
v0.20.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 5, 2021 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 4 Imported by: 15



Package unet include resources of ucloud unet product

See also

for detail.



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This section is empty.


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type AllocateEIPRequest

type AllocateEIPRequest struct {

	// 弹性IP的线路如下: 国际: International BGP: Bgp  各地域允许的线路参数如下:  cn-sh1: Bgp cn-sh2: Bgp cn-gd: Bgp cn-bj1: Bgp cn-bj2: Bgp hk: International us-ca: International th-bkk: International  kr-seoul:International  us-ws:International  ge-fra:International  sg:International  tw-kh:International.其他海外线路均为 International
	OperatorName *string `required:"true"`

	// 弹性IP的外网带宽, 单位为Mbps. 共享带宽模式必须指定0M带宽, 非共享带宽模式必须指定非0Mbps带宽. 各地域非共享带宽的带宽范围如下: 流量计费[1-200],带宽计费[1-800]
	Bandwidth *int `required:"true"`

	// 业务组名称, 默认为 "Default"
	Tag *string `required:"false"`

	// 付费方式, 枚举值为: Year, 按年付费; Month, 按月付费; Dynamic, 按需付费(需开启权限); Trial, 试用(需开启权限) 默认为按月付费
	ChargeType *string `required:"false"`

	// 购买时长, 默认: 1
	Quantity *int `required:"false"`

	// 弹性IP的计费模式. 枚举值: "Traffic", 流量计费; "Bandwidth", 带宽计费; "ShareBandwidth",共享带宽模式. 默认为 "Bandwidth".
	PayMode *string `required:"false"`

	// 绑定的共享带宽Id,仅当PayMode为ShareBandwidth时有效
	ShareBandwidthId *string `required:"false"`

	// 弹性IP的名称, 默认为 "EIP"
	Name *string `required:"false"`

	// 弹性IP的备注, 默认为空
	Remark *string `required:"false"`

	// 代金券ID, 默认不使用
	CouponId *string `required:"false"`

AllocateEIPRequest is request schema for AllocateEIP action

type AllocateEIPResponse

type AllocateEIPResponse struct {

	// 申请到的EIP资源详情 参见 UnetAllocateEIPSet
	EIPSet []UnetAllocateEIPSet

AllocateEIPResponse is response schema for AllocateEIP action

type AllocateShareBandwidthRequest

type AllocateShareBandwidthRequest struct {

	// 共享带宽名字
	Name *string `required:"true"`

	// 付费方式:Year 按年,Month 按月,Dynamic 按时;
	ChargeType *string `required:"true"`

	// 共享带宽值
	ShareBandwidth *int `required:"true"`

	// 购买时长
	Quantity *int `required:"false"`

	// 共享带宽保底值(后付费)
	ShareBandwidthGuarantee *int `required:"false"`

AllocateShareBandwidthRequest is request schema for AllocateShareBandwidth action

type AllocateShareBandwidthResponse

type AllocateShareBandwidthResponse struct {

	// 共享带宽资源Id
	ShareBandwidthId string

AllocateShareBandwidthResponse is response schema for AllocateShareBandwidth action

type AllocateVIPRequest

type AllocateVIPRequest struct {

	// 指定vip所属的VPC
	VPCId *string `required:"true"`

	// 子网id
	SubnetId *string `required:"true"`

	// 申请数量,默认: 1
	Count *int `required:"false"`

	// vip名,默认为VIP
	Name *string `required:"false"`

	// 业务组名称,默认为Default
	Tag *string `required:"false"`

	// 备注
	Remark *string `required:"false"`

	// 业务组
	BusinessId *string `required:"false"`

AllocateVIPRequest is request schema for AllocateVIP action

type AllocateVIPResponse

type AllocateVIPResponse struct {

	// 申请到的VIP资源相关信息
	VIPSet []VIPSet

	// 申请到的VIP地址
	DataSet []string

AllocateVIPResponse is response schema for AllocateVIP action

type AssociateEIPWithShareBandwidthRequest

type AssociateEIPWithShareBandwidthRequest struct {

	// 要加入共享带宽的EIP的资源Id
	EIPIds []string `required:"true"`

	// 共享带宽ID
	ShareBandwidthId *string `required:"true"`

AssociateEIPWithShareBandwidthRequest is request schema for AssociateEIPWithShareBandwidth action

type AssociateEIPWithShareBandwidthResponse

type AssociateEIPWithShareBandwidthResponse struct {

AssociateEIPWithShareBandwidthResponse is response schema for AssociateEIPWithShareBandwidth action

type BindEIPRequest

type BindEIPRequest struct {

	// 弹性IP的资源Id
	EIPId *string `required:"true"`

	// 弹性IP请求绑定的资源类型, 枚举值为: uhost: 云主机; ulb, 负载均衡器 upm: 物理机; hadoophost: 大数据集群;fortresshost:堡垒机;udockhost:容器;udhost:私有专区主机;natgw:natgw;udb:udb;vpngw:ipsec vpn;ucdr:云灾备;dbaudit:数据库审计;
	ResourceType *string `required:"true"`

	// 弹性IP请求绑定的资源ID
	ResourceId *string `required:"true"`

BindEIPRequest is request schema for BindEIP action

type BindEIPResponse

type BindEIPResponse struct {

BindEIPResponse is response schema for BindEIP action

type CreateBandwidthPackageRequest

type CreateBandwidthPackageRequest struct {

	// 带宽大小(单位Mbps), 取值范围[2,800] (最大值受地域限制)
	Bandwidth *int `required:"true"`

	// 所绑定弹性IP的资源ID
	EIPId *string `required:"true"`

	// 带宽包有效时长, 取值范围为大于0的整数, 即该带宽包在EnableTime到 EnableTime+TimeRange时间段内生效
	TimeRange *int `required:"true"`

