Apla Getting Started Guide
Table of contents
Apla Blockchain is a platform which was developed for building digital ecosystems. The platform includes an integrated application development environment with a multi-level system of access rights to data, interfaces and smart contracts.
Apla Blockchain Platform consists of two main components:
In production environment, each of these components (backend and frontend) can be deployed on different hosts and OS.
In this guide we will deployed Apla Blockchain Platform based on three nodes with the same OS on the test ICT-infrastructure and build Molis client. As Apla node OS we will used:
- Debian 9 (Stretch) 64-bit official distributive
- with installed GNOME GUI in a case of building Molis client on your Debian host
- minimal server core installation in a case of deployment only backend components
- Windows Server 2012R2/2016
For testing purposes, all of these hosts are connected to each other in simple network. In the bottom table, there are network settings for each nodes components that we will deploy through this guide:
Node Number |
Component |
IP and Port |
1 |
PostgreSQL | |
1 |
Centrifugo | |
1 |
Go-Apla (TCP-server) | |
1 |
Go-Apla (API-server) | |
2 |
PostgreSQL | |
2 |
Centrifugo | |
2 |
Go-Apla (TCP-server) | |
2 |
Go-Apla (API-server) | |
3 |
PostgreSQL | |
3 |
Centrifugo | |
3 |
Go-Apla (TCP-server) | |
3 |
Go-Apla (API-server) | |
Backend Install
In this section we will deploy Apla Backend components.
Apla Blockchain Platform’s backend consists of three main components:
- PostgreSQL database system
Each Apla node use PostgreSQL database system for store its current state database.
In testing environment, you can deploy just one instance of PostgreSQL database system for all nodes. In this case, you should create PostgreSQL databases for each node on. All nodes will connected to their databases, located on one PostgreSQL instance.
In production environment, it is not recommended to have one PostgreSQL database system for all nodes. Each Apla node must have its own instance of PostgreSQL and should connected only to it. There is not necessary to deploy this instance on the same host with other backend components.
For testing purposes, in this guide, we will deploy PostgreSQL on each Apla node.
- Centrifugo notification server
Centrifugo is notification service which receive notifications from Go-Apla TCP-server and send them to frontend (Molis client). So users can see status of their transactions.
Centrifugo is unified notification service for all nodes in Apla Blockchain Platform. When Molis client connected to Go-Apla API-service, it received IP-address of Centrifugo host and connected to it via websocket.
In testing environment, you can deploy centrifugo service on the same host as other backend components. It can be one centrifugo service for all nodes or each node may be connected to its own centrifugo instance.
In production environment, you must have at least several dedicated centrifugo hosts.
For testing purposes, in this guide, we will deploy Centrifugo service on each Apla node.
- Go-Apla
Go-Apla is kernel of the Apla's node. It consists of two services TCP-server and API-server.
TCP-server is responsible for Apla nodes interconnection.
API-server is responsible for connections with Molis clients.
In testing environment, you can deploy Go-Apla service with other backend components on one host
In production environment, you must deploy Go-Apla services on dedicated hosts.
For testing purposes, in this guide, we will deploy Go-Apla services on the same host with other backend components.
Backend Install for Debian OS
Backend Software Prerequisites
Before install Apla Backend components, you need install several additional software.
Install sudo
All commands for Debian 9 should be run as non root user. But some system commands need superuser privileges to be executed. By default, sudo is not installed on Debian 9, and first, you should install it.
- Become root superuser:
$ su -
- Upgrade your system:
# apt update -y && apt upgrade -y && apt dist-upgrade -y
- Install sudo:
# apt install sudo -y
- Add your user to sudo group:
# usermod -a -G sudo user
- After the reboot, the changes take effect.
Install common software
Some of used packages can be downloaded from the official Debian repository. Install packages:
$ sudo apt install -y git curl apt-transport-https build-essential
Create Apla directory
For Debian 9 OS, all software used by Apla Blockchain Platform is recommended to store in a special directory. In this guide, we will use /opt/apla directory as main, but you can change it to your own.
