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Published: Dec 3, 2019 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 7 Imported by: 0



Package cosi provides a basic implementation of collective signatures based on the Ed25519 signature scheme.

Note: This package is experimental; do not use it (yet) in security-critical contexts. While collective signing is based on well-established and formally-analyzed cryptographic techniques, this implementation may have bugs or weaknesses, and both API and signature format details are subject to change.

A collective signature allows many participants to validate and sign a message collaboratively, to produce a single compact multisignature that can be verified almost as quickly and efficiently as a normal individual signature. Despite their compactness, collective signatures nevertheless record exactly which subset of participants signed a given message, to tolerate unavailable participants and support arbitrary policies defining the required thresholds or subsets of signers required to produce a collective signature considered acceptable. For further background information on collective signatures, see the paper

This package implements the basic cryptographic operations needed to create and/or verify collective signatures using the Ed25519 curve. This package does not provide a full distributed protocol to create collective signatures, however. An implementation of CoSi, the scalable collective signing protocol described in the above paper, may be found at We recommend using CoSi to produce collective signatures in practice, especially if you may eventually need to scale to hundreds or thousands of cosigners. It is possible to "hand-roll" a basic collective signing protocol using only the cryptographic primitives implemented in this package, however.

In practice, we expect this package to be used mostly for verification of signatures generated by the CoSi protocol, in the context of client applications relying on collective signatures. Verifying already-generated collective signatures requires only the code in this package.

Public Keys for Collective Signing and Verification

In a conventional signing scheme such as basic Ed25519, the individual signer uses a private key to sign a message, and verifiers use the corresponding public key to check its validity. Collective signing involves using a set of key pairs: the holders of multiple distinct private keys collaborate to sign a message, and to verify the resulting collective signature, the verifier needs to have a list of the corresponding public keys. The key-management considerations are mostly the same as for standard individual signing: the verifier must have reason to believe the public key list is trustworthy, e.g., by having obtained it from a trusted source or certificate authority. The difference is that the verifier need to assume that the holder of any single corresponding private key is trustworthy. Even if one or a few key-holders are compromised, these compromised key-holders cannot forge valid messages unless they meet whatever threshold requirement the verifier demands.

This collective signature module uses exactly the same public and private keys as basic ed25519 does: thus, you simply use ed25519.GenerateKey to produce keypairs suitable for collective signing using this module. The Cosigners type implemented by this package represents a set of cosigners identified by their ed25519 public keys: you create such a set by calling NewCosigners with the list of public keys.

The order of this public key list is arbitrary, but must be kept consistent between signing and verifying. Since not all participants will necessarily participate in every message signing operation, each collective signature includes a bit-mask indicating any cosigners that were missing (e.g., offline) during the production of the signature. Each public key in the master cosigner list corresponds to one bit in this "absentee" bitmask, in corresponding order, so that verifiers can tell exactly which cosigners actually signed. The bitmask is cryptographically bound into the signature, so the signature will fail to verify if someone merely flips a bit in attempt to pretend that an absent participant in fact cosigned the message.

Although key-management security considerations are mostly the same as for individual signing schemes, collective signing does add one important detail to be aware of. In the process of collecting a set of public keys to form a cosigning group, if those public keys originate from mutually-distrustful parties, as is often desirable to maximize the security and diversity of the group, then it is critical that each party's public-key be self-signed. That is, each member must verify that every other group member actually knows the private key corresponding to his claimed public key. This is standard practice anyway in both public-key infrastructure (PKI) and "peer-to-peer" key management as implemented by PGP for example. This practice becomes even more essential in collective signing, however, because if a malicious participant is allowed to "claim" any public key without proving knowledge of its corresponding private key, then the participant can use so-called "related-key attacks" to produce signatures that appear to be signed by other group members but in fact were signed only by the one malicious signer. For further details, see the CoSi paper above, as well as section 3.2 of this paper:

Verifying Collective Signatures

Verifying collective signatures is simple, and may be done offline at any time without any special protocol. Simply use NewCosigners to create a Cosigners object representing the list of cosigners identified by their public keys, then invoke the Verify method on this object to verify a signature on a particular message. The Verify function returns true if the collective signature is valid, and changes the state of the mask in the Cosigners object to indicate which cosigners were present or absent in the production of this particular collective signature.

