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Published: Sep 25, 2019 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 4 Imported by: 1



Package uphost include resources of ucloud host product

See also

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type CreatePHostRequest

type CreatePHostRequest struct {

	// 镜像ID。 请通过 [DescribePHostImage]获取
	ImageId *string `required:"true"`

	// 密码(密码需使用base64进行编码)
	Password *string `required:"true"`

	// 物理机类型,默认为:db-2(基础型-SAS-V3)
	Type *string `required:"false"`

	// 物理机名称,默认为phost
	Name *string `required:"false"`

	// 物理机备注,默认为空
	Remark *string `required:"false"`

	// 业务组,默认为default
	Tag *string `required:"false"`

	// 计费模式,枚举值为:year, 按年付费; month,按月付费;dynamic,按需付费,(需开启权限) trial, 试用(需开启权限)。默认为按月付费
	ChargeType *string `required:"false"`

	// 购买时长,默认为1,范围[1-10]
	Quantity *string `required:"false"`

	// 购买数量,默认为1,(暂不支持)
	Count *int `required:"false"`

	// 防火墙Id,默认:Web推荐防火墙。如何查询SecurityGroupId请参见 [DescribeSecurityGroup](../unet-api/describe_security_group.html)
	SecurityGroupId *string `required:"false"`

	// Raid配置,默认Raid10  支持:Raid0、Raid1、Raid5、Raid10,NoRaid
	Raid *string `required:"false"`