- Make directory and go to it:
$ sudo mkdir /opt/apla && cd /opt/apla
- Make your user owner of this directory:
$ sudo chown user /opt/apla/
Install Go Language
- Download Go latest stable version 1.10 from the official site or via command line:
$ wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.10.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
- Install Go:
$ tar -xvf go1.10.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz && sudo mv go /usr/local/
- Export Go environment variables:
$ export GOROOT=/usr/local/go && export GOPATH=/opt/apla/ && export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
- Remove temporary file:
$ rm go1.10.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Install Python packages
These packages should be installed only on the first node because of executing special scripts.
- Install Python3-pip:
$ sudo apt install -y python3-pip
- Download and install required python packages:
$ sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ug93tad/apla-tests/master/requirements.txt && sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
OS Firewall Requirements
By default, after installing Debian 9, there are no firewall rules. But, if you want to design more secure system with firewall, next incoming connections should be allowed:
- 7078/TCP - Node's TCP-server
- 7079/TCP - Node's API-server
- 8000/TCP - Centrifugo server
First Node Deployment
Install PostgreSQL
- Install PostgreSQL:
$ sudo apt install -y postgresql
- Change user's password postgres to Apla's default (you can set your own password, but also you must change it in node configuration file ‘config.toml’):
$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'apla'"
- Create node current state database, for example ‘apladb’:
$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE apladb"
Install Centrifugo
- Download Centrifugo version 1.7.9 from GitHub or via command line:
$ wget https://github.com/centrifugal/centrifugo/releases/download/v1.7.9/centrifugo-1.7.9-linux-amd64.zip && unzip centrifugo-1.7.9-linux-amd64.zip && mkdir centrifugo && mv centrifugo-1.7.9-linux-amd64/* centrifugo/
- Remove temporary files:
$ rm -R centrifugo-1.7.9-linux-amd64 && rm centrifugo-1.7.9-linux-amd64.zip
- Create Centrifugo configuration file:
$ echo '{"secret":"CENT_SECRET"}' > centrifugo/config.json
You can set your own "secret", but also you must change it in node configuration file ‘config.toml’.
Install Go-Apla
- Create go-apla and node1 directories:
$ mkdir go-apla && cd go-apla && mkdir node1
- Download and buid latest release of Go-Apla from GitHub and copy it into go-apla directory:
$ go get -v github.com/ug93tad /go-apla && cd /opt/apla && mv bin/go-apla go-apla/ && rm -rf bin/ && rm -rf src/
- Create Node 1 configuration file, all used network settings (IP-adresses and ports) are described in Overview:
$ ./go-apla config --dataDir=/opt/apla/go-apla/node1 --dbName=apladb --privateBlockchain=true --centSecret="CENT_SECRET" --centUrl= --httpHost= --tcpHost=
- --dbName - database name 'apladb' that was created in section Install PostgreSQL
- --centSecret - Centrifugo secret 'CENT_SECRET' that was created in section Install Centrifugo
- --centUrl= - used IP address and port of Centrifugo of Node 1
- --httpHost= - used IP address and port of API-server of Node 1
- --tcpHost= - used IP address and port of TCP-server of Node 1
- Other usage and flags of go-apla are described in documentation
- Generate Node 1 keys:
$ ./go-apla generateKeys --config=node1/config.toml
- Generate first block:
$ ./go-apla generateFirstBlock --config=node1/config.toml
- Initialize database:
$ ./go-apla initDatabase --config=node1/config.toml
Create services for backend components
This section under development
Start First Node
For starting first node you should start two services:
If you did not create these services, you can just execute binary files from its directories in different consoles.
- Execute centrifugo file:
$ cd /opt/apla/centrifugo && ./centrifugo -a --config=config.json
- - IP-address of Node 1
- --config=config.json - path to centrifugo configuration file 'config.json'
- Execute go-apla file in another console:
$ cd /opt/apla/go-apla/ && ./go-apla start --config=node1/config.toml
Now, you can connecting to your node via Molis App.
