDiscountPlans(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]DiscountPlan, error)
GetDiscountPlans retrieves a list of discount plans
func (*Service) GetDiscountPlansPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetDiscountPlansPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedDiscountPlan, error)
GetDiscountPlansPaginated retrieves a paginated list of discount plans
func (*Service) GetFirewall ¶
GetFirewall retrieves a single firewall by ID
func (*Service) GetFirewallConfig ¶
func (s *Service) GetFirewallConfig(firewallID int) (FirewallConfig, error)
GetFirewallConfig retrieves a single firewall config by ID
func (*Service) GetFirewallPolicies ¶ added in v1.3.34
func (s *Service) GetFirewallPolicies(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallPolicy, error)
GetFirewallPolicies retrieves a list of firewall policies
func (*Service) GetFirewallPoliciesPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.34
func (s *Service) GetFirewallPoliciesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallPolicy, error)
GetFirewallPoliciesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of firewall policies
func (*Service) GetFirewallPolicy ¶ added in v1.3.34
func (s *Service) GetFirewallPolicy(policyID string) (FirewallPolicy, error)
GetFirewallPolicy retrieves a single firewall policy by id
func (*Service) GetFirewallPolicyFirewallRules ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetFirewallPolicyFirewallRules(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallRule, error)
GetFirewallPolicyFirewallRules retrieves a list of firewall policy rules
func (*Service) GetFirewallPolicyFirewallRulesPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetFirewallPolicyFirewallRulesPaginated(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallRule, error)
GetFirewallPolicyFirewallRulesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of firewall policy FirewallRules
func (*Service) GetFirewallPolicyTasks ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetFirewallPolicyTasks(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
GetFirewallPolicyTasks retrieves a list of FirewallPolicy tasks
func (*Service) GetFirewallPolicyTasksPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetFirewallPolicyTasksPaginated(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
GetFirewallPolicyTasksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of FirewallPolicy tasks
func (*Service) GetFirewallRule ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetFirewallRule(ruleID string) (FirewallRule, error)
GetFirewallRule retrieves a single rule by id
func (*Service) GetFirewallRuleFirewallRulePorts ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetFirewallRuleFirewallRulePorts(firewallRuleID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallRulePort, error)
GetFirewallRuleFirewallRulePorts retrieves a list of firewall rule ports
func (*Service) GetFirewallRuleFirewallRulePortsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetFirewallRuleFirewallRulePortsPaginated(firewallRuleID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallRulePort, error)
GetFirewallRuleFirewallRulePortsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of firewall rule ports
func (*Service) GetFirewallRulePort ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetFirewallRulePort(ruleID string) (FirewallRulePort, error)
GetFirewallRulePort retrieves a single rule by id
func (*Service) GetFirewallRulePorts ¶ added in v1.3.39
func (s *Service) GetFirewallRulePorts(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallRulePort, error)
GetFirewallRulePorts retrieves a list of firewall rules
func (*Service) GetFirewallRulePortsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.39
func (s *Service) GetFirewallRulePortsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallRulePort, error)
GetFirewallRulePortsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of firewall rules
func (*Service) GetFirewallRules ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetFirewallRules(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallRule, error)
GetFirewallRules retrieves a list of firewall rules
func (*Service) GetFirewallRulesPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetFirewallRulesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallRule, error)
GetFirewallRulesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of firewall rules
func (*Service) GetFirewalls ¶
func (s *Service) GetFirewalls(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Firewall, error)
GetFirewalls retrieves a list of firewalls
func (*Service) GetFirewallsPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetFirewallsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewall, error)
GetFirewallsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of firewalls
func (*Service) GetFloatingIP ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetFloatingIP(fipID string) (FloatingIP, error)
GetFloatingIP retrieves a single floating ip by id
func (*Service) GetFloatingIPTasks ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetFloatingIPTasks(fipID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
GetFloatingIPTasks retrieves a list of FloatingIP tasks
func (*Service) GetFloatingIPTasksPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetFloatingIPTasksPaginated(fipID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
GetFloatingIPTasksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of FloatingIP tasks
func (*Service) GetFloatingIPs ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetFloatingIPs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FloatingIP, error)
GetFloatingIPs retrieves a list of floating ips
func (*Service) GetFloatingIPsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetFloatingIPsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFloatingIP, error)
GetFloatingIPsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of floating ips
func (*Service) GetHostGroup ¶ added in v1.3.52
GetHostGroup retrieves a single host group by id
func (*Service) GetHostGroupTasks ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetHostGroupTasks(hostGroupID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
GetHostGroupTasks retrieves a list of HostGroup tasks
