
v0.21.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 30, 2021 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 4 Imported by: 3



Package pathx include resources of ucloud pathx product

See also

for detail.



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This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AlarmRuler added in v0.20.1

type AlarmRuler struct {

	// 告警探测周期,单位秒
	AlarmFrequency int

	// 收敛策略,可选范围 ['Exponential','Continuous','Once'],分别对应指数递增、连续告警、单次告警
	AlarmStrategy string

	// 告警模板策略ID
	AlarmTemplateRuleId int

	// 比较策略,可选 ['GE','LE']  分别代表不小于和不大于
	Compare string

	// 联系组ID
	ContactGroupId int

	// 告警指标名称, 所有n的个数必须一致。目前仅允许以下四项:UpathNetworkOut:出向带宽,UpathNetworkIn:入向带宽,UpathNetworkOutUsage:出向带宽使用率,UpathNetworkInUsage:入向带宽使用率
	MetricName string

	// 资源类型
	ResourceType string

	// 告警阈值,带宽使用率的阈值范围是[50,100]的正整数,带宽告警阈值为1000000的倍数, 如大于2Mbps则告警 阈值应该传 2000000
	Threshold int

	// 告警触发周期(次数)
	TriggerCount int

AlarmRuler - 告警详情

type BindPathXSSLRequest added in v0.20.1

type BindPathXSSLRequest struct {

	// 绑定SSL证书的HTTPS端口。Port.0 Port.1对应多个Port。如果Port不存在则不会绑定
	Port []int `required:"true"`

	// 证书ID,如果没有指定证书ID也没有申请免费证书,HTTPS接入无法正常工作
	SSLId *string `required:"true"`

	// UGA实例ID
	UGAId *string `required:"true"`

BindPathXSSLRequest is request schema for BindPathXSSL action

type BindPathXSSLResponse added in v0.20.1

type BindPathXSSLResponse struct {

BindPathXSSLResponse is response schema for BindPathXSSL action

type CreateGlobalSSHInstanceRequest

type CreateGlobalSSHInstanceRequest struct {

	// 填写支持SSH访问IP的地区名称,如“洛杉矶”,“新加坡”,“香港”,“东京”,“华盛顿”,“法兰克福”。Area和AreaCode两者必填一个
	Area *string `required:"true"`

	// AreaCode, 区域航空港国际通用代码。Area和AreaCode两者必填一个
	AreaCode *string `required:"true"`

	// Ultimate版本带宽包大小,枚举值:[0,20,40]。单位MB
	BandwidthPackage *int `required:"false"`

	// 支付方式,如按月、按年、按时
	ChargeType *string `required:"false"`

	// 使用代金券可冲抵部分费用
	CouponId *string `required:"false"`

	// InstanceType等于Basic时可以在["cn-bj2","cn-sh2","cn-gd"]中选择1个作为转发机房,Free版本固定为cn-bj2,其他付费版默认配置三个转发机房
	ForwardRegion *string `required:"false"`

	// 枚举值:["Enterprise","Basic","Free"], 分别代表企业版,基础版,免费版
	InstanceType *string `required:"false"`

	// 源站服务器监听的SSH端口,可取范围[1-65535],不能使用80,443,  65123端口。如果InstanceType=Free,取值范围缩小为[22,3389],linux系统选择22,windows系统自动选3389。
	Port *int `required:"true"`

	// 购买数量
	Quantity *int `required:"false"`

	// 备注信息
	Remark *string `required:"false"`

	// 被SSH访问的源站IP,仅支持IPv4地址。
	TargetIP *string `required:"true"`

CreateGlobalSSHInstanceRequest is request schema for CreateGlobalSSHInstance action

type CreateGlobalSSHInstanceResponse

type CreateGlobalSSHInstanceResponse struct {

	// 加速域名,访问该域名可就近接入
	AcceleratingDomain string

	// 实例ID,资源唯一标识
	InstanceId string

	// 提示信息
	Message string

CreateGlobalSSHInstanceResponse is response schema for CreateGlobalSSHInstance action

type CreatePathXSSLRequest added in v0.20.1

type CreatePathXSSLRequest struct {

	// CA颁发证书内容
	CACert *string `required:"false"`

	// 加密证书的私钥,不可使用密码保护,开启密码保护后,重启服务需要输入密码
	PrivateKey *string `required:"false"`

	// SSL证书的完整内容,私钥不可使用密码,包括加密证书的私钥、用户证书或CA证书等
	SSLContent *string `required:"false"`