Other Nodes Deployment
Deployment of the second node and others is similar to the first node, but has some differences in creation of go-apla ‘config.toml’ file.
For each other node deployment you should repeat next steps:
- Install Backend Software Prerequisites
- Install PostgreSQL
- Install Centrifugo
- Install Go-Apla
Other Nodes Configuration
In this example we will configure Node 2. Other Nodes can be configured in the same way. All used network settings (IP-adresses and ports) are described in Overview.
- Copy file of the first block to Node 2. For example, you can do it via scp on Node 2:
$ scp user@ /opt/apla/go-apla/node2/
- Create Node 2 configuration file:
$ ./go-apla config --dataDir=/opt/apla/go-apla/node2 --dbName=apladb --privateBlockchain=true --centSecret="CENT_SECRET" --centUrl= --httpHost= --tcpHost= --nodesAddr=
- --dbName - database name 'apladb' that was created in section Install PostgreSQL
- --centSecret - Centrifugo secret 'CENT_SECRET' that was created in section Install Centrifugo
- --centUrl= - used IP address and port of Centrifugo of Node 2
- --httpHost= - used IP address and port of API-server of Node 2
- --tcpHost= - used IP address and port of TCP-server of Node 2
- --nodesAddr= - IP-address of Node 1
- Other usage and flags of go-apla are described in documentation
- Generate Node 2 keys:
$ ./go-apla generateKeys --config=node2/config.toml
- Initialize database:
$ ./go-apla initDatabase --config=node2/config.toml
- Start Node 2:
$ ./go-apla start --config=node2/config.toml
You should ignore showed errors. If you start node with log level "INFO", you'll see that node start downloaded blocks.
Adding keys
Errors that occurred above are caused by untrusted relationships between nodes. To fix it, you should add the second node public key to the first node.
To adding keys you should download this script updateKeys.py. All information that you are need to script execution are located in node's directory 'nodeN'. This scipt must be executed on the first node with founder's privileges. Execute script with next arguments:
$ python3 updateKeys.py PrivateKey1 Host1 Port1 KeyID2 PublicKey2 balance
- PrivateKey1 - founder private key, located in the file PrivateKey of the first node
- Host1 - IP-addres or DNS-name of the first node
- Port1 - the first node API-server port
- KeyID2 - content of file KeyID of the second node
- PublicKey2 - content of file PublicKey of the second node
- balance - set wallet balance of the second node
$ python3 updatekeys.py bda1c45d3298cb7bece1f76a81d8016d33cdec18c925297c7748621c502a23f2 7079 -5910245696104921893 1812246837170b6df8609fd9d846a0984f4e5b3ee9037717e39dc38c82ea1a8e528c9e6f6acdc06b2a33f228c4d2649005bde47af857f3f756aaf64d3f1648dd 1000000000000000000000
All used network settings (IP-adresses and ports) are described in Overview.
This script will create contract, which add the second node public key to the table 'keys' of database.
Create connection between nodes
Next, you should create connection between nodes. For this, you should download this script newValToFullNodes.py. All information that you are need to script execution are located in node's directory 'nodeN'. This scipt must be executed on the first node with founder's privileges.