func (*Service) GetHostGroupTasksPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetHostGroupTasksPaginated(hostGroupID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
GetHostGroupTasksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of HostGroup tasks
func (*Service) GetHostGroups ¶ added in v1.3.52
func (s *Service) GetHostGroups(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]HostGroup, error)
GetHostGroups retrieves a list of host groups
func (*Service) GetHostGroupsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.52
func (s *Service) GetHostGroupsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedHostGroup, error)
GetHostGroupsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of host groups
func (*Service) GetHostSpec ¶ added in v1.3.52
GetHostSpec retrieves a single host spec by id
func (*Service) GetHostSpecs ¶ added in v1.3.52
func (s *Service) GetHostSpecs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]HostSpec, error)
GetHostSpecs retrieves a list of host specs
func (*Service) GetHostSpecsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.52
func (s *Service) GetHostSpecsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedHostSpec, error)
GetHostSpecsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of host specs
func (*Service) GetHostTasks ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Service) GetHostTasks(hostID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
GetHostTasks retrieves a list of Host tasks
func (*Service) GetHostTasksPaginated ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Service) GetHostTasksPaginated(hostID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
GetHostTasksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of Host tasks
func (*Service) GetHosts ¶
func (s *Service) GetHosts(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Host, error)
GetHosts retrieves a list of hosts
func (*Service) GetHostsPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetHostsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedHost, error)
GetHostsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of hosts
func (*Service) GetImageMetadata ¶ added in v1.3.45
func (s *Service) GetImageMetadata(imageID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]ImageMetadata, error)
GetImageMetadata retrieves a list of metadata
func (*Service) GetImageMetadataPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.45
func (s *Service) GetImageMetadataPaginated(imageID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedImageMetadata, error)
GetImageMetadataPaginated retrieves a paginated list of domains
func (*Service) GetImageParameters ¶ added in v1.3.45
func (s *Service) GetImageParameters(imageID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]ImageParameter, error)
GetImageParameters retrieves a list of parameters
func (*Service) GetImageParametersPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.45
func (s *Service) GetImageParametersPaginated(imageID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedImageParameter, error)
GetImageParametersPaginated retrieves a paginated list of domains
func (*Service) GetImages ¶ added in v1.3.45
func (s *Service) GetImages(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Image, error)
GetImages retrieves a list of images
func (*Service) GetImagesPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.45
func (s *Service) GetImagesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedImage, error)
GetImagesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of images
func (*Service) GetInstance ¶ added in v1.3.27
GetInstance retrieves a single instance by id
func (*Service) GetInstanceCredentials ¶ added in v1.3.31
func (s *Service) GetInstanceCredentials(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Credential, error)
GetInstanceCredentials retrieves a list of instance credentials
func (*Service) GetInstanceCredentialsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.31
func (s *Service) GetInstanceCredentialsPaginated(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedCredential, error)
GetInstanceCredentialsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of instance credentials
func (*Service) GetInstanceNICs ¶ added in v1.3.31
func (s *Service) GetInstanceNICs(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NIC, error)
GetInstanceNICs retrieves a list of instance NICs
func (*Service) GetInstanceNICsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.31
func (s *Service) GetInstanceNICsPaginated(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNIC, error)
GetInstanceNICsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of instance NICs
func (*Service) GetInstanceTasks ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetInstanceTasks(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
GetInstanceTasks retrieves a list of Instance tasks
func (*Service) GetInstanceTasksPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetInstanceTasksPaginated(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
GetInstanceTasksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of Instance tasks
func (*Service) GetInstanceVolumes ¶ added in v1.3.31
func (s *Service) GetInstanceVolumes(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Volume, error)
GetInstanceVolumes retrieves a list of instance volumes
func (*Service) GetInstanceVolumesPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.31
func (s *Service) GetInstanceVolumesPaginated(instanceID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVolume, error)
GetInstanceVolumesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of instance volumes
func (*Service) GetInstances ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetInstances(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Instance, error)
GetInstances retrieves a list of instances
func (*Service) GetInstancesPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetInstancesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedInstance, error)
GetInstancesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of instances
func (*Service) GetNICTasks ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetNICTasks(nicID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
GetNICTasks retrieves a list of NIC tasks
func (*Service) GetNICTasksPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetNICTasksPaginated(nicID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
GetNICTasksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of NIC tasks
func (*Service) GetNICs ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetNICs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NIC, error)
GetNICs retrieves a list of nics
func (*Service) GetNICsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetNICsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNIC, error)
GetNICsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of nics
func (*Service) GetNetwork ¶ added in v1.3.27
GetNetwork retrieves a single network by id
func (*Service) GetNetworkNICs ¶ added in v1.3.39
func (s *Service) GetNetworkNICs(networkID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NIC, error)
GetNetworkNICs retrieves a list of firewall rule nics
func (*Service) GetNetworkNICsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.39
func (s *Service) GetNetworkNICsPaginated(networkID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNIC, error)
GetNetworkNICsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of firewall rule nics
func (*Service) GetNetworkPolicies ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) GetNetworkPolicies(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NetworkPolicy, error)
GetNetworkPolicies retrieves a list of network policies
func (*Service) GetNetworkPoliciesPaginated ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) GetNetworkPoliciesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetworkPolicy, error)
GetNetworkPoliciesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of network policies
func (*Service) GetNetworkPolicy ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) GetNetworkPolicy(policyID string) (NetworkPolicy, error)
GetNetworkPolicy retrieves a single network policy by id
func (*Service) GetNetworkPolicyNetworkRules ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) GetNetworkPolicyNetworkRules(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NetworkRule, error)
GetNetworkPolicyNetworkRules retrieves a list of network policy rules
func (*Service) GetNetworkPolicyNetworkRulesPaginated ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) GetNetworkPolicyNetworkRulesPaginated(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetworkRule, error)
GetNetworkPolicyNetworkRulesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of network policy NetworkRules
func (*Service) GetNetworkPolicyTasks ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) GetNetworkPolicyTasks(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
GetNetworkPolicyTasks retrieves a list of NetworkPolicy tasks
func (*Service) GetNetworkPolicyTasksPaginated ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) GetNetworkPolicyTasksPaginated(policyID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
GetNetworkPolicyTasksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of NetworkPolicy tasks
func (*Service) GetNetworkRule ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) GetNetworkRule(ruleID string) (NetworkRule, error)
GetNetworkRule retrieves a single rule by id
func (*Service) GetNetworkRuleNetworkRulePorts ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) GetNetworkRuleNetworkRulePorts(networkRuleID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NetworkRulePort, error)
GetNetworkRuleNetworkRulePorts retrieves a list of network rule ports
func (*Service) GetNetworkRuleNetworkRulePortsPaginated ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) GetNetworkRuleNetworkRulePortsPaginated(networkRuleID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetworkRulePort, error)
GetNetworkRuleNetworkRulePortsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of network rule ports
func (*Service) GetNetworkRulePort ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) GetNetworkRulePort(ruleID string) (NetworkRulePort, error)
GetNetworkRulePort retrieves a single rule by id
func (*Service) GetNetworkRulePorts ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) GetNetworkRulePorts(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NetworkRulePort, error)
GetNetworkRulePorts retrieves a list of network rules
func (*Service) GetNetworkRulePortsPaginated ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) GetNetworkRulePortsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetworkRulePort, error)
GetNetworkRulePortsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of network rules
func (*Service) GetNetworkRules ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) GetNetworkRules(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]NetworkRule, error)
GetNetworkRules retrieves a list of network rules
func (*Service) GetNetworkRulesPaginated ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) GetNetworkRulesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetworkRule, error)
GetNetworkRulesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of network rules
func (*Service) GetNetworkTasks ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetNetworkTasks(networkID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
GetNetworkTasks retrieves a list of Network tasks
func (*Service) GetNetworkTasksPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetNetworkTasksPaginated(networkID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
GetNetworkTasksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of Network tasks
func (*Service) GetNetworks ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetNetworks(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Network, error)
GetNetworks retrieves a list of networks
func (*Service) GetNetworksPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetNetworksPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetwork, error)
GetNetworksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of networks
func (*Service) GetPodAppliances ¶ added in v1.0.28
func (s *Service) GetPodAppliances(podID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Appliance, error)
GetPodAppliances retrieves a list of appliances
func (*Service) GetPodAppliancesPaginated ¶ added in v1.0.28
func (s *Service) GetPodAppliancesPaginated(podID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedAppliance, error)
GetPodAppliancesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of domains