	// SSL证书的名字
	SSLName *string `required:"true"`

	// 所添加的SSL证书类型,目前只支持Pem格式
	SSLType *string `required:"false"`

	// 用户自签证书内容
	UserCert *string `required:"false"`

CreatePathXSSLRequest is request schema for CreatePathXSSL action

type CreatePathXSSLResponse added in v0.20.1

type CreatePathXSSLResponse struct {

	// SSL证书的Id
	SSLId string

CreatePathXSSLResponse is response schema for CreatePathXSSL action

type CreateUGAForwarderRequest added in v0.20.1

type CreateUGAForwarderRequest struct {

	// HTTP接入HTTP回源转发,接入端口。禁用65123端口
	HTTPHTTP []int `required:"false"`

	// HTTP接入HTTP回源转发,源站监听端口
	HTTPHTTPRS []int `required:"false"`

	// HTTPS接入HTTP回源转发,接入端口。禁用65123端口
	HTTPSHTTP []int `required:"false"`

	// HTTPS接入HTTP回源转发,回源端口
	HTTPSHTTPRS []int `required:"false"`

	// HTTPS接入HTTPS回源转发,接入端口。禁用65123端口
	HTTPSHTTPS []int `required:"false"`

	// HTTPS接入HTTPS回源转发,源站监听端口
	HTTPSHTTPSRS []int `required:"false"`

	// TCP接入端口
	TCP []int `required:"false"`

	// TCP回源端口
	TCPRS []int `required:"false"`

	// UDP接入端口
	UDP []int `required:"false"`

	// UDP回源端口
	UDPRS []int `required:"false"`

	// 加速配置实例ID
	UGAId *string `required:"true"`

CreateUGAForwarderRequest is request schema for CreateUGAForwarder action

type CreateUGAForwarderResponse added in v0.20.1

type CreateUGAForwarderResponse struct {

	// 返回信息 说明
	Message string

CreateUGAForwarderResponse is response schema for CreateUGAForwarder action

type CreateUGAInstanceRequest added in v0.20.1

type CreateUGAInstanceRequest struct {

	// 加速源域名,IPList和Domain二选一必填
	Domain *string `required:"false"`

	// 加速源IP,多个IP用英文半角逗号(,)隔开;IPList和Domain二选一必填
	IPList *string `required:"false"`

	// 加速配置实例名称
	Name *string `required:"true"`

	// TCP端口号,已废弃。请使用 CreateUGAForwarder API 创建端口
	TCP []string `required:"false"`

	// UDP端口号,已废弃。请使用 CreateUGAForwarder API 创建端口
	UDP []string `required:"false"`

CreateUGAInstanceRequest is request schema for CreateUGAInstance action

type CreateUGAInstanceResponse added in v0.20.1

type CreateUGAInstanceResponse struct {

	// 加速域名 用户可把业务域名CName到此域名上。注意:未绑定线路情况时 加速域名解析不出IP。
	CName string

	// 返回信息
	Message string

	// 加速配置ID
	UGAId string

CreateUGAInstanceResponse is response schema for CreateUGAInstance action

type CreateUPathRequest added in v0.20.1

type CreateUPathRequest struct {

	// 线路带宽,最小1Mbps,最大带宽由 DescribePathXLineConfig 接口获得。如需更大带宽,请联系产品团队。
	Bandwidth *int `required:"true"`

	// 计费模式,默认为Month 按月收费,可选范围['Month','Year','Dynamic']
	ChargeType *string `required:"false"`

	// 代金券Id
	CouponId *string `required:"false"`

	// 选择的线路
	LineId *string `required:"true"`

	// UPath名字
	Name *string `required:"true"`

	// 是否开启后付费, 默认为false
	PostPaid *bool `required:"false"`

	// 购买周期,ChargeType为Month时,Quantity默认为0代表购买到月底,按时和按年付费该参数必须大于0
	Quantity *int `required:"false"`

CreateUPathRequest is request schema for CreateUPath action

type CreateUPathResponse added in v0.20.1

type CreateUPathResponse struct {

	// 加速线路实例Id
	UPathId string

CreateUPathResponse is response schema for CreateUPath action

type DeleteGlobalSSHInstanceRequest

type DeleteGlobalSSHInstanceRequest struct {

	InstanceId *string `required:"true"`

DeleteGlobalSSHInstanceRequest is request schema for DeleteGlobalSSHInstance action

type DeleteGlobalSSHInstanceResponse

type DeleteGlobalSSHInstanceResponse struct {

	Message string

DeleteGlobalSSHInstanceResponse is response schema for DeleteGlobalSSHInstance action

type DeletePathXSSLRequest added in v0.20.1

type DeletePathXSSLRequest struct {

	// SSL证书的ID
	SSLId *string `required:"true"`

DeletePathXSSLRequest is request schema for DeletePathXSSL action

type DeletePathXSSLResponse added in v0.20.1

type DeletePathXSSLResponse struct {

DeletePathXSSLResponse is response schema for DeletePathXSSL action

type DeleteUGAForwarderRequest added in v0.20.1

type DeleteUGAForwarderRequest struct {

	// HTTP接入HTTP回源,接入端口。禁用65123端口
	HTTPHTTP []int `required:"false"`

	// HTTPS接入HTTP回源, 接入端口。禁用65123端口
	HTTPSHTTP []int `required:"false"`

	// HTTPS接入HTTPS回源, 接入端口。禁用65123端口
	HTTPSHTTPS []int `required:"false"`

	// TCP接入端口
	TCP []int `required:"false"`

	// UDP接入端口
	UDP []int `required:"false"`

	// 加速配置实例ID
	UGAId *string `required:"true"`

DeleteUGAForwarderRequest is request schema for DeleteUGAForwarder action

type DeleteUGAForwarderResponse added in v0.20.1

type DeleteUGAForwarderResponse struct {

	// 返回信息 说明
	Message string

DeleteUGAForwarderResponse is response schema for DeleteUGAForwarder action

type DeleteUGAInstanceRequest added in v0.20.1

type DeleteUGAInstanceRequest struct {

	// 加速配置实例ID
	UGAId *string `required:"true"`

DeleteUGAInstanceRequest is request schema for DeleteUGAInstance action

type DeleteUGAInstanceResponse added in v0.20.1

type DeleteUGAInstanceResponse struct {

	// 消息提示
	Message string

DeleteUGAInstanceResponse is response schema for DeleteUGAInstance action

type DeleteUPathRequest added in v0.20.1

type DeleteUPathRequest struct {

	// 加速线路实例ID
	UPathId *string `required:"true"`

DeleteUPathRequest is request schema for DeleteUPath action

type DeleteUPathResponse added in v0.20.1

type DeleteUPathResponse struct {

DeleteUPathResponse is response schema for DeleteUPath action

type DescribeGlobalSSHAreaRequest

type DescribeGlobalSSHAreaRequest struct {

DescribeGlobalSSHAreaRequest is request schema for DescribeGlobalSSHArea action

type DescribeGlobalSSHAreaResponse

type DescribeGlobalSSHAreaResponse struct {

	AreaSet []GlobalSSHArea

	Message string

DescribeGlobalSSHAreaResponse is response schema for DescribeGlobalSSHArea action