	// 网络环境,可选千兆:1G ,万兆:10G, 默认1G
	Cluster *string `required:"false"`

	// VPC ID,不填为默认,VPC2.0下需要填写此字段。
	VPCId *string `required:"false"`

	// 子网ID,不填为默认,VPC2.0下需要填写此字段。
	SubnetId *string `required:"false"`

	// 代金券
	CouponId *string `required:"false"`

CreatePHostRequest is request schema for CreatePHost action

type CreatePHostResponse

type CreatePHostResponse struct {

	// PHost的资源ID数组
	PHostId []string

CreatePHostResponse is response schema for CreatePHost action

type DescribePHostImageRequest

type DescribePHostImageRequest struct {

	// 镜像类别,枚举为:Base,标准镜像;默认为标准镜像。
	ImageType *string `required:"false"`

	// 镜像ID
	ImageId []string `required:"false"`

	// 数据偏移量,默认为0
	Offset *int `required:"false"`

	// 返回数据长度,默认为20
	Limit *int `required:"false"`

DescribePHostImageRequest is request schema for DescribePHostImage action

type DescribePHostImageResponse

type DescribePHostImageResponse struct {

	// 满足条件的镜像总数
	TotalCount int

	// 镜像列表 PHostImageSet
	ImageSet []PHostImageSet

DescribePHostImageResponse is response schema for DescribePHostImage action

type DescribePHostRequest

type DescribePHostRequest struct {

	// PHost资源ID,若为空,则返回当前Region所有PHost。
	PHostId []string `required:"false"`

	// 数据偏移量,默认为0
	Offset *int `required:"false"`

	// 返回数据长度,默认为20
	Limit *int `required:"false"`

DescribePHostRequest is request schema for DescribePHost action

type DescribePHostResponse

type DescribePHostResponse struct {

	// 满足条件的PHost总数
	TotalCount int

	// PHost资源列表,参见 PHostSet
	PHostSet []PHostSet

DescribePHostResponse is response schema for DescribePHost action

type DescribePHostTagsRequest

type DescribePHostTagsRequest struct {

DescribePHostTagsRequest is request schema for DescribePHostTags action

type DescribePHostTagsResponse

type DescribePHostTagsResponse struct {

	// Tag的个数
	TotalCount int

	// 具体参见 PHostTagSet
	TagSet []PHostTagSet

DescribePHostTagsResponse is response schema for DescribePHostTags action

type GetPHostPriceRequest

type GetPHostPriceRequest struct {

	// 购买数量,范围[1-5]
	Count *int `required:"true"`

	// 计费模式,枚举值为: Year/Month/Trial/Dynamic
	ChargeType *string `required:"true"`

	// 购买时长,1-10个月或1-10年
	Quantity *int `required:"true"`

	// 默认为:DB(数据库型)
	Type *string `required:"false"`

	// 网络环境,可选千兆:1G ,万兆:10G
	Cluster *string `required:"false"`

GetPHostPriceRequest is request schema for GetPHostPrice action

type GetPHostPriceResponse

type GetPHostPriceResponse struct {

	// 价格列表 见 PHostPriceSet
	PriceSet []PHostPriceSet

GetPHostPriceResponse is response schema for GetPHostPrice action

type ModifyPHostInfoRequest

type ModifyPHostInfoRequest struct {

	// 物理机资源ID
	PHostId *string `required:"true"`

	// 物理机名称,默认不更改
	Name *string `required:"false"`

	// 物理机备注,默认不更改
	Remark *string `required:"false"`

	// 业务组,默认不更改
	Tag *string `required:"false"`

ModifyPHostInfoRequest is request schema for ModifyPHostInfo action

type ModifyPHostInfoResponse

type ModifyPHostInfoResponse struct {

	// PHost 的资源ID
	PHostId string

ModifyPHostInfoResponse is response schema for ModifyPHostInfo action

type PHostCPUSet

type PHostCPUSet struct {

	// CPU型号
	Model string

	// CPU主频
	Frequence float64

	// CPU个数
	Count int

	// CPU核数
	CoreCount int

PHostCPUSet - DescribePHost

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type PHostDiskSet

type PHostDiskSet struct {

	// 单盘大小,单位GB
	Space int

	// 磁盘数量
	Count int

	// 磁盘属性
	Type string

	// 磁盘名称,sys/data
	Name string

	// 磁盘IO性能,单位MB/s(待废弃)
	IOCap int

PHostDiskSet - GetPHostTypeInfo

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type PHostIPSet

type PHostIPSet struct {

	//  国际: Internation, BGP: BGP, 内网: Private
	OperatorName string

	// IP资源ID(内网IP无资源ID)(待废弃)
	IPId string

	// IP地址,
	IPAddr string

	// MAC地址
	MACAddr string

	// IP对应带宽,单位Mb,内网IP不显示带宽信息
	Bandwidth int

	// 子网ID
	SubnetId string

	// VPC ID
	VPCId string

PHostIPSet - DescribePHost

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type PHostImageSet

type PHostImageSet struct {

	// 镜像ID
	ImageId string

	// 镜像名称
	ImageName string

	// 操作系统名称
	OsName string

	// 操作系统类型
	OsType string

PHostImageSet - DescribePHostImage

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type PHostPriceSet

type PHostPriceSet struct {

	// Year/Month/Trial/Dynamic
	ChargeType string

	// 价格, 单位:元, 保留小数点后两位有效数字
	Price float64

PHostPriceSet - GetPHostPrice

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type PHostSet

type PHostSet struct {

	// 可用区,参见 [可用区列表](../summary/regionlist.html)
	Zone string

	// PHost资源ID
	PHostId string

	// 物理机序列号
	SN string

	// 物理云主机状态。枚举值:\\ > 初始化:Initializing; \\ > 启动中:Starting; \\ > 运行中:Running;\\ > 关机中:Stopping; \\ > 安装失败:InstallFailed; \\ > 重启中:Rebooting;\\ > 关机:Stopped;
	PMStatus string

	// 物理机名称
	Name string

	// 物理机备注
	Remark string

	// 业务组
	Tag string

	// 镜像名称
	ImageName string

	// 操作系统名称
	OSname string

	// 创建时间
	CreateTime int

	// 到期时间
	ExpireTime int

	// 计费模式,枚举值为: Year,按年付费; Month,按月付费; Dynamic,按需付费(需开启权限); Trial,试用(需开启权限)默认为月付
	ChargeType string