	// 生效时间, 格式为 Unix timestamp, 默认为立即开通
	EnableTime *int `required:"false"`

	// 代金券ID
	CouponId *string `required:"false"`

CreateBandwidthPackageRequest is request schema for CreateBandwidthPackage action

type CreateBandwidthPackageResponse

type CreateBandwidthPackageResponse struct {

	// 所创建带宽包的资源ID
	BandwidthPackageId string

CreateBandwidthPackageResponse is response schema for CreateBandwidthPackage action

type CreateFirewallRequest

type CreateFirewallRequest struct {

	// 防火墙规则,例如:TCP|22||DROP|LOW|禁用22端口,第一个参数代表协议:第二个参数代表端口号,第三个参数为ip,第四个参数为ACCEPT(接受)和DROP(拒绝),第五个参数优先级:HIGH(高),MEDIUM(中),LOW(低),第六个参数为该条规则的自定义备注
	Rule []string `required:"true"`

	// 防火墙名称
	Name *string `required:"true"`

	// 防火墙业务组,默认为Default
	Tag *string `required:"false"`

	// 防火墙描述,默认为空
	Remark *string `required:"false"`

CreateFirewallRequest is request schema for CreateFirewall action

type CreateFirewallResponse

type CreateFirewallResponse struct {

	// 防火墙ID
	FWId string

CreateFirewallResponse is response schema for CreateFirewall action

type DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest

type DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest struct {

	// 带宽包资源ID
	BandwidthPackageId *string `required:"true"`

DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest is request schema for DeleteBandwidthPackage action

type DeleteBandwidthPackageResponse

type DeleteBandwidthPackageResponse struct {

DeleteBandwidthPackageResponse is response schema for DeleteBandwidthPackage action

type DeleteFirewallRequest

type DeleteFirewallRequest struct {

	// 防火墙资源ID
	FWId *string `required:"true"`

DeleteFirewallRequest is request schema for DeleteFirewall action

type DeleteFirewallResponse

type DeleteFirewallResponse struct {

DeleteFirewallResponse is response schema for DeleteFirewall action

type DescribeBandwidthPackageRequest

type DescribeBandwidthPackageRequest struct {

	// 返回数据分页值, 取值范围为 [0,10000000] 之间的整数, 默认为20
	Limit *int `required:"false"`

	// 返回数据偏移量, 默认为0
	Offset *int `required:"false"`

DescribeBandwidthPackageRequest is request schema for DescribeBandwidthPackage action

type DescribeBandwidthPackageResponse

type DescribeBandwidthPackageResponse struct {

	// 满足条件的带宽包总数
	TotalCount int

	// 带宽包详细信息, 参见 UnetBandwidthPackageSet
	DataSets []UnetBandwidthPackageSet

DescribeBandwidthPackageResponse is response schema for DescribeBandwidthPackage action

type DescribeBandwidthUsageRequest

type DescribeBandwidthUsageRequest struct {

	// 返回数据分页值, 取值范围为 [0,10000000] 之间的整数, 默认为20
	Limit *int `required:"false"`

	// 返回数据偏移量, 默认为0
	OffSet *int `required:"false"`

	// 弹性IP的资源Id. 如果为空, 则返回当前 Region中符合条件的所有EIP的带宽用量, n为自然数
	EIPIds []string `required:"false"`

DescribeBandwidthUsageRequest is request schema for DescribeBandwidthUsage action

type DescribeBandwidthUsageResponse

type DescribeBandwidthUsageResponse struct {

	// EIPSet中的元素个数
	TotalCount int

	// 单个弹性IP的带宽用量详细信息, 详见 UnetBandwidthUsageEIPSet, 如没有弹性IP资源则没有该返回值。
	EIPSet []UnetBandwidthUsageEIPSet

DescribeBandwidthUsageResponse is response schema for DescribeBandwidthUsage action

type DescribeEIPRequest

type DescribeEIPRequest struct {

	// 弹性IP的资源ID如果为空, 则返回当前 Region中符合条件的的所有EIP
	EIPIds []string `required:"false"`

	// 数据偏移量, 默认为0
	Offset *int `required:"false"`

	// 数据分页值, 默认为20
	Limit *int `required:"false"`

DescribeEIPRequest is request schema for DescribeEIP action

type DescribeEIPResponse

type DescribeEIPResponse struct {

	// 满足条件的弹性IP总数
	TotalCount int

	// 满足条件的弹性IP带宽总和, 单位Mbps
	TotalBandwidth int

	// 弹性IP列表, 每项参数详见 UnetEIPSet
	EIPSet []UnetEIPSet

DescribeEIPResponse is response schema for DescribeEIP action

type DescribeFirewallRequest

type DescribeFirewallRequest struct {

	// 防火墙ID,默认为返回所有防火墙
	FWId *string `required:"false"`

	// 绑定防火墙组的资源类型,默认为全部资源类型。枚举值为:"unatgw",NAT网关; "uhost",云主机; "upm",物理云主机; "hadoophost",hadoop节点; "fortresshost",堡垒机; "udhost",私有专区主机;"udockhost",容器;"dbaudit",数据库审计.
	ResourceType *string `required:"false"`

	// 绑定防火墙组的资源ID
	ResourceId *string `required:"false"`

	// 返回数据长度,默认为20,最大10000000
	Limit *int `required:"false"`

	// 列表起始位置偏移量,默认为0
	Offset *int `required:"false"`

DescribeFirewallRequest is request schema for DescribeFirewall action

type DescribeFirewallResourceRequest

type DescribeFirewallResourceRequest struct {

	// 防火墙ID
	FWId *string `required:"true"`

	// 返回数据长度,默认为20,最大10000000
	Limit *string `required:"false"`

	// 列表起始位置偏移量,默认为0
	Offset *string `required:"false"`

DescribeFirewallResourceRequest is request schema for DescribeFirewallResource action

type DescribeFirewallResourceResponse

type DescribeFirewallResourceResponse struct {

	// 资源列表,见 ResourceSet
	ResourceSet []ResourceSet

	// 绑定资源总数
	TotalCount int

DescribeFirewallResourceResponse is response schema for DescribeFirewallResource action