type DescribeGlobalSSHInstanceRequest

type DescribeGlobalSSHInstanceRequest struct {

	// 实例ID,资源唯一标识
	InstanceId *string `required:"false"`

DescribeGlobalSSHInstanceRequest is request schema for DescribeGlobalSSHInstance action

type DescribeGlobalSSHInstanceResponse

type DescribeGlobalSSHInstanceResponse struct {

	// GlobalSSH实例列表,实例的属性参考GlobalSSHInfo模型
	InstanceSet []GlobalSSHInfo

DescribeGlobalSSHInstanceResponse is response schema for DescribeGlobalSSHInstance action

type DescribePathXLineConfigRequest added in v0.20.1

type DescribePathXLineConfigRequest struct {

DescribePathXLineConfigRequest is request schema for DescribePathXLineConfig action

type DescribePathXLineConfigResponse added in v0.20.1

type DescribePathXLineConfigResponse struct {

	// UGAA线路列表,参考UGAALine字段定义
	LineSet []UGAALine

DescribePathXLineConfigResponse is response schema for DescribePathXLineConfig action

type DescribePathXSSLRequest added in v0.20.1

type DescribePathXSSLRequest struct {

	// 最大返回条数,默认100,最大400
	Limit *int `required:"false"`

	// 偏移值 默认为0
	Offset *int `required:"false"`

	// SSL证书的Id,不传分页获取证书列表
	SSLId *string `required:"false"`

	// 不为空则按证书名称、证书域名模糊搜索 分页返回结果
	SearchValue *string `required:"false"`

DescribePathXSSLRequest is request schema for DescribePathXSSL action

type DescribePathXSSLResponse added in v0.20.1

type DescribePathXSSLResponse struct {

	// SSL证书详细信息,具体结构见 PathXSSLSet
	DataSet []PathXSSLSet

	// 符合条件的证书总数
	TotalCount int

DescribePathXSSLResponse is response schema for DescribePathXSSL action

type DescribeUGAInstanceRequest added in v0.20.1

type DescribeUGAInstanceRequest struct {

	// 返回的最大条数,默认为100,最大值400
	Limit *int `required:"false"`

	// 偏移量,默认为0
	Offset *int `required:"false"`

	// 加速配置实例ID,如果传了实例ID 则返回匹配实例ID的记录;如果没传则返回 ProjectId 下全部实例且符合分页要求
	UGAId *string `required:"false"`

DescribeUGAInstanceRequest is request schema for DescribeUGAInstance action

type DescribeUGAInstanceResponse added in v0.20.1

type DescribeUGAInstanceResponse struct {

	// 符合条件的总数
	TotalCount int

	// 全球加速实例信息列表
	UGAList []UGAAInfo

DescribeUGAInstanceResponse is response schema for DescribeUGAInstance action

type DescribeUPathRequest added in v0.20.1

type DescribeUPathRequest struct {

	// 如果不填参数 返回 ProjectId 下所有的线路资源,填此参数则返回upath实例ID匹配的线路
	UPathId *string `required:"false"`

DescribeUPathRequest is request schema for DescribeUPath action

type DescribeUPathResponse added in v0.20.1

type DescribeUPathResponse struct {

	// 线路信息数组
	UPathSet []UPathInfo

DescribeUPathResponse is response schema for DescribeUPath action

type DescribeUPathTemplateRequest added in v0.20.1

type DescribeUPathTemplateRequest struct {

	// 加速线路实例ID,格式 upath-xxxx
	UPathId *string `required:"true"`

DescribeUPathTemplateRequest is request schema for DescribeUPathTemplate action

type DescribeUPathTemplateResponse added in v0.20.1

type DescribeUPathTemplateResponse struct {

	// 监控模板详情
	DataSet []AlarmRuler

DescribeUPathTemplateResponse is response schema for DescribeUPathTemplate action

type GetGlobalSSHPriceRequest added in v0.20.1

type GetGlobalSSHPriceRequest struct {

	// 计费类型:Dynamic,Month,Year
	ChargeType *string `required:"false"`

	// 版本类型。枚举值,Enterprise:企业版;Basic:基础版。可不填,默认为Basic。
	InstanceType *string `required:"false"`

	// 购买周期,如果ChargeType为Month,Quantity默认为0;其他情况必须为大于0的整数
	Quantity *int `required:"false"`

GetGlobalSSHPriceRequest is request schema for GetGlobalSSHPrice action

type GetGlobalSSHPriceResponse added in v0.20.1

type GetGlobalSSHPriceResponse struct {

	// 价格,返回单位为元
	Price float64

GetGlobalSSHPriceResponse is response schema for GetGlobalSSHPrice action

type GetGlobalSSHUpdatePriceRequest added in v0.20.1

type GetGlobalSSHUpdatePriceRequest struct {

	// 计费类型:Dynamic,Month,Year。从免费版升级到付费版必须传,其他情况不需要传
	ChargeType *string `required:"false"`