Execute script with next arguments:
$ python3 newValToFullNodes.py PrivateKey1 Host1 Port1 'NewValue'
- PrivateKey1 - founder private key, located in the file PrivateKey of the first node
- Host1 - IP-addres or DNS-name of the first node
- Port1 - the first node API-server port
- NewValue - new value of Full_Nodes parameter
Argument NewValue must be written in json format:
- Host1 - IP-addres or DNS-name of the first node
- tcpPort1 - the first node TCP-server port
- httpPort1 - the first node API-server port
- KeyID1 - content of file KeyID of the first node
- NodePubKey1 - content of file NodePublicKey of the first node
- Host2 - IP-addres or DNS-name of the second node
- tcpPort2 - the second node TCP-server port
- httpPort2 - the second node API-server port
- KeyID2 - content of file KeyID of the second node
- NodePubKey2 - content of file NodePublicKey of the second node
- HostN - IP-addres or DNS-name of node N
- tcpPortN - node N TCP-server port
- httpPortN - node N API-server port
- KeyIDN - content of file KeyID of node N
- NodePubKeyN - content of file NodePublicKey of node N
$ python3 newValToFullNodes.py bda1c45d3298cb7bece1f76a81d8016d33cdec18c925297c7748621c502a23f2 7079 '[{"tcp_address":"","api_address":"","key_id":"5541394763743537703","public_key":"d26824d0e94894bae9e983e7a386a1c9e4f609990d4b635b6926b52c831d6ec28b95f75acf0c9d10ee96afc0dd02617f08fea225706f0e502d5fe26587023e3b"},{"tcp_address":"","api_address":"","key_id":"6404048169476933259","public_key":"afd9ed260ec65a2a294794285ad40c5edc219e3be2455a044e2444111b8525815b224fdb369aa17307434d0e6aca8f9c959f823756baeb9ccb105f96f996bf11" }, {"tcp_address":"","api_address":"","key_id":"-5910245696104921893","public_key":"254c38cd6d9f47ffc42a8d178bb47f9a0cbc46ec6ef4d972c05146bfe87a8da03cb3450b71b2a724fdb2184163ae91023931c9fe5f148f0bdceeeefc5a16fe58"}]'
All used network settings (IP-adresses and ports) are described in Overview.
Now, all nodes are connected to each other.
Backend Install for Windows Server OS
Backend Software Prerequisites
Before install Apla Backend components, you need install several additional software. To do this, you should have administrators privileges.
Install Go Language
Download Go latest stable version 1.10 for Windows from the official site.
Install Go without any specific settings.
Install Git
Download the latest 64-bit Git for Windows from the official site.
Install Git without any specific settings.
Install MinGW
You should install MinGW software only if you want build Apla backend from source code.
Download the latest MinGW-W64 from its site.
During installation process, you should specify setup settings:
- Version: from drop list select latest version
- Architecture: from drop list select ‘x86_64’
- Threads: from drop list select ‘win32’
Leave the other settings by default.
- Add absolute path of directory ‘mingw64/bin’ to the system environment variable PATH by command line, for example “C:\mingw64\bin”:
> setx PATH “C:\mingw64\bin”
- For Windows Server 2016 you must restart your system.
Install Python 3
Python 3 should be installed only on the first node because of executing special scripts.
Download latest Python 3 Release from the official site.
During installation process, select “Add python.exe to Path” in features tree. Leave the other settings by default.
Download python packages list "requirements.txt" from GitHub.
For script execution install additional packages via "requirements.txt":
> py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
OS Firewall Requirements
In Windows Server firewall settings, you should allow next incoming connections:
- 7078/TCP - Node's TCP-server
- 7079/TCP - Node's API-server
- 8000/TCP - Centrifugo server
First Node Deployment
Install PostgreSQL
Download PostgreSQL 10.4 installer for Windows x86-64 from the official site.
During installation process, you should:
- specify default installation directory
- specify all selected components
- specify default data directory
- set a password for the database superuser (postgres), for example ‘apla’
- specify default port 5432 the server should listen on (you can set your own port, but also you must change it in node configuration file ‘config.toml’)
- select default locale to be used by the new database cluster
- after setup wizard completed, don’t launch stack builder
- Run pgAdmin4 app and create node current state database, for example ‘apladb’
Install Centrifugo
Download Centrifugo-1.7.9-windows-amd64.zip from GitHub.
Unzip archive to your Centrifugo folder inside Apla directory
By any text editor, create Centrifugo configuration file ‘config.json’ in centrifugo directory. Add the following line to ‘config.json’ file:
You can set your own "secret", but also you must change it in node configuration file ‘config.toml’.
Install Go-Apla
In Apla directory, create go-apla directory and node folder inside it.
Download Go-Apla from GitHub or build latest release by command line:
> cd C:\Apla\go-apla
> go get –v github.com/ug93tad/go-apla
> go build github.com/ug93tad/go-apla
After that, ‘go-apla.exe’ file will appear in ‘go-apla’ directory.