type DescribeFirewallResponse

type DescribeFirewallResponse struct {

	// 获取的防火墙组详细信息 参见 FirewallDataSet
	DataSet []FirewallDataSet

	// 数量
	TotalCount int

DescribeFirewallResponse is response schema for DescribeFirewall action

type DescribeShareBandwidthRequest

type DescribeShareBandwidthRequest struct {

	// 需要返回的共享带宽Id
	ShareBandwidthIds []string `required:"false"`

DescribeShareBandwidthRequest is request schema for DescribeShareBandwidth action

type DescribeShareBandwidthResponse

type DescribeShareBandwidthResponse struct {

	// 共享带宽信息组 参见 UnetShareBandwidthSet
	DataSet []UnetShareBandwidthSet

	// 符合条件的共享带宽总数,大于等于返回DataSet长度
	TotalCount int

DescribeShareBandwidthResponse is response schema for DescribeShareBandwidth action

type DescribeVIPRequest

type DescribeVIPRequest struct {

	// 业务组
	BusinessId *string `required:"false"`

	// 子网id,不指定则获取VPCId下的所有vip
	SubnetId *string `required:"false"`

	// 业务组名称, 默认为 Default
	Tag *string `required:"false"`

	// VIP ID
	VIPId *string `required:"false"`

	// vpc的id,指定SubnetId时必填
	VPCId *string `required:"false"`

DescribeVIPRequest is request schema for DescribeVIP action

type DescribeVIPResponse

type DescribeVIPResponse struct {

	// 内网VIP地址列表
	DataSet []string

	// vip数量
	TotalCount int

	// 内网VIP详情,请见VIPDetailSet
	VIPSet []VIPDetailSet

DescribeVIPResponse is response schema for DescribeVIP action

type DisassociateEIPWithShareBandwidthRequest

type DisassociateEIPWithShareBandwidthRequest struct {

	// 共享带宽ID
	ShareBandwidthId *string `required:"true"`

	// 移出共享带宽后,EIP的外网带宽, 单位为Mbps. 各地域带宽范围如下:  流量计费[1-200],带宽计费[1-800]
	Bandwidth *int `required:"true"`

	// EIP的资源Id;默认移出该共享带宽下所有的EIP
	EIPIds []string `required:"false"`

	// 移出共享带宽后,EIP的计费模式. 枚举值: "Traffic", 流量计费; "Bandwidth", 带宽计费;  默认为 "Bandwidth".
	PayMode *string `required:"false"`

DisassociateEIPWithShareBandwidthRequest is request schema for DisassociateEIPWithShareBandwidth action

type DisassociateEIPWithShareBandwidthResponse

type DisassociateEIPWithShareBandwidthResponse struct {

DisassociateEIPWithShareBandwidthResponse is response schema for DisassociateEIPWithShareBandwidth action

type EIPAddrSet

type EIPAddrSet struct {

	// 运营商信息, 枚举值为:  BGP: BGP; International: 国际.
	OperatorName string

	// 弹性IP地址
	IP string

EIPAddrSet - DescribeBandwidthPackage

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type EIPPayModeSet

type EIPPayModeSet struct {

	// EIP的资源ID
	EIPId string

	// EIP的计费模式. 枚举值为:Bandwidth, 带宽计费;Traffic, 流量计费; "ShareBandwidth",共享带宽模式
	EIPPayMode string

EIPPayModeSet - GetEIPPayModeEIP

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type EIPPriceDetailSet

type EIPPriceDetailSet struct {

	// 弹性IP付费方式
	ChargeType string

	// 弹性IP价格, 单位"元"
	Price float64

	// 资源有效期, 以Unix Timestamp表示
	PurchaseValue int

EIPPriceDetailSet - GetEIPPrice

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type EIPSetData

type EIPSetData struct {

	// EIP带宽值
	Bandwidth int

	// EIP的IP信息,详情见EIPAddrSet
	EIPAddr []EIPAddrSet

	// EIP资源Id
	EIPId string

EIPSetData - describeShareBandwidth

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type FirewallDataSet

type FirewallDataSet struct {

	// 防火墙ID
	FWId string

	// 安全组ID(即将废弃)
	GroupId string

	// 防火墙名称
	Name string

	// 防火墙业务组
	Tag string

	// 防火墙备注
	Remark string

	// 防火墙绑定资源数量
	ResourceCount int

	// 防火墙组创建时间,格式为Unix Timestamp
	CreateTime int

	// 防火墙组类型,枚举值为: "user defined", 用户自定义防火墙; "recommend web", 默认Web防火墙; "recommend non web", 默认非Web防火墙
	Type string

	// 防火墙组中的规则列表,参见 FirewallRuleSet
	Rule []FirewallRuleSet

FirewallDataSet - DescribeFirewall

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type FirewallRuleSet

type FirewallRuleSet struct {

	// 源地址
	SrcIP string

	// 优先级
	Priority string

	// 协议类型
	ProtocolType string

	// 目标端口
	DstPort string

	// 防火墙动作
	RuleAction string

	// 防火墙规则备注
	Remark string

FirewallRuleSet - DescribeFirewall

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type GetEIPPayModeRequest

type GetEIPPayModeRequest struct {

	// 弹性IP的资源Id
	EIPId []string `required:"true"`

GetEIPPayModeRequest is request schema for GetEIPPayMode action

type GetEIPPayModeResponse

type GetEIPPayModeResponse struct {

	// EIP的计费模式, 参见 EIPPayModeSet
	EIPPayMode []EIPPayModeSet

GetEIPPayModeResponse is response schema for GetEIPPayMode action

type GetEIPPriceRequest

type GetEIPPriceRequest struct {

	// 弹性IP的线路如下: 国际: International BGP: Bgp 各地域允许的线路参数如下: cn-sh1: Bgp cn-sh2: Bgp cn-gd: Bgp cn-bj1: Bgp cn-bj2: Bgp hk: International us-ca: International th-bkk: International kr-seoul:International us-ws:International ge-fra:International sg:International tw-kh:International.其他海外线路均为 International
	OperatorName *string `required:"true"`