Besides checking the cryptographic validity of the signature itself, the Verify function also invokes a customizable policy to check whether the actual set of cosigners that produced the signature is acceptable to the verifier. The (conservative) default policy is that every cosigner must have signed in order for the collective signature signature to be considered valid. The verifier can adjust this policy by invoking Cosigners.SetPolicy before invoking Verify on the signature. The ThresholdPolicy function may be used to form policies that simply require a given threshold number of signers to have cosigned. The caller may express an arbitrary policy, however, simply by passing SetPolicy an object implementing the Policy interface. Such a Policy can depend in any way on the set of participating cosigners, as well as other state such as the particular verification context (e.g., how security-critical an operation the signature is being used for).

Note that a collective signature in which no signers actually participated can technically be a valid collective signature, and will be accepted if the verifier calls SetPolicy(ThresholdPolicy(0))! This merely illustrates the importance of choosing the verification policy carefully.

Producing Collective Signatures

Although as mentioned above we recommend using a scalable protocol such as CoSi to produce collective signatures in practice, collective signatures can also be produced using the signing primitives in this package. Collective signing is more complex than verification or individual signing because the collective signers must collaborate actively in the process. The process works as follows:

1. Some party we'll call the "leader" initiates the collective signing process. The leader could be any one of the cosigners, or any other designated (or elected) party. The leader need not hold any of the cosigners' private keys. The leader determines which cosigners appear to be online, and sends them the message to be collectively signed.

2. Each cosigner first inspects the message the leader asked to be signed, using message-validation logic suitable to the application. Cosigners need not necessarily validate the message at all if their purpose is merely to provide transparency by "witnessing" and publicly logging the signed message. If the cosigner is willing to sign, it calls the Commit function to produce a signing commitment, returning this commitment to the leader along with an indication of the cosigner's willingness to participate. Commitments may be used only once (for signing a particular message), an important security property this package strictly enforces.

3. The leader adjusts the participation mask in its Cosigners object to reflect the set of cosigners that are online and willing to cosign. The leader then calls Cosigners.AggregateCommits to combine the willing cosigners' commitments together, and sends the resulting aggregate commit to all the cosigners.

4. Each cosigner now calls the Cosign function - the only function in this package requiring the cosigner's PrivateKey - to produce its portion or "share" of the collective signature. The cosigner sends this signature part back to the leader.

5. Finally, the leader invokes Cosigners.AggregateSignature to combine the participating cosigners' signature parts into a full collective signature. The resulting collective signature may subsequently checked by anyone using Cosigners.Verify function as described above, on a Cosigners object created from an identical list of public keys.

The leader must keep the participation mask in its Cosigners object fixed between steps 2 and 4 above; otherwise the collective signature it produces will fail to verify. If any cosigner indicates willingness in step 2 but then changes its mind or goes offline before step 4, the leader must restart the signing process with an adjusted mask. This restart risk could be eliminated, at certain costs, using mechanisms not implemented in this package; see the CoSi paper for details.

While collecting signature parts in step 4, the leader can verify each cosigner's individual signature part independently using Cosigners.VerifyPart. This way, if any cosigner indicates willingness to participate but actually produces an invalid signature part - whether due to software bugs or malice - the leader can determine which cosigner is responsible, raise an alarm, and restart the signing process without that cosigner. If VerifyPart indicates each individual signature part is valid, then the final collective signature produced by AggregateSignature will also be valid, unless the leader is buggy.

The standard Ed25519 scheme for individual signing operates deterministically, using a cryptographic hash function internally to produce the Schnorr commits it needs. This deterministic operation has important simplicity and safety benefits in the individual signing case, but this design unfortunately does not extend readily to collective signing, hence the need for fresh random input in the Commit phase above.

Efficiency Considerations

The Cosigners object caches some cryptographic state - namely the aggregate public key returned by AggregatePublicKey - reflecting the cosigners' public keys and the current participation bitmask. The SetMask and SetMaskBit functions, which change the participation bitmask, update the cached cryptographic state accordingly. As a result, both collective signing and verification operations are maximally efficient when a single Cosigners object is used multiple times in succession using the same, or a similar, participation bitmask.

Drastically changing the bitmask therefore incurs some computational cost. This cost is unlikely to be particularly noticeable, however, unless the total number of cosigners' public keys is quite large (e.g., thousands), because updating the cached aggregate public key requires only an elliptic curve point addition or subtraction operation per cosigner added or removed. Point addition and subtraction operations are extremely inexpensive compared to scalar multiplication operations, which represent a constant base cost in collective signing or verification. These constant scalar multiplication costs will thus typically dominate when the list of cosigners is small.



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func Commit

func Commit(rand io.Reader) (Commitment, *Secret, error)

Commit is invoked by cosigners to produce a one-time commit to be used in the collective signing of a single message. Producing this commit requires fresh cryptographically random bits, which are taken from rand, or from a default source if rand is nil.