	// 电源状态,on 或 off
	PowerState string

	// 物理机类型,参见DescribePHostMachineType返回值
	PHostType string

	// 内存大小,单位:MB
	Memory int

	// CPU信息,见 PHostCPUSet

	// 磁盘信息,见 PHostDiskSet
	DiskSet []PHostDiskSet

	// IP信息,见 PHostIPSet
	IPSet []PHostIPSet

	// 网络环境。枚举值:千兆:1G ,万兆:10G
	Cluster string

	// 自动续费
	AutoRenew string

	// 是否支持紧急登录
	IsSupportKVM string

	// 操作系统类型
	OSType string

	// 组件信息(暂不支持)
	Components string

	// 是否支持Raid。枚举值:Yes:支持;No:不支持。
	RaidSupported string

PHostSet - DescribePHost

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type PHostTagSet

type PHostTagSet struct {

	// 业务组名称
	Tag string

	// 该业务组中包含的主机个数
	TotalCount int

PHostTagSet - DescribePHostTags

this model is auto created by ucloud code generater for open api, you can also see https://docs.ucloud.cn for detail.

type PoweroffPHostRequest

type PoweroffPHostRequest struct {

	// PHost资源ID
	PHostId *string `required:"true"`

PoweroffPHostRequest is request schema for PoweroffPHost action

type PoweroffPHostResponse

type PoweroffPHostResponse struct {

	// PHost 的资源ID
	PHostId string

PoweroffPHostResponse is response schema for PoweroffPHost action

type RebootPHostRequest

type RebootPHostRequest struct {

	// PHost资源ID
	PHostId *string `required:"true"`

RebootPHostRequest is request schema for RebootPHost action

type RebootPHostResponse

type RebootPHostResponse struct {

	// PHost 的资源ID
	PHostId string

RebootPHostResponse is response schema for RebootPHost action

type ReinstallPHostRequest

type ReinstallPHostRequest struct {

	// PHost资源ID
	PHostId *string `required:"true"`

	// 密码
	Password *string `required:"true"`

	// 镜像Id,参考镜像列表,默认使用原镜像
	ImageId *string `required:"false"`

	// 物理机名称,默认不更改
	Name *string `required:"false"`

	// 物理机备注,默认为不更改。
	Remark *string `required:"false"`

	// 业务组,默认不更改。
	Tag *string `required:"false"`

	// 是否保留数据盘,保留:Yes,不报留:No, 默认:Yes
	ReserveDisk *string `required:"false"`

	// 不保留数据盘重装,可选Raid
	Raid *string `required:"false"`

ReinstallPHostRequest is request schema for ReinstallPHost action

type ReinstallPHostResponse

type ReinstallPHostResponse struct {

	// PHost 的资源ID
	PHostId string

ReinstallPHostResponse is response schema for ReinstallPHost action

type StartPHostRequest

type StartPHostRequest struct {

	// PHost资源ID
	PHostId *string `required:"true"`

StartPHostRequest is request schema for StartPHost action

type StartPHostResponse

type StartPHostResponse struct {

	// PHost 的资源ID
	PHostId string

StartPHostResponse is response schema for StartPHost action

type TerminatePHostRequest

type TerminatePHostRequest struct {

	// PHost资源ID
	PHostId *string `required:"true"`

	// 是否释放绑定的EIP。true: 解绑EIP后,并释放;其他值或不填:解绑EIP。
	ReleaseEIP *bool `required:"false"`

TerminatePHostRequest is request schema for TerminatePHost action

type TerminatePHostResponse

type TerminatePHostResponse struct {

	// PHost 的资源ID
	PHostId string

TerminatePHostResponse is response schema for TerminatePHost action

type UPHostClient

type UPHostClient struct {

UPHostClient is the client of UPHost

func NewClient

func NewClient(config *ucloud.Config, credential *auth.Credential) *UPHostClient

NewClient will return a instance of UPHostClient

func (*UPHostClient) CreatePHost

func (c *UPHostClient) CreatePHost(req *CreatePHostRequest) (*CreatePHostResponse, error)

CreatePHost - 指定数据中心,根据资源使用量创建指定数量的UPHost物理云主机实例。

func (*UPHostClient) DescribePHost

func (c *UPHostClient) DescribePHost(req *DescribePHostRequest) (*DescribePHostResponse, error)