func (*Service) GetPodTemplate ¶ added in v1.0.9
GetPodTemplate retrieves a single pod template by name
func (*Service) GetPodTemplates ¶
func (s *Service) GetPodTemplates(podID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Template, error)
GetPodTemplates retrieves a list of templates
func (*Service) GetPodTemplatesPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetPodTemplatesPaginated(podID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTemplate, error)
GetPodTemplatesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of domains
func (*Service) GetPods ¶
func (s *Service) GetPods(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Pod, error)
GetPods retrieves a list of pods
func (*Service) GetPodsPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetPodsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedPod, error)
GetPodsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of pods
func (*Service) GetRegions ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetRegions(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Region, error)
GetRegions retrieves a list of regions
func (*Service) GetRegionsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetRegionsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedRegion, error)
GetRegionsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of regions
func (*Service) GetRouterFirewallPolicies ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetRouterFirewallPolicies(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]FirewallPolicy, error)
GetRouterFirewallPolicies retrieves a list of firewall rule policies
func (*Service) GetRouterFirewallPoliciesPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetRouterFirewallPoliciesPaginated(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewallPolicy, error)
GetRouterFirewallPoliciesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of firewall rule policies
func (*Service) GetRouterNetworks ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetRouterNetworks(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Network, error)
GetRouterNetworks retrieves a list of router networks
func (*Service) GetRouterNetworksPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetRouterNetworksPaginated(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedNetwork, error)
GetRouterNetworksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of router networks
func (*Service) GetRouterTasks ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetRouterTasks(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
GetRouterTasks retrieves a list of Router tasks
func (*Service) GetRouterTasksPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetRouterTasksPaginated(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
GetRouterTasksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of Router tasks
func (*Service) GetRouterThroughput ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetRouterThroughput(throughputID string) (RouterThroughput, error)
GetRouterThroughput retrieves a single router throughput by id
func (*Service) GetRouterThroughputs ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetRouterThroughputs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]RouterThroughput, error)
GetRouterThroughputs retrieves a list of router throughputs
func (*Service) GetRouterThroughputsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetRouterThroughputsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedRouterThroughput, error)
GetRouterThroughputsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of router throughputs
func (*Service) GetRouterVPNs ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetRouterVPNs(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]VPN, error)
GetRouterVPNs retrieves a list of router VPNs
func (*Service) GetRouterVPNsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetRouterVPNsPaginated(routerID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVPN, error)
GetRouterVPNsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of router VPNs
func (*Service) GetRouters ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetRouters(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Router, error)
GetRouters retrieves a list of routers
func (*Service) GetRoutersPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetRoutersPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedRouter, error)
GetRoutersPaginated retrieves a paginated list of routers
func (*Service) GetSSHKeyPair ¶ added in v1.3.56
func (s *Service) GetSSHKeyPair(keypairID string) (SSHKeyPair, error)
GetSSHKeyPair retrieves a single keypair by id
func (*Service) GetSSHKeyPairs ¶ added in v1.3.56
func (s *Service) GetSSHKeyPairs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]SSHKeyPair, error)
GetSSHKeyPairs retrieves a list of keypairs
func (*Service) GetSSHKeyPairsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.56
func (s *Service) GetSSHKeyPairsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedSSHKeyPair, error)
GetSSHKeyPairsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of keypairs
func (*Service) GetSites ¶
func (s *Service) GetSites(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Site, error)
GetSites retrieves a list of sites
func (*Service) GetSitesPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetSitesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedSite, error)
GetSitesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of sites
func (*Service) GetSolution ¶
GetSolution retrieves a single Solution by ID
func (*Service) GetSolutionDatastores ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionDatastores(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Datastore, error)
GetSolutionDatastores retrieves a list of datastores
func (*Service) GetSolutionDatastoresPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionDatastoresPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedDatastore, error)
GetSolutionDatastoresPaginated retrieves a paginated list of domains
func (*Service) GetSolutionFirewalls ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionFirewalls(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Firewall, error)
GetSolutionFirewalls retrieves a list of firewalls
func (*Service) GetSolutionFirewallsPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionFirewallsPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedFirewall, error)
GetSolutionFirewallsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of domains
func (*Service) GetSolutionHosts ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionHosts(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]V1Host, error)
GetSolutionHosts retrieves a list of hosts
func (*Service) GetSolutionHostsPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionHostsPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedV1Host, error)
GetSolutionHostsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of domains
func (*Service) GetSolutionNetworks ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionNetworks(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]V1Network, error)
GetSolutionNetworks retrieves a list of networks
func (*Service) GetSolutionNetworksPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionNetworksPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedV1Network, error)
GetSolutionNetworksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of domains
func (*Service) GetSolutionSites ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionSites(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Site, error)
GetSolutionSites retrieves a list of sites
func (*Service) GetSolutionSitesPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionSitesPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedSite, error)
GetSolutionSitesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of domains
func (*Service) GetSolutionTag ¶
GetSolutionTag retrieves a single solution tag by key
func (*Service) GetSolutionTags ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionTags(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Tag, error)
GetSolutionTags retrieves a list of tags
func (*Service) GetSolutionTagsPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionTagsPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTag, error)
GetSolutionTagsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of domains
func (*Service) GetSolutionTemplate ¶ added in v1.0.7
GetSolutionTemplate retrieves a single solution template by name
func (*Service) GetSolutionTemplates ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionTemplates(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Template, error)
GetSolutionTemplates retrieves a list of templates
func (*Service) GetSolutionTemplatesPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionTemplatesPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTemplate, error)
GetSolutionTemplatesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of domains
func (*Service) GetSolutionVirtualMachines ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionVirtualMachines(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]VirtualMachine, error)
GetSolutionVirtualMachines retrieves a list of vms
func (*Service) GetSolutionVirtualMachinesPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionVirtualMachinesPaginated(solutionID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVirtualMachine, error)
GetSolutionVirtualMachinesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of domains
func (*Service) GetSolutions ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutions(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Solution, error)
GetSolutions retrieves a list of solutions
func (*Service) GetSolutionsPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetSolutionsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedSolution, error)
GetSolutionsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of solutions
func (*Service) GetTasks ¶ added in v1.4.1
func (s *Service) GetTasks(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
GetTasks retrieves a list of tasks
func (*Service) GetTasksPaginated ¶ added in v1.4.1
func (s *Service) GetTasksPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
GetTasksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of tasks
func (*Service) GetV1Hosts ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Service) GetV1Hosts(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]V1Host, error)
GetV1Hosts retrieves a list of v1 hosts
func (*Service) GetV1HostsPaginated ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Service) GetV1HostsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedV1Host, error)
GetV1HostsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of v1 hosts
func (*Service) GetVPCInstances ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetVPCInstances(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Instance, error)
GetVPCInstances retrieves a list of firewall rule instances
func (*Service) GetVPCInstancesPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetVPCInstancesPaginated(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedInstance, error)
GetVPCInstancesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of firewall rule instances
func (*Service) GetVPCTasks ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetVPCTasks(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
GetVPCTasks retrieves a list of VPC tasks
func (*Service) GetVPCTasksPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetVPCTasksPaginated(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
GetVPCTasksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of VPC tasks
func (*Service) GetVPCVolumes ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetVPCVolumes(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Volume, error)
GetVPCVolumes retrieves a list of firewall rule volumes
func (*Service) GetVPCVolumesPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetVPCVolumesPaginated(vpcID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVolume, error)
GetVPCVolumesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of firewall rule volumes
func (*Service) GetVPCs ¶ added in v1.3.25
func (s *Service) GetVPCs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]VPC, error)
GetVPCs retrieves a list of vpcs
func (*Service) GetVPCsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.25
func (s *Service) GetVPCsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVPC, error)
GetVPCsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of vpcs