On success, Commit returns the commit as a byte-slice to be sent to the leader for aggregation via AggregateCommit, and a Secret object representing a cryptographic secret to be used later in the corresponding call to Cosign. Commit fails and returns an error only if rand yields an error.

func Verify

func Verify(publicKeys []ed25519.PublicKey, policy Policy,
	message, sig []byte) bool

Verify checks a collective signature on a given message, using a given list of public keys and acceptance policy.

If policy is nil, then all cosigners must have participated in order for the collective signature to be considered valid. Another common policy to specify is ThresholdPolicy(t), where t is the threshold-number of cosigners that must participate. Obviously t must be greater than 0 to provide any security at all, and t cannot be greater than len(publicKeys) or no signature will verify.

This standalone function is the simplest way to verify collective signatures. If the caller expects to verify many signatures consecutively using the same list of public keys, however, it is marginally more efficient to create a Cosigners object and use Cosigners.Verify to check each successive signature. This efficiency difference is negligible if the number of cosigners is small, but may become significant in the case of many cosigners.


type Commitment

type Commitment []byte

Commitment represents a byte-slice used in the collective signing process, which cosigners produce via Commit and send to the leader for combination via AggregateCommit.

type Cosigners

type Cosigners struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Cosigners represents a group of collective signers identified by an immutable, ordered list of their public keys. In addition, the Cosigners object includes a mutable bitmask indicating which cosigners are to participate in a signing operation, and which cosigners actually participated when verifying a signature. Finally, a Cosigners object contains a customizable Policy that determines what subsets of cosigners are and aren't acceptable when verifying a collective signature.

Since a Cosigners object contains mutable fields and implements no thread-safety provisions internally, a given Cosigners instance must be used only by one thread at a time.

func NewCosigners

func NewCosigners(publicKeys []ed25519.PublicKey, mask []byte) *Cosigners

NewCosigners creates a new Cosigners object for a particular list of cosigners identified by Ed25519 public keys.

The specified list of public keys remains immutable for the lifetime of this Cosigners object. Collective signature verifiers must use a public key list identical to the one that was used in the collective signing process, although the participation bitmask may change from one collective signature to the next.

The mask parameter may be nil to enable all participants initially, and otherwise is an initial participation bitmask as defined in SetMask.

func (*Cosigners) AggregateCommit

func (cos *Cosigners) AggregateCommit(commits []Commitment) []byte

AggregateCommit is invoked by the leader during collective signing to combine all cosigners' individual commits into an aggregate commit, which it must pass back to all cosigners for use in their Cosign operations. The commits slice must have length equal to the total number of cosigners, but AggregateCommit uses only the entries corresponding to cosigners that are enabled in the participation mask.

func (*Cosigners) AggregatePublicKey

func (cos *Cosigners) AggregatePublicKey() ed25519.PublicKey

AggregatePublicKey computes and returns an aggregate public key representing the set of cosigners currently enabled in the participation bitmask. The leader invokes this method during collective signing to determine the aggregate public key that needs to be passed to the cosigners and supplied to their Cosign operations.

func (*Cosigners) AggregateSignature

func (cos *Cosigners) AggregateSignature(aggregateR Commitment, sigParts []SignaturePart) []byte

AggregateSignature is invoked by the leader during collective signing to combine all cosigners' individual signature parts into a final collective signature. The sigParts slice must have length equal to the total number of cosigners, but AggregateSignature uses only the entries corresponding to cosigners that are enabled in the participation mask, which must be identical to the one the leader previously used during AggregateCommit.

func (*Cosigners) CountEnabled

func (cos *Cosigners) CountEnabled() int

CountEnabled returns the number of participants currently marked Enabled in the participation bitmask. This is always between 0 and CountTotal inclusive.

func (*Cosigners) CountTotal

func (cos *Cosigners) CountTotal() int

CountTotal returns the total number of cosigners, i.e., the length of the list of public keys supplied to NewCosigners.

func (*Cosigners) Mask

func (cos *Cosigners) Mask() []byte

Mask returns the current cosigner disable-mask represented a byte-packed little-endian bit-vector.

func (*Cosigners) MaskBit

func (cos *Cosigners) MaskBit(signer int) (value MaskBit)

MaskBit returns a boolean value indicating whether the indicated signer is Enabled or Disabled.

func (*Cosigners) MaskLen

func (cos *Cosigners) MaskLen() int

MaskLen returns the length in bytes of a complete disable-mask for this cosigner list.

func (*Cosigners) SetMask

func (cos *Cosigners) SetMask(mask []byte)

SetMask sets the entire participation bitmask according to the provided packed byte-slice interpreted in little-endian byte-order. That is, bits 0-7 of the first byte correspond to cosigners 0-7, bits 0-7 of the next byte correspond to cosigners 8-15, etc. Each bit is set to indicate the corresponding cosigner is disabled, or cleared to indicate the cosigner is enabled.