	// 实例ID,唯一资源标识。从免费版升级到付费版可不填,其他情况必填。
	InstanceId *string `required:"false"`

	// 升级后的实例类型。枚举值,Enterprise:企业版;Basic:基础版。
	InstanceType *string `required:"true"`

	// 购买周期,如果ChargeType为Month,Quantity可以不填默认为0;其他情况必须为正整数。
	Quantity *int `required:"false"`

GetGlobalSSHUpdatePriceRequest is request schema for GetGlobalSSHUpdatePrice action

type GetGlobalSSHUpdatePriceResponse added in v0.20.1

type GetGlobalSSHUpdatePriceResponse struct {

	// 价格,返回单位为元。正数表示付费升级,负数表示降级退费。
	Price float64

GetGlobalSSHUpdatePriceResponse is response schema for GetGlobalSSHUpdatePrice action

type GetPathXMetricRequest added in v0.20.1

type GetPathXMetricRequest struct {

	// 查询起始时间,10位长度时间戳
	BeginTime *int `required:"true"`

	// 查询结束时间,10位长度时间戳
	EndTime *int `required:"true"`

	// 具体线路id,调用DescribePathXLineConfig接口获取线路列表
	LineId *string `required:"true"`

	// 查询监控的指标项。目前仅允许以下四项:NetworkOut:出向带宽,NetworkIn:入向带宽,NetworkOutUsage:出向带宽使用率,NetworkInUsage:入向带宽使用率
	MetricName []string `required:"true"`

	// ResourceId,如upath ID  和 uga ID
	ResourceId *string `required:"true"`

	// upath:加速线路,uga:加速实例
	ResourceType *string `required:"true"`

GetPathXMetricRequest is request schema for GetPathXMetric action

type GetPathXMetricResponse added in v0.20.1

type GetPathXMetricResponse struct {

	// 监控数据结果集
	DataSet MetricPeriod

GetPathXMetricResponse is response schema for GetPathXMetric action

type GlobalSSHArea

type GlobalSSHArea struct {

	Area string

	AreaCode string

	RegionSet []string

GlobalSSHArea -

type GlobalSSHInfo

type GlobalSSHInfo struct {

	// GlobalSSH分配的加速域名。
	AcceleratingDomain string

	// 被SSH访问的IP所在地区
	Area string

	// globalssh Ultimate带宽包大小
	BandwidthPackage int

	// 支付周期,如Month,Year,Dynamic等
	ChargeType string

	// 资源创建时间戳
	CreateTime int

	// 是否过期
	Expire bool

	// 资源过期时间戳
	ExpireTime int

	// InstanceType为Basic版本时,需要展示具体分配的转发机房
	ForwardRegion string

	// InstanceType等于Free时,由系统自动分配,不等于源站Port值。InstanceType不等于Free时,与源站Port值相同。
	GlobalSSHPort int

	// 实例ID,资源唯一标识
	InstanceId string

	// 枚举值:["Enterprise","Basic","Free","Welfare"], 分别代表企业版,基础版本,免费版本,较早的公测免费版
	InstanceType string

	// 源站服务器监听的SSH端口,windows系统为RDP端口
	Port int

	// 备注信息
	Remark string

	// 被SSH访问的源站 IPv4地址。
	TargetIP string

GlobalSSHInfo - GlobalSSH实例信息

type LineDetail added in v0.20.1

type LineDetail struct {

	// 线路源
	LineFrom string

	// 线路源中文名称
	LineFromName string

	// 线路计费Id
	LineId string

	// 线路目的
	LineTo string

	// 线路目的中文名称
	LineToName string

LineDetail - 子线路

type MatricPoint added in v0.20.1

type MatricPoint struct {

	// 时间戳
	Timestamp int

	// 监控点数值
	Value int

MatricPoint - 某一时刻的监控数据

type MetricPeriod added in v0.20.1

type MetricPeriod struct {

	// 入向带宽
	NetworkIn []MatricPoint

	// 入向带宽使用率
	NetworkInUsage []MatricPoint

	// 出向带宽
	NetworkOut []MatricPoint

	// 出向带宽使用率
	NetworkOutUsage []MatricPoint

MetricPeriod - 一段时间内的监控数据

type ModifyGlobalSSHPortRequest

type ModifyGlobalSSHPortRequest struct {

	InstanceId *string `required:"true"`

	Port *int `required:"true"`

ModifyGlobalSSHPortRequest is request schema for ModifyGlobalSSHPort action

type ModifyGlobalSSHPortResponse

type ModifyGlobalSSHPortResponse struct {

	Message string

ModifyGlobalSSHPortResponse is response schema for ModifyGlobalSSHPort action

type ModifyGlobalSSHRemarkRequest

type ModifyGlobalSSHRemarkRequest struct {

	InstanceId *string `required:"true"`

	Remark *string `required:"false"`

ModifyGlobalSSHRemarkRequest is request schema for ModifyGlobalSSHRemark action

type ModifyGlobalSSHRemarkResponse

type ModifyGlobalSSHRemarkResponse struct {

	Message string

ModifyGlobalSSHRemarkResponse is response schema for ModifyGlobalSSHRemark action

type ModifyGlobalSSHTypeRequest added in v0.20.1

type ModifyGlobalSSHTypeRequest struct {

	// 支付方式,如按月、按年、按时
	ChargeType *string `required:"false"`

	// 可抵扣费用的券,通常不使用
	CouponId *string `required:"false"`

	// 实例ID,资源唯一标识
	InstanceId *string `required:"true"`

	// 取值范围["Enterprise","Basic"],分别对应企业版和基础版,表示升级后的实例类型。比如从Free版本升级为Basic版或Enterprise版,不可从收费版降级为免费版,或从企业版降级为基础版
	InstanceType *string `required:"true"`