Usage and flags of ‘go-apla.exe’ file are described in documentation.
- Create Node 1 ‘config.toml’ configuration file, all used network settings (IP-adresses and ports) are described in Overview:
> go-apla.exe config --dataDir=C:\Apla\go-apla\node --dbName=apladb --privateBlockchain=true --centSecret="CENT_SECRET" --centUrl= --httpHost= --tcpHost=
- --dbName - database name 'apladb' that was created in section Install PostgreSQL
- --centSecret - Centrifugo secret 'CENT_SECRET' that was created in section Install Centrifugo
- --centUrl= - used IP address and port of Centrifugo of Node 1
- --httpHost= - used IP address and port of API-server of Node 1
- --tcpHost= - used IP address and port of TCP-server of Node 1
- Other usage and flags of go-apla are described in documentation
- Generate Node 1 keys:
> go-apla.exe generateKeys --config=node\config.toml
- Generate first block:
> go-apla.exe generateFirstBlock --config=node\config.toml
- Initialize database:
> go-apla.exe initDatabase --config=node\config.toml
Create services for backend components
This section under development
Start First Node
For starting first node you should start two services:
If you did not create these services, you can just execute .exe files from its directories in different command prompts.
- Run centrifugo.exe:
> centrifugo.exe -a --config=config.json
- - IP-address of Node 1
- --config=config.json - path to centrifugo configuration file 'config.json'
- Run go-apla.exe:
> go-apla.exe start --config=node\config.toml
Now, you can connecting to your node via Molis App.
Other Nodes Deployment
Deployment of the second node and others is similar to the first node, but has some differences in creation of go-apla ‘config.toml’ file.
For each other node deployment you should repeat next steps:
- Install Backend Software Prerequisites
- Install PostgreSQL
- Install Centrifugo
- Install Go-Apla
Other Nodes Configuration
In this example we will configure Node 2. Other Nodes can be configured in the same way. All used network settings (IP-adresses and ports) are described in Overview.
Copy file of the first block to Node 2 in the same directory. Default location of the first block file you can see in ‘config.toml’ file.
Create Node 2 ‘config.toml’ configuration file:
> go-apla.exe config --dataDir=C:\Apla\go-apla\node --dbName=apladb --privateBlockchain=true --centSecret="CENT_SECRET" --centUrl= --httpHost= --tcpHost= --nodesAddr=
- --dbName - database name 'apladb' that was created in section Install PostgreSQL
- --centSecret - Centrifugo secret 'CENT_SECRET' that was created in section Install Centrifugo
- --centUrl= - used IP address and port of Centrifugo of Node 2
- --httpHost= - used IP address and port of API-server of Node 2
- --tcpHost= - used IP address and port of TCP-server of Node 2
- --nodesAddr= - IP-address of Node 1
- Other usage and flags of go-apla are described in documentation
- Generate Node 2 keys:
> go-apla.exe generateKeys --config=node\config.toml
- Initialize database:
> go-apla.exe initDatabase --config=node\config.toml
- Start Node 2 services:
> centrifugo.exe -a --config=config.json
> go-apla.exe start --config=node\config.toml
You should ignore showed errors. If you start node with log level "INFO", you'll see that node start downloaded blocks.
Adding keys
Errors that occurred above are caused by untrusted relationships between nodes. To fix it, you should add the second node public key to the first node.
To adding keys you should download this script updateKeys.py. All information that you are need to script execution are located in node's directory 'node'. This script must be executed on the first node with founder's privileges. Execute script with next arguments:
> py updateKeys.py PrivateKey1 Host1 Port1 KeyID2 PublicKey2 balance
- PrivateKey1 - founder private key, located in the file PrivateKey of the first node
- Host1 - IP-addres or DNS-name of the first node
- Port1 - the first node API-server port
- KeyID2 - content of file KeyID of the second node
- PublicKey2 - content of file PublicKey of the second node
- balance - set wallet balance of the second node
>py updateKeys.py 0f1aaf0c76716f189a295a0edbeed05ae760c4cd0009bd337f19aea6a0d37d89 7079 839301472950762263 2ce37e8a3fbeadd3862e962267fa29c43c02b6d2fbab9360f7d2e988e1477c333aa06fd6d85a8999779f1314063bf2bd2a298ea1284d0284b1c1ea69870d3ba 1000000000000000000000
All used network settings (IP-adresses and ports) are described in Overview.