func (*Service) GetVPNs ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetVPNs(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]VPN, error)
GetVPNs retrieves a list of vpns
func (*Service) GetVPNsPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (s *Service) GetVPNsPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVPN, error)
GetVPNsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of vpns
func (*Service) GetVirtualMachine ¶
func (s *Service) GetVirtualMachine(vmID int) (VirtualMachine, error)
GetVirtualMachine retrieves a single virtual machine by ID
func (*Service) GetVirtualMachineTag ¶
GetVirtualMachineTag retrieves a single virtual machine tag by key
func (*Service) GetVirtualMachineTags ¶
func (s *Service) GetVirtualMachineTags(vmID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Tag, error)
GetVirtualMachineTags retrieves a list of tags
func (*Service) GetVirtualMachineTagsPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetVirtualMachineTagsPaginated(vmID int, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTag, error)
GetVirtualMachineTagsPaginated retrieves a paginated list of domains
func (*Service) GetVirtualMachines ¶
func (s *Service) GetVirtualMachines(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]VirtualMachine, error)
GetVirtualMachines retrieves a list of vms
func (*Service) GetVirtualMachinesPaginated ¶
func (s *Service) GetVirtualMachinesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVirtualMachine, error)
GetVirtualMachinesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of vms
func (*Service) GetVolumeInstances ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetVolumeInstances(volumeID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Instance, error)
GetVolumeInstances retrieves a list of volume instances
func (*Service) GetVolumeInstancesPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) GetVolumeInstancesPaginated(volumeID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedInstance, error)
GetVolumeInstancesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of volume instances
func (*Service) GetVolumeTasks ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetVolumeTasks(volumeID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Task, error)
GetVolumeTasks retrieves a list of Volume tasks
func (*Service) GetVolumeTasksPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s *Service) GetVolumeTasksPaginated(volumeID string, parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedTask, error)
GetVolumeTasksPaginated retrieves a paginated list of Volume tasks
func (*Service) GetVolumes ¶ added in v1.3.37
func (s *Service) GetVolumes(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) ([]Volume, error)
GetVolumes retrieves a list of volumes
func (*Service) GetVolumesPaginated ¶ added in v1.3.37
func (s *Service) GetVolumesPaginated(parameters connection.APIRequestParameters) (*PaginatedVolume, error)
GetVolumesPaginated retrieves a paginated list of volumes
func (*Service) LockInstance ¶ added in v1.3.31
LockInstance locks an instance from update/removal
func (*Service) PatchFirewallPolicy ¶ added in v1.3.34
func (s *Service) PatchFirewallPolicy(policyID string, req PatchFirewallPolicyRequest) (TaskReference, error)
PatchFirewallPolicy patches a FirewallPolicy
func (*Service) PatchFirewallRule ¶ added in v1.3.39
func (s *Service) PatchFirewallRule(ruleID string, req PatchFirewallRuleRequest) (TaskReference, error)
PatchFirewallRule patches a FirewallRule
func (*Service) PatchFirewallRulePort ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) PatchFirewallRulePort(ruleID string, req PatchFirewallRulePortRequest) (TaskReference, error)
PatchFirewallRulePort patches a FirewallRulePort
func (*Service) PatchFloatingIP ¶ added in v1.3.41
func (s *Service) PatchFloatingIP(fipID string, req PatchFloatingIPRequest) error
PatchFloatingIP patches a floating IP
func (*Service) PatchHost ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *Service) PatchHost(hostID string, req PatchHostRequest) (TaskReference, error)
PatchHost patches a host
func (*Service) PatchHostGroup ¶ added in v1.3.52
func (s *Service) PatchHostGroup(hostGroupID string, req PatchHostGroupRequest) (TaskReference, error)
PatchHostGroup patches a host group
func (*Service) PatchInstance ¶ added in v1.3.31
func (s *Service) PatchInstance(instanceID string, req PatchInstanceRequest) error
PatchInstance updates an instance
func (*Service) PatchNetwork ¶ added in v1.3.28
func (s *Service) PatchNetwork(networkID string, req PatchNetworkRequest) error
PatchNetwork patches a Network
func (*Service) PatchNetworkPolicy ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) PatchNetworkPolicy(policyID string, req PatchNetworkPolicyRequest) (TaskReference, error)
PatchNetworkPolicy patches a NetworkPolicy
func (*Service) PatchNetworkRule ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) PatchNetworkRule(ruleID string, req PatchNetworkRuleRequest) (TaskReference, error)
PatchNetworkRule patches a NetworkRule
func (*Service) PatchNetworkRulePort ¶ added in v1.4.4
func (s *Service) PatchNetworkRulePort(ruleID string, req PatchNetworkRulePortRequest) (TaskReference, error)
PatchNetworkRulePort patches a NetworkRulePort
func (*Service) PatchRouter ¶ added in v1.3.28
func (s *Service) PatchRouter(routerID string, req PatchRouterRequest) error
PatchRouter patches a Router
func (*Service) PatchSSHKeyPair ¶ added in v1.3.56
func (s *Service) PatchSSHKeyPair(keypairID string, req PatchSSHKeyPairRequest) error
PatchSSHKeyPair patches a SSHKeyPair
func (*Service) PatchSolution ¶
func (s *Service) PatchSolution(solutionID int, patch PatchSolutionRequest) (int, error)
PatchSolution patches an eCloud solution
func (*Service) PatchSolutionTag ¶
func (s *Service) PatchSolutionTag(solutionID int, tagKey string, patch PatchTagRequest) error
PatchSolutionTag patches an eCloud solution tag
func (*Service) PatchVPC ¶ added in v1.3.28
func (s *Service) PatchVPC(vpcID string, req PatchVPCRequest) error
PatchVPC patches a VPC
func (*Service) PatchVirtualMachine ¶
func (s *Service) PatchVirtualMachine(vmID int, patch PatchVirtualMachineRequest) error
PatchVirtualMachine patches an eCloud virtual machine
func (*Service) PatchVirtualMachineTag ¶
func (s *Service) PatchVirtualMachineTag(vmID int, tagKey string, patch PatchTagRequest) error
PatchVirtualMachineTag patches an eCloud virtual machine tag