	// 购买时间,当ChargeType为Month,Quantity为0代表购买到月底
	Quantity *string `required:"false"`

ModifyGlobalSSHTypeRequest is request schema for ModifyGlobalSSHType action

type ModifyGlobalSSHTypeResponse added in v0.20.1

type ModifyGlobalSSHTypeResponse struct {

	// 提示信息
	Message string

ModifyGlobalSSHTypeResponse is response schema for ModifyGlobalSSHType action

type ModifyUPathBandwidthRequest added in v0.20.1

type ModifyUPathBandwidthRequest struct {

	// 线路带宽,单位Mbps。最小1Mbps,最大带宽由 DescribePathXLineConfig 接口获得。如需更大带宽,请联系产品团队。
	Bandwidth *int `required:"true"`

	// UPath 加速线路实例Id
	UPathId *string `required:"true"`

ModifyUPathBandwidthRequest is request schema for ModifyUPathBandwidth action

type ModifyUPathBandwidthResponse added in v0.20.1

type ModifyUPathBandwidthResponse struct {

ModifyUPathBandwidthResponse is response schema for ModifyUPathBandwidth action

type ModifyUPathTemplateRequest added in v0.20.1

type ModifyUPathTemplateRequest struct {

	// 告警探测周期,单位:秒
	AlarmFrequency []int `required:"false"`

	// 收敛策略,可选范围 ['Exponential','Continuous','Once'],分别对应指数递增、连续告警、单次告警
	AlarmStrategy []string `required:"false"`

	// 比较策略,可选 ['GE','LE']  分别代表不小于和不大于
	Compare []string `required:"false"`

	// 告警组id
	ContactGroupId []int `required:"false"`

	// 告警指标名称, 所有n的个数必须一致。目前仅允许以下四项:UpathNetworkOut:出向带宽,UpathNetworkIn:入向带宽,UpathNetworkOutUsage:出向带宽使用率,UpathNetworkInUsage:入向带宽使用率
	MetricName []string `required:"false"`

	// 告警阈值,带宽使用率的阈值范围是[50,100]的正整数,带宽告警阈值为1000000的倍数, 如大于2Mbps则告警 阈值应该传 2000000
	Threshold []int `required:"false"`

	// 告警触发周期(次数)
	TriggerCount []int `required:"false"`

	// 加速线路实例ID
	UPathId *string `required:"true"`

ModifyUPathTemplateRequest is request schema for ModifyUPathTemplate action

type ModifyUPathTemplateResponse added in v0.20.1

type ModifyUPathTemplateResponse struct {

ModifyUPathTemplateResponse is response schema for ModifyUPathTemplate action

type OutPublicIpInfo added in v0.20.1

type OutPublicIpInfo struct {

	// 线路出口机房代号
	Area string

	// 线路出口EIP
	IP string

OutPublicIpInfo - 线路出口IP信息

type PathXClient

type PathXClient struct {

PathXClient is the client of PathX

func NewClient

func NewClient(config *ucloud.Config, credential *auth.Credential) *PathXClient

NewClient will return a instance of PathXClient

func (*PathXClient) BindPathXSSL added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) BindPathXSSL(req *BindPathXSSLRequest) (*BindPathXSSLResponse, error)


绑定PathX SSL证书

func (*PathXClient) CreateGlobalSSHInstance

API: CreateGlobalSSHInstance


func (*PathXClient) CreatePathXSSL added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) CreatePathXSSL(req *CreatePathXSSLRequest) (*CreatePathXSSLResponse, error)

API: CreatePathXSSL

创建SSL证书,可以把整个 Pem 证书内容传到SSLContent,或者把证书、私钥、CA证书分别传过来

func (*PathXClient) CreateUGAForwarder added in v0.20.1

API: CreateUGAForwarder

创建加速实例转发器,支持HTTPS接入HTTPS回源、HTTPS接入HTTP回源、HTTP接入HTTP回源、TCP接入TCP回源、UDP接入UDP回源、 支持WSS接入WSS回源、WSS接入WS回源、WS接入WS回源

func (*PathXClient) CreateUGAInstance added in v0.20.1

API: CreateUGAInstance


func (*PathXClient) CreateUPath added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) CreateUPath(req *CreateUPathRequest) (*CreateUPathResponse, error)

API: CreateUPath


func (*PathXClient) DeleteGlobalSSHInstance

API: DeleteGlobalSSHInstance

func (*PathXClient) DeletePathXSSL added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) DeletePathXSSL(req *DeletePathXSSLRequest) (*DeletePathXSSLResponse, error)

API: DeletePathXSSL

删除PathX SSL证书

func (*PathXClient) DeleteUGAForwarder added in v0.20.1

API: DeleteUGAForwarder

删除加速实例转发器 按接入端口删除

func (*PathXClient) DeleteUGAInstance added in v0.20.1

API: DeleteUGAInstance


func (*PathXClient) DeleteUPath added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) DeleteUPath(req *DeleteUPathRequest) (*DeleteUPathResponse, error)