This script will create contract, which add the second node public key to the table 'keys' of database.
Create connection between nodes
Then you need to create a connection between the nodes. For this, you should download this script newValToFullNodes.py. All information that you are need to script execution are located in node's directory. This script must be executed on the first node with founder's privileges.
Execute script with next arguments:
> py newValToFullNodes.py PrivateKey1 Host1 Port1 “NewValue”
- PrivateKey1 - founder private key, located in the file PrivateKey of the first node
- Host1 - IP-addres or DNS-name of the first node
- Port1 - the first node API-server port
- NewValue - new value of Full_Nodes parameter
Argument NewValue must be written in json format:
- Host1 - IP-addres or DNS-name of the first node
- tcpPort1 - the first node TCP-server port
- httpPort1 - the first node API-server port
- KeyID1 - content of file KeyID of the first node
- NodePubKey1 - content of file NodePublicKey of the first node
- Host2 - IP-addres or DNS-name of the second node
- tcpPort2 - the second node TCP-server port
- httpPort2 - the second node API-server port
- KeyID2 - content of file KeyID of the second node
- NodePubKey2 - content of file NodePublicKey of the second node
- HostN - IP-addres or DNS-name of node N
- tcpPortN - node N TCP-server port
- httpPortN - node N API-server port
- KeyIDN - content of file KeyID of node N
- NodePubKeyN - content of file NodePublicKey of node N
>py updateFullNode.py 0f1aaf0c76716f189a295a0edbeed05ae760c4cd0009bd337f19aea6a0d37d89 7079 "[{\"tcp_address\":\"\",\"api_address\":\"\",\"key_id\":\"4053339477525839986\",\"public_key\":\"d708bda3734e17822245d6477810ff28c150380abb9ae0271c5a49eca05be92fa7d80d0043e476ef936971288dd5df08b83370488182f524d789b919b398e70b\"},{\"tcp_address\":\"\",\"api_address\":\"\",\"key_id\":\"1647233376862283221\",\"public_key\":\"ed1bd2a29f607ca5529b353e8d6a9d998ebaca30a129a775b738b1bb0da4ff8afde9c6abdf208fd41fa4541cec471417705c7786ab69c359d36d822e8840815a\"},{\"tcp_address\":\"\",\"api_address\":\"\",\"key_id\":\"5700268145718545990\",\"public_key\":\"f653dd110e19abc259865397f14b1d866215fc4ea9abcaa246e620e750a3e26a46c5565bd6f2d19b4f18af10ccd8088bc62b7b2687b869bd542e91f2203ec164\"}]"
All used network settings (IP-adresses and ports) are described in Overview.
Now, all nodes are connected to each other.
Frontend Install
Frontend of Apla Blockchain Platform consist from Molis client.
First, to work with the system, you should build Molis client, then you can deploy it to your users.
Molis client can be build via three technical implementations:
- Desktop Application
- Web Application
- Mobile Application
Frontend Install for Debian
Molis client can be build by yarn package manager only on Debian 9 (Stretch) 64-bit official distributive with installed GNOME GUI.