func (*Service) PatchVolume ¶ added in v1.3.37
func (s *Service) PatchVolume(volumeID string, req PatchVolumeRequest) (TaskReference, error)
PatchVolume patches a Volume
func (*Service) PodConsoleAvailable ¶ added in v1.3.6
PodConsoleAvailable removes a pod template
func (*Service) PowerOffInstance ¶ added in v1.3.31
PowerOffInstance powers off an instance
func (*Service) PowerOffVirtualMachine ¶
PowerOffVirtualMachine powers off a virtual machine
func (*Service) PowerOnInstance ¶ added in v1.3.31
PowerOnInstance powers on an instance
func (*Service) PowerOnVirtualMachine ¶
PowerOnVirtualMachine powers on a virtual machine
func (*Service) PowerResetInstance ¶ added in v1.3.31
PowerResetInstance resets an instance
func (*Service) PowerResetVirtualMachine ¶
PowerResetVirtualMachine resets a virtual machine (hard power off)
func (*Service) PowerRestartInstance ¶ added in v1.3.31
PowerRestartInstance restarts an instance
func (*Service) PowerRestartVirtualMachine ¶
PowerRestartVirtualMachine resets a virtual machine (graceful power off)
func (*Service) PowerShutdownInstance ¶ added in v1.3.31
PowerShutdownInstance shuts down an instance
func (*Service) PowerShutdownVirtualMachine ¶
PowerShutdownVirtualMachine shuts down a virtual machine
func (*Service) RejectDiscountPlan ¶ added in v1.3.41
RejectDiscountPlan rejects a floating IP from a resource
func (*Service) RenamePodTemplate ¶ added in v1.0.9
func (s *Service) RenamePodTemplate(podID int, templateName string, req RenameTemplateRequest) error
RenamePodTemplate renames a pod template
func (*Service) RenameSolutionTemplate ¶ added in v1.0.7
func (s *Service) RenameSolutionTemplate(solutionID int, templateName string, req RenameTemplateRequest) error
RenameSolutionTemplate renames a solution template
func (*Service) UnassignFloatingIP ¶ added in v1.3.41
UnassignFloatingIP unassigns a floating IP from a resource
func (*Service) UnlockInstance ¶ added in v1.3.31
UnlockInstance unlocks an instance
type Site ¶
type Site struct { ID int `json:"id"` State string `json:"state"` SolutionID int `json:"solution_id"` PodID int `json:"pod_id"` }
Site represents an eCloud site +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type SiteNotFoundError ¶
type SiteNotFoundError struct {
ID int
SiteNotFoundError indicates a site was not found within eCloud
func (*SiteNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *SiteNotFoundError) Error() string
type Solution ¶
type Solution struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Environment SolutionEnvironment `json:"environment"` PodID int `json:"pod_id"` EncryptionEnabled bool `json:"encryption_enabled"` EncryptionDefault bool `json:"encryption_default"` }
Solution represents an eCloud solution +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type SolutionEnvironment ¶
type SolutionEnvironment string
const ( SolutionEnvironmentHybrid SolutionEnvironment = "Hybrid" SolutionEnvironmentPrivate SolutionEnvironment = "Private" )
func (SolutionEnvironment) String ¶
func (s SolutionEnvironment) String() string
type SolutionNotFoundError ¶
type SolutionNotFoundError struct {
ID int
SolutionNotFoundError indicates a solution was not found within eCloud
func (*SolutionNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *SolutionNotFoundError) Error() string
type SyncStatus ¶ added in v1.3.33
type SyncStatus string
const ( SyncStatusComplete SyncStatus = "complete" SyncStatusFailed SyncStatus = "failed" SyncStatusInProgress SyncStatus = "in-progress" )
func (SyncStatus) String ¶ added in v1.3.33
func (s SyncStatus) String() string
type Tag ¶
type Tag struct { Key string `json:"key"` Value string `json:"value"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` }
Tag represents an eCloud tag +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type TagNotFoundError ¶
type TagNotFoundError struct {
Key string
TagNotFoundError indicates a tag was not found within eCloud
func (*TagNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *TagNotFoundError) Error() string
type Task ¶ added in v1.3.55
type Task struct { ID string `json:"id"` ResourceID string `json:"resource_id"` Name string `json:"name"` Status TaskStatus `json:"status"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
Task represents a task against an eCloud resource +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type TaskNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.4.1
type TaskNotFoundError struct {
ID string
TaskFoundError indicates an task was not found
func (*TaskNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.4.1
func (e *TaskNotFoundError) Error() string
type TaskReference ¶ added in v1.3.55
TaskReference represents a reference to an on-going task +genie:model_response
type TaskStatus ¶ added in v1.3.55
type TaskStatus string
const ( TaskStatusComplete TaskStatus = "complete" TaskStatusFailed TaskStatus = "failed" TaskStatusInProgress TaskStatus = "in-progress" )
func ParseTaskStatus ¶ added in v1.4.0
func ParseTaskStatus(s string) (TaskStatus, error)
ParseTaskStatus attempts to parse a TaskStatus from string
func (TaskStatus) String ¶ added in v1.3.55
func (s TaskStatus) String() string
type Template ¶
type Template struct { Name string `json:"name"` // Count in Cores CPU int `json:"cpu"` // Size in GB RAM int `json:"ram"` // Size in GB HDD int `json:"hdd"` Disks []VirtualMachineDisk `json:"hdd_disks"` Platform string `json:"platform"` OperatingSystem string `json:"operating_system"` SolutionID int `json:"solution_id"` }
Template represents an eCloud template +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type TemplateNotFoundError ¶
type TemplateNotFoundError struct {
Name string
TemplateNotFoundError indicates a template was not found within eCloud
func (*TemplateNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *TemplateNotFoundError) Error() string
type TemplateType ¶ added in v1.0.10
type TemplateType string
const ( TemplateTypeSolution TemplateType = "solution" TemplateTypePod TemplateType = "pod" )
func ParseTemplateType ¶ added in v1.0.10
func ParseTemplateType(s string) (TemplateType, error)
ParseTemplateType attempts to parse a TemplateType from string
func (TemplateType) String ¶ added in v1.0.10
func (s TemplateType) String() string
type V1Host ¶ added in v1.4.0