DescribePHost - 获取物理机详细信息

func (*UPHostClient) DescribePHostImage

DescribePHostImage - 获取物理云主机镜像列表

func (*UPHostClient) DescribePHostTags

DescribePHostTags - 获取物理机tag列表(业务组)

func (*UPHostClient) GetPHostPrice

func (c *UPHostClient) GetPHostPrice(req *GetPHostPriceRequest) (*GetPHostPriceResponse, error)

GetPHostPrice - 获取物理机价格列表

func (*UPHostClient) ModifyPHostInfo

ModifyPHostInfo - 更改物理机信息

func (*UPHostClient) NewCreatePHostRequest

func (c *UPHostClient) NewCreatePHostRequest() *CreatePHostRequest

NewCreatePHostRequest will create request of CreatePHost action.

func (*UPHostClient) NewDescribePHostImageRequest

func (c *UPHostClient) NewDescribePHostImageRequest() *DescribePHostImageRequest

NewDescribePHostImageRequest will create request of DescribePHostImage action.

func (*UPHostClient) NewDescribePHostRequest

func (c *UPHostClient) NewDescribePHostRequest() *DescribePHostRequest

NewDescribePHostRequest will create request of DescribePHost action.

func (*UPHostClient) NewDescribePHostTagsRequest

func (c *UPHostClient) NewDescribePHostTagsRequest() *DescribePHostTagsRequest

NewDescribePHostTagsRequest will create request of DescribePHostTags action.

func (*UPHostClient) NewGetPHostPriceRequest

func (c *UPHostClient) NewGetPHostPriceRequest() *GetPHostPriceRequest

NewGetPHostPriceRequest will create request of GetPHostPrice action.

func (*UPHostClient) NewModifyPHostInfoRequest

func (c *UPHostClient) NewModifyPHostInfoRequest() *ModifyPHostInfoRequest

NewModifyPHostInfoRequest will create request of ModifyPHostInfo action.

func (*UPHostClient) NewPoweroffPHostRequest

func (c *UPHostClient) NewPoweroffPHostRequest() *PoweroffPHostRequest

NewPoweroffPHostRequest will create request of PoweroffPHost action.

func (*UPHostClient) NewRebootPHostRequest

func (c *UPHostClient) NewRebootPHostRequest() *RebootPHostRequest

NewRebootPHostRequest will create request of RebootPHost action.

func (*UPHostClient) NewReinstallPHostRequest

func (c *UPHostClient) NewReinstallPHostRequest() *ReinstallPHostRequest

NewReinstallPHostRequest will create request of ReinstallPHost action.

func (*UPHostClient) NewStartPHostRequest

func (c *UPHostClient) NewStartPHostRequest() *StartPHostRequest

NewStartPHostRequest will create request of StartPHost action.

func (*UPHostClient) NewTerminatePHostRequest

func (c *UPHostClient) NewTerminatePHostRequest() *TerminatePHostRequest

NewTerminatePHostRequest will create request of TerminatePHost action.

func (*UPHostClient) PoweroffPHost

func (c *UPHostClient) PoweroffPHost(req *PoweroffPHostRequest) (*PoweroffPHostResponse, error)

PoweroffPHost - 断电物理云主机

func (*UPHostClient) RebootPHost

func (c *UPHostClient) RebootPHost(req *RebootPHostRequest) (*RebootPHostResponse, error)

RebootPHost - 重启物理机

func (*UPHostClient) ReinstallPHost

func (c *UPHostClient) ReinstallPHost(req *ReinstallPHostRequest) (*ReinstallPHostResponse, error)

ReinstallPHost - 重装物理机操作系统

func (*UPHostClient) StartPHost

func (c *UPHostClient) StartPHost(req *StartPHostRequest) (*StartPHostResponse, error)

StartPHost - 启动物理机

func (*UPHostClient) TerminatePHost

func (c *UPHostClient) TerminatePHost(req *TerminatePHostRequest) (*TerminatePHostResponse, error)

TerminatePHost - 删除物理云主机

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