Frontend Software Prerequisites
Install Node.js
- Download Node.js LTS version 8.11 from the official site or via command line:
$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash
- Install Node.js:
$ sudo apt install -y nodejs
Install Yarn
- Download Yarn version 1.7.0 from GitHub or via command line:
$ cd /opt/apla && wget https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/releases/download/v1.7.0/yarn_1.7.0_all.deb
- Install Yarn:
$ sudo dpkg -i yarn_1.7.0_all.deb && rm yarn_1.7.0_all.deb
Build Molis App
- Download latest release of Apla-Front (Molis) from GitHub via git:
$ git clone https://github.com/ug93tad/apla-front.git
- Install Apla-Front dependencies via Yarn:
$ cd apla-front/ && yarn install
Build Molis Desktop App
- Create ‘settings.json’ file, which contains connections information about full nodes:
$ cp public/settings.json.dist public/settings.json
- Edit ‘settings.json’ file by any text editor and add required settings in next format:
Example ‘settings.json’ file for three nodes:
"fullNodes": [
All used network settings (IP-adresses and ports) are described in Overview.
- Build desktop app by Yarn:
$ cd /opt/apla/apla-front && yarn build-desktop
- Then desktop app must be packed to the AppImage:
$ yarn release --publish never –l
After that, your application will be ready to use, but its connection settings can not be changed in the future. If these settings will change, you must build a new version of the application.
Build Molis Web App
Create ‘settings.json’ file as it is described in Build Molis Desktop App section.
Build web app:
$ cd /opt/apla/apla-front/ && yarn build
After building, redistributable files will be placed to the '/build' directory. You can serve it with any web-server of your choice. ‘Settings.json’ file must be also placed there. It is worth noting that you shouldn't build your application again if your connection settings will change. Just edit ‘settings.json’ file and restart web-server.
2') For development or testing purposes you can simple build Yarn's web-server:
$ sudo yarn global add serve && serve -s build
After this, your Molis Web App will be accessed at: http://localhost:5000
Frontend Install for Windows
Frontend Software Prerequisites
Install Node.js
Download Node.js LTS version 8.11 for Windows from the official site.
Install Node.js without any specific settings. All required environment variables will be installed during installation process.
Install Yarn
Download Yarn version 1.7.0 msi package from the official site.
Install Yarn msi package without any specific settings. All required environment variables will be installed during installation process.
Build Molis App
- Download latest release of Apla-Front (Molis) from GitHub via git:
> git clone https://github.com/ug93tad/apla-front.git
- Install Apla-Front dependencies via Yarn:
> cd apla-front
> yarn install
Build Molis Desktop App
Create ‘settings.json’ file in ‘apla-front/public’ directory, which contains connections information about full nodes.
Edit ‘settings.json’ file by any text editor and add required settings in next format:
Example ‘settings.json’ file for three nodes:
"fullNodes": [
All used network settings (IP-adresses and ports) are described in Overview.
- Build desktop app by Yarn:
> yarn build-desktop
- Release your build for Windows OS:
> yarn release --publish never –w
After that, your application will be ready to execute at ‘apla-front\releases’ directory, but its connection settings can not be changed in the future. If these settings will change, you must build a new version of the application.
Build Molis Web App
Create ‘settings.json’ file as it is described in Build Molis Desktop App section.
Build web app:
> yarn build
After building, redistributable files will be placed to the '/build' directory. You can serve it with any web-server of your choice. ‘Settings.json’ file must be also placed there. It is worth noting that you shouldn't build your application again if your connection settings will change. Just edit ‘settings.json’ file and restart web-server.
2')For development or testing purposes you can simple build Yarn's web-server:
> yarn global add serve
> serve -s build
After this, your Molis Web App will be accessed at http://localhost:3000
After building Molis App, you can obtain access to the system by selected user.
Login as Founder
To obtain system administrator rights on your ecosystem, you should login as ecosystem founder (Node 1 founder). To do this, first, you must obtain the private key of the founder that was generated during the installation of the node. This key contains in the 'PrivateKey' file, located in node configuration directory.
Next, in the Molis client in account options you should choose item 'Import existing key'.
In next window, Import account, you should copy your founder's private key in field of account seed and set new founder password.
Now, in accounts list you can see your founder's account.
Create wallet
To create wallet, in the Molis client in account options you should choose item 'Generate new key'.
Invent new account seed phrase or generate it and set new user password.
Now, in accounts list you can see your user's account.