If the mask provided is too short (or nil), SetMask conservatively interprets the bits of the missing bytes to be 0, or Enabled.

func (*Cosigners) SetMaskBit

func (cos *Cosigners) SetMaskBit(signer int, value MaskBit)

SetMaskBit enables or disables the mask bit for an individual cosigner.

func (*Cosigners) SetPolicy

func (cos *Cosigners) SetPolicy(policy Policy)

SetPolicy changes the current Policy object registered for this Cosigners object, which is used by Verify to determine the acceptability of the participant set indicated in a particular collective signature. The default policy in any new Cosigners object conservatively requires all cosigners to participate in every signature. Standard 'T-of-N' threshold-signing policies may be obtained by passing a Policy object produced by the ThresholdPolicy function. More exotic, arbitrarily customized policies may be used by passing any object that implements the Policy interface.

func (*Cosigners) Verify

func (cos *Cosigners) Verify(message, sig []byte) bool

Verify determines whether collective signature represented by sig is a valid collective signature on the indicated message, collectively signed by an acceptable set of cosigners. Whether the set of participating cosigners is acceptable is determined by the currently-registered Policy.

The default policy conservatively requires all cosigners to participate in order for Verify to deem the collective signature acceptable, but this policy may be changed by calling SetPolicy before invoking Verify.

Verify changes the Cosigners object's participation bitmask to the mask carried in the verified signature, before invoking the Policy object. Thus, a custom Policy can use Cosigners.MaskBit and/or Cosigners.Mask to inspect the set of cosigners that actually signed the message, and determine the acceptability of the collective signature on the basis of the participation mask and any other relevant contextual information. In addition, after Verify returns, the caller can similarly inspect the resulting participation mask to determine which specific cosigners did and did not sign.

func (*Cosigners) VerifyPart

func (cos *Cosigners) VerifyPart(message, aggR Commitment,
	signer int, indR, indS []byte) bool

VerifyPart allows the leader to verify an individual cosigner's signature part during collective signing. This allows the leader to detect if a buggy or malicious cosigner produces an invalid signature part that might render the final collective signature unusable. In such a situation, the leader cannot complete this signing round, but can restart the collective signing process (with new commits) after excluding the buggy or malicious cosigner.

type MaskBit

type MaskBit bool

MaskBit represents one bit of a Cosigners participation bitmask, indicating whether a given cosigner is Enabled or Disabled.

const (
	Enabled  MaskBit = false
	Disabled MaskBit = true

type Policy

type Policy interface {
	Check(cosigners *Cosigners) bool

Policy represents a fully customizable cosigning policy deciding what cosigner sets are and aren't sufficient for a collective signature to be considered acceptable to a verifier. The Check method may inspect the set of participants that cosigned by invoking cosigners.Mask and/or cosigners.MaskBit, and may use any other relevant contextual information (e.g., how security-critical the operation relying on the collective signature is) in determining whether the collective signature was produced by an acceptable set of cosigners.

func ThresholdPolicy

func ThresholdPolicy(threshold int) Policy

ThresholdPolicy creates a Policy object representing a simple T-of-N policy, which deems a collective signature acceptable provided that at least the given threshold number of participants cosigned.

type Secret

type Secret struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Secret represents a one-time random secret used in collectively signing a single message.

type SignaturePart

type SignaturePart []byte

SignaturePart represents a byte-slice used in collective signing, which cosigners produce via Cosign and send to the leader for combination via AggregateSignature.

func Cosign

func Cosign(privateKey ed25519.PrivateKey, secret *Secret, message []byte,
	aggregateK ed25519.PublicKey, aggregateR Commitment) SignaturePart

Cosign is used by a cosigner to produce its part of a collective signature. This operation requires the cosigner's private key, the local per-message Secret previously produced by the corresponding call to Commit, and the aggregate public key and aggregate commit that the leader obtained in this signing round from AggregatePublicKey and AggregateCommit respectively.

Since it is security-critical that a particular Secret be used only once, Cosign invalidates the secret when it is called, and panics if called with a previously-used secret.

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