API: DeleteUPath


func (*PathXClient) DescribeGlobalSSHArea

API: DescribeGlobalSSHArea

func (*PathXClient) DescribeGlobalSSHInstance

API: DescribeGlobalSSHInstance


func (*PathXClient) DescribePathXLineConfig added in v0.20.1

API: DescribePathXLineConfig


func (*PathXClient) DescribePathXSSL added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) DescribePathXSSL(req *DescribePathXSSLRequest) (*DescribePathXSSLResponse, error)

API: DescribePathXSSL

获取SSL证书信息,支持分页,支持按证书名称 证书域名模糊搜索

func (*PathXClient) DescribeUGAInstance added in v0.20.1

API: DescribeUGAInstance

获取全球加速服务加速配置信息,指定实例ID返回单个实例。未指定实例ID时 指定分页参数 则按创建时间降序 返回记录

func (*PathXClient) DescribeUPath added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) DescribeUPath(req *DescribeUPathRequest) (*DescribeUPathResponse, error)

API: DescribeUPath


func (*PathXClient) DescribeUPathTemplate added in v0.20.1

API: DescribeUPathTemplate


func (*PathXClient) GetGlobalSSHPrice added in v0.20.1

API: GetGlobalSSHPrice


func (*PathXClient) GetGlobalSSHUpdatePrice added in v0.20.1

API: GetGlobalSSHUpdatePrice


func (*PathXClient) GetPathXMetric added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) GetPathXMetric(req *GetPathXMetricRequest) (*GetPathXMetricResponse, error)

API: GetPathXMetric


func (*PathXClient) ModifyGlobalSSHPort

API: ModifyGlobalSSHPort

func (*PathXClient) ModifyGlobalSSHRemark

API: ModifyGlobalSSHRemark

func (*PathXClient) ModifyGlobalSSHType added in v0.20.1

API: ModifyGlobalSSHType


func (*PathXClient) ModifyUPathBandwidth added in v0.20.1

API: ModifyUPathBandwidth


func (*PathXClient) ModifyUPathTemplate added in v0.20.1

API: ModifyUPathTemplate


func (*PathXClient) NewBindPathXSSLRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewBindPathXSSLRequest() *BindPathXSSLRequest

NewBindPathXSSLRequest will create request of BindPathXSSL action.

func (*PathXClient) NewCreateGlobalSSHInstanceRequest

func (c *PathXClient) NewCreateGlobalSSHInstanceRequest() *CreateGlobalSSHInstanceRequest

NewCreateGlobalSSHInstanceRequest will create request of CreateGlobalSSHInstance action.

func (*PathXClient) NewCreatePathXSSLRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewCreatePathXSSLRequest() *CreatePathXSSLRequest

NewCreatePathXSSLRequest will create request of CreatePathXSSL action.

func (*PathXClient) NewCreateUGAForwarderRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewCreateUGAForwarderRequest() *CreateUGAForwarderRequest

NewCreateUGAForwarderRequest will create request of CreateUGAForwarder action.

func (*PathXClient) NewCreateUGAInstanceRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewCreateUGAInstanceRequest() *CreateUGAInstanceRequest

NewCreateUGAInstanceRequest will create request of CreateUGAInstance action.

func (*PathXClient) NewCreateUPathRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewCreateUPathRequest() *CreateUPathRequest

NewCreateUPathRequest will create request of CreateUPath action.

func (*PathXClient) NewDeleteGlobalSSHInstanceRequest

func (c *PathXClient) NewDeleteGlobalSSHInstanceRequest() *DeleteGlobalSSHInstanceRequest

NewDeleteGlobalSSHInstanceRequest will create request of DeleteGlobalSSHInstance action.

func (*PathXClient) NewDeletePathXSSLRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewDeletePathXSSLRequest() *DeletePathXSSLRequest

NewDeletePathXSSLRequest will create request of DeletePathXSSL action.

func (*PathXClient) NewDeleteUGAForwarderRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewDeleteUGAForwarderRequest() *DeleteUGAForwarderRequest

NewDeleteUGAForwarderRequest will create request of DeleteUGAForwarder action.

func (*PathXClient) NewDeleteUGAInstanceRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewDeleteUGAInstanceRequest() *DeleteUGAInstanceRequest

NewDeleteUGAInstanceRequest will create request of DeleteUGAInstance action.

func (*PathXClient) NewDeleteUPathRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewDeleteUPathRequest() *DeleteUPathRequest

NewDeleteUPathRequest will create request of DeleteUPath action.

func (*PathXClient) NewDescribeGlobalSSHAreaRequest

func (c *PathXClient) NewDescribeGlobalSSHAreaRequest() *DescribeGlobalSSHAreaRequest

NewDescribeGlobalSSHAreaRequest will create request of DescribeGlobalSSHArea action.

func (*PathXClient) NewDescribeGlobalSSHInstanceRequest

func (c *PathXClient) NewDescribeGlobalSSHInstanceRequest() *DescribeGlobalSSHInstanceRequest

NewDescribeGlobalSSHInstanceRequest will create request of DescribeGlobalSSHInstance action.

func (*PathXClient) NewDescribePathXLineConfigRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewDescribePathXLineConfigRequest() *DescribePathXLineConfigRequest

NewDescribePathXLineConfigRequest will create request of DescribePathXLineConfig action.

func (*PathXClient) NewDescribePathXSSLRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewDescribePathXSSLRequest() *DescribePathXSSLRequest

NewDescribePathXSSLRequest will create request of DescribePathXSSL action.

func (*PathXClient) NewDescribeUGAInstanceRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewDescribeUGAInstanceRequest() *DescribeUGAInstanceRequest