	// 弹性IP的外网带宽, 单位为Mbps, 范围 [0-800]
	Bandwidth *int `required:"true"`

	// 付费方式, 枚举值为: Year, 按年付费; Month, 按月付费; Dynamic, 按需付费(需开启权限); 默认为获取三种价格
	ChargeType *string `required:"false"`

	// 弹性IP计费方式r. 枚举值为: Traffic, 流量计费; Bandwidth, 带宽计费; "ShareBandwidth",共享带宽模式. 默认为Bandwidth
	PayMode *string `required:"false"`

GetEIPPriceRequest is request schema for GetEIPPrice action

type GetEIPPriceResponse

type GetEIPPriceResponse struct {

	// 弹性IP价格详情 详情见 EIPPriceDetailSet
	PriceSet []EIPPriceDetailSet

GetEIPPriceResponse is response schema for GetEIPPrice action

type GetEIPUpgradePriceRequest

type GetEIPUpgradePriceRequest struct {

	// 弹性IP的资源ID
	EIPId *string `required:"true"`

	// 弹性IP的外网带宽, 单位为Mbps, 范围 [1-800]
	Bandwidth *int `required:"true"`

GetEIPUpgradePriceRequest is request schema for GetEIPUpgradePrice action

type GetEIPUpgradePriceResponse

type GetEIPUpgradePriceResponse struct {

	// 调整带宽后的EIP价格, 单位为"元", 如需退费此处为负值
	Price float64

GetEIPUpgradePriceResponse is response schema for GetEIPUpgradePrice action

type GrantFirewallRequest

type GrantFirewallRequest struct {

	// 防火墙资源ID
	FWId *string `required:"true"`

	// 绑定防火墙组的资源类型,默认为全部资源类型。枚举值为:"unatgw",NAT网关; "uhost",云主机; "upm",物理云主机; "hadoophost",hadoop节点; "fortresshost",堡垒机; "udhost",私有专区主机;"udockhost",容器;"dbaudit",数据库审计.
	ResourceType *string `required:"true"`

	// 所应用资源ID
	ResourceId *string `required:"true"`

GrantFirewallRequest is request schema for GrantFirewall action

type GrantFirewallResponse

type GrantFirewallResponse struct {

GrantFirewallResponse is response schema for GrantFirewall action

type ModifyEIPBandwidthRequest

type ModifyEIPBandwidthRequest struct {

	// 弹性IP的资源ID
	EIPId *string `required:"true"`

	// 弹性IP的外网带宽, 单位为Mbps. 各地域的带宽值范围如下:流量计费[1-200],带宽计费[1-800]
	Bandwidth *int `required:"true"`

ModifyEIPBandwidthRequest is request schema for ModifyEIPBandwidth action

type ModifyEIPBandwidthResponse

type ModifyEIPBandwidthResponse struct {

ModifyEIPBandwidthResponse is response schema for ModifyEIPBandwidth action

type ModifyEIPWeightRequest

type ModifyEIPWeightRequest struct {

	// 弹性IP的资源ID
	EIPId *string `required:"true"`

	// 外网出口权重, 范围[0-100] 取值为0时, 该弹性IP不会被使用. 取值为100时, 同主机下只会使用这个弹性IP,其他弹性IP不会被使用 请勿将多个绑定在同一资源的弹性IP设置为相同权重
	Weight *int `required:"true"`

ModifyEIPWeightRequest is request schema for ModifyEIPWeight action

type ModifyEIPWeightResponse

type ModifyEIPWeightResponse struct {

ModifyEIPWeightResponse is response schema for ModifyEIPWeight action

type ReleaseEIPRequest

type ReleaseEIPRequest struct {

	// 弹性IP的资源ID
	EIPId *string `required:"true"`

ReleaseEIPRequest is request schema for ReleaseEIP action

type ReleaseEIPResponse

type ReleaseEIPResponse struct {

ReleaseEIPResponse is response schema for ReleaseEIP action

type ReleaseShareBandwidthRequest

type ReleaseShareBandwidthRequest struct {

	// 共享带宽ID
	ShareBandwidthId *string `required:"true"`

	// 关闭共享带宽后,各EIP恢复为的带宽值
	EIPBandwidth *int `required:"true"`

	// Bandwidth 带宽计费, Traffic 转流量计费
	PayMode *string `required:"false"`

ReleaseShareBandwidthRequest is request schema for ReleaseShareBandwidth action

type ReleaseShareBandwidthResponse

type ReleaseShareBandwidthResponse struct {

ReleaseShareBandwidthResponse is response schema for ReleaseShareBandwidth action

type ReleaseVIPRequest

type ReleaseVIPRequest struct {

	// 内网VIP的id
	VIPId *string `required:"true"`

ReleaseVIPRequest is request schema for ReleaseVIP action

type ReleaseVIPResponse

type ReleaseVIPResponse struct {

ReleaseVIPResponse is response schema for ReleaseVIP action

type ResizeShareBandwidthRequest

type ResizeShareBandwidthRequest struct {

	// 带宽值,单位为Mb,范围 [20-5000] (最大值受地域限制)
	ShareBandwidth *int `required:"true"`

	// 共享带宽的Id
	ShareBandwidthId *string `required:"true"`

ResizeShareBandwidthRequest is request schema for ResizeShareBandwidth action

type ResizeShareBandwidthResponse

type ResizeShareBandwidthResponse struct {

ResizeShareBandwidthResponse is response schema for ResizeShareBandwidth action

type ResourceSet

type ResourceSet struct {

	// 可用区
	Zone int

	// 名称
	Name string

	// 内网IP
	PrivateIP string

	// 备注
	Remark string

	// 绑定该防火墙的资源id
	ResourceID string

	// 绑定防火墙组的资源类型。"unatgw",NAT网关; "uhost",云主机; "upm",物理云主机; "hadoophost",hadoop节点; "fortresshost",堡垒机; "udhost",私有专区主机;"udockhost",容器;"dbaudit",数据库审计.
	ResourceType string

	// 状态
	Status int

	// 业务组
	Tag string

ResourceSet - 资源信息

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type SetEIPPayModeRequest

type SetEIPPayModeRequest struct {

	// 弹性IP的资源Id
	EIPId *string `required:"true"`

	// 计费模式. 枚举值:"Traffic", 流量计费模式; "Bandwidth", 带宽计费模式
	PayMode *string `required:"true"`