type V1Host struct { ID int `json:"id"` SolutionID int `json:"solution_id"` PodID int `json:"pod_id"` Name string `json:"name"` CPU HostCPU `json:"cpu"` RAM HostRAM `json:"ram"` }
V1Host represents an eCloud v1 host +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type V1HostNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.4.0
type V1HostNotFoundError struct {
ID int
V1HostNotFoundError indicates a v1 host was not found within eCloud
func (*V1HostNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (e *V1HostNotFoundError) Error() string
type V1Network ¶ added in v1.3.27
V1Network represents an eCloud v1 network +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type VPC ¶ added in v1.3.25
type VPC struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` RegionID string `json:"region_id"` Sync ResourceSync `json:"sync"` SupportEnabled bool `json:"support_enabled"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
VPC represents an eCloud VPC +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type VPCNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.25
type VPCNotFoundError struct {
ID string
VPCNotFoundError indicates a VPC was not found
func (*VPCNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.25
func (e *VPCNotFoundError) Error() string
type VPN ¶ added in v1.3.27
type VPN struct { ID string `json:"id"` RouterID string `json:"router_id"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
VPN represents an eCloud VPN +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type VPNNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.27
type VPNNotFoundError struct {
ID string
VPNNotFoundError indicates a VPN was not found
func (*VPNNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.27
func (e *VPNNotFoundError) Error() string
type VirtualMachine ¶
type VirtualMachine struct { ID int `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Hostname string `json:"hostname"` ComputerName string `json:"computername"` // Count in Cores CPU int `json:"cpu"` // Size in GB RAM int `json:"ram"` // Size in GB HDD int `json:"hdd"` IPInternal connection.IPAddress `json:"ip_internal"` IPExternal connection.IPAddress `json:"ip_external"` Platform string `json:"platform"` Template string `json:"template"` Backup bool `json:"backup"` Support bool `json:"support"` Environment string `json:"environment"` SolutionID int `json:"solution_id"` Status VirtualMachineStatus `json:"status"` PowerStatus string `json:"power_status"` ToolsStatus string `json:"tools_status"` Disks []VirtualMachineDisk `json:"hdd_disks"` Encrypted bool `json:"encrypted"` Role string `json:"role"` GPUProfile string `json:"gpu_profile"` }
VirtualMachine represents an eCloud Virtual Machine +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type VirtualMachineDisk ¶
type VirtualMachineDisk struct { UUID string `json:"uuid"` Name string `json:"name"` Type VirtualMachineDiskType `json:"type"` Key int `json:"key"` // Size in GB Capacity int `json:"capacity"` }
VirtualMachineDisk represents an eCloud Virtual Machine disk
type VirtualMachineDiskType ¶ added in v1.0.36
type VirtualMachineDiskType string
const ( VirtualMachineDiskTypeStandard VirtualMachineDiskType = "Standard" VirtualMachineDiskTypeCluster VirtualMachineDiskType = "Cluster" )
func (VirtualMachineDiskType) String ¶ added in v1.0.36
func (e VirtualMachineDiskType) String() string
type VirtualMachineNotFoundError ¶
type VirtualMachineNotFoundError struct {
ID int
VirtualMachineNotFoundError indicates a virtual machine was not found within eCloud
func (*VirtualMachineNotFoundError) Error ¶
func (e *VirtualMachineNotFoundError) Error() string
type VirtualMachinePowerStatus ¶
type VirtualMachinePowerStatus string
const ( VirtualMachinePowerStatusOnline VirtualMachinePowerStatus = "Online" VirtualMachinePowerStatusOffline VirtualMachinePowerStatus = "Offline" )
func ParseVirtualMachinePowerStatus ¶
func ParseVirtualMachinePowerStatus(s string) (VirtualMachinePowerStatus, error)
ParseVirtualMachinePowerStatus attempts to parse a VirtualMachinePowerStatus from string
func (VirtualMachinePowerStatus) String ¶
func (s VirtualMachinePowerStatus) String() string
type VirtualMachineStatus ¶
type VirtualMachineStatus string
const ( VirtualMachineStatusComplete VirtualMachineStatus = "Complete" VirtualMachineStatusFailed VirtualMachineStatus = "Failed" VirtualMachineStatusBeingBuilt VirtualMachineStatus = "Being Built" )
func (VirtualMachineStatus) String ¶
func (s VirtualMachineStatus) String() string
type Volume ¶ added in v1.3.31
type Volume struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` VPCID string `json:"vpc_id"` AvailabilityZoneID string `json:"availability_zone_id"` Capacity int `json:"capacity"` IOPS int `json:"iops"` Attached bool `json:"attached"` Type VolumeType `json:"type"` Sync ResourceSync `json:"sync"` CreatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt connection.DateTime `json:"updated_at"` }
Volume represents an eCloud volume +genie:model_response +genie:model_paginated
type VolumeNotFoundError ¶ added in v1.3.37
type VolumeNotFoundError struct {
ID string
VolumeNotFoundError indicates a volume was not found
func (*VolumeNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v1.3.37
func (e *VolumeNotFoundError) Error() string
type VolumeType ¶ added in v1.3.51
type VolumeType string
const ( VolumeTypeOS VolumeType = "os" VolumeTypeData VolumeType = "data" )
func (VolumeType) String ¶ added in v1.3.51
func (s VolumeType) String() string
Source Files
- error.go
- model.go
- model_paginated_generated.go
- model_response_generated.go
- request.go
- service.go
- service_activedirectory.go
- service_appliance.go
- service_availabilityzone.go
- service_billingmetric.go
- service_credit.go
- service_datastore.go
- service_dhcp.go
- service_discountplan.go
- service_firewall.go
- service_firewallpolicy.go
- service_firewallrule.go
- service_firewallruleport.go
- service_floatingip.go
- service_host.go
- service_hostgroup.go
- service_hostspec.go
- service_image.go
- service_instance.go
- service_network.go
- service_networkpolicy.go
- service_networkrule.go
- service_networkruleport.go
- service_nic.go
- service_pod.go
- service_region.go
- service_router.go
- service_routerthroughput.go
- service_site.go
- service_solution.go
- service_sshkeypair.go
- service_task.go
- service_v1host.go
- service_virtualmachine.go
- service_volume.go
- service_vpc.go
- service_vpn.go