NewDescribeUGAInstanceRequest will create request of DescribeUGAInstance action.

func (*PathXClient) NewDescribeUPathRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewDescribeUPathRequest() *DescribeUPathRequest

NewDescribeUPathRequest will create request of DescribeUPath action.

func (*PathXClient) NewDescribeUPathTemplateRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewDescribeUPathTemplateRequest() *DescribeUPathTemplateRequest

NewDescribeUPathTemplateRequest will create request of DescribeUPathTemplate action.

func (*PathXClient) NewGetGlobalSSHPriceRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewGetGlobalSSHPriceRequest() *GetGlobalSSHPriceRequest

NewGetGlobalSSHPriceRequest will create request of GetGlobalSSHPrice action.

func (*PathXClient) NewGetGlobalSSHUpdatePriceRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewGetGlobalSSHUpdatePriceRequest() *GetGlobalSSHUpdatePriceRequest

NewGetGlobalSSHUpdatePriceRequest will create request of GetGlobalSSHUpdatePrice action.

func (*PathXClient) NewGetPathXMetricRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewGetPathXMetricRequest() *GetPathXMetricRequest

NewGetPathXMetricRequest will create request of GetPathXMetric action.

func (*PathXClient) NewModifyGlobalSSHPortRequest

func (c *PathXClient) NewModifyGlobalSSHPortRequest() *ModifyGlobalSSHPortRequest

NewModifyGlobalSSHPortRequest will create request of ModifyGlobalSSHPort action.

func (*PathXClient) NewModifyGlobalSSHRemarkRequest

func (c *PathXClient) NewModifyGlobalSSHRemarkRequest() *ModifyGlobalSSHRemarkRequest

NewModifyGlobalSSHRemarkRequest will create request of ModifyGlobalSSHRemark action.

func (*PathXClient) NewModifyGlobalSSHTypeRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewModifyGlobalSSHTypeRequest() *ModifyGlobalSSHTypeRequest

NewModifyGlobalSSHTypeRequest will create request of ModifyGlobalSSHType action.

func (*PathXClient) NewModifyUPathBandwidthRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewModifyUPathBandwidthRequest() *ModifyUPathBandwidthRequest

NewModifyUPathBandwidthRequest will create request of ModifyUPathBandwidth action.

func (*PathXClient) NewModifyUPathTemplateRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewModifyUPathTemplateRequest() *ModifyUPathTemplateRequest

NewModifyUPathTemplateRequest will create request of ModifyUPathTemplate action.

func (*PathXClient) NewUGABindUPathRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewUGABindUPathRequest() *UGABindUPathRequest

NewUGABindUPathRequest will create request of UGABindUPath action.

func (*PathXClient) NewUGAUnBindUPathRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewUGAUnBindUPathRequest() *UGAUnBindUPathRequest

NewUGAUnBindUPathRequest will create request of UGAUnBindUPath action.

func (*PathXClient) NewUnBindPathXSSLRequest added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) NewUnBindPathXSSLRequest() *UnBindPathXSSLRequest

NewUnBindPathXSSLRequest will create request of UnBindPathXSSL action.

func (*PathXClient) UGABindUPath added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) UGABindUPath(req *UGABindUPathRequest) (*UGABindUPathResponse, error)



func (*PathXClient) UGAUnBindUPath added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) UGAUnBindUPath(req *UGAUnBindUPathRequest) (*UGAUnBindUPathResponse, error)



func (*PathXClient) UnBindPathXSSL added in v0.20.1

func (c *PathXClient) UnBindPathXSSL(req *UnBindPathXSSLRequest) (*UnBindPathXSSLResponse, error)


解绑PathX SSL 证书

type PathXSSLSet added in v0.20.1

type PathXSSLSet struct {

	// SSL证书的创建时间 时间戳
	CreateTime int

	// 证书过期时间 时间戳
	ExpireTime int

	// SSL证书绑定的对象
	SSLBindedTargetSet []SSLBindedTargetSet

	// SSL证书内容
	SSLContent string

	// SSL证书的Id
	SSLId string

	// SSL证书(用户证书、私钥、ca证书合并)内容md5值
	SSLMD5 string

	// SSL证书的名字
	SSLName string

	// 证书来源,0:用户上传 1: 免费颁发
	SourceType int

	// 证书域名
	SubjectName string

PathXSSLSet - Describle PathX SSL

type PathXUGAInfo added in v0.20.1

type PathXUGAInfo struct {

	// 源站域名
	Domain string

	// 源站IP列表,多个值由半角英文逗号相隔
	IPList []string

	// 加速配置ID
	UGAId string

PathXUGAInfo - 加速实例配置信息

type SSLBindedTargetSet added in v0.20.1

type SSLBindedTargetSet struct {

	// SSL证书绑定到的实例ID
	ResourceId string

	// SSL证书绑定到的实例名称
	ResourceName string

SSLBindedTargetSet - Describle SSL Bind UAG Info

type UGAAInfo added in v0.20.1

type UGAAInfo struct {

	// 加速域名,请在加速区域配置您的业务域名的CName记录值为加速域名
	CName string

	// 源站域名
	Domain string

	// 源站IP列表,多个值由半角英文逗号相隔
	IPList []string

	// UGA 4层转发器配置,记录接入或回源端口,接入或回源协议信息
	L4ForwarderSet []UGAL4Forwarder

	// UGA 7层转发器配置,记录接入或回源端口,接入或回源协议信息 如绑定证书会返回证书ID
	L7ForwarderSet []UGAL7Forwarder

	// 源站所在区域,加速实例在绑定线路后会自动设置该值。console页面上通过该值过滤加速实例可以绑定的upath实例。注意:缺少该值会导致在console上无法修改线路
	Location string