	// 调整的目标带宽值, 单位Mbps. 各地域的带宽值范围如下: 流量计费[1-200],其余情况[1-800]
	Bandwidth *int `required:"true"`

SetEIPPayModeRequest is request schema for SetEIPPayMode action

type SetEIPPayModeResponse

type SetEIPPayModeResponse struct {

SetEIPPayModeResponse is response schema for SetEIPPayMode action

type ShareBandwidthSet

type ShareBandwidthSet struct {

	// 共享带宽带宽值
	ShareBandwidth int

	// 共享带宽的资源名称
	ShareBandwidthName string

	// 共享带宽ID
	ShareBandwidthId string

ShareBandwidthSet - DescribeEIP

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type UNetClient

type UNetClient struct {

UNetClient is the client of UNet

func NewClient

func NewClient(config *ucloud.Config, credential *auth.Credential) *UNetClient

NewClient will return a instance of UNetClient

func (*UNetClient) AllocateEIP

func (c *UNetClient) AllocateEIP(req *AllocateEIPRequest) (*AllocateEIPResponse, error)

AllocateEIP - 根据提供信息, 申请弹性IP

func (*UNetClient) AllocateShareBandwidth

AllocateShareBandwidth - 开通共享带宽

func (*UNetClient) AllocateVIP

func (c *UNetClient) AllocateVIP(req *AllocateVIPRequest) (*AllocateVIPResponse, error)

AllocateVIP - 根据提供信息,申请内网VIP(Virtual IP),多用于高可用程序作为漂移IP。

func (*UNetClient) AssociateEIPWithShareBandwidth

AssociateEIPWithShareBandwidth - 将EIP加入共享带宽

func (*UNetClient) BindEIP

func (c *UNetClient) BindEIP(req *BindEIPRequest) (*BindEIPResponse, error)

BindEIP - 将尚未使用的弹性IP绑定到指定的资源

func (*UNetClient) CreateBandwidthPackage

CreateBandwidthPackage - 为非共享带宽模式下, 已绑定资源实例的带宽计费弹性IP附加临时带宽包

func (*UNetClient) CreateFirewall

func (c *UNetClient) CreateFirewall(req *CreateFirewallRequest) (*CreateFirewallResponse, error)

CreateFirewall - 创建防火墙

func (*UNetClient) DeleteBandwidthPackage

DeleteBandwidthPackage - 删除弹性IP上已附加带宽包

func (*UNetClient) DeleteFirewall

func (c *UNetClient) DeleteFirewall(req *DeleteFirewallRequest) (*DeleteFirewallResponse, error)

DeleteFirewall - 删除防火墙

func (*UNetClient) DescribeBandwidthPackage

DescribeBandwidthPackage - 获取某地域下的带宽包信息

func (*UNetClient) DescribeBandwidthUsage

DescribeBandwidthUsage - 获取带宽用量信息

func (*UNetClient) DescribeEIP

func (c *UNetClient) DescribeEIP(req *DescribeEIPRequest) (*DescribeEIPResponse, error)

DescribeEIP - 获取弹性IP信息

func (*UNetClient) DescribeFirewall

func (c *UNetClient) DescribeFirewall(req *DescribeFirewallRequest) (*DescribeFirewallResponse, error)

DescribeFirewall - 获取防火墙组信息

func (*UNetClient) DescribeFirewallResource

DescribeFirewallResource - 获取防火墙组所绑定资源的外网IP

func (*UNetClient) DescribeShareBandwidth

DescribeShareBandwidth - 获取共享带宽信息

func (*UNetClient) DescribeVIP

func (c *UNetClient) DescribeVIP(req *DescribeVIPRequest) (*DescribeVIPResponse, error)

DescribeVIP - 获取内网VIP详细信息

func (*UNetClient) DisassociateEIPWithShareBandwidth

DisassociateEIPWithShareBandwidth - 将EIP移出共享带宽

func (*UNetClient) GetEIPPayMode

func (c *UNetClient) GetEIPPayMode(req *GetEIPPayModeRequest) (*GetEIPPayModeResponse, error)

GetEIPPayMode - 获取弹性IP计费模式

func (*UNetClient) GetEIPPrice

func (c *UNetClient) GetEIPPrice(req *GetEIPPriceRequest) (*GetEIPPriceResponse, error)

GetEIPPrice - 获取弹性IP价格

func (*UNetClient) GetEIPUpgradePrice

func (c *UNetClient) GetEIPUpgradePrice(req *GetEIPUpgradePriceRequest) (*GetEIPUpgradePriceResponse, error)

GetEIPUpgradePrice - 获取弹性IP带宽改动价格

func (*UNetClient) GrantFirewall

func (c *UNetClient) GrantFirewall(req *GrantFirewallRequest) (*GrantFirewallResponse, error)

GrantFirewall - 将防火墙应用到资源上

func (*UNetClient) ModifyEIPBandwidth

func (c *UNetClient) ModifyEIPBandwidth(req *ModifyEIPBandwidthRequest) (*ModifyEIPBandwidthResponse, error)

ModifyEIPBandwidth - 调整弹性IP的外网带宽

func (*UNetClient) ModifyEIPWeight

func (c *UNetClient) ModifyEIPWeight(req *ModifyEIPWeightRequest) (*ModifyEIPWeightResponse, error)

ModifyEIPWeight - 修改弹性IP的外网出口权重

func (*UNetClient) NewAllocateEIPRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewAllocateEIPRequest() *AllocateEIPRequest

NewAllocateEIPRequest will create request of AllocateEIP action.

func (*UNetClient) NewAllocateShareBandwidthRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewAllocateShareBandwidthRequest() *AllocateShareBandwidthRequest

NewAllocateShareBandwidthRequest will create request of AllocateShareBandwidth action.

func (*UNetClient) NewAllocateVIPRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewAllocateVIPRequest() *AllocateVIPRequest