	// 线路出口IP地址
	OutPublicIpList []OutPublicIpInfo

	// 端口配置信息(不再维护,建议使用ForwarderSet)
	TaskSet []UGAATask

	// 加速配置实例ID
	UGAId string

	// 加速配置名称
	UGAName string

	// 绑定的加速线路
	UPathSet []UPathSet

UGAAInfo - 全球加速实例信息

type UGAALine added in v0.20.1

type UGAALine struct {

	// 子线路信息
	LineDetail []LineDetail

	// 线路源
	LineFrom string

	// 线路源中文名称
	LineFromName string

	// 线路计费Id
	LineId string

	// 线路目的
	LineTo string

	// 线路目的中文名称
	LineToName string

	// 线路可售最大带宽
	MaxBandwidth int

UGAALine - UGAA加速线路

type UGAATask added in v0.20.1

type UGAATask struct {

	// 接入端口
	Port int

	// 转发协议,枚举值["TCP","UDP","HTTPHTTP","HTTPSHTTP","HTTPSHTTPS"]。TCP和UDP代表四层转发,其余为七层转发
	Protocol string

UGAATask - 用户在UGAA实例下配置的多端口任务

type UGABindUPathRequest added in v0.20.1

type UGABindUPathRequest struct {

	// 代金券
	CouponId *string `required:"false"`

	// 加速配置实例ID,格式uga-xxxx
	UGAId *string `required:"true"`

	// 加速线路实例ID,格式upath-xxx
	UPathId *string `required:"true"`

UGABindUPathRequest is request schema for UGABindUPath action

type UGABindUPathResponse added in v0.20.1

type UGABindUPathResponse struct {

UGABindUPathResponse is response schema for UGABindUPath action

type UGAL4Forwarder added in v0.20.1

type UGAL4Forwarder struct {

	// 接入端口
	Port int

	// 转发协议,枚举值["TCP","UDP","HTTPHTTP","HTTPSHTTP","HTTPSHTTPS"]。TCP和UDP代表四层转发,其余为七层转发
	Protocol string

	// RSPort,源站监听端口
	RSPort int

UGAL4Forwarder - UGA实例 4层转发器信息

type UGAL7Forwarder added in v0.20.1

type UGAL7Forwarder struct {

	// 接入端口
	Port int

	// 转发协议,枚举值["TCP","UDP","HTTPHTTP","HTTPSHTTP","HTTPSHTTPS"]。TCP和UDP代表四层转发,其余为七层转发
	Protocol string

	// RSPort,源站监听端口
	RSPort int

	// 证书ID
	SSLId string

	// 证书名称
	SSLName string

UGAL7Forwarder - UGA实例 7层转发器信息

type UGAUnBindUPathRequest added in v0.20.1

type UGAUnBindUPathRequest struct {

	// 加速配置实例ID 格式uga-xxx
	UGAId *string `required:"true"`

	// 加速线路实例ID 格式upath-xxx
	UPathId *string `required:"true"`

UGAUnBindUPathRequest is request schema for UGAUnBindUPath action

type UGAUnBindUPathResponse added in v0.20.1

type UGAUnBindUPathResponse struct {

UGAUnBindUPathResponse is response schema for UGAUnBindUPath action

type UPathInfo added in v0.20.1

type UPathInfo struct {

	// 带宽,单位Mbps
	Bandwidth int

	// 计费模式,默认为Month 按月收费,可选范围['Month','Year','Dynamic']
	ChargeType string

	// UPath创建的时间,10位时间戳
	CreateTime int

	// UPath的过期时间,10位时间戳
	ExpireTime int

	// 线路入口名称
	LineFromName string

	// 选择的线路
	LineId string

	// 线路出口名称
	LineToName string

	// UPath实例名字
	Name string

	// 线路出口IP数组
	OutPublicIpList []OutPublicIpInfo

	// 是否为后付费实例
	PostPaid bool

	// 与该UPath绑定的UGA列表
	UGAList []PathXUGAInfo

	// UPath加速线路实例ID
	UPathId string

UPathInfo - 加速线路信息

type UPathSet added in v0.20.1

type UPathSet struct {

	// 带宽 Mbps, 1~800Mbps
	Bandwidth int

	// 线路起点英文代号,加速区域
	LineFrom string

	// 线路起点中文名字,加速区域
	LineFromName string

	// 线路ID
	LineId string

	// 线路对端英文代号,源站区域
	LineTo string

	// 线路对端中文名字,源站区域
	LineToName string

	// UPath 实例ID
	UPathId string

	// UPath名字
	UPathName string

UPathSet - uga关联的upath信息

type UnBindPathXSSLRequest added in v0.20.1

type UnBindPathXSSLRequest struct {

	// 解绑SSL证书的HTTPS端口。Port.0 Port.1格式 端口错误则解绑失败。
	Port []int `required:"true"`

	// SSL证书ID。
	SSLId *string `required:"true"`

	// UGA实例ID。
	UGAId *string `required:"true"`

UnBindPathXSSLRequest is request schema for UnBindPathXSSL action

type UnBindPathXSSLResponse added in v0.20.1

type UnBindPathXSSLResponse struct {

UnBindPathXSSLResponse is response schema for UnBindPathXSSL action

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