NewAllocateVIPRequest will create request of AllocateVIP action.

func (*UNetClient) NewAssociateEIPWithShareBandwidthRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewAssociateEIPWithShareBandwidthRequest() *AssociateEIPWithShareBandwidthRequest

NewAssociateEIPWithShareBandwidthRequest will create request of AssociateEIPWithShareBandwidth action.

func (*UNetClient) NewBindEIPRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewBindEIPRequest() *BindEIPRequest

NewBindEIPRequest will create request of BindEIP action.

func (*UNetClient) NewCreateBandwidthPackageRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewCreateBandwidthPackageRequest() *CreateBandwidthPackageRequest

NewCreateBandwidthPackageRequest will create request of CreateBandwidthPackage action.

func (*UNetClient) NewCreateFirewallRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewCreateFirewallRequest() *CreateFirewallRequest

NewCreateFirewallRequest will create request of CreateFirewall action.

func (*UNetClient) NewDeleteBandwidthPackageRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewDeleteBandwidthPackageRequest() *DeleteBandwidthPackageRequest

NewDeleteBandwidthPackageRequest will create request of DeleteBandwidthPackage action.

func (*UNetClient) NewDeleteFirewallRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewDeleteFirewallRequest() *DeleteFirewallRequest

NewDeleteFirewallRequest will create request of DeleteFirewall action.

func (*UNetClient) NewDescribeBandwidthPackageRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewDescribeBandwidthPackageRequest() *DescribeBandwidthPackageRequest

NewDescribeBandwidthPackageRequest will create request of DescribeBandwidthPackage action.

func (*UNetClient) NewDescribeBandwidthUsageRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewDescribeBandwidthUsageRequest() *DescribeBandwidthUsageRequest

NewDescribeBandwidthUsageRequest will create request of DescribeBandwidthUsage action.

func (*UNetClient) NewDescribeEIPRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewDescribeEIPRequest() *DescribeEIPRequest

NewDescribeEIPRequest will create request of DescribeEIP action.

func (*UNetClient) NewDescribeFirewallRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewDescribeFirewallRequest() *DescribeFirewallRequest

NewDescribeFirewallRequest will create request of DescribeFirewall action.

func (*UNetClient) NewDescribeFirewallResourceRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewDescribeFirewallResourceRequest() *DescribeFirewallResourceRequest

NewDescribeFirewallResourceRequest will create request of DescribeFirewallResource action.

func (*UNetClient) NewDescribeShareBandwidthRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewDescribeShareBandwidthRequest() *DescribeShareBandwidthRequest

NewDescribeShareBandwidthRequest will create request of DescribeShareBandwidth action.

func (*UNetClient) NewDescribeVIPRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewDescribeVIPRequest() *DescribeVIPRequest

NewDescribeVIPRequest will create request of DescribeVIP action.

func (*UNetClient) NewDisassociateEIPWithShareBandwidthRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewDisassociateEIPWithShareBandwidthRequest() *DisassociateEIPWithShareBandwidthRequest

NewDisassociateEIPWithShareBandwidthRequest will create request of DisassociateEIPWithShareBandwidth action.

func (*UNetClient) NewGetEIPPayModeRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewGetEIPPayModeRequest() *GetEIPPayModeRequest

NewGetEIPPayModeRequest will create request of GetEIPPayMode action.

func (*UNetClient) NewGetEIPPriceRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewGetEIPPriceRequest() *GetEIPPriceRequest

NewGetEIPPriceRequest will create request of GetEIPPrice action.

func (*UNetClient) NewGetEIPUpgradePriceRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewGetEIPUpgradePriceRequest() *GetEIPUpgradePriceRequest

NewGetEIPUpgradePriceRequest will create request of GetEIPUpgradePrice action.

func (*UNetClient) NewGrantFirewallRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewGrantFirewallRequest() *GrantFirewallRequest

NewGrantFirewallRequest will create request of GrantFirewall action.

func (*UNetClient) NewModifyEIPBandwidthRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewModifyEIPBandwidthRequest() *ModifyEIPBandwidthRequest

NewModifyEIPBandwidthRequest will create request of ModifyEIPBandwidth action.

func (*UNetClient) NewModifyEIPWeightRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewModifyEIPWeightRequest() *ModifyEIPWeightRequest

NewModifyEIPWeightRequest will create request of ModifyEIPWeight action.

func (*UNetClient) NewReleaseEIPRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewReleaseEIPRequest() *ReleaseEIPRequest

NewReleaseEIPRequest will create request of ReleaseEIP action.

func (*UNetClient) NewReleaseShareBandwidthRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewReleaseShareBandwidthRequest() *ReleaseShareBandwidthRequest

NewReleaseShareBandwidthRequest will create request of ReleaseShareBandwidth action.

func (*UNetClient) NewReleaseVIPRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewReleaseVIPRequest() *ReleaseVIPRequest

NewReleaseVIPRequest will create request of ReleaseVIP action.

func (*UNetClient) NewResizeShareBandwidthRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewResizeShareBandwidthRequest() *ResizeShareBandwidthRequest

NewResizeShareBandwidthRequest will create request of ResizeShareBandwidth action.

func (*UNetClient) NewSetEIPPayModeRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewSetEIPPayModeRequest() *SetEIPPayModeRequest

NewSetEIPPayModeRequest will create request of SetEIPPayMode action.

func (*UNetClient) NewUnBindEIPRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewUnBindEIPRequest() *UnBindEIPRequest

NewUnBindEIPRequest will create request of UnBindEIP action.

func (*UNetClient) NewUpdateEIPAttributeRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewUpdateEIPAttributeRequest() *UpdateEIPAttributeRequest

NewUpdateEIPAttributeRequest will create request of UpdateEIPAttribute action.

func (*UNetClient) NewUpdateFirewallAttributeRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewUpdateFirewallAttributeRequest() *UpdateFirewallAttributeRequest

NewUpdateFirewallAttributeRequest will create request of UpdateFirewallAttribute action.

func (*UNetClient) NewUpdateFirewallRequest

func (c *UNetClient) NewUpdateFirewallRequest() *UpdateFirewallRequest

NewUpdateFirewallRequest will create request of UpdateFirewall action.

func (*UNetClient) NewUpdateVIPAttributeRequest added in v0.10.0

func (c *UNetClient) NewUpdateVIPAttributeRequest() *UpdateVIPAttributeRequest

NewUpdateVIPAttributeRequest will create request of UpdateVIPAttribute action.

func (*UNetClient) ReleaseEIP

func (c *UNetClient) ReleaseEIP(req *ReleaseEIPRequest) (*ReleaseEIPResponse, error)

ReleaseEIP - 释放弹性IP资源, 所释放弹性IP必须为非绑定状态.

func (*UNetClient) ReleaseShareBandwidth

ReleaseShareBandwidth - 关闭共享带宽

func (*UNetClient) ReleaseVIP

func (c *UNetClient) ReleaseVIP(req *ReleaseVIPRequest) (*ReleaseVIPResponse, error)

ReleaseVIP - 释放VIP资源

func (*UNetClient) ResizeShareBandwidth

ResizeShareBandwidth - 调整共享带宽的带宽值

func (*UNetClient) SetEIPPayMode

func (c *UNetClient) SetEIPPayMode(req *SetEIPPayModeRequest) (*SetEIPPayModeResponse, error)

SetEIPPayMode - 设置弹性IP计费模式, 切换时会涉及付费/退费.

func (*UNetClient) UnBindEIP

func (c *UNetClient) UnBindEIP(req *UnBindEIPRequest) (*UnBindEIPResponse, error)

UnBindEIP - 将弹性IP从资源上解绑

func (*UNetClient) UpdateEIPAttribute

func (c *UNetClient) UpdateEIPAttribute(req *UpdateEIPAttributeRequest) (*UpdateEIPAttributeResponse, error)

UpdateEIPAttribute - 更新弹性IP名称,业务组,备注等属性字段

func (*UNetClient) UpdateFirewall

func (c *UNetClient) UpdateFirewall(req *UpdateFirewallRequest) (*UpdateFirewallResponse, error)

UpdateFirewall - 更新防火墙规则

func (*UNetClient) UpdateFirewallAttribute

UpdateFirewallAttribute - 更新防火墙规则

func (*UNetClient) UpdateVIPAttribute added in v0.10.0

func (c *UNetClient) UpdateVIPAttribute(req *UpdateVIPAttributeRequest) (*UpdateVIPAttributeResponse, error)

UpdateVIPAttribute - 更新VIP信息

type UnBindEIPRequest

type UnBindEIPRequest struct {

	// 弹性IP的资源Id
	EIPId *string `required:"true"`

	// 弹性IP请求解绑的资源类型, 枚举值为: uhost: 云主机; ulb, 负载均衡器 upm: 物理机; hadoophost: 大数据集群;fortresshost:堡垒机;udockhost:容器;udhost:私有专区主机;natgw:NAT网关;udb:udb;vpngw:ipsec vpn;ucdr:云灾备;dbaudit:数据库审计;
	ResourceType *string `required:"true"`

	// 弹性IP请求解绑的资源ID
	ResourceId *string `required:"true"`

UnBindEIPRequest is request schema for UnBindEIP action

type UnBindEIPResponse

type UnBindEIPResponse struct {

UnBindEIPResponse is response schema for UnBindEIP action

type UnetAllocateEIPSet

type UnetAllocateEIPSet struct {

	// 申请到的EIP资源ID
	EIPId string

	// 申请到的IPv4地址.
	EIPAddr []UnetEIPAddrSet

UnetAllocateEIPSet - AllocateEIP

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type UnetBandwidthPackageSet

type UnetBandwidthPackageSet struct {

	// 带宽包的资源ID
	BandwidthPackageId string

	// 生效时间, 格式为 Unix Timestamp
	EnableTime int

	// 失效时间, 格式为 Unix Timestamp
	DisableTime int

	// 创建时间, 格式为 Unix Timestamp
	CreateTime int

	// 带宽包的临时带宽值, 单位Mbps
	Bandwidth int

	// 带宽包所绑定弹性IP的资源ID
	EIPId string

	// 带宽包所绑定弹性IP的详细信息,只有当EIPId对应双线IP时, EIPAddr的长度为2, 其他情况, EIPAddr长度均为1.参见 EIPAddrSet
	EIPAddr []EIPAddrSet

UnetBandwidthPackageSet - DescribeBandwidthPackage

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type UnetBandwidthUsageEIPSet

type UnetBandwidthUsageEIPSet struct {

	// 最近5分钟带宽用量, 单位Mbps
	CurBandwidth float64

	// 弹性IP资源ID
	EIPId string

UnetBandwidthUsageEIPSet - DescribeBandwidthUsage

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type UnetEIPAddrSet

type UnetEIPAddrSet struct {

	// 运营商信息如: 国际: International, BGP: BGP
	OperatorName string

	// IP地址
	IP string

UnetEIPAddrSet - AllocateEIP

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type UnetEIPResourceSet

type UnetEIPResourceSet struct {

	// 已绑定的资源类型, 枚举值为: uhost, 云主机;natgw:NAT网关;ulb:负载均衡器;upm: 物理机; hadoophost: 大数据集群;fortresshost:堡垒机;udockhost:容器;udhost:私有专区主机;vpngw:IPSec VPN;ucdr:云灾备;dbaudit:数据库审计。
	ResourceType string

	// 已绑定的资源名称
	ResourceName string

	// 已绑定资源的资源ID
	ResourceId string

	// 弹性IP的资源ID
	EIPId string

UnetEIPResourceSet - DescribeEIP

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type UnetEIPSet

type UnetEIPSet struct {

	// 弹性IP的资源ID
	EIPId string

	// 外网出口权重, 默认为50, 范围[0-100]
	Weight int

	// 带宽模式, 枚举值为: 0: 非共享带宽模式, 1: 共享带宽模式
	BandwidthType int

	// 弹性IP的带宽, 单位为Mbps, 当BandwidthType=1时, 该处显示为共享带宽值. 当BandwidthType=0时, 该处显示这个弹性IP的带宽.
	Bandwidth int

	// 弹性IP的资源绑定状态, 枚举值为: used: 已绑定, free: 未绑定, freeze: 已冻结
	Status string

	// 付费方式, 枚举值为: Year, 按年付费; Month, 按月付费; Dynamic, 按小时付费; Trial, 试用. 按小时付费和试用这两种付费模式需要开通权限.
	ChargeType string

	// 弹性IP的创建时间, 格式为Unix Timestamp
	CreateTime int

	// 弹性IP的到期时间, 格式为Unix Timestamp
	ExpireTime int

	// 弹性IP的详细信息列表, 具体结构见下方 UnetEIPResourceSet
	Resource UnetEIPResourceSet

	// 弹性IP的详细信息列表, 具体结构见下方 UnetEIPAddrSet
	EIPAddr []UnetEIPAddrSet

	// 弹性IP的名称,缺省值为 "EIP"
	Name string

	// 弹性IP的业务组标识, 缺省值为 "Default"
	Tag string

	// 弹性IP的备注, 缺省值为 ""
	Remark string

	// 弹性IP的计费模式, 枚举值为: "Bandwidth", 带宽计费; "Traffic", 流量计费; "ShareBandwidth",共享带宽模式. 默认为 "Bandwidth".
	PayMode string

	// 共享带宽信息 参见 ShareBandwidthSet
	ShareBandwidthSet ShareBandwidthSet

	// 弹性IP是否到期
	Expire bool

UnetEIPSet - DescribeEIP

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type UnetShareBandwidthSet

type UnetShareBandwidthSet struct {

	// 共享带宽值(预付费)/共享带宽峰值(后付费), 单位Mbps
	ShareBandwidth int

	// 共享带宽的资源ID
	ShareBandwidthId string

	// 付费方式, 预付费:Year 按年,Month 按月,Dynamic 按需;后付费:PostPay(按月)
	ChargeType string

	// 创建时间, 格式为Unix Timestamp
	CreateTime int

	// 过期时间, 格式为Unix Timestamp
	ExpireTime int

	// EIP信息,详情见 EIPSetData
	EIPSet []EIPSetData

	// 共享带宽保底值(后付费)
	BandwidthGuarantee int

	// 共享带宽后付费开始计费时间(后付费)
	PostPayStartTime int

	// 共享带宽名称
	Name string

UnetShareBandwidthSet - DescribeShareBandwidth

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type UpdateEIPAttributeRequest

type UpdateEIPAttributeRequest struct {

	// EIP资源ID
	EIPId *string `required:"true"`

	// 名字(Name Tag Remark都为空则报错)
	Name *string `required:"false"`

	// 业务
	Tag *string `required:"false"`

	// 备注
	Remark *string `required:"false"`

UpdateEIPAttributeRequest is request schema for UpdateEIPAttribute action

type UpdateEIPAttributeResponse

type UpdateEIPAttributeResponse struct {

UpdateEIPAttributeResponse is response schema for UpdateEIPAttribute action

type UpdateFirewallAttributeRequest

type UpdateFirewallAttributeRequest struct {

	// 防火墙资源ID
	FWId *string `required:"true"`

	// 防火墙名称,默认为空,为空则不做修改。Name,Tag,Remark必须填写1个及以上
	Name *string `required:"false"`

	// 防火墙业务组,默认为空,为空则不做修改。Name,Tag,Remark必须填写1个及以上
	Tag *string `required:"false"`

	// 防火墙备注,默认为空,为空则不做修改。Name,Tag,Remark必须填写1个及以上
	Remark *string `required:"false"`

UpdateFirewallAttributeRequest is request schema for UpdateFirewallAttribute action

type UpdateFirewallAttributeResponse

type UpdateFirewallAttributeResponse struct {

UpdateFirewallAttributeResponse is response schema for UpdateFirewallAttribute action

type UpdateFirewallRequest

type UpdateFirewallRequest struct {

	// 防火墙资源ID
	FWId *string `required:"true"`

	// 防火墙规则,例如:TCP|22||DROP|LOW|禁用22端口,第一个参数代表协议:第二个参数代表端口号,第三个参数为ip,第四个参数为ACCEPT(接受)和DROP(拒绝),第五个参数优先级:HIGH(高),MEDIUM(中),LOW(低),第六个参数为该条规则的自定义备注
	Rule []string `required:"true"`

UpdateFirewallRequest is request schema for UpdateFirewall action

type UpdateFirewallResponse

type UpdateFirewallResponse struct {

	// 防火墙id
	FWId string

UpdateFirewallResponse is response schema for UpdateFirewall action

type UpdateVIPAttributeRequest added in v0.10.0

type UpdateVIPAttributeRequest struct {

	// 内网VIP的名称
	Name *string `required:"false"`

	// 内网VIP的备注
	Remark *string `required:"false"`

	// 内网VIP所属的业务组
	Tag *string `required:"false"`

	// 内网VIP的资源Id
	VIPId *string `required:"true"`

UpdateVIPAttributeRequest is request schema for UpdateVIPAttribute action

type UpdateVIPAttributeResponse added in v0.10.0

type UpdateVIPAttributeResponse struct {

UpdateVIPAttributeResponse is response schema for UpdateVIPAttribute action

type VIPDetailSet

type VIPDetailSet struct {

	// 创建时间
	CreateTime int

	// VIP名称
	Name string

	// 真实主机ip
	RealIp string

	// VIP备注
	Remark string

	// 子网id
	SubnetId string

	// VIP所属业务组
	Tag string

	// 虚拟ip
	VIP string

	// 虚拟ip id
	VIPId string

	// VPC id
	VPCId string

	// 地域
	Zone string

VIPDetailSet - VIPDetailSet

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn/api for detail.

type VIPSet

type VIPSet struct {

	// 虚拟ip
	VIP string

	// 虚拟ip id
	VIPId string

	// VPC id
	VPCId string


this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

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